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Comparing yourself to Dosh is unfair. The man is a legitimate genius.

👍︎︎ 200 👤︎︎ u/GlassJustice 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

Uh yeah. I feel this! Just casually memeing in deathworld while I'm sweaty building as fast as I can and still getting crushed lol.

Was a good video though!

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/lauzbot 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

I found this guy thx to someone showcasing a clip of when he built a strong shape spaceship. I am loving this guy, watched all his vids

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/ZmEYkA_3310 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

Ngl, Dosh is probably the best factorio creator I've found. I think his videos are almost as good as martincitopants's videos and he has more of them so...

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Embyeee 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2023 🗫︎ replies

I play 50 Hours and still only 4 sciences

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Wooden-Trainer4781 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

This man is a myth that lives in my brain when I need help with advanced circuits

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/JAKERS325 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2023 🗫︎ replies

I would love to see a freak series with Nilaus, Zisteau and Dosh where they try to meme super hard and come up with the worst possible base design that still works.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Volvary 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2023 🗫︎ replies

What is the finish time 6hs or 67h I can't make it out.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/krulp 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2023 🗫︎ replies

The impact unloader setup looks pretty nice when zoomed out

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MacDerfus 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2023 🗫︎ replies
foreign you asked for it red eye Transportation factorio's foremost meme mod if your problem with factorio is that your items and Trends just weren't Airborne enough then this is the mod for you it's called renai Transportation because I don't know weeaboos or something but it's got thrower inserters train ramps and all sorts of things this is a bit of a weird one for me because usually I try to beat some mod or complete a clearly defined challenge but this time I've just got to make a very silly base well I'll do my best I'm also going to be playing this one on death world because I've become accustomed to a certain level of pain and normal factorio just isn't enough to excite me anymore if you start a death world run what you'll really want to do is find these big rocks that give you loads of stone and some free coal which you can use to build stone furnaces and fuel your burner drills without needing to mine at first saving you not only time but pollution because pollution equals biters and biters equals the aforementioned death after we started mining it's only a matter of time before a pollution Cloud causes some biters to start knocking but we've got lots of trees which absorb pollution so it should be a while before it actually reaches the nests the easiest way to stockpile coal in the early game is to make burner drills that feed into each other when you're against the clock I wouldn't recommend more than one or two copper furnaces since you only need a little bit compared to Iron and if you're going to be creating pollution you might as well be doing it to create things that kill biters like ammunition the first thing I research is gun turrets because they're pretty much the only means of Defending yourself this early on but soon enough I get automation as well and start making some steady ammo production electric mining drills require power which at this stage means coal-powered steam boilers but despite putting out almost the exact same amount of pollution as burners when you factor in the boilers they consume 60 percent less coal overall and mine twice as fast meaning that per pollution you get almost twice as many iron plates I'm not going to go into the details but suffice to say because it creates less pollution it lowers the amount of iron that will need to turn into Ammunition by the way it's possible to crank up the difficulty so high that creating ammunition spawns more biters than you could possibly kill with it thankfully this is just a normal calm relaxing death world run I actually got pretty lucky with all these trees normally I'd be getting attacked by now but I was able to build an entire furnace deck before I ever even saw a biter since one piece of coal lasts a stone furnace for about 45 seconds one inserted dropping coal on the belt is enough to keep the entire side fuel so we've got a good supply of iron up and I'm going to turn most of it into ammo for now it never hurts to be prepared I also have enough time to set up the copper furnaces as well with that I can fully automate gun turrets which have a way of blowing up on the biters start appearing and now I'm pretty much out of the woods for anything that death world can throw at me they might be able to destroy parts of my base at this point but total unrecoverable loss is pretty much off the table if you wanted to watch me get destroyed by biters instead I recommend you watch my video where I play deathworld with the rampant mod installed this isn't really the focus of the video so we'll be going through this part a little fast but as always you can make your base as hideous as you want as long as you call it your starter base it's okay the goal of this video is to make a really silly base and this is totally intentional automating red and green science is fairly straightforward and pretty soon we've got all the early signs at our fingertips and it took them a while to get here but the biters finally start showing up not that many though even with the death World settings causing them to absorb half as much pollution the trees around here have been working pretty hard and the reward for working so hard will be the privilege of absorbing even more of my pollution as you ramp up our production the boilers are starting to give off a ton of pollution but that's why I intentionally shove them in an area with lots of trees and as far away from any enemy bases as I could manage the next thing I'm going to need is some steel so here's another furnace stack the iron from the top half gets put on the outside belts which are filtered to only let coal through as soon as we have steel we can start making some red ammunition which means we'll be safe whenever the medium biters starts spawning since they're virtually Invincible to Yellow ammo also grenades are good I've mostly been using pipes as walls so far because they only cost one iron for 100 Health they actually provide more protective power per pollution produced than walls also you have them at the start but once you're set up walls are much more convenient and here's my absolutely beautiful routing you only ever need one wall assembler but incidentally we've actually created everything we need for military science although we'll want some more grenade assemblers since each military assembler needs about one so I was wondering how I was going to Route this horrendous spaghetti mess into my labs but then I remembered oh yeah this video is about renai transportation and so I made some ejector hatches and launched the science 15 tiles away right in front of the labs what'll they think of next has some automating supplies there's no good way to get steel into the medium pole assembler but renai transportation's got me covered with these thrower inserters all it needs is a hatch for the stuff to land in I got some engine assemblies up in preparation for oil processing and chemical science since I'll use them to make the car I'll need to actually find the oil and on death roll that isn't always easy finally I find some crude oil quite far from my actual base it's also got a decently sized Nest near it that we'll need to take care of first I've got some Stone bouncing in so I can automate pump jacks and refineries and some flamethrower turrets as well since extracting that oil is definitely going to piss off some biters we're getting attacked pretty regularly now and here's the research I'm most excited for train ramps the ramps take some concrete though so here's the best most intelligent way I could think to possibly automate it so I've got my train ramp and I decide to give it a little test uh yep definitely airborne clearly this is the best way to attack a nest now to take out that Nest blower oil I figured I might as well use these primer bounce pads which if you throw a grenade on them will cause it to explode when it lands it's not much more effective than just slapping down a dozen gun turrets but it's pretty funny to just watch them slowly chip away at the nests well we've got the oil field set up now and completely defended with flamethrower turrets now we just gotta get it to our base which I'll do with a very simple double-headed train if you're using a train like this you don't even need rail signals it just goes back and forth forever time for oil processing I don't know why I built this many refiners for a base I'm not intending to go past chemical science with I think my brain has been turned off for at least the past two hours as usual the biggest priority is construction robots so I'm setting up for advanced oil processing ahead of time this whole base might look like a big mess and yeah it is but since I know my ratios and about how much production I can eat out of a single input build of iron it's more than capable of producing a continuous stream of chemical science chemical science is probably the biggest milestone in the game since it unlocks all the important Tech like construction robots and electric furnaces once you've got it you can start building for the end game even without the other Sciences because everything from then on is mostly just upgrades to existing buildings and then I see this Tech payload wagons naturally I build one immediately that Nest is a good guinea pig and if the description is to be believed I can launch a train and automatically detonate up to a hundred grenades at once unfortunately nests are pretty resilient against explosives but I foresee great things with this technology given the size of these death World nests I'm definitely going to need some help if I want to expand and want to expand we do but first we'll need construction Bots which I assemble in the most intelligent way possible people keep complaining I'm too negative so from here on it's only positivity for this fine base also our iron patch is starting to run dry and I still need this place to make supplies so I set up a very efficient double-headed train with one wagon to help keep it on life support the biters are becoming more than just a couple gun turrets can handle and with the die impenetrable big biters on the way as soon as we reach 50 Evolution it's about time I walled everything in and defended it with flamethrowers unless you're belching out Mega base levels of pollution a wall of flamethrowers is all you need for defense as long as you've got robots repairing it but the easiest way to defend against attacks is to make sure they don't happen at all so I'll be making tons of efficiency modules mining drills are the biggest source of pollution and with just three efficiency modules each you can reduce their pollution by eighty percent as well as their power consumption and now I can finally get to the whole point of this run crashing trains and launching them into the air by using three stations I've created a blueprint that automatically spins and launches at the same velocity every time so now we can aim Precision train strikes wherever I want it's very convenient for clearing out all the space I'll need for my real base and you know how lame it is to sit around and wait for inserters to slowly empty a cargo wagon haven't you ever wished you could just do it all instantaneously well renai transportations got you covered with this impact on loader you just need to handle the cleanup yourself so the spray pattern is a bit ridiculous and hard to imagine using in a serious design but after some testing I realized that I could constrain it a bit if I use buildings that have no space between them like solar panels and this is why I don't use the squeak through mod for this one time that I'm Vindicated by the solar panels having such a massive Collision box that it becomes the backbone of my entire base the way these things work is that when a trend collides with the impact on loader it'll automatically skip the station it was heading towards and head for the next that means only double-headed train designs are possible one of the major challenges is that to actually unload everything you need to be going fast but not so fast that the spray is ridiculous and unpredictable the easiest way I've found is to make sure that the train is going Max Speed before approaching the unloader which results in these hilarious spirals then making the station close enough that the train will slow down a bit before impacting so you get roughly the same spray every time also it's really important that the trans knot gets slowed down for any reason and because of that I've given each resource its own separate Lane however there are places where the lanes need to intersect but trains will always seed right of way to the faster trans so I'm reasonably confident that the trends coming out after bonking won't get in the way of the trance coming out of the spirals now we need to actually design the forges and since we have a relatively narrow space to fit them I've decided to go with one of the most tried and true furnace designs in which you run the input and output belts through with undergrounds and to leave the space on either side for beacons fully beaconed with tier 3s you can get an entire blue belt of plates with just 13 furnaces instead of the 72 that it would take unbeaconed and it's extremely compact too just make sure you have the inserter set up correctly or else they'll drop on only one side of the belt so where do the trends go after they unload well back onto the main rail system of course and a rational individual will just run some nice normal track and be done with it but think of all the space and the rail we could save if we made them all airborne okay I cannot adequately explain the insane amount of trial and error that this whole thing took it's almost as if the game never intended for you to make your trains fly 300 meters and land safely the worst offenders are these trained bounce pads sometimes they work sometimes they don't sometimes the whole thing explodes and sometimes only the back train car explodes it's weird but I need them if I want to clear the whole distance anyway I get it working enough to paste in game since this is where all the trains are coming out throughput is very important there's these electromagnetic train ramps that are much less prone to exploding and will gently sit your train down on the tracks instead but they take power to operate and can't go nearly as far as the normal ramps because of that I'm using it to gently place the trains inside the spiral and the genius of this design is that because this spiral has no signals even if one train is already inside any additional trains will continue through at full speed it's the best way I could possibly think up to build up enough speed for a full-length jump in a relatively compact area while maintaining maximum throughput unlike these spirals before the unloading they can only have one train inside of them at once since to get inside the spiral you need to drive over all five loops but that'll clear the full distance of my furnace array in theory so now we just need some raw materials to smash against the unloaders and that means we need to actually set up some mines for trains even though all the trains are double-headed which would allow me to reverse out from a dead end station I've gone with this design because it allows multiple trains to wait behind while staying inside the walls [Music] oh so I've got this extra train stop whose purpose I'll explain later don't forget this is death world so I want these mining outposts to be reasonably protected after getting iron copper coal and stone on trains I can finally start testing out the smash and launch system so here's how the trend schedule looks it's a little bit more complicated than just go to mine then go to forge but basically when full the train Waits at one of these stations to act as a buffer then when there's a demand for that resource the Smasher station will become available and one will head into the spiral to build up speed after colliding with the unloader I'll head to a station just past the magnetic ramp then it goes inside the exit spiral passes the first station then tries to head to the second before getting launched landing and finally heading back to the mine so it seems to be working and then for no reason at all some of them randomly start flying way shorter into blowing up I have absolutely no idea why it's doing this and I'm just kind of sitting here helplessly while they all blow up at least I saved the game before this trying to get to the bottom of it I stepped through it with the editor but I still have no idea why it's doing it with some of them and not others and then my old Nemesis is back only the rear train detonating have become quite familiar with these things and I've discovered that this particular error is because when the front card disappears The trailing cars start to slow down a bit arriving slightly behind each proceeding car which can make the first few reach the pad and the last ones fall short because I don't know rounding errors or something this is an important aspect of using the ramps you can't just have a rail end in a ramp you need to have a valid station past the ramp to convince the train to actually run over it and if you don't want it to slow down at all the station needs to be pretty far away I thought it would be fine if they reached Max Speed then theoretically would all slow down the same amount for the station past the ramp but apparently not so in an attempt to make the whole thing more reliable I've moved the second station up so the trans won't try to slow down at all now I just need to find a good place for the bounce pad and pray it works it seems to be working so it's finally time to start setting up some furnace Stacks I'm going to run the steel off of the same iron Supply which is why I intentionally gave iron ore the shortest trip from The Waiting base to the unloader I'm compressing the six Lanes of the unloader down on both sides and as much as I prefer to balance them all together it's a bit hard with that rail in the way so I'm just going to assume that if I balance the output of the furnaces later both sides will get drained mostly equally and we've had a bit of an accident I didn't explain it before because I needed to amend it but the way the station handles trains is by continuously reading the belts on hold mode and sending a signal to the train stop to set the train limit from zero to one when there's no iron ore past that point but that was causing some spillage because when the train hit the unloader the train switched stations before they or reached the belt so the waiting train thought it was still empty and swooped in even though the station was blocked a few frames later I fixed this by only allowing the limit signal through to the train stop if the rail signal for that section of track doesn't show a train inside of it after that little hiccup we've got fully automated smelting ready to go all the furnaces are filled with efficiency modules so just the energy from the solar panels that I only needed to take up space is actually enough to power this whole thing [Music] so I think it's working but then out of the blue instead of exploding on the bounce pad the train explodes on the rails this time whether or not it happens seems to be completely random and so I'm doing all sorts of things out of pure desperation just as I'm about to resign myself to needing to design some sort of automatic train replacement system I realize that it's because I set a train limit of two on the mines and so if there were already two trains at that stop the train had no valid destination and would just freeze in place until the trailing cargo wagon crashed into it and caused the whole thing to blow up getting real science production is going to take a while so here's a trickle of yellow science I automated now the only thing we're missing is oil and I'd really like to put it here but that would require Crossing rails with our impact on loaders which should never be slowed down for any reason and going around would get in the way of where I want to build my base so the most sane and rational thing is to just jump over the unloaders with my literal hours of trial and error designing these things I've created this design which should launch any tray in the same distance every time it stops at the station at the entrance for one second to ensure that it always enters the loop at the same speed then it alternates between the two spin stops until finally it builds enough speed and heads to the station at the ramp the end result should be a predictable jump every time and there we have it fully automatic jumping oil trains so one problem you need water for oil processing and there isn't any water nearby however I have the perfect solution filling a train with water and launching it over my smelting array it utilizes a variant of the oil launcher which you'll notice has some extra track and a station in the middle because remember we need a sufficiently far and valid transtop after the ramp if we want to ensure that it launches at full speed with this design despite being relatively compact from the Train's point of view as soon as it passes the ramp station that Central stop is over two full rotations away also just like the impact on loaders jumping off of a ramp skips the train stop and the scheduling now it's time to set up some actual oil processing it's just your standard design with some space for beacons in the middle it's nothing ambitious since I've only got about six blue belts of copper plates as my raw input and this base really isn't built to be expandable still it never hurts to add space for beacons as always for a real base you've got to set up oil cracking so you don't end up with a surplus of oil the ratio of heavy oil to light oil cracking here is roughly correct but cracking is incredibly simple as long as you know how to wire up a pump to a tank that way the oil only goes into cracking when it's over a certain level and it's time for everyone's favorite factorial logistical solution the main bus unfortunately the thrower inserters absolutely murder your game's ups and as much as I'd like to feed everything with thrower inserters I'd get lagged to death before I made it to Red circuits since I know the general level of production I'm going for I can make these factories a lot more compact like these sulfur and sulfuric acid plants I'll also need some plastic and again I'm making space for beacons to fit on the outside while also keeping enough room to get two full belts out of this setup with the fancy little trick of making the belt side load halfway through to get a full belt even though inserters only drop on the far side of belts and yes this is still death world it's actually pretty peaceful when you're running off of solar power and have efficiency modules and everything but I still need to clear out the occasional expansion party with violence also I show up to some lube next to the plastic you only need like one plant making Lube ever but I like to make things symmetrical now those of you in the know might have noticed that my sulfuric acid was lacking iron plates and all my iron is over there which is why I'm going to just bounce all the iron all the way over here only slightly more convenient than belts but much more hilarious one weird thing is that even though these trains were waiting here they never got fueled automatically from the requester chests I unlocked with my trickle of yellow science because they never counted as stopped if their destination is a station with a train limit of zero so I had to add a one second stop to each these are the subtleties you'll never encounter if you just play the game normally after that we've got all the raw materials we'll need to beat the game and now it's just a matter of assembling all of the intermediate Parts first step is green circuits and this design is very ubiquitous since each circuit assembler needs one and a half wire assemblers to run with no downtime however it's difficult to add more than two beacons to later so if I was going to build much of a bigger base than this I would have gone with another design now explosives aren't used in any science but they are used in things that explode and the ones I'm most interested in right now are cluster grenades they're very expensive to produce taking seven grenades each but I've got plans for them after some time I finally got a full stack of cluster grenades so let's test them out [Music] I'd say they're pretty effective next up are the red circuits and as a general rule of thumb unlike the green circuits they only take one wire assembler for every six circuit assemblers you can never have too many red circuits because even if they're not going into science you can always use them to make modules again I'm trying to leave space for beacons on the outside which means that it can only have one belt there the privilege of building a second base like this is since you've already researched them you can just go ahead and get processing units out of the way while you're doing the other circuits they take sulfuric acid and to keep up with the theme of leaving room for beacons I'm routing all the acid between the assemblers and weaving the input pipe through the central belts the best thing about engine units is I can just copy the entire red circuit build and swap the recipes I'm going to be expanding down here soon so time to employ more trains of mass destruction and just like that it's all clean down here 's low density structures another thing people never seem to build enough of Mostly because they take so long to craft I'm going through these builds pretty fast because they don't have much to do with the renai transportation but I should mention the cool way of using two Splitters facing each other to create two split belts and how I've been alternating which Lanes I split off from the main bus so I don't need to balance it as often also I should mention how useful this Mod's electric zipline technology is for going back to the old crappy base to pick up supplies and here's some advice from me to you even if you don't have a use for landfill yet you're always going to wish you had some once you do next I'm building this incredibly convoluted section that makes batteries Electric engines and robot frames all on the same footprint as the other builds it's got all sorts of things like putting green circuits on the near side of the belt so the batteries can be dropped on the far side putting steel on the far side so it can filter out engine units and Route the electric engines back on the near side and running Lube right through the middle the only way it could have possibly been more convoluted is if I used belt weaving it even makes accumulators the train started exploding again and as it turns out the biters ate the rails heading into the iron mine so there wasn't a valid stop anymore so they just exploded again I'm also getting annoyances like this even though my pollution cloud is Tiny random Nest keeps spawning inside of it from expansion parties so I've decided to finally bite the bullet and secure my borders since the only thing these walls need to block are expansion parties a single row of flamethrowers with hand supplied oil and some Robo ports is more than enough since it's pretty far from the base I'm not hooking up the robo ports to the main Network because giant gaps in coverage tend to get robots stuck just these hand-fed supplies should last until the foreseeable future those of you keeping track at home know that we've got everything we need to make yellow and chemical science so now we just need to make the rest of them I'm not going to use them for a while but here's the rocket control units for space science oh yeah also winning the game purple science is the only tough one left and because I'm obsessed with keeping everything in the same footprint this Lane is going to make both the productivity modules and the furnaces and drop them on the top and bottom builds instead of the center also I'm finally having some power problems so I just pasted a bunch of solar panels this space gives the illusion of being well supplied but it's still running off of this one tiny iron patch I'll worry about that once I've actually got science up here's the rails for purple science this part of the run is completely normal so sometimes I look over here and remember that this is how I'm getting all my supplies then this happened no idea how but ever The Optimist I choose to believe that it won't happen again it did blow up all of my iron trans though given the hazards and in the interest of not needing to redo my train scheduling again I've decided to make a copy of every train and put them all here the rest of the science is super easy to build with the entirety of green science done with just this and red science only takes gears military Sciences ingredients takes a little bit more thought but finally we've got all the raw ingredients to make all the science at once in preparation for actual production I set up another mine but it's far outside the safety of our walls though which means it'll need some actual defense but places like this get hammered constantly so Hand feeding repair supplies to each mining Outpost would be horrible and this is where that second stop comes in if you've ever watched my other factorio videos you should recognize this simple Auto restocking Circuit by now it just reads the contents of the logistics network from the robo port and subtracts that from a set of constants that I set as my desired amount of each item in storage that means any positive value represents a deficit from my desired amount and the actual amount at The Outpost we can feed that signal into a filter inserter and set it to set filter mode so that any item with a positive signal will be pulled off from the restocking train until there's enough to make the signal disappear after that it's just a few combinators to only enable the automatic restocking train stop if we're below a certain level of an important item like pipes walls or repair kits once you build it once you can have any number of stops restocked by a single train I'm tired of relying on my old base for supplies and I've had logistic spots and requester chests for ages now so it's about time I set up a proper bot mall and I'm going to keep saying it until everyone in the world knows it but you can shift right click and assembler then shift left-click requester chest and it'll automatically add the ingredients for that recipe to the requests so I've got all the stuff to make science now what while I could assemble them all here but there's no rocket fuel for the rocket so obviously I'll need to move everything over to the oil Zone instead except ah dang someone put a ton of solar panels in the way I guess I'll just need to make another ramp then twist my arm why don't you each science is going to have its own train with two mixed cargo wagons filtered with the correct ratios to make as many complete science packs as we can out of one wagon we'll use the same Center drop spiral design as the ore train exit launcher because unlike the oil and water throughput can actually be an issue here something like the red science train not so much because it can hold enough supplies to make 4 000 signs in one trip but the purple science takes 10 rails each and the low density structures for yellow and space science only stacked at 10 so they'll be moving a lot more frequently obviously they need to complete a round trip though so let's build where they land to send them back we'll use the exact same design just with the entrance a little modified Now Behold my brilliant science solution we're just gonna hurl it all into the air unfortunately then it gets all jumbled together but fortunately we've got these directional bounce pads that can only bounce certain items certain directions so this is how we'll be filtering everything out so I'm going to bounce them onto belts only to put them back into a box I need three lanes because it's possible for the throwers to Chuck so many items that they would spill out onto the ground if it was only one belt wide my plan is to take advantage of the ability to throw items to create an extremely compact science array five assemblers deep since a thorough inserter can throw up to 15 tiles away the chemical science is a bit weird because it takes so long to craft compared to the other Sciences so I need around 10 assemblers instead of five to keep up with the rest of the science there's also the matter of the low density structures which are used in both yellow and space science which means they're all going to be bounced off to the same place off the pads so I need to do some weird splitter Shenanigans but that should work now we just need to set the recipes and add all the hatches and ejectors to all the assemblers [Music] all the boxes will be hooked up to wires and fed into the filter inserters off of the train switch will read the contents of the boxes and activate when that specific item is below a certain limit it's tedious but it works even more tedious is setting up the train scheduling ignore that the drop-off station is also called pickup it doesn't actually matter because once it goes off that ramp as far as the train is concerned the other one doesn't exist so it'll still work normally now to see it in action this whole video is secretly in response to the absolute state of the United States railroad system and an offer of my unparalleled locomotive expertise Department of Transportation I'm available the best part is this joke will always be relevant well clearly there's still some Kinks that need to be worked out but I'm still available and we have touchdown as planned the train pulls into the station and the throwers start throwing and surprisingly it actually makes science all right now we just need to test out the return trip what can I say engineering Ain't Easy the solution is to Route the Escape rail farther in the spiral so the second train stop is even farther away again since the train will have launched into the sky long before turning onto it even without signals there's no risk of trans ever colliding oh boy that problem's back I landed too far ahead of it so maybe this will do it shockingly it didn't blow up that time [Music] while you're being hypnotized by the spiral I command you to subscribe [Music] oh the throwers are throwing but very slowly then I remember that there's something in the options that limits throwing so it doesn't overflow any belts so I turned that off and nothing bad could possibly happen now that's the kind of throughput that I'm looking for something bad happened oh man I gotta delete all these inserters they're going crazy what a mess well it's not like we're using this base anymore anyway okay it's in my main base too thankfully we can set up a deconstruction planner to only pick up things off of the ground now you may have noticed that there appears to be a fatal flaw in my design the thrower is only throwing into one assembler and as it turns out there's no way to dynamically change throwing distance with circuits or anything if I wanted to throw it five different distances I'd need five different inserters or do I you see when you try to paste an entity of the same type but different settings on top of an existing entity it actually instantaneously applies those settings to the thing beneath it no need for Bots it just happens and you can do this from anywhere unfortunately this is useless as I need to do it manually and there's no way to automate placing a blueprint or is there with the recursive blueprints mod I can force these blueprint deploys to paste whatever blueprint is inside of it by sending in a signal from a circuit so if I make five separate blueprints for the throwers set to five different distances and hook each deployer up to a timer that Cycles through each blueprint every few seconds you get this five assemblers fed from one inserter this was one of my brain's finer moments I'll need to thank it later then the science goes into these buffer chests which I'll hook up to the main throws to turn them on or off so we don't get an overflow now to put it all in labs and since we're eventually going to have space science we need four belts to fit everything so here's the super secret way to sideload four belts into one three by three building [Music] and there's the whole science array minus the space science seeing as we haven't even researched that yet at this point the game's pretty much solved assembling wise but there's still a lot that I need to do I don't usually go for proper end game builds but seeing as this video is much less of a challenge and more of a mod showcase I'm actually going to do some upgrading and that starts by actually making some blue belts I usually avoid external blueprints but I already spent all my brain power on the train launchers and science array the impact on loaders have a bit of spillage every now and again so I Shore up that design as well [Music] foreign concrete build which is annoying because it takes iron ore however there's a patch right next to the solar array that'll just mine it all from instead it also takes a bunch of stuff like Bricks iron sticks and steel if you want to make refined concrete it's easy to see why most people ignore it but I've said it before and I'll say it again if your base doesn't have concrete and lights it's still just a starter base and while I'm preparing to beautify the base I decide what we really need is a train water feature there's even directional trained bounce pads I don't know why it gets all tiny when it goes horizontal though clearly it needs more trains yeah that's that that's looking pretty good more trains we need more trains more more I think we can do better more trains whoa more trains more trains more trains more trains so after 80 trains I think I'm satisfied cool now I'm just going to paste a blueprint that makes a bunch of tier 3 modules it might not look like it but the actual output of this base is quite low and I'm mostly Making Science out of hours worth of buffered resources that's because everything is still running on efficiency modules instead of productivity modules which I hope to resolve soon the only problem is our base can't handle that many beacons and productivity modules we've got tons of solar panels but despite being as big as the base they're not nearly enough to support that much considering the glowing green rocks I'm standing on I'm willing to bet that most of you can guess where I'm going with this yeah I might as well build another oil field while we're here and I'm finally setting up the only ingredient that we're missing to make a rocket rocket fuel keeping with the design there's space for beacons it's the only item used in science that's not on a train but it's going to be thrown in on the same bounce pads finding a place to fit uranium processing is a little tricky but I've decided to squeeze it in here since space is so tight uranium throughput is unimportant and I still need to speed up to hit the unloader I've gone with another circular stop design except to build up speed for an unloader instead of a ramp then the train will be gently brought in and out using magnetic ramps very gently this is what happens when you don't have much space to put the train stop after the ramp processing uranium ore is pretty straightforward and hopefully in a couple hours I'll have enough enriched uranium to kick off some cover X this is the part of the game where I get to stand around and do nothing seeing as I'm waiting on modules blue belts and uranium all at once after that I've got enough u-235 to kick off the cover X process so I build a really bad cover X setup seriously it's barely functional don't copy this wait didn't I say that it was going to be more positive damn it now I need to wait for the Kovacs to make even more enriched uranium so I just start putting concrete over everything strictly speaking putting concrete over everything causes that chunk to stop absorbing pollution but walking faster and looking good is worth it so what if the bugs need to absorb another continent's worth of pollution and if you didn't believe me that those solar panels weren't enough I've managed to kill the entire base's power with the robots charging from placing all that concrete this is kind of dangerous because if there's no power and a trend goes off of a magnetic ramp it's probably going to crash but whatever I can always make more so I'm just gonna keep placing concrete with everything covered in concrete it's time to start upgrading things to blue belt I've got these storage chests filtered to red belts right below the blue belt assemblers and a condition to turn off the inserters coming out of the red belt assembler if there's anything in storage it's not a perfect solution because Bots are stupid and won't always store things in a filtered storage chest but it does keep my other chests from filling up with useless red belts and recycling them does save me some iron it looks much better with concrete but I still don't have beacons it's time we finally solved the power problem so reactors next to other reactors get a neighbor bonus of 100 per reactor so a single reactor on its own gives off a measly 40 megawatts but if it was surrounded by four other reactors just that one alone would give off 200 megawatts and the other's 80 megawatts each now normally you can't build reactors more than too wide because you need room for inserters to add and remove fuel cells but with Rinnai transportation's thrower inserters a 4x4 reactor is more than just a dream but I can do better than just thrower inserters I spent several hours just designing it but here it is in game yes that is a train track and yes that is an impact on loader what I thought would really be cool is if I could say that this base is literally powered by train collisions ideally the fuel will fly through the air and if we're lucky maybe 10 of it will actually land in one of these Trypophobia reactors but there's nothing better than a practical demonstration [Music] ah perfect as you can see fuel is inside all of the reactors and the reactors are reacting it'll crash again every 30 minutes to keep everything topped off if you're from the EPA you might be concerned about all those nuclear fuel cells I've left lying on the ground well recursive blueprints Saves the Day once again if I put in a deconstruction planner that whitelists items on the ground and set up another simple timer to apply that to the whole area here every five minutes or so the robots will automatically clean everything up and return it all to the train this thing will even clean up the spent fuel cells that get shot out of the ejector hatches this whole thing puts out about two gigawatts Which is less than its ideal of 2.6 mostly due to the heat dissipation across long distances of heat pipes and that I had to fit an entire train in the damn thing but on top of our solar panels that's more than enough for this base and I can finally start upgrading everything alright I should probably actually uh beat the game at some point I mean if beating the game is all I cared about I could have done it like 20 hours ago no sense launching it without a satellite though and I'll just make a satellite in the mall and bring it over by robots and we win but like I said that was never really the goal but hey we've got fully automated space science now after shoving productivity and speed modules and everything our signs per minute is around a rather respectable 150. seriously if you go from zero modules to tier 3 productivity modules and everything you'll nearly get four times as much science as before then I deconstructed the entire old base because I don't know I didn't want to look at it anymore so it was kind of at a loss of how I should end this video and then I had a great idea you'll never guess what the true nukes mod does if you thought normal factorio nukes just weren't powerful enough then this is the mod for you it's really bloated with stuff you don't need though it starts us off with a 20 ton nuclear warhead but if you want bigger ones you're going to need to do some nuclear tests in this dedicated facility foreign you know to be fair seeing as this was the smallest one I kind of expected it to be on the same scale as the vanilla nukes next time I'll detonate one a little further away from my base the good news is now we can build an even bigger one I drove a little further away this time this world could do with some biter depopulation anyway yeah not bad and now we can build an even bigger one that one was 500 tons this one is 15 kilotons let's see if I'm far enough away I'm gonna need to drive pretty far to get away from this one here's what it looks like if you use the editor to pause and zoom out a little bit so my base wasn't very happy with that one pretty much everything is sustained some sort of damage and you can still see the tidal wave of damage spreading out but who cares about all that we've unlocked the big one that was 15 kilotons we've got 500 kilotons but I'll keep you in suspense and give you another look at the increasingly concerned base while I share my final thoughts renai Transportation it's really cool it's a shame it murders your UPS as much as it does but the train ramps actually aren't that bad performance wise they take a lot of trial and error to really get the hang of them but now they're mostly reliable I've had a crash here and there but it's rare knowing what I know now I wish I could have made the base even sillier but it's hard when you don't have any experience with the mod I've pretty much mastered the ramps by now so what I could have done if I was building another base from the ground up would be a lot crazier but maybe that's your job I've shown you what you can do with them you build it [Music] but without further Ado nuclear Annihilation sounds nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my poor base
Channel: DoshDoshington
Views: 649,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Renai Transportation
Id: kWc9YbyJGYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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