Teachers, What Happens At School That Students Don't Know About? (r/AskReddit)

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teachers have read it what stuff goes on at schools that students don't know about I heard about a private war going on in the staff room at a school near me one of the teachers got fed up of somebody else using his coffee mug he tried bringing in a trashy half cracked mug sure that no one would want to steal it but they did anyway he eventually solved the problem by drilling a hole in the mug and carrying a stopper for it around on a keyring so only he could use a mug we do talk so much smack about students in the teachers lounge edit yes Willie made fun of Milhouse probably the biggest thing that students don't realize is that teachers of people just like everyone else yes we like some of you more than others sometimes we go out and get drunk or get laid we have kids and make dinner and read books and spend our time grading all that work you do good god do we grade teachers have cliques and are sometimes so backstabbing and petty toward one another that it would cause them to be upset if they watch their students doing the same things the politics of your majors Department there are probably about a dozen professors in my department at college and there are all sorts of weird factions among them and every faction hates every other faction if I have four classes with four different profs it's likely that they all hate each other not a teacher but for a child development class in high school I had to shadow a teacher for a day the teacher I chose was my former fifth grade teacher she had lesson plans to you that day and she was scrambling to do them during lunch just like students do I found it kind of ironic because teachers scold students for doing that as a teacher I'm usually one to praise the positive aspects of the position but here's a little bit of negativity for you a school will track your absences less so because they are concerned for your well-being and more so because they are legally responsible for you we notify your parents when you're absent if you went missing and we failed to notify your family leading them to the leave you were safely at school we will be liable for the ensuing fallout in a tangentially similar vein to many people working for the district you are just a bucket of money if you leave one school and go to another the bucket of money follows you to your new school attendance is important because schools cannot receive money for students who are not attending I teach English at RHS in JP things are different here but some things that kind of shocked me one the teachers have a meeting anytime a student gets in trouble with the law if a kid gets caught smoking is arrested gets suspended anything we all have a meeting so we are all in the know and then we vote on a course of action this pissed me off the first time I experienced it cause I didn't think it was anyone's business I don't care now whatever if you're stupid enough to get caught smoking at fifteen you deserve to be shamed three like some people have said below we talk so much [ __ ] about some students nothing is off-limits sometimes it's even below the belt sometimes it's even a bit cruel there was one student who I taught who I really liked because I thought she was cute cute as in like a disabled Disney character with an optimistic outlook this was perceived the wrong way and don't get jeers from some of my co-workers you're just waiting for graduation so you can [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] which was met with high-fives and laughs from other couches for a lot of teachers base what they do off what makes them comfortable it's a known fact that most Japanese English teachers can't speak English so they spend all their time teaching grammar to hide the fact I don't mind so much though I never assign pair work or group projects because I hated them when I was a kid the big message to take away from this is teachers generally care a lot more about their own philosophy and endgame than the kids myself included I don't care if you learn anything in my class because I grew up in the ghetto and I know the kids who succeed are the ones who want it likewise there are many teachers who only want you to learn something so it reflects on them and inflates their ago 5 unlike the teacher below who said we know when you like us and we disgusted by it in my experience that is not the case we are aware when you like us and when you hate us but we exploit that in any way possible to elevate your performance in the classroom I know which girls in guys fancy me and I spend an extra five minutes talking to them and asking them about their day because I work at a school for at-risk youth and anything to keep them coming to school is okay by me sometimes we decide to take you on as our cause I had a student last year who showed up way behind the others in reading and therefore every other subject - his parents were first gen immigrants and didn't speak English I started a study hall after school for an hour so that all the kids could stay behind to read or do homework also this one student wouldn't feel singled out for tutoring I read with him every day except on Fridays for an hour and I stayed on top of his progress other teachers would ask how is your boy doing as summer rolled around I enrolled him in summer school and got him a student bus pass technically this wasn't kosher of me to do because he didn't meet the age criteria from my own pocket I spent two hundred and sixty dollars to fill up a smart trip card for his mother so that she could escort him to and from summer school Thyer public transport through it all I lent him so many books at the end of it all I gave him the my weird school day series of the reward for sticking with it if I had packed my bags at 3:15 each day he wouldn't be playing catch-up instead he would be repeating the year all this to say you may not realize it but teachers spent a great deal of their personal time and energy trying to help you be successful a lot of students don't realize that teachers spent a lot of time planning on how to deliver an interesting class on what is probably a very dry topic despite not being support by the government and hung out to dry by the media most teachers agonize of delivering quality education that will improve the quality of life for their students this is a [ __ ] that really happens with a teacher technically a docent in our pleading a teacher in training for one comma five years before deciding to study at university trash talking about students in very brutal terms in the teachers lounge a colleague sleeping with a student since she was 16 he 22 he was not one of her direct teachers except in the art of lovin obviously and she was dead certain to graduate it was hushed up pretty sure every school has one of those scandals every few years or so for students teachers are always an amorphous blob of square adults who presumably never have sex or fun in general and who are a house united in their determination to crush your free teenage soul in practice teachers are astray ballistic as the cliques in the school canteen the history teachers are alive to the civics teachers tolerate the geography teachers and are engaged in a ferocious struggle with the economy teaches over control of the coffee served the history teachers argue that Brand X is the traditional choice while the economy teachers propose that brand Y would be more efficient everybody hates the fit p/e teacher I've been teaching for two years in an average public high school seems like weekly one of my students will be going through something like parents divorce parents all / Cancer / pass away diagnose depression have about three students diagnosed in each of my classes suicidal tendencies sexual abuse from step parents / relatives parents drug addicts grew up with foster parents / relatives as parents passed away while they were young / in jail / gave them up anxiety related illness from stress range of learning disorders across all my classes way more that I can't think of right now I was lucky growing up with none of this happening to me in high school but just think next time you go to bully or pick on that quiet kid other kids that's a little bit different he's probably that way for a reason everyone is dealing with their own shirt that you have no idea about was a sub for nine months anymore it's all politics the teachers don't matter what matters is saving money and in my district I noticed old teachers being forced out and replaced by newbies that would work for a [ __ ] ton less money teachers are cliquish and it's worse than the students own cliques I worked at one school where I was made so uncomfortable I never sat in the teachers lounge and ate in my car some adjunct positions require only a master's degree and only the degree no teaching experience recommendations or interviews are required if you have a master's in physics you can have total control over a class by sending a few NL's to get the job toured for fifteen years and learned a few universal truths one no behavior happens in the classroom that doesn't happen in the staff room to nowhere is more hierarchical and more cliquish than a staff room three to get ahead in teaching you are best to save your energy for telling everyone how great you are at teaching rather than actually teaching for some teachers are horrible human beings they usually get promoted based on feeding gossip and trashing other teachers then cover their incompetence by trashing other teachers to management not sure why managing a team of people who are supposedly useless makes you look like a good manager but I'm obviously missing the point as I would thought managing a team of brilliant dedicated and talented teachers would show how great you are at managing five nobody knows more insults and swear words than teachers and we use all of them in the staff room during Friday drinks six most of us really do care and try to do a good job but we get burned out and unsupported most of the best teachers I know are now ex teachers including me as I work in a different but related field now and finally you would be amazed to know however much you felt bullied at school there is more bullying and harassment in the staff room than in most classrooms and more sexism too women don't get promoted but male teachers and heads are promoted even if they are unqualified inexperienced and pretty much useless we call it the richard factor at the end of every term teachers would always go to the same pub to celebrate so we used to go along too and ended up getting ratted with them a few times once we were talking to the super old and fat English teacher he stopped midway through his sentence and said excuse me boys I must go molest one of the female members of staff walked over to the super herd biology teacher and lifted her dress over her head all will say was that I know she shaves thoroughly and she won't talked to our group for the remainder of the year I have been a teacher for 14 years and none of the top comments ring true to me I work with a dedicated group of professionals who are killing themselves to make life better for students they do not shit-talk students or make fun of them they do not behave inappropriately in the workroom they are altruistic community oriented dedicated professionals who set aside the earning potential that their skillset offered in favour of a life of service I dated an elementary school teacher for three years hey you don't have to take a drug test I don't know how it goes for other states et Cie but my boyfriend was a great teacher spent many hours after work planning activities loved his students really was into teaching blah blah but on the weekends it was funny and disturbing when I would look at him rolling up a joint or imbibing in whatever fun was going on that weekend and saying to him god I can't believe you don't have to take a drug test it is mildly disturbing in that he would never go to school [ __ ] job that he was [ __ ] up a lot of the time he wasn't in school all-american male teacher enthusiastic enough to ask me to look up butterflies made out of coffee filters on Pinterest while that big fattie joined was being smoked all the parents and staff loved him if they only knew hey he did have some great ideas while hi none of the other teachers were close to being so creative with their lessons s hhhh two teachers at my school were always very fake flirtatious to the knowledge of the students they were flirty and fun and all the students wanted them to get together they played it up very much even doing a together at some variety show what the students didn't know was that the male teacher of the pair was acting as a bit for the female teacher while she dated another female teacher at the same school it was actually very very sweet the behind the scenes work that goes on people seem to think I turn up just before first bell at 8:45 a.m. and leave at 3:00 p.m. but in reality I get there at 7 a.m. never leave before 4 p.m. at the earliest spend a few hours and a minimum on the weekends working as well and during assessment time added a few more hours a night of marking and it always feels like there's more you could / should be doing I haven't had a just sit and eat type lunch break in years because there's always playground duty or sports training or a detention or student consultations and the holidays yeah those vaunted holidays we get I spent most of them prepping work for the next term and doing all the admin that is needed for course approvals and so on my actual break in the sense of days I spent for real not working is pretty much equal to what all workers here get one month a year and for me it's always going to be over Christmas we have a summer vacation there that said I love teaching and wouldn't stop for the world I'm a bit sick of hearing how easy a job it easy because of short hours and long holidays though I started my working life as a solicitor before switching to teaching and I work so much harder than I did as a lawyer but also experienced more satisfaction it's definitely not the simple light workout job it gets made out to be pretty often [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 215,237
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Keywords: teachers, teachers of reddit, what happens at school, happens, at school, students don't know about, students, don't know, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: bVzVizX7lsw
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Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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