Rachel Hollis is Toxic & Entitled (Just STOP)

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[Music] guys gals non-binary pals today okay so this is going to be a little bit different of a video we are going to be talking about someone that is kind of fitness related but also kind of not but it's it's honestly just something i've been really interested in i've been watching a lot of content about this and i have my own opinions on it and i feel like we do have some sort of overlap so today we're going to be talking about rachel hollis and the recent debacles that she's been going through uh for lack of a better term and my opinions on it so if you're not familiar with who rachel hollis is she got popular i think it was in around 2016 where she shared a post on her instagram where she was showing that her body isn't quote unquote perfect it was like a body positivity kind of post um so this is the actual picture right here and i think it's it's really interesting because again you guys know me like the way that i got you know became popular or whatever on social media was through a very similar type of thing right i posted about loose skin after losing 180 pounds um and like it was a video hers is an instagram post but from there um she has really been able to turn like that one post obviously it's much more than that but that's where it started um she was able to turn that into honestly like a in an entire empire that she has been like you know on top of for you know since 2016. so what she kind of turned her brand into was kind of like um it's almost a meme nowadays but back then it wasn't as much but it was kind of like the quintessential girl boss girl boss type of thing so it was like um you know do your thing you need you should work hard it was kind of like hustle culture kind of like toxic positivity all of these things that i think uh now in 2021 we're looking back and we're like wow those things that maybe we thought were helpful in the past we're starting to realize one has been really harmful for a lot of people and two the people that perpetuated it their intentions don't seem to be as pure as maybe they seemed like they were at the beginning and that seems to be what's happened with rachel so the first book that rachel released i don't know if it's the first book but was the first one that became really really popular in this space i know she made like books and stuff before but it wasn't about like self-help kind of stuff but the first like self help book um that she made that got really popular was called girl washer face and it was i actually remember when this was like a really big thing and there was like a lot of um a lot of women in my life that i were that i was close to they were all kind of like all about it and they were all like really really into it um and i i remember it was very popular in like the kind of like christian woman sphere i don't know why um but that's kind of where that's where she ended up hitting that's when what her like main audience was one thing that she started doing at this time was she was doing a lot of like uh speaking engagements but she was doing a lot of speaking engagements with popular mlms and she would like go to these you know how like all these if you guys don't know what an mlm is um it's like beachbody or arbonne it's these companies that are kind of like pyramid schemes but not exactly where it's all about recruit your friends and then again they are really popular with you know like housewives and people that um you know maybe are at home and they they can you can build a business and yada yada right so she got really popular with that crowd so then she started doing these speaking engagements talking at these mlm basically like it's like these you know these like it's like these hype big hype parties that they would do so she started like she became really popular um in those in that sphere as well moving on um we're gonna skip ahead but skip ahead to 2019 and this is when i think a lot of people started to look at rachel with maybe a little bit different of a light maybe a little bit different of a lens i guess is a better way so that was the year that she released her second book which was called girl stop apologizing so this is the this is the cover of that book uh so this came out in 2019 now i want to show you guys this bloom when i first saw this i was like how how is this a real thing i could not believe it so this book came out in 2015 called hey ladies stop apologizing y'all look at these look at this are you kidding me are you this is insane it didn't even try to change it it's the same font almost like who does that so i think that when people first when people saw this and she got called out for it um obviously people were like i don't this doesn't seem very boss babe to me you know this seems more plagiarized babe you know that's kind of the vibe i'm getting i'm getting more plagiarized babe than i am getting boss babe uh from this uh you know ma allegedly stolen or allegedly copied um plagiarized uh piece of uh you know uh content that she had made um and then around this time as well she became kind of like this this figure this is really popular just in general but like she became this figure about like talking about marriage and how you have a good marriage and how you have like how you treat your husband and how your husband should treat you and how you should do thick as a woman you should do xyz to be a good wife and as a husband he should do xyz to be a good husband and then you come together and that's how you become a good like couple and and like they would like her and her husband who she married and he was a disney executive and so her whole story uh started as like she talked a lot about how she built her business from the quote unquote ground up and what she did back in the day was she did um like it was like party planning and so in her i think it's her first book i'm pretty sure it might be the second book i don't know um but she basically talked a lot about how she built her business from the ground up and she's a boss babe and she works so hard and she grinds so hard and because she grinds so hard she's able to you know she was able to build her business but the thing is is like i'm sure she grinded hashtag grind and hustled so hard i'm sure she worked hard but again she was married to a husba her husband was a disney executive and that was definitely played a part into her being able to throw these parties for influential people and to act like that's not at all part of what helped you be successful i think is a little disingenuous and again there's nothing wrong with using with using like the uh the connections that you have there's nothing wrong with that at all but be honest about it that's all i'm asking be honest about using the connections that you have be honest about talking about the uh privilege that you do have because a lot of people that have privileges don't like to talk about the privileges that they might have but just be honest about that and we're gonna be good we're golden from there right so the next thing that kind of i think made people a little weary of what she's been putting out there again there's a reason that i went so hard about talking about their marriage is because um in i think it was in 2020 they ended up getting a divorce which again on its own do your thing right like you can do that but a huge part of her brand and their brand at this point because he ended up leaving disney to work for her or to become the ceo or whatever uh but they ended up getting a divorce and a lot of their brand was about being a perfect married couple but the thing yo the thing that is crazy bro this if this this is a boss babe move all right y'all take notes okay six weeks after she got a divorce she put out a book about it dog are you kidding me what else hey she is a boss babe for that move hashtag boss babe move right there okay like that is savage and then the title of the book was didn't see this coming or something like that like are you sure because maybe you started writing a book about it before it happened i don't know maybe maybe it's just me but again all of these things going on were making people kind of like hmm i don't know about this rachel hollis character anymore and then the next issue that people seem to have were she released an app because you guys know what boss babes like to do they like to release apps and in this app it was called the the rise the rise fitness app and so what it was it was ten dollars a month and what it did it was so you had a seven day free trial and then it was ten dollars a month and basically you got like workouts and you got like motivation and all of this stuff but when the app came out again the things that were promised in the app were not in the app the workouts were very lackluster like they would have three different difficulties but basically the the three different diffic the three different difficulties were basically okay easy as a 10 minute workout heart medium is a 20 minute workout and hard is a 30 minute workout but it's the same exact workout but you're just doing it for a longer period of time so that was one of the things and there was just a ton of stuff that was missing from again a ten dollar a month app ten dollars a month like that's a that's not a cheap app like that's pretty expensive and again there was just a ton of stuff missing um and again this is in the middle of a pandemic like the optics on this one were not good as well so here are some of the reviews from this app right here okay so this is a two-star one so someone that is obviously trying to be charitable at some point i'm a person who wants to enjoy my workout i don't enjoy punishing myself or working with personal trainers who yell at me for motivation that being said it feels like the creators are focusing much more on creating a fun environment than creating workouts that are functional and going to give you results if you're someone who is brand new to fitness and just looking to generally move your body before graduating to other workouts you may enjoy this but if you're looking for workouts to give you results i'd recommend using the fit on obese sculpt society or something else so these and these are two one star reviews so definitely uninstalling right now as we speak very undeveloped and overpriced i personally would pay 199 a month for this app i joined mainly for the gratitude walk aspect of it and i thought it would be new recordings every day weekly or something but it was just that one recording by the third day i had memorized pretty much everything so it becomes boring as someone mentioned there are many other apps offering the same thing for free so 999 9.99 is not worth it for the content provided in my opinion so literally they're like saying oh gratitude walks are going to be part of the app they're like marketing that and it's literally one walk where someone's talking that's insanity and the last one like most of the reviews i should have listened to this app is disappointing the idea behind it is wonderful but it's lacking a lot tracking water tracking minutes to know what is your best tracking your gratitude biggest disappointment that feels like it's a gimmick is the absolute irr impossible way to find the area to stop the auto renew i signed up for the first seven days it's a free trial um set a remind set a reminder to check how i felt um and stop well before the 24 hour period but can't find the dang thing i reached out to hollis co for tech support and there um and they replying with faqs that may answer my i'm assuming my questions so again it's like so many people this is something that's so frustrating is that so many people they follow these like creators they follow these people and it's like these creators and these people that are popular they feel like they can just do whatever they want it's like whatever i do people will be happy with and the thing that's really sad is that for for the most part like if you are a really hard supporter of someone like people will usually kind of brush things off as like oh it's not perfect but i really like you know this person and so i want to support them and i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing but it seems like a lot of these people were those people but they got pushed so far that they're like as much as i want to support this person like i truly can't anymore like it's gotten too far and this is something that happens so much with like quote-unquote influencers or people like that and so it just you know it seemed to happen with her on an even bigger scale so again i think it's really important before we go into the last thing that i want to talk about and honestly like the the thing that i saw that i was just like ah oh my gosh this is not hashtag boss babe okay this is not um her whole brand and her whole things that she has posted about is about being relatable to like women that are working from home or maybe are housewives or maybe are like you know maybe want to do a little side hustle on the side to make a little bit of extra money and you know that's kind of been her whole thing like to be relatable to those women again let's go back to the post that made her popular right like or i don't want to say made her popular but that got her in the limelight was this post where it's like you know she's talking about not having a quote-unquote perfect body like yo but i still love myself i still work on myself i still work on my health like trying to relate to a lot of people which is totally fine like there's nothing wrong with that so that's been her kind of her brand for for a really really long time now um she went on her tick tock and made a tick tock that i'm we're just gonna play it we're gonna play the whole tick tock we're gonna play the whole tick tock and then i'm gonna share my thoughts if i if i can make it so i don't interrupt because i can't i can't here we go doing a live stream and i mentioned that there's a sweet woman who comes to my house twice a week and cleans she's my my house cleaner she cleans the toilets someone commented and said you are privileged af and i was like you're right i'm super freaking privileged but also i worked my ass off to have the money to have someone come twice a week and clean my toilets and i told her that and then she said well you're unrelatable what is it about me that made you think i want to be relatable no sis literally everything i do in my life is to live a life that most people can't relate to most people won't work this hard most people won't get up at 4 am most people won't fail publicly again and again just to reach the top of the mountain literally every woman i admire in history was unrelatable if my life is relatable to most people i'm doing it wrong what bro yo that's a real thing that she put out there that's real that's that's real that is really something she made that she thought was hashtag boss babe material no no no what who does that you sound like a super villain what are you what is this anime you think i want to be relatable well that's where you're wrong bro who does that who okay we're going to play it again and i'm going to interrupt her okay because like i doing a live stream and i mentioned that there's a sweet woman who comes to my house twice a week and cleans she's my my house cleaner she cleans the toilets someone commented and said you are privileged af okay first the first thing that is just red flag why why keep bringing up the fact that they clean they clean your toilets like those are people that are working a job a hard job to clean your house for you that you're paying that are cleaning your whole house they're not just cleaning your toilets like why belittle it to that little thing they are cleaning my toilets that makes you feel that makes it seem like you feel like you are above this person that is hashtag cleaning your toilets when they're actually your house cleaners that you pay to be in your house to clean your house for you and i was like you're right i'm super freaking privileged but also i worked my ass off to have the money to have someone come twice a week and clean my toilets okay so so do you think that the people that are cleaning your toilets um or your house cleaners you think they're just not working hard should they be hashtag more of a boss babe and maybe work harder to clean more hashtag toilets so they can become famous on instagram and sell out arenas and sell more things to people should they be doing that because i'm pretty sure that they're working pretty hard to clean your toilets and also the rest of your freaking house oh man oh we'll get it we're gonna get into the we're gonna get into the caption don't you guys worry oh and i told her that and then she said well you're unrelatable what is that what who what is that that is an anime this is an anime thing right here like who does this who does this ah what the is that oh my gosh holy smokes okay what is it about me that made you think i want to be relatable everything you've ever made everything you've ever made makes people think you want to be relatable everything you've ever made makes people think that are you freaking kidding me right now y'all influencers have lost their mind she okay yo i i think i've said this before but i'm telling you right now spider-man got it right spot either die the hero or you live long enough to become the anime villain named rachel hollis i'm telling you right now it's the truth it's the truth we see it right here she she turns into an anime villain she turns into one it's absolutely insane who does this what is it about me that made you think i want to be relatable i was told it was batman i'm sorry sorry my bad no sis literally everything i do in my life is to live a life that most people can't relate to most people won't work this hard yeah they will though like that's the thing like people work hard they just aren't blessed to be in a position where that hard work means that the the harder they work the more money they make it means that they just work longer hours and it's not like oh dude i can't stand this type of thinking it's so toxic it's so freaking frustrating dude i can't stand this type of thinking like so you're telling me that people that struggle with money that struggle with not having much you're telling me they don't work hard like this makes me mad because like i come from a family that didn't have much money and my mom worked her freaking butt off dude like she worked so hard and so did my dad like they they didn't become millionaires they worked really hard really hard there are lots of people that work really freaking hard that aren't able to be in the position that you're in like it's so crazy to me it's not hard to just be thankful for what you have and shut your freaking mouth it's not that hard to just shut up like yo i'm blessed thanks there you go congratulations you didn't freaking do this stupid stuff oh my gosh okay i'm sorry let's keep going most people won't get up at 4 am who cares no one cares how early you wake up no one cares i don't care early wake up some people don't go to sleep until before freaking a.m i don't care how early you wake up it doesn't make you any more of a freaking hashtag grind hustle boss babe okay no one cares that's so annoying when people say that it literally doesn't freaking matter dude most people won't fail publicly again and again just to reach the top of the mountain that is not something to be proud of okay i'm sorry that is not chance most people will make stupid mistake at time and time and time and time again yeah they won't they won't do that maybe take a maybe take a page out of their book and stop stop it maybe do that holy smokes literally every woman i admire in history was unrelatable okay now we're gonna get into it this is the caption of this horrendous post all right harriet tubman sorry harriet tubman rbg marie curie oprah winfrey amelia earhart frida kahlo malala i'm not gonna try and say that last name um woo zeitan all unrelatable af happy woman's history month that was the caption of that video that was the caption of that she compared herself to harriet tubman what no no harriet tubman helps slaves you're helping boss babes at mlm conferences and you're helping yourself become a multi-millionaire not the same rachel that's not hashtag boss babe that's hashtag not very smart for your brand and you had to say sorry like 14 times after this so she ended up saying sorry like a bunch of times like she said she said sorry a bunch of times one of the things also with her i know i'm going off so many tangents i'm sorry i'm trying to not i tried not to get too heated but i can't help it she she made an apology apology was trash made another apology and then she one thing that she goes and does a lot is she blames her team um it's so frustrating if you are going to actually take ownership right this is something that another person that is kind of similar to her is jocko he's a he's like a motivational speaker but he talks about like he's like a marine guy and all this stuff uh navy seal actually his his book is called extreme ownership bro take ownership for the mistakes that even if it was your team guess what you're on top of the team the buck stops with you not with your team so something that she's done many many times has been she blames the team and then she gets rid of the team and it's just this whole thing where it's like take ownershi it's not that hard so so her team filmed that tick tock yeah i know right so this is honestly still like developing all of this stuff is still very very new um but i had to talk about it i just i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't help myself i had to i had to talk about this i think that this this type of like uh hustle culture grind culture all of this stuff is is so toxic and i think we are seeing um that play out and see we are seeing these people that claim to be um you know relatable and i can help you change your life it's like really uh cause you that tick tock was really bad um so hopefully this made sense uh yeah holy smokes
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 74,064
Rating: 4.9307513 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, rachel hollis, scam, obesetobeast, Anti MLM, MLM
Id: EGn-yB2aOoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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