Gymshark Is CANCELLED.... I Guess?

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all right you guys so i'm gonna have to ask you to buckle in uh because this is gonna be a long one so this video that was sent actually into my discord and i have a feeling it was actually sent into my discord by the person that made the video i'm pretty sure that's uh that's who that's who was the one that put this video in there because this video has about 10 views uh but the name of this video is is obese the beast is incorrect okay and now again i want to make it clear this is a long one so i don't know how long this is going to take but it seems as though this is a response this video that we're looking at is a response to my response to ins to jim shark's post which i made a video on okay so it's a res this video is a response to a response to my video which was a response to instagram to jim shark's instagram post it is very meta and that's uh that's how we like to do it now i guess um all right so let's just watch this i watched like the first two minutes just to make sure you know i was like jesus is a long video but i was like you know what why not let's just watch it live let's uh let's see how it goes the start is quite weird so just be ready for that all right hello everyone james gaines here so today i'm going to be going over a video by obese the beast so i think that's me hello i think a lot of stuff about this video you might want to get into it and then i'll i'll give a brief overview so jim shark released this picture a brief overview and the video is 45 minutes okay somebody the person um i don't even know how to say it the way in which they were presented was not the most they weren't presented in the most desirable way and i'm going to be talking quite a bit about about this about double standard and stuff like that so yeah let's just begin so today what i wanted to talk about this was something that was sent to me on let me turn up a bit and then put in 2x feet well not 2x i'll put it in 1.5 so okay well i just want to say one thing to the guy that's making this video just this is a very quick how to make your videos better turn your fan off or at least turn it down because it is so loud okay that's my first critique you can get through this instagram and on discord which again if you haven't done the discord it's gonna be linked down in the description it is the best discord if you're trying to lose weight get fit want a cool community i seriously seriously recommend it also i was gonna speed this up but he has already sped it up so yeah i can't speed it up now but what we're gonna be talking about and this is like genuinely i am i i'm blown away so uh this was a post that was posted on gymshark now if you're not familiar with what gym shark is so what gym shark does is i mean they're they're a you know they're a huge company now they actually started not that long ago uh but they make jim apparel you guys know what gym shark is i'm sure you guys know what you've heard of jim sharp uh you know be a visionary the whole thing they always have like super you know fit people jacked looking great all you know talk about fitness and all this stuff okay now jim shark posted this picture right here okay first of all one thing about this picture so this person is necessarily fat they're sitting down right so something which uh helps women more than men is that they can uh pull this up to hide like they're lower fat which is what's normally done in pictures you'll see a lot so the only the upper abs are shown it's funny that he says this right so it's uh only women can do this but your boy does that i i do it look those are my undies i got them pulled up baby you could do it too if you want baby it's like hey if you want to you could but you don't that's not my fault okay sorry not the lower abs because so they can hide their love handles men can't really do this it's a common known trick right i mean men could do it but so you could say that this is uh well the comment the comments say it for itself i won't even inject my own opinions here i'll just say where i think obese the beast has made a mistake maybe i'm wrong as what you're saying here i'm ready to hear what my mistake was and this obviously sparked well it's sad that it's obvious to me but this apparently sparked a lot of outrage especially in the comments also i i i totally understand that there is a me here there's also me down there i hope you guys can get past that but i didn't want to cover myself up because i feel like that would be kind of annoying so i moved myself a little bit but i want to read over what this post says so the post says right here it says because we are all both soft whilst also being incredibly strong one side is not weaker less valid or less worthy both exist together perfectly beautiful words beautiful body beautiful soul nelly london i've never heard of the girl and you know i don't know much about her but again if we look at the post right i don't see anything crazy about that i don't think there's anything wrong with that i actually personally think that that post is really cool because again if we go back and look at the rest of gymshark stuff you know it's mostly jacked people that look great right that's true yeah so that's to an extent that's what jim shark is meant to do jim suck is meant to show you these amazing physiques that people have right okay so right there that is your opinion on what gymshark should do right so your opinion is that gymshark should show amazing physiques now that they've never said that that's what they do right like that's what they've done in the past but because they're changing that up that is what you think gymshark should do that is what you think they should do so you're you're putting this opinion out there as if it's fact when it's not right you think jim shark should only post physiques that are exceptional or whatever but that's that's not what they have to do there's no rules on what they're allowed to post and what they're not allowed to post right so when i see you me personally when i see these physiques which okay so let's imagine there's somebody who really wants to become a gymshark athlete right let's say they say it's a male because normally there's a there's some disparities between males and females becoming athletes general fitness okay i'm before we even get into this point i want to make this point right here if the fact that someone like that like that woman was posted on gymshark in the way that she was posted makes you feel any type of way about now you maybe don't want to work with jim sharker now maybe oh man i've worked so hard and now why would i ever want to work with jim sharp because they posted this again you're you should not be working out and and doing fitness things so you can get sponsored by gymshark like that i do not understand that line of thinking at all okay goodness models and especially jim schweikatz here so we look at we look at the difference here so in order to become a male gymshark athlete you have to have a different level of conditioning of fitness compared to becoming a female gymshark athlete if we look at the page you'll see what i mean this is um so we look here right there's a lot of impressive physiques but if we want to compare like like this fatigue is extremely impressive right but i don't necessarily think that like this person is on any like extreme amounts of gear in order to get this physique or anything like that we look at this physique i think i think it is i think it almost says a different story right i don't think people are thinking this guy is like 100 naughty or whatever it may be okay wow um this went a completely different um this went a way different place than i thought it was going to um so because the men on gymshark are more muscular than the women on gym shark he has a problem with it i think i don't know i'm trying to understand the argument here i'm really not understanding it cause that that that that woman that he just showed was freaking jacked man maybe some people do think that that that's not for me to decide right wait wait wait wait look at this dude right here oh i'm sorry you guys i didn't show you guys look at this dude that guy's not like super freaking humongous jacked like unbelievably super stacked dude or even look at this dude down here this guy's not super jack stacked freaking juice to the gills look at this guy right here i mean he's strong is that eddie hall i don't know who this is but this dude's super strong but it's not like he's super jacked stacked juice to the gills so again this is you making a narrative in your head and now you're putting it out there but also simultaneously making yourself there's a fly in here making yourself look silly because there's literal examples to the contrary in your video nice killing it all throughout here right we can see like extreme extreme strength we look all this sort of stuff right from what i'm seeing here on this whenever the main point i'm making here is whenever these sorts of posts are made these sort of buzzy body positive esk posts they're always made to be targeted at women right that always seems to be how they're made which i don't i don't disagree that there are more women in the body positive space but i think that there is a reason for that that is different than oh it's just i don't i don't even know what point he's trying to make but i think there is a reason why more women gravitate towards uh body positivity and i mean we talked about it uh recently with um with what was her name i can uh i'm drawing a blank but we talked about it recently on the um i think it was sarah yeah sarah why why more women are drawn to body positivity versus men and i do think that that is something that could be talked about and is interesting um but i i'm kind of curious as to why what i am incorrect about which is strange to me to an extent because they'll never have um a man showing uh showing fat or rolls on um on here necessarily unless he's like unless he he's not a physique athlete he's actually all unless he's not in it for the physique he's in it for like his strengths or whatever maybe right wow so he's already so he's already giving qualifiers right so he was like at first he was like we'll never see a man on here showing his roles but then he also said unless they're a strength athlete or unless so there's already a qualifier for this thing that he just said in the video so that's interesting you won't see that anywhere throughout this and you won't see that anywhere throughout any fitness pages right that's just not what you see we go on um what's the other one called q fit or something like that you go on that you see the exact same thing it's just you you just don't see i remember i remember the only thing she saw which happened um i think was about two years ago they made like a male body positivity thing where they had a whole load of um larger males and then they were just like oh wait we're all joking we're just kidding by the way because because this obviously isn't acceptable i find it very funny the sort of double standard we have here but i'll let him continue on with what he's saying oh i guess there's actually another post right here and i'm assuming there was probably a lot of uh oh did they turn off the comments on this one it looks like you might have i don't know but for the which is fine because there's these different levels it doesn't matter too much but there's different levels of um which is fine there's nothing wrong with that either but the fact that they're showing that you can i'm still like there is literally no there hasn't been no point yet be uh fit while also not looking like a a model or not looking like uh you know adonis i think that that is a really cool thing right i think i mean i still agree with that like i think that is a very cool thing um and that's why i said adonis right i said model and adonis because i was trying to show like man as well and i mean i i talk about this stuff all the time right body positivity i talk about i talk about this stuff a lot because it is important to me and i do think that more men should get into it i totally think that that's true um so i just don't understand why i don't understand how why he is taking the stance of like he's upset at women almost it seems like he's almost upset at women because there's not more men in it and so therefore it's fair that so many men were saying such mean things to that woman that was posted on gymshark like that's at least in my head that's what i'm hearing and i think that's a very strange way to go about it i think that's fine right i think that's true it's true to show that you're you can be fit while not looking like an adonis or whatever maybe but i don't know maybe that's what jim shark's new motto is i don't know maybe but it seems to be very heavily sighted towards only doing this for women not doing this for men which seems sort of weird to me and then taking that into account if you want to be like a gymshark athlete as i was saying before it seems like the standards so let's say you've been like training your whole life to become a gymshark athlete right and then you again this argument makes no sense okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna keep saying it if you have training if you have been training your whole life to be a gym shark athlete you've been training for the wrong reason and it is not jim shark's fault that you're not sponsored and some girl that you feel doesn't deserve it is that guess what they're a company they can make any decision they want so if you have decided to put your whole life into training to become a gym shark athlete that is your fault your fault your fault not jim shark's fault that's very important see this person who has put in significantly little effort compared to you right and you see them get to become an athlete significantly little effort compared to you now something that i saw um that i've noticed in so people have told me is that nelly the girl that was featured in the in the gym shark post actually has been overcoming an eating disorder right that's a lot of freaking work dude and just because maybe she not might not be jacked or might not be shredded that doesn't mean that she hasn't put in a lot of work it's the same thing um when we when you look at someone like me right not trying to like i don't look super crazy jacked but i mean i've been working really hard for seven years right for no not because i want a sponsorship just because i want to change my life right like this stuff blows my mind like think about the person that's been working really hard to become a gymshark sponsored athlete how do they feel i'm like dude sucks they should have been working out to become a gymshark sponsored athlete doesn't make any sense to me well as you put in more effort more time thanks jack thanks thanks zach i appreciate it you've researched more stuff you may have gone to like stream lengths even putting a detriment on your own health and then you don't become an athlete that's guess whose fault that is not gym sharks that's your fault it just it's unfair well life isn't fair dude are you kidding me that's not fair that that's the argument it's not fair doesn't seem to be unfair this is unfair and i think as i say i think that's a big problem as i was saying before something that i mean this is this is and i i mean i know that most of you guys that are probably watching this or here on the stream would assume that i would have this point of view because again like this girl right here right i don't know her story i don't know how she got to where she is right now i don't know anything about her so for me i don't know if she was maybe who knows maybe she was uh 200 pounds overweight and then she lost a lot of weight and that's what her body looks like right who knows this is a fair point right if i know it is a fair point because i use my brain it was like a before and after sort of thing and that's why she got into gymshark then yeah fair enough i can kind of understand that more that that's a fair point i'll agree with that and i don't think that's actually the case but even if it's not like the fact that there are comments in here of people that are like genuinely body shaming i'm i'm curious to see what he does how he responds to the comments because everything he said while i do disagree he hasn't been overly mean right he hasn't attacked the girl in particular he hasn't said anything to where like he was like this person is disgusting and nasty he hasn't said anything like that so i am curious to see what he says about the comments because i think that that that would be really telling yeah he's just been kind of sexist yeah i mean yeah i would agree with that a little bit this girl it's just so sad like it is so sad like okay so okay i don't think it's sad first of all if you go up onto an olympia stage and you haven't put in the effort so he said i don't think it's sad hmm comparable to the other olympia um competitors dude jim shark's instagram jim shark's instagram is not the olympia bro it's an instagram huh different instagram olympia stage different things you know really different really weird that you are comparing those two what do you think is gonna happen if you if someone went on if i went on the olympia stage and i got made fun of i would be like of course because i don't deserve to be there because the people that are on the olympia stage have worked really hard and there are only a certain amount of people that are allowed on that stage and you have to work to get to that point people might say oh well you have to work to get on in uh jim shark's instagram that's what people think but in reality gymshark is a company and it's their instagram so they can post whatever they want maybe in the past they post a lot of jacked dudes and girls but now they've changed their mind huh different different if the olympia wanted me to step on stage with my terry folds and loose skin and walk around flapping around that that i would probably tell them no you don't want me up there okay i don't deserve that but there's a difference than if it if a random instagram page wants to post me uh it's a little bit different you're not gonna win you're gonna be judged right that is the whole you don't put yourself up on you're gonna be judged because it's a competition where you get judged to win instagram is a page you're not getting judged while people are going to judge you but it's not the reason you put an instagram post on gymshark isn't because you're like okay ready to get judged from everyone to decide if i'm worthy enough to be on this page what on a platform like this which is effectively like a judgment platform and then not expect it to happen it seems really weird to me and that is effectively what gymshock is it's like a a a huge um competitive stage right dude no it's not bro what are you talking about where who doug zach said it right there he said i think i found the issue here these people think social media is a competition dog it's not you think it is because you think you have to get xyz amount of jacked to earn xyz sponsorship that's not how it works dude i'm telling you right now sponsors care much much much much less about how you look versus how much you can do for him huh if you have a big following but you're less jacked than this dude guess what you might get the sponsorship before he does because you have a bigger following and therefore their return of investment talking about gymshark is going to be better by sponsoring this person other than this jacked you know oh shanahan dude that has 20 followers i don't get how people don't see this i don't understand how this doesn't how this isn't like oh man i don't okay let's just keep going people if you see all these people in this competitive stage everybody with their physiques which are like on point like pinpoint accurate shredded down to the bone wherever it may be right and then you see this person and they're like well hold on a second this person doesn't doesn't seem to be they're competing in the wrong competition it seems almost right it's not a competition again and the fact that they're in this competition and it will i like how he stopped you using it as an analogy but he's he's literally just saying the competition like it really is one like it's it's it just is a competition now it's not even an analogy anymore it literally is one like in his mind it literally is a competition since it's gymshark it's almost like everybody gets a medal because they're all employed by them it's like wait hold on a second this person has a significantly worse physique but they're getting the same medal as all these other people who have significantly better physiques that's not happening again you made that up like what's going on here and people have noticed that and then they bring it up in on the comments or whatever it may be they okay very important the way he said that they bring it up in the comments they bring it up that's all they did uh i'd uh disagree they did more than just bring it up let's look at these comments okay so these comments right here so this top the top comment says this ain't it okay this ain't it which i'm like what and another described from tick tock by the way he's a funny guy what is wrong with this picture it's not like they're showing someone that is really really really overweight eating chips and like not caring at all about their body but for somehow they're wearing gem shark leggings like that's not what they're showing at all but people are super super upset like look at this one oh my gosh man confidence won't unclog your arteries are you all right so yeah this this is nicely the guy it's just a profile picture of him oh yeah yeah real quick real quick to back pedal on that one huh boss real quick whoa wait wait i don't know if that guy i don't know him you know there's just i was the profile picture you know i i i could never i would never uh yeah interesting but this isn't his account i think this is like bro obviously her arteries aren't clogged she's not obese right that's not the debate we're having here the debate isn't like whether she's obese or not uh that they're all like overweight obese is a weird medicalistic term um the the the debate the conversation we're having here is like is she competition ready that that's what we're talking about not why dude that's that is who is having that cop who is having that conversation who who is saying like you have to be competition ready to be on gymshark like if that's really what you think you have your mind has morphed so far past what fitness and what health and what i mean i think what these companies should really stand for like gymshark nike under armour all these big companies they all are stepping back because they're realizing that when people were so focused on being shredded and being perfect like that messed a lot of people up so taking a step back and being okay let's focus on actual health and wellness and being healthy instead of just being as shredded as humanly possible because i'm telling you right now being as shredded as humanly possible isn't healthy and so if these companies are actually going to say that they are health and wellness companies and they care about your well-being they shouldn't be only promoting being super shredded and jacked like that shouldn't be the only thing that they're promoting whether there would be some more or um have clogged arteries which definitely is not happening here if it is it went because of the way you kidding look at this girl like this stuff oh man this stuff is what makes like when people say oh fit shaming is the same as fat shaming it makes people look stupid man like it may that the the the cognitive dissonance i'm not sure if that's the right word but like to think that someone that looks like this girl has a bunch of clogged arteries because she's not shredded to the bone is absolutely ridiculous it is absolutely ridiculous and like when people talk about diet culture and you guys know that i get upset about those words or whatever like that this people being like that you're gonna have a ton of clogged arteries because you don't look unbelievably shredded is absolutely ridiculous to me so let's keep going okay so let's let's read this one it's a shame uh when a fitness page feels the need to be inclusive that's actually true he makes a he makes another point here i'll just let her make the point then i'll go into it oh again it's a shame when a fitness page feels the need to be inclusive imagine the start of your um the start of your uh critique being like it's a shame you want to include more people okay so this is a real dumb point first of all it's not a point at all generally when we have how am i gonna explain this whenever we look at a practice whenever we look at something which is impressive like being a gymshark athlete which is extremely impressive we see it's crazy to me that there are people out there that really think being a gymshark athlete is impressive it literally doesn't matter it it's it's a it's a clothing sponsorship why i i i truly don't understand why being sponsored by gymshark is such a big deal why does it matter like i'm seriously trying to understand this why why does it matter it's just clothes dude like you can buy them anywhere they're just clothes oh my gosh okay sorry this is being impressive because not that many people are gymshark athletes not that many people are gymshark athletes because it takes a certain level of commitment skill dedication uh our general physique genetics to an extent to even become a gymshark athlete and guess what is more important than every single one of those how many followers you have that's literally more important than all of the other things you just mentioned and that's not to throw shane to throw shade at gymshark but it makes sense if you are a company that is going to sponsor an athlete you're not going to sponsor someone that has no followers it doesn't make any sense you're not going to be sending this person free product or sending them a bunch of free stuff or flying them places spending a bunch of money on this person if no one is going to see the posts that they're putting up as sponsors right i work with bpn it's a great company i really enjoy being a part of that a part of that brand but if i had 10 followers they wouldn't sponsor me and guess what that wouldn't make me feel bad or hurt my feelings it makes sense it makes sense right if jim's if if gymshark athletes sponsorships are given out to everybody then what does it mean to be a gymshark athlete it means nothing nothing whatsoever if everybody's a gymshark i think then it's just synonymous with being a human it becomes completely meaningless why does it need to mean anything why you got it right dude doesn't mean anything it's literally a clothing sponsor it doesn't matter it doesn't matter to have something like i'm i'm sorry but i am blown away i am blown away that people have such a strong connection with a brand that has nothing to do with them like dude if you don't if you no longer support what they're doing just move on right like i mean i'm trying to understand it but it's like if you're so mad about it no longer support gymshark then right i'm sure they'll be fine i think be hyper inclusive inherently devalues that thing imagine if everybody um got like a gold medal at um uh the olympics then a gold medal would be greatly devalued right dude i am gym shark sponsorship dude is not even slightly close not even slightly close to being an olympic athlete come on man the the reason why a gold medal is so impressive to get the reason why joining the olympics is um or getting into the olympics is um okay so the thing that is incredibly frustrating about people like this that make the points that he's making is that this is the person that will say oh i can't believe they're posting this type of person on jim shark's page that's absolutely ridiculous totally devalues everything that gymshark has done in the past blah blah blah but they're also the same person that is like wow overweight people are so disgusting they need to work harder i can't believe that they would ever like i can't believe that the size that they are oh it's so disgusting but then when they see someone that is actively working on themselves they're like oh my gosh get out of my sight i don't want to see you ugh gross it's like dude the person needs a chance to work on themselves and if someone wants to show someone that is in the middle of their journey hey good job i'm going to post you on this page that's awesome dude why is that a problem it's so impressive it's because it's difficult to get that's the whole point the exclusivity of it is what makes this thing impressive and or meaningful the more exclusive something is the more meaningful it is this comment is smart because it's saying jim shark has inherently devalued their own brand to an extent they've devalued the he doesn't even know what he's saying he's like man he i think he he was literally talking in the middle of a sentence he was like wait this is a really stupid point and then he was like i guess i um i guess i have to try and try and finish this one huh they've made what it means to be gymshark athlete to an extent less meaningful and that is that is true and that's why you see it's not true man it's not true it's what you think and that's fine but you're saying you're making these statements as if they're facts bro you think that it is now devalued because they posted someone that wasn't super shredded that's what you think but i promise you the vast majority of their followers the vast majority of people that buy their products are not super shredded they are not super jacked they are normal people that probably look more like the nelly girl than they than they look like some super jacked gym shark athlete so it is more relatable to that person in this backlash because people are just like oh jim's like actually they're so impressive so all this and all that it's like whoa okay so if this person could be a gym strike athlete then like is it really that prestigious like and people obviously act negative dude it's not it's not prestigious and again that is not throwing shade at gymshark it's literally any sponsor isn't prestigious it's just a sponsorship like so many people like it's so strange to me and i think i've seen zach saying in the chat like people are just literally in this stuff to chase clout like they want this because they want clout dude if you are doing this to get any sort of sponsor anything other than trying to work on yourself and better yourself if sponsorships come along because you've proved yourself that's dope but if they don't it shouldn't make you feel like what you're doing is any less valuable that's not how it that's not how it should go if the to the devaluation of something which they see as being hyper valuable people would say the exact same thing if um they started giving out multiple gold medals at the olympia imagine if somebody was like a significantly worse physique got a gold medal at the olympia the same as somebody with a significantly bare physique dude yeah that would be wrong because that's an actual competition where there is actual winners this is social media where there is no winners it is just pictures bro as i said before people would say the exact same thing they're saying here because the category is devalued right that's the first bit the second bit is whenever you have a practice you have to be pushing a message or you have to be providing some sort of service the service which gymshark assets provide is complicated to figure out to an extent you could say that they provide um more physically they provide sales for jim sharp themselves but more like um they provide they provide sales they provide a bunch of impressions they they get they it is very simple they make gymshark money that simple they make gymshark money it's not that prestigious they make gymshark money it's that simple everyone does it in different ways some people post crazy videos of them doing insane stuff that no one else can do some people's physiques are really really impressive and it seems like now some people are vulnerable and sharing things that most other people may be wanting all of those just as valid all of those are gonna get eyes on them all of those if their gym shark athletes are gonna get more people to buy gym shark that simple dude not that crazy to understand fundamentally more like uh non-materially you could say that they provide encouragement for people trying to become like better assets you you can say whatever you want there but whenever this happens whenever you have a practice a service a good anything like that if the good is not if anybody is able to make the good or the service and the good or the service required skill to be made then the good or the service is inherently is made dude make a point come on man this is tough how can i say it's made to a lesser level it's worse effectively right the good or the service is worse related dude it took that long to say it's worse this back to what what um the comments talking about here he's referring in my opinion more to the fact that since he finally said it in your opinion which is wrong okay let's keep going it's the bar for becoming a gymshark athlete seems at least to be lowered down here the service of non-materialistic service which jim shark is providing the inspiration we're so providing to become like this like amazing unrealistic beauty standards or whatever which i don't believe in this realistic people just don't try out um okay bro thanks for letting us know it's devalued it's like okay then so i should just leave it at this stand instead trying to go for this upper standard because they're both gymshark athletes and it's like it's confusing for some people but that's understandable i don't know really so this is his uh his argument there is some random person there's some random person there's a random person on instagram and they are scrolling through you know tick tocks or tick tocks they're scrolling through jim shark's feed for whatever reason and they see a super jack dude in one picture and then they see someone that's not as jacked and maybe a similar picture to what nellie posted and now they're like whoa i don't know what to do because everything that i do is based on this instagram feed and now i'm confused i don't know what to do no dude no one no one does that no one is going to jim shark's instagram and deciding what their life path is going to be based on what athletes they see there that literally doesn't happen you are making that up i really agree 100 with it but that that's definitely understandable i think that's the very point want to include others like that's how that's what they're mad about jeez man okay so let's keep reading uh it's a shame that a fitness base feels the need to be inclusive she definitely won't be winning any physique shows anytime soon i miss the old school fitness arnold schwarzenegger era was dope not this unfollow this comment has 262 likes there are 262 people that read that comment and we're like yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it agree she's not going to any physique shows anytime soon guess what neither are you probably dude neither are you i shouldn't have to make this point again it's a very bad point from obese the beast there's a big difference between him and her he is not a gymshark athlete big difference here if he was a gym his his his life his world view his world view is if you're sponsored by gymshark or not that's how he looks at everyone he said is this person either sponsored by gymshark or are they not sponsored by gymshark that is how i see every single person that is the only way i can see anyone whether you're sponsored by gymshark or not oh is that the president of the united states he's not sponsored by jim shark oh is that a you know olympian gold medalist four times yeah he's not sponsored by jim shark oh my gosh dude this is so good shark asleep and he was fat and he was on the front page people would be bit they'll be a storm there'll be a storm about that no no no no not this uh this little controversy which we have here there'll be an absolute storm around him i am almost positive there are gymshark athletes that would be considered fat that are like men and power lifters i can almost guarantee that so that is a lie you know they will get they'll get him off in a heartbeat there'll be so much controversy on there assuming he's a guy because it's an apple for guys and it happens for women it seems so yeah uh it's funny how he could even make that mistake see surely that seems pretty obvious it's like it's like you it it it's like you have somebody in like uh it's it's like you're speaking to a doctor and then they and then they say they can't like perform like bypass surgery or or something like that and then and then the doctor replies oh well these are can you and it's like yeah because i'm not a doctor like i don't know what did anyone understand that i am so confused so should you never be on gymshark either like are this is insane to me that people yeah you shouldn't be on tube shark yeah yeah yeah true that's a fair yeah he shouldn't be on gymshark if if his physique is bad no he shouldn't be on gymshark why are we having people with bad physiques on gymshark what's the point of gymshark then what's the point of gymshark dude they're a clothing company that shows clothes like i don't understand why gymshark has become this mythical thing in this guy's head that is above everything like dude it is literally closed bro it's literally closed and they're trying to sell clothes to everyone and trust me there are a lot of bigger people that are working out that would like to wear clothes i i don't i don't understand how this is hard to understand like i really really don't understand how this how this is so hard to understand it it is it it's just a place where people like it it's just an advocate of random photos of people like no dude it's it's jim shark's instagram that is made and is around so they can sell clothes to people that's why boys are seriously this mad about this girl who's not like like i said earlier there's nothing wrong with how she looks but people are genuinely mad and someone made a comment saying she's not going to win any physique shows anytime soon like dude guess what she probably doesn't care guess what not ever not three feet pops okay everyone is trying to win physique shows guess what look who's not also going to win a physique dude i did a physique and i got last place doesn't mean that in defense to him he has a lot of loose skin right when you're doing physique shows i assume there's some sort of rubric right there's some sort of generalized way in order to judge people and when you have somebody on stage with loose skin that rubric may not apply or may become extremely hard to apply it to this sort of situation right i don't think he's physically necessarily bad i saw his physique on stage i don't think it was necessarily bad right i mean i agree with that like i don't feel i'm not mad that i didn't win a physique show like i understand i should have got last and i got last that's fine i don't care like that's not the point i was trying to make is that just because you're not winning physique shows doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be posted on gymshark or whatever page like there is there is no it's not a necessary thing right like it's just it's so strange to me man i think it was just hard to judge i don't think it's his fault i think um i think his physique was good on stage i don't really think it's comparable to this because there's a big difference between last place is just kind of like the abyss right it's like you come last place and then you could have not tried at all or you could come last place and you could have tried one percent less than the person who came second to last right and i think obese the beast is definitely closer to the one percent less than the not tried at all category and i don't want to chase fitness doesn't mean that i don't want to better myself doesn't mean that i should just give up doesn't mean that no company ever that talks about fitness will ever post about me no no it doesn't but if that's what you think and you think that you have to be this perfect body like why not be like that's awesome that you're giving other people a chance to be on this platform like oh man this stuff is there was one comment that i saw that i was like i really really want to read this one so uh guys it's not normal to have you have to fight i was really hoping he would say something about that that point right there but sadly of course he skipped that he skipped over that one right back this unhealthy trend we have to fight back that's a very normal body that is a very normal body and then someone saying it with freaking throw up emoji yeah obviously that's just people being rude i will never condone that never in my life for like what i can do and people are just being mean people just being rude however if people have well constructed arguments like the one or i well i think my own argument is well constructed that's why i said it i was going to say random arguments which i think are badly constructed um but the thing i just said there about the devaluation of the platform i think uh those points are fair but just to say ick yuck is sad to see them it's sad to see them promoting unhealthy habits that's more understandable gymshark should be uh uh oh interesting it seems like he's he's rounding the corner and he's almost he almost wants to say they should they should promote healthy people but he can't say that and i know he's probably not going to because if he says that then everything i've been saying is like yeah that's what i'm saying dude interesting it's not unhealthy that's not the thing it's i can't say other than on jim shockley if i'm gonna be honest but he said it's unjim sharky that's that's his argument i don't like this because it's on jim sharkey and i know more than jim shark what is jim sharkey sir this is on jim sharkey you can't do this unbelievable oh my gosh [Laughter] oh okay let's keep going because as i said we look at all the gymshark posts these people's amazing physiques look before and after pictures before and after picture amazing physique we can't receive the physique inside at this guy like there was a a time where he had to he was working to get to that point these witches because i just think amazing physique amazing physique before and after amazing physique amazing physique what this guy right here this is a normal looking dude like that's boxing like i promise you jim shark doesn't only care and i don't even know much about gymshark but i promise they don't only care about having physique competitors there are a lot of people that do sports that don't look quote unquote jacked or shredded that are unbelievably talented at what they do it has nothing to do with what they look like jim shark has a before and after amazing physique jim shark has oh is that cramp my life jim shark has oh man there is a guy running right there not a super crazy that physique like this is what gym shop does and then like that all of a sudden they just they just like change it up it's it's it's i don't know this uh i i mean that's fine this person i like how he just skipped over that one he's like oh wait all right this one's fine it's fine it's fine it's cool just sitting down so that's like you see this person here i don't know which ones are before i think this one's the after other scene i'm not too sure it doesn't matter though it doesn't matter though okay good to know still a good physique even for being in the wheelchair see good physique because it's amazing look at james english here man look and it's just like oh okay so so we're not we're not doing that anymore we're not showing amazing physiques anymore we're showing like mediocre physiques and they're showing real life is what's happening my friend that's what they're showing it's that simple they're showing real life that's what's happening that's it not everyone has an amazing physique and that's okay that's what they're trying to show how is it that hard to understand this and then it's like where did this come from you know jeez man um all right so i'm trying to find there was one i mean this one this is utterly disgusting and she should be shamed are you kidding me how is that disgusting like that's not disgusting at all that is a normal body i like how all these people have like meme names like built different this okay kuma guy like i think these people these people's sole existence on the internet is to make troll comments like this you know i wouldn't take them to one assumes you don't take any of these people too seriously because like if you're a big figure you don't read comments that's not true dude not true just be so this is this is the argument that a lot of people will use when they say really mean stuff to big big uh you know big people on the internet is they just start to think that they what they say to them doesn't matter because they're probably not going to read it when in reality i'm sure she read a lot of these comments and i'm sure it was very difficult for her and to just sit there and be like man she probably doesn't read them you know she has a b she's a big figure like she has a good amount of followers she has like 200 000 but i have more than that and i read most of my comments that i get and i'm sure if a big page like ins or like jim shark or some million million amount of followers page posted me i'd probably read a good amount of them and that would probably affect my mood and so just to say like she doesn't read them come on dude that's not true it's just not true you shouldn't anyway if you like your mental health you shouldn't or if if you like your mental health you shouldn't or dude this dude is victim blaming to a unbelievable amount if you like your mental health you should stop reading the comments it shouldn't be maybe don't leave really terrible comments about people no no no no don't read them you know don't read them it's your fault you read them you're the one that now you're sad like it's your fault sorry you shouldn't have read them jeez come on dude if you if you grow off controversy which some people do which is fair enough then you actually read your comments but like nine times out then uh you probably shouldn't oh my gosh it's insane i'm sure this guy has about five followers too and he's telling he's telling what people with hundreds of thousands of followers should do good good job okay here we go this is the comment that i was looking for i think this is it so it says wow this person's out here right and find an essay in the comments bro dude don't even you can't complain about that when you made a freaking 45 minute video about this are you kidding me he said hey this person wrote an s8 bro you made a 45 minute video about this [Laughter] we got we got emojis and what's funny is that now this is gonna be an hour and a half long video for me yikes full stops all right let's see let's see what this is h it's beautiful she is happy in her skin as she should be but where is the glorification for those who work their butt off in the gym every day and have the discipline to not put whatever they want into their uh bodies and stick to an ideal diet dude are you kidding me whenever almost every other post on gymshark was that was people i understand this i understand both sides here so this person's saying gymshark should almost be like a like a near enough sacred place for this it shouldn't be like oh like i i always compare gymshark to a stage to a competition right it's like oh you get all these competitors they were really great and then they're like whoa okay so bro he just said gym shark is a sacred place my dude it's a clothing company that's what it is like there's nothing wrong with that there are some great clothing companies out there you know check out you get some cool stuff but there are some great clothing companies out there but they're just clothing companies they're not sacred places where you go and walk upon holy ground and and worship the gymshark athletes it's not like that you know what bro you're not acting very jim sharkly right now and it's kind of cringy i'm just saying oh wait you you have this like out competitor which is clearly not up to par with all the others and then they got through and then they're like competing in the highest in the highest rung and again social media is not a competition like it's literally not and he literally thinks it is and everybody in the highest wrong wins and then they won it's like what it's like michelle wwgd what would jim shark do that's what so i have a wwjd bracelet on he probably wears a wwg d bracelet what would jim shark do oh my gosh and again this point is like there's so many people okay so gymshark never ever has to put make a post like that at all and they can post a different person every single day they never have to make a body positive person they can post the picture of a different person every single day because there's so many people uh i've seen them with at least a thousand followers um someone with at least ten thousand followers with amazing physiques dude gymshark isn't in the business of posting the best physiques they're in the business of making money that's what they're in the business of and so because maybe they're not making money the way you want them to make money you think that they should post people with a thousand followers and i guarantee dude i guarantee this person would also have a problem with that because they'd be like why are you posting this person that only has 500 followers when this person over here has 20 000 followers and they've been trying to gain their followers for years and years and years this person hasn't even put in that much work on their social media how dare you jim shark that's what he would say guess what it doesn't matter right amazing physiques and i think that's the point they're trying to make here it's like why are you showing this body on your page when there's so so so many people out there who have never had the opportunity to get on your page who have physiques which are 10 20 30 times better than this person guess what because they don't deserve it just like i don't deserve it just like mr olympia doesn't deserve it just like literally anyone doesn't deserve because it is a clothing company's instagram and they don't owe you anything they don't owe you a single thing and so they don't deserve to post you no matter if you have the best physique on the planet it doesn't matter they don't owe you anything it's a completely fair point the point which obese the beast is making here is fair as well it's like okay all the other posts are that why can't we have a post like this and to that i would say that's not what gymshark is for i don't think so if that's what gymshark wants to be for now okay you've devalued your platform i wouldn't do that personally but if that's what you want to do fair you think they've valued the platform again that's your opinion but there are probably a lot of people that saw that post and were like wow this is cool because this makes me feel better about the body that i'm in or i can relate to this so because maybe in your mind it's devalued it to you it hasn't that doesn't mean it's devalued it to every single other person enough right well that was super shredded and we're jacked and we're most likely not natural and you probably will never look like and you should probably not look up to those people because you're probably never going to get there right like that's what most of those posts were and so to be upset about that but let's keep going let's keep going um why can't the ones who have earned their bodies only be only be featured only be featured this is a fitness attire page right i don't understand featuring someone who is not interested or serious about fitness but like how do that's a fair point there there's not really any kickback you can have to that um you can look like this and not be into fitness you can look like this and be in the fitness it's hard to say we know how do we know that this girl isn't one interested or see if this person's probably interested in fitness i guess we could have a look it wouldn't be that hard to find it got a lot of likes so so there you go won the world why does only get comments it got a lot of traction so um eating disorder recovery i may get banned for this don't family please oh wait i've seen this person's post before i remember seeing this uh i'd say was there into fitness guess what dude guess what you can be into fitness and not put it on your instagram did you know that's possible i know it's hard to believe now especially for you who seems to worship gymshark but it is possible to post on someone's to to do fitness and work out not post about it it's possible man i know it's hard for you to probably believe but it is possible also they seem to be into body positivity i don't know if they're into fitness it seems kind of it seems not but with you seems serious about fitness just because she doesn't look like the models that are normally on the page like this this type of thinking this type of thinking is why that acceptance it is why health at every size it is why body positivity all of these movements are gaining so much steam because there are people out there dummies to be exact but there are people out there that see someone that has wrecked i said dummies absolutely savage normal body and is immediately jumped to she's disgusting uh she doesn't work hard she again i shouldn't have to make this point you can have a normal body fine but don't go and compete on the olympia stage and dude she's not competing on the olympia stage bro where are you coming from with that like you've made up this analogy and now it's like you're you're acting like this is the truth it's not true she's not competing on the stage she was posted on an instagram page it is different expect to win or don't don't go and compete on the stage and expect for people to to not judge you for competing on that stage jimmy i said this last time during this video it's a stage it's a platform it's not a stage dude it's not it's an instagram page man where people where you've competed for that space on the platform then you get to stay there it's your podium right and if you have a podium and people don't think you're worthy of that podium which let's be honest compare it to all the other people on the page doesn't really seem to be then people are going to be mad at you on that podium because you don't deserve it and that's what the comments are saying the comments like hey there's loads of other people out here there's way no that's not what the comments are saying the comments were saying ik with a throw up emoji it was people saying this person doesn't deserve to be here it was people saying very mean things with people saying that this person is probably has clogged arteries because what they're not shredded so this argument that you're making up the comments weren't even that like it wasn't like it was people saying this in a calm way like you are right it was people saying really really mean things for no reason it's different bro better physiques why don't they get a place and then what's the response to that like want to be inclusive we want to have people like if you if you want to be inclusive find them just devalue the whole thing so so it's not a matter of working hard it's a matter of being lucky enough to fit a weird diversity quota and no dude it's about being able to make it to make gymshark money how many times do i have to say it i don't understand why people for some reason think gymshark is some holy brand like it doesn't make any sense and again i know that this video is it's uh i'm not trying to sit here and like crap on gymshark this is literally any clothing brand that exists like i think i probably shouldn't bring my sponsors into this but like if bpn did something similar as a bpm sponsored athlete that has in in this guy's my transcended regular mortals i would not think to myself wow i can't believe i'm i'm in this brand uh disgusting but the the value of bpn has now gone down no i wouldn't think that and i'm sure most if not all i would hope all of the gymshark athletes probably feel the same way and then being like ushered in like i know what else to say about that point i feel like that's pretty obvious again he keeps on trying to compare like the average person to a gymshark athlete it's like they should not be the same if they're the same then being a gymshark athlete is meaningless dude it it's just a sponsorship man it's just a sponsorship needs to work harder on her diet she's eating too much she's doing this this is what's wrong and it's like dude you don't know a single thing about this person and to sit there and say that they are disgusting like oh my gosh man i'm sorry and so this is um that's funny so there's a comment right here that says at least only jim shark was on fire in the comments so what's funny to me is that this guy is so mad about this right so like he has such a problem but jim shark themselves were responding to all of these comments being very snarky and they were pretty funny but like it was very clear jim shark doesn't agree with what those comments were saying so it's so strange to me that this guy feels like he needs to make a video who is he trying to prove it to dude jim shark themselves have basically said this is what we support this is what we want to believe in this is what we want to post and then now you are making a video what are you trying to explain to gymshark why they're wrong about their brand like dude what it's just so strange to me so weird i'm getting heated but like this stuff is ridiculous um and then it says i follow this page because i love seeing the fit hard working models it motivates me to my core see here we go like what i was talking about before the non-materialistic service motivation and then seeing this it's like oh okay then like is this supposed to be a motivational post is this supposed to yeah it's motivational for a big group of people not for you obviously but guess what instagram doesn't exist just to serve you bro it's not just for you there's a lot of other people on the planet that have a lot of other life experience that have been through a lot of different things that instagram can serve as well and so this post might not be it for you my dude but guess what most of all of other gymshark's posts will tickle your fancy and you'll see your buff dudes in shirtless with their abs out and you'll be happy and holy gym shark will be renewed and the spirit will live on in the holy trinity and you'll feel better but this post right here maybe it wasn't for you this is an extremely good comment well thought out detailed is a good comment seeing this however i feel it really takes away from those who take fitness very seriously and incorporate it in their everyday life again and this goes back to what i've said so many times about the other side with health at every size or the other side of body positivity stop comparing yourself why are you comparing yourself to the other people that are on a gym shark doesn't make any sense why i mean just stop i'm interested to do what he's gonna say i wonder if he's gonna be like no no no i like to compare myself to other people it's probably going to be something along that motivates me it motivates me to compare myself to other people did you not just compare the people was it was one of your first points not you won't be winning any shows and then was one of the points you just made not um you you're not going to be featured on gymshark or whatever you probably won't be featured though either or whatever whatever the point was i don't remember exactly bro come on dude how are you going to try and make an argument and then literally in the middle of the argument forget what the argument is come on dude like you've been comparing people multiple times throughout this video and i think it's fine to compare yourself to other people you just gotta deal with like comparison is not a mentality for people who can't handle it comparison is a pretty difficult mentality to handle because if you oh gosh here we go again so now only a certain group of people only a certain group of people are allowed to compare themselves to others because they have a strong enough mentality huh wow interesting strange to me you fail you fail hard right but for people who are good at comparison comparison is the best thing in the world you compare yourself to somebody else um to some people it's like uh what do you call it it's like a dude please for the love of god if you cannot form a complete sentence in a reasonable amount of time just edit it out it doesn't take long please dude i know you called him dude did he like leave would he go and get some food or something in between his points geez man it's like it's like a trebuchet or something right it likes it's like a slingshot like slingshots of person up it's like okay then i need to be able to be as good as this person all right i'm gonna put all my effort i've seen this person let's go that's how i feel right when i see somebody deadlifting like okay so what he is saying is i agree it's fine to be motivated by other people okay totally fine to get motivation from others but i believe motivation is still fleeting and it shouldn't be about anything external it should be an internal desire to better yourself okay because if you rely on motivation or comparison that is your metric on how you get better and how you decide to work hard that is fleeting and you should instead internalize these things that you want and then work for those things it shouldn't be what's bob sally and joe doing and i need to see what they're doing so i am now motivated to work hard working hard should come internally before there is any external things that are going on because all of those external things guess what are not in your control but what is in your control is what is inside of you if if you can focus on what's inside of you and put that out into the world i promise you'll be in a better place than if you focus on what sally joe and jim are doing focus on yourself work on yourself because you're you yourself want yourself to be better not because you want to beat someone else it needs to come from inside 300 kg and they're the same age as me i i i'm not like oh this is this makes me so sad and inferior i'm like all right come on let's put on the belt it's time to dead lift you know there is there's different there's different responses that people have i think just generalizing everybody and saying um this sort of comparison isn't is bad it's an extremely negative thing for some people some people thrive over comparison like me some people don't like me he just threw that in there nice like obese obese potentially i'm not too sure like most possibly positive people i like this way because they can't handle comparison and instagram is probably a comparison site right it's like here is this person here is you big difference again that is your own that is your own thing that you are putting out there like everyone feels the same way you do be like this person or you're inferior that's all what instagram says implicitly throughout its posts which is fine for me because it's like yeah sure at this moment i am afraid of this person but hey not for long because when you become better than that person who you aspire to be or if when you become as good as them best feeling in the world it feels so good just to improve just to get that level feel so good however i would love to see what this guy has accomplished and that he is so proud that he was able to beat xyz person i'm very interested well there is there's a middle ground here where you instead of comparing yourself to that person compare yourself to what you were yesterday you done 100 on bench for five reps yesterday now you do 102 yes compare yourself to yourself you want to be better for yourself very simple i already said it for five reps you've improved compare yourself to what you were yesterday and then see how you've improved today right there are different ways to do this if you do it like that you'll probably be more happy but your gains your general gains and whatever you're doing will probably be slower how how does he know how how in god's green earth does he know that that's that's the truth so if you compare yourself to yourself you're probably not going to grow as fast but if you compare yourself to jack jack jackerson over there that's taking a bunch of steroids and that you'll literally never be able to compare to uh you'll probably get stronger how do you how do you know that because you don't have that slingshot that trebuchet with people who are good at comparison have do your thing like why do you feel like you like there i saw other comments and i guess this isn't the one but i saw other comments of being like man imagine working super hard to get gymshark to notice you only to see this like dude if the reason you are working out well that's a good point as well that wait that's a really good point actually yeah like i might imagine like imagine working out every single day for mop for like however many hours let's go to extreme like five hours to become a gym shark athlete and then you see this oh my gosh he's falling right into it the whole point is that you shouldn't be working out to become a gymshark athlete that's the whole point man i'm really excited to see what he says that's the mechanical gym so ashley it's like oh well i i do okay i didn't expect that to happen but you know it's like oh well it looks like what i'm doing here is kind of like meaningless or i just get the job instantly or you know if so jim shark notices you hey bro maybe the wrong reason to be working out maybe many many there's many levels to what you just said okay so firstly if you work out everybody works out for a reason if you work out you can work out for different reasons you can't just work out for one reason right so if you oh interesting you can't just work out for one reason work out so that like a closing brand sees you and sponsors you what's wrong with that people go to school to get jobs like there is nothing wrong with being sponsored by gymshark dude i didn't say that i said if your whole reason for working out is because you want jim shark to notice you that's a problem and you should probably look into that people go why can't people just work out in the gym together well i don't understand what the problem is that like inherently that that seems to be completely completely ethical completely logical completely like more thing to do i don't understand what the problem is that is like you can do it to be healthy and you can also do it to get a sponsorship right like it like it would be cool if i had the sponsorship now that would be awesome right oh dude we know we know you want a sponsorship very bad you've made it pretty clear my man but guess what i don't think that all holy gym shark in all of their eternal glory will will no longer bestow a sponsorship upon thine i don't think it's gonna happen just so you know so i know that's probably a hard pill to swallow but it might be time to move on to alphalete or another brand similar you can say i'm working out to get sponsorship but i'm also going out to become healthy or do an extent i'm also working out to competing a powerlifting show and plays higher in the powerlifting show i'm also working out um because i like working out you know you can be working out for multiple different reasons i don't think working out to become a gym shark actually is a bad thing in any way shape or form i think it's a good thing if anything gyms are at least the primus of of athletes normally working out are you crazy dude what are you talking about gymshark athletes are the primeist of athletes dude i'm sure they're great people and they do fine things but i'm sorry they are not the prime of athletes gymshark isn't out here sponsoring a bunch of olympic level athletes i'm sure they have really strong power lifters and really great bodybuilders and some other i know they're getting into more things but i'm sorry it is not the end all be all of sponsorship come on dude to become one of them is an extremely valiant thing to do it's like working out to become a mystery he just said valiant this is so weird the words he is using like it's really like it's it's weird he's using like like christian or like religious terms to talk about a gym shark sponsorship i'm so blown away by this to become an olympian right mr olympia classic physique whatever it may be it's like it's like working out to become a if uh ifbb pro or or on on ipf pro an ipf world champion you know it's like working out to get a world record bench press it's like work or deadlift or squat or whatever it's like what no dude working out to get a world record bench press is definitely different than working out to become sponsored by gymshark very different things you have to get a guinness world record um bench said lift or squat you know again i don't get that point don't make sense to me maybe other better reasons to work out maybe maybe care about your health maybe maybe do it because you want to be better maybe not do it because oh maybe if i of being better and being a gymshark athlete mutually exclusive i would say that mutually inclusive has actually even the word i would say they're the the interlinked inextricably i think that's how you say it so like they're intertwined and they can't be taken apart i work out jim shark will notice he said they can't be taken apart so if you are a gymshark athlete you by proxy are now good and the best and you can never be anything other than that as long as you are a gym shark athlete because they are connected at the hip and the re the reason i'm saying that is because i don't think that's why these people are actually working out but it's giving them a reason to be critical of this post and be complete jerks right that is why i think they're saying it i don't think they're oh i don't think the only reason they're working out is because they want senpai jim shark to notice them and if that is why if that's why you're working out i'm sorry that's that's really sad that's really sad if the whole reason why is that sad literally your whole channel is built off working out you could say you've worked out to grow a channel to 700 000 subscribers i mean you could say that but that's not why i uh that's not why i work out i worked out for years before i started an instagram before i started a youtube channel i started a youtube channel because i wanted to help people lose weight that's why not because i wanted a clothing sponsorship because guess what how many years has it been now hmm seven years what clothing sponsorship do i have guess how many i could have a lot i could get a clothing sponsor if i wanted to but i don't do it for that it's possible to have a big following and not be sponsored by every single thing that comes down the line you can say no because guess what a sponsorship isn't anything other than an agreement that hopefully is going to make you money and hopefully going to make the sponsor money that's all it is it's not some prestigious thing that has been knighted upon thee and that is now you are transcended upon mere mortals and now you can lord over them that's not what it is dude it's literally you get close you post about them you make money they make money there you go very simple this is a like i i i don't understand how how like you completely glanced over this point how you're judging people for doing something which you've practically done here you could say that you're working out to not become obese okay then and then you start working out and then you start working out producing videos going to the gym in order to gain more followers you've made videos about you going to crossfit gyms what you understand that you can post things not just because you want to become famous right like that it is a it is possible you are working out to get a following if you weren't then you simply would not record it right you've made the chance no you're wrong with almost a million followers and you're judging people for doing the same thing you've done to a significantly to a extremely lesser extent it just don't make any sense to me reason you're working out so you can get sponsored by freaking gym shark like they're just a clothing company bro just buy some clothes i um having uh oh he's mad he's mad i said something mean about his favorite brand jim shark and now he's gonna be very upset oh no i'm preparing myself all right let's see what he does to me he's going to wreck me right now trouble you've gone to school for for five years just to walk for a law firm bro they're just they're just a law firm but just buy it just hire a lawyer bro you you've got you you've gone to school for for three years to become a doctor but bro getting sponsored by gymshark is not the same as going to a university for four to five years or even longer to become a doctor and work in a hospital are you kidding me uh is this real life are there people out there that are like it is the same like i love my job but i'm not gonna sit here and say what i do is the same as going to uh medical going to college i don't even know what it's called going to college for eight years to become a doctor dude art wow i am blown away bro just hire a doctor like what in the world is this point what is going through your head to make this point in what if in what galaxy in what if in what solar system this point makes sense they're just a clothing company no it's a business you know what you get from a business money they're doing it to make a living off of it exactly bro exactly it's just a business it is a business arrangement i don't know why you've turned it into some holy trinity that is a transcendent of all other things but it's literally just a business partnership between two people i don't i don't know why you think it needs to be anything more than that you literally said it he said it's not clothing it's a business yes it is a clothing business it's just a clothes company now give me a break dude my life like i don't understand how this post right here how this post can make people say these terrible things and then okay so and then it goes on again again not shaming her okay okay dude nothing in this shame though they literally just said she's not um extremely hard working in the gym which is true not shame which is true because he knows i mean her but i don't agree with her being relevant that is it's not worded perfectly but that is peru to capital t true she shouldn't be relevant on the gymshark platform gymshark platform should be exclusively for people with extreme physiques compared to the olympia made the comparison loads of times dog know it it doesn't though like that is what you think but jim shark themselves who owns the instagram page disagrees so how are you going to come on here and be like but what i am saying is the truth the the owners of the page disagree with what you're saying how is it so like i'm just blown away man that's how it should be dude who even talks like that i'm not shaming her but i don't think she deserves a platform dude what is wrong with you she can have a platform she watch other platforms i'm just not in gym shock why do you care so much like because this person may want to be a jim shark athlete i don't know maybe they don't maybe they do as they they care they said before why they care so much they care so much because gymsuck motivates them this post isn't motivational yeah like this comment right here not shaming her but she shouldn't exist like what are you it's not saying she shouldn't exist saying she shouldn't be on the gym shop platform talking about why are you so mad why are you so mad about this i don't get it but i really why are you so mad uh i i've got pretty heated because i i match people when they get heated normally but yeah but if anybody's mad about this my friend it is not the comments i will tell you that bro yes i was mad i was very upset because i saw many comments of people saying really terrible things about a person who now i've discovered is an eating disorder recovery because a platform like gym shark they decided to post a company like jim shark decided to post them on their instagram and people decided to go on there and write really really nasty mean disparaging things about this person that didn't ask for it and now are going to have to deal with the backlash and reading those comments and now their mental health is going to be uh is going to suffer because of those comments so yes i was mad i was very mad and i'm still kind of mad because you think that it's just funny and you're sitting back here laughing and thinking it's hilarious because you you somehow believe that your that your vision for jim shark the religion is the only way to do it that's why i'm mad because you think that you you have this almighty plan and it's just it's ridiculous dude like oh my gosh okay let's keep going we need to finish this comment this is really becoming a world where everyone receives a trophy having not earned it true true that's so true dude that last point so true every point which which i've made here can just be summed up as this everybody gets a trophy and then what does a trophy mean nothing the trophy is synonymous with mere existence to exist is to have a trophy and therefore trophies near enough meaningless and following heartbroken emoji peace emoji jesus dude a fitness page posting an unhealthy body nice like oh my gosh dude this stuff is like again man i have talked a lot about healthy every size and i've talked a lot about the fact that i think for the most part you can't tell if someone is healthy or not by looking at their body other than if we're talking about the extremes on both ends right really really big really really small but like to sit here and say like a girl like this who has a i mean i would say that's a very normal body to be like they're unhealthy and they don't deserve it exactly it's normal gyms shouldn't be promoting normal bodies they should be promoting extra normal bodies oh my gosh he said gymshark shouldn't be promoting normal bodies are you kidding me dude i'm sorry that this is the world you live in man but like jeez dude that's that is a really sad way to be looking at this like i'm just blown away because this i can tell this guy thinks he has a big brain he's super smart he like he can really like he knows everything right that's the that's the vibe i'm getting but to not understand that gymshark is a company before anything else they are a company that is trying to make money and so to not understand why they would post this blows my mind how would you how do you not understand that of course they're gonna post this and if you if the argument was i think they're only posting this because they're trying to make money off of body positivity that would be a much much much more interesting argument that would have it would be much better to have an argument and have a debate over that 100 percent but to be like i don't understand they shouldn't post this stuff it's like dude they're gonna make they're trying to make money that's why they're posting it's very simple if they're motivating normal bodies then it's like what is the page just for normal people the normal pace for normal people wow that like that sounds interesting like if i won if i wanted to see normal i just go outside like to be here or deserve to be relevant is absolutely it's just sad like it really is sad that people if you want to make a normal page with normal people go on see how well it does it won't do well you know why because no one cares if people see normal people they'll look outside people want to see extraordinary people extra normal people supernatural people some people may even say dude it's like he's he has made the argument that it's now like jim shark only posts this stuff and this is the only thing that's out there and this is the everything has shifted to this the majority of their content is still super jack dudes like still super fit people so like i'm confused how how them adding something for you takes away from whatever experience you are getting from the page like because they're adding more people making more people feel like they belong it is somehow taking away from how you feel about the page like it doesn't make any sense at all i enhanced people people who've been on gear for 10 years people who who've been taking trt people who've um done extreme feats people who are able to squat like 100 kg with only having one probably 100 kg i don't know people can squat with one they want with people who can squat like 200 kg only having one leg people can do this people you can do this extreme feats that's what people care about imagine if the olympics was it was just like it was just like normal people running and jogging and doing like high jump or whatever who cares how how is the gym shark paige at all at all the same as the olympics i'm i am blown away and then his argument was they should show more more people on steroids so we can give people an unrealistic expectation of what to expect if you work out nice great argument bro good job no one will have like i think okay i'm gonna try and relax for a little bit i think that it's great that people love fitness and they love working out and they love this stuff so i've been recording for so long oh my last 42 minutes no invokes uh this like feeling in them but if you have let it take you take you over so much to the point where you go on these pages and you're commenting this stuff uh because you're upset like it really feels like it really feels like a lot of the people that are leaving these comments are genuinely mad because they're not on gym shark like that's that literally boils down to oh uh i'm not on gym shark so i'm mad that this person is if their physique's better than them then they should be mounted like is that an unfair position so he is uh agreeing with me there nice awesome should the gym shark be a merotography meritocracy and not like some random diversity quota anybody gets in if like we like them no uh jim shark should if they care about making money do anything that they think will make them money like weird weird like pseudo nepotism like shouldn't it be a meritocracy how do you work more likely you want to get a gym shark and if it's not meritoxy people are always going to be mad because then people can't get it it's like saying it's like being cursed or being blessed i am i'm convinced this guy thinks he is a pastor or something this is so strange the words he is using without putting in any effort it's like you've just been blessed now you are a gymsuck actually oh you've been cursed you could never be jim's like actually that's like whoa so there's nothing i can do about this no and it's like you expect people not to be angry at that like that stuff is insane to me like i've had i've had people i've had people comment on my pictures uh with my sponsors and stuff i don't have very many but on my they're like wow it's ridiculous that he he's getting recognition because he was unhealthy and ate whatever he wanted for 20 years of his life and here's the difference you are extremely impressive you went from adam however where you were to whatever to like now when you were obese that's whole point that's why it's impressive that's why people watch you because you have a you have an extremely unique insight i don't think this person does they have an eating disorder okay dude again it's not going to be it's not going to be interesting to you again dude it's so strange to me that people get so tilted because something is posted that maybe doesn't resonate with them a lot like just because it doesn't resonate with you a ton that doesn't mean that it's worthless like that post for me doesn't really mean much i didn't get much out of it but i can still understand that there are many many people that that post will help and so just because maybe it doesn't resonate with me doesn't mean i need to go on and post wow this is terrible i can't believe this this is disgusting there's no use for it it doesn't make any sense i guess that's a unique insight now he's changed his life but and now he gets a sponsorship but i've been working hard my whole life and i don't have any sponsors like it's like dude i i don't do ah i'm not gonna talk about it it's it's a it's a product of the lost sons or from the ordeal in it it's like the sun went away then the sun comes back then you'll make those parties for the sun and then the other son who's stayed there for the whole time is like wait where's my party he really is like making arguments based on the bible or something the prodigal son so weird so that sort of seems to be the point he's making here which i agree with but that's not the point that people on the gymshark page are making do this stuff to get sponsorships that's the point like i don't post the stuff that i post because i want sponsors to notice me if that's why you're posting stuff if that's why you're into fitness why do you post it then to help people uh i post it because i think it's interesting i post it because i want to make myself better i post it because i think it's interesting i post it because i think it's funny i post it because i think it's fun to watch i post it because uh it makes me money i post it because of a lot of things but i don't post it because i want a sponsor to notice me is because you want sponsors to notice you you're in it for the wrong reasons that's it's just that simple and trust me what i'm saying those sponsors that you're trying to impress will see right through you because they deal with thousands and thousands and thousands of people that are trying to get sponsored by gymshark for no other reason than to be able to say i'm sponsored by gymshark matt does fitness playing an um email asking to be sponsored by jim truck after get after putting in that email he was sponsored i know a few of my friends matt does fitness one is one of my friends and two had thousands and thousands and thousands of followers before he was sponsored by gymshark he is incredibly strong he is incredibly fit he has been working out for many many many many many years before he was sponsored by jim shark so i know for a fact if i had a conversation with again my friend who i have met many times he would say he did not start working out because he wanted to be sponsored by gymshark he actually was back in the day uh he was a physical education teacher and taught kids how to work out and all that stuff so do you think that the reason matt does fitness was a physical education teacher for years and years and years was because eventually he thought he was going to be sponsored by gymshark no that's not why he did it who put in emails about being sponsored by jim shark and then they became well not few i know one and then they became sponsored by jim shark were they doing it for the wrong reasons like isn't is matt does fitness doing what he does for the wrong reasons like guess who cares no one no one cares well people care evidently like if you get featured on the gym shark page and then you're like hey i'm a gymshark athlete people are going to be like wow that's pretty cool like people definitely care if you're a gym shark athlete like like if i you care if people are a gymshark athlete because guess what if there's a new ins if there's a new gymshark athlete announced tomorrow guess who wouldn't even know me probably a lot of people in this chat you care a lot because you care a lot about gymshark and that's fine you can care a lot about gymshark but just because you care again doesn't mean that everyone else cares about gymshark right so you can care about something while simultaneously a lot of other people don't care i go into a gym and then and then like being a gymshark actually comes up it's like it's all like imagine saying that about somebody who's in the staff imagine saying that about david laid it's like oh nobody cares if you're david laid bro it's like i don't really know who david late is but i'm sure uh if he became not a gym shark athlete he would still have a lot of people that cared about what he'd post and he would still care about a lot of there would still be a lot of people that cared about his pictures and if he got sponsored by another clothing company people like okay whatever really wouldn't be that big of a deal people care you know if i see david laid in the gym i'm taking the phone with him 100 come on now he's david laid exactly he's david laid he is not a gymshark sponsored athlete named david laid right so you're telling me if you saw him in the gym the day after he announced i am no longer a gym shark sponsored athlete you just walk by and like uh gross disgusting you're not sponsored by jim shark anymore no i'm sure you'd still want to take a picture of him probably give him a hug and be a little too you know too clingy with him he he he is gymshark in my opinion exactly in your opinion sorry i know that i was triggered in this but i was i got i was reading the comments this is absolutely ridiculous i think that i'm like losing my voice i think that this is really sad and i it's really sad to see and it's kind of disgusting and i really i hope that gymshark keeps i gotta stop recording either my videos are extremely long and extremely short honestly all right i've been through i've been recording for almost an hour all right i'll see you a lot later a beast the beast hopefully you um see this i'm gonna post in your discord so yeah i'll see you later peace wow well i think that um that is i don't know man that that literally like blew my mind uh we've been talking about this for over an hour and a half and i think it's i think it really is sad like the the takeaway from this is it really is sad that there are people out there that have put clothing companies on such a big pedestal that they have like these like almost ethereal thoughts about them to where what they should do what they shouldn't do what they should post what they shouldn't post when the um when the company themselves have been like this is what we're going to stand for it's it's really really sad to me and that was really tough to get all the way through obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 67,885
Rating: 4.8740835 out of 5
Keywords: gymshark, fat loss, weight loss, john glaude, obesetobeast
Id: 3lBnlPVdYqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 56sec (6116 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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