Incredibly Satisfying Shot

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all right so we're playing Kane and we have spin down dice starting again now you may be wondering why I'm doing this again that's because the last time I started the spin down dice I kind of found our key by proxy of spin down dice like uh 10 minutes in so I took it and then we ran with that and it was super fun but a couple comments were like well you know that turned into an RQ run and you know what I fully agree you are actually 100 correct uh I'll take Purity here that did kind of turn into a RQ run which kind of just takes away from the whole point of the video it was supposed to be like Austin down so this time we're gonna make a rule for ourselves no matter what happens at all I cannot get rid of spin down Dallas as an active item I have to keep it no matter what get to one shot those dips that's nice Kane is kind of based to be honest with you he always has a little bit of extra damage if you didn't know by the way uh the reason that Kane and I think Judas as well at base stats can one shot dips but on on the second floor basement two they cannot it's because uh dips and actually just every enemy scaled their health with how far you are in the game so let's say you were on uh caves two fighting a dip versus basement one fighting a dip those two uh different enemies would actually have different Health values which is why you know it's exactly what I was saying you can one shot dips as Kane and Judas on the early floors but not later on now the same still applies just like last video there are certain items that we just gotta keep an eye out for Cuba meat is not one of them we got blood bags that we want to keep an eye out for Bara soaps toothpicks Etc all of the above basically any item that spins down into a god item we gotta keep an eye out for uh that is Rosary though to be fair sure it's not actually a bit of an idea I think about it I give a second thought all right let's go actually does something as you can see I uh I have instant item bombs which could already lead to a break there's no reason I'm not taking Dr fetus now I think the god scenario for spin down is if you start with spin down you somehow get Rock Bottom really fast right uh AKA you fight a boss and bar soap spawns and you spin it down twice into a rock and then on downpour two you go to the mirror Dimension and spin down the knife piece one and get mega mushroom that in combination of the Rock Bottom I shouldn't even need to say luck up times two moment would just give you damage for the entirety of the run I think that's only happened to me a couple times but when it does happen it is absolutely magical all right Blob should be easy because we have literally like 20 20 plus doctor fetus ball that's not bar soap that's HP up yeah just take it and in here no matter what it is I'll take proptosis and Buddy in a box loop lock it in I don't know how proptosis Dr fetus works I imagine it literally just doesn't I love the Black Candle for higher deal chance but I just don't have the ability go to the shop now they're gonna go shopping all the money let's just go now I have exciting news for all of you you guys I may have been wondering at this point dude where the hell is taintedjake.exe2 we've been waiting for it for a hot minute pretty sure that turns into the C-section if I try hard enough I don't know if I can but I kind of want to try uh where the hell is take to jacob.exe 2 you said it will be here like a bajillion years ago and you're right and I am happy to announce it's probably out by like tomorrow I'm not gonna lie it it's it's gonna be like really soon it's gonna be real soon definitely this week minimum so you know when you see that thumbnail you know exactly what you're supposed to watch dude my absolute entire gift to the Isaac Community for being so supportive and so awesome that is a celebration of Isaac in general and it will be out real soon I know it's been in the burner for a long time don't worry it's not like I stopped working on it in fact we've been hard working on it every single day very very small floor I I mean there's a battery in the shop but I just don't see a way for me to get any kind of extra roll here you know what I mean I just don't see it like I can get one here plus the battery and then maybe another oh my God there's a magic mushroom we're doing that instead never mind I found the thing I want to do we're gonna get magic mushroom uh and then we'll just take the blind item I like bone spurs don't get me wrong but it's not good enough for me to be like if I had an extra option that's blind would I take it yeah I'd take that one instead judgment's cool so Boop and then be right back all right we oh no don't do this to me I need another charge immediately right now right now you give me a charge holy moly I need money money money I need it where oh my God I'm gonna die if I can't get this is gonna be the worst thing ever wait greed dudes love to get oh oh oh I can't breathe oh my God I'm gonna die always look for your secret rooms ladies and gentlemen this is why you do it this is why spin down is number one oh my Lord that was hype I love that what's in here give me and then also pentagram because that's just good all pills are good because I'm Kane that is a big good pill I can see forever cool don't error room me oh my God my heart just sank that is Sacred Heart magic mushroom Brimstone one floor what the hell so we take you and then spin down the Sacred Heart or I rather the toothpicks and then I get uh some of the best items in the game all red uh on the third floor or in this case I guess second floor okay let's pop you obviously I have infinite bombs but it is just nicer for me to walk in a room and have it revealed as so goodbye keeper dude uh who the hell is that what what is that buddy in a box that looks like okay I could be crazy I was my initial answer is gonna say it's germa but it's obviously not germa my my second answer you guys can correct me because I feel I think I'm wrong is it looks like the dude that was like the anime theme for Friday night funkin you know the one it was like kind of like Doki Doki that's what this guy looks like to me I could be so wrong and I probably am and I you guys can tell me the reference in the comments excuse me that's like the best thing I could find actually Loki kind of want growth hormones we get bookworms seraphim no way this is a god build plus a fat tears up you want cool boom no that's not okay what is this run dude what is going on why is there like a god or around my doctor fetus that just destroys everything what is that is that wait oh that is Tech X look at the Rings it's just really hard to tell it does synergize never mind I'm sorry that's actually sick and then in here Steve stew Steam Sale I'm suffering and lovely a little bit of Beelzebub and I know there was something halfway decent in the shop that I'd rather save it for potentially the boss you know who knows maybe the devil room spawns and I spin down what like a little Abaddon that dude died to the tech X not even like anything else you died to the tech X Lusty blood that's just good let me take that and this is good also wow what a absolute Fun Run now I can say spit down is good well we found our boss I have spin down ready might as well I guess this way oh I was close Perfection I'm kind of playing crazy a little bit of a pattern on the back we'll take the luck up we now have 16 somehow so despite being Kane and just having a bunch of money we haven't found any arcades yet which is a high priority for me because obviously we want to find blood banks yes we still actually we just have Brimstone but that doesn't mean I can't farm for more I have a Statue of Liberty so yeah a lot of things are happening in the madman Community you guys are absolutely sick again thank to jacob.exe 2 is coming out soon I'll be going to twitchcon whenever those uh tickets come out I have the hotel ready the one in Vegas we have the hotel we're just uh waiting for tickets to come out and when I get the chance we will pounce what is this blind hey maybe I'll give you something good later Mom's purse sure since I'm committed to Perfection anyway wubble worm can't do much for me this is gonna suck because I'm gonna lose my damage and instead my Purity will give me damage thank you Matt man luck treasure room okay give me something juicy blood bombs you know what I kind of want to but I also don't because I see a lost soul there but we all know who I like I I I'm kind of asked with lost soul I'll do it I should have taken him at the very end but I just want him here with me now I miss him algiz sure I wish I could alja's the lost soul not myself I got a giant prop over here might as well blow them up it's okay you know what it will take it because uh conjoined see like if you just play well enough who even cares if you took lost soul right away instead of at the end of the floor you're not gonna lose them oh my God I'm gonna lose him this is it actually hold on dopamine activated I don't care anymore one second guess what I just found all right now it could give me an IV bag to be completely fair but if it gives me an IV bag that just means every single time one of these pays out again it'll have to be a blood bag or you could just give me another Brimstone cool thanks now where do I want to use huge growth on it would actually be pretty effective for us as we have damage multiplier items I think I'll do it on the hush fight since we're definitely going to be able to fight them for now we'll get a perfectly timed re-roll I'm gonna get a blue cap sure nothing huh still hoping for a random C-section but I guess I might as well take the guppy hairball all right lost so I know you're giving me mad at that look okay I'm sorry I I messed up I should have taken you at the end of the floor I won't make that mistake again I apologize you're stuck between the wall is he phasing through he just phase three what is this interaction look at this I mean I guess he is a God okay I'm blind that's right uh I'm going to assume that that doesn't spin down into anything crazy post edit my man go ahead and put that on what does that turn into oh oh oh oh oh yeah here we go eventually we'll get something what's in here dice short short this is half price 15 item wow that's a god item what is this just a boomerang it's okay now I am blind so Boss Rush is kind of like a poopy you know what I mean like uh what the hell am I gonna pick I got four options I got no indication of which one's the correct one does that mean I'll I won't do it oh I'm gonna do it look how little pee we are dude we one shot literally everything and I mean literally everything I have not one sure or sorry I have not not one shot something so far all right let's try come on can't be that greedy right oh well here's the big the big the big bet here we go the big reveal put it down in the comments do you think that this is either a blood bag or an IV bag we're about to find out and I got my damage back okay uh I'll go Polaroid sure these are both one heart deals but I don't know how I feel about them I'll leave them alone and then I take top right today Little Portal that's really close to C-section again it isn't the thing next to C-section but it's uh real close anyway yeah again as I'm showing I'm literally one-shotting everything I I have not found a single boss so far that I cannot one shot even hush well I don't think I can one shot just because of the way his phases work I will one shot every single face I'm sure of it we'll see that happen which should end up being pretty satisfying for now I'm just I'm mangling every way possible like the ring itself is what's killing the enemies not even the explosion yet that's how stupidly good this is and what do I get Oh yay bills everywhere uh Halo is cool why not oh you're joking you know uh I'm done I'm done I can't believe it I've never been more trolled by a horse pill in my life lost soul you did not deserve that kind of slander it actually is fairly satisfying for this specific build one of the only problems I have with Dr fetus is that it feels unsatisfying when you kind of like hit an enemy because it kind of just bumps into them does nothing and then explodes the explosion itself is satisfying but while it's running into the enemy it just bumps across it it's like ah it doesn't feel good but with the tech X added on that has like 70 damage per tick things just melt in front of the bombs which makes it way more satisfying for me making super good time three minutes ahead of hush but goodbye lives give me one shot you we do one final devil room for us Brimstone look guys I got a fourth brimstone um and then bone spurs that's whatever will save the spin down and go to hush fight hi buddy listen I oh man I about last time you know it was my my bad really for real for real I can't take it but I could probably use it right at least let's use this uh yeah let's do it here and then let's check what these spin down into and then if they're good we'll do it if not we'll roll them again that would be conjoined which could be fun I would probably die I don't think it's that crazy let's take another charge and try again wait isn't that oh that's like what a way I'm pretty sure that's one away from Incubus yeah it's fitzroyer than Incubus oh man and there's nothing here right that's a horse not a 48 Hour Energy dang that was close what we will do instead is take probably it hurts get the parasite I will go how it's exploding time everything is now also splitting in every sense of the word those bombs that I was shooting earlier yeah well now there's more of them this is uh gonna be other demolition oh God stop singing this bloody tune tune all right it was a very explosive run but we got it done we took the Polaroid gotta remember that let's go up dude spin down is nasty I'm gonna say it the level of control that you have over making your like run overpowered is so much more interesting than something like uh sacred orb where are you just expect things to happen with sacred orb but spin down you can't expect things to happen you gotta try dude and for that I Gotta Give It props probably my favorite dice in the game then I think about it oh the tower sure I'll blow everything up foreign for a hot minute I don't really know what but I guess uh the grand reveal is that I'm saving it for the chest huh I mean what else would I be saving it for at this point sacrifice a room I don't think I have the health for that as much as I want to it's basically the only way I can think of getting a deal on this floor I just don't see it happening so many reverse cards it's another reverse Tower what if this gives me another like three tinted rocks then I'll do the sacrifice for him oh my Lord dude there was like four tinted rocks in this one River there's five that was the most I've ever gotten like actually ever I've never gotten that many tinted rocks I was a small rock yeah okay now I'll do the sacrifice room oh my God there's PJs hey no TP item though I guess I can go for the uh key pieces too huh there's no reason not to yeah that was so worth it that was literally a perfect sacrifice room I got everything I could want an item to keep pieces and a bunch of Soul Hearts I literally I I gained from that nothing but gain hello Isaac how you doing what happened to my voice oh my god let's go to the chest all right let's go I love to die Shard okay you idiot what are you doing dude oh yeah sure that's worth fire mind plus I'll take hot bombs actually look at those hot bombs was I expecting today to be a doctor for this run no am I happy that it was yes because it effectively showed what spin down dice could really do in a real world scenario where I don't just get excited with dopamine and take our key look at look at that oh my God that was so satisfying guys that that might be the most satisfying thing I've seen hey forget me now listen I uh I'm not gonna want that oh like I know I said that I wouldn't drop spin down die at all but like it's the end of the run I might then I wouldn't be able to fight magazine huh all right I'm thinking about it and I'm gonna commit to what I said I'm gonna I'm not gonna drop spin down dice for anything even if you get me now what is this again like the amount of times the the item that is really close to C-section shows up but uh just again like there's just no way that's happening found a chest though I will say that wow that's uh he gets head all over again I'm pretty sure this should be our last room yeah all right well now I can say that was an effective Showcase of what spin down die can do for you now I'm satisfied with myself finish off greed nothing else to do let's just kill Mega Satan I think we're good hello mega Stan so will spin down die break your game uh no yes of course it will of course it literally will are you joking me like what were you expecting is it better than sacred orb I think having more control makes it maybe in my opinion a little better is it better than glitched crop no it's not I'm gonna say it there's just no way you can tell me that glitchcon is better is it more fun yeah absolutely I think this is the most uh like fun get op item in the game because it has a little bit of skill element to it that's also why I like glitch Crown a lot to be honest with you it's because uh there is always that element of you know well will I miss it up however it's not over until it's really over is it over truly over it's over okay GG is everyone else super fun bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 105,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fxqknByPDqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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