50 MORE Factorio Mods You Cant Live Without

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I can extract iron straight from the core. Properly optimize my factory.  And play a completely new game  mode. What a great addition.  In this video I will show you another list  of 50 Factorio mods you can’t live without.  Quality of life, game changers, new biters,  new power and this yeah this time it’s better.  Link to every single mod from this video is  of course in the description also consider turning on subtitles just in case but without any further ado let’s go with the very first mod. We will start with a quality of life mod which is Fluid wagon color mask. Thanks to this mod, you will be able to paint your fluid cargo  wagons to whatever color you like. Simply make a color on your locomotive and copy and  paste it with shift right/left mouse button.  It’s often a problem that you have  too much items or liquids in Factorio,   especially in modded playthroughs. So to fix it, you can install Void Works. This mod adds new void chest which will delete all the items you put inside. It also adds void pipe which will do the same to connected liquid. Now your refinery will never get stuck again.  Micro furnaces completely chances how you  smelt your resources. Instead of building a huge smelting columns you simply build a one furnace and you are done. I wouldn’t recommend it for a simple playthrough, but if you want to make a huge factory in which you are limited by UPS’s then this mod is for you. Automatic train painter is one of my favorite mods and it works in an extremely simple way. This mod will simply automatically change the color of the train, according to the items in the wagons.  It doesn’t add any new trains or anything like that. It just changes colors, awesome for me. After installing all those mods, loading time of Factorio can get very long. So instead of just waiting,  download Clash of Clans on your phone! In Clash of Clans you can build  diagonal walls and design gibberish  spaghetti exactly like in Factorio.  Or check the internet and copy  the blueprints from other players.  Fight and smash your enemies using your big  brain knowledge and skill trained on biters.  Collect gold and lube with unreasonable amount of  miners and then stockpile it in the lube banks.  Don’t have friends? GOOD!  Make them in Clash of Clans!  Look for the best clan, join it and then  realize they speak in spaghetti stonks for me! The game works on your phone, but also on tablets  and if you are lucky one to own a gaming potato,   you can easily play on it and if  you think it’s fake, you are wro…  ?????? Just scan the QR code, this one is for Europeans, the upside down is for Australians and for Americans yeah this one… Thank you Clash of Clans for sponsoring  my spaghetti and this video. And you guys use the link from the description and download the game for Free now! Have you ever wanted to calculate effectiveness of your spaghetti? Max rate calculator does exactly that. Just select your spaghetti and see how effective it is. It works for basically everything, like miners, smelters or it even support beacons. It’s way easier than calculating every ration in your head.  If you ever had a problem with not  enough inventory space, no worry,   this mod will fix it for you. Thanks to it, you can research stuff like mining speed,  inventory size or movement speed. Just look at my inventory, it’s so big, that I can have enough material for reactor handcrafting.   My reach is way longer and running is faster. I like this mod because it makes game easier, but it’s still not a cheat since you have to research everything.  Water Well adds new type of pumpjack which can harvest water for you. You can place it anywhere, like in your refinery, instead of using normal offshore pumps. Now you can also build nuclear power plants somewhere on the desert and still produce electricity with ease.  You probably lost your car in factorio at some point. However with this mod it will never happened again to you. This button will locate you all the vehicles on the map.  You can simply click on the coordinates and  quickly find your car, tank or spidertrone.   I just don’t recommend this mod if you are  building a tank walls for some unknow reason... Equipment gantry allows you to put equipment  items to your spidertrones or power armors. The mechanic is kind of complicated, because you have to use this unusual building. To make it works, first input host item on the left, then equipment on the top and get the result on the right. You can use this mod to for example build an army of builder spidertrones or make a whole power armor which is good for open multiplayer. This is literally a must have mod in every single factory. Disco science changes how your labs behaves. Now glow of your labs will depend on the science packs which are used in the research. This mod looks overall good,   but it’s getting even better during nights,  just look at this beautiful view of progress.  Have you ever want to nuke biters in a different way? With orbital ion cannon you can! You just have to craft an expensive cannon and send it  to space using a normal rocket. After cooldown you can use it to spread freedom and love to biters. It’s also smart to send more than one ion cannon, so you can use them more often. Vanilla armors are not very powerful, but not anymore! Armor reach completely changes what  buffs armors in factorio grands. Now the better armor you have the more reach you have. It’s also improving your crafting speed and gives you more health. However it is a little bit on the cheat side, so it’s up to you if you want to use it.  To Do list mod adds your own procrastination list to factorio. Now you can list all the tasks you want to do and then postpone them forever like in real live. This mod also works on multiplayer,  so you can assign tasks to your friends  instead of doing them yourself can recommend. Side inserter mod allows your inserters to do more. You will be able to build new kind of machinery with 90 degree inserters. To use them you have to press ctrl + r on existing inserter to change its rotation. What’s more you can use this mod to change output side of your inserters by pressing ctrl + f. It’s simple, but powerful mod. Item race is a interesting minigame made by one of my patrons. You start a minigame by typing /ir:start After that you have to craft that random item as fast as possible, before other players do it. The only downside of this mod is the requirement of friends to make it work. A little bit of difficulty is also something you should look for and luckily explosive biters  mod will provide you with exactly that. Few new fire biters will keep you on your toes all the time. Just look how huge is this mother of explosive biters in comparison to normal vanilla biters. There are also fire worms and more,  so install this mod and fight for your life. Show max underground distance is another must have quality of life mod. Like you can guess from the name it shows the maximum underground distance in form of green square. You can for example see if your current underground tier will be enough to go under this mess or not. What’s more this modification also works for pipes, so building refinery will be way easier than before. YARM is a modification for all those people  who loves to calculate everything. This mod adds a great way to track consumption of your outposts.    To use it press alt + y and mark the  whole outpost you wish to analyze. After some analyzing YARM will tell you how much ore is  left and when should you build a new outpost.  Belt balancer mod is notorious for it’s poor optimalization, however in small bases it’s still a viable option. It can balance every kind of inputs and provide equal distribution on outputs. You can use it everywhere you was  using belt balancers before. It’s especially good to balance trains inputs and outputs. Belt balancing was simply never that easy before.  To balance loss of UPS’s from the previous mod  you should install Advanced Solar HR mod. This modification will add you 3 new types of solar panels and accumulators. Instead of building this huge fields of solar panels, you will be able to place a few powerful solars instead. Here I have for example a field of 14 thousands solar panels and a small field of ultimate solar panels which do the same. When comes to price, it’s way more expensive to produce them,   but you are saving on space and UPS’s instead. Normal Factorio map can get boring at some point,  so instead you should generate island worlds.  This mod tweaks the vanilla generation setting  to spawn islands everywhere. Whenever you play this mod, make sure you have enough resources  to get to another island before you ran out of them. This mod of course works great with  BOATS but about them later in the video. To say to a water topic, we have an advanced fishing mod. This modification adds new build  which is used to generate fishes. It takes water and electricity as an input and make you fish. It also adds new type of fishes, however they work kind of similar. When you fight with biters... uhh...? this biter doesn’t seem to work.... So when you fight with biters you can eat all those fishes and they will heal you by a different amount of health.  Loaders are a core modded mechanic for tons of players. It adds a new better type of inserters to the game. For example we can load this train  with green democration straight from the belts.   It of course also works for assembler and other  machines. So when you start using them, there will be no way to come back to normal inserters. Orphan finder lets you find your underground mistakes. Here we have a line of pipes and when I press shift + o,   you will see some arrows. They will show you all underground which are not connected to each other. Here is for example refinery in which  something doesn’t work. With this mod you can easily spot what is wrong, like this pipe. It of course also works for underground belts.  Outpost planner automates Factorio in an unusual way. Because instead of building an outpost yourself you simply need to mark the ore vein and outpost will build itself. It also works for uranium and it supports a multiple different belts types. It definitely makes playing way easier, maybe even too easy for me. So to balance the previous mod, this one adds armored biters. There is a small chance for biter  spawners to spawn those beast, but when they do, better be careful. Here I have a nicely defended  wall and when I spawn a few of those biters,   you can see that they are tough even for fully  upgraded uranium bullets and when I use only laser it’s even harder and it’s just one biter. Have you ever wanted to use less belts for more items? With this mod it’s possible since you  can simply compress basic stuff on the belts.   Here I’m compressing the iron ore to make loading and unloading way faster. Other use is to make a compress main bus like this one. One compress iron is equal to 5 belts of uncompressed iron so you are saving a lot of space. However you need to compress and uncompressed the stuff which can get annoying at some point. Memory storage adds a new way of storying a huge amount of items. Instead of using some boring chest you can place one of this bad boys and store everything. Downside of this is the fact that it only store one type of item,   which makes it kind of balanced I guess. This mod also adds a storage card which you can place in a memory unit and easily transfer its content to another memory storage.  We are storing tons of items, now lets store tons  of liquids with storage tanks mk2. Those new tanks  can store 4 times more liquids than the vanilla one and they have inputs from the all sides.   Instead of building those huge buffers for liquids  you can use 4 times less instead. What’s more you can build over your vanilla tanks to upgrade  them or use bots for even quicker upgrade.  BOATS are the must have vehicles in your factorio playthrough. You can either use a small boat for yourself or build a whole BOAT network like you can do with trains. This mod also adds water  power poles, water signals for the BOATS and oil fields on the water. So you can build spaghetti also on the water. Like I said before, this mod works the best with islands generator one.  Better energy production is another mod  that changes how you generate electricity in factorio. Instead of simply adding new solar  panels, it adds new solar panels... but that’s not all! In addition to that it adds new ways of  generating power with different tiers of windmills   and with this new solar panel that makes a  hot water and steam which then can be stores in fluid tanks and used during nights. Deep core mining adds this new resource   which you can mine with a deep core mining drills. However it doesn’t mine the ore itself it mines the deep core chunks which you have to process to get a normal ore. It also changes that when you completely mine an ore deposit it will generate a very small, but infinite ore resource.  Bulk train loader changes the way train loading works. Instead of using normal inserters, you can place those buildings which will instantly load or unload your train. You can use it in a mall to quickly provide resources  or in the mining outposts to quickly load supply trains. The best use for this mod is with loaders from other modifications to provide the fastest loading time possible. Resource Spawner Overhaul used to be the most downloaded mod in Factorio. It changes how the ores in Factorio are generated. Instead of a normal Perlin noise spawning  system it uses a biome mechanic,   so for example here is no iron at all and there is only copper and stone. It also changes the shape of the ores to make them more round. Rocket silo construction changes the way how you build a rocket. Instead of building a normal vanilla rocket, you first need to mine the spot for the rocket and then build it. So to just build a rocket you need to go through a multiple stages of rocket building. It’s a very interesting way to change your game a little bit.  Alien loot economy makes killing biters a  viable source of new items. Whenever you kill a biter or a base you will be rewarded with an alien ore. You can then smelt it to make more powerful items. Normal way of killing biters  is not the most effective way to get alien ore,   so instead you should build a harvesting  facility which will fix that problem.  Thanks to Schall pickup tower you can build  a tower which will collect a nearby items from the ground. There are multiple tiers of those items [buildings*] so you can build what you need.   There is no good use for it in a vanilla however if you add any modification which drops items from biters, then this kind of mod is a must have to collect the drop.  Geothermal adds new resource which is a geothermal patch. You can harvest it to produce hot water and steam. Here is for example a self-sustain power  plant which harvest heated water and turn it into electricity. If you want you can put heated water  on the trains and transfer it to somewhere else,   however remember to use isolated wagons, because otherwise you will end up with just water.  Creative mod is a must have modification for all  the test you want to do in factorio. Just look at all those creative tools you can use. For example you can generate resources based on a circuit input. or play with those super beacons and super modules. There is also a lot of settings you can change or a lot of events you can trigger to test other modifications. It’s of course a cheat and should be used only for testing. The blueprint designer lab adds new dimension to  factorio in which you can test your blueprints.  In this dimension you have access to cheat  buildings like infinite items, electricity and liquids. You can for example design a Kovarex process and make sure that everything is working correctly with the blueprint. Or you can build unusual smelting circles. Whatever you like. Nuclear fuel changes the late game of nuclear power by adding new types of fuel. To produce them you need to first build a normal reactors  and reprocess the used-up uranium fuel cells into plutonium. Later plutonium is used for breeder fuel cells and then you have to reprocess it again. It adds an interesting complexity to a very simple vanilla reactors. It also adds a plutonium  rockets which you should use somewhere else.  Belt sorter is a mod which completely changes the way of belt sorting. You can set where each item should go, on which side of the belt  and what priority should have each output.   In vanilla there is no much use for this mod in my opinion maybe for a Kovarex process. However when  you install other mods which adds mixed output  then this mod is a very interesting solution.  Warptorio is an amazing modification which  completely changes the game. Instead of building a usual base, you are forced to build on a warping platform. This modification adds a lot of research tree which will allow you  to expand and upgrade your warp platform.   You will spent only a few minutes on each planet because your platform generates an enormous amount of pollution. This mod will definitely make you an excellent spaghetti cook.  If you always run out of space you should install warehouses mod. It adds new storage chests which  have hundreds of slots for items. What’s more you can turn them into logistic warehouses and for example request items from a logistic network.  It also has a pretty nice graphics for all the buildings so I definitely recommend it. Here is a few mods that changes look of your engineer. Instead of usual engineer you can play as Warhammer character, Shrek or you can even disappoint your parents and  play as a anime girl. Those modifications detects your current armor and changes your look based on it. Many of you asked me for a link to those girls   for a friend or something on my previous video  which I hope you watched.. so there you are. The ruins mod tweaks the world generation by  adding ruins to your world. Usually there is not much to explore in Factorio. But now whenever you explore your world,  you can find a technology left by the previous civilizations. There are simple small ruins like this one. However there are also big ruins which  definitely makes exploring way more interesting.  SeaBlock is a Factorio equivalent of a Minecraft skyblock which is my favorite tweak on a Minecraft. In SeaBlock you have to produce all the resources by growing algae and electrolyzing the water. You are slowly expanding  your island and filling it with more and more machines. It’s a whole modpack, so you don’t need  any other modification to make it work.  If you enjoyed skyblock, you will also enjoy SeaBlock. Repairing turret is a better way to repair stuff in your base. Instead of waiting for robots to fly, those turrets will repair stuff quicker. They of course need repair packs to work and they gonna  work faster when you upgrade them with research.   What’s more you can also use those turrets as a builder bots. Just look how quick they are deconstructing and constructing those tiles. Wire shortcuts is something that should belong to a vanilla factorio. Instead of looking for cables  and always crafting not enough or too much. You  can just take the cables from your toolbar. What’s more you can cut all the cables and start over when you heavily mess something up. Since we talk about circuits I will also mention a paste signals mod which I got recommend from a nice dude on tinder twitter tWiTter that was twitter! ok? Twitter. This simple mod allows you to copy circuit signal from the power pole and past it to a constant combinator. This list wou… *Frog noises in the far background* This list wouldn’t be complete without a waterfill. It’s a great modification  which can make game way better. You can easily waterfill your biter friends or even build a moat around them. Crafting is extremely easy and require only water to work. It’s kind of cheating to use it on the biters. However it’s also great if you want to extract some  water far away from the nearest lake.  There is still tons of mods to talk about but I don’t want to make this video too long. So if you enjoyed this list,  you have to check out my previous mod list.  Also big thanks to those lovely people who  support me even with my thrash schedule upload.  Thank you for watching and there is my first video  of 50 mods you can’t live without see there! Bye ❤️
Channel: Trupen
Views: 229,855
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Keywords: Factorio, Factorio mods, Factorio the best mods, mods for factorio, factorio best mods, factorio best mods 2022, factorio best mods 2023, trupen, trupen factorio, factorio trupen, trupen mods, trupen gameplay, factorio mods for beginners, space exploration factorio, факторио, factorio tutorial, factorio tips and tricks, trupen factorio mods, tips and tricks factorio, tutorial, mods tutorial, factorio guide for beginners
Id: LL-apcLFeKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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