I Played 100% of Dave The Diver

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complete 100 of Dave the diver I'm gonna need to uncover the secrets of the ocean's depth catch a whole bunch of fish fight some big boy fishies in epic combat and sell a whole bunch of sushi there's also farming seahorse racing and this guy with a waifu pillow [Music] seemed good it begins with a big Dave's toes soaking up the sun's Rays oh what's the feet man settle down suddenly I received a phone call from this Silver Fox and it had something to do with sushi what is this what's going on I packed my bags and heated the cool and soon Cobra was screaming about a glorious business opportunity a sushi bar by the Blue Hole I had a quick dive to learn the basics of harpooning fishies before Cobra explained further I'm in charge of collecting ingredients and this philosophical bloke bancho is the chef and together we will sell many yummy foods just then a Tremor shook the land and caused quite a mess in the sushi bar and there was only one way to cover the repair cost sell that sushi so off I went to catch more fish I was now free to explore the big blue hole and every dive is kind of like a roguelite experience with the map slightly changing I found some wood I found a chest with an underwater scooter in it this helps you zoom fast for a bit and I began harpooning fish a lagoon trigger fish blue tang black spot Sunbeam Mediterranean parrot fish it is big fella you want some soon my limited oxygen supply began dwindling give me that O2 baby oh fill me right up nice my bags were full up as I'd reached my nine kilogram carry limit so to collect this copper ore I made room by releasing one of them parrotfish back into the sea and I stabbed this fried egg jellyfish to death before heading to the surface all right well we got a decent haul of a fish Three Wood a bunch of fish three cup of all this dive Vlog showed me how long I'd spent down there how deep I had gone how many fish I'd caught and how many items I'd obtained and then it was time for me to Moonlight as the manager of a sushi bar each night it'll be my job to set the menu using ingredients from my Dives and each dish has a specific price so my Approach was of course to focus on selling the more profitable dishes first and with this fancy open animation bancho Sushi was ready for its first night of customers I poured the green teas and delivered dishes to customers and I made sure we didn't run out of Wasabi Look At Me dance Look At Me dance hurry up banjo cook faster customers waiting me and before long the evening was over we get a little recap of the the Sushi's evening as well we got five stars and five Artisans flames and a cheeky 66 profit that night I witnessed something rather disturbing he crashed into some float oh my gosh what the heck it's got slapped away cracking [Music] foreign so I guess those packages will not be delivered in a timely fashion in the morning I received a call from biology student Ellie who insulted me for some reason before asking me to help her study the Ecology of the Blue Hole my first task was to find some agar and red starfish I had a fiddle with my smartphone and I'm pretty sure I downloaded a virus from this email do you want to buy nice cars wear fancy clothes getting rich is easier than you think click the button below now let's get scammed and then it was time for my morning dive I got into a battle with this angry Titan triggerfish I found some salt in this big red pot I collected some red starfish and agar from my friend Ellie and I stabbed this green Dingus this big fella has taken some damage after collecting 10 bits of meat from that hump head I headed deeper I feel like I'm getting a bit too deep oh my oxygen is going so fast down here this radio here lets you call for an escape pod but with an angry yellow fish on my tail I was in trouble because every time Dave takes damage a chunk of o2 is lost I I am a dead I was rescued by Cobra but only allowed to take one item with me so I took some hump here to parrotfish after some red-faced scarce for air I received a call from Duff okay Duff's gonna tell me about guns indeed Duff wanted me to grab one rope and white scrap iron from the depth so he could fashion it into a gun and back into the water I went for my afternoon dive I found I found a baseball bat okay I found the rope and scrap I needed as well as some more of the stuff I needed for Ellie's research that I lost due to the drowning incident oh gosh get away get away this yellow idiot bothered me some and what I didn't realize was that my diving suit only worked efficiently down to a depth of 40 meters and this Escape pod was just a tad deeper than that so my oxygen was depleting fast Escape pod oh I'd successfully collected the materials for darf so Duff's weapon Shop app became available on my phone I opened it up and had him craft me a basic underwater rifle [Music] what is going on duff you're out of control me that is one way to craft a gun I guess that night I tried out enhancing a dish this involved a most excellent cutscene oh beautiful what this increased the dish to level two upping the Dish's sell price and taste rating I'd used up all of that delicious ingredients to enhance it so I couldn't actually sell any but I managed to clear the 100 profit Mark which was enough to repair the sushi bar and in the morning I met a new friend Dr bacon g'day mate he told me of the Lost Sea people civilization and asked me to hunt down an artifact if there's supposedly 70 meters below I'd already learned the hard way that my diving suit was incapable of reaching such depth so I was introduced to idiver an app with which I can upgrade my equipment my first diving suit upgrade was a freebie so just like that I was now able to travel down to 80 meters on my morning dive I found a gun crate in which I found this triple shooter contraption oh that big fella slapped me I also found a poison tipped Harpoon upgrade these upgrades are very handy but they only last for the duration of the dive and I frantically swam to the surface just in time I'd collected two red starfish and agar by this point so Ellie called to thank me and she rewarded me handsomely oh she gave me 70 gold it's soy sauce finding that triple Axel contributed towards Duff learning a new blueprint too we paid a visit to the sushi bar and the repairs were now complete and I unlocked the ability to decorate the interior as well as the cookster app this is how you take a profile picture it's hard it's good I like it as you achieve certain Milestones you can rank up in cookster unlocking some perks I made sure to like banjo's glorious photo and headed back out for the afternoon dive I followed the dolphin shooting and harpooning fish as I went and I figured out the difference between two stars and one star yeah this one's still alive I see I see so I get three meat of it instead of one the dolphin led me to pinky who I freed earning a pearl as reward and I caught a few more fish I saw a big fella down here shock should I fight it this is a bad idea oh crap I keep missing no no no no no no no no no oh my oxygen switch went really low run run run during those Shenanigans I used an O2 canister that I'd found any yellow crate to replenish oxygen otherwise I'm pretty sure I would have died there and I opted to steer clear of the shark for now I increased my cargo box size to carry 13 kilograms up from nine and at the sushi bar this lady Yoshi an old acquaintance of bancho was visiting Now bancho isn't the most easy-going bloke he's a bit aggressive to be honest so when Yoshi challenged him about how he was fired from some hotel in the past he was upset and demanded I go hunt a shark so that he could make a shark head dish so delicious that it would shut her up I unlocked the recipe research tab where I used some Artisans Flames to research the dish in question foreign [Music] has some Elite research techniques no question I'd quite a lot of fish by now so I absolutely stacked the menu with goodies and I only sold about five dishes out of 25 and the rest was wasted whoops I made enough money to increase my air tank size though so it'll do I guess hey look at this fella he's got a pedal he's got a pedal work Sato introduced me to marinka an app that keeps track of all the fish cards I've collected apparently I had already caught 29 of the fish species found in the Blue Hole shallows on day Four's afternoon dive I returned to take on the shark and after five shots from my underwater rifle I was Victorious Give me a head oh there's an idiot attacking me I filled my bags in fact I overfilled my bags to 14.1 kilograms out of 13. can I go up with with an overloaded bag apparently yes so prepare to witness me being an absolute loot Goblin with overflowing bags all the time and to check out this arvo's Hall of fishies from that dive alone I completed another eight percent of the shallows Pokedex I enjoyed this Majestic Montage as I enhanced white tip reef shark Sushi to level two but the real winner was that one shark head somehow turned into five whole roasted shark head dishes which sell for a juicy 53 a piece and it was time for Yoshi to have a taste she doesn't like it but she's gonna eat it I have a feeling yeah [Music] [Laughter] gone on this camera this is the most ridiculous little cutscenes I love it the ginger scent mixes with a strong flavor of the head it's quite lovely Yoshi then agreed to help us hire some staff so I put out a flyer and hopefully some fine upstanding citizens will apply for a job because old mate Dave really does struggle delivering them dishes we hit 10 followers on cook stuff so we unlocked a bronze ring earning some juicy rewards including some new dishes to research and the night's profit was quite impressive look at the bar graph it's just gone ballistic I upgraded my air tank and cargo box significantly improving my O2 and viable carry weight and by this point I'd unlocked the triple Axel blueprint so I had Duff craft me one oh here we go oh he's got like a robot he's controlling some Mech incredible [Music] Yeah Boy triple Axel dolphin buddy greeted me and Pinky was once again in a bind akato-free is the poachers above shot down at me and I had a hard time of it with my crappy three damage knife but I got there eventually uh love heart with a tank capacity of 145 I was under much less pressure as I had more time to get around and find these O2 thingos the shark head had been a smash hit last night so I peppered another reef shark with bullets before heading below 50 meters for the first time I was in medium depth territory now and this meant new fish and these fish had more Health it took about five Harpoon hits to catch this mackerel and mullet I collected 19 kgs of goods that morning and in the afternoon dive I did some of these ones I picked up a lightning Harpoon upgrade which greatly improved my damage and it also made the catching mini game quite different what the hell what have I done I also found one of these why do I have a squeaky toy I found a bounty of new items down at this medium depth glass a fossil some lead kelp and a pink seashell and the Sea people artifact for Dr bacon uh-oh oh dear me gracious Smith that's a kraken oh you farted on me wait no no no no no don't do that I got into a scrap with this puffer fish too the flyer we'd put out successfully attracted an applicant so I gave her a job he causes nothing oh my gosh I just I just got a slave Kyoko I put Kyoko on his weight staff and immediately trained her up a bit improving her stats I researched the dishes I'd unlocked last night set the menu and got to business and Kyoko proved a great help because it was busier than ever and it was this agar dish I just researched that's all the best contributing 229 dollars to the 585 profit for the night Dr bacon had analyzed the sea people artifact by morning and created a radar to detect similar material so after upgrading my Harpoon Gun and air tank I headed back beneath the waves I filled up my bags as I went and by the time I got to the reef shark and that shark meat baby my bags were already full I found a hashtag gun in a crate and discovered the fish that it put to sleep could simply be scooped straight out of the sea no Harpoon required better yet these fish were three star which meant they yielded heaps of meat having grossly over-encumbered myself with two narrow buyed Spanish mackerels I headed back up emptied my bags and headed back down I picked up my first sniper rifle this time and it was a repeat I obsessively filled my bags and completely ignored the radar my power bacon had provided me that evening I put out another flyer to find more stuff and when I enhanced this mackerel dish Pancho got a little explosive goodness gracious me that's one way to enhance a dish I was able to put up a pretty impressive menu this night and once again had a record-breaking profit in the morning Ellie called asking me to collect some blue and brown shells for her biological investigations and I discovered I'd already earned the likes needed to unlock Silver rank on cookster so I headed to the sushi bar where these silly nerds gave everything a thorough looksie cookster cooks for approve new recipes new menu slot nice nice nice I had the necessary Artisans Flames so I immediately researched all three of those dishes and enjoyed some insight into bancho's meditative Shenanigans in the process I had a quick marinka check gotta fish them all and then it was back to it I managed to grab a couple of the shells for Ellie but when I got into vicious combat with this Barracuda I came away a little short of breath I founded my first net gun but I didn't get a chance to use it as I fled to the Escape pod and I was extremely lucky this yellow goober randomly lost interest I'd collected all the shells for Ellie so she called and revealed I'd been helping her with her Eco Watcher progress and now I had Direct access to the app I was able to complete research Marine Plants 1 immediately for 20 points and now I had a bunch more goals to work towards while diving this of course fueled my insatiable drive to collect every plant shell star or pretty much anything I saw I murdered yet another shark I caught a couple new fish types and went vigorously slapping the spacebar to reeling this gray trigger fish I weirdly said yeah and I finally followed the radar into the Limestone cave I grabbed some sea grapes as I dodged these oscillating jellies and I avoided the current that tried to dash me against the spiky spikes just as I sniped this angler fish Dr bacon informed me that it arrived at my destination rocks were blocking the entrance so bacon called me up for now and as I left I thought I heard strange voices I ascended cops some spikes oh and by the time I arrived at this Escape pod I had 37 kilograms of goodies in my bag and I figured I might as well fill in some more and see how much I could get away with so I Samurai slapped some nerds and ended up with 41.6 kgs before I literally couldn't pick anything more up Cobra wisely suggested we make a bomb to blow our way into that sea people cave but he needed me to track down some drone related packages for a delivery that never arrived and I had a feeling that deliveries failure to arrive was Kraken related I think I'll hire this guy you suck but you have high appeal though what does that even mean Mitchell you're weirdo so I resolved to hire Raul once I had the funds not Mitchell though screw that guy and this evening was a bit of a stinker we simply weren't keeping up with demand and it was clear I needed more staff I made my way back to the Limestone cave to track down Cobra's packages that had gone missing I found the motor camera lens and computer chip and I found some sensor bomb traps What's it gonna do foreign I received a saucy salty reward and I unlocked the hush Dart recipe it was a free dive with no particular objective on the afternoon of day seven and the Highlight was an epic battle with this long-nosed saw shark and once defeated it provided me with 13 kilograms of meat the long-nosed Sawshark Sushi sold for a solid 45 so I watched some of those on the menu and with this mustly Beast cooking alongside bancho we had a much better time fulfilling the orders except right at the end we ran out of Wasabi ah I didn't make it oh whatever 919. profit holy duly Cobra's bomb was ready in the morning and Dr bacon gave me a camera in case I needed to document my discoveries and Cobra opened up his shop here I can buy three items daily and they last for one dive only and I can sell stuff I sold a few goodies immediately for a tidy profit I upgraded my diving suit so my new max depth was 230 meters and my air tank increasing its capacity to 220 and I looked through my dish options to get a sense of what fish I should try and catch to earn the most profit which was a good idea in theory but to be honest once I was out in the water I totally forgot what I was looking for my general logic was Big Fish equals good profit and I wrote this philosophy through the entire playthrough ow oh stop I kept my eye out for Eco Watcher goodies especially these pink shells as they were at a premium and soon I was blowing the way clear into the mysterious sea people cave as you can see this giant trevally meat had me over encumbered but I didn't let that stop me and into the cave I went inside was the sea people records chamber what we got this can't be a natural pillar there are even mysterious characters engraved this handsome fella what's to learn since we have a warrior or King it looks powerful there seem to be scales on the lower body is this really a mural of the sea people a merman I took a rather dodgy photo of the mural and grabbed this artifact and once again I heard strange voices all right all right Mr Bacon Kevin you reckon this guy's name is Kevin probably Kevin Bacon told me he would analyze the artifact in his lab and get back to me and out of nowhere Came John Watson and his environmentalist buddies from sea blue he was a ragey kind of bloke and he was displeased he'd heard an explosion coming from the sea he promised to meet out his own brand of Justice on any polluters I tried to pay attention to the big fella but all I could think about was Sherlock Holmes for some reason in other news that dive I just had was my longest and deepest yet Pokedex check 43 in the shallows 53 in the medium depth area I paid a visit to the sushi bar where I put up an Internet Ad which will supposedly find me higher quality staff and I researched a more eel recipe should I switched to go big fella oh oh look at him go oh yeah he's got Fire magic in his finger and I guess since I had an abundance of dish options I decided not to bother with my afternoon dive on day night and I instead skipped time until evening hanging out with my guy the seagull that night a VIP appeared Vincent The Gourmet yui from some TV show was with him and they wanted to see what bancho's cooking was all about Vincent made disparaging remarks about style and the good Chef took that as a challenge and told Vincent to come back in two days Pancho planned to impress Vincent with a dish comprised of sea grapes and white spotted jellyfish so he asked me to grab those for him and we had a decent evening of business with boiled yellowback fusilier coming out on top as our best selling dish of the day that night I was showing a rather dramatic scene oh my gosh in the morning Dr bacon gave me back that artifact I'd collected and he cleaned it up to discover that it was a sea people bracelet that I could wear to survive for a period after running out of oxygen and he informed me he'd found another signal but it was so deep that a deep sea headlamp would be needed to travel there I checked out the sea people bracelet and discovered I had two Charm slots and I had Duff craft me a hush Dart and there's something about this close-up of him breathing on the gun that disturbs me anyway I put the hush dot in my equipment Loadout and gave Duff a call about the headlamp he agreed to help me but first I gotta find his Liz Chan figurine pink delivery box why are these Dolphins just always in his draft man just chill I ended up in an epic battle with the Pirates harpooning them repeatedly and I was grateful they were quite slow to aim with their giant red beams as it was pretty easy to dodge their bullets hey get some silly Pirates leave my pink dolphin alone the Dolphins performed a beautiful love hearts dance and gifted me a charm as a reward the figurine I needed to find for Duff was supposedly near the wreck of that boat the Kraken had destroyed earlier so off I went to find it collecting as I went of course I tranquilized white spotted jellyfish as bancho wanted one of these ones alive for Vincent's VIP Challenge and I ended up in battle with my second Sawshark of this dive but I never did find that wreck I completed the netgun blueprint though and the charm the Dolphins gave me was a beauty Dash speed by Phillips oh my gosh that is a good charm I'm basically always dashing by holding shift while diving so a 30 move speed bonus was great news I continued with my Shark destruction strategy while mostly ignoring other fish at this point unless I spotted one I needed for the Pokedex but once again during this dive I was full up before ever finding that shipwreck so Duff's figurine went unfound for today oh we got some applicants man James isn't too bad but he's wearing a he's wearing a suspicious mask I don't know I'm sure he's the kind of guy I want to hire I resolved to hire to Hoku and yone once I had the money because they both had pretty juicy stats I had Longnose Sawshark meat for days so I enhanced it all the way up to level five and by this point I'd finally worked out that the ingredients for any dishes on the menu that aren't sold are wasted so I tried to put just the right amount of stuff on the menu sadly there were still eight dishes uneaten when the night ended so those went to waste but it was still a record profit enhancing that Sawshark Sushi dish had gotten me the taste quality I needed for another cookster Rank by the way so all I needed now was some more lags and I gained plenty of those each night as the sushi bar grows I sold five shark teeth for 500 and upgraded my cargo limit and Harpoon damage before heading out and finding myself in vicious combat with a very chunky tiger shark he took quite a few hits but eventually went down and he yielded a whopping 30 kilograms of meat so with that I was well and truly over-encumbered so up I went in the afternoon dive I found this shipwreck but it wasn't the Shipwreck so no bingo oh ah leave me alone bro why are you so fast I used this random current to make my escape and another day pass with the figurine remaining unfound poor Duff I'd completed a few Eco Watcher thingos by this point and after this dive I completed this remove jellyfish task we got level two Eco Health bracelet I know I sounded excited about that Eco Health bracelet charm but it was actually pretty bad and I never used it that night bancho cooked his jellyfish dish for Vincent's Gourmet here he goes this is the jellyfish pose he's cooking let him cook oh yeah literally cooking he's trying it he's trying it oh oh you know it's fair to say old mate absolutely loved his meal but he was disappointed he didn't have a beer to go with it so he gave us a beer fridge unlocking the potential to serve beer to our customers I also received a cheeky one thousand dollars and some Cooks to relax I had the funds to hire to hockey so I shuffled rolls around before training up Coco which unlocked her the ability to serve drinks to customers I trained up to Hoku once too I served four of these sea grape jellyfish dishes to customers that night and he sold for a whopping 225 so it was another record profit these two nerds gave the bar another once over and some more recipes and perks were unlocked I happened one of these red lionfish to chip away at the overpopulated invasive fish Eco Watcher task and then yes I found it I think here we go oh no no no no no why Duff was aghast his figurines snatched away by the Kraken and he insisted I go chase after it but I had no way of getting past the wrecked boat just yet I filled my cargo with goodies including the first Iron Ore I'd found before fleeing this big chunker you stuck there you idiot run run all right seeing it Duff gave me the gas cutter and instructed me to cut my way through to access below the wrecked boat I turned in a couple of Eco Watcher tasks and I upgraded my cargo size to a viable weight of 63 kilograms and then it was time to cut I can do this I can stay in the circle I believe I was indeed capable of staying in the circle and soon our way down was open okay this is gonna be a bad idea I sense the dangerous creature's presence yeah let's enter it's a real mess down here you know oh it's sleeping despite my understandable reluctance to venture too close to the sleeping monster Duff insisted I sneak over and grabbed the Box oh wait what no no no no oh wait do I actually have to fight it I have to fight it oh Lord and so began my first boss battle I did my best to avoid the erupting tentacles and I made my way in close and shot at the vulnerable eyeball after being in ink jettisoned I made my way back for another eye shot no no don't slap me wow I enjoyed a couple more slaps in another Inky expulsion but the Kraken could only take so many shots to the eyeball and soon the Beast was defeated the mermaid captive was freed and this dude collected her and fled and I was free to collect some meat from the giant Squid's tentacle and Duff's leachan figurine I received the deep sea headlamp in return for my rescue effort and bancho whipped up a giant boss tentacle dish and we partied up a storm and apparently this bloke was watching us with less than savoring intentions in the morning a hungover Bacon came to instruct me to go deeper now that I had the headlamp and then he went to the big bomb oh goodness that was a solid two second stream for goodness sake that's disgusting Oh chapter two into the deep John Watson accosted me furious at my mistreatment of the sea he shot a grenade of me in anger we fought I dodged his grenades and shot him in the face and he lunged at me a few times but I was Victorious and he shot a hole here to escape promising I hadn't seen the last of him I made my way deeper and apparently I couldn't resist killing every shark I saw even when it was probably wiser to just avoid the beasts I'm stuck ah I'm dead oh I might survive get this thing oh I'm so lucky I'm so lucky these sharks actually did Serious Business because they're flaming huge I headed past the 130 meter Mark for the first time and entered the Blue Hole depth a new region meant new fish types and so I got to catching they had a bunch more Health down here so it took four or five Harpoon strikes per catch I found a mining pick which I used to collect some amethyst I caught this fancy fan fish and my bags were already full so I had to practice some tedious inventory management I then used a UV light I'd found to cause these tube worms to suck back into hiding so I could make my way through this area to see people from before I could not understand the fishy bloke and he seemed unimpressed by my UV light so I left them B for now and headed down this passage Beyond which I found the bones of some massive creature as well as some scary looking foes fortunately this game throws plenty of weapon upgrades and ammo refills at you so I was able to shoot the mega mouth shark at plenty ah it's got suction I also found this tranquilizer Harpoon tip so the shark kept going nap time and soon I was claiming his meat which weighed a whopping 23 kilograms total I continued on very much over encumbered and therefore fatter and slower than usual I tried to kill this big Krabby boy but he was impervious to my harpoons damage oh crap oh crap oh crap it exploded I decided swimming into a bunch of Kamikaze jellies was a bad plan while over incumbent so after making space to grab this pretty purple starfish I headed back up remarking all right well there's certainly is a lot to do down deep deep I received some rewards for my progress and Dr bacon suggested we work on a translator so he instructed me to track down a sea people's Stone tablet microphone and Amethyst from the depths I admired the fish I'd reeled in and I was pleased to see the megamouth Sushi sold for a solid 95 a pop and I received a call from Udo a reporter for the magazine weekly fish he asked me to take some photos for him I also turned in a couple of marine plant research tasks for Eco Watcher to get me to level 3 which earned me another charm that I never used I stumbled across a cheeky Little Octopus who fled through this blocked off passage so I whipped out my gas cutter and cut my way in with precision and just as I was dreaming of eating it the annoying mollusk escaped me again but it left behind this Rusty octopus bracelet I found a photo spot where I took a majestic photo of this all fish and I found this corner was jam-packed with jelly and since the jellyfish party was fast approaching I figured I might as well catch a bunch a poison Harpoon was my weapon of choice get the dots on yeah get the dots ticking big strats I also found a grenade launcher with which I defeated this real shark I then remembered I was supposed to be doing a quest so I headed back beneath the Shipwreck where I found the microphone and the Sea people record chamber where I found a stone tablet ah we got everything all right we got everything for the language translator good news good news good news you can also hear my son speaking a language that needs translating in the background there topical stuff I spent 24 minutes down there doing that nonsense that octopus brace that I found turned out to be a charm allow me to dash short bursts for further increased speeds so I was pleased about that and Udo was pleased with my oarfish photo so he gave me a reward Who Dares interrupt me Otto can you chill settle down on the bees mate apparently this book Otto was an amazing diver before he took a harpoon to the knee the rambunctious fellow wanted a moray eel dish but those can only be caught at night and so suddenly I unlocked at night diving I didn't go this night though I instead sold a variety of shark Sushi to my hungry customers hitting a profit of over thirteen hundred dollars Dr bacon delivered me the newly crafted sea people translator in the morning and I unlocked the ability to upgrade my weapons at Duff's shop what's with the inspirational music laughs and since I had the materials I immediately had him upgrade my underwater rifle to rank 2. I paid the sushi bar a visit where I gave the cat Momo some high quality cat food I'd found under the sea and I hired yone and added her to my kitchen staff I also did some staff training back in the ocean I ran into my old friend pink dolphin and took a photo and I headed to see the sea people I had a chat with suam your name sounds very similar to broken toilet lid nice the mermaid Rambo was unwell after her encounter with the giant squid so suam asked me to make a dish out of feather coral and Lily coral for her after a quick search of the area I found both I took a photo of some opars and I thought my first one of these which had a rather complicated name Rhino I continued deeper well past the 200 meter Mark where I found my first cookie cutter shark before heading back up to give the feather and Lily Coral to bancho which he aggressively turned into porridge this humpback whale made me feel small before I wandered down to feed Ramo her porridge which helped her recover somewhat to see people were suspicious of me but I'd helped them so ramu entrusted me with carrying her back to the Sea people Village on the way there was another Tremor and some blowing up you boys may have done some damage to my precious cargo no let's try that again we caught up with swam who discovered a blockage and we thought perhaps Falling Rocks would clear the way if only I removed this giant steak from up above but apparently I needed better gloves to achieve that so I headed to the surface to see about a glove upgrade all right we're going in for our first nighttime dive let's go it was a lot quieter down here at night but I did encounter a couple of fresh fish varieties a box jellyfish and Amore eel for Otto I poked around for a while but didn't find anything else new and I discovered I couldn't go below 130 meters at night so after nearly dying to this tiger shark I headed to the sushi bar as there were still two-thirds of the evening to go even after my time in the water listen you expletive I heard you the one time to stop babbling what in the world I'm sorry it wasn't me you rotten Blowfish you can't be this murderous girl demanded a very specific dish and lucky for me I had all the ingredients on hand so I immediately added it to the menu it's got a Healer of whatever trauma the little girl broke down explaining this was her father's favorite dish and he disappeared after never returning from a dive the dancing cliony puppet had been a gift from her dad and she asked me if I might find a real one for her in the depths but cleonia are too small to Harpoon so she suggested I make use of a nest to catch them I also served Otto his moray eel dish foreign [Music] the power of food man so profound Otto told me to meet him in the empty Lots nearby for a reward also I attempted to serve my first beer but the head on it was pretty huge I'm not too sure the customer would have been pleased with that one on the morning of day 15 Otto showed me around his fish farm where I can keep whatever fish I like and if I have two or more of the same type they'll breed every time I catch a fish I have a chance of collecting Rogue which will be sent here and hatched thus Growing the Farm I received my new heavy duty gloves and enjoyed a little tutorial on how to pick up big old boulders to drop to good effect how to grab onto danglies and how to pull Stakes good stuff I caught a couple of cleoni I had another encounter with the annoying squid and after a thrilling Chase I found another Rusty charm and I used some well-timed space bar hits to go and get out this stake causing the boulders to crash down it wasn't enough but fortunately there were more stakey Boulders around here and these two crashed down and this cleared the way we headed down and there were more Tremors and a rather terrifying squiggly monster zoomed by and in the next chamber that's a good looking eel here we go The Warfield did some big sucks but I hung onto the anchors it did some big snaps too and I did my best to dodge those this drive-by slap hit me but it left the beast's glowy tail exposed to attack no no no no I am anchored I am anchored and more quickly than I expected quick at the thing oh is it dead already how did I kill it already I'm an absolute unit I claim some meat from the wolf eel's body and we found ourselves at the entrance to the Sea people Village these guards were not a big fan of humans but luckily Ramo is daughter to the king so she was my ticket to meet him immediately wait who is this next to you I'm Dave I thought you brought a blue Manatee but this is the human strange things have been happening around here recently the Tremors the ice melting of the Divine tree what Ramo was convinced the sea people needed my help solving the troubles with this Divine tree but Tenzin was not convinced until yet another Tremor put the fear into him and he agreed to let me help if I first earned the trust of his people and so chapter 3 began a request from the sea people give me some kind of fast travel down here please they heard my plea and gave me the sea people mirror to put on my boat and this thing grants instant teleportation down to the Sea people Village after a long day in the sea people Village I arrived back late so we missed the night of sushi bar Shenanigans but Yoshi rocked up so I poured her a beer and she gave me some insight into banjo's backstory basically back when he had hair he used to work at the same hotel as Yoshi and a famous food reviewer named Lois Crawford came in and bancho against Yoshi's advice made her a shark head dish and she hated it and that's why bancho is now bald the next day I began meeting the sea people villagers Mima the restaurant owner had me deliver lunch to the guards and the Sea chop guy karzen was aghast I didn't know about King long ancient leader of the sea people so he had me get a tribute flower to place in front of the Old King statue and over at this game parlor Lynch and sent me off to catch some seahorses that had escaped I searched around and netted the four escaped horsies and from these three quests I earned a total of 40 credit towards the 100 I needed to win over the sea people and I won some Bay too to see people's currency and then I raced a seahorse either the seahorse they gave me sucked or I sucked because I lost I blame the seahorse either way I thought it was a rather random minigame that was the most excellent seahorse racing I returned for my afternoon dive and another Quest had popped up to retrieve this lady's Beluga whistle that she'd lost while gambling to win it back I had to do some gambling of my own and win against this grub in a game of memory cards fortunately he absolutely sucked so I won and got the whistle back I also registered a seahorse ad court and this one had significantly better stats so I went on to dominate some races including this one with some obstacles that I struggled to avoid and I earned myself a bunch of currency as reward for exploiting an innocent seahorse and forcing it to race itself ragged that lady actually gave me the beluga whale whistle so I now have the ability to summon a beluga to run around town for a cost of seven Bay so I had a little Joyride Majestic Beluga Prima gave me a quest to collect three troop Coral so I headed out to track those down I found all three while of course destroying every shark I came across for their juicy meat that night famous filmmaker Michael bang came into the sushi bar claiming there was no way our establishment was capable of producing food good enough to inspire him Pancho was of course willing to rise to the challenge so he told Mr bang to come back in three days and ask me to track down some ingredients including a special rice for now though it was jellyfish party time so I stacked the menu with jelly dishes and opened the bath business we had a pretty successful night but we didn't seem to get that much extra money from the jellyfish dishes so I wasn't that impressed by the party but the fireworks were nice Otto had overheard our need for rice last night and he'd somehow whipped up an entire Farm by morning so I was now able to farm rice all I had to do was pull up the weeds and here is a little morinka update 50 of the shallows 66 of the medium doubt 86 of the depths and 5 of the seahorses I had a session in the shallows collecting stuff for Eco Watcher goals and of course harpooning a great many fish and during the afternoon dive I had an encounter with blue film tuna for the first time Cobra had given me a Steel Net sensor bomb so place that down and he caught one of the fast moving fishies and I was able to cool down a drone to scoop it up and take it up to the surface this new piece of Kit let me send big fish up saving a bunch of bag space but I could only use it once per dive along with the tuna some other fish varieties had materialized in the shallows including this marbled electric ray I traveled all the way down to the Sea people village where I turned in those tube corals from yesterday and I picked up a few fresh quests all of these sent me out into the wild one of them had me following this jelly which led to this pink octopus there you are your pink Widow I lured it out with some food and rescued it for another Quest I killed this mega mouth shark and retrieved a ball from its belly and for another I collected more feather and Lily coral and I got enough meat for 27 dishes from that one tuna the Drone collected that is quite efficient I turn in a bunch of crap to the various Eco Watcher goals I was working towards as you can see I had collected quite a few shells by this point and I headed out for a nighttime dive on certain stormy nights strange vortexes appear and through these vortexes there are terrifying things to find that's a cool idea you man foreign I died a couple of times trying to defeat this boss as he was quite tough I had to drop these explosive barrels on him but I kept finding myself stuck against the wall as he continually charged me and he had a habit of whacking me with his giant pincers and causing debris to drop on my head I eventually got the hang of things moving to avoid his swipes and successfully Landing them explosions I actually managed to swim right over the big fella and dodged enough attacks to land enough barrels and so the foe was vanquished I claimed the meat of his strong ride pincer the second reason for my nighttime dive was to take a beautiful photo of a manta ray it's a terrible it really is a terrible photo at the sushi bar I discovered I was able to research meals using both the wolf Eagle boss's tail and the hermit crab boss's pincer and they produced 10 dishes each that sold for a whopping 550 a piece before I knew it I had all 20 dishes on the menu okay it's too late now I've selected them I hope I sell 20 dishes because that'll make me 11 Grand is this is this for real what the heck thanks to my night dive the evening's trading period was shorter so I sadly served only 14 out of the 20 dishes and over three grand in sales went to waste but I did earn a grand profit holy crap I used that bounty to upgrade my cargo limit yet again and I upgraded the Salvage drone so I could use it twice per die the problem is you can only get the steelnet sensor bomb thingo if it's available to buy from Cobra so catching these big fishies without killing them isn't so easy I killed a bunch of fried eggs for an Eco goal and spent ages trying to find the sea people record chamber again five minutes later I finally found it and I collected this wedding song stone slab for a quest and I was pleased to snag a giraffe seahorse too another for my collection in fact I caught a rather absurd amount of seahorses while trying to find that record chamber I turned in a bunch of those quests down in the sea people Village and one of them prompted a spontaneous wedding during which a Tremor shook the place causing King Long's big left arm to fall off which was probably a bit too much excitement for the happy couple all the questing had endeared me to the locals so I returned to Tenzin and he let me in on the see people's plate their Divine tree has roots down in a glacier region and below that it draws warmth from hydrothermal vents but the balance was off recently too much heat was rising and the ice was melting causing the Divine tree to falter resulting in sickness among the sea people he asked me to head down there to try and figure out what the problem was the thing is the key to get down there was in an abandoned and somewhat Haunted Cave I had a decent night of business with a few Choice dishes on the menu and then [Music] Duff had a dream and for some reason I had to be involved honestly I'm not sure daft's Widow dreams or any of my business but here we are I harvested some rice in the morning and I had a chat with a whale what you want big whale I finally found a fifth cleone for that quest for the little girl and I don't think this big chunk of cleoni was very happy about it and so I ended up in battle with the cleoni queen I grabbed a sniper rifle from this weapon crate and did Big loopy loopies around her avoiding her attacks and soon the big girl was dying in an eruption of green I collected the Queen's tentacle and amazingly a photo of the girl Mucky I gave Ellie a call and played her the whale cries I recorded apparently Ellie speaks whale so she determined that the whale was crying out looking for its Offspring so I agreed to keep an eye out for a baby humpback on my next dive I heard some whale cries almost immediately and after removing this clump of Boulders I found the baby whale in this cave it was a little stressed so I gave it some Pats it's okay little fella of all the mini games vigorously petting a whale by wiggling my mouse around has got to be the winner I led the whale out and protected it from a great many predatory fish as I went and soon we were in more Open Seas and we were accosted by a goon squad of sharks but big mama came out of nowhere to sort them out and the two were reunited when I emerged I received a special thank you from the whales and the scene was genuinely pleasing to my eyeballs it was another stormy night so I headed down in search of another Vortex and before finding out I caught a copper shark and a black tip reef shark two new shark varieties to add to the Pokedex and I took a photo of a very beautiful fish red lipped batfish that is an ugly fella after a little more nosing around I found the vortex he's got he's got boxing gloves oh load the mantis shrimp was indeed a Punchy boy he did a big burp to push me back into these spikes and when he wound up a big hook I was supposed to protect myself with this wrecking ball pulley system but it didn't quite work on my first try eventually he gassed out and needed a quick breather so I shot him in the eyeball sadly I lost round one but by round two I had a read on his technique and it was all me when I turned the pulley mechanism properly the big boy stunned himself on it so I got extra pot shots in and soon I was delivering a magnificent KO I took some chunks off his tail as reward after a very long day of Dives I finally returned to bancho Sushi where I gave the pitcher to Maki on the back there was a button with a recorded message from Marquis father if you're watching this and I probably failed my Expedition and your dream of becoming a chef I hope it becomes true I'll keep watching you from afar so don't ever lose your smile and with that Mucky decided she wanted a job so I gave her one except her stats kind of sucked so I didn't actually put her on anything for now also Michael bang was here to try a special dish that is an absolute platter of goodness here we go here he goes oh he's chewing oh foreign I believe he liked it we earned some gold some likes and a poster as rewards I trained Up Jonas and more unlocking the cooking plus plus perk which sent her cooking seal through the roof and since it was a short night of business after my nighttime dive I just bought the cleoni queen boss dish on the menu and sold all 10 at 550 a pop I collected a bunch of Yellowfin and bluefin tuna on day 20. I did a quest to save this turtle from choking on a plastic bag and I also glued King Long's arm back on I went with do while the blacksmith to collect fruit from the Divine tree as he needed to use them to reopen his workshop and tensin had Sue arm guide me to the abandoned passage so I could search for the glacier key what the heck man are you serious after this little puzzle I got my hands on the key but getting out with it wasn't so simple the zombie mermaids were hungry I used extreme stealth Maneuvers avoiding their patrols and hiding behind statues run run oh oh gosh just in time I made my Escape so um's not even here he ran away because he's too scared coward and out of nowhere John Watson this guy just doesn't give up this fight was about luring old mates bombs back onto him as my weapons did no damage due to his armor I had to avoid his hooks and charges too it was a pretty annoying fight to be honest it was hard to get the bombs to actually deal damage to John Watson and in Phase 2 This Cloud of Minds only made things harder so I died three or four times until I finally realized the game gave me a baseball bat in this crate for a reason I could use Dave's Elite athleticism to whack the grenades which not only made it easier to hit the big fella it also made them do extra damage and so I finally defeated Mr Watson and picked up some broken mechanical Parts when I returned to Tenzin he explained and those zombies the gadon were creatures created over 800 years ago when the sea people civilization was at its greatest the success of the sea people's technology came from the powerful properties of the Divine tree's fruit but an ambitious technician named darsh wanted more he found a way to infuse the power from the fruit into the anatomy of some of his workers and they did become stronger and more efficient for a while but they soon lost their minds and went to zombie mode that night Sami the rap star appeared demanding vegetable Sushi bancho promised him some in three days and told me to go speak to Otto about growing some veggies and then we had a tuna party at which I managed to waste to 25 of this bluefin tuna dish whoops that night I caught up with the adventures of Dr bacon who attract sea people's signals to this cave from controlling bacon that's outrageous inside murals depicted race relations between humans and sea people apparently sea people gave humans Divine fruit as a gift and humans misunderstood the gift and thought the fruit was supposed to be eaten which is a fair assumption I guess but it made them sick so they took Vengeance on the sea people and thus the enmity between the races was established he also found to see people rebreather as he emerged these Pirates awaited him looking to steal whatever he'd found and so began an epic boat chase I did my best to dodge these rocks in their bullets and it didn't end well for the Pirates I visited Otto in the morning and I was now able to plant vegetables alongside my little rice Farm I planted three carrot and eggplant seeds as these are the veggies I needed for the vegetable Sushi and I discovered Otto now had a shop where I could buy seeds or extend the farm I headed down to the Sea people Village and discovered mima's restaurant was now open and she sells dumplings that give various baths that last for the duration of one dive I never really bothered with these but I did give a seaweed dumpling a try on this day and it was worth it to see this glorious cutscene I gave this Farm a beluga seaweed dish bunch I would cooked up and he loved it so he agreed to make an underwater Farm area available to me and then it was finally time to enter the glacier Passage there was a mural to photograph and some new fish types to catch in fact I had an Eco Watcher goal to catch 15 glacial passage fish so I went nuts on the harpoonage and when I headed right through this door I found myself in a big puzzly room it was a matter of moving these walls up and down to make my way through the first section next I had to avoid a zombie boy and then another mural to photograph and some more fish to catch down here and around the corner some rotating and I discovered that these zombies don't appreciate bright light from the Divine fruit so this became another trick on my sleeve to avoid the hungry fellas the magnitude of rotations cracked up to another level for this puzzle and soon I was discovering another use for the fruit melting ice puzzle passage one complete and by pulling this chain a shortcut was now open too after some more harpooning I headed into the passage on the left rotation and walls sliding up and down and big flashbangs bamboozling the undead all played into this first puzzle room and at the end of it I placed the Divine fruit in this thing oh that somehow concentrated the fruit power into a glorious beam of light that melted the ice on this mural and shot out all the way to the Central chamber striking this mirror the mirror wasn't angled quite right though and a rock was jammed in there so I headed to the surface to ask Cobra about a tool I might use that was by far my deepest dive to date having reached a depth of 373 meters marinka update 50 in the glacier passage already and all the other regions were looking pretty good too you fish continued appearing in the shallows this sheep's head and a stingray that I killed in Revenge of Steve Irwin Cobra told me I might find a crowbar down where the delivery boat sunk so I headed there and found yet more new fish varieties a hammerhead shark who very nearly killed me with its wild thrashing in these tight spaces and some bouncy crabs I managed to flatten the crabs with some well-placed rocks I yanked out the Crowbar and I defeated the shark and called down the Drone to scoop up its lifeless body I realized I had lots of money so I bought the Harpoon air tank and diving suit upgrades before serving up some rather profitable dishes for the evening the tropical fish sushi set and Stella to Puff a special Sushi when our possibilities thanks to my new rice field and they combined to make me a healthy profit and then I got a Tamagotchi I got Tamagotchi fish what is going on and Udo introduced me to a new project to catch exotic fish each week and he gave me a Tracker to help find them here's the weirdo fishmon oh he had butts unfortunately I failed to grasp the assignment and I accidentally killed the strange fish instead of catching it alive I had an epic battle with this stabby Marlin which I called a drone down to collect and I played with my Tamagotchi a bit before heading down to try again this time I was less trigger happy and I was able to catch my first fishmon I needed to catch a bunch of Comb jellyfish for an Eco Watcher goal so I cleaned up a few of those before pursuing a quest to track down a Lost Child in this passageway the child had headed here to witness this underwater Lake which to be fair is quite pretty but they'd never returned to the village and I found out why oh that's an ugly fella goblin shark was a fitting name I thought and I was dealing pretty good damage because I'd found a juicy poison Harpoon upgrade on my way down here so this fight was pretty easy I claimed some of the goblin sharks fatty meat and escorted the child back to the Village I discovered the underwater Farm was ready so I planted a seaweed seed I'd been given and I paid to have the farm expanded in size which was a good use for all that sea people currency I'd been earning while questing and I hit up the siege job where I bought mainly sea grape seeds as I knew of a dish or two that could make use of them I also did some more seahorse races because winning these earned you some good money the veggies had grown so I harvested them and replanted and I kept this night's menu very simple only serving boiled mantis shrimp from that boxing boss I'd been earlier as I wanted all 10 dishes to sell and sell they did for 650 each very nice I fed and played with my gyao Tamagotchi thing in the morning and I tried to make a habit of this as I wanted to evolve it and I returned to make use of my crowbar Shifting the mirror and melting the ice blocking the way down what is this thing ah that thing has a big jaw and it tried its best to swallow me whole very rude Behavior I caught a Dumbo octopus and blobfish too when photographing this mural I had to wipe Frost off the lens and threw this door to the right were more puzzles mirror puzzles to bounce that light around and melt ice some more slidy walls another mural with Frosty lens action and down here more mirrors to slide around a line those mirrors melt the ice cleared the way to the next chamber and it was a little dark so I whacked this Divine fruit for light oh gosh what is that oh we do that's a little extravian it's fair to say this handsome Barnacle encrusted gentleman is the most terrifying boss of Dave the diver and it's a boss fight unlike any of the others too it's less of a fight and more of a high octane Chase oh giant get on I did my best to avoid the ice as we sped along this passage miss me again ah crap go go go go go go go go go go go go go ah the Stella stalik whatever they're called ah hit the light fruit well what are you doing oh clutch big slaps I was cornered but with a well-timed Dodge I evaded his clutches and he knocked himself out opening a way down in the process this game's got a lot more to it than I was expecting oh he's coming again all right he didn't stay knocked out for long it was more of the same except vertical now and fast I bumped the ice a few times and suddenly I was running low on air I could not afford to bump into anything else or I would die thankfully a cutscene arrived to save me and the big fella had yet another big crash but he wasn't done yet and [Music] I'm glad I didn't have to do that again because that was terrifying it reloaded me at the start of phase three so no worries Q big dodge no no e big Dodge I made it through to the end of the run I pulled this stake out but the Beast almost grabbed me thankfully I was saved at the last second by the one and only suam and so the giant gadon Was Defeated suam and I pulled these levers together reactivating this portal which allowed us to fast travel back to the village and having finally cleared the glacier passage I'd arrived at the glacier region but it was too cold for me to continue down any further so Tenzin gave me a special cloth made from Divine tree fruit and he suggested I have my people turn it into a cold resistant diving suit Glacier passage 100 I headed down for a quick dive into the shallows where I caught my first thresher shark and that night it was time for MC Sami to enjoy banchos vegetable sushi [Music] doing it yeah he comes up with these cutscenes man it's absolutely glorious it turned out Sammy was Otto's son and they hadn't seen each other for eight years because Otto got stranded on a desert island or some nonsense but now they enjoyed a touching reunion I received a reward for my efforts but this was the true prize the vegetable Sushi sells for 3.75. I can get all the ingredients for veggie Sushi from the crop and rice Farms with almost zero effort so I was pleased for tonight though I kept the menu simple stacking in mainly with some goblin shark belly roast as I wanted to make sure all of those sold you know the drill and they did indeed sell and it was another tidy profit bacon paid a visit in the morning and said all he needed to make a cold resistant diving suit was a mechanical part much like the one I'd claimed after defeating John Watson except that that part was broken so I needed another I paid a visit to Otto's farm and his son Sammy had decided to hang around and set up a chicken coop so I now had a chicken laying eggs for me daily I bought another free-range chicken to double up on that and I named it Gordon I bought extra space for both the rice paddy and crop farm and I bought some nutrient compost and applied it to both fields to enrich the soil and with not much else to do I opted to skip the day's Dives and wait around until evening when Vincent Gourmet brought this Chef Wang Peng into the sushi bar and laid down the challenge debancho a cooking competition with a Chinese food theme set to occur tonight's hence we already know bancho loves a challenge so he gave me a list of ingredients together for him in preparation after another solid evening with veggie Sushi as the best seller it was time for The Heist since that mechanical part I'd taken from John Watson was unusable Cobra decided our best bet was to break into sea Blue's headquarters and steal some working parts and so I whacked on my black diving gear and got stealthy with it I followed one of the sea blue drones back to their facility and quickly snuck in behind it and what I found was more disturbing than a hidden base sea blue was supposed to be environmentalists so why did they have copious amounts of dolphin meat I snuck like an absolute ninja hiding behind boxes and crates tiptoeing at speed while the armed Thug's backs were turned hiding in giant freezers probably next to a bunch of Frosty dolphins and at the top I on some random military rations so I of course ate them mucho delicioso and then I found the parts I was looking for a picture of me what are these people up to and just as I did these nerds quarter me so out the window thank you I unlocked the ability to upgrade my dive knife so I did and my farm had expanded so I planted another row of carrot and eggplant down at the sea people Village Duo's blacksmith was now open you can buy materials here for high tea gun upgrades and you can sell him stuff for sea people currency too and that afternoon I collected up a storm killing Fang teeth for an Eco Watcher goal and dropping rocks on stargazer's heads after another evening at the sushi bar enjoying a Marlin party Dr bacon showed up and gave me the cold resistant suit which I immediately upgraded to Rank 2 allowing me to descend to a rather deep 800 meters that's how I get the best taste above 150 I've been wondering for so long how do I get it above 150 I just remembered last night you can enhance dishes and so I resolved to go on an enhancing spree so I could get my Cooks to rank up to platinum as I'd been stuck on gold for ages and then it was time to venture into the glacial area with my new heat resistant suit all the fish here were of course brand new varieties and I needed to catch a bunch for an Eco Watcher goal so I set about harpooning willy-nilly this Antarctic octopus put up a fight let me learn yeah alien I found some aquamarine and down here I took a photo of a rather impressive jellyfish at a depth of roughly 535 meters I found I could go no further as it was ironically too hot down there so I continued exploring the glacial area I caught a starry skate a narwhal and eventually over 25 fish total before finding a sealed door with a writing covered slab next to it I took a photo of the slab to show to Dr bacon and returned to the surface I showed the photo to Old mate and enjoyed this riveting deciphering minigame where I rubbed away the orange and we discovered that written on the slab was a spell of some sort bacon suggested I ask the sea people about it I turned in a couple of Eco Watcher goals and was pleased to see I'd caught 47 of the glacier area fish already and when I checked on my gal oh evolved into a beluga I harvested and replanted at both my above and below sea level Farms before chatting to niyamo about the writing on the slab she said there are three large doors in the glacial area and in each of them is a switch and when all three are activated the Divine tree control room can be accessed as for the writing on the slab it was a spell to open the first door so I needed a friend to come help speak it some sick dance moves thrusty is the spell involved thrusting stuff into the first glacial cave I went I rotated this thing dodged some spikes and rotated these things a bit before pressing the button and somehow the ball actually went where it was supposed to go clearing the way down there were some more new fish types down here so I caught them and headed through to this area where King Long's arms were looking a little dislocated I spun the wheels as a way to perform corrective surgery on the big fella and once everything was in its proper place matching the mural in the background the first device was activated towards accessing the Divine tree control room I explored the glacial area some more keeping an eye out for any fish I'd missed last time I fought a narwhal and this big boy poor beagle shark very nearly killed me ah no no no no no please please please please please please please oh I spoke to Tenzin about the control room and he agreed accessing it was obviously the best way to figure out what was going wrong with the Divine tree so he asked me to find the other two caves and activate the remaining switches when I emerged from his Palace these nerds were worriedly looking for a lost beluga and they asked me to see if he'd gone to the glacial area so I immediately went to investigate I was accosted by this big Greenland shark while searching I see Beluga how do I get in there once I made it around to the injured Beluga this octopus tortured me doing silly willies with its tentacles I am easily triggered so I gave Chase and eventually cornered the Beast and I was given an option uh Harvest no mercy I already killed like four of these anyway so who cares the octopus had an antidote for its poison which makes absolutely no sense but I took it to the Beluga regardless and after a slurp of the stuff it returned to Good Health by the way that was a 33 minute dive which was still nowhere near as long as my record of 51.5 minutes anyway I turned in yet more Eco Watcher quests and then it was time for a great cook-off between bancho and Wang Pang I took control of bancho's cooking for some reason and all the cooking minigames were pretty straightforward except for the bit where I had to coat the fish with starch and my vigorous wiggling didn't seem to be very effective it all worked out though as our dish was Victorious with the score of 99. I enhanced the vegetable Sushi dish a few times causing its taste score to climb up to 210 just 40 shy of the 250 needed for another Cooks to rank and I enhanced a bunch of other random dishes I had heaps of ingredients for too the downside of enhancing the veggie Sushi was that I used up all the ingredients and couldn't actually sell any tonight so I settled selling some other stuff for a smaller profit on my next dive I encountered a variation of the Big Blue Hole I hadn't seen before and it featured these angry striped catfish and for some reason I tried to to fight them with a squeaky toy ah hurting me I'm gonna die I fled in search of oxygen but yeah I died this Grandma Clara came out of nowhere on her raft and told me she was hunting a great white shark named Klaus who had killed her husband and she demanded I go looking for him you cannot argue with a grandma so I agreed to keep an eye out I returned to the glacial area and went on the search for a lost baby manatee and after breaking the ice I enjoyed the most epic petting minigame again before defending the little guy from Manoa and then a shark with the manatee rescued I headed to this cave entrance but the strong current blocked me from entering went out of nowhere that Beluga gave the antidote to came to the rescue after crashing through many ice walls and dodging many jellies we arrived at a rather big jelly and yet again this boss had a vulnerable eyeball if these bosses just invested in some sturdy goggles they would be unbeatable the big jelly sent its minions at me and shot boogers at me but I shot a beluga into his eyeball repeatedly and everyone knows Beluga beats jelly so in short order I came out a winner in the Next Room I pulled the big switch and activated the second device that made two out of three and it also reduced the temperature spilling out of the control room so I was now able to descend into the final region the hydrothermal vents down here were ancient creatures including this chunky boy with an arm and back but a rather vulnerable belly I had its corpse varied to the surface I fought this xenicanthus and a number of smaller fish too down in the middle here was the entrance to the Divine tree control room still sealed for now and over to the right my guy suam with whom I entered the last of the three glacial caves and then my dreams came true I was able to play as suam I could switch between Dave and saw one above and one underwater and I completed a series of puzzles with each character helping the other out to progress yeah Dave nice one with some Choice dodging of danger some rotational Shenanigans some Divine fruit sharing and a laser beaming and of course the power of friendship the boys were soon pulling switches simultaneously so both of them could continue on together for this part I had to control both at the same time you can see the controls for each of them down here and while I genuinely loved the gameplay in this section there's no denying I was very uncoordinated it was pushing buttons and holding switches and pulling pulleys and as I progressed I got a little more comfortable controlling the Two Fellas I was even able to pull off some of these ones positioning them both safely to avoid being crushed in this section I had an umbrella made of concrete protecting the boys from spiky ice and then we were greeted by a good looking friend helicoprion suam did what he does best for this fight he hid like a brave Atlant here but he was actually pretty handy up there as I used him to poke these Divine tree fruits stunning the Beast and giving Dave time to go nuts and deal big damage and it was big damage indeed as I'd found multiple weapon upgrades on this run so my Harpoon was level 4 poison and my gun was level three it made the fight pretty quick conveniently the helicopian's death flower cleared a path forward I grabbed some Loot and in the Next Room we displayed one last glorious effort of teamwork to activate the final Contraption which finally granted access to the control room except not really because when I got there I discovered a bunch of roots had jammed the door and out of nowhere the hypocrite John Watson who no doubt funded the creation of his fancy submarine with the blood of many a dolphin I dodged his bomb but I couldn't work out how I was supposed to deal damage to his chunky sub and when he began to charge up a big attack the what oh John Watson he just got John Watson so I guess I'm fighting this chronosaurus now I picked up the big torpedo gun thing from John Watson's submarine and used it to deal big damage and I harpooned the big fella to get that poison damage ticking oh can I use it again nope I'm done what the hell just sucked it up oh gosh I need health okay oh five aim how am I supposed to deal with that apparently the big fella sucking up the gun had magically repaired it so I had another shot stealing another juicy 300 damage and then I figured out an ingenious strategy we got the spinny tactics it's working flawlessly he doesn't know what to do my spinning is too strong poison him I guess when you're that big of a monster it's kind of hard to turn around quickly so yeah I choose the rest of the fighter with this ridiculous technique apparently Duff and bacon had put together an Explorer drone because here it came out of nowhere and it conveniently had a laser beam attachment so it began work cutting through the roots so we could access the final area it was going to take a couple of days to cut through though so after claiming some meat from the dinosaur I headed up to the surface 57 in the hydrothermal vents just like that I had it down for a nighttime dive because I had a Vortex to find I encountered my first zebra shark on the way and once in the vortex I met my good friend Klaus all right Klaus come on let's dance I was supposed to call Clara so she could join me to get Vengeance for her husband's death but I realized I didn't have her number so I guess it was up to me to defeat the great white oh he's so big I shot Klaus in the face a bunch but he was hard to dodge he's shooting whirlwinds at me I lasted longer on attempts too but ultimately it was a repeat and on attempt 3 I tried to keep my distance but it was almost impossible in this clip I'm literally off screen to the left opening an O2 canister which kept me alive but it almost wasn't enough how do I deal with how do I deal with this did I somehow get in again yeah and so Clara's husband was Avenged I continued enhancing dishes training up my staff and selling that Sushi I spent day 28 down in the glacial area and hydrothermal vents collecting big fish that sell well any new fish varieties items and objectives needed for Eco goals and even a tasteful photograph that night I enhanced narwhal Sushi some more increasing its taste score to 280 I sold steam's chronosaurus tongue at 724 a dish and drank full of Veggie Sushi which went for 712 a dish and I had by far my most profitable night ever as I was cleaning up at the end of the shift I thought I heard something outside and it was Momo the cat I stealthily followed him and discovered he was visiting his family they spotted me but because I'd been giving Momo lots of treats he was warm to me and I ended up bringing back the whole fam to hang out at the sushi bar heartwarming stuff I found another Fishman the next morning this pointy jellyfish and I continued much the same as yesterday collecting stuff to make more money and work towards completion of my goals that night we had the fry the sea cook-off and I once again took control of Pancho's prep like an absolute Pro and honestly the other blokes dish on the left there looks way better to me but once again we got a score of 99 winning the competition as a reward we received a cocktail machine so cocktails were now on the menu I enhanced vegetable Sushi up to level 5 making it worth 8.25 a dish and enjoyed another solid night of profit because I'd cleared 250 taste score when I enhanced the Narwhal Sushi I was able to go up another cookster rank which earned me some rewards and the Drone was done cutting so it was finally time for me to enter the Divine tree control room I had to use a big chunky snail to weigh down this pulley and open the door and so began the adventure through this final portion of the game I thought a few lobstery boys before using one of these mutated Divine tree fruits to blow up the sap clearing the way had some more snail fun to block these vents causing this volcano thingo to erupt clearing the way again and after dodging some toasty bursts I made it through to this room where a strange substance was all over the roots of the tree yowie eggs remember that ancient dude that used Divine fruits to accidentally turn some sea people into zombies he tried the same thing with yahweh's as well and apparently they still lived down here in the next dream I whipped out a Divine fruit laser beam to fight the Beast I also had a lightning Harpoon tip so I got off some very satisfying chain Lightnings as well behind this delicious mucus I discovered the cause of the earthquakes and all the troubles with the Divine tree these weird creatures are clinging to the Divine trees but I shoot the little yowies away and the tree seemed to begin returning to normal but I don't think the big mama was very happy with my treatment of her babies that's a that's a terrifying Beast Bacon's drone joined me and it turns out Duff installed some pretty impressive Weaponry on this thing so I grabbed a hold of it and began my battle with the Yahweh this thing shot pretty fast and the big yowie sent more of its babies at me and then turned around and shot orbs out of its butt at me but my absolute barrage of chunky bullets protected me from all of those attacks things got a little dicey when it flung all these red fingers but this drone wasn't merely a machine gun it also had the ability to slow time so I used a little time dilation to make dodging the swarm of red easier I got through phase one but the Beast didn't seem to be too bothered so Duff unlocked an extra weapon on the Drone the Stellar laser took some charging up but it did way more damage so once I had some space after dodging more red swarms and some beams of fire I charged it up oh I did a big thing but he hit me I was now within one hit of dying but I got a couple more big shots off along with tons of machine gun shots and soon the yowie was losing strength and we moved into phase three the chase it was a lively one with a new variety of red things to dodge but then oh what I reached out of the Chase and still had a bit of a rough time of it but I'd of course restarted at full O2 so I was able to take a few hits the main hit I took was when we exchanged beams very dramatic stuff eventually the tables turned and the Beast began chasing me in our last ditch attempt to defeat me so I dodged its fire beams as I fled upwards and soon we'd return all the way back up the top and after a couple of cinematic Dodges from Big Dave the Beast crashed through the wall and was crushed and entangled by roots and mucus but the Drone was broken in the process and I had no way of finishing it off when all of a sudden a bunch of my sea people buddies appeared out of nowhere they used their Collective mermaid strength to lift up this big thing oh and I placed the Divine fruit in there and a huge beam of energy burst for finishing off the yarby once and for all and with that the Divine tree was freed from its tormentors and balance was restored in the ecosystem the sea people thanked me and I headed back up for a party with my human buddies including Duff who attended in hologram form we shared some beers and took a banger selfie and the game was over life went on the sea people made a majestic statue of me friendship thrived and it was a job well done for big day bro I wasn't gonna book into the whole video with his nasty feet man give me a break and for the Post credits I dived into space and shot at the developers top tier end credits no doubt and so the game was complete but it's only day 30 and I thought it would be a little bit too cheeky to title the video I played 100 minus 70 days of day for the diver so as you know we're going for 100 also there's actually a fair bit to see in the post game but what is 100 of this game I have no idea so I made up my own rules I was aiming for 100 of the marinka Pokedex excluding the Tamagotchi thing because it's annoying and I couldn't be bothered I wanted 100 of the Eco Watcher goals completed and 100 of the steam achievements of which I had about 15 left to get at this point so I had some work to do the marinka wrap tells you the specific area the fish appearing and I discovered some of them were photos I needed to take and some of them were in caves that I had previously cleared for example this eel was in one of the glacial puzzle caves and I still needed money for a bunch of the achievements for example I needed to buy all the farm upgrades and train one staff member to level 20 which added up to over 200 Grand worth of expenses so I made sure to catch lots of profitable fish too one achievement was to sell 200 items to the Sea people blacksmith so I began selling stuff to him and I constantly farmed harvesting and replanting eggplant carrot and rice so that I could serve veggie sushi for big money I took out a bunch of jellies for Eco Watcher I caught a lined seahorse and I took a photo of a leatherback turtle I knocked over some Eco Watcher fossils and invasive fish nonsense and I noticed there are a couple of nighttime fish I needed from The Medium depth region so I tracked down both of them I expanded the veggie Farm to Max size earning a steam achievement and I had a great session in the glacier Zone capturing the few remaining fish for the marinka including a couple of photos bancho had another cook-off this one against this Italian bloke and he of course won and I had a record profit thanks to the sale of 19 veggie sushi for winning the Italian food cook-off Lois Crawford helped us open up a buncho sushi Beachside branch and it was my job to outfit it with a manager staff and ingredients I used my rich man prophets to upgrade my rice paddy size to Max and added a sprinkler to the Farm two more steam achievements right there and I caught a seahorse that only spawns after you collect rubies and it has a low spawn range so I was delighted to find it on my second attempt oh yes we got it I sold more stuff to Old mate mermaid blacksmith for another steam achievement I took a photo of the last remaining sea people mural another achievement and I sent some staff and ingredients over to our new Branch but all that achieved for now was a reduced profit at the main restaurant and a pathetic 310 profit at the branch business expansion is hard I made a habit of feeding the cats cat food as I needed to do this 20 times for an achievement I made some progress for the shallows Pokedex taking this incredibly beautiful blue whale photo and to hit 100 of the medium depth of marinka I caught this blue head as tilefish and Atlantic bonito I continued collecting pink seashells as I needed 15 more for an Eco Watcher goal and I needed just one more photo of the turtle to complete the shallows marinka so I began a ritual of checking to find it but I did not find it for ages I knocked over that jelly Eco watch a task and now I just had three more left and I continued growing my staff some more by hiring Billy and Carolina profits climbed slightly even the branch made ten dollars more huge gains I used them profits to hire two more staff and I did a bunch of training to make sure no one sucks too much and now both my main and Branch Restaurants were fully staffed the branch can only serve up to a limited rank of ingredients based on your manager's level so I got the manager Kyoko to level 12 so she could serve rank 7 stuff over there and she became my work in progress towards level 20 for that achievement I found another fishmon and a spotted Sea Dragon only two more seahorses to go also my gyao evolved into a turtle I know I said I'm not bothering to 100 the Tamagotchi nerds but I did need fire for a steam achievement so I was working towards that after a long hunt I found the Tiger tail seahorse just one underwater horsey boy to go and I returned to record-breaking profits and the branch was on the improved as well I trained up Kyoko a couple more times and the levels were starting to get expensive and more than 10K a pop progress slowed down a lot at this point as I kept diving and simply could not find some of the elusive fish I was after I did at least finally collect 15 pink seashells just two more Eco Watcher goals to go oh this could be it yes yes this is everybody see us I don't know how that got so high pitched but to be fair I've been searching for the flame and zebra seahorse for days at this point 100 of seahorses in the bag leveling Kyoko from 15 to 16 cost me 23 Grand holy moly it was getting expensive I finally got a shallow seat featuring striped catfish and sheep's head which I killed to take off my second last Eco Watcher goal oh and check it out by this point on day 40 the branch was only me a cheeky 4 grand profit extra each night I then spent two whole days that's four Dives total checking in the daytime shallows for a turtle but I could not find it I did get another Fishman though completing a steam achievement to collect five and I grew bored of the shallows so I forgot about the turtle for now and hit up the frosty Zone I didn't find anything though I finally accumulated enough likes to go up another cookster rating so I hit Diamond to the highest rank and unlocked another steam achievement I found the Jade pedestal completing my final Eco Watcher goal a very good feeling and I went on the grind to find a mioni an extremely rare melee weapon needed to get an achievement somehow I found it only after a few resets and I yanked it from the ice hahaha yeah boy I threw it at this poor fish killing it to unlock the achievement god of lightning I then spent several days in a row looking for the flame and turtle but I could not find the Flaming Turtle I did at least make copious amounts of money selling veggie Sushi allowing me to level kyoku up to level 19. leveling from 18 to 19 cost 69 Grand on day 49 I finally fed the cats for the 20th time and I finally got Coco to level 20. this last level cost 99 Grand that was two more steam achievements and just two more to go and on that morning dive I finally found the Flaming Turtle finally finally finally indeed the marinka was 100 complete except of course for the Tamagotchi but we've been over that and all I needed now was one more GAO Evolution to unlock a steam achievement plus one more secret steam achievement I got to work looking after my Tamagotchi hoping it would evolve into a new species I skipped all my Dives and all my evenings at the sushi bar because I no longer needed either of them it was all about the Tamagotchi it wasn't great business practice though as I still had to pay my staff so I was operating at a deficit but who cares it's all about the Tamagotchi I let the poo and sickness build up and finally this idiot died so I was able to start again with this little tadpole and a few days later it evolved into a beluga and I got the achievement to raise five cows I only unlocked three different varieties because I actually raised two dolphins and two belugas but thankfully that counted and I could move on to the final secret achievement to kill all of the developers of Dave the diver I headed into space and off I went shooting at all these names shout out to these guys by the way they developed a truly impressive game that I had a lot of fun playing and once I'd killed them all I earned myself the achievement Dev killer and I said that my friends is 100 of Dave the diver if you enjoyed this you should go check out my tears of the Kingdom 100 days it is excellent
Channel: Floydson
Views: 787,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, stardew valley, i played 100 days of dave the diver, dave the diver, i played 100% of dave the diver, dave the diver 100%, dave the diver 100% steam achievements
Id: luhnB67HIgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 6sec (4446 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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