This Glitch Gives You INFINITE Tears

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based on Excel with two red chests that'll teleport me to the devil room which has Brimstone oh my God it's gonna happen oh okay I'm down holy crack a Molly Batman okay let's do this I'm with it Damocles moment pop it we have a treasure right next to us plus an XL I have fun with this by definition quite literally the best item for the lost it's nothing uh Bomb Bag is good roll this that's ass uh it's nothing but basically just free items if you're gonna frog damn please you're gonna die actually roll sad bombs yeah that's perfect good for combat open this up is it clean Isaac I actually cleaned his room for once which means we get to go to a crawl space crawl space just has money in a chest that's okay I'm with it I'm down I'm gaming project room tough love I was like where is the other item I didn't see those right here uh we can roll this and get absolutely nothing but tough love is literally as if you picked up a like times three damage multiplier now this is only gonna do that um like what one floor from now because we have an XL luckily but it's still crazy good a dingle fight it's the black Dingle this dude charges once but really fast if I remember correctly yeah he's actually the easiest to follow him in my opinion at least I'm definitely gonna go Angel rooms instead of devils purely for the fact whoa that um uh Angel deals get doubled with Damocles and devil deals do not care for the spiders very epic goodbye Dingle uh these are whatever I'm not gonna get another roll so let me fight the boss and just see what you know maybe I want to roll this more I'm even most likely I'm Gonna Roll that room but you know we'll see sticker flies explode for me thank you very much I appreciate your patronage and in return we get some God items what is this appreciate it and then I roll this and then I get God items again thank you uh no reverse we got a choker though that's kind of sick we know where everything else is so we just take the Joker we'll go to the downpour because we took two damage UPS we'll be fine let's be real and we'll get an angel guarantee [Music] what the hell is that oh okay now I don't know about you guys but I do not read what I'm presuming is Russian I don't remember installing that okay um I well I wouldn't have picked it up anyway it's probably just like a simple HP up or something it looks like an HP up to me we're gonna roll it what is this from what did I what did I install I got a tears of us yeah I think okay we have another shop our last shop was kind of uh bad but this time luckily Manta doesn't proc uh damage please this time maybe it's a little better we still have money to spend no it's not yes it is oh my God better Destiny if you didn't know it's basically just turns me into tainted lost it basically not I don't think exactly but dumbed down explanation of what that does it gives me tainted lost pool of items I can't get like HP UPS or anything useless now did I go inside the devil room oh wait I'm so dumb wait I what is wrong with me I'll take Purity and then the blind I cannot believe it we unfortunately got a rain joke from Purity what what am I on right now give me a small rock I know you want to Holy Moly look what just happened well luckily it doesn't matter that I skip that devil room because again technically I didn't skip the double room I just didn't look inside so nothing's changed I just was assuming we were going Angel rims I could actually just use the Chariot here and make it an easy kill for me I think I'll do that we're done uh we get a matchbook and a luck up sure a crampo whoa bro just wave dashed at me well give me coal oh my God what is that what what is that God drop that you've just given me luck of also I realize we don't get Perfection yet I I did it in backwards I assume because we did XL floor we would get Perfection on this floor it's actually the opposite if you get an XL floor you have to wait even longer before you can get perfection you're dying you will not live goodbye get flushed idiot arrangea this would be a speed up I wouldn't hate that but it's acting like it could be better yeah these These are better plus I know I have a tears up in my pool of a pill so I did not get it instead I got a full health and it's hella bills please don't error room me I really want my Joker card actually if you really think I'm gonna skimp out and not try the last pill you're crazy God damn it all right let's go the treasure wow that's a lot and I don't want anything actually rolling time yeah that's good and I guess I'll just take the blind oh you gotta remember most of these items are gonna be generally decent because I have his Birthright we do have a decent amount of bombs enough that I feel comfortable blowing up mushrooms just for pure spectacle really and on this floor we are gonna get times three damage moment which is what we're kind of waiting for and that will be uh the Saving Grace for this run because while it's strong don't get me wrong it could be so much stronger is this XL it is XL what's going on with all the excels I'm losing on all the deals here man what are you doing to me give me give me should I just take it I'll take it D20 I don't have a school bag but I don't think I should roll it in the event that I do get a school bag you know I can take D20 with me well we'll know right now actually to get a mom's Cape Town and an options which is cool okay uh we'll just spend time rolling the D20 then this is probably dirty oh my God Isaac you're so hygienic look at you go what a beautiful lad you are what in the hell roll camo wow what the hell thank you Damocles moment this is extra defense we got a vault room as well I just had a little bit of pickups of luck up okay never mind I'm about to hit 15 luck because I'm a Perfection dude it's Giddy and why Gideon what that mouth do why did I ever open my mouth why did I talk that's how I imagined Gideon sounds when he makes that gross sound thanks for the growth hormones I'm now bigger blood clot I'm now unhealthy all right hornfield's gonna pop out of his cart and I'm gonna say yo what's up and I'm gonna jump him we won't get an item for that we got Perfection which is nice uh save a role for the devil oh my God but this is so annoying because pound of flesh is kind of disgusting with the lost but you just you don't give me Brimstone and I don't take it like are you joking that's just not something that happens in the madman household you understand what I'm saying uh pageant boy who well I suppose I'm using this Joker on a floor where I can't get a devil like uh Cathedral I have the power of flight dumbass conjoined I guess that's just you'll listen not a big deal roll oh this could be fun in a weird way I don't know maybe maybe not I feel like it's just worth it to try if this guy gives me a restock I'm gonna be mad okay oh thank God actually like unironically I would have been a little bit Furious we can check out our secret rooms and then leave it's just that heretic's just not a problem anymore oh he's gone this is guaranteed spun so I have to get some stats up small tears down for all of that is worth it give me all of that unlike it we're shooting what four brims now and no more items to roll just kidding there is a Teleport well bam Aquarius epic let's go looks like the game wants me to go downwards unfortunately I can't exactly take that during the trinket room I can find a mom's purse that would be sick if you can drop a stem cell that'd be sicker holy is it time I have money I only need Steam Sale oh I'm so goddamn rich on pickups there's no reason mom's key deserves to be this good of an item oh I'm so what what what what where did you come from soul of hey hmm I see well I think the best place to check will be here yeah okay I thought so oh oh oh I was looking at my ultra secret room not on the map I just like ran as that fire holy moly chill out man do I roll this instead so many options I think I rolled normal secret for now and then I transfer over to here once I after I take backstabber because we're just taking that let's be real now it will delete aha I predicted it well who knows no way I gotta I gotta risk the blind uh it's okay no way Polly showed up that's crazy Spelunky hat too what a nasty pickup I actually missed this boss challenge him I just skipped over it what's going on what are you doing over here um these are both entirely worth it okay the birthright's going insane hello bar battery and 20 cents what if I told you I could make profit yeah all right I think we'll go a little slow so no boss rush but I mean look at the damage that that hit her for two frames maximum I guarantee you um we'll go down I don't know hold on what's In Here extra Brimstone I could take it for a little Leviathan I guess I got the Giga broom boom and it turns in a horror bad language it's just a fat damage up actually and then I guess I will take the negative let's go Devil's crown that doesn't do anything for me thanks though holy moly it's time here we go it's time to do the thing where we break the game please hold on I mean you got it right you gotta you gotta make it you go oh damn I can't do anything with it and I'll pick it up and and use it I guess maybe I'll roll into a rock bottom like really quickly Isaac's tomb no those are fine but nah oh we're gonna miss out on hush because of this beggar I think it's worth though it wasn't worth it but now I get the god roll yeah Alex is mad he's he's uh he's he's not having a good day today uh it is tough sorry it is what it is oh toothpicks and more piercing okay okay okay so what's in here now Duality I you see I could take a heart break and make sure that I don't die for the entirety of the run or I can go away Angel rooms this is a stupid decision because when I can't go Angels like and then we'll go there I don't even care if I picked up heartbreak just now that's uh nip NADA thanks though I guess I'm hoping for soy I think soy would be cool with this what in the hell okay well I gotta take the glitched item right smart fly Revenge come guys my favorite Isaac item is come I don't know what that would have done for all I know it makes it so that whenever I shoot I fart I mean that's basically every TM trainer item ever right Library we actually haven't discovered one of these and we need Bookworm we have one of three so let's complete that um because Sunny's useful there you go clear out the library pool take our key with us let's go are you guys seeing how fast my tier 8 is I didn't realize that I could be shooting this fast this is insanely good all right well I don't know what the TM trainer come did but you know boom probably no no oh I'll take you I don't even care about the last one never mind I don't need it could joined there's nothing in the world I would rather take than a twisted pair currently oh that is pretty good I just killed daddy long legs three times I don't know if you guys saw that that was a little bit nasty by me damn it please is so broken what is going on give me a guppy's tail I'll get an extra item every like room I'm still doing it I don't even I don't need to say that I'm still doing it jacket lacrificie there you go there's a little bit of a bozo clown item and it's gonna get Amplified even more by the fact that I have an R key just waiting to be proced I'll probably take the one that doesn't hurt me I'm gonna crash immediately this is not gonna work boys I'm crashing I guarantee you more luck oh yes give me the Sci-Fi pull another item so tiny planet this is gonna look so cool so many luck based items as well I know uh the little horn was in the chest right but there's why would I not take twisted pair if I had the opportunity it was alive oh my God I realize you were living bro uh shoot even more um I can do this I just need to use my mantle there you go um I don't think I need any of these I'll take them just because I am so definitely going to breakfast by the way like what is that lodestone this is damage up as well what is my tier what what what what is this why is my tear it so high you know why I have the glitch did you guys know this I think I have the glitch I think it's Tech 2 Mom's eye and high luck you have infinite tier 8 and that in combination with anti-gravity is giving us this weird Synergy and I mean it's literally infinite Theory like it is infinite holy okay that's our key I don't need to shoot Brimstone anymore at all I can do this I guarantee I'm gonna one shot everything nothing can live I think it shoots once per frame is the way that this works nice tears up it doesn't literally do anything let's go where where the entire game what's up um would that make it too easy ah you can't give me like that item and not take it you know yeah I'm saying I mean truly it's just a pickizing Content this is what happens if I spam my keys by the way oh my God my God there's a soy milk I don't need it anymore I have the glitch most people may have taken parasite there uh but I am not most people never mind I took soy milk I think I am unironically shooting faster now okay it was worth it I wanted D6 but I don't mind too much oh also give me something great back what'd you give me buddy hole you know I never fight mother and this might be a good time too when you have a glitch that gives you infinite tier rate uh that might be fun actually should I I'm gonna do that I never fight mother let's go what's in here technology would just be a damage up this looks cool there's also a triple shot oh I'm gonna take triple and then of these I don't know I guess I'll just roll the left side the reason I'm taking triple shot crooked penny is what I want uh is because I don't know if I take normal technology it will override Tech 2 and the glitch that I currently have I'd much rather just shoot three times as much at the same tier rate 21 luck what is that like this boom and then I'll do it again oh and then I won't do it one at all I'm gonna I'm gonna chill with this I'm happy oh my God oh my God oh my God We're not gonna talk about the fact that I just hit the 50 twice with the mega chest we're just gonna live life and be happy okay don't question it I clicked the wrong item it's not a big deal whatever I was gonna take the infinity anyway we'll take the ease mascara let's grab uh D Infinity I think oh no oh tough I actually nah it's not that tough just because um I guess I would have rather just kept the Crooked Penny it's more fun this way if I did this are you joking are you joking you're joking you're joking I'm done I can't believe it and what a good role by the way what are the there's like four quality items there's also an Eden's blessing which I'll take that um and then a D100 I don't want that I'll take balls all I want to cancel the ride to be honest with you I don't think knife would be cool at all final action Jacob's Ladder and then final final action I don't really know SMB Super Fan okay and then I roll it again and I get another item what the hell was that qriket Penny I got every item ever possible what Play-Doh cookie was the best item I could have gotten in that room this is gonna be like one of the prettiest things I've seen in Isaac infinite tier rate rainbow lasers oh devil rooms are not cleared just yet of all of these they are all okay dead cat would give me a free win but I kind of have a heartbreak already Athens decent but boom no literal way do I do this gotta be some of the hypest Crooked pennies I've done ever well in that case I'll just take dead cat what is going on can we get the giant rainbow laser from Mega Blast please that would be sick actually we sure can it's uh about two inches long do average Isaac game play boo boo yeah you know I think that was a pretty good floor it was decent goodbye Gabe I think we cleared out the devil room pool yeah there's uh we don't have any more pools actually wasn't I supposed to go fight mother oh yeah oh well doing this is not actually a bad strategy uh because now we can spawn planetariums which we don't have wait obviously we have not cleared out that pool but this will be our last chance to get it since the tank deaths too you know what I think I'll fight the Beast we get a planetarium we got uh what oh I forgot there's one in front of me I'll take you Uranus um yeah I'll grab the full card the reason I want to do this instead is just because it looks like most of my pools of items are pretty much just entirely destroyed by breakfast I don't think there's a reason to continue on right the reason you would continue on is for more items uh we don't have anymore so give me a Teleport card or you know what wait a second I don't need a Teleport card I have a negative I arcade later idiots let's go give me Dad's note actually give me this breakfast I kind of wish that the breakfast when I picked it up did the fade white right now and it just took me to like the super duper Mega secret boss the breakfast boss you know lost soul definitely has the capacity to give us Angel room items here which we haven't been to a single age room on this uh run I don't believe so we have a pool of items we could take from he just doesn't want to give me angel items pretty please nope all right this was so unexpectedly overpowered and technically overpowered with the idea of the fact that I it's overpowered with a glitch I have an infinite tear rate glitch what what the heck happened I've been wanting this glitch for a long time on the video so I'm glad I got it goodbye Dogma I just heard lost all die are you you you're not living you you've gone too far how dare you you overstepped boundaries Dogma nothing Personnel kid I had to go a little gamer mode on Dogma just now I apologize it's just that he killed my best friend all I hear are flies they're everywhere oh oh oh my God all right family's gonna come in I want to press spacebar and then we'll see how fast we can get this done oh he's done four I don't think Mega Blast is gonna last long enough because uh they take too long to load in I can kill him really fast but I don't think I could like they don't think they come in at DFS enough so if you are really wondering the true power of like infinite tier 8 I will show you guys like how much damage we truly have I'm not gonna shoot until the Beast comes on the screen actually I will because my range is too high oh no we're good that is infinite tier rate damage absolutely insane run make sure to sub if you really like the video I know I don't usually ask for Subs but I saw that for some reason there was a giant Spike that was crazy anyway uh sub if you like the content Gigi is bye I'm streaming right now through stop TV slash lazy Batman come over why am I so loud today
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 129,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3X-9r_nMuZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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