I Created The Most Valuable Sword In The Universe

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today we're going to find some really big gold but we're probably gonna have to start a new save battle because for some reason the game doesn't love this one personally I think it's being a crybaby but then again what do I know I've got a million save files none of which work very well at all now this is the kind of new thing we're here to play with today and it even comes with a handy drawing in case we don't know how to use it unfortunately it's very expensive I'm just kidding it's absolutely free because we're dirty cheaters the same with this one I don't really know what it does yet but we're gonna go ahead and buy it anyway it penetrates the ground there's also some new NPCs that we will absolutely find a way to torture but we've got better things to do for now first we're gonna need some ground and I picked my favorite one in the world to abuse Nola cost is 6600 hard-earned dollars so we just need to drive this Ferrari to the ground at which point we can use the magical power of penetration it turns out penetration by itself isn't enough what I need also is a prospecting helmet which is a very expensive 430 tees or free because I have no shame and I just don't care but not only does this helmet make you look 40 cooler it'll also tell you where the veins of ore are down below that way there's no more guessing you have what we hear like they call educated penetration a few stabs later and we found a seam of energy gems down below and I was wondering for a while why this needed a satellite dish and now I think I understand it tries to point you towards where the veins are underground because when it starts doing its happy dance you know it's time to probe and here we found a seam of iron which is really boring we can do better this has got to be something good and I think it's more iron I find that iron so exciting that we're going to go ahead and mine the energy shards and actually if we sink a hole you can actually see the energy vein down there so this is probably the first time I've ever dug into the ground and had successful results while I was gently opening up the mindset around it I got a little curious as if we could take this Dart and place it somewhere else if it's also full of gems it appears to be a pile of dirt whatever the case we need to see exactly how many power crystals are in this dirt so we just need to set up a little operation a few short minutes later we're able to bind sparkly dirt we're going to send it up there where it's gonna get mulched up there and hopefully rain down gems so there was the first piece of dirt there goes a second piece of dirt now we sit here and watch the gems rain down they're just about to enter in our first piece of iron I don't think they'll be all gems but there'll be more gems than normal so far our high grade gym Dirt has yielded us two Tiny Little Gems and five other pieces of garbage this is very basic level dirt though so staff is only going to be about this big it definitely is finding a high amount of gems considering the level of dirt it is and we could compress these into a bigger gem each one currently weighs about two pounds or two whatever the units are they use in wherever we are so that was a worthwhile Adventure let's go deeper now as you make our way down this is as deep as we're allowed to go with the Tier 1 pickaxe which is obviously pretty fun but we can still go deeper what we need is a common pickaxe it only costs 740 dollars and it'll let us go right through this harder dirt until the point where we hit wet's tier 3 dirt normally this is the point where I just give up on life because it's a long ways down before you hit the tier 3 dirt but luckily for us no there's an advanced pickaxe for 1240 T's which means if we jump ourselves back down to the middle of the Earth we can actually mine through this dirt now but because there's something wrong with me I can't help but wonder if there's ore veins in the Deep dirt we just couldn't see it from his surface because we're too far away so how long do you think it would take to strip away this dirt down to that lower layer a really really long time even with this ridiculously overpowered pickaxe but interestingly we can't see where all the veins of ore are this one is crystals and we did find one that's a presumably gold but I'm hoping it's still more even deeper down and the next layer of dirt was even more fun interestingly though I did find this gold one that's probably into the tier 3 dirt so that's probably going to be pretty valuable stuff but there's only one way to really find out I mean we could Google it or we could painstakingly set this thing up and let it go so the clodium drill can at least mine through the tier 3 dirt and the coyote um Harvester will give us some reasonable size chunks of probably mostly gold at this point oh my life is so exciting I thought the gold would be bigger down here but so far we're at a four to two gold iron ratio okay I definitely think there's something to that gold spot it's giving a lot of gold compared to what it normally does so we'll let it run here for a little bit and see what happens several hours later and we have a small pile of gold and it does appear to be a much higher amount of gold than it normally is with the occasional piece of claudium and also what I assume is the new core Stone ore we also even have a piece of Onyx so we're finding all the rare stuff but I am curious a piece of Onyx is worth 672 uncut gold is worth 76 claudium 727 and core Stone 99 I thought it'd be more valuable maybe it's what we make out of the Corey stone that gets valuable while corestone can at least make pipes anyways we're gonna deal with this guy for a little bit why is he looking over my head I feel like he's not making eye contact but what he wants is a knife 200 weight so luckily here I've got quite a stockpile going so that should be enough to get 200 weight of gold so if every big size piece weighs about 5 pounds we're only going to need about 40 of these will it be really cool right now is if there is a magnet per particular different auras that way you could scoop up all the gold out of there and leave all the other stuff behind because I've already lost count but that's probably more than enough or we don't need to talk about it this one I have a little more confidence in 246 pounds so we're 46 Pounds over but he said he wants 200 not 246 and there's no way I'm overpaying that so we're going to do it again so hot thing on the thing and smash there it is the golden Wonder please tell me you're going to shank someone important with this thank you and the door is open you don't put these some were very important she wants vegetables he wants a sword he doesn't want any sword that's quite a sword sir are you willing to pay me for that that's ridiculous 400 weight core Stone the thousand in gold bars we can go through whole bunch of work to get a better drill and Harvester down here you just need to follow these instructions and wow look at that I work so hard and this is a core Stone drill so it's even better so I just need to swap it over this garbage and we also can't forget about the better Harvester that's going to spit gold out the other side but that's okay because I think it's going to be a lot bigger okay it's already launching rocks and they're coming out fast this is going to be a big producer and out comes the gold it's of roughly the same size as before but it is coming out a lot faster I think the best part about working way down here is my super pickaxe can't actually mine do this stuff only this pickaxe can and it's really slow I decided we were gonna need more dirt going up the thing that way we get more gold so I added 14 drills which means we're gonna have 15 in total all spitting out gold at a very high speed okay I managed to get them all going it's not as easy as it look some of them might not actually have dirt under them yet not sure that's a huge deal because there's a lot of dirt chunks going up and there we go it's finally a steady stream now we can have a shower of gold like I've always wanted that is kind of insane though that those are these drills you can get good in the game spitting stuff out that fast there's only 15 of them I already forget what we're supposed to be making though so I should probably find the instructions before I bury that a lot of course Stone even more gold and even more iron decided to be smart and add little upgrade since I've already put this much effort into this world all that dude's gonna come up here get mulch get Sparrow here get organized into its individual quantities go into the automatic smelters and then the gems are gonna spit out the end get polished and drop down there but let's see what happens since my plants actually have about a 14 chance of ever working properly oh this stuff is going through and actually seems to be working fairly well so far so I'm excited about that this may be the first time ever that it actually worked the way it's supposed to on the first try so now we just gotta sit back and let the magic happen for a while I just realized how much better the lighting is when you don't have a thousand kilo tons of dirt above your head I should just mine it out like this every time that waste on an underground build in the dark it's just a gaping hole in the ground that took 40 hours to do so idiots stick needs 400 weight of core Stone we can check to see how much we actually have already given the speed at which it mines we're actually almost halfway there that's really alarmingly quick as for the gold it's actually already over five thousand pounds so that's gonna be more than enough the iron had 50 more even in the short three minutes later we have a 420 pound coreystone bar weigh ten thousand dollars this is definitely going to be pretty valuable once it's all done are you ready yet I don't know if that works nope I may have this been placing them wrong I sure was one sword what's this thing worth 264 thousand dollars hi it's me again by the way would you like to do me a job for a quarter million dollars not what you wanted oh that's cloudium isn't it that's not Corey stone at all well this is embarrassing but I made a quarter million dollar sword and it's not the right one luckily my mind works incredibly fast that I probably have more than enough already yep there's the 500 claudium I need that would be the hardest part anyways so let's try that again hopefully with the appropriate sword 12 000 iron 520 claudium 10 000 gold where the mod is 612 000. if you don't accept this I'm gonna stab you in the heart with it are they saying what I wanted what do you mean to say what you wanted what is it you want from me I don't understand anymore I just realized you've got to put them in order the handle is made of course Stone the hilt guard is made out of gold and the blade is made of iron so I've been building it wrong because you're a very picky I think we're getting to the point where I might have to clear some resources the game is slowing down just a smidge yeah that's much better raw resources are clear the game is perfectly smooth again look at this pool of gems we have okay so I think it was right the first time we need core Stone okay core stone is spot one iron is at the end and gold is in between this one's core stone that was number one uh this was gold gold was in the middle iron was spot number three okay I now have what I believe to be the correct sword are you happy with this is this one good enough for you finally may I go past I'm not allowed to go past but I did get the coins what is it you want 300 weight cut beetroot 300 weight cut broccoli which would involve a whole lot of farming so let's pretend we grew up on janae's crops these are the beets the broccoli is already in there and we can just add them to our soup or have to make new soup potentially yep there we go we're going all sorts of new things in real time pretty sure that's the soup we need so we pour it in there there's a big expensive soup here you go your majesty one obnoxiously expensive soup and that guy up there has a crown can I not deal with you and just go kill him uh it appears that I can hop up the railing but this is as far as I can get at least for now I'd be hiding two if I touch tiny little eggs okay idiot stick wants a lobster you know the oceans follow those right and we're surrounded by ocean vijuana Lobster do you I've got one that's as big as you are impact 1.5 weight Lobster yeah this is probably 150 pounds so that should probably do you you're quite welcome my very annoying friend you need a ring 700 Onyx and 200 I don't even know what that is it looks kind of like cloudium do I at some point get rewarded for doing all this or is this just sort of rapunzies yep that's 2000 Cloud even 700 Onyx well at least things have been mining non-stop since I've been running around doing this so I probably actually have a lot of stuff stockpiled 2000 cloudium though is quite an order like we're mining is super quick but I don't know if we're running that quick 850 at current it's sad to say that Onyx might actually be the harder part of that because it's so very rare and each one weighs 5 whole pounds so I'll take each five pound Onyx one at a time and put it into my compressor just kidding I would absolutely not do that because picking up the few that I could find easily on the surface has yielded me one single gem that weighs 63 pounds so not quite one tent of the way there but oh look a wild Onyx has appeared and it seems to wave all 1000 pounds or 250 000 what a happy coincidence so what we gotta do is combine that with the cloudium and we have one obnoxiously expensive ring three thousand clodium one thousand Onyx in there given how expensive this is and who it's for it the reward has got to be great here you go you absolute when bizarrely expensive rate your father would have loved this creates dirt chunks inside dig sites you do know there's already dirt inside the dig sites yes in fact removing a lot of dirt is how we got to this point but I guess since we worked so hard to get it we might as well use it I'm not sure how to feel about this yet in order to make myself feel better we're gonna drop a big piece of gold into there and a big piece of claudium into there and a big piece of course don't into there because we're gonna make something of absurd value I get it all planned out it's gonna have a golden blade so things to go in spot three a red uh guard thing and whatever that is and there we go one beautiful sword one hundred thousand of every ore it's worth more than this entire Kingdom and it's funny because I was wondering if you could legitimately make something like this before the game crashed and I'd saved up 35 000 gold buyers in a time I'd been gone anyway so you could easily do it it would just take some hours but for you those of you that are curious like this fine gentleman the sword itself is now worth three million 300 nope 33 million nine thousand five hundred ninety three dollars can I get that in a currency that's not a large pile of coins [Music] thank you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 296,512
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Id: ZhRyyhFtVCs
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Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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