Luckiest Floor EVER

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a zazel moment treasure room unicorn stump it's kind of poo poo but it has its moments it has the times that it's good I mean mainly for like blood banks and stuff right we have to go Angel rooms because we gotta go fight magazine that's a giant pot the yikes I got hit and it's spawning spiders uh I might be able to blow this up I need like what two more bombs excuse me okay well it worked out I guess we already got one bomb in here so we just need a bit more we could buy Bows Oh bombs too let's see nice can't believe I pulled that off all right I'll take the BOGO bombs we'll go if I the boss oh yeah yeah I'm done for item achieved meat gain that's actually really good I take the Run heart hello and I will go downpour it seems like a pretty strong run so far we got a damage up and some Bozo bombs treasure rule oh my God Parisa toy does not work with Brimstone for the first time ever I remember it it's number two I'm sorry I appreciate the health Hub okay HP don't go Devils launch me all right let's go in here a seven Cent item meaning it's a 15 item meaning I'll take it oh my Lord that's a five cent item so that's not useful We're not gonna leave that we're just gonna leave that alone I hope the moment what is that don't tell me it's a quarter oh it's a proof we don't need that okay well I'm blind you guys want to pick left or right for me left the majority of you saying left huh okay left Shoop versus Nancy bombs I could have had Nancy bombs with this build I cannot believe it what is this that's actually really good okay you got a bone heart I don't know if I'm Gonna Keep it but I'll try not to get hit by Blood here cool uh I assuming to find a red heart though if I want this to work definitely not a beggar um hello it's like every pill in the game one of these is gonna be bad HP up two is down that's kind of ass we gotta twos up though leg down kind of hurts another choose up this is super worth it I've ripped the tears up worth super worth really good holy what is my screen what is I've never seen an uglier thing and Isaac what is going on get that off my screen right now retrovision number two has been the worst thing I've seen in Isaac and he plans to do a vlog maybe on a convention no I'll go to twitchcon I have uh the hotel reserve but I don't know if I'm gonna Vlog it I'm not that type of person Mr belly cool all right we'll go to the mirror Dimension then hematamisis not useful could be more useful than the full card to be fair but I just I'll keep the fool I could blow up put it in one cycle that's okay we might be able to actually there you go it's live it has to be good it's blind but it has to be decent uh and then uh there's a restocking machine in here that's 15 cents but that's also potentially a chaos card so let's handle that chaos huge gross off I'm not gonna risk the blind magic mushroom what dude I've never seen a longer Azazel beam this is actually kind of cool all right let's go uh I'll find farm for a blood bag here I absolutely can okay yeah that's nothing magic it'll happen yeah one day Health's down not even a big deal at this point shot speed down literally does nothing to me and a secret room and an extra bedroom one what's up here uh cool interesting but not that crazy we'll leave that alone boom experimental I'll take it small damage down fat range up it's okay I probably wouldn't have wanted that but it's not the fattest L I've ever taken in fact I'm basically just shooting normal Brimstone at this point okay just pay attention to how long he's charging up and you'll know if he's doing the center Brimstone or the sideways it's sideways it's the center sorry I said that backwards I dodged correctly but I said it backwards goodbye to reap creep nice More Tears oh boy I will go pretty decent run are you gonna see the FNAF movie of course dude Roger evil eye hey does the evil only work with the zazel the answer is no correct I forget Wishbone moment they don't work okay scored that's okay actually I'll take the B blade why why is Kane So based what an incredible question in my opinion because he wears an eye patch cool at least we got the Angel guaranteed vade retro and holy water and we take this key piece and think about it Vale retro is actually kind of good and my active item really isn't all that I'm kind of considering it but at the same time holy water is kind of nasty I'll probably take it God I love coffee dude I need some coffee that's what I'm thinking uh look at a mausoleum dude uh here I'm gonna get this and hope for a TP no dead cat this is one of the only times I will genuinely not take that cat until I find more Soul hearts on the ground in which case I absolutely will check check nice okay there you go I'm gonna take uh dead cat now always take dead cat but just take it like properly you know I mean like don't take it in a stupid way make sure the solar is left over if you're maxed out but it's just so insanely worth it at all times there's no reason not to it literally I cannot stress this enough is a free win judge what what what what what what what okay okay don't freak out don't freak out all you gotta do is find a secret room item now I do also have a sacrifice for him and I'm highly tempted to just do it you know because I if you didn't know the last time I played is Azle I went full on angels and it literally just wouldn't spawn it sucked it was so annoying so I'm thinking I might just do this I mean I have a black heart left over when I'm done using dead cat it might be time to cook unironically not to mention this reverse judgment just sitting here begging to be used you know yeah okay we're gonna do this let's see if I spawn a deal I mean I don't have to do it if I spawn the deal right but if I don't we're gonna use sacrifice room not to mention we got horny boys and not Visage which is sick I appreciate you so much video game for not giving me those I wish I saw that bomb Sprite more the one that just exploded the zap bombs it's like one of a kind another raindrop the longest disabled room you've seen here life let's go ahead and Sack room ourselves we also have a bone heart left over once we're done with this in fact uh I didn't do the mob challenge room did I like a dude oh I did do it oh it was just a chest I didn't open because it was half season okay we'll at least get this oh wait uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's okay no that's not bad well spawn so hard it's okay it's not the worst I just have to I just wasted a life it's a big deal we'll get this key piece instead I got really nervous I'm not gonna lie I got super scared just now but we can make up for it it's not a big deal we're looking for any way to spawn uh any kind of item uh whether it be a judgment or just a beggar any way possible uh Gemini is okay I probably I should have taken conjoined but it just seemed like such a Whatever item nice that's good any way to spawn an item in the secret room let me know I'll keep my eye out watch out for the brimstone then watch out for the brimstone again and then watch out for the brimstone again and they call this fight hard ow okay I got a devil this is exactly what happened last time dude do I have to go up or down I have to go up this is exactly what happened I just like I got nothing but Devils for some reason hmm that being said I kind of want that and at this point yeah I need damage I really do I'll look for both secret rooms and if we don't get them I'll use her judgment on the four dice rooms or sorry the four chess rooms which also is just not a bad play so either way a rig is going to happen it just depends on level of rig and what the game allows me to do also I just realized that we've been playing on slow mode this entire time because of stopwatch oh oh my God these are good I don't want to roll them I don't I literally don't I actually don't I want to take both of those those are literal pogs I might just roll the Lost flying dumpy which also dumpy's good don't get me wrong but it's not like uh you know oh my God you know what I'm saying kind of playing like a god though look at this bomb micro management I have while dodging everything don't don't put that in the video last thing man actually wait hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait well for now I'll take this and I'll take this and there's no rush I might as well just uh scope around you know at least looks very satisfying at the very least you know that's nice I like that I'll try of course but if not I'll just use reverse judgment on the chest starting room I think [Music] oh shut up shut up no one say anything could have D6 proc that's actually true you're right D6 or D20 no neither okay all right here we go the big Grand reveal the secrets uh I don't think this does anything for me come on I worked so hard and doesn't forget me now hold on wait a second but I don't want to do it I don't want to do it dude I can't believe I did that oh wait boom I could do this I could leave the Bible and then we could just decide right we can decide once we're done side cutting it right now so we'll see I've made this mistake tons of times in the past and for the first time ever I'm truly gonna say I'm not doing it I'm not risking the 50 50. we're going straight in baby like wow the content is unreal the fattest crack dice you've seen in your life sharp moment this is on sale short battery's fat I have a ton of money jumper cables is good yoink you like a joker card I'm blind so I'm not going to use it here I can go to the cursor for free as well now I still need to go back and do angel rooms again I really do so despite all of this I need to go Angels again get the key pieces and do it all over I cannot believe I did that Holy what about in here don't TP me red key you're gonna give me a red key you're gonna give me a red key holy mother okay we are cooking uh this is Bookworm I kind of want it sure dad's key well that's just hilarious isn't it you would you would ABS you would do that game you would do that you would do that okay dude grab this well I mean where else could it be past the dice room I guess like on the opposite side of this ah okay that makes sense and definitive sacred orb moment okay don't go inside of there talk to this bad boy and go straight down yeah we've cleared everything yeah we'll go that's why you min max baby uh we know where the secret room is so let's go straight to the troll oh my God I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know what's going on I don't know I don't know guys I don't know what's going on I have every item ever in the game I have every item you could ever want in the video game so if you didn't know there was a small change where they made it so Ultra Secrets can't oh nice double lock up holy cannot be adjacent or I guess to the opposite side of the curse room AKA it can't be here anymore which is made Finding Ultra secret rooms way easier like logically there's two places it could be here it's either up here or to the right it's not here so it's probably just to the right and if not it's by the mob challenge room lazy worm carried I I actually believe it you know how many times I've told you guys this I've said if you get the lazy room trinket a rig will happen and I've stayed I've literally stood by that every single time oh it's by the Bob Challenger I'll grab it later and I this was the one time I actually had doubts even for myself I was saying oh man I don't think this is the case but the lazy worm trinket literally gave us our key uh I don't know if I can I guess I'll just do this there you go the ultra secret room basically had to be here and I can go inside the mob challenge room at the same time nice money equals power my soul is good for defense which is basically the only thing we need goodbye Bozo thanks for the quarter the key piece and I'm honestly a little nervous to go to the mirror Dimension I don't know why I really shouldn't be but I'm gonna do it anyway because I just realized I had dead cat nice mines uh I gotta go here first I can't go to the arcade otherwise the only spawn Capricorn's strong tractor beam is also good I'm happy with both of those and pretty sure both of those items were Godly because I have sacred orb oh my God I got it wow okay cool sorry deck we don't even need that I should have spent those 10 cents it's not a big deal though another luck up damage up uh and it looks like the ultra secret room is not in this direction so let's head in the other way charged or beggar yeah you're going you're going bye bye sorry listen if I've never seen a higher deal chance than 97.5 uh like straight up I actually have not if I buy some miracle some devious prank by the gods Miracle Winston hi there uh don't get an angel room I I'm gonna I'm gonna freak out Wednesday I can use this this literally guarantees a deal wait what this would guarantee a deal too I've never seen that wait I have artificial 100 deal is that is that true right like I'm I'm I know it adds to your percentage but I've never seen an artificial 100 chance why is my deal chance so high I'm not gonna pick it up because I think it would be hilarious if I failed the 97 so I I'm not gonna give myself the 100 chance because think about the content and the the absolute like decibels of scream that I will make if I somehow don't get this Angel deal oh my God there's a dice guys there's a nice bag ah okay wow that was a hard one to find I would have never guessed that well at least we got you just because we had so many our key uses or sorry red key uses wait there's a super a secret Rock there I gotta go back I I got the deal hold believe it or not I got the deal we got spun which is nice uh hematomaceous is useless oh my God that's a Stairway no reason to kill both of these except to flex goodbye double key piece moment uh yeah I think wait hold on and now I actually got to pick up money because I have stairway it's important I want a euthanasia I feel like I'm missing out on euthanasia what is that yummy oh yummy uh Mausoleum moment let's go we are gaming D100 not yet maybe at the end of the run I'll do it and monsters is okay D20 turn them into chests turn into a golden chest and re-roll it that would never happen numb what no oh now we're getting crazy yeah yeah yeah here we go it's goofy goober run time hold on hold on hold on hold on hello oh if I walk in a room and dice bag gives me D6 or rather if I walk in a secret room and it gives me D6 you can bet your ass that I'm gonna be doing it oh I think I haven't Polaroid in this ability it's just I can't tell for some reason hello bloodbag do you exist there you God damn you took a while hey what's up fifth cloak sure hey we asked this earlier and we didn't even know do I have the siren unlock I did not forgotten lullaby has been repeated in the basement Wahoo okay cool uh this is okay wait doesn't that spin down into something crazy I should have checked whoops oh well I've been waiting for a run like this for a hot minute hey you know what what if there's in this mob challenge room there's this toothpicks could you imagine that would have been sick I'll take this though it's not a big deal I think I have the highest tier rate possible ever look at this 0.2 second tier eight I'm now at the point where I don't even want to like be for myself I'm just enjoying this run so much I could never see myself deforing Steam Sale with stairway you shouldn't have oh wow yeah that's insanely good I'm guppy what wait what I know I have dead cat what else did I pick up oh I picked up collar long ago huh I should pick up these red hearts in case I find another Blood Bank which uh by the way the Run has been going I would say is pretty likely our damage is ramping up I'll take the Dead Eye here uh in the case that I finally figured out that Deadeye doesn't work with Brimstone it works with C-section I think ah you're so correct actually yeah now I'd much rather a dead eye than an apple then hello okay I'm not wow wow wow wow I can't believe it I can't believe it what I was expecting godhead what actually I think soy milk would have been cooler anyway but what you don't have lazarags unlocked yeah I figured that's the reason why what do you guys think should I take soy I think soy would be sick here actually unironically it wouldn't be bad I could take ludovico yeah yeah I mean it's not bad actually I would say this is even better than anything I could have imagined let's see yeah you know what it says it's better what was godhead gonna do give me homing like what I already have homing Matt man on his way to make seven misplays and somehow come out on top let's go I'm having such a good time okay got another Angel because well now there's no more intro rooms that I want oh yeah just kidding this one's pretty good it's just white death in your face actually truly a Madman moment where even do the enemy be did you wake up I got hit I didn't move how do you not hit me on the way forward but then on the way back you hit me hey have you guys seen a whiplash the movie I saw it yesterday like last night God is it good yeah you know that's not quite my tempo whoa okay should I actually yeah yeah I'll take it one two three four five look at that I improved I remembered I had stopwatch let's go okay what's up here oh my god oh boom nah proptosis whatever that's good oh what do you guys think I'm sinking that when you pick up missing though like the item missing though right does it reroll you the moment you pick it up or only when you go to floors because I see him missing though there okay I was just no way I already got it because I'm thinking right like why don't I maybe potentially reroll my entire build at the very end just for absolute funnies wow there's a delirium oh what excuse me I I really wouldn't do anything for me but wow it's getting it's getting worse it's getting real bad guys the run's getting pretty hard to tell what's going on Sagittarius Libra Libra that is Libra with Rock Bottom Rick I just remembered that I'm shooting quad shot by the way that's conjoined that's another Sacred Heart I actually don't know how this works but I can't even get it so it's it doesn't matter I don't have enough rules so instead what do I get oh my God I took the fattest damage down I've seen in my life I got Rock Bottom though oh I got a knife and I think we'll be done just really fast I've gotten a bad build with this is what you guys have to realize I just have too many items I mean I two shot Mega Satan like it's over we're done I pulled off the god rig Gigi it's a I can't believe it the best rig I've done in my life black baby what [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 122,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NW4gFvhnD7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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