How I Got the LUCKIEST First Floor

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[Music] look it's Isaac but he's a left hello oh okay I turned off my fan we're here I got Polly Eden's blessing moment let's go uh yikes actually don't know how I feel about you I'm gonna be real roll contagion sure oh my God we got Polly goddamn penis it's actually been a long time since I've gotten a first item poly to be fair so I'm gonna I'm gonna take this I think it might have been like uh two to three plus months now so long overdue I was wondering when it would happen let's go fishtail has no effect on me but maybe it will I'm probably just gonna use Ace of clubs right here absolutely ton enemies perfect you know I will say ace of clubs I feel like oh my literal God what I'm sorry oh wow okay that's a little unlucky actually I was gonna say I think like Ace of clubs tends to give you a lot of troll bombs I have a planetarium it's Uranus what what an insane start okay we have icicle tears do not die I will literally die I I couldn't I couldn't bear the weight of guilt if I died uh wire a coat hanger cool absolutely I I can't believe I got poly and a one percent Planetarium I got a best bud and a mad's kidney stone whoa that's good we'll try drone up beat the boss real quick and then I'll take that yeah you know place your bets can I can I get the key without getting hit by the blue fire if you believe in me you're based and I'll tell you what you're probably right I bet you I can Matt's kidney stone Polly destroying clog get flushed idiot I got Divas juice let's go and grab that key okay here we go I imagine I have to get at this from below that was close I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of I'm proud of my uh attempt there I feel like I could have done a little better but it's okay we'll go I'm kind of low on HP don't die dude I always find it kind of interesting that that champion the one that drops keys right there there like Champion variant is just the fact that they have less health y it made no sense to me I I don't get it but I'm cool with it headless baby is cool maybe you can join like all the other ones like oh you know this one uh extra health and it it explodes on death and drops bomb this one has extra health and it uh pushes away tears this one has less health like what oh golden pills sure ex-lax I'll do it I I was actually a three time pill okay cool should be right here and then secret room yeah yeah perfect uses now I have a soul heart saved in and I got chaos how you doing dude do I take care I don't I huh no my answer is no this could be an incorrect play but I feel as if I have so many roles available on this floor because I basically have two floors with the mirror Dimension that I'd rather go for the risk play you know what I mean I can actually go fight the boss right now uh because if I wanted to roll the angel room all I would have to do is beat the boss and then beat the angel and technically that would refresh my entire D6 so we're good I might as well just do this and if I don't spawn the angel well there we go I'll just commit to Rolling the secret room what happened to wormwood's health bar you are done for dude I got what oh I'm taking this all right we now know what we're doing that is absolutely an item you never roll you take that at all accounts especially as a first item that's insane I'll take this one key piece and the reason I'm doing that I'll just take this is because we thought the red Angel so now every time we fight an angel it will always be the Blue Angel which is an easier fight we'll constantly get key pieces and we'll constantly be able to re-roll them a little wormwood I might blow warm wood up there's really no reason to because this is an easy fight especially with how overpowered I am but it is kind of nice to just skip the fight I'm not gonna lie I got bombs later dude what you lived say goodbye to your leeches I will take this in the hopes that maybe I discover a 48 Hour Energy how that's good to know luck UPS great raindrop's great and question mark is uh unknown roll you infamy moment sure there's nothing else I can really do uh I think we'll just take it golden bomb for the floor nah oh my God you shouldn't have game that's a little too generous even for you thank you the fact that no enemies just burst open into like tears or Flames or you know anything of the sort is so useful honestly let's have to battle with some of the enemies a lot of enemies just have really bad on death bullet patterns shovel hey this is a free crawl space we get a couple chests awesome okay oh I have to I'm so oh no my beloved I had to it was the smart decision Play-Doh is just good and fun how you doing buddy I haven't seen you in forever don't explode me thank you honestly cinch wasn't even that bad because I just destroyed him too fast that's the one reason why singe is not as worse as Gideon by the way because Gideon uh star bethlehem's cool I'll probably just take it Gideon is like no matter how op you are you're gonna take some time you know like you're not gonna beat him immediately but you got a good start with sinj a roll time Relic Shore and I've basically checked out everything the only thing I haven't found is a crawl space but I'm assuming there's isn't one on the floor yeah let's go okay uh looks like Star bethlehem's heading left so I headed in the opposite direction and it was a correct decision ah the forget-me-now moment I see yeah no I don't I don't think so I'll take the blind wow that's a little worst thing at least now I have Star of Bethlehem helping me along what's in here red stew I just have so much money that I think I will this is T3 Bookworm and then we'll go tough twins how you doing dude where's the bombs did you place them up there why aren't you spawning any oh there you are okay we'll take this there's actually a simple drug right here and then here we get Ernest Souls this just seems like a perfect opportunity to use my rolls now that I'm not spammed with secret rooms roll ah seraphim I suppose not much else I could do here so we'll take it thanks and seraphim actually gives you health so I'm confident enough that we can just go in here I think we're gonna save most of our rules here another Relic wow uh for the angel rooms we're just gonna spam Angel rooms I think with a Eucharist we should be able to just force something good to show up right like there's no way something doesn't boom Rosary I think it's a Continuum actually I think Continuum here would be really cool I saw star Bethlehem was actually falling in my direction so I'm gonna head this Direction first just as I know uh the boss can't be here perfect and that led me to my shop saving time trying to make time for Boss Rush I don't know if it's possible there's no way that's gonna happen because I just found a battery and I want a min max heretic is nice and easy now since you guys gave me those tips I appreciate it this guy should not be able to live one two three four right here safe aha you guys are so good at uh I think I got it wrong now we're good let's go it makes so much more sense now it's literally just Elementary connect the dots in here Angelic prism I'm probably just gonna take that to be honest with you I was wrong by the way I was thinking that if I take the key piece uh the other Angel is the only angel I'll ever fight I'm fighting The Red Angel my bad take this roll this soul I can get better than that even if I roll into something worse than that I just don't want this so let me grab that battery I found earlier roll moment get me out of here that guy got destroyed straight up like I I swear I did not shoot at him if you go back and play it slowly I'm pretty sure a tear just went out of its way to maliciously kill that baby I am so serious I did not aim at him it moved stopped went left and went up I saw it with my own eyes this guy's a fakie we don't need you anything in here cheers up I feel like I've got no tears up about the entirety of the run so this is actually good it just feels like I've been having decent tears because of Matt's kidney stone but my actual tear rate when I don't have the the stone in action it's a little abysmal epaphora and my mascara oh my God the damage I got our first secret room of this floor what makes you smile now lock up sounds good to me we also got balls take the luck up and let's go don't know what I'm gonna use this Wheel of Fortune probably just like eventually uh do my classic use it at the end of The Run maybe I'll roll everything you know what's in here uh another one makes you smart I'm tiny dude okay cool this is probably where a rig will happen just because uh well actually man it won't I was gonna say we have a Charged beggar plus Eucharist I can walk in and out and just constantly roll the angel room however it's gehenna too meaning this is the mom fight and the only way to exit of that fight is the full card so it looks like that might actually not be in the cards for me that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to roll it yeah we'll just go we're chilling right now star Bethlehem I didn't even shoot like he was she was just done take the negative and Purgatory I mean one of these has to be Godly right at some point those are some insanely damaging flies that's some huge support value mantle for defense mapping entirely yes please guess who knows where all of my secret rooms are now rain gainium the Arcadium has given me and got these color I don't really need the 20 but I want to see what this third item could be it's squeezy yeah I think it's worth it assuming I'm good at crane games there we go nice and the secret room to my left holds a dude goodbye dude oh my God it's another damn secret room item I want to fight harsh so bad I'm so close but I've rolled the secret room so many times that I feel like I've gotten rid of so many items and it's probably like it's probably right there I'm on the cusp of a quality four secret room item I mean It's gotta be right I don't know I could be crazy but I it just feels like it would be way cooler to get a secret room item than just like oh wow you're beat harsh and you got three free items from the trigger room so let's let's go with this instead hush you get to live today it's a special day okay quarter hey how you doing dude skeleton key nah I'll take the quarter I did drop a mini battery next to the boss right there and I haven't found my super secret room just yet so if that charge beggar you know uh is like hey man you didn't use me on the last floor you want to show up again I I gladly take it how am I almost guppy when I have a Eucharist the entire game could happen I mean red chests go crazy right here's my sixth room for my D6 I don't know if I'm gonna get an extra extra I do have what looks to be enough rooms because I have the battery I just need all of those empty rooms to have enemies and that has a very real chance of not happening roll it 99 bombs well we better hope that it happens oh god well okay wait this is actually okay I can fight the angel remember that counts as a roll as well so we still actually have enough barely but these again all need to have enemies otherwise I really am boned and we're good look at that perfectly timed rerolls to an absolute tea goodbye it lives we get our final Angel it's whatever I want to roll this more than the secret room I'm not gonna lie I really do there's four rolls here I'm gonna do it you can't stop me the dopamine hit is too high it didn't give me I can't believe it I really can't believe I didn't get anything crazy I mean try Sagan's kind of nasty to be honest with you uh and then we take the negative right yeah wait hold on before we do anything rash it's not like a Charged beggar in here right okay uh yeah we'll go huh what do you know Eucharist is not the end-all be-all I suppose it's so nice to look at purely because of Plato by the way God pick up for me thank God I did that this is just nice to look at for me I'm just enjoying myself what happened here and why am I so tiny on this run looks like the rest of the floor really isn't even that crazy either unless you give me a quarter oh my God nah all right we'll take this and then we'll go I think maybe the dark room is what goes hard here actually let me check the curse room as well because I do have two three guppy there's a very real chance that I could just turn into guppy right here or even TP actually never mind it was worth it though cause the luck up now we'll go to the dark room I'm sorry am I sitting at 100 base damage with these items with like it's beautiful it's beautiful oh and it's so unique a uniquely beautiful run I like this man nothing but just natural tears with this one he says as he picks up Brimstone and throws it all away as Brimstone bombs actually Sith cloak is okay these are all fine uh I'll start rolling I think we do have five luck purely from pills I feel that in luck UPS so we actually are getting some stuff here I'll clear out this big room and check the secret room and then I'll get more rolls and then by now might be the time where I Wheel of Fortune myself which is weird because I actually really like this one I kind of don't want to but all in the name of uh experimentation right we must see Aries is nice for the speed I'm Gonna Roll this huh oh there's a triple shot too I don't I don't know the spin-ups by heart to be honest with you that's that's guppy that's literally got oh my God that's a cricket's head how do I save my dice or can I even you know what I don't think I can I might just take it yeah I'll take this because it's guppy and then we'll spin up one more time and get Cricket's head and then after we get Cricket's head I'm probably gonna throw it all away and use Wheel of Fortune because that just seems like the funniest thing I could do all right yoink take and what oh my God I forgot that forget me now as an option isn't it I barely get Forget Me Now for an option for a reverse Wheel of Fortune that like never happens to me what do you know jumper cables could be cool uh I'll take this for now I literally never get dice five it's the uh the fifth pip for the dice room that's what gives you forget me now I barely did get that that was highly highly confusing for like half a second I was like in complete shock in silence trying to figure out what's going on I'm sorry am I reading that right what was my damage stat just now was that 156 what is that that's a magic mushroom it would not do anything for me kind of wanted still that is a 157 damage when I stand inside of Bethlehem honestly super satisfying run I'm happy sometimes you need a good old just tear run you know what I mean like I just want to shoot tears dude now grabbing magic mushroom here wouldn't do much but I feel like I might as well you know it's only two rolls away I can do it I give Isaac a little bit of a dance moment you know freezer Eternal D6 I'll take this because it's conjoined but I'll keep that in mind now I know that freezer baby actually spins up into internal D6 roll this uh okay we just need one more in fact if we get one more we can get control and it all works out perfectly huh themselves that's okay really doesn't do anything for me but I felt like my shot three was kind of low so I'll take it and then join you with the HP up that it just gave me thank you and we get conjoined perfect what is going on with Gemini buddy oh it's because I'm holding down King Baby Come to Me I didn't know that King baby did that to Gemini that's interesting I've never seen that interaction before actually there's a spin up into binge eater and somehow Gemini just doesn't want to work because of King baby this is a zany run dude what an absolute Zane run this one's for the masses I you know I'm not sure I'll take it just because it's a quality four item and honestly I haven't had binging in a long time dog food or Secrets probably should have taken the secrets but I think let's be honest this is over we're good we did it goodbye to the lamb such a pretty it's like a disco I want to get one more math kidney stone out there just to see our disco look at this somehow I kept Perfection probably because of mantle Gigi's that was fun unexpected uh God I love Isaac ggs I'm streaming right now dead God Twist on TV slash lazy madman I'll see you there boys
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 115,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L3hpVypqD6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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