Upgrading and defending my castle in Thronefall!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to throneful now you may remember I played the demo of this but this is the full version of the game which means over here we have the desert level now in this game you play as a little King who Rises Noble Steed and what does the king need a king needs a castle to protect so up here we can build a castle there you can see it costs three coins in the bottom right I have 16. so if I put my three coins in there I've now got 13 Coins remaining but that is our castle and that's unlocked a load of these little squares and these are basically buildings that will help us defend and not only that some of these help us get more gold so this one up here as a gold mine generates High income that decreases over time so it looks like I get six coins per night but obviously after every night that goes down by one gold so let's shove five coins in there so that is a good future investment the rest I should probably spend on reinforcements if I'm honest now in terms of being attacked we get attacked from all angles and it changes every night so if you look in the bottom you can see there's going to be 10 horseback riding leaders attacking us from down there so if we head down this way I assume this is the path they're going to come up by here it is so you're heading up here what have we got there we've got a gold mine so that's not going to help us defensively if we head up this ramp is that yeah that is the defensive Tower let's put three coins into there then I got five remaining what is this one build Barracks I can choose melee units to help me okay let's go for that then so we can have Knights which are well armored against range attacks we got the spearmen that do strong and fast damage not great against ranged units or we got flails which can attack in all angles and I think flails is probably new compared to the last time I played this so definitely go for that so now you can see we've got our little flails we can bring them down here and we can say right hold the line there and then hopefully as the enemies come up on their horses they'll get stuck here by the flails the turret up there should shoot them perhaps the castle will shoot them because the castle does act like a turret it can shoot arrows just depends what the range is anyway let's start the night here The Architects gum you can see them riding horses so lazy they can't even walk for themselves you'd never catch me doing that anyway you can see me as the king I'm shooting arrows down there the flails are doing some damage although there's a lot of there's a lot of horses sneaking around and ah they keep going for me as well I think we've just about got them yes nice we survived the night so we get the odd coin from the enemies and then look from there all that gold came from a new gold mine so I've now got 11 coins to try and defend now it's worth noticing down here look no more enemies will be attacking from this weight so if we head up I should probably grab these flails and then we'll head down this direction because it looks like we're gonna be attacked from this way 18 infantrymen and then down here nine two-legged Turtles now when I play this before the uh the turtles were absolutely devastating so I probably need to focus my defense up here let's just leave you guys there for now though and see what we've got there so that is a mill so that builds fields to increase my income not very useful for defense what if we got that oh that is a wall so that will stop enemies entering oh I'll tell you what that could be really good to like slow down the turtles because although they've only got two legs they're pretty fast so then behind where the wall would go there's two turrets I've got 11 coins so let's do the wool turret there and then perhaps rather than doing that turret I might do the archery range because that gives me four archers and I think that would be more useful than a turrets I can move them around so they are done we can get Longbow archers they have a very large range but are quite fragile great pick if you manage to keep them a safe distance or we got the crossbow men which have a low range but high damage I might go with the Longbow archers I assume they can just shoot over the wall so this gate I think it closes behind me yet so what I'm thinking if I grab Eula and come like sort of there I reckon I can probably take on most of these guys it's the turtles I'm worried about because I've I've played this before the turtles they only have two legs but they are mad anyway I'm gonna try and take out all of these oh you can see the longbows getting involved and I'm very worried very very worried about the turtles look at them just flying through everyone they've gone straight for the walls all right everyone take out these Turtles look at them they're mad they've only got two legs right I'm so glad I built those walls I'm not gonna like look at the flails going in okay nice we're down oh that was good that was good let's grab those coins we should have the coins coming yeah from the mine less than the night before though because they they produce less gold each day um I've got 11 coins this round they're like I might invest in another mine if we go like up here there's a load of stuff there's a house which generates income a defensive Tower and the mine I think I'll go with the mine so that's that sorted and I got six coins remaining for defenses where are we being attacked from nowhere over this end grab these archers bring them up this way to oh man look at all these buildings up here okay so we're being attacked from the north by archers okay got it what sort of defenses do we have up here we've got a load of windmills a few turrets no walls though okay so six coins I reckon I'll go let's go with some turrets so if I shove one there yes that's further back but that should defend both arms and three more coins I think I'll do probably that turret and then we've got no more coins remaining so let's just go to the Knight and then I will take down these guys as well the arrows hoping it anyway I am a distraction but uh their Aries are very they're very accurate these archers they have ripped through my archers now the good thing about this is my archers do respawn but it's all the way back at base uh thankfully they I've just I've just won the battle that is why I am King anyway heading back this way we've got the horseback Riders now oh good job blailment we've survived another night so coins coming in remember I've got the new mine so yes we've got 16 coins that is beautiful in case so this evening we're being attacked from up here again 10 archers then also if I grab you guys if we head along along this way this is going to be pretty intense 25 ground troops they have Shields and swords as well as seven Turtles but these are different ones they do actually have four legs just two are little tiny ones I think they might be the flying enemies now obviously my flails won't be very good against those so I'm sort of thinking perhaps I bring the flailers down here I've got a turret there I could put an extra turret that way as well but we're definitely gonna want to Turret up there for three coins I'll shove my arches up on this hill as well so they should fire down let's just head through the mine I do I do like that last travel is it worth putting seven coins in there because then I unlock more build options and I think that's how I upgrade my Barracks so I can have more troops yeah let's do it seven coins to upgrade my castle so what do I want 75 hp for my character and more damage or one that upgrades a house now I haven't actually built any houses so maybe I'll just make my character stronger let's do that oh my goodness I need 20 coins for upgrade my castle again anyway with six coins remaining oh no don't say can't upgrade that that cost eight okay what does what does the barracks upgrade cost oh I also cost eight not ideal are there any other buildings oh yeah I can build another archery range four coins okay let's do that let's do that we'll get more Longbow arches as well and then I can grab these for and bring them up here as well so I'm hoping they can sort of deal with them I don't really know where I want to be to defend it's a little worth noting we've now got walls we can place everywhere unfortunately everything costs three coins I've only got two although something I can do with two coins is invest it in a house and then they'll pay me tax every evening so that's an extra coin I get per night so it'll pay for itself in a few more rounds anyway let's start the round and let's hope these guys can spawn Kill The Archers know they're getting destroyed they're getting destroyed so I definitely need to be down here to defend I can ah I can only hope that we are actually defending the other end without me let's run back and see how they're getting on oh no there's flying enemies it's the flying enemy okay there's loads of enemies there's loads of enemies down here oh so they're not flying those little things they are just sort of like just sort of running around anyway I'm gonna go grab the flailers I think we're gonna need them to help defend the attack is over from down here guys you'll defend the other Wall come with me come with me oh it's okay they defend oh good work guys so loads of coins coming in you see in the bottom right we've now got 18 coins to defend ourselves what do we have to defend ourselves against oh we're only being attacked from down here so I'm gonna I'm gonna set up archers like sort of all up here so we got archers high up on the ground we got the flamen down there I can build a turret there for three coins I should probably go actually have a look at what is going to attack so they're only coming from down here 20 inventory men and five what are they is that like are they doing biological warfare they're gonna throw germs at us anyway could be worth putting a wall in although what are they they're like tank traps those should I put my wool like up here somewhere I have a feeling the the blobs might be something quite scary so let's put tank traps in I think rather than going for turrets it's probably better to spend my money on like either upgrade in the barracks or just getting new Barracks so let's get new Barracks for four coins I'm quite liking the flails we'll get some more flails so you lot come defend down here do I want a wall behind or should I I'm tempted just to invest in like money this time I feel like I've got enough defenses so if I invest everything into Cash the next round I can build defenses because I'm probably gonna start getting attacked from like more angles at once so up here three coins I can build a windmill and basically I can just spend a coin on a field and that will give me that will give me extra cash I think one every round then I can add more windmills I can upgrade the windmill to give me more like that gives me three coins rather than one per field so that's a good future investment but yeah for now we're out of coins so let's let's start this round and see what these guys are like so we've got oh my God goodness the biological Wharf oh they oh no they're like Bombs all my treats no it is biological warfare oh no thankfully I've got the tank traps I think we're gonna lose oh I've just lost that gold mine oh this is not ideal oh I know we gotta take this out right well that's on its own okay the bombs the bombs are bad news the bombs are very bad news thankfully I think that's all of them down now it's just trying to get rid of the the remaining enemies okay we're good we're good oh we lost a gold mine okay so the gold mine's back it's got It's got a red X above it does that mean it's not producing anything for me it may have run out of gold maybe it doesn't work this turn because it got destroyed I don't know anyway where are troops attacking from so we're gonna be attacked from this end by archers so let's get a wall in there and then I think we'll just grab all of my arches and a load of flail guys we'll bring them all down this way we'll then grab all the other ones so oh you look you gotta defend in the top left we're gonna be attacked by the like slug things again so I reckon shove you there build a wall for three coins surely that's enough defense I can just focus on getting some getting some income right I mean I could upgrade and get more troops I don't know I want more income though if I do that Windmill and then just build Fields this is going to get me some fat cash then got nine coins remaining I could upgrade one of these get some more flails on the go yeah let's do it let's get the flails so you can be last line of defense I think I'll just show you there because I don't really know what's gonna be like what's gonna be harder so maybe actually I'll just bring you up that way and then I'll go defend the other one yeah that sounds good right we'll start the night I'm gonna defend up it oh this is a lot of enemies this is a lot of enemies oh look how fast they're shooting arrows that is not ideal oh my flailmen got destroyed okay uh they're after me they're off to be all right so many Arrow I imagine if they just aim at me once I'm completely doomed so I gotta try and stay out of range all right they are now attacking our wall I think which actually it's giving me time to just pick them off one by one I think we're good then I'm gonna go check the other end are we good oh we're good and look at all the money coming into me give me money okay now now I've got 32 coins to play with this is gonna be good but we are being attacked from several areas however this way we've got 12 archers as well as three I don't know what they are it looks like they're holding clubs or maybe a bouquet of flowers maybe they know we've got bad hay fever this year uh down here oh no the bombs the bombs are back now I imagine the bombs are gonna be very good at blowing up my wall which I really really don't want to happen so probably worth investing in a turret there and by the way I can upgrade these turrets even further they do cost five coins each though do I want tank trap there for four coins I mean I've got a lot of coins I think I probably should another turret there yeah I think just slowing down the bombs is going to be key to this one and we are also going to be attacked from the bottom right I think though I'm gonna upgrade like all my troops just so I've got loads of troops everywhere and then right flails up this way archers over here because archers I I sort of need you to take out the the bomb people because the flails seem to group up I'm gonna put the flails up this way archers have to try and take out the bombs I don't actually know how the bombs work do they just explode like anywhere or do they just explode like when they're dead I don't know if they're exploding it's like an attack if they are I might spread out my archers a bit like that right I feel like that's pretty secure let's just go check the other end so basically all of you lot we got loads of horses to deal with so I guess just wait sort of bearish I'll shove another turret up there so that should help and then to be honest you you flail guys come defend over here okay I'm quite torn as to what I should go go defend surely you lot can take on 12 horses yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna stick over this week so it looks like the chemical warfare they do just explode when they lose all their health okay we're actually good I'm gonna grab you look I don't need you down there oh that was an easy round we are well defended although big boys with clubs yeah they're not bouquets they are clubs they took down a few of my enemies but it's fine they will just respawn and then look at all that money I get protection tax baby however this is where things get a little bit tricky because we're going to be attacked from three different arms we have bombs we have the Clubman and then we also have 12 infantrymen so I think upgrade all of my sort of units so I have the max number arches I think I want you like up here hopefully you can take out the bomb before it gets close players you wait there I'm gonna grab some of you to come defend another arm up here another Tower I think I might put a wall in here just in case they get through then is that a wall down there yeah let's shove a wall there another turret on top then we'll take most of you up to here because I feel like if we can get rid of these ones then we should have time to get everyone back here right I'm sort of thinking I need the help defend this one is that a turret up there I think it might be but yeah that is a turret let's shove that in all right then I've got eight coins remaining I think I just invest in invest in more coins I got three remain do I shove a turret that I think I are there as well okay so quite a lot of Defense up that way I feel like this is probably my weakest one although we've got a lot of turrets here I'm gonna I'm gonna defend this one so it will start the night I need to take down no not you not you where's the bomb where's the bomb I don't know where the bomb is to be fairly they seem to be coping okay enemies are quite spread out to be fair all right there's the bomb there's the bomb there's the bomb can I distract it no I've distracted something else yeah right away oh no oh the bomb really hurt me thankfully I do have a heel thing so I have just healed myself all right how's this so I'm doing oh well done guys they did everything oh let me just grab that coin all right all of you look I think we're still being attacked from somewhere yeah along here there's oh no we're good we're good oh we lost a wall but the wall is back and look at all that lovely lovely money coming my way so you got 34 coins to defend myself this evening we're being attacked by loads of horses so 35 from various areas okay well to be honest I reckon I can grab most of you and shove you like sort of down there you lot can come up here you lot holder there so we got the tire it's above and then to be honest I might just keep investing in the money so you win Mills for days I just maxed out all these windmills that is going to be a lot of extra money I get per round I mean I've still got 16 coins to upgrade my car so I needed 20 didn't I I think I need to upgrade my castle if I want extra troops to be honest let's just get another windmill we're going all out windmills so four coins remaining I could just build two houses that gets me extra coins next time yeah let's do it let's do it okay we're on zero coins I don't actually know like where the weakest arm is they send you got three turrets you got loads of troops down there should be fine you'll also have turrets and loads of troops yeah I might want to go defend Lake up this way so no you've got a lot as well I don't know I'm gonna say it probably doesn't matter let's let's have a go up here so oh yeah they're fine they're defending themselves fine right yeah I think I can leave you a lot I think you've got it under control it's got to make sure every other one is fine I mean they're looking pretty good yeah they're not getting through they're not getting three although are they are they no I think they're good I think they're good I better go check the other arm down here oh this looks a bit sketch you probably need my help a little bit I'll stay up here crossbow and down wait what are you doing horse get back down okay yep this this arm we're in a bit of trouble we're in a bit of trouble that's all right bring him in range of the archers lengthy treats are respawning there's more joining us all the time Pik we're good we're good let's just go pick up all the coins that were dropped because all of these coins coming in Aren't Enough okay right next round we got 56 coins to play with and oh wow that is a hell of an attack mostly coming from down this way we've got a couple of bombs down there 15 scary Turtles up this way archers infantry the bouquet people as well as all two catapults then up this way as well we've got like the slug things okay okay I'm going to upgrade my castle for 20 coins I think it's time so I can give myself more HP and more attack as I did before or this one Commander oh I can heal enemies if they're like in my area is that worthwhile or do I just make myself stronger yeah let's do that we have a lot of troops now so I imagine I'll always be in range of them pretty much oh man 16 coins to upgrade these but that gives me more troops I think that's what I'm going to do more troops and then this one's 16 yeah more troops there as well all right then I've got four coins remaining I assume there's not too much more new stuff to build I could put that wall in behind I think I'll do that just in case they're like the slug Turtles those ones you've got to be a little bit careful so yeah you guys defend all that everyone else you can go to the other arms and oh there's so many troops look at them all yeah I want most of you up there I do want to grab like a few of you to come sort of down oh I could have put a tank trap there that would have been way better oh I didn't see that one all right well anyway this is the arm I'm gonna help defend let's hope the top one will be okay let's progress to the night and oh my goodness they can't support the catapults there we go take the catapults down oh there's a big guy after me as well oh I think the catapults destroyed like loads of our build all of our turrets have gone up here oh that is not good that's not good there's loads of arches up here as well I've Just Seen up this end the slugs have made it through I think we're good though no they're good they're good uh we are definitely in trouble over here though okay one bomb is down I think the other bomb will be down as well I think we've just just about survived have we oh man that was actually scary yeah we lost our turrets we lost our Fields oh boy anyway we're not being attacked from this end anymore where are we being attacked from top right loads of bouquets bottom rate or the two-legged turtles that is scary okay well all of you lot come with me your job is to take down the two-legged Turtles what is that our tank traps that will work perfectly in fact I might take these archers I don't want to use to be Frontline defense you look can come like back here a bit all of you a lot right you come up this way and same thing archers I'm gonna shove you behind the wall okay nice I got 49 coins I think it might be time once I've upgraded all my troop things let's start upgrading these windmills again because that'll be even more money they give me eight coins per field rather than three yeah so I think each windmill gives me eight coins now so definitely upgrade those then I should probably do my like defensive turrets maybe next time I think for now let's shove that wall in just in case right and then what do I wanna help I feel like we might actually be okay for that there's only 12 of them yeah I'm going to help take down these slugs because there's a lot I think there's 35 of them that is a lot although they're getting mullet oh that is that's quite a cool site tell you what I might actually leave you guys check the the bouquet people are doing okay oh no oh no okay that's a lot of enemies okay I'm gonna have to grab troops from over this way all right have you not finished you're pretty much finished right archers come with me I need you over this week oh no they're in they're in all right take him down take him down that's it take down take down the weak ones I'm running rings around this guy King on a horse needle oh they have ripped through my windmills I think that means I don't get cash next time not ideal because I just invested in all of those bouquet's pretty brutal yeah look at all these coins I don't get oh my good look what I'm being attacked by this round everything from every angle that's what she said okay I feel like I probably could have used my uh my extra coins this time let's I don't even know what to upgrade my castle is maxed out so I think let's do turret so that one oh man 15 coins to do the next one I get to choose the final form I don't know what's better doing all these up a little bit I imagine it's probably better to upgrade all of them a little bit right rather than just focus on like one or two oh man there's so many enemies attacking from everywhere I can't see this going well I'm not gonna lie I got three coins remaining I think I might just build that turret just so we've got an extra turret all right okay all my flails do you want to try and defend down here I I'm not feeling confident I'm not gonna like I think I'll take like half of you yeah I think I'm just gonna split my Army fairly equally I think we're pretty much being attacked by the same thing everywhere there's a little bit of difference but generally we're just gonna be attacked so we're gonna have to try and do our best I sound like a modern school teacher just do your best all right I know you guys you gotta try and defend up here okay well since there's the bombs coming from the right I think I'm gonna go try and defend over this side I'm not confident about this I'm quite scared all right so up this way we've got the big guy who's yes he's distracted by me that is good we've got arches back here I can just literally go up to him and take him out oh horse off me go away horse okay this is good we are spawn killing up here I feel like I'm doing quite a lot of the damage though perhaps I should go check the other arms they're probably okay for now right down this end we just got Turtles okay it seem to be coping seem to be coping up here how are you guys doing oh there's there's a big one have I distracted him yes okay I've distracted him we're gonna tell us something I've distracted everyone ah protect me everyone protect me okay big guy is distracted and down I think we're probably fine I should go check elsewhere I got loads of is coming up can I shoot from up here yeah I am shooting I am shooting okay over this way oh we've oh the catapults they've taken out my wall they've taken out my wall they'll get behind I think I'm taking out the Catapult oh no oh no there's a horse after me it's a horse race it's a horse battle right big guy you are boost down there's another catapult oh I just took out my tower the catapults are brutal right this side has the bombs now bombs could wipe me if I'm gonna help take those out seems to be good as long as we can keep the bombs down in that tank trap we're fine I should just go check this top end are we still good up here oh no they've made it through the bombs the bombs take them down take him down oh no they're destroying the fields all right is this end I think this then stopped being attacked right all of you we've got to go defend the other arms no we're good we are good and yes we completed the round so we level up a load that gives us new sort of upgrades and stuff we can use in future playthroughs this one's a new upgrade path for my defensive Towers burning oil Splash nice well then these are like different upgrades you know like when I upgraded my castle I got the choice of different upgrades that's another one which increases my attack damage but yeah most importantly we've unlocked a new map the snowy one so if you want to see that be sure to boost the like button but for now I'll say peace love and King riding the horse needle oh bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 478,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: throneful, thronefull, thronefall, throne fall, rce, real civil engineer, thronefall game
Id: E_StppVL-MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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