I Spent 100 Minutes Upgrading Weapons In Survivor io

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welcome to my newest addiction today we're going to evolve something absolutely ridiculous and it starts by murdering these idiots until they drop their stuff on the ground I think we'd be stupid not to take an explosive rocket and we're gonna upgrade that until it turns into a nuclear bomb for now we're just going to explode the zombies that walk as slow as they think and very quickly we've got something called a guardian which is something I probably need in real life so now I have spinning discs of Doom kind of protecting me and I think also hurting the idiots trying to steal my wallet 30 seconds in we're still alive so I'm assuming we're doing something right I think we're gonna get some pretty nice area attack okay the EXO bracer apparently evolves with my spinning discs eventually those are all pretty nice I'm gonna try this because we want Evolutions I want max level everything and then I want to take it Beyond max level and we can upgrade everything our gear our weapons our armor I'm going to spend a lot of time on this one just gotta remember not to put myself in a stupid spot and to keep picking up the things attack plus 10 yes please I think that's gonna pair nicely with the Rockets because every time the rocket goes off that's a lot of idiots that's hitting for a lot of points and if I'm going to be honest with you it's just a way lazy way to play the game a bunch of idiots blow up I don't have to move or think very much we seem to have some plants coming in I'm going to take rocket damage doubled just to really drive the point home that I'm here to stay I never realized how satisfying the sound was when they get like gluified and that's really why we're here to watch things get guified at an alarming rate I feel like things are going to escalate real big okay we're starting to get some dogs coming in they're actually pretty quick so I'm gonna have to be careful where I stand I think for now I'm gonna take a type a drone because it also fires rockets and I feel like it's gonna help keep me alive damage doesn't seem to be a concern for now so I just need something that's gonna do more bullets going out into the world my strategy is just basically just to fire indiscriminately into the world and then hopefully whatever needs to die does die okay when I get the warning that zombies are coming I assume that's just these these guys don't seem to be a big concern for me I can even let them surround me because I've got lots of rockets shut up and put your insides on the ground yeah it does get a little harder when they get around there's something I need restore is one percent HP per second plus it evolves with a cactus or something so we'll go ahead and take that and off we go there are some crates on the ground I'm not really sure what's in them or if they're any good so I'm going to make my way to one and actually try that one gave me nothing I did sort of hear the jingle of coins so there was probably some value of that so far I've collected 150 coins and killed 614 morons okay for skillchers I'm gonna take Molotov because not only do I like exploding things I kind of like lighting them on fire the fire sticks around on the ground for a second so that's gonna make zones that uh things just passively walk into and get hurt by ooh a treasure chest with a rainbow on it real make our way over there momentarily just gotta clear up the idiot I like this build already lucky trade this is items we already have so these are just free upgrades plus coins okay we got a free health upgrade thing a free one of those and a free one of those take it all in while you can so that's just free upgrades for everything which puts us closer to Evolutions okay we got plants shooting stuff at us which is funny because they're really just food I'm not gonna be defeated by something I put inside my mouth I don't know if I want more movement speed because that tends to get me into trouble I'm gonna get drill shot instead I need more damage going out I don't need to move if everything's dead does that make sense probably not I don't care whoa that was close Okay I need to watch out for the pink balls and I feel like they're probably gonna get a lot more numerous as time goes on there we go plus one rocket now we're doing more rocket attacks we should be able to upgrade attack speed at some point too that way with this non-stop firing with all my stuff but as it is I feel like we're not lacking in damage we got zombies coming in I thought we had zombies this whole time that's not really that big of a concern for me I'm mostly just gonna ignore them I think I just hit a bomb that destroyed the whole screen which is kind of good because that was getting tense for a second uh I'm gonna upgrade the drone on this one double damage on the Drone means double the fun these dogs are actually really quick I'm gonna sit here until I get surrounded then I'm gonna touch this Smiley bomb to save me not sure what that was a good strategy but you're not here for a good strategy you're just here to watch me keep doing this until something good happens which it inevitably does because I've got nothing but time on my hands okay I'm gonna upgrade the guardian because eventually that will evolve I think I have the Evolve piece for that I I already forget but now we have three spinning discs I don't know why but that actually does give me a lot of confidence we have some meat on the ground over there I will put the ground meat in my mouth soon but for now I don't need it time for the boss to salt I can't wait to see I bet it's a giant flower bounce blue oh it actually is a giant flower to be fair I have defeated it once already I just didn't realize it was a flower uh man so far it's not that hard to defeat just don't touch the spinning pink balls and I think we're good Auto attack for the win and some ground to meet and a magnet I think this can give you variable upgrades uh I would like five or ten preferably but you know I'll settle for one if need be resettling for one overtime effect duration plus 20 I don't know if we have any of those oh all attack cooldown minus eight percent I'm pretty sure that's what CD means I'm not sure what else it could mean uh do we want receive damage minus ten percent no we don't think of rockets I mean obviously these guys are even slower they basically just left the hard hat on them and said yeah go get them walk very slowly towards the enemy who does incredible amounts of damage already that's only going to get worse let's see your blue crystals on the ground this is easy but it's a little bit less exciting when everything just slowly walking towards you hopefully the blue crystals are worth a lot more experience and there's a safety bomb on the ground pounds so I'm mostly gonna stand here until I need to touch that here we go now things are gonna get good okay that was actually hit me so I gotta start taking it seriously again plus one rocket we're gonna get Max RPG and I'm gonna have to keep moving because those pink things are kind of heat seeking so if I'm standing still I won't be able to dodge them I do have the guardian discs or whatever they're called though so that should help oh that was close okay that did hit me all right things are suddenly getting way harder than they were before there is some ground meat over there I'm gonna try and get to and I do have my health slowly recharging but at the rate these pink things are coming in that's gonna be trouble there's a magnet over here is that gonna okay oh okay great uh we're gonna burn a bigger area that's just gonna stay safe spots for me to stand attack cool down minus 16 so we're attacking more often with things like the molotov and I can stand on the fire but they can so if I'm standing on it I'm pretty safe from idiots on the ground there's another magnet we'll go ahead and pick that up so close to the next level I want those good skills level 19. okay we'll take gold game because that's gonna uh increase my molotovs at some point and if you like lighting things on fire well you're just a liar I for example will set four things on fire before I had my coffee this morning the sounded damage is so satisfying this sounds like meat is constantly exploding uh now that I look at it though there are a lot of zombies so I'm gonna be careful how I maneuver oh wait here's the bomb bomb solve all my problems we're starting to get yellow crystals on the ground I assume those are worth more than blue even yep we're taking big jumps in our experience we'll hit Level 20 momentarily and uh yep there it is since I do have a boss coming in I think I'm going to take actually he fuel combines with the Rockets I never knew that before all ammo and weapon range plus 10 is weapon ammo oh hmm I didn't know that before I'm pretty sure we've been firing everything always at all times oh this isn't good oh what are we supposed to do here okay we're just gonna run this way yep thanks for playing guys wow but the beauty is you get all these things that you can use to upgrade your weapon or whatever gear you happen to have so already we just opened a waste sensor and a good kunai you've been holding out on me the whole time so this simply gives you an extra 10 attack which is huge and this is going to do something HP plus 38 but we're in a bit of a hurry so we're gonna escalate we're gonna open these purple chests full of goods and we're maybe gonna open a few of them this one has a blue armor and blue shoes I feel better already that adds 100 HP by itself then it's straight back to work now we're much stronger than before and we have our Rockets again already maybe we should work on upgrading my basic thing then we probably need some molotovs maybe last time I went too defensive I need more offense because I was sworn by a bunch of dogs or something and that really kind of just ran me over yeah last time I made things like the extra bracer this time let's try a soccer ball too we just need lots of weapons getting out there to clear my space Also the ninja scroll experience game plus eight percent that means more upgrades plus it evolves with my basic weapon HD fuel we also want to upgrade those Rockets but then it just goes very important but especially finding extra experiences early on that's going to lead to good things down the road uh the sport shoes evolve with my soccer ball so that's gonna get that better plus we're going to move quicker which I don't know is good and bad for me but my movement doesn't keep up with my brain bad things happen and that tends to happen a lot the extra movement is nice for the dogs though because I can't slightly outrun them now and we got a horde of idiots coming in that we're just gonna encircle me luckily I'm just really strong though so they had no chance of doing that uh Silver Bullet a high-powered bullet I'm gonna take plus 10 attack power that's just a big boost of damage everywhere the level ups are coming faster and faster more RPG which means just ever more exploding idiots and that's starting to do some damage and here comes our first big boss tape guy uh we're gonna keep moving because he's gonna be a little bit harder to kill right now he did walk through the fire like an idiot actually we could probably just walk him into the fire yeah nope never mind he's dead oh that's a lot of good upgrades we're gonna get lucky here okay well we got a 20 attack power was hoping for more but that's okay we don't want to make it too easy like there's a giant horde of things I'm already just running them over attack cooldown do we want that we probably do the faster we can be firing off all of our skills the better we're gonna be because at some point we are going to get sworn now for these I think we want drill shot probably for more damage going out and plus one rocket again Rockets are our friend we should probably also get the health regeneration thing when we can we have more HP so that's just gonna mean more percentage healed every second not more percentage but more healed every second the extra speed does actually help a lot with the dogs because now we can kind of maneuver around them and it's no problem I think I touched a bomb I guess we'll get the type B Drone again uh I did enjoy it last time and it does actually clear out a lot of AOE damage and that's really good if I always have a kind of safe direction to travel in and here comes the big stupid flower that we're gonna big stupid destroy energy drink restores one percent HP every five seconds given our extra HP that's just brilliant whoops don't stand in the flower things uh yeah we're kind of wrecking this guy pretty bad I mean it is a giant flower so you know and that's fine there's some ground meat and a chest I wouldn't mind five six seven upgrades here just saying well we got a single Molotov area so that's still fine oh plus we absorbed all those so max HP 20 I don't know how much HP we have in total now but it's a lot and we get one percent every five seconds so that's a big heal I think that extra experience really is coming in handy because I feel like every time we pick up anything on the ground The Experience bar is basically full but we're starting to get bombarded by the pink things again so we're gonna take maybe more heels two percent uh HP every five seconds so even if we do take a little bit of damage now we're gonna be all right we took a bomb and then a magnet that's good then whoops didn't mean to touch that but I did okay that's fine uh we're also going to take all attack cooldown minus 16 we need to attack more often and I need to start moving otherwise whoops didn't need to touch that everything's fine I'm not panicking things are just you know getting a little hectic as they do but you just gotta embrace the chaos and roll with it if you think it's chaotic for me think about all the enemies feel even I don't know what's happening and since I'm not being overwhelmed right now I'm gonna sit still and let the molotovs do their work attack plus forty percent yes uh yeah we're actually doing a lot of hits over 100 now starting to get a little more surrounded I think I'll damage uh we're a little carry us through this there's some ground meat up there if I need to I do enjoy putting some ground meat in my mouth we didn't even need it these guys need to try harder wouldn't mind taking some of those plants though do we want more HP do we need balls I suppose we know we need balls and damage getting out there HP seems fine we're not really taking a lot of damage the little bit we do we tend to heal through so let's get some more damage out there because we're starting to get a lot of enemies piling up yeah it makes me a touch nervous plus we got a zombie hoarding coming and at some point last time we did this get overrun ready abruptly so might have been at about this point because what am I supposed to do with all this more molotovs and we're gonna keep walking don't bleed this power away through that Yeah we actually kind of escaped at that time like we're taking damage we're also kind of healing through it it's amazing how much these upgrades difference make last time we were way dead by now this time we're okay there's a treasure chest we must make it to the treasure chest here let's treasure chest okay this time we got uh Stronger healing stronger healing and more Health this might actually really save us if we get some ground meat that would also help is there any ground meat around nope come on Heels oh there's a magnet we need that grab the magnet oh and the bomb that'll also help us uh we're gonna get more rocket damage I think that's gonna be the biggest help for now and we're gonna get more HP wow that was a lot of different stuff uh we're gonna get plus one rocket so it's a Max Level rocket again and uh more uh kunai basically our basic weapon which has got to be good for something and then we're gonna need some heals please heal me you can actually see the health bar moving when the heels get the ground meat he didn't get the ground meat I did level up though so we get extra armor and we get to escalate big time and we do that by opening 10 of these which comes with things like purple army boots and an excellent weapon and we're maybe gonna open these a few times uh apparently whatever this is is so good it has to give me a show about it so I'm excited about that one yeah you know if it glows it's expensive and that means we can put all the new stuff on but look at what this does attack plus 60 everything bonuses Galore long story short we're wearing all this gear we're much strong longer alright this time I'm feeling a little more confident that thing just hit for a ridiculous amount of damage 385 we're gonna do well this time more Rockets I feel like this might be laughingly easy for a while and I'm all about that so we're definitely gonna upgrade this thing which is now hitting for 577 damage I think everything's hitting for a stupid amount of damage but 577 is absurd maybe you should try this dissolving force field also the problem was we're getting overrun by things uh now we're going to be less overrun because our force field is strong plus I've always wanted a healthy Green Glow so we can make our glow thing bigger we want damage for now I want to keep upgrading this I went over a thousand damage it is sitting for 770 now which definitely feels ridiculous we're gonna melt bosses and everything uh there's some cool things here but I want the experience gain the more upgrades we can get the better damage isn't going to be a problem for a little while we're not gonna struggle to hurt things the next upgrade we're perhaps just gonna make our first deal bigger until I decide what kind of weapon we want but even that's probably enough to melt everything so far I think the dogs aren't gonna touch us I didn't realize there's two different types to drone I'm going to take the type A because of fires many missiles and since we have lots of damage anyway many missiles just gonna be ridiculous yeah like those missiles are doing 150 damage each so that's gonna melt things for a long time to come I'm just an evaporator now I can just march to these guys and they pop in front of me I'll attack cooldown minus eight percent yes next we're gonna get some drills the drills are nice they bounce everywhere they're doing 150 damage themselves uh the boss guy minibus showed up he died instantly so that's a good sign we didn't even get to see them okay we're gonna get one of those upgraded and one of those upgraded and finally one of those so things just went from super easy to somehow even easier and I'm all for it maybe I'll take some molotovs right now because molotovs are fun and they should be doing a hearty bit of damage too these days now with all my gear I think it might only affect my main weapon not so much the rockets and stuff I'm not really sure I just know we're doing a lot of damage somewhere uh ammo Thruster though combines with my drill eventually to make some kind of evolution and I really want to see those Evolutions all right here comes the zombie horn I'm kind of excited for that because I'm literally just gonna evaporate my way through there's the he fuel we need to combine with our rocket that's eventually going to make some kind of I don't know what super rocket and a magnet for my trouble that's gonna level me up for sure I'm gonna upgrade my force field now it's huge uh we're also going to take the healing thing because that also combines with my force field eventually but now we're especially not gonna die for a little while next we're gonna get gold gain I don't care about gold game but it evolves with my molotovs to eventually make some kind of upgrade there I can't wait for this boss fight I'm gonna Park my evaporator right on his doorstep all right there he is let's see if we can disc and he's dead I like this build I think we have a triple pick here which means we get more healing per second better drill power and better attack cooldown I'm also going to add better a base of weapon so that's maxed for now and that's going to be doing a lot of damage 1000 an easy one thousand and there's like five of them the hardest part now is going to be the loneliness things don't even make it on screen right now I think I have my first legendary Evolution spirit shariken in and out like a ghost of all the things that go in and know we're going with a ghost all right so now it's basically a machine gun of shurikens so I'm not gonna die for a very long time I think is melting everyone I would say I've gotten a little Overkill but I still want more this isn't good enough more RPG because we're getting uh close to the point where I started to struggle in previous runs now it's kind of a joke like I can't even get close enough to things to get hurt okay so next I don't even I don't even care force field I guess look at the size of the force field pretty sure I can just stand here and nothing's gonna hurt me been sitting here for a while trying to let the enemies catch up a little bit they are starting to make their way into the screen a little bit but that's because I haven't had the evaporator near them look at all this experience I'm gonna add area size and damage to my evaporator we have zombies incoming but you know I'm not particularly worried about that somehow we're gonna get bigger rocket I didn't mean to pick up that bomb but I did okay here comes the zombies that normally overrun me now I'm over running down uh there was some kind of gooey guy down there ooh Force barrier this is my domain yeah it is now we're getting somewhere in out of his chest we get three percent HP restored every five seconds which is probably a lot of healing I don't know because I don't get hurt anymore I am pretty much an Unstoppable God at this point the god of evaporation oh well we're at it I don't know more drill speed the choices at this point seem a little redundant I mean this is just way overpowered already but it's very satisfying I guess I'll just sort of walk in big lonely circles uh let's uh cool down is now even less so we're attacking even quicker look at all the green treasure this is so addicting and we should be about one minute away from the next boss who's probably also going to be evaporated more XP gained and more drill shot I'm pretty sure the drill is able to be upgraded now too just as soon as you pick up enough green Diamonds oh so I need more ammo with raster that'll get us to the next big evolution and you know I feel like your experience isn't a problem anymore either Whistling Arrow what is that evolved from I'll take it I don't know what it is is it the drill I don't know what we just upgraded but I'll take it so it just kind of flies around by itself uh killing things as a go so I'm all for that okay maybe it wasn't that I don't really even know what just more Rockets I guess boss is still coming up all right idiot I'm gonna park right on his doorstep oh he's pushing me okay he did actually do some damage but he died instantly too if this can gives me a few choices this could be a few easy Evolutions I think we're going to run out of upgrade space pretty soon well we got more gold gain which wasn't the most exciting but we're going to take more he Fuel and then more of this more XP gain and maybe there's more Evolutions like if we upgrade both parts needed for evolution we get like a super Evolution I don't really know energy Cube oh we have pop-up of ladybugs now they're very quick so I feel like they're very weak which is very good for evaporation because they're just dying instantly but then again so does everything else even that boss died very fast I'm seeing 2 000 damage now I think from my whistling Dart thing I guess we'll take yeah the ninja scroll because if I upgrade my super dart it's gonna get even stronger and stronger and stronger we've got like moving things now to try and like rush into me but my evaporation is too strong they just get absolutely disintegrated and there's a treasure chest I killed some guy in the boss without even knowing it okay I'm gonna get plus one rocket and oh yeah okay we got this too oh look at the rocket that's an evolution okay we got the evolution and then we got more Molotov and then we got more heels shark Monica and death and destruction yeah I'll take that yeah look at that thing they're fighting nuclear shark bombs and I think they're still more like uh bomb Evolutions so we're gonna see what's beyond this super shark bomb I guess and we all deserve to see that energy drink upgraded and then I think that's gonna unlock a new force field Evolution eventually at least uh molotov's burn a bigger area where these destruction we're definitely uh ninja scroll and that should unlock a new uh Evolution for my main Dart weapon and then more HG fuel that's going to push us toward a new uh shark bomb and the treasure chest on the ground not sure who put that there don't really care at this point give me those Evolutions so we got these three out of that deal those are getting all close to max level which means Evolutions max level Molotov look at how big our thing is it's enormous we're evaporating the whole screen okay the molotovs are also making a giant Ring of Fire the tickets they'll screen themselves and there's a magnet there's gonna be so much experience fuel Barrel scorched Earth policy yup that means even bigger molotovs uh we're gonna take oil Bond again and maybe ammo Thruster we're running out of choices now oil Bond again so also that we're like we're just I think we accidentally became Immortal and I'm not even sure I'm exaggerating at this point I'm not sure anything here can get through this I don't know what this is but this is our life now well there's more enemies coming in so that's kind of nice they still can't get anywhere close to me though they're all just popping I I'm kind of curious to see what happens if I pick up a chest at this point okay the one upgrade that's left so maybe there are only single Evolutions where things guess it doesn't matter at this point we are unstoppable again I'll take that no we just make big stupid circles evaporating everything oh things were getting closer to us there still not super close okay now it's just either heels or gold so I'll just continuously take gold and we can still upgrade ourselves so much further overall too and get better weapons this is gonna get absolutely ridiculous uh there's a magnet hiding up here so we're gonna absorb Lots but that's still just gonna give us gold okay we got a new boss coming in at 15 minutes steel now sure well I hope it likes being evaporated yeah I think our damage is gonna be okay he's well you didn't melt instantly but it was pretty close oh that's it oh it made that look easy okay great on to the next bigger stupider idea [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,197,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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