HOI4 in 2023 But USA Collapsed

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how you doing it's me from the bunker yes yes Trump has been re-elected and they're shooting and murder everywhere we are going into a demo of a new mod extreme ultimate demo the death of democracy AKA what will happen if Trump won the election man for years 2023 and the US is on the brink of collapse the unpopular president Tulsi gabbard faces unrest not seen since the days of Rage unrest which may spark another civil war as anarchists ride in the street people flock to the eagle Spirit party which promises audience ability will democracy Prevail or is it the Twilight of the last gleaming oh so there is Europa that's not really playable we're going in I have no idea what's gonna happen dude what oh my God look at the history bro oh my God I'm not reading that the Sanders what the f after so many years of stagnation disappointment and festering anger president Bernie Sanders was supposed to be a breath of fresh air in the freeway race the USA first openly socialist president was elected Sanders first 100 days in office were a woman of laxative activity programs to audit the Pentagon reform the Healthcare System secure the Border reform immigration tax The Fat Cats what he's gonna get shot in the head right and then the other shoe drop president Sanders died of a heart attack vice president gabbard was thrust into the Oval Office lacking both the popularity experience and political security for a predecessor oh there's a lot of perspectives wait I have to choose one right now oh I have to choose right now that's so weird I have to choose right now I could do I could do antifa this guy's kind of in the main industry he's like the fascist James haddock and eminent the legal scholar from New York he entered politics after the 08 collapse working within the CP USA after years of political nihilism he eventually found his inspiration in an unlikely place in the pages of 1984 Paddock found the truest expression of what he wanted in the government stable on changing Eternal unquestionables dude he wants to build 1984 I mean I'm all in man she's very unpopular nobody likes her I'm not going to read that I'm a NATO social liberalism next election in November which is right now police and citizens are clashing pick debuff police fading Empire dude I'm debuffed into Oblivion and the second oh The only positive buff The only positive buff America has the research tree is probably normal nice it's a whoa wow it seems to be the normal tree but with cooler symbols nice I think it's very clever by the to stay with normal stuff but uh make it all look cooler it's so weird to me though that the mod starts in 2023 and you have all the stuff already like they put a lot of work in that exoskeletons whoa this is a very ambitious mod I like it they're that serious about this I don't think that's my purpose I'll get a new Focus tree Bernie's Legacy what the man wait after the military okay I have no military probably because events will happen or something Scotland is on its own yeah this is uh this is this is an unhistorical month another month I'm not a shooting well that's normal come on price mobilizes the guard oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wait hey we have to reform our paramilitary on and this Dallas price may be just a mental leader we will keep our connections to price at the middle tense a secret still referring to them properly as the iron core so I'm making my own army or some with anarchists in the streets counting on the downfall of the police system and the state as a whole you'd be astonished to find a police station that hasn't become at least a little polarized as of late with radical new ideas becoming more acceptable we might be able to find a few friends in the police I get more support more support and to tell totalitarianism yeah welcome common control Executive Order 66 prohibition of Communism from State elections so we just banned communism oh we took the Communist girl of the ballot oh they gotta get mad your party got banned as well that's not true in response to the Communist bid for 24 election President gabbard has enacted executive order extending Provisions against communist parties not true no actually my party has been banned too they bent my party I'm not a communist I'm getting mad that's why I go to court James haddock a seasoned lawyer and political leader has filed a suit federal court against the justice department of executive order one thousand not 14062 he claims that the party is nothing has never been a communist organization yeah and therefore should not be subject dude this mod is great this made this is I'm kind of for James here this is bad the New York State Attorney General has released a statement regarding the eagle Spirits party battle status in the upcoming state election the attorney general has stated that the ESP will not be struck from ballots hey we won sometimes you got to sue people to win you know Additionally the court found that executed 414062 also known as eo231 was brought the unconstitutional the Court ruled that the Communist controller cannot be used to strike poly oh they're also making the Communist Party come back again remove the executive order against ability in the pp I get a lot of PPA the Russian Ukrainian War an army cannot be built without repression the commander will always find it necessary to place the soldier between the possibilities that death flies ahead and the certainty that lies behind it I have a dude I might be really wrong but I have a weird feeling that the developer of this mod is a little bit dead so I feel like Ukraine is dying because he wants that dude let me help him don't make Ukraine die developer you don't do that send volunteers I have no Army they're holding the river come on Ukraine I like this I like the holding whoa at 9 14 am this morning while giving a speech to members of our audience an explosion goes off that kills most people in the room including Russian President Vladimir Putin this mod is I'm gonna say the word I never use that word [Music] uh Ukraine still looks very bad though man not good no spoilers so the election is in November that's pushed to November let's go so here we have the candidates of the election the Democrats are stuck with their incumbent Tulsi gabbard the eagle Spirit party a young espousing Law and Order and populist ideals shows James haddock lawyer and political outside this is us as a candidate the new and old Republican party is running with Rhonda Santos and Ben Shapiro the common spot to declare the Revolt the Communist Party of Russia led by General Secretary Gennady zuganov led a March of Saint Peters broke the crying open hostilities against the Duma the government had this could all be real this is scary this is so crazy this could all be real the red so I'm oh white peas oh oh I did not come yeah that's not gonna happen come on man back in the day collapse of the Barbarian republics what the is happening this is our final choice and we have no way back there can be no return to what we used to have before bi-card preservation Authority I don't want to with that guy oh the Frozen experiment dude they have National focuses man logistical issues so I'm just doing this stuff doesn't matter all right it's just I'm waiting for the Civil War I guess the presidential debates are starting Ben Shapiro is going to destroy everybody ladies and gentlemen it's yours truly Wolf Blitzer and we have election night right here the country's on edge as voters head to the pole to decide between incumbent Democrat Tulsi gabbard and the free challenge earns herok Ben Shapiro and the new Republican no winner declared as the votes continue to be counted becomes clear that no candidate will win a majority in the lecturer College it means that the decision will be thrown to the House of Representatives where each other state delegation will cast one word for the preferred candidate dude actually if you have like four or five parties in America there might actually be issues with the electoral college right yeah Tulsi wins the oh president Tulsi gabbard has never really won re-election for the vote in the House of Representatives the news has sent out outrage for the country and fresh waves of rioting have been reported whatever control the federal government has left seemingly Shadow today as the anarchist militants proclaimed the birth of the new Revolution of oh he has a red damn oh the Lion's Rebellion is growing stability looking great but the people oh and that's why I proposed that we band together in the face of uncommon collapse Ron DeSantis proclaimed to the Congress hundreds of representatives from eight different states were attending the conference former after the disastrous Affair in Virginia at first many present believed seceding will lead to a legal suicide but as the conference went on and after the Myriad of issues facing the United States being brought up they understood that in order to save themselves they need to succeed the confederation of America oh man oh they have a focused Street oh wow wow cool the United States Marine Corps has spawned in southern U.S Marine Corps David Berger United States Supreme Court Quebec excuse Heroes up oh the Albany rally oh that's me that's my guy I think right but fellow Americans brothers and sisters these past four years have shown us that the American dream is nothing more than a Lie by The Establishment seeking off immortan divide and conquer you now the country is falling apart and yet I promise you the eagle spirit will live it is our duty to stitch our nation back together today the United States Falls today the Republican union is born you now place the Republic Union of America in this struggle to save America and here I am where the am I the Republican union of Albany New York my name is James haddock I have a very weird flag that a kid probably didn't paint Mass military disorganization my military is okay uh the developers did a great job of the symbols the symbols look insanely cool man oh God the war for Invictus oh James haddock is ready bro is going down oh I got an army my first army man oh oh oh man look at these guys the guardian Hercules he's good oh oh I got mechanized oh man veterans man where we have divisionism in the shadows they kind of they don't like us they want to do bad things to us do you like a rebel but then Rebels rebel against your Rebellion there's always someone rebelling man look at the dossier and conflicts button at the top next to Nuke items what the f is happening here you can find the statuses and relative influences of various figures in your military do they all have storylines this is so crazy sir something unusual has happened ever since the Albany rally Our God forces have moved to secure our territory in many places wherever they arrived late to the party all across the Northeast a group calling itself the black Legion is it tommen is it tommen the black is civilian militia that has sworn loyalty to haddock the numbers are mostly vac tech the black Legion begins to March South okay we're apparently invading Newark which is like here yeah this is New York that's what a sopotamus is playing haddock takes New Jersey yay the black ninja Monster In the Garden State dude United States Marine Corps taking a lot of stuff but I mean they're probably very strong oh my God there's an event every two seconds Jesus Almighty what's Delaware known for the seashore Washington begins Siege of Washington so there's these ongoing conflicts I can't really influence it I think oh the free Union of America has spawned oh Marines oh I'm oh the U.S Marine Corps oh delicious take control for Western flank bring our borders right to Atlantic Ocean celebrations have been muted to the existence of a troubled spot but has proven unusually fine and well organized so apparently Boston is with me the Greenback boys people defined on the Republican union as Wreckers have revolted against the tyrannical regime they can't warn us oh I got my first war Mr Acadia Mr Acadia You Gotta Give me the creeps you're gonna give me the creeps go go boys to the front lines take out let's take these guys down Sergeant rectors Man You're Gonna Get Wrecked collapse of America people are deceived and drawn on step by step till war death and destruction are upon them in line to the viewers okay I can actually take a focus for once what happens now hunt down the divisionists okay now I gotta take a bit serious I gotta produce Supply is going to be a big issue in the Civil War you can see that already and then in two weeks the green boys are done the green boys have done hell yeah bro my field Marsh can only handle one unit that's hella weird man the field Marsh can only handle one unit that's interesting division is resistance strengthens oh God I'm in trouble make them less than 60 or you get oh well I'm doing a I'm doing a focus that maybe helps a bit I'm hunting down these people that hopefully helps a bit the three George's Dam has been attacked oh God this is way too real they destroyed it then that killed Millions ow what the International War for the Union what the is happening man to the men and women of the god you aren't trusted with the most important tasks that will ever be able to take in the history of this nation you shall be the Warriors to fight on the right side of History to correct the wrongs of the past and the internal War for Union the revolution has come so close to being finalized in its righteous grasps over the new Republic the time is over The Roots it's time to wipe the Slade claim Execute order two five one code name Rapture executive we're gonna get stronger who buy loses 50 million people okay China is falling apart man the visionists all divisionists now so that's actually really cool man every other party and ideology is just now a divisionist Boston is defiant what the is happening bro wipe Boston from this Earth what the is happening Boston has made his choice with some Fortune they may Foster this hatred into purpose and further rule their own Fate by comic Tropic service we gotta make an example the [Music] with Mother James haddock I hear my order exterminatus okay nothing happened okay I think we just I think we nuked their asses I think so the stop resisting stop stop you lost a lot of pp for that oh I'm totally killing myself Chad I think we're really out of pp now and I'm gonna die the collapse of China everything under Heaven is another chaos situations excellent mouths to hand protection League what the is happening I think I can't fix this game anymore I I'm gonna get a big debuff here in a second the two greatest Defenders against missionaries in the guard and the legion are destroyed and we're gonna fix it so uh I can only do this one okay the Caesar I am God and Caesar haddock and Heather cologne will shape the future of humanity the Revolutionary names of Lenin washing Napoleon are nothing before his greatness they have 92 support I'm getting wrecked man direction of our economy complete question of Industry they actually get 50 people which I should only take and you get total mob for free I shouldn't have taken word support and work on me then that is a big mistake I lost 150 I didn't know I shouldn't have read that preparations for applied hutchism hedokism I get sick boss but lose one stability this is a very good buff choosing a favorite it is time you choose a winner for this conflict even now before it has broken out into actual combat I choose the guard I'm going to the guard okay now there's a lot of new oh my God liquidation I killed 10 000 people in every single state I then kill another 10 000 people in every killed State I destroy a lot of factories but at least I get 100 PP and crazy economic Buffs resistance and trees in Jesus Christ can I stop having internal troubles despite our best efforts the International Community has managed to smuggle information into our Republic of the Boston's incident oh me and you King Boston has actually destroyed me everybody is mad at me now oh makes sense but every city on lockdown or treason stands in the darkness Allied the Republic leave no trace of a shadow James haddock becomes the enemy of humankind I get less resistance that's good send out our most trusted operatives with more nuclear bombs guys I I I I think that's not how you rule a country bro do the agaboof protocol the Arab protocol we are well aware of price desires so it will be command and price will have this nuclear weapons why not give prize some nukes why not why not give him some news the divisionals are getting stronger and stronger wait what is that I get a revolution we're gonna have two Civil Wars and I'm not even in the real Civil War yet I I don't know what I should do to stop that no idea dude let them rise up at this point at this point let them rise up let's fight let them all rise up at this point at this point on like let's go let's go you guys want to fight we fight don't break you shouldn't even hunt them anymore let them just rise up okay here we go I get the divisionist Revolution and before I lose everything and my game is over the Republic will be forced to put down a Revolt by photos mothers and grandparents and simple civilians who chose to sacrifice themselves in the hope of the devsman short survival oh get rid of them now right look who is not Rising Boston not Uprising very good for us very good for us the next civil war is right here okay we took down all the rebels good it's actually kind of good you get that because now everything is safer all these all these events Alto mine got a Jesus Almighty host nuclear loyalty wait I get a buff now cause I use nukes H now they're rising up again the off they're rising up again for dude this divisionist will rise up forever God you know what I'm just gonna ignore this now I'm just gonna let them rise up now every time let them rise up bro I just kill them every time open conflict here we go man oh my god the inevitable has come to pass our two former paramilitary organizations are openly wearing with each other within our territory oh wait I'm still my own guy I don't have anything to do with this oh they have their own War I'm not allowed to help them that is so interesting I think that's I've never seen something like that please win guard please win I cannot yeah yeah it looks good they instructed someone well at least you can't putting the mods to heal Exchange in New England you guys are you guys are still worried about that I want my own people back oh he's winning he's winning the God is winning so like the SR has been okay there we go and now he rejoins me right come back price come back into my embracing arms the 21st century Brutus the God has crushed the legion that's good news the bad news is that they have almost immediately turned on us the worst news almost as soon as the war was declared a group of God agents were caught trying to steal several technical nukes from us what the is happening this is the in all my years of streaming going forward this is the craziest Civil War Nation I've ever seen I've never seen a more up country in Hoi forward in this traitor scum traitors man I'm the Caesar of the new world don't you know who I am Brothers and Sisters of the Guard this is kind of fun though I like this one you this this one is actually very good I I really thought this would be just stuff undone and I'm just gonna get a quick video out of it man this is really good wait New Yorker can't warned me wait what the why is every hearing random has won me Jesus Christ moved up just killing me randomly declaring war my ass are you insane New York New York good activates Mission emergency mobilization the yellow stripe can fit okay they're all declaring warm me wait oh my god dude I'm so busy with war all the time Jesus come on boys on your way everybody just wants to die to me God damn it I'm getting stronger and stronger I'm getting into God demo to resume which is good this Civil War is going to be very interesting I feel very weak I I really tried to make my industry good the industry debuff is still still bad it's still a bad buff I'm trying to fix it my industry is slowly going completely insane they're giving me crazy bonuses minus 20 consumer goods plus 20 efficiency cap 15 production speed that's why I want to do the industry purposes first I I feel like I'm getting pretty op man I gotta actually open Milk dude I got I suddenly got notes for some reason okay I get a why did I just get a lot of Mills that is why okay we need a lot of artillery man how good is AI in this game they're pretty they have cool names in their Ultra holy crap this might be one of these mods where a good toy 4 player just destruct destroys everybody she's addictive War me okay so chill she'll chill they all declare warned my ass why the would you do that the USA is slowly getting United I need to really get going man I'm just addicted to taking uh industry stuff I mean look at that minus 10 consumer goods 35 construction speed you don't say no to that I'm just preparing the Shadows man I'm just preparing in the shadows bro oh I got early EXO suits I want to check what it is we're doing the Israel exosuit that sounds fun man they're all killing each other I need to really get going man there's nothing left from the Bret soon from the cake throw out the Geneva Convention prepare to fight everyone around you oh [Music] you get a workouts on everyone I don't think I'm ready for that and now I'm kind of pressured I'm now supposed to attack people quickly this is now I have the timestamp on me now okay we're going in the next vocal and everyone healthy here we go throughout the dreamer convention the audio warm me out in big trouble man I don't have a big army the men oh they have a lot of army now I might actually be done oh God this looks pretty bad I just hope they have oh Terror campaign gets even the purpose of this war unlock the terror companion decisions I get a ton of stats reshaped New York City what are all these events oh my God this is so crazy they put so much in this mod oh my God man what is happening Children of the Republic the title Revolution is sweeping across American continent and the craving enemies of the Republic of fleeing before the Divine justice of Terror our labor is not yet over our brothers and sisters across the continent are still enslaved on doctrines of the old world oppressed by the force of division chaos grips the heart of a foul down puddle land the face of this disease Scourge the Knights of our Republic connected to the Republic will liberate our enslaved siblings just as they have liberated us they will Triumph utterly and totally over division forces but my children it is not enough to Simply wage one the physical world the time is long come for to finally decide the future of this Republic the Republic is the most orwellian I feel like if you live in orwellian World The Republic is most revealed the Republic that sounds so well young man okay guys let's die this is bad man you guys nice I have big damage I have big damage okay let's go let's go speed free of it actually I want to actually take this series this mod is actually crazy man I love it I think I'm crushing him so my infantry is probably gonna Crush everyone then I'm looking Ultra strong man I feel very open my Army feels Ultra appeal I need more of these divisions let's let's make six right now it I can't afford this six more boys man let's go yeah I won and now I got this really cool stuff and now comes the next mission you need to own greater Chicago or do they're pressuring the out of me this is so well designed man these people who made this mod they really give I took Zone whiskey oh now I have to fight this oh this is bad now I gotta fight this uh Goliath over here this guy is much stronger he's probably much stronger yeah he's much better this guy is much stronger now let's be careful so perhaps are getting connected careful man this guy looks strong but I think once I have 12 divisions I'm unstoppable that's right probably don't want to take Detroit probably big debuff I'm getting spread crazily unfortunately I just need more men and this is all over play is a bit of a problem Metroid 3 should be connected soon okay they're getting stronger now I'm actually getting a bit in trouble you gotta be careful now careful careful and circle all of this okay that's a good and supplement 20 verses 20 with like 100 airplanes I like that very much I think that's right like Detroit the Republic man holy crap oh the U.S army is dead so I only have to fight these guys oh they have no one left to defend them or always let's kill him real quick and then I killed the other guy real quick okay if this Workshop in the end now I can kill this guy but again I feel like I'm unstoppable now I don't feel like I can really stop you much anymore especially when these six new divisions are done GG man oh there they go that they're green but oh my God they're gonna hurt so bad let's take this guy down and then the whole Northeast belongs to the Republic okay I'm even doing speed five a bit because we literally can't afford that right now yeah AI is super weak look at them they don't do anything they took Metro District 6. wait the USA is still alive is that all they have so wait a bit let's be a bit calm until this guy's full yeah look at all my Buffs I feel a bit up here think it should be very fairly easy War again my divisions or Ultra up okay the Army is completely purging itself and they all go on to Erasmus that should be easy as yeah dude Miami is ultra okay man tell me you're dying it's fine you don't even worry about it everything is good I think we're crushing this yeah I think so okay they actually be stronger than I thought we're just crushing this man let's go Myrtle Beach but not all seems to have problems which is probably vanilla before with uh with lions the bed lines often delete themselves experienced Fighters oh oh I lost my first Division I lost a ton of Divisions oh hey oh okay Tommy K how about you calm the down Tommy K Tommy Tommy Tommy let's calm down a bit how about we calm down a bit how about you play a bit better than this huh okay now we should have this calm down and a nice offensive here okay good that that war was a bit more messy man I gotta I gotta calm down a bit man okay we're getting Atlanta this is kind of what a Walking Dead is playing right let's go go go finish this in East America oh we have oh okay we got our enemies okay okay we got an enemy boys okay these guys are gonna be a bit harder I gotta probably take this a bit more serious man finish this guy and calm down finish this game calm down I have no clue holy crap holy crap okay now I need to think oh that's gonna be a big War soon all right oh look wait wait wait I unlock this oh the cultural Evolution minus 10 stability immortalizing the state enables scoring American states oh that looks like a good division to beat AI with that looks good that is a crazy good division that division is going to kill people left and right now what's up with this music what do you think oh well they ain't waiting for me boys oh God this feel this seems bad okay that feels very bad we are inside a mega war and I wasn't ready at all but I have really good tanks the tank should be great okay this should be easy AI is good for them it should be really fine again yeah sweet five because AI is just Ultra easy man we're gonna easily crush him again yeah mainly true of most mods too easy man two Easy Mods good yeah restraint for massively this is over man we're gonna Crush these people then I kill all the remnants then America believes in oh well baby how the do you get tungsten as a a ghost economy America all hail the ones who Republic to rule them all we will bring prosperity and love to the people stop thinking I really thought the customer would be bigger fed but again if you know how to basically design divisions you're gonna crush this dude let's finish this let's unite America here we go I got the dead since Air Force too let's finish this man let's get it done right the now Cheyenne command the war bam clear War bam let's do this America United baby so what are these final focuses I can have two ways our Revolution thus far has proven that from disciplined loyalty and impossible determination we can shatter the ideology of everyone if we can keep the fire going just the Lord Will Smith the new American okay this is like everyone we're actually washing everybody's brain aren't they I'm taking that that's cool we're gonna actually wash everybody's brain yeah that sounds actually fun as well G gentlemen the American legionary state prevails holy they marched down the streets Guardians and black uniforms Army personal and tanks and apcs waving for the cheering crowds flags were wave portraits of president had a displayed on every building the NASA screaming enjoying train today in the real life broadcast President James Galloway haddock announced the total victory of the imaginary State the news was met with massive public relations within the total nation and feelings of Despair and Dread elsewhere in the world haddock was fully secured his hold over the continental United States fundamentally transforming it's culture in the process the Blackness is a bit weird but dude we're playing the handmaid's tale over here holy we did it that was a demo guys that's not even a real mod yet hell that was good that was really good
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 14,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommyk, hoi 4, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 tommykay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 modern day, hoi4 modern day mod, hoi4 millennium dawn, millennium dawn, hoi4 2023, hoi4 usa in 2023, usa in 2023, usa elections, usa collapsed, hoi4 modern day usa, hoi4 millennium dawn usa, hoi4 extremis ultimus, hoi4 trump, hoi4 bernie, hoi4 biden, hoi4 usa, usa, usa hoi4, united states, hoi4 united states, hoi4 mods, hoi4 new mods, hoi4 2023 mods, hoi4 memes
Id: 8rfvcrm2SDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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