THIS is Absolutely DISGUSTING (Gymshark)

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okay you guys so today what i wanted to talk about this was something that was sent to me on instagram and on discord which again if you haven't joined the discord it's gonna be linked down in the description it is the best discord if you're trying to lose weight get fit want a cool community i seriously seriously recommend it but what we're going to be talking about and this is like genuinely i am i i'm blown away so uh this was a post that was posted on gymshark now if you're not familiar with what gym shark is so what jim shark does is i mean they're they're a you know they're a huge company now but they actually started not that long ago uh but they make gym apparel you guys know what gym shark is i'm sure you guys know you've heard of jim sharp uh you know be a visionary their whole thing they always have like super you know fit people jacked looking great all you know talk about fitness and all this stuff okay now jim shark posted this picture right here okay and this obviously sparked well it's sad that it's obvious to me but this apparently sparked a lot of outrage especially in the comments but i want to read over what this post says so the post says right here it says because we are all both soft whilst also being incredibly strong one side is not weaker less valid or less worthy both exist together perfectly beautiful words beautiful body beautiful soul nelly london i've never heard of the girl and you know i don't i don't know much about her but again if we look at the post right i don't see anything crazy about that i don't think there's anything wrong with that i actually personally think that that post is really cool because again if we go back and look at the rest of gymshark stuff you know it's mostly jacked people that look great right i guess there's actually another similar post right here and i'm assuming there was probably a lot of uh oh did they turn off the comments on this one it looks like they might have oh another right here um but for the most part it's like you know really fit looking individuals which is fine which is fine there's nothing wrong with that either but the fact that they're showing that you can be uh fit while also not looking like a a model or not looking like uh you know adonis i think that that is a really cool thing right something that i mean this is this is and i i mean i'm i know that most of you guys that are probably watching this or here in the stream would assume that i would have this point of view because again like this girl right here right i don't know her story i don't know how she got to where she is right now i don't know anything about her so for me i don't know if she was maybe who knows maybe she was uh 200 pounds overweight and then she lost a lot of weight and that's what her body looks like right who knows and i don't i don't think that that's actually the case um but even if it's not like the fact that there are comments in here of people that are like genuinely body shaming this girl it it's just so sad like it is so sad like okay so let's look at these comments okay so these comments right here so this top the top comment says this ain't it okay this ain't it which i'm like what what is wrong with this picture it's not like they're showing someone that is really really really overweight eating chips and like not caring at all about their body but for somehow they're wearing gym shark leggings like that's not what they're showing at all but people are are super super upset like look at this one oh my gosh man confidence won't unclog your arteries are you kidding look at this girl like this stuff oh man this stuff is what makes like when people say oh fit shaming is the same as fat shaming it makes people look stupid man like it me that the the the cognitive dissonance i'm not sure if that's the right word but like to think that someone that looks like this girl has a bunch of clogged arteries because she's not shredded to the bone is absolutely red it is absolutely ridiculous and like when people talk about diet culture and you guys know that i get upset about those words or whatever like that this people being like that's you're gonna have a ton of clogged arteries because you don't look unbelievably shredded is absolutely ridiculous to me so let's keep going okay so let's let's read this one it's a shame uh when a fitness page feels the need to be inclusive oh whoops i didn't show you again it's a shame when a fitness page feels the need to be inclusive imagine the start of your um the start of your uh critique being like it's a shame you want to include more people how dare you want to include others like that's how they're that's what they're mad about jeez man okay so let's keep reading it's a shame that a fitness page feels the need to be inclusive she definitely won't be winning any physique shows anytime soon i miss the old school fitness arnold schwarzenegger era was dope not this unfollow this comment has 262 likes there are 262 people that read that comment and were like yeah yeah yeah yep that's it agree she's not gonna win any physique shows anytime soon guess what neither are you probably dude neither are you so should you never be on gymshark either like are this is insane to me that people are are seriously this mad about this girl who it's not like she like i said earlier there's nothing wrong with how she looks but people are genuinely mad and someone made a comment saying she's not gonna win any physique shows anytime soon like dude guess what she probably doesn't care guess what not everyone is trying to win physique shows guess what look who's not also going to win a physique show dude i did a physique show and i got last place does it mean that i don't want to chase fitness doesn't mean that i don't want to better myself does it mean that i should just give up doesn't mean that no company ever that talks about fitness will ever post about me no no it doesn't but if that's what you think and you think that you have to be this perfect body like why not be like that's awesome that you're giving other people a chance to be on this platform like oh man this stuff is i there was one comment that i saw that i was like i really really want to read this one so uh guys it's not normal to have to have to fight back this unhealthy trend we have to fight back to the le that's a very normal body that is a very normal body and then someone's saying ik with freaking throw up emoji jeez man um all right so i'm trying to find there was one i mean this one this is utterly disgusting and she should be shamed are you kidding me how is that disgusting like that's not disgusting at all that is a normal body oh my gosh it's insane okay here we go this is the comment that i was looking for i think this is it so it says smh it's beautiful she is happy in her skin as she should be but where is the glorification for those who work their butt off in the gym every day and have the discipline to not put whatever they want into their uh bodies and stick to an ideal diet dude are you kidding me when every almost every other post on gymshark was that was people that were super shredded and were jacked and were most likely not natural and you probably will never look like and you should probably not look up to those people because you're probably never going to get there right like that's what most of those posts were and so to be upset about that but let's keep going let's keep going um why can't the ones who have earned their bodies only be only be featured only be featured this is a fitness attire page right i don't understand featuring someone who is not interested or serious about fitness but like how do we know how do we know that this girl isn't one interested or serious about fitness just because she doesn't look like the models that are normally on the page like this this type of thinking this type of thinking is why fat acceptance it is what health at every size it is why body positivity all of these movements are gaining so much steam because there are people out there dummies to be exact but there are people out there that see someone that has a normal body and is immediately jumps to she's disgusting she doesn't work hard she needs to work harder on her diet she's eating too much she's doing this this is what's wrong and it's like dude you don't know a single thing about this person and to sit there and say that they are disgusting like oh my gosh man i'm sorry i'm getting heated but like this stuff is is ridiculous um and then it says uh i follow this page because i love seeing the fit hard working models it motivates me to my core seeing this however i feel it really takes away from those who take fitness very seriously and incorporate it in their everyday life again and this goes back to what i've said so many times about the other side with health at every size or the other side of body positivity stop comparing yourself why are you comparing yourself to the other people that are on gymshark it doesn't make any sense why i mean just stop do your thing like why do you feel like you like there i saw other comments and i guess this isn't the one but i saw other comments of being like man imagine working super hard to get gymshark to notice you only to see this like dude if the reason you are working out is so jim shark notices you hey bro maybe the wrong reason to be working out maybe maybe other better reasons to work out maybe maybe care about your health maybe maybe do it because you want to be better maybe not do it because oh maybe if i work out jim shark will notice me and the re the reason i'm saying that is because i don't think that's why these people are actually working out but it's giving them a reason to be critical of this post and be complete jerks right that is why i think they're saying it i don't think they're all i don't think the only reason they're working out is because they want senpai jim shark to notice them and if that is why if that's why you're working out i'm sorry that's that's really sad that's really sad if the whole reason you're working out is so you can get sponsored by freaking gym shark like they're just a clothing company bro just buy some clothes like i don't understand how this post right here how this post can make people say these terrible things and then okay so and then it goes on again again not shaming her okay okay dude not shaming her but i don't agree with her being relevant dude who even talks like that i'm not shaming her but i don't think she deserves a platform dude what is wrong with you why do you care so much like yeah like th this comment right here not shaming her but she shouldn't exist like what are you talking about why are you so mad why are you so mad about this i don't get it like oh my gosh okay let's keep going we need to finish this comment this is really becoming a world where everyone receives a trophy having not earned it unfollowing heartbroken emoji peace emoji jesus dude a fitness page posting an unhealthy body nice like oh my gosh dude this stuff is like again man i have talked a lot about health at every size and i've talked a lot about the fact that i think for the most part you can't tell if someone is healthy or not by looking at their body other than if we're talking about the extremes on both ends right really really big really really small but like to sit here and say like a girl like this who has a i mean i would say that's a very normal body to be like they're unhealthy and they don't deserve to be here or deserve to be relevant is absolutely it's just sad like it really is sad that people have like i think okay i'm gonna try and relax for a little bit i think that it's great that people love fitness and they love working out and they love this stuff so much that it you know invokes a this like feeling in them but if you have let it take you take you over so much to the point where you go on these pages and you're commenting this stuff uh because you're upset like it really feels like it really feels like a lot of the people that are leaving these comments are genuinely mad because they're not on gymshark like that's that literally boils down to oh uh i'm not on gymshark so i'm mad that this person is like that stuff is insane to me like i've had i've had people i've had people comment on my pictures uh with my sponsors and stuff i don't have very many but on my they're like wow it's ridiculous that he he's getting recognition because he was unhealthy and ate whatever he wanted for 20 years of his life and now he's changed his life but and now he gets a sponsorship but i've been working hard my whole life and i don't have any sponsors like it's like dude i i don't do this stuff to get sponsorships that's the point like i don't post the stuff that i post because i want sponsors to notice me if that's why you're posting stuff if that's why you're into fitness is because you want sponsors to notice you you're in it for the wrong reasons that's it's just that simple and trust me what i'm saying those sponsors that you're trying to impress will see right through you because they deal with thousands and thousands and thousands of people that are trying to get sponsored by gymshark for no other reason than to be able to say i'm sponsored by gymshark guess who cares no one no one cares i'm sorry i know that i was triggered in this but i was i got i was reading the comments and i was like this is absolutely ridiculous i think that i'm like losing my voice i think that this is really sad and i it's really sad to see and it's kind of disgusting and i really i hope that jim shark keeps doing it i'm not even a fan of gymshark gonna be honest i don't really care for them at all actually i don't really like them that much sorry just saying it being honest but it doesn't mean that i don't think that this is a cool post that's all i'm going to say obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 573,337
Rating: 4.8678846 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, fat loss, weight loss, gymshark, obesetobeast
Id: CayjIT_sUi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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