When you crash the Titanic into the Earth...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to tear down yes there's been another update lots of new mods and now the ability to spawn things wherever you want so this is going to be fun but before we get into that you might be wondering what it takes to run a game like tear down and all these crazy mods well i'm super excited to announce i've teamed up with apex gaming pcs to bring you my very own custom line of pcs they're perfect for gaming streaming content creation and even a cheeky bit of engineering yes we all know that building a computer yourself is usually cheaper than going for a pre-built but this takes all the hassle out of it and you know that's been built by professionals that know what they're doing if you check out the link below you'll see i've got different spec machines for different needs and different budgets and if you use code engineer you'll get a five percent discount so if you find your pc is hit with a meteor strike then consider buying your next pc through apex and supporting my channel as well alright so first off we're on this map we're in the wild west we've got a train and it's not just a train it's actually drivable go forward look we're looking out the window we're on a bridge and look at this oh we're gonna have some fun with this that's quite a nice bridge as well for cece in fact i think it's time for a bridge review a nice decorative arch got the strength to hold a train includes rails i give it a 7.9 out of 10. this level also has drivable horses oh good i didn't know horses were this hard to drive oh no i'm trapped on the rail no no my legs oh it's okay my legs still work all right i'll tell you what come on then we will meet on the bridge oh mullet oh my horse is still alive oh that is nasty there's like a horse's head on there right let's try and cable this right so before we commit the sin of destroying this bridge i want to see how powerful the train is if we like cable it down to here what will happen we've got a load of cables on this side we've got a load on this side let's hop in we'll turn her on oh nice the wheels do actually spin okay that's quite cool actually so if we just get rid of these cables ready last one gone and the train is off nice okay whilst it's going over that bridge i'm gonna go prepare this bridge a few of these in here you up the side there we go i don't think the train has even noticed what's on the bridge oh honestly i thought nitroglycerin was a little bit more unstable than that what if we give it a little helping hand oh my god it blew the train oh man that's sort of impressive in its own right right and the bridge held very well despite being broken in the middle so i am going to up my bridge review rating to 8.6 out of 10 and you might be wondering how do you get to that 9 out of 10 level well we need to bridge azel which basically involves taking a bridge from looking like this and turning it into this oh man i spent way too long on this way too long right let's go get the train on it the question is where do we start the igniting just from one side or from the middle i don't know that train's taking quite a long time though so i'm just gonna launch a cheeky asteroid into that water tower please don't hit the bridge ready here it comes boosh nice well yeah that did get destroyed right the train is here i'm gonna explode it from down there i think yes oh that was incredible that was actually insane the bridge is still standing okay okay i completely miscalculated that is a 10 out of 10 bridge and to prove it i will take this train and we'll launch it at this bridge oh god oh god hang on i've accidentally picked the whole track up the track is like one thing what the hell there you go the trap the track is in the sky now i feel like we've just removed the bridges clothing that this feels a bit wrong uh where did the train go i don't know let's grab this carriage anyway then let's see if we were to die die bridge well as you can see carriage disintegrated bridge absolute legend of a bridge all right next level i'm not too sure what i've spawned oh shadow shut oh yeah that was it super super high tower now the question is what do we want to do with this tower i sort of want to have a go with this this is an acid gun and what i was thinking what if we were to start on the top floor so if we go all the way to the top now we're on it by the way these do actually have floors you can literally go up and down all the stairs right so the acid gun how does this work it literally just makes acid that eats through everything so can we get to the bottom oh man it's really really going for it so we've pretty much acided ourselves to the floor well that was pretty fun what's happened up there looks like the middle of the building has shifted anyway let's let's eat the corner of this building oh no the game's not happy the game is not happy about this man the frame rate really does not like the acid gun i tell you what there's got to be a better way to destroy this like going into the new spawn menu so if we go down to here spawn we can spawn a yacht i sort of feel like a kid i'm gonna i'm gonna take my boat i'm gonna make it fly in the air and just smash it into a massive tower of lego it's ready oh wow wow that literally just made a complete hole all right if we take out the final trunk you can see the bridge has been very well designed by an engineer it's a very very sturdy structure so if we just use our katana that cuts through anything ready oh and there goes the top there goes the top oh it is coming down in a big way as all my frames oh and it seems to have stopped there that is precarious that's actually really cool can i i can pick up this entire section when i shake it it's just getting ripped apart look at that there's no frames left there there go all the pieces i got this part next i'm just gonna i'm just gonna drop it oh accidentally launched it sorry sorry building oh it's gone into the abyss all right well that was fun but i want to check this out a city but it's it's actually a mini city i can throw cars into buildings yeah i could also see what meteor strike does ready oh oh look at them we'll move they're all shaking and falling look at that oh man they literally all fell away from the blast radius that's so cool okay i'm restarting this if we jump around all these carrots i think they're meant to be trees uh there's there's cars so we can literally drive through the city when i say drive through i mean literally drive through screwy building i mean we can also just completely trash the place with this car oh it's so cool look at the damage that did i just flung a car around for a few seconds all right let's clear some room let's get rid of you get rid of you get rid of you so i want to drop a tank on this building actually make some more space get out of it get out of it all right here we go we have a single building on its own let's grab this tank we'll line it up perfectly i think that's lined up all right so we're perfectly lined up i think so if we just give that a little click there we go it's falling it's falling right honestly i sort of thought the building would uh crumble a bit more than that fair play building another feat of engineering all right next up we're gonna chill out a bit we're in the woods and what do we have here oh we have a hot air balloon what the hell and i think it actually works so if we how do we get in i can't get in i can't get in oh it's collapsing all right now we're in we can light the burner you'll see the hot air that actually makes the balloon go up just like a real one so now when we look at oh god oh no oh no can this happen on real police well let's let's see can we can we get some height before the balloon fails yes we're going up we are going up and we we are literally going up in flames um oh man we're going we're going really high i may have put a bit too much air in here i want can i just like let us down gently by sniping a few holes in the roof let the hot air out i'm on fire no oh i died that wasn't fair so let's restart this and if we jump in a bit quicker we can now set the burner without it touching the sides there you go we've given it just enough that we're going up oh this is so cool where i used to live back in sussex with my family balloons used to fly over all the time and it was awesome as a kid seeing these uh never actually been in a balloon myself though kind of sad maybe one day i am i'm not the best at height so i will say that now there's something i did want to try as well just because i'm not sure if it's like if this is actually a burner if it is actually using hot air or whether it's just some like cheeky game mechanics in the background but i do have a flamethrower yeah so shall we see oh god that's a lot of flame oh and it's it's on fire again oops all right okay so it's going down so let's just see if we get in here if we flame upwards the balloon's just coming down towards us uh keep flaming it it will work surely oh no it's going down it's going down oh man that's so cool it's like it's made a tent let's go inside the burning circus tent look at this man this game never ceases to amaze me physics wise by the way this is a this is a hell of a flamethrower look at that oh it's all caving in around me but yeah wasn't that nice and peaceful wasn't that nice and peaceful all right next up we're back here yes we're on the iss again all right just gotta just gonna blow your way out of here i thank you all right this has got to be one of my favorite levels like it's the whole earth and this time of course we got some new toys to play with as well all right so this thing is called the singularity we can change what it does so we've got all sorts of things attraction repulsion propulsion anti-gravity protection combustion so we can make the size as big as it goes 5 meters or is that 5 000 meters i don't really know what any of these do but we'll just wang them up to the top right and then we can take this and can we take it to the moon and then just click oh there you go we've made a constant burning part of the moon so the dark side of the moon is no longer dark although it is definitely cooking oh what's happened down what's happened to africa africa is lit up anyway back to the moon the moon is smoking i love from this side like nothing really looks wrong but if you come around this side it's a very different story all right whilst that's burning shall we see what the antimatter one does so i think we'll place this somewhere on uh uh how about hawaii there we go oh man it literally eats holes man that's quite an insane image there i'll tell you what that's even more terrifying oh that's horrible that is absolutely horrible i've turned the earth into a happy place anyway that's enough bullying the earth let's move on to the moon this little brother so i did want to try if we head into that spawn menu i downloaded a very cheeky new category the ocean liner yep it's the titanic we literally have an entire titanic to play with holy crap how big is this thing look how big it is compared to the moon what why did they make it so big i was going to crash it into the moon but i feel like i feel like we won't even see that all right let's grab the physics gun um apparently the titanic is a lot stronger than the moon there's only a slither left all right what sort of damage did that do to you literally nothing it made a little bit of a hole underneath but that is it okay we might have to do a full-on into the earth and see what happens well this is all a bit surreal what what is this okay the the titanic is literally huge compared to the earth i guess we grab we got to be careful not to hit the iss i've got it so long that is not what she said uh we accidentally we did a little bit of damage to where's that south america sorry south america i didn't i didn't mean to the titanic's just a little bit longer than i thought all right so i think if we just grab the titanic and then we press r oh my frames my beautiful frames what happened oh no i mean to be fair that's actually really cool i mean look at that the titanic crashed into the earth oh yeah earth earth took a bit of a beating as did my frame rate although it's not too bad considering how big that bloody ship is look at it all right i've got another one ready to go so we'll get to the back i want to go up and look down a bit and then oh my frames my beautiful frames and there we go look at that i think that is the thumbnail right there that is beautiful oh it's such a big titanic i had no idea it's going to be that size like i know in this spawn menu they do literally call it the pc destroyer 9000. and i think that's a beautiful place to end look at what is this image on screen it shouldn't exist why does it exist i'm glad it exists but yeah thanks for watching guys thanks for liking the video and remember if you're upgrading a pc anytime soon consider buying through apex yes i know it's a little bit expensive but you're paying it to get rid of all the hassle for if you want to spend more time gaming than building a pc but yeah peace love and bridges i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 265,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tear down, teardown gameplay, teardown game, gaming pc, rtx 3090, 5950x, teardown best graphics, crashing a 3090 gpu, cut the world in half, cutting the world in half, cut the world in two, teardown mods, best teardown mods, new teardown mods, rce, real civil engineer, teardown titanic, teardown earth
Id: F8nwXLT5EbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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