Disabled People Do These Things To Prank Others (r/AskReddit)

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disabled people have ridet what's something you do on purpose to mess with people my friend's father lost his leg just below the hip in a motorcycle accident and always wears a prosthetic if you didn't know better you'd think he just has a limp occasionally during Halloween he'll participate in the neighborhood haunted house there was one year that he stuffed ground beef between his stump and the prosthetic and then shackled his prosthetic to the wall when some kids wandered into his room of the haunted house he chopped through the ground beef with an axe and hopped toward them on one leg they wet themselves I used to take my prosthetic leg off turn it around and wear it backwards in school to get out of lessons with a substitute teacher they'd always look horrified when I said that I'd sprained my ankle dough the teachers caught on quickly enough once they mentioned it to other staff members they'll all one of my mom's best friends has one arm and uses a prosthetic arm she likes to unlatch it at bars and then shake hands with men and then they pull off her arm my mom and her friends greatly enjoy this prank I had a blind guy come into the movie theater and asked for the closed captioned glasses I got them out and handed them to him before I realized he was messing with me I had a hearing disability and I'm a middle school teacher a lot of my students don't understand that hearing disability does not mean the same thing as zero sound 100% completely stone deaf that means that occasionally students will talk in my classroom about things they wouldn't tell a teacher then I can quietly take action on the things I hear when it's needed how did the assistant principal find out who took that embarrassing video of one girl and started passing it around the school why did the bullet shed you'll get changed so she's no longer in the same class as her victim magic that's how kids magic when people ask me how I lost my leg there are a couple things I will do one is to act confused look to my leg and freak out as if I didn't know I was an amputee screaming oh my god oh my [ __ ] god my leg where's my leg or I make up a totally [ __ ] story such as land mine shark attack bone eating parasite etcetera and if they say I'm making it up I get very sad and look them in the eye and simply say how dare you after messing with folks however I always tell the truth of how I lost it afterwards unless they were honestly really rude or generally shitty people they don't get the truth oh man my go-to story for this is the first week of infinity Wars in theaters so I have cystic fibrosis long story short ended up with a port in my chest it's a device used to deliver medicine and it leaves a pretty sizable bunt there okay so throughout the movie these two absolute jack holes just keep blabbing won't shut up after multiple times asking probably should have gotten the consolation to kick them out now that I think about it but hindsight is Twenty / 20 so after the movie ends and everyone is walking out I walked up behind them and coughed really loud on them they turned to me I apologized and said oh my god I'm so sorry make you sure you go sanitize right away I pull down my shirt revealing the bump technically I shouldn't even be out if the hospital they still don't know what this is brushed past them and left so I have no idea how they reacted it but I like to think I gave in a scare I'm a wheelchair user but not a paraplegic I also have restless leg syndrome unrelated people mention my leg moving in relation to my wheelchair a lot like oh you can move your legs so obviously you can walk I put away my glasses stand up take a few steps and fell hard my bf unclips is leg and has it fall if someone who is visibly more capable asks him to stand I'm hard of hearing death through my left ear and whenever I meet new people or when I knew somewhere like school I don't immediately inform people about my hearing then when they start talking to me or asking questions and I don't hear them they often get upset / mad and say what are you deaf and then I answer yes you should see their faces once they realize I'm not joking not really disabled but if you have glasses you know this one hey take off her glasses and tell me how many fingers I hold up I always respond with 15 a paraplegic friend of mine always makes purposefully awkward handicapped jokes it would work better if he didn't do it in a discord chat with new people but the reactions he gets are pretty funny anyway I'm pretty much legally blind in one eye and vision is going in the other my glasses help a bit but not much I always have people ask me how many fingers I'm holding up and I always say I don't know 23 because I'm just tired of hearing people ask Yahweh I finally get to tell this story not really something I've done multiple times but it still fits here I have cerebral palsy which most not a kibriya FEX lower limb function as well as upper limb function in a less visible manner I can still walk short distances with crutches or a walker but need to be pushed in a wheelchair for anything longer than say 25 meters in any case a friend and I had been hanging around downtown with me in a wheelchair having my crutches with me out of habit when we were just about home I asked if he minded letting me walk for a bit so I got out and toddle done with my crutches not having anything better to do with the wheelchair my friend decides to get in and try some wheelies or whatever generally just [ __ ] around I don't mind so of we went for worth of a reason we decide to cross the street I struggle a bit but managed eventually my able-bodied friend however did not in trying to get off the sidewalk he keels over presumably spectacularly as my back was turned and I didn't get to see this part but he landed like a meter away from the wheelchair some people who had just come around the corner however did see the whole thing and rushed foul at him to help they had almost reached my friend when he simply would swiftly got up on his feet and started pushing what those people presumed was his own wheelchair making his way toward me as nonchalantly as he could muster needles to say that was not something you'd expect to happen and this surprise was plain to see on their face I still remember the look as I could barely hold in my laughter I have a friend whose mom has a plate in her head from a tumor she had when my friend was young she used to sneeze at parties and drop a handful of tiny screws in the town of Koshka India there's a tea shock off the street coming from the train station when young tourists walk by with their backpacks the tea seller comes lurching out of the shadows like [ __ ] Quasimodo growling Jay Jay Jay with one die screwed up terrifying them if you go into his shop though suddenly he's acting normal he has a deformity in one leg that gives him a limp which he massively exaggerated sir effects once you're in on the joke it's fun to drink tea there and wait / hope for him to scare more backpackers when people not employees just random people ask if my service dog wearing her clearly labeled vest with multiple patches stating service dog is actually a service dog I tell them that she's actually a service tiger not me but a friend he and I both had the same type of cancer but his was in the lower leg and mine was in the upper so he has a detachable prosthetic he's constantly removing it just for reactions of people one day he is telling me this story he was at home and for the longest time he was so used to just hopping on one leg he took off his leg and he lost it couldn't find it anywhere so he was just walking around with no leg for a while not necessarily something done on purpose per se but it still seems to throw people somewhat I use a wheelchair but do have crutches for small distances so I always have my crutches with me - this always seems to really confuse people for some reason also I'm very pierced and tattooed usually with very brightly colored hair this is something else that can take people by surprise I even had one person say to me wow I didn't think you could get tattooed in a wheelchair I think I gave a bit of a sarcastic comment along the lines of yeah the tattoo guns are usually repelled by the wheels but I got a special edition to prevent that 26 year-old with severe rheumatoid arthritis I don't like messing with people because most of the time there's no reason to people seem to be very unsure / unsettled by disability especially in the young so taking the piss about it is just mean-spirited it's kind of like putting a bug on the shoulder of someone who is scared of insects I do joke about my condition a lot there's been a couple times when I've overheard a kid in public not eating their vegetables or something else innocuous like that and I've considered walking over to them with my uncanny valley body and saying if you don't eat your broccoli you'll grow up to look like me and limp away but that's [ __ ] horrible so I don't my mom was shot in the eye with a BB as a little girl as a result her iris is large and has wavy edges like a lake when I would bring a new boy home to meet the fan she would wait until I left the room and then nuke her target how she'd go up to the boy Lina her face towards him and ask is there anything wrong with my eyes I felt it my head a few minutes ago and I'm feeling pretty funny in the head I'd usually be back from the bathroom by the time the stammering from the gentleman ensued unsure how to break it to his girlfriend's mom that she done [ __ ] up her head real bad so I went completely blind a few years ago and I'm a huge Star Wars nerd so whenever me and a certain friend are around people who then ever met me he'll do the how many fingers thing then hold up for then - then one finger and I'll call them out quickly I've heard a very loud what the [ __ ] reaction to this I've had a serious motorcycle injury on my back a while ago I was at the hospital starting to recover but still in a lot of pain and since I couldn't really walk more than a couple meters I was moved around in a wheelchair here I'm waiting for a radio / MRI checkup in a waiting room full of people and I feel I need to take a dump fearing to have to hold it in mid procedure since there was a huge line I decide to act there is a toilet next to the waiting room but it's not disabled / large so I shockingly stood up from the wheelchair it's a miracle it worked I can walk again and limp to the toilet got a few of we're luck sent a couple of smiles and I went on to try to take a dump bTW I turned out unable to push it out because of the pain overall 4/10 would not do again I'm hard of hearing and have to wear two hearing aids if someone makes a racist sexist / homophobic remark I usually just say sorry I have hearing aids can you repeat that followed by what what hoping that making them repeat the words out loud multiple times and get increasingly uncomfortable about doing so will make them realize how much of a dick they sound this usually isn't to mess with people but the perks of being almost deaf is that when I don't want to listen to someone I just and hook my hearing aids until they finished and then discretely put them back in I have what they call an invisible disability it's not visually obvious right away I've had a lot of surgeries to correct various things wrong with my body though and I sometimes worry what people will say when I'm at the beach or the pool usually some little kid will ask me or point me out to their parents and I try to come up with an excellent reason for the scars a bear attack a shark attack a llama attack that got some laughs fighting off 27 knife wielding criminals etc my friend was born without legs so every Halloween she dresses up as the girl from the ring and runs through the street as a maniac while lest half her body is in an old TV sets on wheels it's great people who just moved here are always the funniest ppl to scare favorite story about my s.o.b Bunco he lost his leg above his knee years and years ago nowadays the prosthetics are a bit more comfortable and can use suction to stay in place long time ago though he'd have to wear a special belt and buckle his prosthetic to it it was really uncomfortable if he knew he was going to be sitting for a while he'd unbuckle his leg to relieve some of the pressure he'd usually sit on the outside of the table / booth going out to stretch it out a bit he and my aunt were eating dinner at a diner in their small town and there was an unruly small child running amok kid was running around getting into things he shouldn't et Cie and nobody did anything because small-town diner my uncle was getting irritated so from his spot on the outside of the booth he stretches his leg a little further than normal and sure enough the kid takes the bait he comes over and kicks my uncle's leg which flops like 90 degrees to the side amid my uncle's fake screams of pain kid didn't bother anyone else at night I have high permeability so can dislocate some of my joints fairly easily and my ex-girlfriend not ex at the time was playing with my hand while watching a movie so I dislocated my finger when she pulled on it proper freaked her out it was hilarious [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 416,109
Rating: 4.9177537 out of 5
Keywords: disabled, disabled people, disabled people pranks, prank others, prank, people, mess with others, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, disability
Id: LkTE5hz9rxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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