Unlocking Tarnished Keeper

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okay so apparently a lot of people want me to do this which is apparently unlocked tarnished keeper uh by apparently like buying a bomb and then bombing the secret room that you can see is automatically revealed to me uh sure thing why not new character right get the uh the thrill of unlocking something new even though I've kind of already unlocked everything now this run in general should be incredibly easy if we're being honest because I'm playing literal tainted Keeper in greedier mode we'll be fine but I actually do need a greedier unlock for this uh character so it's all gonna work out whoops ow nickels okay don't even need this kind of money I'll be okay but I appreciate it ow Jesus oh that's right I still have the bomb mod I don't know how you guys feel about this mod but hey I I got one comment saying it's cool and then another one this said it sucks so I'm gonna keep it on for like one more day if you guys don't like it I'll take it off okay what's in the shop that is actually really good this is a Mamba and so I buy the bomba come in here that's a Keeper's box which I just want to take in general but apparently I bomb here and there it is I don't know what this does hold on I gotta read uh interesting uh I don't really know much about this but let's try it oh look this is apparently his name is Stanley I I don't know what I just did did I do it I made a key for free okay cool um I guess nice I'll take these tears ups and then uh material is gonna be crazy because I'm playing keeper wow okay very good I will come in here and it's Dr fetus and I don't have enough money to do that but I might do that Jesus what the [ __ ] what what's up what's up what's supposed to happen what times don't spawn like that why did the diamonds spawn like that I'm confused I'm I'm incredibly confused right now all right pin will take no problem whatsoever my theory it's stupid for the first floor we're gonna avoid that dialogical angel Rooms Today still don't know what Ping Stanley off does uh car battery Keeper's box sounds nice though that sounds awesome uh I'll take a damage up uh King baby is NADA for me maybe a reroll a school bag sounds cool and then we'll go wow what an incredible first floor what the hell is that card renewed thank you you're welcome go here oh I think that's just supposed to like be like to him at where to go okay interesting okay so Stanley's there and I pay him an amount oh I pay him 20 cents and then I can get the card renewed to do it again right so if I just do this okay now I've gone and lost it so now I need to renew my card I I guess I I don't know I don't know I don't know let me buy a key real quick uh I'll apply that later that sounds awesome I guess I might as well spawn some stuff and then I don't um just go so can I boom wow I just got it for free wait this is a broken Synergy oh I can't oh okay never mind never mind I thought this was a broken synergy but it seems to have those limits okay yeah so I can't do it twice I don't think I don't think I think I need to renew it for it to work again why am I so rich Jesus fanny pack what is going on why did I get Keeper's box on like the first floor like the best thing I could have gotten and why are nickels spawning ow [Music] LS just died okay let me confirm what's going on here first let's take this then we'll take this then I'll renew so okay now I should be able to use this on the next next floor it's a sticker room that would have been nice since I got an extra bomb but that's fine restock this that damage up is great this is an insane run just in general like I don't even need the weird like hack thing Keepers Association entrance card I don't need it uh but it's helping all right we need a bit more money and then we'll be able to uh access whatever's in the angel room comfortably that was really sloppy but I was also in the same amount um I it didn't work I guess I gotta do it on the next floor uh we'll just take this then and we'll fight the angel okay we're gonna fight the angel there you go so I think the Keepers Association entrance card can't believe I said the entire thing just now the cat all right I think the kayak only works like once per floor I think and I've just renewed it so on this floor I can now use it again I I'm assuming oh my God the items are actually crazy dude okay all right for sure hi Stanley I might as well just start spawning more items uh okay okay dude I'm not I'm not rigging I swear dude what the hell I'm not I swear to God I'm not rigging it's just dimes on dimes on dimes at this point I might as well start buying whatever he gives me there's no reason not to I just keep getting nickels okay so I can use this now right okay so that is how that works and then I renew it nice um I'll take this because I actually have another needle coming up I got a tears down which sucks but I didn't get a damage up and this is gonna give me two-thirds spun which is gonna be really good for us I don't need the d8 I don't have Rock Bottom oh my God it's tainted keeper moment oh my God it's the it's the D6 itself I really enjoy the fact that I have Keepers box right now um and I was gonna say I'm gonna take the D6 instead but I have school bag so this is all working out perfectly let's blow this up let me get a nickel in the process now I'm just gonna probably get that odd mushroom and then we'll go I just have no money like I don't not have enough money to do this uh if I fight the angel I might get enough money to pay for Whatever item decides to show up Maybe you might have to look for secret room actually I think I've gone and messed up where is my secret room oh my God oh come on please oh that's disgusting I don't want that I can't take a health down right now it's too scary oh wait this is perfect this is the guy I needed to see all right never mind game game is just gonna give me the win we're okay I needed a perfect enemy like this one Immaculate Heart I don't really want to roll my Immaculate Heart uh I've used a bomb to get to the secret room which sucks so I can't roll again so I'll just take this right it's worth but if I uh big gamble here you know what if all right damn it no a health up okay cool yeah I'm not getting me all sets up I'm sorry that really sucks so well for as much money as I am making it seems I'm still Baroque as hell I don't need the sharp straw there's fun that's why you always go for it and I'll take Guillotine too um I need 30 cents to renew my kayak kayak I don't want to say that word is weird I'm gonna say my Association cards make it easier for myself the birthright on painted keeper is going crazy and I'm able to pick up every single nickel I uh generate which seems to be every other enemy I fight for some reason there it is it's still going I don't even need to really try and Dodge anymore I just instantly heal I don't like that that guy is in the wall it's kind of hard to get to there we go time give me yes the worst greater we've seen in my life those guys suck does anyone feel like those buttholes got a lot harder to dodge over time I feel like they like got buffed in Repentance or something okay so let's renew just because I don't know it sounds fun um what was in my shop I know I have spun right and guillotine 's good eating's good people hate on it but it's a good item um I don't really think I need any of these so we'll not do that don't forget to start using my box as well every time I can so I think I'll be really oh my God need to do now is simply try and spawn the angel room and then see what's in there I guess that maybe that's just a benefit you get for using the association card every single wave you just get a couple nickels and dimes I'm gonna be smart here and buy a bomb for the angel room that I most definitely will be spawning and it won't be a devil I can't tell I can't tell I have Guillotine it's a double well I can't be mad at this actually I kind of want to take ocular Rift but oh anything else I need here yeah that most definitely I'd love to take that other other other tears up but I don't think I have the ability to I've used my car Association card haven't I no I have not I did not but it wasn't enough unfortunately oh wow I'm so excited for the nothing item room epic what is actually in here maybe you can joined that's what that sounds like to me BRB for the next seven minutes okay just kidding it was nice to me for once uh I'll take this because now we're finally stacked up on uh full tiers use the Box got nothing too useful here sprinkler could be fun don't get me wrong but I don't know how I feel about it I'm more interested in getting a the Jesus Christ dear husbands couldn't join to play what the hell man there's a D20 in here I could pull some Shenanigans man I could do some Shenanigans right now I don't really know if I want to particularly right but it could be good oh well yeah hold on don't die Jesus no wait don't die okay there's a sticky nickel there and it was it was baiting me man this guy right here no it disappeared there was a sticky nickel you can't you cannot guess like me into thinking there wasn't nothing boned me oh my God okay be right back okay it's a devil again uh maybe Bookworm I suppose no uh ew that's nothing too good actually uh let's try using foreign let's buy a mystery gift well I have no way to find my secret room actually I don't bomb so what we'll do is this I'll get chaos buy the mystery gift and I'm just gonna I'm gonna plop it down wherever it's Transcendence that's awesome I need a flight that's good not bad uh I'll buy this because it's on sale and maybe the next item is good but it wasn't so instead we will just leave me unless something comes up like this it's a good item never mind all I hear are like Penny noises and I'm I'm getting dopamine I'm not gonna lie this is quite fun I don't okay this has to be like an association card thing right I don't usually get this many nickels and keys and stuff and dimes that's just not normal am I just built different today is that is that a special case scenario I'm dancing oh my God that I too all right yeah oh my God chaos moment black candles and wait no I already have spot what am I talking about I was like I got excited for a sec Bookworm is it really worth it is that really worth it I don't know uh sure oh well you know I don't have Rock Bottom so there's no real point but at least we get to listen to some music while I reroll a yeah I'll take this we actually have Max tier 8 so I'm not touching the rest oh um okay there's a lot going on and more than I expected here [Music] yeah let's do it hacked I don't really need I'm looking for another baby to be honest with you it doesn't look like I'm getting one one more roll pentagram triple shot there it is there's a good item uh we'll just take pentagram after this and then we'll be done oh my God and in here we don't get a conjoined that sucks I'll take this though there really is no way for me to get conjoined I think so uh do I pay you off just cause I don't I don't want to mess anything up I don't think I have to you know for the principal I'll do it for the principal okay never mind well hopefully that doesn't ruin anything I sure hope not all right here we go we should be fine on this fight we're pretty busted and even though Tindy keeper is at risk of dying pretty often we spend so much money with Birthright we'll be okay nice and careful here why am I spawning so many mad skinny Stone this went crazy that's beautiful to look at I forgot I had that item and nice and careful here he's just spawning things that's fine this is RNG coins you know how many lost ones I've lost to that like this specific coin where all it does is it just drops randomly you know how annoying that is I forgot it I forgot I installed the mod okay I forgot that I installed the mama mega bomb fart I'm almost dead all right we're good uh I installed a mod that made it so not every single like bomb is a mama Mega part like a Reverb part but the ones that are Mama Mega count and I guess other ingredients bombs count as Mama Mega bombs today I learned so these are all good [Laughter] that's that's dumb I'm sorry I wasn't expecting that all right we're about to let loose and probably kill him so just get ready there we go oh my frames oh I'm so sorry hang good man hey that's an actual unlock so I just come in here and I just touch you right you unlock keeper turnover all right so now I should just be able to just be like right where is he there you are midas's curse and turn over all right well GG we're probably gonna play him next [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 235,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KL14T9cUvWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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