I Spent 1,000,0000,0000,000 Hours Training

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today we're going to wander the countryside indiscriminately murdering everything we come across once they die we get some loot once we get some loot we can make ourselves even stronger to kill even more idiots and the pattern is going to repeat itself endlessly we've already got a treasure chest and I hope there's something better than a wooden board in there anytime I want to get stronger I can I just need the money to do it I don't have money to get stronger but I can make the camp stronger since I am a murderer by trade I'm just gonna murder these guys again and again because I will get rewards for doing so and they're not particularly difficult for me to defeat this one takes a few hits but only a few hits and we can counter it and murder it quickly so from that we leveled up and got a few coins leveling up gave us 18 points we're gonna put it all into wood oh yeah and then it's back to killing these morons he has eight health so I think we're gonna kill him we're not one shot in the big mosquito yet but we're not that far off either I literally farmed those guys until I leveled up again this time I'm going to put some of my points into defense and run more into damage and then we're gonna fight the new idiots like they're wielding schlasen who died in one hit wildling this guy will probably take two hits so we'll have to block one like not like that he's dead and then we have to fight 201s I'm pretty sure I can use my ability to hit them both and then we just gotta be careful to hit them back and miss that one that's okay we have lots of Hell who knew defense could actually keep you alive now we can just find these guys for even more stuff get murdered morons oh these guys dropped me a shield am I the kind of guy that uses Shields no I'm really not because then I can't hold my big sword so so if you'll bear with me for a minute I'm gonna murder these guys until I level up to level five and with this senseless murder we can take our level 5 upgrade since we don't use the shield we just need extra damage to make up for that that way we're hitting things extra hard I've gone back to the base to do a little bit of training because this will make me stronger that took my damage way up and also leveled me up twice so we'll let a bunch of damage on top of that because I want this thing to max out that turned into bronze not really sure what that means we can stun an enemy for three turns and we're also gonna upgrade our defense a little bit because we're gonna get hit a lot alright after that it depends went way up to there so that feels good so we'll put some points into defense was hoping to get to there but that's fine we're going back to murdering this mole has 224 HP we do 600 damage now so that's not going to be a problem we can actually kill both of these I think and then we have a mole with uh that much damage I'm pretty sure we can stun him if we want though we can also counter him and kill him anyways Treasure Chest please have a weapon we got a bunch of gold and a leather cap that gives you an extra 1.3 armor which brings us to the forest where there's a goblin grunt who we're gonna murder two of them can we kill both not quite but we're actually really close one more level when we get there I myself do a 5000 HP so I think we're gonna be okay I've now extend him for three turns so he just sits there and gets murdered there's nothing you can do about it which gives us another Treasure Chest which is full of armor it's actually better armor and we look better because of it that's all that matters this is supposed to be a tough battle uh we'll see about that I'm actually gonna try and stun this guy right away because I feel like he's gonna be able to hurt me quite a bit so he's done we'll Whittle him away and then we'll see what we're dealing with next three guys all right we should be able to hit all of them but they've got a lot of HP I need to do a little more training I wanted to counter his in particular because I think he's probably gonna be the strongest of these morons I can see I'm gonna need to do a little more training and upgrading for these ones but actually I did save up thirteen hundred dollars which is enough for this so I think I get better weapons so I go from the wooden sword to a big Iron one and that's my much better so we'll go back to this guy and test order damage we're doing 600 we're now doing 1200 so if you want to cleave everyone dies and if we stand him he'll get stunned and then cleaved progress is nice and quick so far especially when you can just murder things in one head we already got back to the point where things aren't dying in one hit and that's definitely going to annoy me but as long as I got my stun we're gonna be okay whoops I probably should have clicked on that but we did 1.5 times damage I think I got pine cones out of that or better shoulder pads that's gonna make me tougher what do we think agility training is it's some guy trying to poke me with a stick and me trying not to get poked basically I duck or I jump the combo is over 100 uh it made a happy sound at that point so I'm pretty sure I'm getting strong then I walked into this spear but we got 261 agility and lots of levels up 114 points to put into whatever we want we probably want to go to defense leveled up so this goes up then the rest is going to go into agility I still don't really know what that does critical hit and health pretty sure I could just do this training endlessly and it will just endlessly make me stronger probably the slower rate but will still get stronger like something obviously changed you're not throwing apples they're throwing cogs at me now and these probably actually hurt like they could kill me arranged my agility of the bronze as well so now I have more points to spend on probably just more damage so let's fight these uh guys that were really strong before I can dodge now too so we murdered him without my tissue we're going to go ahead and hit all of these guys we've almost killed two of them so that's a good start we're hopefully gonna Bash one of them as soon as I can I need to remember to avoid buttons they have to do this okay well he's dead and I still have 13 000 HP uh We've counted them and I'm also gonna bash him because he's gonna be annoying so he'll be out of the fight for a while uh and then he'll get murdered and we've defeated a strong enemy and we did 3600 damage and super murdered that one as a reward we got a shield and some clovers I also have two skill points I'm going to put into bash probably that way I can bash people more often The Shield we found was a level two the one we found way earlier was the level three but we don't use Shields because we have our big sword so then it's back to work murdering whatever comes up in front of us like these guys uh we can dodge quite a bit too now I have two Dodge charges that slowly replenish and we can just Bonk them and then they're out of the fight for a while which is really really unfair because while we're doing this my other things are also uh coming off cooldown so when she comes to attack we counter and we hit her again and she'll come in and we'll Dodge then we'll hit her with the bow and arrow that we suddenly have and she's dead and then we got a better helmet and some more clovers the helmet's gonna give you an extra 1.3 armor bringing me up to 13.3 total we also unlocked the museum which apparently this is where we use our clovers we feed them to this mushroom for some reason okay he eats a clovers and then it gives me experience and I think damage and because of all that he gave me 4.4 dollars I think from my museum collection so it might be worthwhile to invest in this place because every day I'm gonna get more and more money which obviously pays for itself over time and that person I just defeated I think she can actually uh help me for two combats more points this game is fiery's upgrade points at you so we're gonna take more damage probably a little bit more defenses one than just more damage and we get better weapons already we're absolutely going to do that thanks depressed grape well since I have her help now I might as well do some of these tough fights I also forgot to equip my new sword but that's okay we're gonna fight a single person and considering there's two of us doing a stabbing and we can stun like that I think it's gonna be just fine uh yeah she's basically already dead uh she's not even going to be able to attack maybe nope not once she might drop something really good or do some more clovers which I guess are actually really good but I think I should probably equip the new schlas whatever that is okay this is going to be a four-part battle so I need to be careful how I use my skills but I need to see my damage now 3500 not bad and we blocked return hit we have 16 17 000 HP I can clean these two for sure but this is definitely going to be a harder fight uh because I'm already uh just about dead like that I can dodge I don't know if I should stun run to these or not I feel like I should because it would be recharging by now I guess I should probably also do stuff on her behalf but we could block and counter him I like the fact that she's here because she's absorbing a lot of damage on our behalf okay now we're fighting Mama mole who is really really strong I'm hoping to get in there with a nice stun right away then we're just gonna try and hit Mama more with everything we got we're gonna need you to survive this okay we might get a few more hits in before she even gets a chance to attack so he might be all right here because well she won't be all right but uh we only contracted her for one fight anyway so we did it that should be a pretty good reward because this is supposed to be a really hard bite this early on Clover's in a ring that gives me 20 Health that's actually huge so we'll go back to some regular enemies who are gonna feel surprisingly weak in comparison right now get stunned now he's just gonna sit there and watched in a concussed Haze while I stab him to death actually I can hit them both oh this one Survivor should probably start dodging those but we can just murder him anyway that gave me all sorts of fun looking stuff peed and shoulders so now we're gonna have spiky shoulders and comfy your shoes probably with lumbar support I also need to feed this thing uh some more clovers and see if there's any money here waiting for me which I'm pretty sure there is six Silvers so we should probably invest a little more back uh that gets very expensive very quickly so we're only gonna do that once I'm now making 2.5 silver every day so I'm gonna unlock ranged at this point because I haven't done that yet I'm also gonna upgrade the cap because that'll make a range training faster for entering I'm just supposed to shoot this okay that's a really awkward shot okay got it we're just supposed to shoot the center we wait for the arrow to release okay now I'm getting the hang of it it's bow and arrow so you gotta draw it ahead of time and he'll get quicker doing it I think so far this one's actually the easiest it was a little bit hard at first to figure it out but so far we're doing great I think we just hit our hundredth in a row whatever the case I'm going to quit pretty soon because we're gonna get a huge amount of stats off this okay range went all the way around at least once well we'll see where it goes from here okay we unlock some bow skills I'm gonna have a chance to shoot poisonous arrows and an extra bow shot plus 174 more stats we can increase our range to damage a little bit I'm not really sure how good that's going to be yet we're always sure to just hit things with our sword so our sword's always going to get upgrades and while we were training we made money we made another 10 silver for some reason that kind of makes you wonder if we play through a day every time we fight these like if I go back and fight the beginning mole and kill these three idiots for 6 000 damage does that give us silver it doesn't seem to that might simply be based on time so we'll just continue on our murdering ways I wanted to go back and fight the mole friends the Superstar moles I wanted to try it by myself to see if I could do this uh I can also use ranged attacks and stuff so that's gonna be different still got to see exactly how good that's gonna be but I've studied one who we're gonna murder I still have a ranged attack I could use it gets a little confusing and it's hard without my helper now she hits very hard if I was able to stun her I might have a chance but I don't know if I'm going to get my stun off in time gotta really block this she still got through my defense so we'll move back onto some regular enemies uh we just murdered the life out of that guy I didn't know I could choose which enemy to attack so that's gonna help you in the future this guy seems like he would be strong if I let him be so it's able to Arrow him in the face my counter Arrow does very little damage though it's very sad whoops and finally King of the morons this guy who will probably take down fairly easily because we can do that and our counter hit certainly works there 4 000 damage he dies like a big idiot we get a treasure chest full of new armor that's gonna help me look so much cooler which obviously makes me better now we got three guys again but you should probably focus on the one in his Center because we can take care of them I'm also going to stun him first chance I get that way he's not hitting me because he's obviously pretty strong okay he is done so now we can focus on killing him I really gotta pay more attention to what I have charged or not which is sometimes nothing you can also hit his spare him repeatedly from a distance and poison arrow all right we can focus the other guy now oh that was just a single battle fight that was supposed to be harder than that they're dead and we got another ring presumably better when range damage plus 20 percent I need to upgrade my range damage in general oh I probably need to buy a much better bow that's why I barely I can also build a home uh for increased XP gain it's not going to be that makes this home but it's going to be our home I don't I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing here I'm just adding things on every once in a while that gets expensive so I'm leaving we're gonna feed my mushroom the clovers take my gold and leave this Museum guy to die that's better ranged weapon Adventures going up and then we're going to do that again because we need way more damage the next upgrades cause damage itself rate so it's going to be a hot minute before we get there and I need to remember to actually equip this stuff should probably also unlock sorcery whatever that is okay this is my I need to control my orb around apparently but uh this is going to give me experience and damage I only had to do that for like a minute before we got halfway through my soul Series so we'll do it again until we get all the way I ranked up so sorry all the way and that also gave me a fireball apparently an authentic Fireball why yes I think I do need one of those 200 points all into bronze I want to find out what's next now for the next battle I think I might need a fishing rod to actually do anything here we'll find one of those later this is called the desperate Ambush we did 5000 damage to him and we Dodge countered him in 2200 even for our Bono there's two of them so we're gonna go ahead and slice them both after we Dodge him and blocked we're not one-shotting these which is kind of sad but we are destroying them rather efficiently oh I haven't even tried my Fireball yet I forgot I had that and I thought I could Dodge yet Fireball does not much damage actually we're gonna need to upgrade our magic but that's okay for now we can just bow and arrow this guy probably a few times and then he can die he's also poisoned I haven't paid attention to how much damage poison is yet this guy we're definitely gonna stun because he has like 30 000 HP and I forgot to do anything there now that we're back on track we've got a few blocks and Dodges left so I think we're gonna be okay we could uh wow he's quicker with that than I thought okay we need to not get hit we got hit I blame everyone but myself but also I came back with a helper just to make this a little bit easier I mean it really just as easy as me paying attention but it's also easier to just bring her mostly because she's just a damage punch I can use her to uh absorb damage and then I don't have to try anymore I'm still pretty annoyed that I can't one shot these guys so we're just gonna range attack them a whole bunch he's poisoned and took a whole bunch of damage there and we finish him off so we made it to the boss guy we've taken no damage so far my friend certainly has but that's her problem we're gonna fire an arrow at this guy it wasn't a poison arrow but that's fine not all arrows can be poison arrows after all he's gonna hit her and I still haven't been damaged once she is a great damage sponge and for trouble we got new armor now we're gonna look extra scary quick stop back here to feed my mushrooms some more and then we're gonna take even more silver out because our ever-growing collection is worth ever more money now we're gonna fight the pack I brought her along again because well I paid for two battles so she's here for two battles this guy remember to actually avoid things okay we're gonna fight the boss now I'm gonna stun him right away because he's obviously gonna be the biggest trouble and we're going to range damage him while trying to avoid everything else coming our way I guess we should Fireball too it doesn't do a lot of damage but I think it's just a free attack for a teeny bit of damage well she's out of the battle but that's exactly what I needed her to do die on my behalf this guy we're gonna block Dodge him go in for the kill not quite the kill okay this is gonna be higher battle than I thought okay this battle is actually quite hard so I don't have anything left to block that with maybe I need more defense I just trained my defense up to here that also leveled me up twice so I'm going to increase my uh chances to block and then I'm also just gonna put all the rest of the money straight up into the vents I also didn't realize how rich I was so I'm going to go ahead and upgrade the training yard that's gonna give me uh faster upgrades ranked my defense all the way up in this silver I also leveled up my damage into silver that left me with all sorts of new skill points chance distilled money during an attack yes I also want to turn down my stun thing 810 points that's so many what we need is damage I'm gonna Auto pick my way through damage also forgot to feed my mushroom and take my silver which is now tons 62 silver and that somehow leveled me up again this time I'm gonna put it into agility that way we have more critical chance and I've turned Dodge into silver which gave me another 500 points to put into whatever I want probably just damage while I was doing all that training we made more money down in the mines and somehow got another Clover basically I did enough training to make enough money to afford them Knight weapon set so I feel like our damage is gonna get a little bit better again because we have an iron Claymore so let's go back to the fights we're struggling with before we did 31 000 damage so I think we're gonna be okay uh we just did a critical hit for almost 50 000 damage I was so taken aback by that I almost didn't react to it they're also hitting me for very little damage because I have 110 000 was that it I just made that look so stupidly easy that I wasn't even paying attention there's similar still a tough fight available to us despite our incredible power at this point it's a four point battle so we're gonna fight Stumpy Stumpy's dead we have multiple stumpies we're gonna cleave them both dead now there's three of them uh we're just gonna one shot them one at a time we should be able to dodge them fairly easily or a block 71 000 damage and a block I assume yeah we're gonna fight King Stumpy here but first we're gonna stun I don't know we'll hit him with some ranged which isn't a ton of damage but on a crit it is and poison we're gonna throw that at him and uh forty six thousand yeah we're strong that was supposed to be a tough battle and we didn't even get hit once we made that look like a joke oh thanks to our Mighty great sword all right well we got two of these guys we'll just go ahead and take them out uh we got two of them oh super critical hit we're doing knows a lot now we can just dodge most attacks anyway uh we're gonna go ahead and stun that guy because I feel like he's going to be dangerous we can dodge the rest of these anyway and hit him or block either way we're gonna kill these guys real hard and got him counter attack murder and they even managed to level me up and we got all those delicious clovers I'm giving myself a little more damage with their skills we just got from leveling up so we're gonna fight their Royal Ruby now apparently so we'll go ahead and take out these two and then it should be yeah okay we're gonna fight big boy he does have a lot of Health 140 000. I uh we're we're gonna uh quit him first and then we're probably gonna stun him whoops Miss time that because I was kind of panicking anyway he's now stunned so um they're healing him I think they're healing something I didn't really see that we can just dodge though and hit these guys all we want I think we can actually sometimes deflect those back the goglin Goblin King is almost dead oh never mind they heal each other for quite a bit not as much as I can damage them I think though because we can hit that okay Goblin king is dead no it's just the healers we did this backwards but we're so strong it just doesn't matter we one-shotted that one I'm just gonna bow and arrow this guy just just to show him I'm much stronger than he is even at 4 000 damage is doing a lot then we'll finish him off with this stab I think I get a glowing ache for this whatever the case I think we just eradicated like the goblin race entirely gonna cost five gold to get the next weapon set so the sad grape's gonna have to wait foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 423,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FrNgb2zTMMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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