The TRUTH About GymShark Athletes Coaching SCAMS (Called Out)

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[Music] all right so this was uh completely out of left field i had no idea this was going to happen today that we're going to be talking about this but my chat right literally right now as i was streaming they let me know about this video and they were kind of curious about my thoughts i was like sure why not um so apparently this is about is natasha ocean i believe i i don't know who this is i'm probably saying her name wrong i apologize but apparently um this video is why i left gymshark staying true to myself and toxic coaches so i was told that they don't really start talking about anything until about five minutes in um so we're going to go to about five minutes into this video and see what they have to say because i think that this could be interesting all right uh so let's see what this is about my heart fall in love with you your heart fell in love with me i did like a that little girl was very cute okay really like manly cry you know are you still right oh okay so it was must have been like a uh q a hey one thing i love about yo one thing i love about q and a's with like youtubers and stuff like this is 100 everyone chooses what questions they're going to answer for the most part usually they have an answer planned out for the question before the thing is ever filmed but people are always like oh man i totally didn't know that was coming up that is a very standard thing that happens i know because i've done it okay sorry there's been a lot of these so i can't avoid them right i think i know what it is are you still with jim shark yeah i knew this one was coming um there's been a i was i scrolled past a few of them but yeah it would be rude to ignore and i feel like i need well and i mean let's be real this is the title of the video right come on like you know you were gonna answer this question come on let's be real it's all good to say as of 2021 i left them um i want to be really clear like i've been with jim shark since manager start of 2018 the start of 2018 and they've been really good to me they spotted me really early they believed in me they invested in me um they took me on trips where i got to meet so many of you in fact the biggest meetups i've had have been at gymshark pop-up stores um that's always been amazing we've done incredible shoots and yeah i've i've had an amazing time with them and they've also really listened to me like they always took on board my feedback i remember there was this one time where we were on a shoot and there were models that didn't have like an audience or anything and i was talking to them about getting paid and they said that they weren't um which actually really upset me because i've been on shoots where i've just been completely taken advantage of and it didn't sit right with me and i bought it up with gymshark or when they're like yeah we're not gonna pay you but we're gonna one give you exposure oh that one trash exposure or the worst one i think even worse than exposure is we're gonna give you free product dude if you tell me that the way that i'm getting paid and not just me anyone is the way that you're getting paid is by giving someone free product no nope free product for the company costs nothing dude it's such a tiny amount so i mean hey good for her and they took it really seriously like i spoke to ben about it i spoke to noel about it and they changed their whole policy and because gymshark is such a new company like they're growing so quickly um accidents and mistakes can kind of happen but they don't mean to happen but they're really open they always listen and once they become aware of it they really want to make that change which i think is really admirable in a company so they are a really great company like i'll still wear their clothes i'll always say good things about them um and i don't regret any of the time that i worked with them so the reason that i left is dude this guy i don't know if this is like she said manager if it's like her boyfriend or husband or whatever he looks so nervous right now he's like okay here we go is um i feel like i need to give you guys a bit of context like just for context i am really fussy when it comes to brands especially doing like a long-term partnership mario will tell you i'm always saying no i don't know i have a certain vision of what health and fitness industry should look like so for me to put my name to something like i have to really think about it and be like okay do we have the same vision um does it actually work like it has to feel authentic because i'm a terrible liar um same i cannot promote something if i don't believe in it so my vision of what the fitness industry should be like is science-based it should be sports science based it should be dietetics which is nutrition science based like it's based on research it's i mean i'm liking everything i'm hearing so far so i'm kind of curious as to what what is going on not like an art form and it should take into elements of psychology which is also a science so i feel like it should be really science-led so over the last couple of years like i went to gymshark a few times about something that was really bothering me and that's that i was getting so many dms and emails of people who'd been put on really low calorie diets by other gymshark sponsored athletes being told things uh oh oh man day hey oh this has been a problem not just with gymshark but this has been a problem with the fitness industry for a very very very long time like a very long time people oh man this is so frustrating because people will put people on these like super low calorie diets or these cookie cutters that's like a thing you'll hear a lot cookie cutter plans where it's like just eat this many calories and they're giving the same template to this person and this person and this person dude i'm telling you right now if you're following someone that has a million followers and they're saying that they're going to be your coach and they're going to work with you one-on-one think about it right just think about it for a second do you think that say even if they had i don't know i shouldn't try to do percentages live but like even if they had one percent which is i don't know a thousand ten thousand i don't know uh even if they had a tiny fraction of the people that are following them that they're actually coaching it's still too many people to actually be coaching right like actually be walking through let me help you do this thing it's just impossible there was a huge thing i mean what was it britney dawn fitness right this was like a couple years ago this is a huge thing where she got caught basically giving these like cookie cutter plans that were super low calorie and then saying yeah it's it's totally tailored to you and it ends up being the same thing for the same person for the same like you just got to think about it right like this is i i'm sorry like i know i got kind of fired up out of nowhere but this has been something that for me i've always been like i don't get how more people don't see it right like i understand that you want to be coached by your favorite influencer or the favorite uh your favorite person you might follow online you want to look like how they look but just take a step back and like does it really make sense that they would be talking to me one-on-one like all the time and they have three million followers and they're saying that they're like i i remember there was like another thing that happened years ago this is what i think was devin physique this was like why a while ago um devin physique there was this guy he was like a uh he was a big instagram person it was back when shreds i don't know how many of you guys remember shreds when shreds was really popular on instagram and he got caught because the person that used to actually do all of his nutrition plans like this was crazy man this tea was piping hot back in the day when it happened i remember this um this is before i made videos like this but you best believe if i was making videos about this back then shoot i would have talked about it but he like his um his like this it was this woman that was actually doing the work for him she made a video calling him out like dude it was crazy i remember it was insane it was oh man and this dude like hit all his credibility down the drain immediately and for good reason dude if you are saying that you are one-on-one coaching people right coaching people and you're actually helping them but you're one you have someone else doing the actual work so they they think they're talking to you and they're not and then the person that is doing the work whether it's you or someone else is giving people un unrealistic like super low calorie diets that yeah will help them lose weight but is it sustainable dude this is the stuff that when i talk about like the fitness industry and stuff is trash sometimes this is exactly what i mean because it it makes people feel like they're not good enough because yes you will lose weight eating 1200 a thousand calories but eventually you're gonna be like i can't do this anymore and then you feel bad because you feel like well this person is telling me to do it so obviously i should be able to do it and then you can't do it and then you end up gaining the weight back like oh my gosh dude this is okay i'm gonna let them keep continue talking but things that weren't scientifically backed by other gymshark sponsored athletes and they were just being told things that just went completely against like the literature in sports science and in nutrition and that could be really damaging to their health and that really bothered me and i brought it up several times because i mean it bothers me anyway but the fact that i'm then tied to this other athlete via gym shark kind of puts me in the same bracket dude this is so true man like that's it's i know that people like to talk about like behind the scenes stuff like for me that's why i don't like to sign a lot of things because you end up like you are now tied to what is going on with this other person that might be part of the brand or whatever and then you're like oh my gosh this idiot over here like it really is a it's a big deal and i i mean good for her for for you know making a stance about it i don't want to be part of the pseudoscience the false promises the [ __ ] that led me to be misled when i was younger like it harmed my health and that's something that i feel like i've always fought fought for like in my own content so then being tied to like why am i getting emotional so then being tied to people who are selling that stuff and obviously like gymshark is a company like it needs to grow it acquires its athletes in in its own way and that's completely fine but i don't want to be a part of that and it's not the majority of the people that they have signed but the people that they do who are like giving those false promises and just going off complete anecdote and no nothing backed by literature that's a problem for me and i voiced it and they know that that's the reason that i left and that's basically the reason that i left like i it it's not right for me because in the end like we all get put under this kind of gym shark athlete umbrella and there are some great people with jim shark who know the limits of their knowledge who aren't trying to get anything from you they're just trying to spread positivity like and that they know their stuff it's not the majority of the gym shark athletes it's a portion of them but for me it still bothers me that we were still in that kind of same category because that is just something that i don't stand for and i won't stand for and i was being paid by jim shark but there's no amount of money that can just make me sit back and ignore it like it just it doesn't sit right with me um like i said i've got the biggest guilt conscience but it just i just i can't i can't do it um so yeah yeah so yeah they're still a great company like i'm not going to give you guys drama about issues between me and jim shark like i love everyone that's there they really were like a family like when they say family they mean it um but yeah that's my reason for why i left gym shark so okay so i think that's the end of that but i think one good for her for you know standing up for what you believe in i think that's always a good thing to do um but this is i would say that again obviously like she was dealing it with with it through gymshark and stuff like that but this is as i was saying earlier this is a problem that isn't just gym truck this is just a problem in general with fitness the fitness industry and this has been a problem for many many many years that dev and physique thing that i was talking about a while ago dude that was years ago like five years ago like this was that was it happened a while ago right people will take advantage of people period like period people will take advantage of people and that i i hate it and it's frustrating and it's why i talk about the stuff that i talk about and it's why i get so upset when i see people promoting fake things or unrealistic expectations because the people that they're promoting it to a lot of times are very like they really want to see results they are vulnerable and the more vulnerable you are the more likely you are to listen to something that isn't realistic but because you're so vulnerable you're like well hopefully it'll work for me if it worked for them hopefully it'll work for me and i i just hate that people see that and it it might sound like i'm lying but people see that they see the vulnerable person and their thought isn't oh that sucks let's actually give them some good information it's we can make money off of this person i know how i can make money off of this person and it's it's so frustrating and it's disgusting and i hate it um and so good for her for standing up for herself um i think that hopefully gymshark kind of maybe takes a stand against this uh they seem to be trying to be a little bit more inclusive with a lot of the stuff that they're doing so hopefully this video kind of maybe pushes them in that direction and is like yo athletes don't be dummies or i don't know um or maybe they won't i don't know gymshark you do your thing but good for her for for standing up for what she believes in i think that it's um it's very very very very important and like like avocad nope said just right there especially when it's someone you idolize that's the biggest problem i think that that's what makes it so disgusting is because it's like the was it parasocial relationship like the the followers see this person that they follow a lot of times they they think they're really closer than they might be right like there's probably a lot of people that follow me that like are like oh john's my friend but in reality i'm not trying to sound mean i don't know you we've never met right i'm sure we'd get along but like they trust this person more than they really really should because they think that they have their best interests in mind and they think that everything they say is true because it's like they see them as almost like a father or mother figure it gets gross man it really really it can really get gross
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 165,939
Rating: 4.9333777 out of 5
Keywords: natashia oceane, john glaude, fat loss, weight loss, gymshark
Id: bMEzaveE4RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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