360° VR Spacewalk Experience | BBC HOME

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ev2 we're one minute from egress time for last checks take a look at your gloves for us make sure there are no tears okay houston has visual contact on the helmet cam your heart rate and oxygen levels are on your chest if you want to check ev2 readings look fine okay test run let's see you secure your tether grab hold of that clip fix it onto the yellow handrail okay that's great ev2 space station command houston here we are ready to open the airlock copy that houston airlock hatch is opening ev2 your toolbox is attached to your waist belt we're ready for you to move outside grab hold of the yellow handle pull yourself up give us away vv2 we're all looking up at you six years of training was worth it for this right take it nice and easy we want to keep your heart rate steady anything under 80 beats per minute is great ev2 readings down here are optimal this is going to be a walk in the park for you it's okay my heart rate was going nuts the first time hey newbie great you could join me let me pull down those shades for you yeah need a bit of sunblock up here i'm sticking with you till we get to the arm we figured you might need some company for the first section we're headed just over this way reach out in front of you and grab those yellow railings remember pull the trigger on the hand controls to grip and pull yourself forward take some practice reach up to the handle on your right don't worry it'll all get a lot easier on the arm here she is we're going to let the crane take the strain we want to drag yourself all the way over on your own right ev2 ev1 will snap you into the foot restraint once you're in place head towards the t-bar and grab on okay you're strapped in and ready to go the camera's in the toolbox on your tether it's a point and shoot nice and easy everyone let us know when you're clear give me five seconds and i'm out of the picture enjoy the ride cowboy any problems just holler and i'll be over in about 45 minutes station houston here your goal to start canada arm motion motion commencing it was my call on the soundtrack if you're more into the sound of silence just tap the panel on your left arm to turn it off i won't get offended oh tap it again to turn it back on no worries do you see the great barrier reef isn't it beautiful sunset in one minute 40 seconds to motion stop [Music] 30 seconds to motion stop 20 seconds to motion stop just a few more seconds to destination sunset in 10 seconds turning on iss lights motion stop nice landing station okay ev2 we're ready to disengage you from the arm once you're tethered up hook yourself onto the yellow grapple bar in front of you ev2 look right continue pulling yourself along using the yellow handles okay um that's more damage than we expected let's take some photos for now ev2 we can make a call later on whether that needs to be replaced look down to find your toolbox you're gonna need to open it up and pull off the camera houston we have debris repair the airlock we're in an abort situation ev2 get back on the arm now houston ev2 is off structure repeat e2 [Music] houston do you copy please confirm [Music]
Channel: Vicinity360
Views: 38,241,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 360°, 360, 360 Video, VR 360 Video, VR, gear VR, Google Cardboard, VR Box 360, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Playstation 4 VR Headset, PSVR, Virtual Reality, Virtual Video, samsung gear VR, Oculus, immersive Video, immersive, NASA, Space Walk, 360 Space, 360 Astronaut, 360 Spacewalk, 360° VR Spacewalk Experience | BBC HOME Saving draft...
Id: hEdzv7D4CbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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