THE HAPPIEST ENDING? - Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D (VR)

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I have creepy little jello cute men jumping around my office freaking me out Oh what did I miss something how how do you relate to this that's concerning actually what's up guys and welcome back to please don't touch anything and to start off today's episode I wanted to show you guys something super obvious that I missed at the end of last episode because as you guys may or may not know where I'm playing this in VR I don't necessarily see what you guys are seeing but the view in my headset is quite a bit different from what's on screen so because of that I'll go to edit these videos and I'll notice stuff that was either outside of my peripheral vision or super obvious and I wasn't paying attention to you know something like the code that I was looking for directly on the thing that I need to put it into you can't get a much better clue than that it was super confused last episode because we couldn't find a three-digit code and the red button definitely does make some kind of noise over here I don't know if you guys can hear the directionality of it but it sounds like it's coming from inside the machine but I'm not seeing any difference so I'm guessing we just need to put in the number right yes six six so we want all the red numbers that wasn't a very difficult thing to figure out now was it they have the numbers in red wait why are you red - seven six people the sixes are red it doesn't make any sense okay now I'm really hoping that I'm right if this isn't 276 it's gonna be a very embarrassing beginning to this episodes come on what are you gonna make this difficult oh there we go 276 yeah there you go that's it ending we uh we got a flashbang grenade and plants what duh okay that that's pretty different of all the endings that we've had so far this is probably the least aggressive right having a bunch of plants core on your city isn't the end of the world even if some of them are just kind of bloating there it's a little weird okay well I like it what did we get out of that oh we got the green ending the Panda ending which is gonna go over here okay so was that the only thing that this is used for though because there was clearly more going on there we had something with sixes two one three and then this was the printer one so it's this so why are you red is there a first oh wait let's just keep going maybe there's a first number the spread as well of course it would be six six six again why wouldn't it be it's not like I've already had half a dozen creepy spooky bleedy endings already which reminds me we do have six six six here was that supposed to be a clue for that because it's written like that I just assumed that this was furred like all of the other endings that we've had the clock and did the lady that appeared behind me which reminds me you guys wanted to get a better look at her so I should try that ending again hopefully she's not gonna appear behind me really whoa okay no no creepy ladies but it did what some in some kind of tiny robot what was that oh you you were new so we have one two three four five four one two three four as a 24 buttons total all of which have a symbol on them which is gonna make this freakin impossible to figure out because I found no hint as to what the solution to this could be but there are so many symbols in this game I don't even know where to start I guess we should get the backlight right because this reveals a whole bunch of symbols okay we have one sim we have one symbol dinner so we would hit you okay there's nothing funny going on here no okay uh that's a symbol right yeah there we go okay so maybe I could just find all of them with a black light that would make my life a whole lot easier there's a bunch of symbols three waves two waves we only have a two waiver there so we would do you maybe I have no sweet clue I mean there is a Triforce this is like the the noob Triforce when you can't do it online so I think that would probably suffice I'm just going for rough estimates here okay we're not gonna go for anything to too specific the eye right that would be back there so we could probably get away with you well the yin-yang we have here so that's good we haven't seen this one before what is that some kind of pork or a why yeah here we go okay we're finding new stuff just looking around all the corners and things like that I haven't seen any music symbols or or anything of the sort so hold on a second what if we just laid this down because these are some endings right we have a pyramid so the pyramids can go I think the three waves we could probably do with the two waves um what else do we have do the thing is I don't have all of the endings so some of these could be endings that I haven't even seen yet or it could have to do with what you guys were talking about in the comments a lot of people were telling me that some hints aren't actually available here they're in the endings so maybe there's even more missing symbols there oh that is gonna take forever and another thing I wanted to check really quick is this because this looks like it has some kind of hinge can i maybe no not gonna work with me here d4 okay fine see if I care so we need to do a bunch of endings well I guess we might as well do the ending that everybody's been asking I do because last time I didn't get a good look at what's about to happen now I'm actually going to turn around where are you lady Oh I know you're coming this time right kind of loses this effect what you could just see it kind of blink into existence I didn't see any like symbols anything like that I mean technically the pentagram but that was it well I've made my way to the future and things are definitely cobwebby but I'm not seeing anything of interest here either maybe spiders is there a spider symbol and keep that one in mind and now the past I like jumping around between endings like this it's very rewarding considering I've spent so much time trying to figure out this game we have a lot of plants again and books appearing and stop with them oh my god okay I just want a point we got a lot of stuff a whole lot of things you see the things it was a spear and thing maybe bones I don't suppose there's anything going on in the fire ah doesn't look like it okay we're back here again I'm still really dizzy and still not enjoying this but we do have symbols okay we have an hourglass we have the drippy I win over the two waves and a key hourglass trippy I chew waves key okay I got it why are my hands so green it's probably because I feel like I gotta throw up you wouldn't happen to have any interesting symbols for me would you weird button baby looks like you just want to get hit with a hammer again something cool going on behind me is there no just the rave lights okay I've been kind of curious what happens if this reaches the reset but oh oh that's cool I didn't do that so if I didn't smash all the baby tumors in time then it would have just reset on me interesting so if we put in the magic symbol here we should get ourselves another whole another demon ending so we have once again squiggles he drippy I something else wasn't anything okay we still have all this nonsense happening those are the same symbols as the the eye that's interesting okay can I get a little close to you maybe I can see around your blood I don't know if you guys can see that or not but there is definitely another symbol up there and I think it's an hourglass so we have four symbols of reoccurring in two endings interesting see now we have the issue of I don't know what it wants from me great like does it want me to leave or symbols unlit do I need to hit every symbol that I find and then the ones that aren't in the game are the solution this is there's no real clear answer here so thus far we have seen drippy eye waves hourglass and key and that's not the answer huh what if I try everything except for them what if we do something like this there's also the fact that it's kind of musical which makes me wonder if it's similar to one of the ones that we've already seen before what am I missing like that oh there was it okay this is better be a dope ending I did all of that to meet the YouTube logo I stand by the fact that the plant ending is the least aggressive one that we've had so far but this is definitely the happiest little clouds so what exactly is your deal I went through a whole lot of work spent like the last 45 minutes looking for symbols and now I have creepy little jello cute men jumping around my office freaking me out Oh what did I miss something how how do you relate to this that's concerning actually I'm gonna have to open up some of these panels just to refresh my memory on what we haven't figured out yet because every episode I tend to get on the trail of an ending like I get close but then we don't figure it out and I just forget all of the progress that I made so we know eight zero zero eight we know eight two six seven we know eight two zero two zero right the wings so we don't know what's going on with you yet and I haven't had any clues oh right we also had the weird timed printer behind the instruction manual we figured out how to get some kind of readout from it we don't know what it does yet right we have a bunch of clocks here so if I get my hammer I can smash you again uh I don't even know what I'm supposed to put in last time it just kind of worked right must be noon I guess either way it works for me so now we get this people had a lot of ideas as to what this could mean and in reality it could mean a whole lot of things it could be some kind of a part of the color code it could be binary it could be this it could be that I don't know last time I thought it might be part of a color code and we might get like another print out with blue and another print out for yellow and for green but I haven't found any way of getting more out of this machine even though there are four codes there so it might mean four colors it might also have something to do with this but you can't put in enough options all right if you start filling it in then it turns off this thing only accepts 5 so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 where can we put in 6 things wouldn't be oh it could be binary no that wouldn't make any sense before digits each this could be maybe if we open you up did I try this last time I can never remember we're just gonna get out of the way there we go so now if we do something like 1 3 1 1 1 3 doesn't really make any sense now does it um you could be something like 1 3 1 1 no you don't want that many either else can we put stuff in we try you but would you 1 3 1 1 1 3 oh you are accepting 6 though maybe I'm holding it upside down what if we do a 3 1 1 1 3 1 there was it yes oh oh maybe not yes maybe Wow why with the flashbangs this episode man really bright in VR uh I think I just ion cannon to the base whoops I mean I survived so mission accomplished I guess yeah look at that boo just Biron or lasers I like the little endings as well you know it doesn't always have to teleport you somewhere just something interesting on screen always makes a big difference also I've been forgetting to mention that this isn't just a VR game people always telling me you know I wish I could get VR glasses so I could play this game it's technically please don't touch anything at 3d so there's a 3d version of the game that you can play with the mouse and it's just I played in Viera because it's so much more expressive and you get to look around and see all the clues and stuff I enjoy it more but three versions the same thing so I still have no idea how the wings work but I do have a code that I haven't put in anywhere so we could try doing that I just need to get the coke right it was this and then 55 3700 oh seven eight so five five three seven zero zero zero seven eight so that's that would be one of the codes that goes in here right it's the only long code I have I just need to remember it because I can't open wait yes I can I can open that now can't I so right I can't I can't open the wings so it doesn't have anything to do with the wings but I can get my screwdriver and get you out of the way we can pop you open again oh no I can't get the code in interesting okay so I just need to remember that 55 3700 0 7 855 3,700 0 7 855 3,700 0 7 8 I'm gonna forget it I already melon 55 3700 0 7 8 ok um and we need this at 55 2700 0 7 8 so 5 3700 0 7 8 I open something something was super loud oh here we go now we're talking not to sound disappointed or anything but I kind of expected more we have a gas mask which is really difficult for me to reach but we're just gonna oh okay we're just gonna pull a Darth Vader real quick I'm ready for anything you have to throw at me and ding you anything nothing is Steve's arm gonna come back and rip one why do I have a gas mask right now there's nothing else back here is there no is that bad I think they've always been slowly leaking fart into the room so I don't think that's an issue if we there we go now I'm ready to survive oh oh no I can hear all the civilians dying above me the slow and painful route is much more auditory than the bombs and so on so for it man that is thick okay I can't even see anything the reset button is underneath my mouth let's just yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about so at the end of this video I wanted to do something a little different because I've been getting a lot of very nice comments from people on please don't touch anything and job simulator and people are just saying you know I love it when you play VR I love these games I can't wait to see more I wish you could play them every day and I always tell people you know I'm not a VR only Channel I never will be and I think people kind of understand that but that doesn't mean that I haven't played some amazing VR games already and I feel like a lot of people would have missed them you know being new to the channel and stuff like that so if you enjoy please don't touch anything I highly recommend I expect you to die that game is probably one of my favourite games that I've played on the channel period it's very similar to this game where it's puzzles and you've got to figure stuff out and unlock things but it's also got a bit of a story behind it you know it's got a really good narrator and it sends you want different spy missions all over the world and stuff like that it's just it's wonderful so I highly recommend checking that out if you haven't seen it already and if not then another episode of please don't touch anything will be coming soon I think it's about watching his video I hope you enjoy then I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 3,554,338
Rating: 4.8847208 out of 5
Keywords: please dont touch anything, please dont touch anything 3d, please dont touch anything vr, please dont touch anything vr gameplay, please dont touch anything vr ending, please dont touch anything vr funny, please dont touch anything vr walkthrough, please dont touch anything vr playthrough, please dont touch anything vr clues, please dont touch anything vr solutions, please dont touch anything htc vive, please dont touch anything vr game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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