Free Vampire Survivors But I’m The Monsters

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as per usual we're going to be doing things a little bit backwards today we're going to spawn an upgraded a whole Army of slimes to destroy the adventurers coming to kill us we can spun them in the dark we can spawn as many as we want because the slimes are free they're gonna go in there and mod the little Adventurer and eat his corpse as they get hit and take damage they get as gems we can use gems to spawn other creatures like bats other creatures do cause money slimes are free we can send in all the bats and I'm pretty sure they're gonna absolutely destroy everything but we can't let go of the slimes also as the adventurers die they're gonna drop a treasure chest or where you can choose one either a Golem a Minotaur or 100 gems I think at this point I'm going to try the Minotaur hopefully they're not too expensive I need to remember to continually bring units in though basically if I'm not uh constantly spawning units I'm bailing the Minotaur costs 30 so I don't know we'll put a few of those down there in the dark to kind of persist and we'll send some bats in as well we should spend the gems if we have them because it's only gonna make hashems back and then we get to increase things like that speed by 10 the bats are already quick mandatory damage by 50 percent big one we're gonna open another chest and then we can do bad speed by 10 so bats are already going to be pretty annoying for our deer adventurers and bat damage up by 50 again I'm pretty sure bats are mostly killing everything for us right now we can do a Minotaur held up by 50 uh they're already over here charging around annoying the enemies we'll spawn some more slimes and wild there's minotaurs are quick okay they're destroying things we get two out of this chest uh let's do bat damage and slime damage and then we're gonna open up that those minotauries are crazy strong right now Minotaur damage more and we're going to spawn some more minotaures in and we're gonna spawn a few more bats hopefully we're just killing enemies way over there in the edge but they'll slowly get stronger too I just need to continually spawn in slimes okay there's three chests underground if you don't pick them up quickly they will despawn Minotaur speed that's gonna be even more annoying for those Adventures uh let's do minotaur damage and Minotaur speed again and Minotaur damage I feel like we're gonna succeed just on minotaurs mandatory speed again those things are going to be so stupidly overpowered nothing to stop them we already have a giant army of slams moving in on that one poor adventure and we're gonna spawn a few minotaurs down and there and up there just to get everyone they get right in there and just don't stop I think the key though is to have a multitude of enemies that we know one idiot can get focused on okay since I gotta choose we're gonna upgrade the slimes a little bit they're free so you should upgrade them choose one Minotaur health so they're going to be even harder for the idiots to kill and mandatory Health again you can never have too much health but also damage where it is going to go up and down spawning slimes all weekend and we got a guy coming in throwing knives around so we're gonna throw some bats in just to get them a little bit distracted up and down and then a few minutes from all angles that way they'll charge right in and watch this guy and get absolutely wrecked okay then slimes are gonna get more damage because they need to be able to pull their weight a little bit minotaurs are going to be that they need to be quicker I feel like they need to have more Health they do die occasionally and by occasionally I mean often but they charge in there and destroy everything so it's worth it and they're gonna get even more damage and choose two so even more damage again level 6 mandatory damage ranged creatures that shoot Fireball is actually ranged creatures would be quite good they only cost 10. that way they can set it sort of a safe distance we're killing the enemy so quickly there's not even any on the map and now that there is one he's getting destroyed but we'll throw a few more of these range guys in uh if you guys could not kill things off the map actually that would be to my benefit greatly so I think the minotaurs are actually killing things off the map so I'm not really getting a chance to pick up the treasure chest because they're spawning too far out so we'll throw up a bunch of slimes here the slimes are gonna go and Destroy things regardless and that's gonna give us a bunch of gems for our beloved minotaurs and as they push into I'm not gonna be able to spawn slimes over there choose three well we'll do bat damage slime damage and mandatory speed and speaking of minotaurs we're gonna need some you guys get in there go wreck everyone but then also we all have some slimes to back up this guy appears getting close but he's about to be uh oh I missed that chest maybe it's when the adventurers hit those game minotaurs need more health because they are dying too soon uh more damage for those and more speed for the slimes that's also annoying for the enemies because then they have to put up with uh the slimes getting there more minotaurs and you know what let's do some bats in there just to give them some extra things to think about it's all kind of a very high paced thing we're gonna open all those the chat uh the coffins of what they're trying to get to a basic inexpensive unit so the Googles actually we might use just a sort of a meat Shield mandatories are going to get stronger and I suppose quicker and we get three out of this chest let's make the zombies quicker because that's annoying uh let's make the ghouls do a little more damage and the slimes have a little more health and we're gonna spawn a few of those in and the ghouls are only three actually so that is quite cheap they're just going to absorb some damage for everyone else and when in doubt bring in more slimes in comes more uh Minotaur health and out of this chest is gonna be mandatory Health again I'm hoping eventually these dirt is so strong that we don't need anything else something is able to damage my uh thing already so we're gonna need some minotauries oh we can spawn them in top and bottom uh okay someone managed to open one of my chests minotaur's quicker they're too slow they're letting me down we need to bring them in from all angles if you appear if you appear that way they charge in and Destroy I think the bats are probably so stronger than the other things so we're going to use bats and minotaurs I also forgot about the range guys too it would be good to bring a few of those in because they consider the safe distance Minotaur is quicker uh let's put a wisp Health up like look at this guy he's gonna get uh destroyed from all sides it's hard to keep up with what's going on uh we want Google health because they're mostly going to be our tank they're a very inexpensive tank that's just gonna absorb damage for absolutely everyone and then we're going to spawn some minotaurs in behind you do a little flanking there's gonna be one there and one there they do so much damage that they get in and just really really destroy and probably more movement speed for our bats they're very quick already but the faster they go they're really gonna help and we're gonna spawn a few ghouls in and definitely some minotauries I want them to get to the guys up front right away especially if their slimes can distract in the front the minotauries didn't get to them the minotauries got destroyed that's okay we got more gems on the way and we're gonna open another chest slime damage maybe I should just really upgrade to slimes they're free anyway so they're really gonna be a big boom yeah they're already getting to my next chest in a big way so I'm just gonna rapid spawn slimes and save up a bunch of gems for a sec also more slime damage and health that way the slimes can actually pull their weight a little bit more because suddenly my defenses are getting overwhelmed more chest opening more slimes going out choose three so we're gonna do uh sliding health and we're gonna do school damage and mandatory speed minotaurs get in there all of you I know we're just sending them in kind of uh without any support but that's their problem we're gonna make the bats a little quicker and then we're gonna send some more slimes in once the minotaurs are dead which they will be we gotta have something else picking up the slack keep going keep going lots of gems underground we're gonna pick up all that and then we're gonna get some minotaurs in their face and some of these guys as well that way they get surrounded and slimes more slimes lots of slimes give me that don't stop spawning uh extra slime damage as well and they're attacking my chest again they're at my final coffin okay minotaurs get in there please get in there and hurt them everything happens so quick it's hard to keep up with what's happening maybe it's all about luck and ghosts we're gonna try ghosts we need more ghosts and if we get lucky we'll be able to uh get extra treasure chests full of extra goodies for now we're just gonna bombard this guy with slimes he's not gonna stand a chance and the slimes themselves probably need to be pretty strong so already we've unlocked the ghosts that makes me feel better in slime Health ghosts only costs five so I'm pretty sure we can just let them go and they're gonna do a lot for us I think good combination of mid units like the ghosts they're fairly cheap and I'm pretty sure we can upgrade the life out of them and they'll really really do some work for us so far the army of slimes is doing great and there's ghost damage perfect we did lose a lot of ghosts already but for only five gems they're really really quick to bring in like look at all the gems we got there uh soko's movement speed would be a big one that way they can get to where they're going ghost attack another 50 so they're doing even more damage that's gonna be pretty funny we're just gonna swarm them with numbers forget strategy I don't understand strategy anyway ghost health absolutely the harder they are to kill the better off because look at them now they're absolutely swarming everything and we're not gonna stop ghost attack uh movement speed ghosts and slimes that's all you need in life part of the problem is they do kind of inevitably Bunch up together which means they're really susceptible to AOE but there's not really much we can do about that at least right now they'll get in there and just once they all get on there they will do damage and I think they phase in and out of like Consciousness so at times they are definitely invulnerable which is good and I don't want to push off the map too far here either otherwise I can't get their upgrades ghost damage level 5 already so they have a 250 damage make the 300 damage so yeah they're destroying people off the map right now they're gonna move quicker too that way they can get to where they're going they're gonna walk through the damage and in the meantime I'm gonna spawn slimes over here lots and lots and lots of slimes the slimes by themselves can actually do some work so far that AOE and stuff kinda hurts we're going to unlock uh Golems extremely slow but powerful just in case you want a few you know different units here and there this guy wants to get ghosted so we're going to oblige that we're going to spawn them up and down that way they can openly miss the damage there's a lot of damage sitting out there okay there's more ghost damage and go speed you can never have too much ghost power they're absolutely wrecking guys so far if I can keep them all right here in this area we will be doing real good I guess he probably wants a wisps too just for some range damage they're a little bit more expensive but they will sit out of the danger zone more so so they can kind of follow the ghosts around that might be a good one-two punch but also more ghost damage I'm hoping the ghost can just we'll hit him with numbers as long as like three of the ghosts get there they'll have the damage to kill them we're going all in on ghosts and there's some movement speed so that'll help them along there's an extra six ghosts and we get to choose two ghost health and probably Golem Health Golems cost Authority I'm not really sold on these yet especially without upgrades but was that if you lose in the world just to kind of see how they go I'm assuming they will be kind of like the tank so if I pair them with the Wisps maybe maybe that's good if I throw a few whisks behind each one but more importantly lots of ghosts like he killed my Golem already I think the Golems are at least at this point too slow to be of much use we're gonna put wisp damage up and goes stealth up pretty soon the ghosts are gonna have more HP than the Golems anyway they're just quicker and stronger Golems we're going to make quicker simply because we don't have any better options ghosts were going to make quicker luckily I've had a lot of experience being on the other side of this battle and I know Annoying fast enemies are okay let's make our slimes quicker too they're probably our most used unit really where you're just gonna spam slimes any chance we get and more and more and more quicker ghosts yes the ghosts are actually getting stupidly quick uh that's a big AOE that's a huge AOE I that's unfair how much AOE that guy's able to throw but once it goes get him he melts more ghosts equals less problems gonna open both of these while laying down as many of these uh ghost health is going up and goes health is going up again they'll be able to really absorb some damage actually go so far doing really really really good for us I forgot about bats and also chests I'm gonna buy the chest I'm probably not gonna use it for 50. although maybe I will I'm just gonna put one there just to kind of see how it works it was only 50 which is a decent amount but not enough for me to really care about we got ghosts so nothing else matters also a few other wisps maybe and more ghosts the chest is actually working good for doing idiots over to it uh I keep trying to click on it because I'm actually stupid these are nice upgrades so let's make the Golems uh tankier actually the Golem to discuss every kind of upgrade possible so we'll throw a few of them near the chest they're going to be followed by a few wisps and then more ghosts it's really just a matter of trying to damage trying to get the damage to go somewhere else not into all of my many precious units they're very sensitive come on chest full of ghost upgrades well there's ghost damage slime damage and I don't know wisp damage it's all gonna help the enemies are starting to get a little too numerous for my like you know so I'm gonna try and save them a few jams and absolutely dump a million ghosts on them and we're gonna start that like right now trying to surround them from all sides so that we they don't absorb too much damage they really need to kill these guys because they're on my uh coffin already coffins are very private things they didn't get the memo maybe I should have actually taken 100 gems well we'll take more Golem HP there you never know when air Golems are gonna need more HP and I'm pretty sure we lost one of my coffins there's so much going on it's constant chaos you can pause it for a second to think but I've had too much caffeine for that we're not here to think we're here to spawn slimes and ghosts and we're just going to spawn all the way around just keep circling more slimes more slimes I just want enough slimes down to like give them a little bit of a distraction I spun so much stuff that the game died and with the 100 gems we're right back to where we were we're at a score of 84 000 and super ghosts I'm basically just alternating between slimes ghosts and that's at this point because it seems to be able to get through to them although this is the tight little cluster of idiots so it's gonna be hard to actually reach them so we'll gather up all the gems we can and we'll try and get in behind them we gotta get some damage in on those idiots the slimes are also fairly upgraded so we're gonna absolutely try and surround them all weekend but we're definitely gonna get some damage onto these guys it's hard to break through their damage okay we're gonna swarm them with lots and lots and lots of bats and then we're gonna send in the ghosts the ghosts can get to them and we gotta make sure that they don't reach chess because they will get upgrades as they do uh we're gonna make the blobs a little bit quicker we managed to pull back ahead again our Sam's gonna do a little bit more damage and our ghosts are going to do more damage the ghosts are doing really good as long as they can actually reach where they're going they'll destroy everything anything I actually going to stop spotting things in behind because they tend to die back there or the heroes die and then I don't see the chest and then the enemies grab the chest and then they get too strong but when I need gems I just Spam Slimes like this and then they'll die and we'll get the upgrades and they'll also damage the idiots and then when I saved up enough I can send in the ghosts and bats bats are good because they're very quick they're able to make it right to where they're going in a hurry we're gonna make the ghosts a little bit quicker the speed in HP is somewhat similar they both have the same effect they let the idiots get closer to the idiots basically there's just a lot of idiots at work here including myself no skin in there the ghost will get in there and hopefully stop them because they're already onto my last coffin and I really need that coffin ghosts everywhere more ghosts I actually would mind some gems out of this that way we could have spawn more ghosts again the ghosts are so strong at this point as long as they can make it somewhat to the enemy they'll do their job okay uh oh did they seriously get it already they're so strong I made it over a hundred thousand but it's one of those games where you're doing fine until suddenly you very much aren't and then you AI I've also realized that if you just endlessly spawn slimes they'll die and drop a lot of gems that you can use for other resources so we got all these slimes headed to certain depth and we've already got 1200 gems in the bank and I've mostly been upgrading the Minotaur at this point because they're just really good they're tanky and they Rush right in they're kind of like a ghost they're kind of like an upgraded ghost but they're very expensive like the enemies are now actually starting to push through my slimes a little bit so if we just drop a few of these and then follow them up with some ghosts in behind the minotaurs will charge right in and make a big mess of them and then we just gotta remember to keep spawning slimes the minotaurs are gonna get even stronger and the ghosts are going to do more damage minotaurs do that ghosts get faster and then we go back to spawning slimes again when I feel like the heroes are getting too much we go a few more minotaurs because they're gonna Rush In from all angles we'll support them with some ghosts and then we'll also throw in some bats just for multi-ranged attack and damages don't let them get to the chests mandatory attack speed Minotaur uh movement speed we'll do some bat damage and ghost speed we're getting so many upgrades ghost Health the heroes are starting to get stronger at this point so we're definitely gonna need a little more uh Minotaur action like the mandatory should just rush right in and take care of him pretty quickly if they can get to him yeah they're quite strong but they're very expensive so they seem overpowered and they debatably might be but I still gotta actually pay for them which is very expensive but I paid for them by remembering to actually spawn in slimes the mandatories are going to get so stupidly strong soon whoops okay that guy got a fire bomb upgrade that's not super great for me so we're gonna spawn a bunch of slimes in and we're gonna ghost him beyond that and then we're gonna send in some bets hopefully from a lower angle that way he doesn't quite get them all and then come the big guns we're gonna hire a few of them and they're gonna take care of him I think yep they sure did the problem is they group up together and then they're very susceptible to all types of damage so we'll give them more attack and speed which is really annoying for the enemies the ghost can go quicker the slimes I'm not actually really upgrading because I realize it's actually in my favor a little bit for them to die faster Minotaur and faster slimes that way they get to where they're going quicker to start uh distracting getting damaged whatever they're supposed to do yeah this one's way better because I'm at 90 000 and there's no enemies on the screen the minute toys are key we'll make the ghosts a little uh Stronger we've even still got a few minotaurs out there but he distracted enough for the ghost to get to that guy and it goes by themselves will do a lot of damage this guy tends to wreck things from uh he's got that Pier racing attack so we got to make sure our units are strong enough to get there maybe some bats would be good to get to him because the bats move quite quickly and they're pretty inexpensive so if they do get to them they will stack up some damage but a few minute toys that is then fine we'll bring up the big guns a bunch of slimes in behind the minotaurs got to him and basically ate him alive it's so much better when I just keep it simple just a few units to worry about just keep spawning slimes that's all that matters Minotaur is even faster and let's make the ghosts a little quicker they are pretty funny once they do finally reach their target what's going on down there okay this guy's gonna get a few minotaurs this guy's gonna get a few minute tours this guy and then we're gonna spawn a bunch of ghosts and behind all that and that way we got multi-layered attack then we just got to pay attention for when the chests open so that the enemies don't grab them first and so far so good we had to score we just broke our record and we're already like they're not even at our first coffin yet but they are getting stronger they're getting some really big fire bombs and things and those are probably gonna be able to reach me no matter how much I don't like it so we'll also give them a few of these okay that if they can make it to the enemy that should really uh mess them up yeah okay as soon as the minotaurs make it they seem to like eviscerate those guys so make them a little quicker then they're basically gonna teleport we're gonna have teleporting mini toys that's gonna be fun we'll make the ghosts quicker and slimes more damage uh they're actually making it to my first uh oh gotta get that and they are probably gonna get this coffin finally but it's about time and more Health again they're already doing plenty of damage so we'll start giving them some extra Health whenever we can it might have to turn into kind of the mandatory show pretty quick because they're the only thing tough enough to get through all this damage and they do a lot of damage themselves so they kill the enemy before the enemy can get a lot of damage off like look at this poor thing the minotaurs are gonna charge right in come on okay shouldn't have spun that went in the fire but you can see like they're getting strong so it's hard to like reach them with anything I'm gonna spawn some minotauries above and below this because I think they attack mostly from above and below but the Minotaur should be able to make it there hopefully or they can just you know run up into the darkness and die that works too I guess look at the size of their firebombs at this point really gotta remember keep spawning slimes keep spawning slimes they're the currency that pays for the minotaurs and actually I guess we should go back here a little bit with some more slimes that will keep everyone uh fresh but that might have been the problem too because I'm spawning things behind there's chests spawning behind at the uh enemies are getting their hands on and that hurts me okay we're gonna surround these guys with minotaurus's best weekend okay that guy got an upgrade but then we murdered him anyway hopefully that means a better upgrade for us Minotaur is even more damage uh that's more of that and we just keep spawning and spawning we're 40 higher than our high score well we got a score of 140 150 000 we're getting better [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 428,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mEcd8RJTvWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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