My LUCKIEST Start Ever

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all right treasure room first item uh is actually two three of the oh crap Transformations so I'll take it whatever it's also infinite bombs it's stupid broken pill moment yes hey there's a tinted Rock okay now we have something cooking because we have a good old tears up this blue baby plus a little help hold on I'll use the Magician on the boss as well dude gurgling's got destroyed old bandage is just a soul heart to be honest with you rather actually instodize if he gets hit by a bomb uh but he did not so we're just gonna have to pull normal it's okay though Mr Boom uh I have infinite bombs I don't really need this but I'll use it to get the key really fast immediate treasure room immediate yikes yo holy moly oh my God I'm actually oh crap transformation Speed Run hello since when does anyone get this no that this transformation doesn't exist you can't tell me it does oh my God there's a dime oh my God my nose started bleeding oh my God hold on that is not what I was expecting I literally screamed and as I screamed blood bird out of my nose anyway oh we found spin down died uh highly unexpected uh quite literally killed me unironically killed me just now so uh hopefully we can do something with this I'll take the Mom's purse that's good you like good trinket it's okay I don't know if this boss works like dingo does where if you shoot a butt bomb it actually heals them but logically it does so I'm going to not do any butt bombs here it does not heal him interesting or her sorry and a Bieber's juice or it could turn into a squeezy I'll turn into squeezy it's a bigger overall stats up I feel like the tears up from squeezy is better than uh the small damage up from Jesus Juice not to mention the health we have infinite bombs so I don't need to worry about having a bomb for the angel I always make that mistake The Rusted key sounds good to me because I've been struggling and then zodiac I could get a seraphim but I just risk this oh my oh my god oh hell no not fair actually it's just not fair dude what kind of blue baby run I always expect okay I'm gonna be real guys I was expecting to have like a whatever run and then talk about something like but uh today we just get to enjoy life I guess I'm gonna clear a couple rooms here and see if we can get a toothpicks going actually what the hell I just walked out I can blow this dude up as well as the tinted Rock and get the deal chance while saving the other guy now if I ever get hit I'm walking out of this room I'm using the door stop effectively ah very good and Boris oh my God oh my God oh my God no one say anything no one say anything just chill out don't freak out don't throw the run is it possible it is I have a battery in the shop it is possible uh and then I guess I'll charge up my battery or my spin down again sorry with the charged beggar in the event I might find a tooth fix on the next boss this is not blue baby behavior when I booted up the game and I was like okay blue baby time I was fully expecting a complete ass run however I am happy that this happened hello Rock Bottom reverse Rock Bottom now here's another thing doesn't this turn into Mega Mushroom doesn't doesn't the knife piece turn into mega mushroom and did I not oh my Lord did I not just pick up a rock bottom wait I don't have it unlocked no no way oh that would have been sick but I'm not on my dead God file if this was dead God file I probably actually I mean technically speaking if this was dead God file that secret room could have had anything it could have not been a spin down guy so whatever we did not get an Angel that's okay that's a double oh my God wait hold on I don't think I can do this I'd love to it's just no way oh my God oh my I'm gonna freak out I'm gonna freak out I'm gonna freak out I'm just gonna freak out going on oh my God is it Gideon oh this is a Legendary Run please please it's legendary it's legendary this one is dude I'm blind oh thank God it wasn't toothpicks have it hey that's perfect that's been down I can't believe it this run is a run for the ages all right we'll take this key piece don't roll it that would be stupid take the pickups and then we'll go in here and we have to still find our treasure room I can't believe I made that jump by the way look at this boom that's called Isaac parkour first ever seen who knows what this is constellations cool marked that's fine and that is a great damage up uh I'll take the 15 stopwatch of course it's why wouldn't it be stopwatch right why wouldn't it be stopwatch uh left rocket in a jar it could have got conjoined rocking and jars fine I don't even know what to say anymore I don't like it do I even look for my secret room at this point is it even halfway worth it first room I really want that but that turns into goat head which I need rocket in a jar yeah I need goat head here we take goat head every single deal will be obtained one of them has to be an angel room right especially when I have a key piece increasing my chance of angels this would be better yeah so uh eight Inch Nails Plus Tech X is a really underrated God combo because what happens is eight inch nails knocks tears back or they knock enemies back when you hit the materials and Tech X basically it gets knocked into the tech X multiple times if that makes sense so Tech X is just a constantly moving object God knows why I'm looking for a magic mushroom I don't need doorstop that much buddy in a box there's also a mystery gift with a spin down moment I don't know if I have the money for that though boom Oh my God I kind of want the d Infinity but obviously I don't that's weird this is a weird one hold on that's that's Eden's Soul right not wait that's Eden's Soul right is that Eden's Soul or Starbucks I never know guys I swear to God I really never know okay what I'm gonna do boom let's uh try and charge it we'll try there's a battery in the shop right and I think this will be better for us and then we need to clear out more rooms this might actually be the reason that I take all the damage in the world and try and get low enough to do the Boss Challenge room you can stop mark from shooting once activated yes on PC if you press control you can stop wow okay this is really good I don't know if I want chaos though chaos is a toss-up for me teleport me oh hi cool well we got both key pieces which is perfect now do I want chaos I don't think I do wow there's two Soul Hearts thanks for solving my health issue that I just had I don't think I do and the reason being is because I have goat head and that means that I'm gonna get basically every single Angel room from now on a dude exploded what the hell happened to his health bar what is that health I could actually just take and that's just sad bombs for sure I'm gonna do this this and it's okay for me to go to the mausoleum because I'm not going to the Beast I'm going to Mega scene that's right okay make sure I'm aware of the number two that I'm constantly shooting uh we might do something with Sith cloak there and Pascal candle is good I could get another Rock Bottom we'll take Pascal and then we'll go for Sith cloak what I'm sorry I'm just like casually doing this but I've never seen this room in my life what is going on this is kind of sick cool that was awesome uh diplopia we don't really need I'll just take the toxic shock runebag is arguably better but toxic shock is just so consistent I'm not mad at taking that Eddie loves his puzzles I know right hey Cobalt did you see that Tyrone has been um testing out online co-op I was going to talk about that later I think it was somewhere on Twitter like you know how that's been in the game for a while but they never really released it I'm so excited I swear to God if they finally do it Jesus Christ as like a final update to Isaac I'll take it huh would I rather sausage or Sith cloak probably saucing good actually this is kind of a broken item I just realized how good options is serious no reason why not all right well I could Mosey around and do some like secret room Shenanigans but dude I got Rock Bottom magic mushroom Tech X I'll be okay I'm gonna be fine check it in here booger sinus infection is probably the most stupid tear effect in the game so I'll try and go for that especially with tech X I feel like there's no reason that it should work with techx but it does boom give me sinus what's the other one mini mushroom that's fine and shout outs to talk to shock excuse me I just did it because it would be funny it doesn't actually affect me don't it it doesn't actually do anything I just did it because it made me laugh I'm pretty sure it doesn't stack it doesn't work like Brimstone it doesn't like give you a bookworm does it like a 20 20. if it does I mean obviously I'm gonna go for it it does it does oh my God someone said it does I'm gonna blindly trust them you're literally joking me you're literally joking I mean that's just insane how much you are joshing and like destroying my will to live Zack room you're right CJ what's up dude I'm trying my best not to sack room but obviously I probably should apologies it's just you know I don't really want to what am I talking about I'm not gonna die I just don't want to die I'm scared all right you think I don't want to lose this run Chad's for one coin let's go that's that classic Matt man magic goodbye mother wow you insta died all right uh we'll take what am I taking actually does it matter I need to go up I didn't even realize and we'll take Health which is something I needed I believe that I can't get death's touch here this is gonna roll down into key piece one right oh actually I can't even I took both key pieces what am I talking about we'll just go gaming time goodbye it lives hello angel room perfection Holy Light holy crap I have to take that eye I'm sorry I know holy light's good and I have Perfection but I have rock bottom wait it doesn't work oh hell no this guy's an absolute Bozo this guy has 3 000 hours in Isaac and thinks that Tech X and Deadeye work together all right I'll take lasso and then he'll be prepped for the next floor then he'll drop my c-section for me dice room no I want to save my keys what's the dice room gonna do reroll my bill that you joking hell no I'm not doing that C-section okay dog bone uh it's like a dog it hurts would have been good with rock bottom but I just don't care none of these matter I think there's a Guppies tail whatever what if it's Joker this card you were wrong owl I'm just gonna AFK here hush will die look at that look at the spread on my tech X I definitely don't want to get hit because I want to keep my perfection well that guy's gone I want to keep my perfection I missed the crawl space I'll go back my bed booger is uh being kind of uh a gamer right now you have Rock Bottom you won't lose the luck but what if I get a luck up afterwards what if I could hit 14 luck you don't understand my mind is ahead of the game I gotta remember the well there goes all right it's gone all right there problem solved I'll never hit 13 luck I have to remember that I have a stopwatch which is why this is so easy you guys said I missed a crawl space or I'm just supposed to look for one dog tooth so you guys said that I had a crawl space but you guys knew that I took dog tooth and told me to go back for the crawl space it oh there's a crawl space in here though hold on hold the phone there you are linger Bean I've uh ever been so disappointed in my life he couldn't even get past his first this is so sad all right let's go check check and check has a mantle there's a technology um we'll go for the Giga spin down play here yeah we're gonna spin that down a lot I'm gonna go for technology because that's a fat damage up sudden wow okay well I mean what I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get Tech actually I probably will I just need to maximize my re-rolls tons of chests thank you nice I'll take the mantle Shore and then we'll go for chalk or sorry not Rocky uh technology this is maybe conjoined maybe probably not you know secret rooms obviously here we'll open this chest get hushy what's up my boy open these two because may as well and then let's go back and get technology and then focus on getting magic mushroom I think probably the best way about to do this I don't think double magic mushroom wouldn't do much for me but I'll do it because why not double magic mushroom doesn't stack true but it would be cool to find oh my God wait a second I found something way cooler I found something way cooler oh my God I found something way cooler just now uh and we do have habits so we have access to enough roles to probably do this Maggie's bow uh sure take this for health 12 damage soy milk attack X I'm about to add brim to it well actually do I have enough I don't know I don't know I don't know if I have enough health does anyone know my health I probably have enough oh my god dude I don't have enough charges for this oh I should have gone in here what am I doing Holly or brim Polly or Brent I can't call Polly no I shouldn't take Paulie because I just took soy milk wow another frog I do have a soul heart left over so I know I'm probably gonna be okay where is the room with the red poo poos that's the room that I need excuse me oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I see my problem it's okay I have Bombs all too early what there you go all right that's enough habit gameplay we'll take brim and then I'll defeat Mega Satan no that's the wrong way all right it's so beautiful look at this it's so freaking pretty it's so unbelievably pretty actually uh do I need to learn him I do it would be nice if you spawned oh wow my damage is crazy good let's see you're gonna give me delirium today ah when I really need it actually I do I did I forget how Mega Satan works there's a second phase I I've never played Isaac before in my life I have never played Isaac um I got it take the black heart don't touch the chest let's go bait unlocked and I I unlocked blue baby guys I had so much goddamn health I kind of want that ringworm that could be fun actually I'm just gonna teleport seven times and find delirium right now that would have been sick uh dog food is useless I'll take it though just get Play-Doh please Play-Doh sounds sick with this run honestly does this do anything probably not uh it tries to do something that's for sure okay Peppa Pig well Seoul could not catch a break you know who can holy moly this probably does nothing for me what is that tear effect what that is the last thing I expected I was about to take Tammy's head because I was like all the time he said Brimstone That's a classic and then I used it what was that ah yes the spoon ah yes the cage uh 69 is fine do nails activate Deadeye or no probably but I already took soy milk so it wouldn't matter if anything if I had holy light in this like time right now I feel like it would take away from how cool this Synergy looks so I'm happy with what I have where's delirium this is you I know it's you it's not you what the hell pretty mind uh this can't even be you it's me actually I found me the nail uh you know what flight I know it's really not gonna affect me but if the Run feels incomplete if I don't have flight this was a very successful blue baby room by the way we went up and we got a mega Satan kill and delirium yes thank you more of that oh Gish got a ton of marks done on this character uh split bombs sounds silly oh hi hi where are you there you are there I am shooting you this build is very visually pleasing I'm not going to lie oh he turned into his non-armored form say goodbye to your health bar we're done GG super good run actually God like run baby [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 129,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PunDT_k4R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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