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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to tiny topia so this is a city builder set in like a toy landscape sort of thing like look we're in a kid's bedroom so you guys seem to really like this so i thought we'd play a little bit more so we finished at the end of last video building a city on a spinning turntable uh which was pretty unique it was quite scary if i'm honest uh but my aim today i really want to get the tee to town i want to build on a seesaw and i just having a little a little nosy up here there's a bike you can build a city on a bike like on the pedals and stuff that's really cool okay i can't wait to get to that one all right but we've got a we've got to complete the coastal paradise let's get in here so we got a complete special building as always and these are usually secondary objectives build five tier three classy apartments and get 1500 citizens with 80 happiness easy hang on now let's turn those beaches into a gambler's paradise what well this game's taking a turn all right so i'm building a casino over it so that should give these guys some jobs do another one there because you can't just have one casino in the neighborhood you gotta have you have a choice of where to gamble and if you haven't seen this before oh god you can move buildings literally on top of buildings and they fall off and die no that's not what i meant that's not what i mean all right what i actually meant was if you click on a casino can you see this light blue that shows you how you can upgrade it because currently it's a tier one casino we want a tier 2 so if we wang that there and then just watch it's a tier 2 casino and it looks like there's there's no such thing as a tier 3 casino which is a bit of a shame if i'm honest but is it it is what it is oh god look alright we've got a bloody we got a robber we gotta build a police station he's stealing all that money all right please station go in there and now we can send a police car right and now he's been busted oh god i swear he stole like half of our money we got look at that car does that have a spoiler on a wheelie but it has a wheelie bar wow anyway more casinos we'll build one there and one in front so it becomes a tier two oh god look we got protesters we've never had this before oh they've gone they've gone it's fine it is fine look at all these cars look at that one got like a massive hood thing a scoop i don't know what they called the air intake thing look him drift around the corners he's literally just drifting around this roundabout or it's not really a roundabout this square about look at him it's never ending drift nader drift nato t-shirt coming soon all right i reckon we will build a classy apartment i'm sort of intrigued to see how these bad boys work we're going to build it up on the beach so they got a nice little view to go between those two trees look at that and to upgrade we need a tier three classy house so if we come to a classy house asterisk of tier one classy house we can upgrade that into a tier two by putting one next to it nice and then a tier three by doing the same but behind all right look we got protesters let me just do this first all right what's wrong protesters i think you just click on protesters to get rid of them that's good why are people only nine percent happy that's not very happy guys all right so now i've got my tier three classy house you can see highlighted in blue we gotta stick that on top of the apartment so if we come down here we can move a block it costs 500 quid but that's not too much in the grand scheme of things so grab you bung you up there oh my goodness it's a t-shaped building and look at the shape that goes on top is that what i think it is all right it's changed ah so there's two ways you can upgrade it so we can either shove a tier three classy house on top or we can do four different things i'm gonna do the four that looks way more fun all right so there's our two tier twos so we can move those if i come down here there's also snap that allows you to uh just snap buildings on top which makes it a bit easier as you saw earlier it is a bit easy for buildings to fall off so you got you on there and then what do we need just two classy houses on top of that so one there and one there oh my what a building that is look at that that is a tier three classy apartment nice um they they have no jobs though i think that's why i keep getting riots so we need to build a lot more jobs for those people to do a few casinos to lay them about oh look we have a new special building available so if we come down to special buildings this is sort of the aim of the level and it's split into five different things the first one costs three thousand and you need a population of one hundred we've got a population of 151 now so that's no problem you can see for the other five segments it's up to a thousand populations that's going to take a little bit of time and meanwhile we've got these guys so we're just going to click on them and it's a casino bait oh my god it's huge it is absolutely ginormous that's what she said does it need to be near a road i don't even know i can put it on i'm going to literally put it on the beach nice and then you can see how all the other parts go it turns it's like a mega casino oh god we got a fire our casino's on fire i haven't built a bloody ah right fire truck go put that out there he's pulling it out no it's too late it's too late we lost casino now all these guys don't have jobs oh no the two houses exploded as well well that was a disaster all right let's build a casino it's attached onto the police station and then we'll build a load of apartments i think just a long air yeah we're just going to stack them up they're completely completely shadowing the casino behind it well that's nice that's decent that right now we can build more of our special building so we can bung this piece if we rotate nice and we can even do the next floor as well that goes on i don't have enough money we need ten thousand oh we gotta wait for our money to come in you see we've got four grand there that's because we've got so many people they all pay tax so the more people you have the more money you have i just noticed the area quality of these is zero percent that doesn't seem very good maybe because there's not a hospital in reach so we'll first put a hospital down there oh god that was literally on a tree and on the road right these guys have everything they possibly want maybe we need to do some trees and stuff no that's it they all want skateparks i forgot i forgot about this game people love skating here look at them all they're all on their heelies they are loving it oh my god that is a big kid look how big that guy is why is he so much bigger than everyone else anyway but if we go up here now area quality 70 that is good i am gonna keep building more apartments and i'm just gonna stack them on top we're building a skyscraper and we are lacking jobs up the top as well oh and electricity so you can see the area of effect that our coal plant has that powers build i'm thinking that does look like it could be spherical so these are too high i've shoved wind turbines on the coal plant oh no don't fall don't fall oh that looks a bit of a mess it's just about upright that's good do these have power now they have power but they don't have jobs oh god we've also got a police car we got two riots going on i think people are writing because they're addicted to bloody gambling aren't they there's a load of jobs for you yeah we need jobs for these guys so rather than making them go all the way downstairs to the casino we're gonna bring the casino to you i know maybe not i literally can't get my mouse up there fine we will do casinos don't i'm gonna put one in the roundabout or the square about lovely the perfect alignment all right so we can add to our special building now this is story three i believe so that goes back there and then we need a thousand people for a final so we only need seven more people for that but in the meantime let's just have a little zoom out and we can see like what our map actually looks like so this is our like little board area we've got some toys around we got helicopter car balloon we've got some cacti over there some lego don't stand on those look there's a sofa oh and it's an old nes controller my mate had one of them that proper brings back some memories but yeah what what a cool game this is i do like this right i feel like to get people in here population is zero i think we just need some more jobs so if we rotate if we just shove some shove a casino there there we go now there's loads of jobs for these guys oh god that towers that's how's a bit wonky the closest one to me all right so now we can build our final floor of our mega casino look at that what a beautiful place oh no they're protesting they don't like gambling get rid of them all get out of there you bastards oh and everything's on fire no oh no now that's a oh no no look oh it's all coming down it's all coming down that is literally a disaster quick fire truck you gotta get to the top of that building it's just shooting water off the top i don't think that's how it works you're drowning that person oh but we've completed we've we've completed wow okay that was carnage i'm gonna keep playing late because something i did well i actually wanted to do that myself the game sort of ruined that for me um but look down the right i did touch on this last time but we never actually use them we've got like disasters so we can literally start fires wherever we want so we can be like you're on fire rioters you're on fire arno maybe not rioters right you you're on fire burglar all right i'm doing the biggest fire you've ever seen right fire doesn't seem to be working very well it's time for another of course a meteor see you later mate oh it missed him right we go again oh smashed him on the head all right this burglar is still surviving how about we try a tornado oh man it lifted up the building oh man what if we put a tornado into the wind turbines they're all against the layer wind turbines i thought this was your destiny oh look that one landed upright they've also got baboon so let's try and kill [Laughter] oh i destroyed the road right let's destroy the casino oh this game just got really really really fun all right it's monster time look at him well everything's on fire it's a toy dinosaur as well that's so cool look at his face he's destroying the wind turbines oh we've also got an earthquake as well i don't think there's anything left to earthquake better wow that that was something else that was um anyway i think it's probably time if i if i can i assume i still can go on to the next level because i'm not sure if these people are too happy there's a lot of broken hearts and sad faces i feel like these people are like descendants of turtles they're all stuck on their back what's going on this game went from like cute little city builder to 100 carnage real quickly anyway next level so coastal paradise now has a green tick because we did well there and now we get to the level that i've been looking forward to so much tea to town yes it's time to rip off the spiffing brit again because tiny topia is a perfectly balanced game ladies and gentlemen i'm going to get destroyed i'm going to get destroyed but the aim of this level is balance of 500 population city on a see-sawing ruler that sounds wicked all right so on this one we have no roads we have scaffolding but no roads and we got no money as well so that's good so all we've got to do is worry about population jobs oh wow there's everything's unlocked and then the services and the energy and the unit you know the drill you know the drill nuclear plant right as a test let's just put a house on the end oh it does make things move or if we put one back on that end yes okay it's level it's level let's zoom out and take a look at the level we're literally in a lounge on a coffee table this is so cool i'm loving this so much right we need power so we head to power it's the nuclear plant it has a big radius yeah so maybe we do a nuclear plant in the middle so i feel like that's the safest place for a nuclear plant we definitely don't want those falling off right now people have no jobs so i feel like i do want like industrial one end so maybe we'll do a factory there and then some offices no no oh no they're all falling down oh dear oh i can't even build on here it's too steep it's too steep and now there's a fire um right what if we shove a factory there that hasn't really helped all right there we go we've leveled it out with another factory and then we're gonna once it's level put another one there oh why is it going that way now all right quickly move move move up to this end let's demolish that one demolish why is this so hard all right demolish these guys right let's build a fire station up here and a hospital and a police station they're a little bit wonky but i think that'll be okay and let's demolish that and we'll build a house or two up this end right so they're gone now and then we'll put houses this end to try and slow it down and there we go that's good we're perfectly balanced oh i knew tiny tokyo was a perfectly balanced game and now we can put out this fire oh it's already gone out excellent right dodgy start but i think we're okay now i don't know what a mono block is but i sort of want to try them and see how it all works if we put a mono block there we upgrade it by doing one on top so we'll bung another one on top i'm gonna turn snap on as well right so we just shove one next to it so i'm gonna put this one that side and then that should merge yes oh god and now we're tilting the other way so we're gonna go to jobs and i want to build some offices for people so we're gonna put them up here to an office there and then we're gonna alternate between monoblocks and offices all right so that's all merged into a tier 4 monoblock and we just need some more on top we haven't actually started leaning back the other way yet so we'll keep going we need those on top lovely and then just more in front of them as well say that that and that and that should all merge into that oh we can keep going up whoa an obelisk okay we're doing that i might bring some weights this way just by doing a bit more office oh god okay maybe that's enough for now so we want a tier two classy apartment so classy apartment is just that and to get a tier two classy apartment your tier three classy house on top all right so that should make a tier three classy house there you go took his time but got there in the end and now we can move this with our move block up to the top and then we need oh god two tier two classy houses and two tier ones oh no that's the one i nearly i nearly forgot then we're actually upgrading the mono block not that so for the monoblock we need a tier one classy apartments that's easy that's literally just wang that on there and then we need an obelisk which is in recreation they usually cost 80 grand but we got no money so that's going right on top and then oh look at that oh no but it's really light let's build some houses up here quick quick map quick no you're not like that you idiot right right we might be okay demolish demolish i gotta find the sweet point right we've created a residential skyscraper which i'm well chuffed with that's really cool now the only thing is i'm a little bit concerned as to the balance of this so if we upgrade some of these houses that's too much that's too much all right an office back there i'm gonna try and upgrade this office all right that's getting a bit too much weight back houses houses houses night night more houses more houses no no the skyscraper no oh dear oh no that was not good right let's see how the fire trucks work on a hill oh they work pretty well well they're not very good shot but um yeah they're not too bad i'm quite impressed with that right up there more fires oh i can't i was hoping i could build on the on the fire truck but it appears i can't no this tactic doesn't seem to be working right this is not a perfectly balanced game oh the ruler came off the ruler actually came off oh okay not gonna lie i don't think that went very well although i've technically cheated because i think our ruler is wedged all right let's do some apartments nice let's try let's try a classy apartment i'm going to try the other upgrade method as well oh god oh i thought it wasn't balanced it is balanced it's like wedged under the box i'm not sure this is the proper way to complete this level if i'm honest all right stacking is a bit hard now let's say you do it you gotta just surround things there we go then in the middle yes yes beat the system all right let's do some jobs let's do a school show a school on top yeah upgrade that bad boy all right there we have it there's our beautiful picture of our city on this i love that although i was just trying to use spiffing brit's pun of perfectly balanced i have actually done what he usually does and found a way to break this game for the better so we can complete it easily uh however i do actually want to do this level properly because it looks fun so let's restart back to the boring old level right and what i'm going to do i'm just going to think symmetrically i do really want to start off with that skyscraper as well so monoblocks for the win i don't know where the middle of the router is reckoning it's like there i think it's about there so if we do yeah i'm doing electricity last game sorry all right some more money oh no it's leaning that way it's leaning that way right let's just build a house on the side that doesn't seem to be enough another one another one i've just gone so wrong so early okay so we'll demolish as it starts leveling out all right i really didn't put that in the middle then apparently all right that looks good we are we are level again so back to building this skyscraper so three monoblocks demolished demolish yeah demolished tree i want to show the trees back trees down this end oh god that's wobbly tree this entry this end right we are perfectly balanced again ladies and gentlemen and then that's upgraded and now we're good all right so now we can think about what sort of jobs would they want and how to get them power so i reckon for jobs i sort of want to go the office route i think all right now it's starting to lean that way so i'm gonna do another office over here oh no oh bollocks oh no well that didn't go well right we're doing pretty good now we're perfectly balanced and we're close to upgrading our offices if i can just shove that one in there nice now i just gotta do this side god it is rocking me i don't like how it rocks right quickly just spam them in right there we go we got two tier five offices i reckon we'll go for maybe we'll get our emergency services in so let's put a hospital there and then a fire station there hopefully they weigh the same yeah not too bad right now let's try and build like a nice classy apartment oh that's really cool but it's wobbling i'm sort of thinking we maybe do a normal apartment over here just to balance it out oh god no no no no no no no trees trees trees trees trees no don't do this to me are you absolute hit game no more trees demolish the trees to wash the trees it was going so well oh i think i dreamed too big i dreamed too big different method this time i'm sort of starting wider with the smaller things and trying to work my way in with taller buildings oh no oh no quick where's houses where's houses no my things are falling down well looks no no no no no stay upright are you no they took so long oh okay let's build them again right now we have done it uh what do we go for next do we go for our middle building or do we try and do that last i sort of want to build outwards first i wish there was a way of saving all right let's do the emergency services so we'll bring a fire station there and quick go to hospital and bang that there i think we're balanced we're still balanced right now let's look at electricity i sort of want to do wind turbines but i'm a bit scared of how they'll work we can shove one on either end one there and one there and then potentially balance with some trees oh we've actually completed the level decent but i want to keep it going i want to keep playing this one all right let's sort of build these in a bit so i'm thinking skatepark in the middle put some flower beds in that's quite nice they're heavy all right this thing needs a tree or two just got to get it level again all right i think we are level we are level let's build some of these smaller things so maybe a casino up there maybe a school right at the end oh we're just about even a library and get ready with the trees to balance all right i think we're looking good we're looking good do we dare upgrade the schools so that tier two schools that's what i'm talking about that's good it's time for the mono block i'm gonna do it now in the middle all right so we've got that we need a tier two classy apartment which is a classy apartment with a tier three classy house on top so you can just wing that on top of that so we shove that on top and a classy apartment on top of that and then an obliques up the top yes we finally did it hey let's do some storage down here then a load of stores on top of each other that does that then we do another one next to it and that's upgraded to that nice tier four store and then we just need a tier one on top decent and then we do the same in front cool we haven't actually done this yet this is a completely new shop for us all right and that on top and that should all merge into something cool oh yes okay so let's build the same thing but next to it all right there we go so that should all merge ready the mega store tier seven store banging yeah we are out of power so what i'm gonna do rather than another wind turbine i'm gonna try and wang a solar panel maybe on that building oh no why is it why is it tilting no no no oh it's all gone no oh it was going so well it was going so well right well anyway guys that was tiny topia part two let me know if you want to see more by booshing the old like button otherwise i'll catch you guys next time and sorry spiff if you happen to watch this you probably won't sorry for ripping off your thumbnail and title i thought it was appropriately right peace out bridges bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 421,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tinytopia, tiny topia, tinytopia game, tiny topia game, city builders 2021, vity builder games, city builder games, toy city builder, tiny city builder, city builder toy story, miniature cities, miniature model city, miniature city builder, real civil engineer, new city builder games, tiny toy cities
Id: r-q87qGlzIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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