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turns out trying to defrost weenies in zero-g is not easy you got to kind of hold them on the grill which is not good for your own little weenies but if you wait just the right amount of time you can have them float around jump pots heads and make like a minefield of weenies oh it's perfect oh it's a matter job bot what's up guys and welcome back to job simulator so last episode as you guys which job mod would you like to see next low gravity mode dollhouse mode or bouncy mode the majority of answers were split between low gravity mode and bouncy mode so rather than disappoint half the people I figured why not combine the two and we'll make some kind of crazy 7-eleven on the moon should be interesting right here you can keep that one human dude we've been over this okay no means no I'm not interested just look somebody up on Craigslist okay there's lots of people that are into that kind of thing GLaDOS might be into that kind of thing GLaDOS would you like to stop selling ticket to maybe slap job bot circuits around oh okay I'll take that as a no it's gonna waste my time again I just know it okay job are coming here front and center give me your pitch no kinky stuff welcome to it you're a simulation of convenience store clerk take a look at this board for instructions and grab the ticket when you're ready to get started accurate simulation huh this isn't at all what I thought it would be it's supposed to be low gravity mode not no gravity modes and and how am I gonna do my first task let's open up this shop you can start by cleaning off you can Albert wait I can't put this stuff on the ground like I normally would if I throw it it's just it's just gonna be floating garbage endlessly like you yeah this is dramatically gonna change how this plays out I'm really excited for this now I thought stuff would kind of fall slower and then bounce but no we just through physics out the window can I throw stuff at you really slowly what if I just it's amazing okay hold on I'm on it there you go you also want to turn on the security camera so you can keep an eye on the store you can hear kind of a doughnut when you hit stuff because it's supposed to be bouncy aw man that is right in the way of my customers ah crap okay we need space security all over it I I didn't do that oh my god this is gonna make things so broken everything is kind of floating great look I I guess because of bouncy mode when it loads in it takes a little bounce what everything is off the ground now but even the newspapers in the corner are all floating separately I know it doesn't look like we're on the moon okay the moon is very developed we have floating robots to cut me a break good job but you want to see a magic trick check this out nothing up this sleeve nothing up this sleeve no sleeves at all but I could really use some Girl Scout cookies I'm just gonna hold this and wait let's get to business here's your first customer you like that that's a moon magic for you here you can have this chips okay I can do that yeah I gotta make sure not to lose stuff as well because if I Chuck these they're just never coming back you can't throw stuff out my head that that's my stick I do that to you right give it up one of the things that bothers me the most about this game is the jaw bot is always just out of reach there's no way for me to get over there and I have the tracking work and I just want to screw with them but now that we have low gravity maybe I can do a bit of a space docking procedure with a hat to his heads whoops sorry about the hit the apparently reappears so there's no issue there's endless chips the hats gonna have to wait hold on I'm just just gonna here we go okay this is all normal ma'am - just don't worry about I just need to wet know yeah thank you that was mine bottomless chips the moon really is the future alright job but I need you to work with me on this one okay for your stupid little printer up and just kind of have the Oh yep that's gone forever I'm really sorry about that which kind of chip did you want was it this one the lots of potato chips I don't think it was was it the nut chips oh is this one there we go hot dogs are in the freezer make sure you heat them up at least a little bit oh my god I just had a genius idea turns out trying to defrost weenies in zero-g is not easy you gotta kind of hold them on the grill which is not good for your own little weenies but if you wait just the right amount of time you can have them float around jump watch heads and make like a minefield of wee he's oh it's perfect Oh semadar job but you don't like wieners slapped on your face all they're like in his face that can't be good oh I didn't even save one for you did you want one that was touching his face probably not okay hold on let me see I got more I got endless weenies in here and burritos 0g burritos meats Oh oh yeah now we're living in the future okay here we go just uh are these out do you want a bun with those can I combine them in the air I wonder what if I just know they're not gonna be late yeah there we go acceptable we go to finalize a sale pull the lever on the register Anke weenie face I got it okay um all right here's your paper currency ma'am you only paid for half a hotdog I can't let you walk out of here with a full hot dog so I'm gonna need you to just no no don't turn oh don't turn away from me ma'am okay this is thievery justjust give me oh there you go okay that's what you get go away there is no change what are you talking about over there I think you got anyway knees in the ears there oh there is change it didn't roll out I will say thank you you have a profitable day too Oh [Music] the best thing I've ever done two chocolates are you okay dude 0g weenies are just a threat come to think of it I bring up a lot of customers in this store but that might be the first time I've ever charged somebody the right amount and it feels it feels good it feels like weenies on the face you know what I can't even look at you dude I am gonna try to charge everybody the right amount this episode I don't even know if I could do it but I'm gonna do my very best so bring me another customer it was important for stores like this to maintain a constant stream of customers so the cashiers wouldn't have time to contemplate the rapidly approaching obsolescence well hello well hello are you rich or a magician because if you're a magician I would like to show you a trick hold on let me just get these out of the way no don't take them I just want them to float there okay so check this out like I said nothing up this sleeve nothing up this sleeve no sleeves at all so I have nothing to eat and yet I can just do something like this and pretzels but you can't do that are you doing okay over there every time I do something I can hear you glitching out and it's starting to concern me just just hang out there for a second let me see here kind of are we seen fleshy delight huh okay um we just break out the slushies oh this is gonna be very interesting with our gravity how is it gonna fall in the cup um okay just very slowly they thought ahead okay yeah jumbo-sized I should be Joel I could have jumbo sized your wheat yeah who doesn't right oh that might have been a bit much um oh yeah that's gonna be a seizure later oh you're very good to me thank you um how about instead that ie borrow this and you this oh well then now I'm a real magician under the white gloves I have the Hat I'm good to go so I ran you up for all the stuff properly rights even if you don't leave with the right stuff you're still paying the right amount that's all the matters to me we 90 cent per sham banknotes for you keep the change human banknotes just notes Bank banknote I'd stop stop looking at me with those weenie eyes hey II gave me the change that's pretty sweet what happened to my mustard and ketchup that's probably in like the stratosphere right now isn't it we absolutely have to try fireworks in space right how could somebody not want to try fireworks in space oh that they're about the same they're about the same as far a works on land who would have figured you seemed equally as impressed by them I know I've played a lot of job simulator but I don't remember any of these tasks you don't have anything to say you get one too many hits in the face cranny ball what are you doing here already your third customer I guess it is early in the morning okay yesterday's news no problem maybe let's see here oh okay your grabby one today aren't you a lottery ticket now can I actually get her a winner I don't know if this is supposed to be a winner or not automatically I feel like there's some way that you can make her win maybe it's the second one I don't know how hey hold on no problem granny let me just see here that one was a loser I'm sorry granny I know you wanted more RAM he can give you some RAM if you really want just head over Craigslist stuff keeps bloating near my face and it's bothering me so you paid for one I give you one you know what I even scratched off two so I tried my best total comes to 898 let me just write you a check for those yeah yeah rates check for $9 thank you thank you granny lovely day have a lovely day I even gave her her coin back you see I can be nice to granny bought and I might have gotten you a date for later it's a buyers market they're looking to be like I'm crazy you know and what what are you talking no no I'm talking to you no you yeah wait you want gum now and you stop talking did you not want a hot dog I got a hot dog from the freezer I never even thought it out I didn't I didn't give you anything did you see the wieners floating around his face did that turn you off to that to shut you up okay then uh gum sure gum there you go that's it you just want a gum gum 99 cents so you want me a total of 99 cents that was weird he just decided against the customer humans were required to smile and be polite that doesn't apply to coworkers though right you know you've reached an all-time low when you just stand here eating infinite hot dog buns and maybe combining them with the stuff off your co-workers face I are we call Oh not space kids I don't want to deal with space kids what do you want me to do with this she came in with it didn't she I didn't see her pick it off the shelf I guess you're just goods is this what you want okay you gotta use your words I have no idea I'm just gonna give you a hot-dog banana now you stay here for a minute dearie mommy needs to use a little bathroom oh oh no no you don't wanna yeah maybe just a second I'm gonna break out to cleaning BOTS we don't have any gravity dude it's just just gonna go everywhere I'll make you a deal you little sphincter stain you give me that hat I'll give you all the sugar in the world okay just just come here you me that hat there we go you know where this is going it deals a deal you give me the Hat I give you all the sugar it feels like a pretty good deal right okay here you go here we go here yeah you like that you didn't even drink that one how's it yummy okay cool you're just making them disappear or I can make stuff disappear too right I'm a magician you see wait and see I'll make you disappear let's just hope that your mom's not nearly as spill use these slushie machines or else you're gonna be cleaning up that washroom okay I can't leave here I'm very important yes actually and I'm charging you for a slushie empty cup crap two empty cups is the same as a slushie right how many slushies did I give her I gave her one two three four so charger for two so two more there we go so you got four slushies and a banana right it comes to 4/10 money okay here did you do to my darling come back here I didn't make her disappear could be grateful you Biddy you did the right thing they're human just do whatever the customer or their children wants and make sure you always grab that money did I ask for your opinion how about we give you some sugar point Dexter okay you can be the kid of the household just just hold on to that oh that's mess there's a mess okay well then not quite panning out as expected but you'd sure sure we're doing great okay weird that is really bouncy you know it needs more maximum energy branding why don't you bring up that display and we can pump it up a bit more floating garbage great sure why not pump it up kinda want you to really push the envelope on this thing no no no youyou really use use the one no what y-you really don't want to use that one I was gonna say isn't that the girls and that's the guys but we have a human bathroom and a bought bathroom we've been over this job lot okay segregation it's not cool he's gonna be swimming in mom pee right about now don't know how I feel about this yeah I know how to do my job you just keep making your mess and you do your own job okay I'm curious if I can pour myself a drink rates Oh Oh that that doesn't pour all that well without gravity but you can that's interesting because technically this is infinite isn't it okay hold on a second we're gonna lock that in you go away you rock my machine over here I need something for cleaning gonna clean up here pass me something anything why just let it float off you're right that's where all you guys do around here right the human I'll clean it up not a big deal I think this causes what seizures and humans extreme vomiting in humans yes sure queues some extreme vomiting right about now I feel like I'm making some kind of modern art piece right it really speaks to her a time I call this gamer oh my god it's like I've murdered a gnome in here what did you want you to clean yourself up with this there you go I guess I can make this work I'll be out in a second yeah you do that I'm just gonna drink all of these can I can I can't drink all these no no you need you need to pay me that they're advertisement works grace I go I go and charge everybody the right amount all day and then we get ripped off you weren't much help there a spinner what am I gonna do with all these never even thought about it I screw it yeah you know what we'll just get another customer in here this is probably gonna be a long episode I've been having way too much fun no sorry got nothing earth-2 jogging bought 3000 I'm literally rubbing electrolytes on your face and you don't seem to be all there hello okay then he seems really intent on getting something from the fridge so what did you want energy drink you sure you don't want one of these they're so good though oh my god they just kind of pour out hey never seen these before mountains scream lemon-lime cream soda yes we have sweet generic off-brand Cola and we'll goo okay can i I don't know if I can open them good enough no you're picky one aren't you okay hold on a second Oh I can't have you look at me though okay it's too provocative right yeah oh you want some of this perfectly scant every time I wonder if I could just oh dear oh I charged him for something I wasn't supposed to well you know what he's gonna take it so I got to bring him up for something else no slushy um how do I clear clear way oh no no okay 50% off 50% okay so now it's zero so I need to charge you for what one energy drink crap and opened energy drink there you go this is only 895 right this this isn't five hundred and some odd dollars I'm still doing a good job I'm still trying my best it was the distal - gravity okay it's the freaky gravity no the money thank you for going to get the money jog Bart I appreciate it usually want to open it before you feel energized oh there we go our first liftoff we're making good moon progress I think that's gonna be it for this episode of job simulator guys and I keep going into these job mods thinking that I'm gonna give it a try and it might get a little repetitive because I've already done these jobs before technically and then I might change jobs or might change mods or something like that but every time I get into it I end up having so much fun that I just completely lose track of how long I've been recording like that the game is just it's so expansive and interactive that you can come up with so many ridiculous things like weenie bombs I'm just really enjoying myself so if you guys want to see more job simulator as always be sure to leave a comment letting me know what you like to see me do next and I'll be back sailing I think he's been watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,954,074
Rating: 4.8794565 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job sim, job simulator vr, job sim vr, job simulator funny, job simulator funny moments, job simulator virtual reality, job simulator no gravity, job simulator low gravity, job simulator job mod, job simulator game genie, job simulator store clerk, job simulator store clerk walkthrough, job simulator walkthrough, job simulator playthrough, job simulator playlist, job simulator series, job simulator store clerk gravity, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: ovBQ9b-cX00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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