I survived 1000 DAYS on The Ultimate DeathWorld in FACTORIO

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hello everyone and welcome to my most difficult challenge yet and what in my opinion is the ultimate that wealth challenge curious about his nuclear tests in the background check out my menu simulations gone wrong playlist so you might be wondering what makes this one the ultimate deathwill Challenge well we're going to make it much harder for ourselves without making it easier for ourselves by choosing other settings so yes this is going to be one of those they are billions of bytos maps but with a Twist or actually without a Twist we're going to try this challenge in its purest form possible with maximum biters no starting area and everything else will be the standard that world preset so stand.crappy starting resources standard terrain generation enemy expansion on and no changes to the other that world presets just launching a fish filled rocket will not suffice as a win condition this time to truly beat the spirit of the map we will have to utterly dominate the map and ultimately we will have to achieve world peace in the easiest way possible to be the only life form left on this planet foreign game time is going to be of the essence so let's play now and explain later it seems we have no rocks nearby the crash site but there are two rocks Festival on the left side of the map but can we even get over there the problem is we have to squeeze ourselves to a passageway which might not even exist so let's try and find the optimal horizontal line to keep the most distance from the two byton nests and the North and the South and then you just hope for the best if we manage to squeeze two I for serious wanting to use this part more often in the future so let's cut a clear horizontal parts for the forest but if we trigger a bit attack that'll probably mean game over right now fortunately they didn't see is behind the dance trees so all the dramatic zooming and tense music was absolutely unnecessary Mr editor so yes let's locate those hooks it's pretty easy to do from the map view you just hover over the rock zoom in and there it is thank you now that's a cool party trick to use on parties where they play factorio I guess anyway this Forest contains a metric Imperial full of wood but no more rocks well there are a few rocks on this side but that's a little too close to the byton nests for us to be able to mine them so let's head back the most dangerous part of the trip is actually skirting this water Corner over here once we are on our conveniently chopped out Forest Trail I already feel much safer but was it really worth taking this trip just to get one cool hook and one normal hook well yes because it will greatly increase the rate at which you can expand our first burner miners each Miner and each furnace takes 5 Stone so we can now focus on quick iron production without worrying where we'll get the initial Stone from we also try to slightly postpone biter attacks by placing our miners on the chunk furthest away from the biter nests but with the byters this close they will start attacking us with overwhelming numbers almost immediately once we start producing pollution anyway the second Miner is very quick to make because it needs only one extra iron plate thanks to the 8 iron plates found in the spaceship [Music] it takes a while though to produce enough iron for the third Miner so we use this extra time to snack one more very risky Rock right from the belly of the Beast we converted Stone into a few more furnaces which again means we can expand our first mining operation slightly faster and time really is of the essence ideally we would have found more rocks on the specially cold rocks so we could focus solely on iron production but there just aren't any more hooks close by this unfortunately means we'll have to divert a substantial share of a minus to provide us with coal a little more Stone and we will also need some copper plates for our first science project and indeed only [Music] only pollution is already starting to annoy the nearby biter nests and they have started to form an attack group while there are still only a few biters we attract their attention and rather than wasting our expensive ammo we just opt to beat them to death with the handle of a pistol but with our Southern post challenge of not eating any omega-3 health potions hey even a small group of just 10 to 15 biters is going to be sufficient to kill us easily thank you pollution absorption by the enemy nests is increasing at an alarming rate which means the numbers of biters they send to attack us is also increasing at that same alarming rate fortunately factorio guy has no problem beating single biters to death while simultaneously operating heavy mining equipment [Music] but they won't remain just a few just a couple seconds of tending to our iron and cool and suddenly a sizeable group assembled and during the time it takes to kill them another small group assembled and now we're almost dead so with our minor spread out over all four of our patches and without any way to defend either the miners or ourselves let's introduce the master plan we want to produce a little couple and as much iron as we can as quickly as we can then once the bite attack group size starts to grow out of control we just take all that we can carry and run for dear life hopefully before they send in the attack [Music] and to be honest right now seems to be a pretty good moment to execute that plan so we deconstruct everything as quickly as possible and run away [Music] yeah that's our Grandmaster plan to be the ultimate death World Challenge to run away like a little bit anyway the brighter attack group now consists of over 25 biters and even after deconstructing a minus the lingering pollution will continue to spread and further increase their numbers but here's the secret Ace of a sleeve you see the biters need a Target to attack a military Target or a polluting Target and by deconstructing all minors and furnaces we've just taken away any valid attack Target for the biters this means once they do decide to attack they won't be able to find what to attack and they just don't they will stop being an attack group and become peacefully roaming biters tending to the little bite of arms around the nests or whatever it is that vitals do in their daily lives anyway it means they will leave us alone at least for now in the meantime while we are waiting for the dangerous attack group to break up we can explore the left side of the map a bit more thoroughly while we handcraft dirty red science packs and the required researching infrastructure and we decide that this Forest is so massive they probably won't miss a handful of trees after all we're going to need a lot of wooden power poles later pretty soon though we reached the end of what we can physically explore in this section of the map so let's go back and choose a nice Lakeside location to start our initial research project now while the lap and the steam engine are pollution free the coal burning boiler is not so we again create a valid attack Target but we assume the attack group has broken up by now a possibly dangerous assumption our first research priorities are military to upgrade a crappy pistol to a slightly less crappy machine gun as well as unlocking the ability to make a few turrets and assembly machines while the research is ongoing we head back out with the intention to explore the areas out of the crash site but then to a horror discover that the attack group is still existent and with the polluting boiler running they now possibly have a valid attack Target so we quickly head back and improvise a plan B let's use some pipes to store extra Steam for the steam engine so we can deconstruct the polluting boiler as the lap and steam engine don't produce pollution the bytos hopefully won't be able to select this location to attack by the time we are back at the cache site the enemy attack group has indeed broken up so we may or may not have managed to narrowly escape another early end to this run now you may think I'm being overly dramatic but a major setback in the early game is likely to be hard to impossible to recover from anyway we finally start to explore the southern area and we make ourselves a rock finder deconstruction planner actorio only has three types of rocks so it's easy to make one and it greatly helps us and spotting rocks hidden behind trees in the dense forest although what not greatly helps is that rocks mostly seem to be located very close to the byton nests but I guess the real problem is more related to that there are just massive bite or nests everywhere due to the maximum vital settings so everything is close to a bite honest still mining rocks just close to Giant vital Nest while wearing just a cotton t-shirt for protection probably does not qualify as safe work practice should we be inspected by one of those safety organizations anyway we are taking a sweet time to mine all the Rocks we can find even as a research project finishes its pollution-free production of stone and coal and our secondary goal is to let the pollution in the starting area dissipate for as long as we can stay productive elsewhere foreign [Music] so we continue down south to explore the final section of land we can get to unnoticed and we utilize our hidden Rock finder to locate a couple more gifts hidden in the forests the extra colon Stone will help us during our soon to be second burner minor phase and that concludes all the possible exploration we can do for a while the strip netted us over 300 cool and 500 Stone to start off the second bird not bad this time our goal is much more substantial though we'll try to get enough resources to unlock the military 2 Tech the stack will unlock grenades which will be essential to defend the more definitive base more on that later we will basically use the same strategy as the first time except for them but up massively and we are not expecting to save all the mining infrastructure this time though but hopefully we can manage to get away with enough iron and copper to complete the military tutak and its prerequisites after we start up the miners it won't take much time before a giant biter attacks will form so in order to maximize production in the shortest time possible we carefully lay out all infrastructure first without producing pollution and only then switch everything on and quick succession [Music] once we switch on the miners the nests start absorbing pollution almost immediately but and this is a key concept while the bite is from the first attack group are still roaming around they are no longer qualified as attackers the nests will need to absorb pollution once more in order to remobilize them so by doing these quick bursts of massive production and pollution by then fleeing before the Massive Attack strike you basically gather materials without paying the resources it normally takes to take care of the biter attacks you see at heart this is an economic minigame on normal settings you have to spend a small fraction of your resources on killing biters triggered by the police in your factory creates to produce those very resources but on Extreme settings like this the cost to build defend and maintain your base can be higher than the Total Resource output of your entire base so you'll get overrun and die even if you devote all of your resources to defense and none to science and automation at least that is if you play fair we are basically cheating the system by producing the resources and then not paying for the defense scores by running away like a little chicken but hey at least this chicken survives to see another day this economic concept is also why grenades will be so important killing vitals with turrets and ammo is slow and expensive without even taking into account the cost of building turrets and replacing the straight infrastructure you will need hundreds of iron just for the ammo to kill a few hundred biters and all the while during the time it takes to kill them they are destroying expensive infrastructure now let's compare this to a single grenade which with its area of effect attack is able to kill those same hundreds of biters instantly in a preemptive strike somewhere outside of your base and instead of costing hundreds of resources they cost a measly 10 cool and 5 iron a piece now that is the killing efficiency we'll need before we can set up a non-temporary base which is meant to stay up and be properly defended foreign [Music] ERS takes out a sizeable chunk of my base it has the highest time to grip what we can and run away once more foreign we get a small glimpse at the truly massive group of bitos preparing to attack which shows its the right decision to build we wouldn't stand the chance against the group even a quarter that size so we escape back to our Lakeside lab area once more and prepare the stuff we need to research military too [Music] [Music] this time though we are careful to not switch on any polluting structure before we make sure the byte react group has dissolved so we first head back to take a quick peek and the attack group is still there and has grown even bigger [Music] even after deconstructing the minus it takes a few minutes for the remaining pollution to spread out so the nests keep absorbing more pollution and keeps sending vitals to the attack group a little later the Massive Attack group has broken up and returned to their nests so we are relatively safe to start up our mini science facility once more to research the part to military do although we are not producing pollution anymore the lingering pollution could still be lightly spreading and cause a small bite of group to form an attack and even a small group will destroy an undefended base if the player is not present so as a precaution we leave a couple turrets to handle a possible small attack while we are away [Music] and yes when we do go back to check for any such attack groups we indeed find one out there and it's quite sizable too bigger than I expected but I'm curious as the pollution cloudformer science factory is not connected to the lingering pollution cloud of our mining Factory will they still be able to select the science factory as a Target [Music] it seems not though of course as statistical sample size of one event is not really a blue for anything [Music] actually know that the last big attack group has broken up we can perhaps do a quick third burn around in order to collect some more resources to start off a real base a real base will be far more expensive than what we have right now so we'll need to produce the resources for it as we build it so it would certainly help to have some extra resources to start it off and defend it I would like to clarify that at this point in the game we are not bothered at all about the extra pollution output of Berna minus compared to Electric miners first we are not paying the resource cost to defend against the attacks caused by that pollution anyway and second in the beginning until medium biters and spitters have entered the scene the driving force Behind Enemy evolution is time not pollution [Music] foreign [Music] ly I do trust my statistical sample size of one as my mini science factory does contain valid attack targets while the labs grind away at a research for military 2 we start creating some of the infrastructure we'll use to start off the real base most notably we will switch to Electric miners they are faster and less polluting but they are expensive and more cumbersome to set up but with the real base we will start paying the resource cost to defend our base so cutting the pollution per our mind and half will start to matter a lot military 2 completes and we immediately make some holy hand grenades in case some of those killer bunnies show up uninvited also it will take a long while before we'll have the labs set up again in the wheelbase so we opt to research the Jeep tag of stone walls after military 2 complete but don't worry I will still adhere to my reputation of being a pipe wall boy [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I am so excited about having grenades I immediately want to show you its power and in the process I barely survive before we unlock the heavy armor we are still quite vulnerable to small biters let alone taking round grenades to the face [Music] thank you anyway you may have seen me designing a little defensive turret structure at our late mini science base structure is going to be the core of our defense and our whole base is going to be built within reach of those turret centers suddenly I'm interrupted by some bitos which decided to relocate from saudi's Nest to North East Nest but we quickly take care of them only then we see the real intend to attract our attention to the arrival of an old friend it is little Johnny from a factorial tightrope series of course we welcome him with open arms under the watchful eye of little Johnny we continue our design process I foresee we are going to be quite busy with juggling grenades and building the base so we primitively automate the whole process of supplying the turrets with ammo the miners mine directly into the furnaces which then directly insert the plates into an ammo assembler the ammo assembler then outputs the ammo into the central turret which in turn provides the seven outlying turrets with ammo we will fully design every aspect of the starter base before actually building it because once we start producing pollution again we will be far too busy building and defending the base in order to fiddle around with design choices the Iron Coal patch will be the center of the base which will also have the power plant the assembly area and the Laboratories this will be a home for the foreseeable time and as we are still way too poor to the fourth Real walls we will again start out with my trademark The Fragile pipe holes they are easily destroyed but they function in the same way to mess with enemy parting and hopefully most of our lost infrastructure will be pipes instead of expensive Labs miners and assemblers we must be very careful to design the whole base within Ridge of the turrets so we design our power plant and our call minus out in a circular fashion from the turret Center [Music] I'm also leaving small gaps in my bipole instead of fully blocking the base off this will hopefully cause a large portion of the attacking biters to try to part towards the turrets instead of attacking the nearest structure nice that completes the main base [Music] of course we will also need some copper and stone so we designed small outposts defended by similar turret centers although these turrets will have to be provided with ammo by hand we only need to dump large amounts of ammo in the center turret from time to time which will then automatically distribute ammo outwards to the Border turrets adding a radar to the setup will not only grant us nearby visibility as well as exploration of the land beyond the byton nests it will also serve as a nice distraction for attacking biters Raiders are classed as military structures so bitos will have a high chance to try and destroy the Raider instead of deleting say my furnace is full of plates with the addition of the stone Outpost our starter-based design is now complete but will we be able to build and defend it while being under massive pressure from these giant biter nest on the brutal death World settings not only do we need to hold the Fortress but somehow we have to simultaneously start doing signs towards some Far Far Away useful Technologies who knows [Music] well here goes nothing I wonder how long it will be until we find the first design flaw in this base [Music] anyway we just set up the few minors that we have and then we find out we are too poor to afford the pipes needed to bring water to the power plant but you know what they say if you can bring water to your power plant why not bring the power plant to the water instead [Music] the depressing side effect is though that it will stay here completely undefended while we are busy at the iron patch and because the bitness are literally right next to my base they start to form attack groups again immediately so we set up a rail so that we can see biters approaching from slightly further away the miners produce faster than Stone furnaces can keep up with so we can take and smell the extra ore elsewhere nevertheless instead of spending that iron on miners turrets or general progress we are forced to spend our iron to make a pipe wall to protect the Lil that we have because of the biter attack trap [Music] luckily the first attack happens just as we are there so we can intercept it with a juicy grenade so let's close off this side no entry for you my friend our main military strategy is that instead of waiting for the attacks to come to us we shall preemptively strike whenever we can you see a brighter attack group keeps building up until I randomly set timer reaches zero and the timer is not affected by the byte group interacting with the player so taking out a large block of biters with a preempt strike means that the attack group will be much smaller once the time reaches zero making it more likely that afterwards can take them out before they do major damage there is also way cheaper to end the calibrator group where the grenade compared to producing amphoto turrets power runs out already I wasn't planning on refilling those boilers but we still don't have underground pipes [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway we have spent almost all of the copper that we still had from the burner phase so it's time to start up the couple Outpost [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're wondering the small holes in the pipe will function to hopefully seduce a portion of the bite us to part towards the turrets directly instead of chewing on the first thing inside we try but we are just too late to intercept the next attack group but hey it's nothing you can't Remedy by throwing a few grenades on your own base and now we're almost dead again but fortunately we can do repairs on the shadow of our turrets yeah anyway it's time to start up the left side of the iron basin hey biter how about a nice pipe wall in your face anyway it's not really gone according to plan it looks like the biter attack group gather point is too close to the turret so instead of growing the group and killing them efficiently with a single grenade they keep getting drawn to the turrets and a never-ending stream of biters draining their ammo and putting a heavy burden on my iron production to keep the turrets fed I try a small tactic to lure them away from their gather point but it doesn't really seem to have any effect [Music] power runs out again and we still don't have underground pipes foreign well another manual refill it is [Music] I'm trying to set up something productive amidst despite the chaos hell but the turrets keep getting fully drained and I can't even hear myself think due to the bite of chewing on my base everywhere but then suddenly the biters just don't care anymore they just stand there right at the edge of the Terrace range getting picked off one by one [Music] anyway I still don't trust them I think as soon as I'll turn my back they're up to no good [Music] slowly we're getting a few more turns up but we'll have to chip in manually to keep them flat with ammo [Music] foreign attack group forming Northeast behind the nest I want to go and take them out but there's no way to reach them so let's reinforce this pipe wall instead the steady stream of turret draining bite still continues night and day thank you just as we plan to make more pipes to finally bring the power plant inside the base power runs out at third time miraculously though so far the biters have left the undefended power plant alone but this had better be the last manual refill so we start to work on that immediately and suddenly it is all quiet [Music] the byte has no longer trickle into our base it seems like they finally decided to gather somewhere further away from the base like right here next to the stone patch you're not pushing a lock any further and we finally integrate the power plant into our base and we finally complete the two Turtle clusters on the Iron Coal patch [Music] we take a quick stroll outside of the base to take care of the two attackers building up and then even managed to craft some laps it almost feel like we're getting somewhere but we quickly get a reminder of that it can all end in one moment of inattentiveness the gaps in the Bible are working as intended though [Music] fortunately this was a smaller group from further away and we managed to grenade them at the last moment but if we fail to intercept just one big attack it can all be over instantly [Music] science can wait we need more ammo [Music] a lot more ammo and here comes the attack group we just grenaded a minute or two ago look at how many vitals there are again without our grenade interception that group would be at least twice its size still without our personal assistant it really takes the turrets a long time to take out all those biters and all the while they could be destroying precious infrastructure so it is critically important that until we have completed our goals for this base we either we can attack groups before they strike or intercept them personally before they reach the base thank you we finally managed to play the laps and some red signs assemblos but before we have a chance to switch them on we are distracted Again by you guessed it the biters now at some point I imagine also having green signs running hopefully so we prepare lots of copper wire to reduce handcrafting time for inserters but for now we can research the red tags most notably I'd like to upgrade to the heavy armor before the biters or my own grenades overwhelm me as you can see by my remaining Health the just light armor that will soon be impossible to deal with two vital groups in quick succession we turn the copper wire into green circuits for the inserters I don't mind handcrafting and I do it a lot but I like the crafting queue to be tidy so it's easy to make quick changes and crafting stuff without having intermediates or new severely clutter's dead up there are three big attack groups visible on the map the problem with that is once we walk away to take out one group one of the other groups may decide to attack we need to keep a good eye on the minimap and abort the interception if we spot enemy movement towards the base yeah we really needed heavy armor but we still didn't manage to find the time to start up signs all that's needed to start an office answer a few copper plates but there's just so much important stuff to do like service these SM okay I just forgot about it okay display true is just a little bit let's call it unorganized the last of those three attack groups finally decides to show up I want to save as many trees as possible they can however survive one grenade shot and they'll slowly grow back to full health over time if we get so far the trees will play an important role later during the planned World Peace stage they'll help to keep control over the quantum state of the biters as they will be both there and not there at the same time anyway saving those trees would go a lot smoother without being in constant danger of dying we needed heavy armor thank you another attack threatens the copper mine it is small though and before we arrive the turrets have already dealt with it so grenades are not necessary all right goals somebody mentioned something about goals we actually have some you see this base design just ain't gonna cut it in the long run but two hours in and we are rapidly approaching the medium bite at 20 Revolution and those guys will rip this thing apart no problem there will be no recovering from that so the purpose of this base is to gather the right materials to build a better base anyway more on that later now let's test out this heavy armor thing foreign with a single grenade shot and we have barely a scratch on Armor we start preparing the ingredients for green signs girls and inserters because we made the green circuits already the crafting used stays small and organized so should the need arise to greatly craft something we can easily cancel and restart the queue to get it another attack approaches to the forests but now we rocking of heavy armor it's much easier to avoid blowing up trees and not dying at the same time we are now immune to small biters and much the same way that Medium biters will be immune to our yellow ammo each dealing the minimum of one damage per head that's also the reason we need to complete our four goals before we hit medium biters at 20 devolution but we've just created a handful of Steel and we haven't even started yet on the last three goals and while we are immune to small biters now the base absolutely is not as you may be able to hear in the background foreign [Music] something tells me it's going to get much harder still and all these repairs take a long time to do diverging our attention from possible attacks elsewhere in the base anyway we are finally able to start producing the first green science packs hooray [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the plan was to do this much earlier but hey we are finally building the stone mine and won't you know there's another one of those goals ideally we would like to produce 1000 stone walls but that requires a whopping 10 000 Stone by the way did you ever paint yourself into the corner this feels kinda like that [Music] we are Distributing the first green signs to our Labs but the battles of research dream signs too not only do they target the vital water supply they have also learned that split hotkey from RTS games like Age of Empires 2. foreign now that may be the most dangerous kind of evolution intelligent biters by going to draw buyer every once in a while to pick up all the stone bricks and wait we interrupt this program for one of the most satisfying moments in factorio a giant grenade to the face carrying hundreds of biters instantly thank you ah nice anyway we'll turn the stone bricks into walls all of them every time walls walls walls walls walls no balls [Music] Anyway by this point in time vitals are literally everywhere running from left to right north to south south and north crisscross it's just crazy [Music] we don't have space to automate science distribution but fortunately it's not too Worth to do manually when your lap count is due to the power of x [Music] and by this point in time we no longer repair individual parts we just wave the magic repair one up and down over all damaged sections will we be able to hold on until we've reached all four of our goals we haven't even had the time yet to talk about the last two goals in this absolute Mayhem anyway gold tree is researching the flamethrow attack which still feels miles away in technology the bite is running around everywhere as again pulling a severe strain on my ammo usage the turrets are a last line of defense and slowly but surely more and more of them are left empty why did I start display through perhaps microphone [Music] the ultimate change is the one you cannot defeat [Music] the good news is we are doing decently well on our first goals which are to collect a lot of Steel and a lot of stone walls the bad news is the bite of pasture is getting insane and we still have a long way to go many of the battles looking to join an attack group are still parting to my base in a never-ending stream so we need to spend most of our total iron production on hundreds of extra ammo to try and keep the biters under control I even take all my personal ammo out of my gun and we all know how well that went on biter Island but we can't allow the biters to fully stall our progress the bite Revolution factor is inevitably creeping up on 20 which is the single biggest cause of failed that Wilt hunts medium biters showing up before you are ready thank you a secret nightly attack occurs on the copper mine and again we can see most Fighters trying to fade through the narrow gaps in my bipole instead of well biting on stuff I guess instead of destroyed minus and resource-filled furnaces they only managed to take out the Raider and a few pipes easy fix foreign so regarding the impending doom that approaches with the soon to appear medium biters our third goal is researching the flamethrower technology which requires Research into quite a few red green texts now compared to the earlier attacks they require a lot of science packs per technology and research speed per science pack is much slower so even if you manage to keep the labs supplied that will still take quite some time before all of the research projects are done meanwhile we keep going out often to weak and large biter attack groups before they slam into the base but leaving the base is not without risk while you're out on one side another byte group May meanwhile attack from the other side as you can see happening right now on the mini-map [Music] oh God why is Factory of guys so slow now the turrets are great for small attacks and pecking of bitos who survived my poorly aim grenades but they do need the preemptive grenade strike support they simply don't do enough DPS to take out massive bite recoups by themselves foreign now because I'm editing down hours of footage to minutes of video it may be quite hard for you to get an impression of the actual gameplay so here's a full unedited section of sped up gameplay where I alter between doodling around the base throwing around grenades to weaken future biter attacks as well as popping a few of them here and there on my own base to deal with attacks and to produce the damaged rustic look on my Machinery design Master Little Johnny would approve [Music] [Music] foreign and here's why it's so important to go out and grenade bite to the tech groups to reduce their size three attacks at the same time though all of them are small thanks to our grenade interventions now if you imagine each group to be a couple hundred byters larger you can see why it's so essential that we unlocked those grenades before attempting to actually build and defend their base we are actually progressing two signs at a decent pace we have only one take away from flamethrowers now the flamethrow attack itself though additionally requires 50 military signs for which we need red ammo hey stop that right now can't you see I'm trying to work here jeez oh sorry about that kind of who to interrupt like that don't you think anyway I was saying we need to sacrifice 25 grenades 25 red ammo and 50 walls to create military science packs we need meanwhile we keep an eye on our other goals of stone walls explosions and steel and Bam the flammable stack is finished only one tank remaining now man I can smell the Napalm Victory hey dude no what are you doing don't research that flamethrowers yeah flamethrowers dude oh my God you're so close and now you're gonna freak it up like that yeah I get it not all military science packs are ready but that is a slow tech dude and it's not all that useful what is useful though are all these stone walls and steel which we will need for the next step of our grand master plan if we ever get that far this when you start researching use the garbage like Anyway meanwhile three large bitter attack groups have a mess in different locations around the base again but this time we catch a lucky break the Nord biter group decides to attack just as we walk under there so we can just let him surround us while taking some good old grenades to the face we escape through the passage in our base and then we even intercept the sound group as they attack convenient even though we use grenades and the recommended safest way by science throwing them down Cliffs we still end up almost dead from this encounter so we have to escape back to the base and cover under the blanket of turretfire I set covers under the blanket of turretfire why you don't understand you're almost dead dude you can't eat vegetables remember up a little more that's better [Music] so yeah here's my point all military signs has finished producing and your stack only one third and researching this useless Tech it's not too late to realize your mistake and switch tax now no not okay then suit yourself anyway we do have a little extra time because we still haven't started the fourth goal yet engines the problem with engines is that they cannot be crafted by hand you need to do it in an assembly machine so we need to do it now while we still have a base they also take what's that there nothing okay where was I they also take a long time to assemble this assembly machine would take over 15 minutes to finish a full stack off it's getting pretty hard to get a point of course with all these interruptions anyway we may not have 15 minutes to live anymore so the moral of the story is we divide the resources over eight assemblers instead of four that's all I wanted to say meanwhile the entire base gets taken down single-handedly again by one smart biter yes I have had your comments about armored and rampant biters and well this is an unmoded playthrough I promise I will try to repeat this map with both those mods if we manage to beat this play through so basically all of our goals are being worked on now we just need to hold on and wait for those processes to finish including a stupid useless stack you're researching right now [Music] thank you [Music] finally that only the shooting speed Tech finishes and we can start on flamethrow attack we collect all science packs and use some smart Health stacking to equally distribute all signs over the eight laps to ensure research speed stays maximized until the end but can we still safely leave the base undefended to go take out some biters there are again three big attack groups building up on three different sites what was this episode called again it somehow seems important foreign [Music] [Music] it's finally nice and quiet again [Music] well this episode is called the end so let's no longer keep you intention yes it's going to happen this will be the end of factorio guy peace he's not gonna try to maintain this base any longer it's time to end the existence of a base once again so we start by deconstructing the core of our production the mine was go first as the flamethrow attack completes we have succeeded in our first three goals but we cannot relax just yet after deconstructing most of the base pollution output stops but local pollution is so high vast amounts continue to spread out to the biter nests for a while so the attacks won't slow down just yet [Music] we're on still in mind the lab area is next they have finished their job we should not be congratulating ourselves just yet though or will end up in one of those celebrating too early compilations we need to keep our routine of grenading bitter attack groups ongoing or we could still fail this phase of the game [Music] in the early game there is no such thing as having too much iron especially in a hostile game like this one so we kept the iron mines going as long as possible but alas ultimately they have to go as well meanwhile also a fourth goal of four stacks of engines is finished which means they won't be the limiting factor and how many flame Tower turrets we can make ultimately that will be the amount of Steel we will have left over after making the required elements for the next phase of our game [Music] ideally I would like to pack my bags and run away again but we have way much stuff to carry this time and there's nowhere nearby to run to so instead we will have to keep defending the center spot right here from the remaining biter attacks and bring all our stuff here [Music] now let's go out and collect all our booty and see what we have to work with to somehow continue this playthrough [Music] let's take a look at the pollution graph we stopped the minus like five minutes ago and the brighterness already have stopped absorbing pollution completely in a normal game that takes about half an hour or more the biter nests are absolute pollution vacuum cleaners sucking in all pollution spread to them almost instantly and converting it into attacks on the other hand terrain is a slow but steady pollution absorber allowing pollution to keep spreading back and forth for a while the difference here is we don't really have any terrain for pollution to linger around bite nests are literally even touching our base's game chunks and the spreading out of pollution has already stopped completely so here we are after almost three hours of game time and evolution entering the medium by the era oh basis well we have no base we have a couple of Chess defended by crappy yellow ammo gantarets and a whole bunch of pipes littered around on the ground but hey it's not the looks of the chest that counts it is what is inside but then again will our game plan be good enough will we be able to convert these chests of stuff into a functional base while starting from what is practically nothing while being literally surrounded by giant biter nests which are now even protected by medium biters and did I mention they will soon be joined by the ranged spitter enemies who can destroy you and your stuff from a distance with deadly arm of penetrating asset but even before that the flamethrowers are nice and such but they require oil to work and we have no access to oil as of yet the nearest oil is down Southwest and it has a not insignificant bitonest ride on top of it you may have noticed we haven't even attempted yet to destroy even just one enemy base that is because destroying enemy nests significantly bumps up the evolution factor that Evolution increases of course balanced around normal sized nest and much more spaced out ones as well this means that any Nest we destroyed will push up the evolution Factor even further but to claim the oil we must do just that and evolution is already past the point where medium by the start to appear and at 25 they will be joined by the small spitters so will we be able to claim the oil and if we do will we be able to build a real base is there even enough space to attempt that well those are the 99 problems we need to deal with next time but hey we may have 99 problems but the bet it's looking great at least we can finally have some peace and quiet without all those biters running amok so the next part of our game plan is all about claiming some stuff for ourselves first up we are preparing to claim the oil field we can't fill our flamethrower turrets with water after all and second we somehow need to create a reasonably safe space where we can build an actual base without non-stop distractions but these chests they must not be destroyed or is all over so let's proceed with some caution and not leave it completely undefended while we head out to the oil fields what the oil fields you didn't even have a base I know normal people build a base first and only then proceed to expand out to claim oil but not us we are just a little special foreign [Music] now we're gonna need to take out these Defenders here so let's arrange a Hotbar and attack the southern section first that should be easy enough as it has only four nests and one realm we're gonna try to conserve some resources by placing the Gunther that's just outside of the nest range and use the very resource efficient shotgun to take down the nests instead [Music] see it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience just two more nests to go okay Retreat retreat no biggie we'll be right back [Music] and okay okay Retreat retreat [Music] okay let's just use this Gunther to finish off the worm then we'll give it exactly not enough ammo let's reclaim these gun turrets while we heal up hey what he survived let's magically grab the guntherat from under their claws from 10 meters away to save it [Music] okay okay okay then I give in let's use the turrets to kill the final Nest before the biters eat me alive well that was embarrassing okay out with a resource conservation approach that's clearly not working we need to use all the power we've got to take out their main base because it's a forest base it consists of a lot of dangerous worms but relatively few nests let's create a third fallback point if things goes out and go in while we walk in we place some empty distraction terms ahead of us for the worms they will keep shooting at the first thing in the range so that gives the next line of the earth some time to shoot before they are targeted and destroyed we held both personally with some grenades okay first try complete time to retreat that went pretty well for the first strike I must say before we go in for the kill we create a new fallback Point more close by trying to limit the chances that any of the other nearby nests are called to help their neighbors out foreign [Music] strategy but without grenade support this time I'm not trying to be stingy with resources again but we want to preserve as much for us as we can it will help just a little bit in the shorter but it is even more important for the very late game I have theorized to uh one day happen [Music] alright all Nest down there are still a significant number of films left though but let's throw caution in the wind and fight them fair and square manual mode okay okay off to a great start at least for the park where you throw caution in the Wind [Music] now that was more like it actually let's take out this last one and call it a day all of the other arms are far enough out that they may be those who remain now the area around the oil sources is pretty forested which is good in one way because it will reduce the number of attacking enemies by absorbing some pollution and also we won't be here personally to help out with the defense but the force is bad in another way though it's gonna be held to build and connect all the pipes while simultaneously trying to preserve most of the trees I will spare you from it though but I'm gonna start handcrafting some flamethrower turrets while we build it [Music] okay I think all the pump jacks are connected but trying to build and memorize where I put pipes was horrible just look at this hidden pipe corner behind just a few trees and now extrapolate that to the dance for us below and I sincerely hope you don't get what I mean but how are they gonna work you ask well we brought a special micropower plant just for the oil Outpost okay now we can actually check if it's all connected by checking the total oil in the system at various points it should be increasing linearly as we click on random pipes in the system and any jumps and flute count means something is disconnected foreign of course that means pollution will start spreading immediately as well so we will temporarily defend this Outpost where the old base has gone turrets and yellow ammo after we set up the main base we can come back to properly reinforce it with walls and Flame tools some good old pipe walls later and it's time to pipe the oil out to our main base this location I guess it's a bit of a stretch to go a handful of chests next to a crashed spaceship a base Expos agree that there is more bass and a Outpost than an actual base to be honest If This Were a private playthrough I wouldn't place a Raider here now we don't need the extra pollution and we don't even have enough spare electricity for it but alas we are making a movie not placing the radar would be similar to filming with a lens cap still on [Music] I want to turn north around here but an enemy expansion is blocking my way to walk around the cliff also the first medium biter has appeared so let's go north here and adjust later I guess maybe here no no there are some Johnny's in the forest shooting at me [Music] I will spare you the rest of the trip to this jungle actually while playing Mike surely is having lots of fun navigating to that Forest let's demonstrate yellow ammo versus medium biter and why I was so anxious about it okay so that's about 20 small biters mow down in about 5 Seconds now let's try one medium biter [Music] yeah well that also took five seconds of continuous shooting at this point in the game those armored dusters have the effective health of over 20 small biters plus they do serious damage and they are the fastest dudes until very late into the game oh it's running even big biters now that's quite a sudden power increase for the enemy and the main reason why we were in such a hurry while Gathering resources from our previous base alright we made it back to the Bay wait what's this blockade let's lure them away so they don't Allure The Nest while I put down a couple tanks to stiffen the oil to our base there's also the 18K oil in the system and we're gaining about 100 oil per second awesome [Music] but despite the dense forest the oil field pollution is already spreading onto the whiterness hopefully it will survive [Music] okay so after careful evaluation the planning Council decided there is really no space for a base and we will have to kindly ask the citizens of South byte field to move out but just as the demolition crew arrives it appears they have signed the protest and bureaucracy demands the demolition to be delayed so we are forced to take another journey to review the protest and once we have satisfactory rebuilt over their complaints take the journey back while night Falls all these small delays add up though and during the fixing of this one small issue the passage of time alone caused the evolution factor to increase by a whopping 0.3 percent and now we have to take out this giant Nest somehow judging by my combat performance and trying to claim the oil field there is really no way I'm going to be able to do that with grenades and gun turrets but we don't need to now we've got [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] wow that was awesome and it went pretty well I must say well although that may have looked fairly easy there is not much more useful ground that we can claim right now and in general we won't really be able to claim that much more ground like this flamethrowers are great and long distance area of effect attack but they need some form of support their minimum range means they are defenseless against the fast and strong medium biters breaking through also we went from 20 to 28 Evolution between claiming the oil and this ground the medium vital density becomes ever larger and if we keep going they'll even evolve to Big biters who will be ready to ruin our day any moment we won't try to claim more grounders for now that we'll have to wait until it was strong enough to not give enough anymore that moment if we get there at all we'll be far in the future I guess for now we have claimed of our start resources and a small patch of ground to build on it will have to do we ask the help of feng shui master and base design expert Little Johnny in designing a defense he immediately disagrees with our choices the choice of elements is good he says but it's the color that's wrong I prefer a more burnt green type of color and the emphaticable Johnny immediately gets to work on achieving just that anyway I just told you about the flamethrower's weakness enemies reaching its base well that's why we collected 1 000 walls in the previous phase ideally we want to place the walls far enough out so that the Splitters cannot attack the flamethrowers the flamethrowers are super durable with their 1400 hit points but it's the flimsy Supply pipes I'm worried about they get blown up constantly through the splash damage and leave the flamethrowers without oil this must be prevented now a small spitter has 13 range whereas the medium large and Behemoth have 14 15 and 16 Rich respectively but if behemoths show up before out of this base it's over anyway so the maximum enemy range we have to deal with is 15. so by placing the outermost wall 15 tiles in front of the flamethrower turret's nozzle can barbecue anything outside of the world while no spatter has the range to attack anything inside of our walls and that will be the essence of our defense for the foreseeable future [Music] and to achieve that same effect in a corner in the wall we use the visual representation of a Gunther's 18 range to decide where the walls should be okay Kona design console let's blueprint that as we will need four of them to encircle a square or something and let's also make a blueprint for the straight section with the same flame to our spacing by strictly using these two blueprints as building blocks we should be able to make a neat Square which will end up exactly where it started meanwhile a single small biter goes into pipe Attack Mode possibly a bad omen the four oil tanks are already almost full so before we start building we optimistically add another fourth and let's start building with a clean slate [Music] oh no I already know what that sound means but hey at least we get to watch it because of the radar yep bad woman indeed these guys also go in full destruct mode ignoring your Terrace and annihilating everything inside oh well we gathered 128k oil which should be plenty to start off the base it's time to lay out the shell our base parameter which will function as sort of a defensive prison really locking us inside but hopefully protecting us for long enough until we can break free again we'd like to have the copper and coal fully within the defensive structure so oh wow these guys are pretty close by aren't they they are not going to be good neighbors are they foreign [Music] rest of the stone mine and connect up the corner and that is going to be the full width of our base less than a single screen wide anyway our parameter has to be large enough to fit all of our base including miners smelters assemblers oil processing research everything really on the other hand a smaller parameter is easier to defend and maintain especially since Victoria guy is still working very slow and will need to do everything by hand including repairing our defenses so what is the optimum size well I don't know but let's caution a little bit on the larger side just in case you'll be locked up in here for a bit longer than we envision anyway the area until recently known as South Battlefield is fully integrated into our base now so we didn't kick up the evolution factor in vain the evolution is already nearing 30 by the way and our base still is just a couple of chests and a broken down all destroyed oil Outpost it is time for the Final Act of aggression for a while let's create some no man's land between us and that northeast corner biters [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] still without the base so with that out of the way let's try to build the rest of the shell and find out if we gathered enough materials during our previous game phase base well it looks like we need 50 flamethrowers to fulfill our full design but we don't even have all the resources for that [Music] I actually have a moment of brightness and I figure this Cliff will be super annoying to keep walking around later so let's extend the southern border one more distance I said earlier I want to preserve as much force as I can so why am I blowing them up well it's simple really it's like those anti-wildfire ditches remove everything flammable from our flame tourist range and then some so we don't accidentally start wildfires that can spread who know how far not only do we need the forest for the late game but burning them also causes a lot of pollution resulting in attacks possibly before we are ready for them [Music] ah we said we would save Little Johnny but he'll be within range of the flamethrowers sorry guys but this can only mean one thing [Music] of course we're not gonna barbecue him what did you think still an easy solution compared to what I had to go through in my factory or tightrope series okay so we don't have 50 flamethrowers to complete our design but for now we can just place the corners and then every Third flamethrower it's not ideal but at least they still have a small overlap so all of the wall can be reached by at least one turret [Music] oh [Music] and that's the base and cased we used up 20 over 22 flamethrowers for this minimal defense of course we will try to save the spaceship it won't farewell against either fire or being in the way of biters they will chew to it if it's in their way we then finalize the Shell by blowing up the rest of the force and range of the flame toward the Earth while the ever playful Johnny starts a game of deck but you can get me I got me foreign [Music] and that is the whole shell of our base completed now it's time to Turtle up and perhaps we'll need some divine intervention later so let's put all of this collected wood in this chest to be sacrificed to a future entity who will surely help us out to beat his insane challenge now a smart player would leave the bag of Defense intact given that we've only Built a single wall and the absolute minimum amount of flamethrowers it's by no means fail proof and we still have all of our belongings and these chests I plan to set up the power plant next to the coal patch which is why we push the Eastville out a little Beyond the Edge of the coal patch really I'd like to claim back the oil Outpost first before the biter attacks ramp up again but we are broke we don't have enough walls nor flame troubles to properly protect it so we first have to set up camp here and get us some more materials it will be a great test to see if the defense system works anyway we do have a mixed iron core patch which is always a fun exercise to set up before building a full smelting setup we need to do some base planning which will take some time so for now we set up yet another semi-temporary setup to quickly amass some much needed iron and to make the future mining area a little more compact to save a little space for the rest of our builds we start by trimming over the edges of the iron patch we also make a call Buffer now we don't need that much coal but we need to be able to collect some large amounts for whenever the furnaces run out and because flamethrower turrets require a lot of Steel we even set up a small but dedicated steel mine that's enough iron and cool for now but we also need lots of stone walls again we still need to build a second wall of the shell as well collected walls to protect the oil Outpost by the attack shall command soon again pollution is already being absorbed by biter bases on three sides and meanwhile the spawn chances of the dangerous medium biters and small spitters are much higher than back when we were claiming the oil Outpost and space for the base and at 40 Evolution medium spit as well mix in and shortly after that at 50 Evolution the party really starts with both backbiters and big spitters making their own trade now all the important elements are running again but it will take some time to gather enough resources so let's give ourselves some extra eyes around the base and set up four Raiders in the corner [Music] [Music] my moment of brightness while planning the shell pays off and now we don't need to walk all the way around this cliff and I foresee we will need to make many trips here [Music] may be broken but the radar they are still operating it also won't be attacked again because the surrounding Forest fully absorbed the 10 pollution per minute created by the boiler to power the radar also by encircling the square angled rectangular base with power lines we can draw power from everywhere and reduce the chance of accidental power cuts to part of the base enough with the handcrafting let's set up some assembly machines to help us convert the raw materials into shiny goodies meanwhile the first real Attack occurs how will the single flamethrower turret fare against over 100 enemies including 5 medium biters and dozens of small spitters [Music] pretty damn well actually now that is the power of area of effect attacks they will slowly wear Down the Walls however and once they break through at any point hundreds of enemies are free to flood into my base against the then defenseless turrets we will need to remain careful as we keep the focus on completing our defenses first we convert our iron into pipes and gears in order to make more flame to our turrets [Music] and we can even utilize the assemblers to make the walls and the flame throwers themselves we can simply control click the resources in and out of the assembler to quickly craft a single flamethrower per assembler [Music] yeah flamethrowers are strong anyway more flamethrower ingredients and we may as well make a bunch load of green circuits from a stored copper foreign [Music] let's check out some attacks in detail [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the wall setup is working great walls have high resistance to acid so spitters are weak against walls most petals can still reach the flamethrowers over the inner wall though in retrospect both walls could have been placed one tile further out then the small spitters can no longer reach over the inner wall and much later I will have to update the design anyway to make it Behemoth special proof oh well [Music] the biter enemies however are not weak against walls and while the whole attack is destroyed by a single flamethrower turret they have already almost broken through the wall is kinda like a chain and once the weak string breaks its function is void as it allows the biters to stream into the base through the opening foreign [Music] those repairs are going to take quite some time and they will start to take more and more time as the game progresses hopefully it won't start to take too much time though as then progress will stall and the base will fall at least the small spit has only reached the front of the flamethrower turrets and the supply pipes remain undamaged [Music] foreign I should have gone for a smaller parameter well well well only time will tell [Music] anyway I think we have enough materials now to go reclaim the oil so with the wall fully repaired let's hope we can leave the main base unsupervised while we make a quick dash out to reclaim the oil Outpost oh against period factorial Forest fun just zoom in and Bam it's done now that was quick wasn't it [Music] foreign [Music] we have found the first useful cliff in factorio we could align the walls with the cliff edges and the fully continuous Cliff stays far enough out to prevent splatter attacks we even Incorporated some of the worms inside of our cliff wall now that was quick wasn't it actually no it took me over half an hour to build this and meanwhile the biters have fully breached the wall in the main base that even was in the small section of the base which was double walled you can actually see two medium vital corpses inside of the walls fortunately they died from still being on fire when they broke through the wall but the next attack is free to outrun the initial fire stream and rush into the base we gotta go fix that quickly but I'm too stingy to power the oil Outpost with oil so on the way back we will drag a power line behind us to connect the two bases [Music] okay now we made it back so let's go fix that Gap in the wall which could mean the end of this run any second now come on come on hurry up hurry up we don't have time for this yeah yeah that's the right direction let's go fix this wall no what are you doing don't get distracted now no really this is the time to empty this fairness sitting my God yeah okay eventually we will need that second wall but that is already a wall here go fix that East wall you idiot yeah playing with bitos is fun and all but there's an urgent problem you need to fix it right now ah priorities man priorities sometimes I don't know how I survive display truth anyway those biters destroyed a pristine undamaged wall and just a single attack maybe we are not a safe under our flame Taurus as I was hoping for [Music] it's a hole in the wall before the next attack strikes oh well another lesson not learned again [Music] anyway after 6 hours and 15 minutes with Evolution pushing up to 40 and medium spitters we finally managed to complete the full double wall and the oil Outpost is triple Vault even because we won't be able to go that often to fix and replace stuff [Music] [Music] we finally managed to prepare the full double wall once more my fairness is here have a run out of gold but that also means they produce a ton of resources while we were gone meanwhile it seems the entire base is running on the single boiler at the oil Outpost what happened did the flamethrower burned down both pipes well I guess a slight redesigned should fix that also these annoying or hard cops have run out so more space for our future builds where was I ah yes a ton of produced resources which we can turn into more flamethrower turrets [Music] now we can fill in all the gaps starting with the corner seemingly under the most pressure [Music] [Applause] [Music] meanwhile also the oil Outpost starts to attract bigger attack groups but should it break down again we have eight tanks filled with oil right here in our main base yeah [Music] another eight flame towards on another 12 in the making but I still underestimated the amount of Steel needed so let's give it a quick boost [Music] [Music] eventually we place the last flamethrower and the entire Clan defense for our base for the foreseeable future is completed now that there are more flame shows to create a sea of flames hopefully it will take less time to barbecue an enemy attack so that the amount of damage done to the walls per attack is reduced [Music] so let's do one more quick repair around to tidy up and prepare for a round of building because now that we have double walls we no longer need to be afraid of biters breaking through at any moment and we can stop monitoring the damage to the walls manually only once the enemy fully breaches the outer wall and we hear the alert sound of something breaking we need to undertake action and repair the damage in a certain way you can say that we automated the process of monitoring the walls for damage anyway that means we can finally fully focus on the process of building a real actual definitive base so let's get building [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] if you look at the sheer size of those attack Loops you think we have a full late game base up already instead of only a couple temporary miners I don't even want to think about how those attacks will ramp up massively once we set up some real production anyway so there's plenty of action going on at the walls but we're gonna ignore weight why am I taking damage oh finally we are ready to fully focus on building an actual base and to keep the oil flowing in we first drastically increase the oil buffer tank size no more distractions there either it is time to finally turn the resources we've been Gathering into the elements you'd see around most normal bases after an hour or so of play time we make some large batches so we can keep building for a good while without running out anyway we still have so many science packs left I tangle research steel furnaces and steel power poles so I can immediately build the definitive furnace area without needing to upgrade it later we just need a few extra science packs Labs passing signs without a delivery point looks a little weird but it'll do I guess speaking of laps eight are not gonna cut out for the real base so let's make some more [Music] and let's make 200 steel furnaces or 100 oh yeah we are short on steel again 66 for now it is [Music] and before we even start the so-called Focus building a base phase the first of all is already breached actually it's looking like it's getting pretty busy everywhere again [Music] and actually that power line is broken with the local boiler about to run out oil production must continue so we grab a chest full of coal and sneak through the forest past a large better attack group to go repair the oil thank you and the walls [Music] [Music] and the walls of a base will we ever get to building something with the oil Outpost and the base fully repaired let's give that Focus building stuff another try to avoid getting distracted by a more shiny researchable text we get rid of a temporary lab setup I lay out my favorite Eternal design and created to a stack of 12 and then 24 high and let's see where it fits best I managed to fit a yellow belt of copper and a red belt of iron in between the off patches now do we actually need that for a short while yes we can do slightly better than a yellow belt of iron but getting a full red belt will be a utopian dream for quite a while we will only have the starter iron patch to work with for a long time and in fact the need to claim another iron patch before this one runs dry is probably the next big challenge well given that we survived the enemy attacks until then of course the evolution will venture far into the territory of big biters and big spitters before we can possibly be ready to expand [Music] [Applause] the oil pipe got sabotaged again and like I said earlier good luck trying to fix broken underground pipes in the forest okay back to building hey what no another Viper immediately destroys another pipe again but it's not just the pipes which are in the way also the trees are going down [Music] different then let's cut away the forest so the bite of pathfinding will hopefully become easier so they won't feel the need to destroy your stuff on their travel okay back to bed another wall breaks already again there are Speeders and full destruct mode but fortunately the flamethrower can just barely reach them perhaps the walls are at the right distance after all hey building stuff I found a nice Alcove to fit a lap area in and I bet you we can fit ahead and grain science manufacturing right here on this Cliff Edge and we did let's switch it on and see if it works what do you think I'm trying to spaghettify as much as possible um perhaps but for now I'll claim it's just a side effect of trying to fit purpose-built setups on a small enough area it's not like we have the space or resources to set up a neat giant 4x4 bus yet or any other organized system for that matter foreign [Music] ain't that great we are eight hours in but evolution just four and a half percent away from Big biters and we are finally fully automated red and green signs wonderful and we even have a basic Mall [Music] but on the plus side the oil area is holding up well now there are no more breaches or destroyed pipes or power lines the bad news is the starter iron patch is already down to 200k starting from 307 and we've just only automated a red green signs will it be enough to progress to the point where we can attempt to break out of our prison and claim the next Oil that is going to be the next big question anyway that's the reason the first stack we aim for is mining productivity but is it still worth it yes definitely it will increase the oil yield from our remaining Iron by 10 giving us 20 000 iron extra for free well worth the science cost as it takes just two and a half thousand plates to make the required 250 red green signs [Music] we have plenty of red green text to blow through but let's also set up military signs right here the assemblers are easy enough but supplying them will take a while as we need to automate steel stone bricks and bring coal over as well but will we have peace and focus while we build that not before long a single attack breaks two walls fortunately both from the outer wall not long after though the biters break through both walls fortunately again the medium bite reaching the turret already was on fire but again we need to drop everything and patch that now [Music] but just before we can patch it another attack streams in [Music] foreign oh boy now that could have ended completely different if they weren't stupid enough to somehow ignore the gaping hole in the wall so another fool the bear around it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so editing it might not be obvious but to illustrate just how long all of this takes do you remember we place like 20 extra oil tanks yeah they're all full now so let's connect yet another batch of 20 tanks we did manage to set up most of the stuff for military signs though a steel line has been set up on top of the Cliffs of Science and we're just finishing off the stone bricks melting over here that's meanwhile look at the oil Outpost and we can see that the fourth savings threat is working beautifully all that napalm dead just besides the forest without a single tree getting burned then finally 40 full minutes after we placed the military science assemblers everything is set up and we can see if this even worse Spaghetti Works [Music] [Applause] nice there are not that many useful military science projects that don't additionally require the blue chemical signs but we'll start off by researching two levels of extra fire damage for a flame tool turret they just two percent to go to big biters and spitters I have a feeling we're gonna need it [Music] the demand for iron is growing so we finally fill in the mixed ore part of the iron mine and priority splitted accordingly so that hopefully nothing will back up foreign not only the iron demand is growing also the power demand it was already insufficient before we switched on Military signs so expanding power is long overdue now we can't connect to steam engines as an unusual setup but we can build a second line between the turrets and the walls and then bridge the gap with underground pipes [Music] and now we've got 30 megawatts available it's not a full 40 steam engine setup because we would need Cliff explosives for that but it doesn't really matter anyway as long as you keep the one boiler for two steam engines ratio and don't exceed 20 boilers on a single water line it's fine somehow though most players seem to be very worried about using the full capacity of their offshore pump which is one of the cheapest producers in the game costing about the same as a single segment of underground pipes yes not a pair a single segment meanwhile we are blasting to the Head green text including the modular armor we do want to be careful not to research decks we don't really need though if the iron patch runs out before we can escape well then that's it the run is over one of those Stacks is logistics too nice to have yes very essential well probably but not yet at the cost of just one furnace which we can't keep fat anyway we can manipulate the yellow belts to essentially behave like head belts by snaking in a second iron ore line and changing the output lines to both output on both sides [Music] we get notified by another bridge in the wall and while we pan around you see the State of Affairs and the Foreign Relations Department we see that oil patch is out again too yet another wooden power pole probably burned down by our own flame throwers well here we go again [Music] but this time we are armed with steel power poles easily placed outside of the range of a flame Tower turrets foreign [Music] yes I do have a dark feeling that playing around like this Sunday is not going to end well for me anyway we decided not to clean up the wooden power poles not only could they turn out to be a valuable backup but we ain't got time for that stuff since we're in the relative safety of our shell I start to forget that we are still under a massive pressure to get out of here meanwhile after my smoke I don't need red belts tirade I forget that my macaroni setup relies on iron being only on one side of the belt fortunately it's an easy fix that could have been much worse and yes we really need Bots to repair a wolf soon rather than later because after yet another repair around we enter the Big Bite era oh no [Music] [Music] foreign hours of playing the time factor is still the largest contributor to the evolution factor which has just entered the brighter Big Boy territory it seems like once the outer wall is breached the inner wall will fall much faster as it takes the flamethrowers a good bit longer to Target the inner wall attackers good to keep in mind [Music] anyway meanwhile we've built 10 oil refineries against the Western flamethrower wall and not long after we fed Plastics against the back of the stone mine we'll switch on oil refining now but we will keep production to a minimum on an as needed basis that means we won't use buffer tanks until after we've unlocked the much more efficient or Advanced oil processing technology sure it may seem like we have a lot of oil now but with our sole oil Source dwindling rapidly we will quickly chew to our supply once we start some real production [Music] also until we understand just how strong the new Big biters actually are we have temporarily stopped researching this will slow down production and dust pollution output resulting in smaller biter attacks this will hopefully reduce the chance of breaches as well as give some valuable extra time to try and set up the complicated blue signs so let's check out the first attack with just a single big biter in the group he works easily through lingering ground fire reaches and gnaws on the wall but still dies quickly to the direct stream of burning oil which does much more damage than ground fire the big biters are more dangerous in another way though while a breakthrough of some medium biters still can be dealt with with some grenades we currently do not have any backup to kill a big biter so besides regular time costly interruptions to fully repair the wall [Music] you could really use some help to make sure the walls stay up are you thinking what I'm thinking yes yes you are I think we finally found the help we needed him the holy tree of wisdom he whose Roots reach out to all four walls and with his binding strength will keep this base together what you are thinking about Bots to automatically repair the walls oh ye of little fate what a heating and materialist mindset you should have some fade in the Divine powers of the tree um but I guess even Divine entities perhaps wouldn't mind some assistance from repair Bots then the tree immediately helps us design this blue sign set up from hell ah I sure hope we have not awoken an ancient sleeping power we cannot even begin to understand actually it may look like a tangled mess of belts and inserters but it's really not that bad the output belt goes down the middle while the upper and lower belt will supply the blue science ingredients and it actually saves three tiles of space to have all belts on the inside not insignificant so while we first fitted the blue signed assembles in a convenient location near the lab area we are still far from actually having blue signs as we still need to set up all three ingredients sulfur engines and red chips let's start with the simple one water and petroleum gas make sulfur and for future use we also set up sulfuric acid [Music] then it took me like 20 minutes of puzzling on how to cram these engines in here the spaghetti is getting out of hand isn't it anyway we split off iron here to make gears and pipes for the engines Which snake Down Under This inconveniently placed random tree here in the middle of the base then we draw down steel and such a cursed way that even troop and would reject this material for his cursed factorial video the steel ends up on the wrong side of the belt however so we abuse a filter splitter to magically switch sides then somehow it all ends up at the engines and there's even space to Output the engines on the same belt that's actually all four of the ingredients for flamethrower turrets so we can automate them right here in the military section of the base too but for now we want to prioritize the engines going to Blue signs so we use a filter inserter to prevent it from drawing engines of the belt we can later hand feed engines in this chest to control both when and how many flame towers are produced foreign [Music] crisis upon us we definitely don't want to over produce these iron hungry turrets all in all it takes a whopping 1 000 iron to produce just four of these bad boys or iron patch is rapidly dwindling and down to 140k already and we haven't even produced a single blue science pack yet meanwhile the first two walls of the oil Outpost have been breached and the final wall is down to just a couple hit points [Music] we decided there is enough space for a fourth pair of green chip assemblers [Music] and we're ready to connect the sulfur and the engines to Blue signs [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we just need to set up Z chips in order to start it all up foreign I specifically designed this wall to be as smooth as possible to prevent you guys from getting stuck how can you not find your way past this anyway as also the main base could be breached by the next attack again the red chips will have to wait as we first fix the walls of our base and then take another beautiful nature hike to go out and fully repair the oil Outpost hopefully it's the last time we will have to do that manually huh you change Target what oh okay then after you destroy that wall will you please move on no okay then let's go deal with that wrestler ourselves [Music] wait what's this an unexpected obstacle blocks away and it has two big worms in it those guys are incredibly dangerous for us at the moment so let's try and give them a wide berth if we can still fit through then it's getting crowded down here [Music] foreign [Music] disapproval of the local Journeys the wall is fully repaired nevertheless now let's go deal with that pump sabotaging Rascal wait huh where'd he go strange stuff going on here man strange stuff but anyway it solves the problem one way or another [Music] finally we have some time to build again and we can set up the last blue signs and gradient the red chips actually we can just copy the blue signs design and adapt it for Red chips but despite our recent repair effort the next wall is already breached we decide to ignore it for now and just finish blue signs first [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Advanced oil processing will be the first priority then we double the red chipset up but the alert sounds again hopefully it's not unbreached wall we ignored fortunately it's not [Music] so we finished the doublehead chip setup and merged both belts into one you won't have enough resources to keep them all fat all the time but at the moment it's running great it's about time we fix that wall but man there's a giant biter attack group just waiting to be triggered into attacking by my presence anyway to get there I first need to walk around this massive cliff let's start doing something about that by the way [Music] but if I don't fix the wall they will breach the wall when they attack anyway actually we end closer and perhaps we can place an extra wall to protect the gap [Music] [Music] and here's a visibilization of the damage of the direct stream of Burning Flame trouble oil pretty hefty compared to ground fire the blue signs belt is beginning to fill up so let's start researching again towards construction bots so we can automate the repair of a walls [Music] and now that the most important science projects are running we can start producing some of flame silver turrets for our future expansion plans now if I had more oil I wouldn't be so worried but are single and very limited oil sauce as the sole reason to switch to Advanced oil processing immediately it more than doubles the refining efficiency not only does it give you 10 more petroleum gas for the same 100 oil on top of that it gives you light and heavy oil for free which we can crack into even more petroleum gas [Music] but now that we started researching again after being idle for a good while pollution output just exploded again now we'll begin the true test of our defenses versus big biters [Music] we can refine refine so we can finally add some buffer tanks in the system we carefully organized three petroleum gas tanks to function as a passive fluid splitter between sulfur and Plastics thank you heavy oil is made into lubricant which you will need for producing construction bolts [Music] foreign [Music] and then we set up a very quick and dirty oil cracking please turn away your eyes we will certainly never upgrade it in the future [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay meanwhile the enemy attack groups start to look quite fearsome now should we research mining productivity 2 unlike the cheap mining productivity one the next level is much more expensive and all in all it will cost about as many resources as that the mines will gain from productivity so a net zero result instead let's get a second level of fire damage I forgot and then unlock the personal Robo ports and faster Bots mining productivity too we're going to skip it for now to not waste our time then the first big attack strikes for a moment it looks they will leap over the walls from the cliff Edge but fortunately they decide against it and ultimately try to run around it they still managed to break through an undamaged wall though [Music] now we won't fully automate much more for now we just don't have the resources and we need to carefully control the production of expensive items like blue chips we need two more ingredients for both frames so we set up some hand fat Electric engines and both frame assemblers over here the last ingredient is batteries [Music] now we need batteries for a lot more things than bot frames so let's make a lot let's start off with a full chest of copper and iron each for 3200 batteries [Music] but the iron wine is really starting to struggle now only the core miners are still operational and the iron plate belts have slowed down to a trickle I mean just look at my pathetic green chip production we haven't even achieved automated defense yet and still need to start on our offensive capabilities you will need much more iron still before we can break free but yep it is the highest time to go fix that wall again [Music] okay so you may be declaring me insane now with all my chock full oil tanks but I really want to keep oil production going so let's reveal the great Prison Break plan laser turrets it is they do need some expensive upgrades to work well though and while we took out two isolated nests with flamethrowers there's just no way we can break out with a directional flamethrowers against omnidirectional attacks against continuous bite on S clusters especially because we ourselves are not immune to the Napalm death unlike with Ghana laser turrets also any big spitter slipping through could kill us from distance in seconds we need a less dangerous approach for this [Music] ah yes we finally set up Cliff explosives but for some reason the assemblers are hugging the petroleum gas tanks okay now that we have some batteries we can finally start assembling some robot frames automated repairs fill Within Reach now [Music] of course our Bots will need somewhere to live and some tools to repair things with soon walls soon just hold out a little longer meanwhile we give a future boss access to the walls to a passive provider chest and we use a super simple circuit condition which calls the inserter to stop taking walls from the chest if there are less than 1500 walls in the chest [Music] but we are down to less than a single yellow belt of iron and while the defense plan may be nearing completion we still haven't even begun yet with the offensive plan will there be enough iron to make all the stuff we need to even attempt to break out of our prison nothing else to do but to push on and we'll find out later let's set up the robo ports ideally we keep them as far from the walls as possible this will allow the biker attack and the flamethrower fire to finish before the Bots reach the wall to repair them both are not fireproof so this tactic should hopefully limit the amount of bots we lose in this never-ending wall oh well never-ending may not be the right word now is it I did promise the war will end and we will achieve world peace someday but hey let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we [Music] they're a little awkwardly placed I admit but all robots are connected and even the whole the whole spaceship area is covered [Music] I guess it's also a good idea to give the Bots access to the repair packs as well as an assaulted storage chest with various bits and pieces foreign and finally oh yes we can make some actual construction Bots [Music] the big moment has arrived to work my minions do work [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you and not only do we have the repair Bots now we also have Cliff explosives [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] well we have finally achieved an automated base defense but we are still stuck in this rectangular prism and Ryan is running out faster than you can say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis okay then so we are not running out of iron any minute now but the situation is bad [Music] a quick recap we started off with 300K Iron by the time we set up red and green signs we are down to 200k now that we finally managed to automate our defenses we are down to just 80k no 79k already so the question is do we still have enough oomph in our base left to scramble together on offense [Music] thank you [Music] well it does seem like we can stop worrying about defenses for a while so we can start worrying about improving our offensive capabilities in order to claim the next source of iron but the next nearest iron source is located behind several gigantic and connected vital bases and the squishy small biters of the early game are a distant memory of the past as the nests are meanwhile populated by lots of tough big biters and big spitters allow me to quickly explain why the other resources are still plentiful but iron is such a big problem so all four of the ore patches start out with about 300 kfr in them but basically the whole base and defense is built almost fully with iron belts iron pipes iron tanks and chests iron power plant iron flamethrowers iron okay but what about the machines that use Electronics like miners assemblers inserters why yes they use some copper for the circuits but they are still over 80 percent iron okay then but what about the science packs surely they are better balanced nope red green and Military signs all are about 70 Iron ah by the health late game you need more copper so fortunately at least the blue signs uses more copper than iron right right right nope still over 60 iron this is why I've been careful not to research text which are nice to have but which we don't really need yet like Logistics too we now have less than 80k iron ore remaining and the average Tech cost is between 1 and 4K of iron and if we have to choose between Logistics 2 or 10 more laser turrets I'll take the laser turrets please still we are far from being done with research in order to even have a chance of breaking out of here we need several stacks of laser turrets I feel the power armor a field of accumulators and so on all of those decks are expensive and I haven't even talked about the cost to build the stuff unlocked by those decks yet so while we may better understand the iron problem now it doesn't actually solve the problem there's nothing else to do but to get on with it and see how far we can get before the iron Runs Out [Applause] well both the aforementioned laser turrets as well as the accumulators require lots of batteries so we need at least one more batch another 3K iron down the drain we also need to research the power armor which requires Blue Chips as well 500 blue signs that's another 10 000 iron just to get required technology and I haven't even mentioned these several other Technologies we still need to fill up the armor with gadgets we make another 100 construction Bots we still need them for the oil Outpost our soon-to-be personal robot and hopefully for the future iron Outpost as these things all have a long assembling time we prepare another 200 Electric engines as well not only do we need them for Bots they are also needed for the exoskeleton equipment and the power armor itself [Music] so yeah the oil Outpost also needs a robot with repair Bots but it's getting quite dangerous to try to walk down there [Music] [Music] foreign now that the place is managed by Bots though hopefully it will be the last time we have to come down here ourselves [Music] back at the base we set up some temporary Blue Chips not automated because they are expensive we only need them for a few things involving the power armor [Music] then we get notified that a boat has died the second one already if there are fatality rate increases we may also still be in a defensive pickle that's yet another thing to keep an eye on even though it will cost us an additional 4K iron we opted to go for the Mark II batteries and Mark II Shields they each require 10 of the Mark 1 versions so we prepare them in assemblers [Music] oh right and to research those Mark II elements we need another 700 blue signs which means another 14 000 iron foreign [Music] I can already feel 100 blue chips are not going to be enough so we're gonna make several more batches we are still rocking our early game Heavy Armor but now we are finally ready to make the power armor and since we skipped the basic modular armor we can enjoy an extra 20 inventory slots the power armor also has much better acid and Fire Resistance while there is no notable extra physical defense against big biters the real benefit from the power armor lies in its 7x7 inventory grit which we will fully utilize the staff and the power arm was inventory grid requires electricity to run so to start off we make 15 portable solar panels and for a better chance to outrun the biters we prepare not one but three exoskeletons one personal robot can support 10 construction bots so by making three we can have 30 bolts out there building stuff at any time while we are still waiting for the Mark II components we can already start using our new shinies we can switch elements in the armor based on our current needs and right now we need more power let's give it a quick test [Music] ah nice reaching personal boats is always a great moment meanwhile we have obtained a boatload of batteries two thousand of them are going to be turned into 400 accumulators what accumulators are you mad where exactly do you plan to set up a giant solo Farm then ah my friend accumulators can be useful without solar power too more than that later [Music] oh man now we're getting to the truly expensive step of our plan creating the laser turrets we're there oh perhaps we actually need to research the tag first instead of only the shooting speed and damage upgrades we researched earlier the plan is to make 200 laser turrets that requires 4 000 steel 4 000 Green chips and 2400 batteries costing us a truly massive amount of iron now 200 turrets may sound a lot but trust me once we start we'll burn through them faster than you can say the besides we spend an equal amount of iron for the research and upgrade cost that cost will be obscene if he made only 50 turrets still they are expensive in fact so expensive that we have insufficient resources despite emptying our entire stockpile so now we start to chip into our iron plates buffer to give several quick boosts to both steel and green chips because our two iron production barely feeds anything now it's almost down to half a yellow belt well we are power capped again but now that we exploded The Cliffs with our Cliff explosives we finally expand the power plant to the usual 20 boiler setup so for the Mark II armor components we also need a handful of low density structures so I guess you get the point it's just like owning a boat or just about every step we make from here we will need to bring out another few thousand Iron whoa we just lost three bolts at the same time did I overestimate how op Repairables are well who's to say the facts are that we lost 6 bots in total so far four at the main base and two at the oil Outpost the first low density structures are ready so we grab them and some Blue Chips to make our fancy schmancy Mark II Shields [Music] and Mark 2 batteries especially the batteries are very useful if not essential that's because personal robots are very power hungry and they chain the Mark 1 battery is extremely fast the Mark II batteries have five times the capacity of the Mark 1 so it's as if we have now 15 Mark 1 batteries and armor instead of only three that's going to make a huge difference and a struggle to break out of here mark my words [Music] because we're a long way off from having enough resources for 200 laser turrets we decided to produce them in two batches and this chest is the first batch of 100 laser turrets [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know just a place to go take a small field test [Music] now a smart guy would have inserted his Shields into his armor before going into battle especially since we're going up against the dangerous big worms and I'm planning to personally be debate for all enemy attacks to keep my boss from getting targeted and destroyed well let's see how it goes [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] of course there's just a handful of enemies instead of the hundreds we'll face later but a positive result nevertheless oh by the way you want to see just how dangerous the big Realms are this is how much Big Worm spit hurts no not this much this much and the power armor we're wearing now has double the asset resistance compared to the heavy armor which we had last time nice the accumulators are ready I'll research two more attacks one offensive one defensive which is which well substations as the offensive tag believe it or not rocketry will give us a way to defend against any stray Big Bite as we may encounter as a machine gun could as well be loaded with paper that wouldn't make a difference all right we cleaned up the temporary stuff a little and actually the substation also can help us set up the accumulators more satisfactionary I guess exactly 80 accumulators fit around one substation now let's find a place to fit them but dude we're relying on steam power not solar power so we don't need accumulators to help us to the night why exactly are we placing accumulators then well our steam engines alone are massively insufficient to power our plant laser pterod assault they will cause huge power spikes demanding several times more electricity than our steam engines 36 megawatts capacity can supply those power spikes are exactly the moment the accumulators will activate they will facilitate a temporary 100 plus megawatts of power that the laser targets will demand so yes while our maximum long-term average power output is still the steam engine's 36 megawatts the steam engines will work harder than the off times to charge the accumulators and the accumulators will make sure we have uninterrupted power supply to the laser turrets and peak times instead of them running out of power failing to shoot and securing to the byters at least that's the theory we'll have to see not only are we running out of iron we're also running out of space our small Bays is starting to look pretty full now the first 100 laser turrets are done but it's just not enough to attempt the full breakout we will simply run out of turrets too fast that means we need another 2 000 steel for the second batch but we have truly reached the bottom of our lunchbox next to our absolute iron problem Additionally the rate at which you can extract the iron is severely hampering our progress only a dozen or so miners are still operational so while we wait for more production let's just look at this fun dance between the journeys and the Bots and let's spend our last iron reserves on boosting our steel production we meanwhile garage required green chips and batteries we are just waiting for the steel well at least we've got mining productivity one which is not only creating 10 percent X or out of 10 air due to its productivity bonus it simultaneously grants the tax or as a 10 rate of production bonus on top of the regular mining speed so that's something I guess [Music] finally I have rambled on for long enough and while having depleted over 90 of the iron org patch we managed to get a hands on another 2000 steel and we can start the final production batch of 100 laser turrets and to prevent our last iron ore from slowly getting turned into steel we delete the buffer chest and cut off the iron Supply after the sixth furnace iron can be turned into steel but still cannot be turned back into iron oh right we also shouldn't forget to make some Rockets and the rocket launcher [Music] with an abysmal shooting speed of one rocket per second though it still won't save us from major School reps but at least it gives us a chance to Save a Life against a handful of enemies 200 explosion damage instead of 8 physical damage which is fully blocked by big biter armor anyway now that is something we can work with in the current fauna then we check the building blocks of the evolution one last time because we are ready with 200 laser turrets at our disposal and the promise of three and a half million iron we are ready to do whatever it takes in order to claim that iron for ourselves between us and that iron lies this large interconnected Vita bases with small but High Evolution biter expansions sprinkled in between these expansions contain the dangerous big worms with high damage acid attacks out range on laser turrets by over 50 percent even the medium which will encounter in the large biter bases near the iron have slightly more range than a laser turret meaning they can shoot at us before we can shoot them well Victorious Warriors win first and then go to war while defeated Warriors go to our first and then seek to win following the advice of the legendary Sun Tzu himself we have been meticulously planning every detail during every moment of display through it has all been leading up to this very moment have we already won the war before we go into battle or are we forced by an iron deficit going into battle too early already being defeated and then seek to win it will all become clear [Music] foreign [Music] so if you thought that I was just gonna rush into battle like a madman then you didn't take Sun Tzu's advice to heart we are going to win first and then go into battle now a good preparation is half the battle so we take great care in designing our offense blueprint taking in mind several key Concepts first of personal robot support 30 Bots only so the blueprint should consist of no more than 30 elements that means the whole blueprint can be placed simultaneously by the 30 bolts this is important because let's face it Bots don't like you if they need two trips to place the blueprint you can bet on it that will decide not to play the substation on the first trip leaving your shiny laser turrets unpowered and by the time they'll get back there with the substation your laser turrets are dead and so will be your Bots and if we lose our turrets it's over we don't have enough resources to keep replacing them the second key concept is to make our blueprint tileable both horizontally and vertically this will make sure every new placement is protected by the previous placement and automatically connected to the power Network for the vertical distance we choose the maximum substation connection distance in order to make more progress with each step the third concept is to space the turrets one tile apart which will prevent Splash damage from damaging multiple turrets at once fourth we remove the corner turrets they have the highest likelihood to be targeted by many enemies most of which will not be among whatever its first targets if they even are in the range of the old turrets at all fifth we make sure some of the turrets overlap between each blueprint placement and finally for saturations we will face heavy resistance too large for a vertical connection distance the counterintuitively remove one turret this allows us to vertically fit another blueprint placement more close by with the new substation taking the spot of that removed turret then we check the building blocks of the evolution one last time because we are ready now the first Nest should be very easy it's small lies fairly isolated and we've still got the protection of our base in the back also the nearby lake even took a bite out of their base changing its shape from a dangerous circular block to a long and thin banana so it's easy enough to just keep chipping away at the front foreign [Music] we can even use some grenades and Rockets to help out [Music] even the accumulators were not impassed by dead by the base they haven't even broken a sweat yet a small Retreat to reassemble the troops and let's tackle the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ridge goes down without a problem now we need to take on the small expansions which contain worms outranging us but we can actually use the rocket launcher to help out with that another small expansion with only one medium worm protecting it let's just fully overpower them and place a blueprint right in their face but the bite is actually are smart even though the bot tries to place the substation to power the lasers the Splitters physically block the placement leaving of turrets without power once the substation is finally placed though the lasers quickly overpower the small biter base anyway we lost four Bots due to the smart enemy tactic [Music] now before we continue any further we already placed the belts which will bring back the iron ore from the future iron Outpost and in our case while both setups can carry 30 off per second two yellow belts are better than one red belt not only are two yellow belts cheaper than one red belt it also requires us to place twice as many belts this is a good thing because every belt replace reduces the nearby enemy expansion chance that enemy expansion the motivation is actually the main reason we already Place those belts now without those belts the enemy will likely settle several expansions right behind their back as we push further out at the next base we place the initial laser turrets quite badly inside the range of a background who resides outside the range of a laser turret big worms are so powerful they easily One-Shot construction bolts so we quickly stature repair packs in a chest so no more Bots fly out trying to repair damaged turrets or fellow damaged Bots and again use the rocket launcher to solve the problem maybe I was wrong about classifying the rocket launcher as a defensive deck there are still several other big worms present so we use the in your face technique again but we still lose a couple more bots in the process this technique we're using is probably the main reason the higher bot speeds are hidden behind the yellow high-tech signs and rightly so anyway denying the boss access to the repair packs is an important element of a strategy so hopefully I won't forget to do that just about every time from now on not only will that keep them from dying while trying to repair stuff it will also keep them available for new construction making sure the laser turrets get power Bots not being available for construction due to trying to repair stuff is exactly what happens during the next attack and like predicted of all the things they skip placing the substation leaving a laser test and setting Ducks after I spend so much effort outlying all of the finer details of my blueprint design I am not using it accordingly with this embarrassing small disasters happening as a result let's hope that when we start taking out the real vital bases we will step up our game because if we freak up there it can all be over in an instant then we sneak in the forest by midnight to play some more illegal belts destroying whatever rainforests and Scenic clear formations which may be on our way meanwhile our base is mostly idle using only 8 megawatts this is great actually as it gives us a large power margin to keep the accumulators from running out too quickly once we assault the big nests next up are two big connected by the bases smartly located inside the forest making it more difficult for us to place our blueprints this is the first heel test which we should not screw up so naturally we forget to stash our repair packs and adjust outside of the boat's Ridge so we lose another three Bots quickly again leading to an unplaced substation but hey at least for using our blueprint as intended this time I can't say we're doing great but we're making progress nonetheless I tried to help out personally with some grenades a foolish move because the enemy has grown far too powerful for me to attack in person even while wearing the Mark 1 power armor once the different asset attacks reduce your Mobility enough you become too slow to move out of the way for new asset attacks then the damage can stack up very fast and it can be hard to impossible to retreat at that point [Music] and then yes a true miracle I finally start to use my blueprint correctly as I intended with the design I even put my repair packs away this time and as you can see once we use the blueprint correctly it is indeed very powerful stand back please wait for the Bots to build it while holding down shift to keep the blueprint position and once the Bots return swipe left right or up for the next placement the hints and repeat with this method we actually managed to blow through the two connected by the bases with relative ease while keeping both ourselves and our Bots mostly out of the line of fire the key to this method is to keep pushing forward as quickly as possible so any worms outranging the current laser turret don't have enough time to destroy them needless to say this method does quickly eat up our available laser turrets which is the main reason I insisted on 200 turrets before starting the attack running out in the middle of a push like this would be pretty bad [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] towards the iron org patch we are not done yet the most difficult part is yet to come there's one more giant biting us located way too close to the iron patch but first as we reach the edge of our explored terrain let's place a whole bunch of Raiders to quickly reveal a lot of land [Music] so now let me show you how not to turn a creep Pro tip when using the third clip method first place a protected fallback point so you don't die like an idiot while the Bots take all the Time in the World to place the turrets foreign [Applause] [Music] I have showcased so many forms of bad combat during this playthrough it is truly a miracle I'm still alive we must have been blessed by an overwatching entity or something I don't know anyway before we take on the final boss bite or base of the Iron Mine we first need a Moment of Zen so let's change our flamethrower defense to be Behemoth spit or proof which basically means placing the flamethrowers one tile further back and once we try to fit the blueprint around the Iron Mine we can clearly see there's no way around it this giant Nest needs to go meanwhile the Raiders revealed a lot of new terrain and you can clearly see the open land between the giant biter bases has already been settled with new byte expansions during the course of the game to meet my endgame promise of world peace though somehow I will have to find a way to Kill All Enemies and bases even in the unrevealed map how the heck is it even possible anyway let's focus on the order of the day for now taking out the final boss Oh forgot about repair packs again oh no oh I stalked him away just in time okay let's be smart with the blueprint this time [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] though should be retreat nah I think we can finish this Nest off before they run out push forward [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we can truthfully say we've conquered the iron mine now let's compare the evolution building blocks before and after destroying just a couple of these massive biter bases before we started on a rampage the enemy destroy factor contributed a measly 1 14 to the evolution Factor now it has grown to a whopping one-fourth but let's not waste too much time let's build that iron mine before the enemy expands back right on top of it [Music] we start by outlining the defensive perimeter with our blueprints then we can use the copy tool to see exactly how much stuff we need to go collect from the main base most notably 700 volts and 22 Flames over turrets as well as roughly 125 miners I hope you still have some iron left at the main base to actually make those miners though some of the stuff we already have on us but before we allow the Bots to build the belts we make sure to deny them access to our Miners And flamethrowers as those could trigger biter attacks before we are ready to handle them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] fortunately yes we do have enough iron to make the iron miners for my iron mine but with only 5 iron miners still operational and 8K iron ore remaining it sure was a close call let's already connect the new iron ore belts to the furnace array so it'll automatically start up once the new iron mine is built [Music] so let's head back to the Outpost oh some biters no problem I will just escape to my walls again like before with my fake deconstruction hack no no no Bots don't take down the walls are you mad oh man I'm telling you bots really do hate your guts okay so that trick we can't use anymore anyway we hopefully protect the belts from the flamethrower fire as long as the biters will cooperate by not attacking the walls Out Of Reach of the flamethrowers [Music] we are not going to construct 700 walls with our 30 personal Bots though I'd almost forget you can use construction robots to actually construct things instead of only keeping the walls repaired thank you [Music] so while the Bots will slowly but surely construct the full wall we will need to get some oil over here for the flamethrowers so we need to battle some we go with 400 barrels which is equal to about 80 percent of our fluid storage tank [Music] finally we take some repair packs the first half of the oil barrels and I think we're ready to finalize the setup and switch it on a new brighter expansion has already settled in the now vacated lens anyway we can't keep them out so let's not worry about it [Music] only now that we have the flamethrower fuel on location we will allow the Bots to place the flamethrowers [Music] foreign [Music] defensive parameter complete lastly we allow the Bots to place the mines [Music] and before two minutes have gone pollution is already spreading out on biter bases on all sides and we can see the first attack group forming oh looks like they were already not the first [Music] anyway the Bots should be able to run the show without our help now so let's head back to the main base where we can now have all the things [Music] and only after using over 99 of our starter Iron Mine we finally managed to get a new source of iron flowing into the base [Music] full Bells baby a chain a half million iron under our control now we can treat ourselves to All Things iron again steel buffer red chips actually freak you iron chest let's upgrade the whole base to Steel chests away with those crappy iron chests open chests you go foreign over the other half of the oil barrels to the iron Outpost there I think that's gonna be enough oil for a long time and also we're gonna attack all the things [Music] so what's next have we won the game well no actually while Ireland was surely the most pressing issue due to the whole base being made out of iron soon we will need more of all other resources as well in fact coal is already struggling right now and we have no long-term solution for oil and we're entering the stage where the emphasis shifts over from Iron to Copper which will become an issue very soon basically while it may not be apparent immediately we still have the same problem as with the iron before except it's now three times the problem thanks to the huge forest in between us and the iron we had to clear relatively few by the bases to get over there but I don't see easy solutions for the other resources and with bite the revolution further increased since the iron assault the evergrown ratio of big biters and big spitters will cause more and more problems will we prevail find out you guessed it next time [Music] by the end of the last movie we overcame impossible odds to settle down and then after a fierce race with our rapidly dwindling starter Iron Mine we finally managed to break free and claim a second iron patch taking the first steps outside of our protected starter area now we have solved our iron problem but soon we will have three times the problem to overcome with coal copper and oil running out simultaneously and it doesn't seem all that obvious how to overcome that our struggle is far from over first we need to do something about the most pressing matter well we still have 180k call remaining it's all concentrated under just 20 or so Miners and the rate of production is becoming insufficient we've set the priority output to the steam engines so we will keep our but soon the furnaces will start running out so after solving the iron problem but with all other resources starting to struggle it'd be a great time to finally get mining productivity to as besides making your ore patch yield 10 more it also boosts the minus rate of production by another 10 percent also now we're just gonna research all of the red green text and get them out of the site I was afraid to invest in these before we secure the new iron mine but now we can make a boatload of efficiency modules to reduce power consumption not only will it directly help with the cold Problem by reducing the power plant's consumption that will also strongly decrease pollution output of our most dirty machinery because currently with the new Iron Mine operational pollution output and thus bite retex are starting to shoot through the roof well we need to start prospecting for new sources of copper coal and oil and preferably also Stone and uranium actually one patch of all of those resources are located roughly in the general direction of the Iron Mine except for oil and while you are distracted by these beautiful flaming bastards fending off yet another biter attack foreign [Music] this very awkwardly looking wall plant which indeed contains one patch of all the different resources except for oil the only viable source of oil which I can see lies isolated in the far south and I'm not ready to venture that far out just for a single resource just yet so to solve the oil problem at least for the short term we are going to need to go with cold liquefaction in the meantime we produced over 500 efficiency modules ready to be deployed and we are done living like a scrub let's get some two gates in the wall instead of abusing the deconstruction planner especially after the most recent Fiasco the miners are by far the worst polluters of the base miners can take three efficiency modules however reducing that pollution output by a whopping 80 percent this alone will have great effect in reducing the number of bitos per attack after placing efficiency modules and all the miners including those at the main base you can see we went from 1100 to just 225 pollution per minute and instead of being in the lead by a 200 margin the miners have now dropped to the third place behind the boilers and steel fairnesses [Music] now oil refineries are not that polluting but they are very power hungry and efficiency modules also help by cutting the power consumption by 80 percent [Music] and while bomb Jacks are not that big of a deal in the overall picture their isolated location means that efficiency moduling them still helps a lot with the local pollution around the oil fields we won't stop there though we're gonna efficiency module the heck out of this base to further reduce power consumption and thus cool consumption after efficiency moduling absolutely everything we decrease power consumption to just 15 megawatts again and in the process solve the immediate goal crisis the coal barrels are slowly backing up again [Music] and in the meantime our starter iron mine is fully depleted now we really just barely made it in time and new enemy expansions are popping up dangerously nearby again [Music] now before the Quest for the new Iron patch I chose to forego the last accessible level of laser speed and damage as they'd cost another 12K iron in research but now we can get them even though we put efficiency modules in every polluting machine out there they are not the only module we need so a batch of productivity modules and speed modules are in the making and yes after calculating just how much iron researching text actually costs I probably should have done this hours ago but better late than never eight percent less science consumption for the low low cost of 48 productivity modules [Music] as the labs don't directly produce pollution themselves the only additional cost is the increased power usage this is compensated for a manifold though by the decrease in number of science packs needed now we're going to properly automate some of the stuff we had temporary setups for before sulfuric acid batteries [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] why well compared to getting to the island gaining access to all the other resources inside of plant future walls is going to be much harder not only are the biter bases more dense and better interconnected also the evolution factor is significantly higher now so we are going to need some level UPS as well most notably we want the mark to Robo ports inserted in the Mark II power armor with its double inventory grid size and two more upgrades to the Bots flight speed will make all the difference in keeping both us and them out of trouble for all of this though we will need a whopping 1200 high-tech science packs which is actually comparable to the minimum amount required to launch a rocket that means finally we will start to need loads of copper but guess what now the copper mine isn't able to keep up and it's producing less than a yellow belt of copper [Music] and while the efficiency modules postpone the goal problem you still need to do something about the situation I'm not happy about using my pork and only oil source for this but we're out of options if we run out of coal we can make Plastics which means no red chips no low density structures and no signs [Music] I will need to feed the power plant with solid fuel to make ourselves feel better let's stare into our full chests of Steel oh glorious steel well that helps foreign to make the productivity module 2 for the yellow science project using them in both the yellow signs assemblers as in the labs will yield a total productivity bonus of just over 25 percent reducing the required amount of the yellow science pack ingredients by 20 percent [Music] we are still too poor to give all overlaps the expensive productivity module 2 though so we'll just restrict the yellow signs belt to reach only the eight laps that do have them [Music] we also make another batch of 200 laser turrets for our next Expansion Project as well as a bigger accumulator buffer the next offense is going to be a lot more serious our Tech base is very slow though and instead of waiting around we can start off by clearing the relatively safe South part the salt contains mostly small isolated expansions and the big nests are located isolated as well so they won't be able to draw help from adjacent nests the northern section looks far more dangerous actually this may be a mistake a strong argument can be made for clearing the difficult section first as with every Nest destroyed we push the evolution Factor higher making the next attack ever more difficult oh [Music] [Music] anyway for the first time this game I didn't even break a sweat that was a total pushover then we go in full disrespect mode while planning our walls the relocated former South bitterville inhabitants will have to be asked to move once again but we want to welcome Little Johnny and side of the walls what Bots what you don't have underground belts I don't have time to come over you can collect them here yourselves we expanded the accumulators from four and two halves sloppy clusters to eight neatly organized clusters [Music] oh boy those expanding biters are not wasting any time I tell you but it's like the five minutes hole right if it lays on the ground for less than five minutes the dirt has no time to settle on your food so if we quickly clear those biters nobody will have known they were there [Music] but that happened again yeah I would start building flamethrowers from the other side where they would be connected to the fuel [Music] anyway since flamethrowers only fire to the front we need to protect their back with some laser turrets for as long as the other walls are not in place yet foreign [Music] but as we extend the wall North we had to change our mind about including little Johnny in our base you would need to burn down too much for us to place the wall up there we'll align it with the existing wall side of Johnny instead something we could have done actually from the very beginning instead of making that weird squiggle anyway after severely stomping several small sudden expansions we can start a sudden wall [Music] which will eventually connect to the oil Outpost that we will need to push back this large Nest a little [Music] which is not that hard but a little awkward because I forgot to take Cliff explosives foreign [Music] foreign [Music] but eventually we connect with the oil Outpost [Music] finally all desired yellow tags have completed but we don't have enough Advanced Materials yet to be able to make the power armor Mark II let alone fill it up with inventory we need to turn 250 Blue Chips into level 2 modules though this is a slow process so we can start off by making those another Rascal a bit bigger this time let's tickle him a bit with one damage red bullets before we take them out with two simple Rockets whoa stylish [Music] as we extend the oil Outpost walls North we get unexpected visitors to the back demonstrating the flamethrower's weakness as well I am kind of forced into the corner here but this is exactly the kind of pickle we can now easily get out of thanks to the extra precaution of researching the rocket launcher earlier [Music] foreign [Music] solution we'll give each flamethrower a partner to watch its back [Music] [Applause] yes we can finally make the power armor Mark II the second strongest armor in the game [Music] and no matter how clumsy I place my existing gear inside its huge thread it still looks empty in there but all of the resources are very low now especially the important copper has slowed down to a trickle hopefully we can get enough to make a required gear [Music] we also have researched Logistics robots but not for the logistics robots if that makes any sense we are not planning to make any Logistics robots for a while instead the real benefit is gaining access to the logistics trash Lots which are basically dirty free inventory stores before you actually make Logistics robots a nice place to store stuff you might need but which clutters up your main inventory like crazy so while we wait for the copper we are generously going to give back some train to the biters we finally get the Mark II Robo pods and my power armor has filled up let's check the effect under the watchful eye of Little Johnny [Music] and while we head out there braver than the brave sir Robin the baseboards are tasked with deconstructing these now obsolete walls [Music] and those busy boys have made like six biter expansions here it's not too hard to clean up especially with a new gear but the long-range backgrounds cause quite some damage but do you remember what I said about the logistic trash Lots they're also a nice and handy place to hide your repair packs away from the construction budget during combat so that the Bots don't try and kill themselves too often with the six expansions gone we can block off the last Southern Nest so they don't attack Us in the back while we push forward [Music] and we actually continue this idea out west with a lightly defended anti-biter expansion wall there is no pollution there yet so except for the small expansion parties there should be no big attacks over there foreign plan is to turn the wall North here we temporarily continue West the placed entities in general perhaps will function as even stronger brighter expansion deterrent than the flamethrower themselves I am starting to run out of laser turrets though I've got over 150 laser turrets tied up to defend the southern flame trolls from biter backstabbing so it would really help to be able to reclaim them before we attack the North but with the north properly defended from new enemy expansions we can focus on the southern Nest first well surprisingly I've learned from my mistakes during the iron expansion era so I've adjusted the grid of the laser third blueprint to fit more tightly together so it forms a nice uninterrupted grid of laser turrets and my deconstruction Planet only deconstructs laser turrets now so there should be no accidental power cuts and with no medium or big worms to outrange our turrets this should be a laid back stomp first we EP running out of laser turrets though which reinforces my last point about needing to reclaim them foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] but with the inner area fully secured now we can collect all the southern laser turrets [Music] and we also extend the main base's home reports Network outside to protect the wall wedges under pressure from pollution checkout attacks and now that we command over 350 laser drivers again we are ready to go to war on the heavily defended Northern biter bases and the resource deficit is actually helping us the base is mostly idle again which gives the steam engines 25 to 30 megawatts of available power to feed the laser turrets and keep the accumulator stopped off the accumulators have been doing work already as is visible in the left graph now let's see if the power generation can keep up during our first serious attack but first since the flamethrower defense now needs an inside corner anyway I spent some additional time to redo the outside corner and straight section blueprints properly biters please excuse me while I brutally lay out my blueprints over your City to illustrate that no matter which turns you need to make the blueprint will end up exactly overlapping itself [Music] so let's find the right location on the map to lay down the first and side corner [Music] of course I forget to throw away my repair packs which could be a costly mistake if there were any medium or backgrounds present fortunately also this Nest is so close to spawn that it contains only small rooms [Music] have they run out or Laser's DPS will be decimated and the bite of spawn rate from The Nest will quickly overpower and destroy us so with one giga Joule and the accumulators left we make a timely retreat in order to allow the steam engines to recharge the accumulators again we don't need to stand around waiting though so let's get to work on the wall it's a long way around to wait those biters have settled right on top of the uranium patch I sure hope they don't turn into the highly explosive nuclear biters after building the wall as far up north as we did we continue on a storm Fest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and let's introduce another hotkey which we can use in an overpowered way you can use Ctrl Z as a highly efficient deconstruction tool that cancels your last build or blueprint action one at a time so we can use it to strategically Retreat a laser turret advance and reverse order [Music] starts to emerge we've all to recharge the accumulators then we stomp to make space for more wall wall and storm wall and Storm ball and storm wall and storm wall and storm war ends [Music] thank you this time I didn't forget about the repair packs and actually let's keep them away from the Bots by default that sounds much safer yes okay I give in I wanted the chase to survive one grenade head early on but at this point we've stopped using grenades other than to destroy trees so let's finally get the tree insta kill upgrade after some more Walling and stomping around the coal outcrop we figure out the next inside corner to include the copper patch within our area [Music] and then get ready to take out the last big nest inside of a future base [Music] finally a proper display of offense this is how to absolutely no death physically build those True by the nests even though the evolution is terrifyingly high at 80 percent without long range worms which can outrange the laser turrets there's just no counter play for them but that also means the difficult fights are still to come to celebrate my small victory I enjoy my new tree insta killing grenades alone in the dark and here you can clearly see the limits of the strategy even a relatively small Nest protected by some actual beefy worms can do a lot of damage and even score a Kill it would be very difficult to pull the strategy off against big nests with dozens of long-range worms thank you we decided to wall on straight instead of the planned extreme zigzagging meanwhile the uranium vitals wake up but fortunately they don't cause nuclear explosions at least not yet I killed the uranium biters off Camp to hide the evidence no no just kidding setting on the uranium has no effect on the biters really I promise what there's no need to look it up on the wiki come on let's continue [Music] now the next fight looks deceivingly trivial doesn't it but it's not we are now in medium round territory and these guys outrange a laser turrets so we strategically deal with the easier South section first to reduce enemy spawns rushing in [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] anyway the resistance is crazy high boats and turrets are falling left and right and the laser turrets shooting like crazy while the accumulators are draining rapidly [Music] foreign [Music] but before the accumulators run out while we did suffer some losses we came out victoriously and now we can complete the wall while retaining the required social distance from the biters then it's time for the final push [Music] we enthusiastically get started and promptly run out of substations [Music] mission [Music] foreign [Music] and change up the blueprint a little let's go and it's again a stormfest but what did you expect you can actually see the small worms idly waiting for the next line of laser turrets to come kill them [Music] he finished the wall but the wall ends in kind of an unfortunate position where biters can easily approach from the side to push much pressure on the lightly defended corner so we push out the wall just a little more so we can find a more right angle Junction between the wall and the lake and with that we gain access to another instance of all the resources even to oil took all liquefaction although the coal patch is by far the smallest of the lot and it will have to double duty as coal and oil foreign we have some resources we have some space and although we still have a lot of work to do before we can declare World Peace the future is looking bright very bright extremely bright [Music] it's been exactly 200 days since I crash landed on this god-forsaken planet 200 hundreds of hiding in the forests running from life from these Hive mind-like creatures they seem to know their intelligence is low but their numbers seem near and limited and the Empire reaches as far as my Raiders can see and Beyond it is only after fighting the fiercest of battles they finally managed to secure enough of a foothold from the other seems hope hope along with access to all of the vital esauces I need to grow bigger stronger instead of a bigger base when we're just not so really focused on pure survival but at least partly focused on production and revenge don't yes after 200 days on this planet we are finally no longer at the point where every decision is vital to our immediate survival this heavily spaghettified base was designed and built with a single purpose and that purpose has been fulfilled now there's no meaningful way to expand this base any further that's just one of the consequences of building a spaghetti base but this base has done its job and has done so excellently we won't tear this base down we leave it up as our Legacy a reminder to stay humble as our power and influence will surely grow further and further with time we'll come visit from time to time thank you base for carrying me and thank you the viewer for the Young the incredible support and motivation you've given me throughout this series thank you for all the nice comments as well as the honest feedback and thank you for your monetary support through super tanks PayPal and joining my patreon to support me in this journey and the next [Music] well it's been an incredible journey but yet here we are it seems like we have finally passed the point where we can fail this challenge at any moment now due to the formal meticulous importance of every small detail we spend the first 10 episodes covering just 16 hours of game time now we can speed up because after the conquest of the new resources all those small decisions simply don't affect the overall outcome of the game anymore so we're gonna skip over those as much as we can and focus solely on the larger picture and big decisions that will hopefully make sure the rest of this playthrough will remain as interesting as up until this point while maintaining a high pace so stop rambling already and get to work that new Factory ain't gonna build itself okay so as you may have noticed I like to keep relics around stuff to remind me about what got us through the game up to this point so while we reclaim the modules we leave this all different miners to rust away in peace now in the new base yellow belt shall not pass as adequate so we finally set up some red belts leeching straight of the source like some tactone parasite well the most pressing issue is our trickling copper Supply so we'll set that up first [Music] it fits 60 minus which is plenty for one red belt of course that means we need to double the copper furnace setup then too as the current setup is suited for just one yellow belt [Music] [Music] the new copper Source will finally ensure some more decent jet production and all the three colors of the factorial rainbow I upgrade my armor with double the robo ports placing me in command of 100 Bots at once this will greatly speed up the building time of new projects and we have a lot of new projects we are not planning to set up automated yellow and purple signs in this base but it's going to be a long while before we have signs running again and to properly set up our new base we need a few more elements the means to set up a logistics Network the ability to build beacons saw Marked Tree assembly machines for selected projects and not to forget cool liquefaction so we can produce oil from coal and perhaps the productivity model 3 will come in handy as well we are not fully safe yet though all of our new walls are undefended and will fall within just a couple attacks so let's take down the backup defense Now isn't that the wrong order ah okay that's what I was referring to that set up robot to defend our new walls [Music] yeah and then I witnessed the strangest robust plant I've ever seen it took me a good while to figure out what happened do you remember I hide away my repair packs in the logistic trash slots to prevent my personal construction Bots from taking them yes well it turns out the hoverboards have unionized and have been granted extra height as apparently they treat my logistic thresholds in the same way as a physical yellow storage chest and they just came over to pick up some of the available repair packs I hide away in there but Michael you may say fellow dude good old man your base is not exactly a rectangular Now is it going to repair Bots constantly fly over the enemy nests and get utterly obliterated on the way to repair the walls yes yes they will at least if we make one large robot Network that is why we are going to make several smaller independent robot networks instead to prevent that from happening we will basically divide my awkwardly shaped base into rectangles that will hopefully completely prevent Bots from flying outside of our walls at all we kinda need to get this done fast though as here a single attack destroys four wall pieces and most of the walls are still undefended but the former severe copper bottleneck solved production and thus pollution is growing rapidly again foreign [Music] [Music] day 221 and I finally managed to get provisionary bot coverage on all the walls keeping the Rover pods as far from the walls as possible as well as separating the boats into five different Robo Port networks should keep them out of trouble the disadvantages I will need to keep a Keen Eye on making sure none of the five individual networks run out of supplies speaking of supplies we've gathered enough of them to upgrade to Fusion reactors though I have to admit the solar panels which have been buffed up to three times the power output since the olden days were keeping up quite well still the fusion reactors are about twice as powerful on average not only do they have over 50 more power output during the day they also don't shut down completely during the night however it may just be the case that those solar panels may make an unexpected return later the two desired yellow tags have completed now we need to set up temporary purple production signs in the same way as we set up the yellow high tech signs but we cannot because we're out of stone so it's time to cover the next resource patch with a blanket of stinking dirty miners [Music] I just look at it perfectly symmetric setup pure satisfaction [Music] now we are ready for purple signs let's get to work on the ingredients so here's a whole bunch of electric furnaces world of resources [Music] and a whole bunch of productivity modules and previous to two fully automated rail assemblers and that's everything basically that was quick wasn't it not much later we can start about temporary production science production we stole that productivity module twos from the idle yellow science assemblers and it's actually set up exactly the same way with two ingredients inserted directly into the assemblers and the third and gradient divided over the supply chests [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] four walls are destroyed in a single attack and were not even up against the 10 times more beefy Behemoth bite us yet but as we take a look at the pollution spreading like crazy the fierce attacks shouldn't come as a surprise all right with production signs out of the way we can start thinking about the next step the best power is green power eyeballing that shiny uranium patch we prepare by barreling some sulfuric acid [Music] the clock is ticking though as we have already fully mined up the coal patch into chests and our oil buffer tanks are dwindling rapidly we need to get a show on the road before any of those run out [Music] so let's start by building and connecting the coal mine to our base foreign patch ensuring that the new coal patch only chips in when the starter Supply is insufficient you cannot think about uranium processing and nuclear power without thinking about concrete so we Leach some water of the oil refineries to produce a couple of chests full [Music] but do you know what's also needed for Uranium processing and nuclear power no what actually researching the text of uranium processing a nuclear power all right [Music] after a quick sanitary pit stop at the spaceship let's head over to build the mines to supply your future mean lean green machine [Music] [Applause] ah yet another very symmetric mine they just pleases the eye of course we need to have the green modules in here as well now we just need to go fetch those barrels of sulfuric acid we prepared earlier as well as an inventory full of resources to craft 24 uranium centrifuges again super handy these logistic trash slots you won't be able to use this method for much longer anymore though but until then we're gonna abuse the heck out of our 33 inventory slots foreign [Music] [Music] processing and get to work on extracting shiny green rocks from the raw uranium or [Music] thank you [Music] the next morning we wake up to two of the highly desired extra shiny uranium-235 already you know what controlling 100 volts just is not enough now we have the portable Fusion reactors let's double up again to control 200 Watts shall we foreign batch of 800 barrels to the uranium mine from the first batch it has produced about 3 000 uranium-238 and 24 uranium-235 pretty close to the expected ratio of 0.7 percent that means statistically speaking this next batch of sulfuric acid should push us past the point where we could start up the uranium enrichment process that requires you to save up at least 40 of these extra shiny light green hooks which you can then use to turn the common dry green box into the Shiny rare light green rocks at will contrary to popular belief there's absolutely no need to set aside your first 40 light drain hooks for some later late game reason that's one of the most stubborn myths in factorio and it seems to be impossible to get rid of so we just take most of our shiny rocks and turn them into 200 fuel cells for our first nuclear reactor like mentioned before our oil reserves are dwindling rapidly but we can go and increase the production rate somewhat walking down to the oil field is such an easiest hole compared to trying to sneak past the nest like before her expansion let's go say hi to Johnny's cousins [Music] now oil is a little different than the other resources in factorio oil is the only infinite resource and after 20 hours of operating with a linear decline in production pump jack reaches its minimum capacity which it will then proceed to produce for the rest of the game so we can increase that minimum capacity with some simple speed modules by a whopping 40 percent and how an extra 40 percent of not much still equals not much but hey as free real estate you're not gonna turn it down [Music] the modules we produce for the remaining labs are ready so let's go and put them in [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we can actually connect that belt in [Music] now then we are ready to go build a nuclear power plant I'm gonna handcrafted all just so I can say I handcrafted a complete four core nuclear power plant by myself next to the four nuclear reactors we need 48 Heat exchangers and yes I did especially clear the delegated boat and Equipment slots for my inventory just for this occasion 96 steam turbines finally we need 230 heat pipes because that's just how many heat pipes my design requires and then yes this is the first time I'm using a pre-made blueprint but it has my own design s and factorial are only fun to pause loud once and designing a nice looking symmetrically hand-wired non-fluid mechanically bottlenecked 100 fuel efficient 4 core nuclear plant with perfectly timed circuit condition delayed fuel distribution this is just one of those things and it's done already it barely took my bots 20 seconds to build a full thing now we Prime each Reactor with three fuel cells and wait for the tank to get up to temperature so I set my Nuclear Plant as 100 fuel efficient now what do I mean by that pay a warning in the next minutes I'm going to explain exactly why and how this reactor has 100 fuel efficient so if you're only here for the beer and the explosions keep watching anyway because there's gonna be explosions so what do I mean isn't all power in factorial 100 fuel efficient like take the regular old steam power it consumes only as much coal as the current power draw regardless of its maximum capacity not so with nuclear power nuclear reactors consume 100 of the fuel 100 of the time regardless of if they need to power one light or one megabase before I continue I must disclose that in the Factoria Universe there is no such thing as heat loss a 3.500 degree hot hot steam into the fluid tank it will stay in there being 500 Degrees for forever now the reactors consume nuclear Fuel and turn it into heat once a temperature of 500 Degrees has reached the heat exchanger start converting that heat into steam that steam is formed through my steam buffer tanks to the steam turbines which consume the Steam and turn it into the end product electricity now the steam turbines do consume the Steam on an as needed basis which means that given our current power need is less than 10 percent of this reactor's capacity only a little bit of the produced heat is transformed into steam now what do you think happens with all that excess Heat oh no no not yet not yet the excess Heat gets stored in the system the reactors and the heat pipes together form well is basically a giant buffer tank for storing heat and like I mentioned there is no heat loss in factorio all good so far no energy wasted yet no explosions but here's the problem the heat buffer is not infinite the whole system can reach a maximum temperature of 1000 degrees now you ask what happens when the temperature wants to exceed 1000 degrees [Music] well believe it or not in the early days of nuclear power the devs did actually have this plan to balance out how op nuclear power actually is fortunately they dropped that idea and the temperature has just kept at 1000 degrees with any excess heat production just going to waste however that doesn't mean our four reactors stop consuming four fuel cells every 200 seconds oh no those things are hungry and keep eating whatever you feed them with any excess heat production going to waste so we need to feed them less but how to achieve that like bedbots inserters only pretend to be your friends once you turn your back on them they will insert up to 5 fuel cells in each reactor before they switch off this again means wasted fuel thank you [Music] that's where this long belt and some circuit conditions come in explosions are finished by the way so for the beer guys you can safely skip ahead now we can't directly read temperature nor the amount of fuel cells in the reactor so instead we hook up the fuel inserters to this steam tank for as long as this steam buffer is full the inserters are Switched Off the nuclear reactors will run out of fuel and stop adding heat to the system so then the question is when does this team buffer empty out well not for as long as the excess energy and the heat buffer is ever so slowly being converted into steam at some point though the temperature of the heat buffer drops down all the way to 500 degrees at which point the heat exchangers cannot operate anymore they will stop producing Steam and the steam tank will empty out that sends a signal down the green wire which enables the fuel inserters at the nuclear reactors again the inserters insert any available fuel cells again into the reactors and the reactors start adding heat to the system once again now obviously there is quite some delay between the moment the insertos feed fuel to the reactors and the heat building up through the system enough to reactivate the Heat exchangers and fill up the measured steam tank once again that is why we have the big steam buffers between the Steam turbines those keep the steam turbines from running out of steam for long enough to overcome that delay and the reactors heat over production will quickly compensate for the downtime so that whole thing regulates the inserter switching on and off at the right time but how do we keep them from inserting six fuel cells in the reactor when we want them to feed only one well I tried to tell them directly but they won't listen to me or at least I haven't found a way to get them to listen so instead of telling them directly we need to regulate the amount of fuel cells they have access to that's where the delayed part of the setup comes in in the form of this long long slow yellow belt the chests near the reactor contain only one fuel cell each the fuel Master chest on top contains all the fuel and only deploys fuel when these inserters insert the fuel into the reactors now for as long as these inserters still are enabled they want to insert up to five more fuel cells in the reactor but too bad for them the chests are empty and keeping those chests empty for long enough is the task of this belt once the fuel finally reaches the chest that measures steam buffer tank is long full again and the treachery yellow inserters have been switched off again by the circuit Network once the fuel passes by the chest the blue inserters insert one and only one fuel into each chest after which the remaining fuel is transported back into the fuel Master chest and while the nuclear reactors burn through their fuel cells with a passion they produce heat energy from those single fuel cells can be fully stored into the system no matter how low or current power demand is and that is the key concept behind this 100 fuel efficient setup now there are some things to take into account the higher the actual power demand is the higher the actual steam consumption is and the longer it will take for the buffer steam tank to fill up again and switch off the inserters if you supply the chest with Bots or if you make a short belt the yellow inserters can still be active when the fuel reaches the chest and they'll start both inserting fuel into the reactors basically the longer you make this belt the higher the power demand can be before the system loses its fuel cell saving ability now this specific Bell design not only looks cool but it also delays the fuel delivery by my non-scientifically determined self-proclaimed Optimum of about 90 seconds which in practice turns out to save fuel until we're using about 80 percent of this reactors capacity after that the ends at only one fuel cell mechanism breaks and reactors gain access to more fuel this is intended though to ensure full fuel availability once the accordingly high demand is there to prevent possible power spirals of death anyway the potential fuel cell savings when operating at 80 capacity are insignificant for every 8 useful fuel cells consumed two extra would be wasted compare that to the current power draw of 10 percent for every 10 useful fuel cells consumed 90 would be wasted for a total wasted fuel cell rate of 900 percent to summarize this setup is especially useful now when the power demand is low as that's when the fuel saving effect is the greatest a reactor can supply 480 megawatts but as long as we're only using a tent of that or 48 megawatts of fuel cells will last 10 times longer than in a regular setup once we're up to a fifth of the reactor's capacity or 96 megawatts that drops to about 5 times longer fuel cell lifetime at 240 megawatts which is half the capacity of the power plant we still stretch double the lifespan out of our fuel cells and finally at 400 megawatts which is about 80 capacity is down to just one and a quarter times longer barely noticeable anymore by that time we should be thinking about expanding power rather than saving fuel cells phew I hope that was somewhat easy to follow but if you skip the head to this point I don't blame you anyway now we switch to practically pollution-free nuclear power it means we can phase out the polluting steam power plant and we can finally get rid of this rectangular ISO [Music] [Music] thanks for completely electricity independent flamethrower defense I can place complete fate in the nuclear power plant so bye bye backup steam power plant [Music] and bye bye old base with the latest acquired Technologies we are going to build a brand new base from scratch over here but first we need to bless the holy lands let's cleanse the full base of cliffs with our chest full of Cliff explosives these Cliffs those Cliffs [Music] The Cliffs at the coal mine all right there are no Cliffs at the coal mine [Music] then we go full gorilla style and take out these cliffs in the forest I destroyed these Cliffs to Aid the biters and this is my tanks alright let's not forget this formally formally forgotten cliffs and another Forest we have quite some range thanks to a whopping eight Robo plots and that was it we are all done we take some stacks of electric furnaces with us as well as a boatload of all our building materials and yet another boatload of stuff hidden in the crafting queue it is time to build a new base in case you were worried about my shiny green rocks we took a third sulfuric acid delivery trip off Cam and have already amassed more than 40 uranium-235 again as well as two full chests of uranium-238 we won't need any of that for a long time though anyway out with a coal burning steel furnaces and in with a shiny new electric furnaces and while you're looking at this quick temporary setup to produce 50 beacons for later I've laid out this full furnace setup well fool you might think this is a quite small furnace setup for a real base and that's because it is the cold heart reality is we don't even have enough resources to feed even this small furnace array let alone a normal sized one we barely have enough miners to supply two yellow lines of copper and three yellow lines of iron yes yellow belts while I did use the double speed head belts with a vision for the future each of these 12 High furnace decks are only enough to fill up a yellow belt but indeed this setup is expandable in the future we will need to expand out one's model both for the required space and in order to gain access to more off patches this expansion will get the northern wall out of the way to make space and only then we will make the furnace X twice as tall to suit red belts or even tries as tall for blue belts if we choose so for the foreseeable time though unfortunately this setup is large enough okay so please don't look at the elapsed time between this clip and the last I totally did not spend way too much time thinking and tinkering with the base layout to finally decide on this awesomely neat buffer area I am quite proud of it though so there [Music] then after questioning whether to use efficiency modules or productivity modules for the Bayesian furnaces I've decided to go full dirty productivity modules to extract the most out of every last piece of all that we can this decision comes at the price of massive pollution output fiercer attacks and faster progress towards Behemoth Fighters though I have also determined the starting place for the boss and designed this weird looking but somehow still modular setup [Music] which can be supported by a few speed beacons here and there though speed beacons will offset the production speed penalty of productivity modules and thus reduce the number of assemblers needed for each product thank you [Music] so let's switch on both setups and see them in action here [Music] nice actually let's also switch on some lights so you can see the actual buffer chest in both the small size it is now to match our current small furnace array but this is not the case though my main boss will have two lines for copper two lines for iron and two lines for green chips and all of the other resources will do with just one single belt for the entire game now with Logistics Bots already being available I'm not sure yet how many products I'm gonna add to the bus but we made sure to leave plenty of space between the current Bus and The Walking path now if you've watched any of those main bus tutorials this small setup may surprise you but I like to keep it Compact and I have a different strategy to supply the late game requirements late game I intend to Outsource the mass production of Steel and green chips to elsewhere in the base which frees up the full Two Bells of iron and copper for all the other purposes by going for productivity modules instead of efficiency modules after switching on all of this our power consumption has seriously spiked up and we are using about a quarter of our nuclear reactor's capacity right now at the moment the reactor is not consuming fuel as you see which is a good indicator that the idea behind the 100 fuel efficient reactor is working it won't get any new fuel until all of the buffet heat is fully transformed into steam on an as needed basis if you're thinking dude but still two belts only there's just no way that that's enough well perhaps you're right perhaps you're wrong let's play on and see how it plays out [Music] all right ready for the next concept I understand many folks hate the mess that the yellow storage Jets make but are not quite sure how to get the best performance out of the green buffer chests so I'm going to go through the concept of how I use them to basically make a fully automated sorting system in factorio now don't worry this explanation is going to be much simpler than the nuclear plant one the short version is to think of them as passive provider chests with an attitude as they will request back the stuff you try to take from them this is actually pretty easy to set up but there's a decent amount of fiddly work involved to get it all done the core concept is to connect a wire from the inserter to the chest and telling the inserter to stop filling the chest at a certain point here we go with 4 000 copper plates which leaves 800 copper plates world of space empty now the inserter stops after inserting 4000 plates by itself we can delete the chest limiter which formally had the same function and then we set the request for the bolts to fill the chest up to 4 800 copper plates this means should copper plates become available anywhere else in the base the Bots will automatically bring them to this just here instead of some random storage chest only when all the green buffer chests are full they will bring it to a random yellow storage chest [Music] but and here's another key element once the buffer chairs start Distributing plates and emptying out the plates and those yellow storage chests will automatically be transferred back to the buffer chests again and only when the storage chests are empty and the buffer chest drops below before thousand plates the insertable activate again the key point is to avoid using yellow and red chests at any production site which is producing items we have the green buffer chair set up for as buffer chests will request their stuff the green buffer chairs do not request from other green buffer chairs though [Music] now we'll not only use this concept on the plates buffer but also on the intermediate buffer and indeed we are going to do so on just about everything [Music] and here's our first manufacturing block indeed again using the green buffer chests when using the system you want to check the request from buffer chest tick mark on the blue requester chest to ensure your items get made to illustrate this let's start simple with a yellow transport belt we simply shift right click the assembler then shift left click the requester chest which causes the requester chest to automatically request the required ingredients handy we then limit the output inserter to stop inserting yellow belts in the chest Whenever there are more than 2 000 yellow belts in the chest this will stop yellow belt production before the chest is even half full so that the Bots have plenty of space to bring back obsolete yellow belts to this very buffer chest here the next assembler will make underground belts again we copy and paste the recite from the assembler to the requester chest and behold it requests the yellow belt we've just set up this is why you need to check that check mark by the way so that the Bots can grab belts from the yellow belt buffer chest below to provide to the underground belts now we set the request for the buffer chest so that all obsolete yellow underground belts will be brought back to this very chest for example when the Bots deconstruct them or when I move them from my inventory into the logistic trash slots okay now we just need to set up about a hundred more of these guys right it will be a lot of work but it's worth it hands down as will greatly benefit from it for all the rest of the game without giving it any thought by using the system everywhere in the base every single bot transported entity is going to be automatically sorted all the way from the hyper-expensive nuclear reactor down to the very last belt and green chip as the Bots return the Machinery to the same chest they'll take them from not only will it prevent our storage from becoming a complete mess it will also prevent severe overproduction of any set Machinery anyway now is not quite yet the time to set it all up so let's reset those two examples I just made until we're ready to set up the full block there's a few more things to take care of first before we enable the logistics Network now we may want access to some Rocket Fuel soon so let's quickly set it up in the old days before the oil runs out believe it or not we are starting to see the bottom of the oil tanks at the height of oil storage we had over a cool million of oil well our oil buffer has been decimated since this is why we've been trying our hardest to keep oil production going all game long even though it meant adding ridiculous amounts of buffer tanks everywhere in the meantime we have finished all blue Technologies except for braking speed there's just something too epic about a specific type of train grinding down to a hold ever so slowly [Music] so we'll save this for last but all blue technology is completed that means the old base has stopped producing almost completely now as also all of the buffer chests are nice and filled up this is great news as we can use all of this stuff to Kickstart the new base and now that the old base is fully idle the full resource flow of the copper and iron mine go to the new base that means we need a second iron belt to bring off to the films this year [Music] now that I've got like six legs in my armor and I can outrun anything let's finally make a car [Music] [Applause] indeed we don't need the car for the speed bonus but it's nice to have a second inventory to reduce the number of trips for the upcoming work of transferring or the highly valuable buffers over from the old base to the new base I bet you thought I made the rocket fuel for a soon-to-be train at work [Music] thank you yeah something about hitting the one single object and an otherwise empty parking lot [Music] anyway we're going to gather all expensive stuff from the old base and bring it over here I want to get all the transferring done now because this is the last time we can use our Logistics trash Lots as free inventory space logistic Bots are coming soon a bit more carefully this time good avoided the robo pour would you believe me if I told you I was once a professional truck driver in real life yeah me neither finally we brought over all the stuff that took a fair few trips I tell you anyway we are going to give the future bolts access to all of those except the expensive things in limited Supply most notably the red and blue chips given that we aren't producing any new ones at the moment I'll supervise the distribution of those myself to prevent that we end up consuming all red chips making 800 substations or something stupid like that then at last it is finally time to say hello to our Logistics Network [Music] now let's test it out put some gears in this chest and indeed they are returned to their proper location now let's put these green chips in our logistic trash Lots divided equally over the eight green chip buffer chests nice now I am standing right here and I could transfer those thousands of gears and green chips and mere moments myself but why would I let's add some construction boards to the network and give them a test as well awesome [Music] of course they don't have access to the Machinery just yet we add a couple more manufacturing blocks but before we start setting them up not all of the end products are best located in the manufacturing block so we set up concrete at the iron mine as it's the only item in the game requiring raw iron ore and it would be a little silly to have Bots fly over hundreds of thousands of Raw Stone to make landfill so let's draw a stone for landfill straight off the stone belt [Music] now we can use the trash Lots another way given that we stand near the destination chests the Bots can transfer the concrete evenly over the chests faster than we can by hand or we are ready to set such as though we'll spend some time puzzling out to what goes and it's done we've got a hallway train related stuff a row for power related stuff a hole for models and beacons a hole for production facilities I hope for the map management section of power poles hoverboards and Raiders opposed by Cliff explosives and all the different chest types the next Lane contains the physical item and fluid management including all inserted and Bell types and the last column consists of military and Military science related stuff the far right column is still empty for future needs let's start by setting up the walls as we dedicate this buffer chest to walls the both stock transferring walls from the general storage area to these dedicated chests [Music] now we just gotta make sure the inserter doesn't fill up this chest completely and voila all future obsolete walls will now be brought back to these chests [Music] now we just gotta set up all of the other requests Quest let's see request 2400 yellow inserters while production switches off at 2000. switch over red and silver production after 2000 request all red and circles to this chest switcher of blue inserto production after 2000 request all blue inserters to this chest etc etc [Music] the only item we want to use a regular yellow storage chest for are the repair packs a green buffer chest requesting repair packs here would also draw all repair packs out of the robo ports but you may want to keep available in the Rover ports directly at the walls fortunately we can set repair packs as a filter on the storage chest which prevents any other items than repair packs being delivered to this chest alternatively you could instead or additionally feed repair packs straight into a robo port a member at the old base we had to keep an eye on the number of robots in the network as they were getting killed by literally Friendly Fire well we can automate that too now we can automatically manage the amount of robots in the network by simply connecting a wire from the inserter to the robo Port then select read robot statistics and you'll see that the signal y carries the total number of logistics spots on the network so when we set the inserter to insert Logistics Bots only when I equals less than 1000 the insertable automatically keep adding Logistics robots until there are 1000 in the system it's that easy we repeat that for the construction boards which are represented by the letter T and now the robot network will automatically top up construction robots back to 1000 you know just in case some construction robots decide to explore the part Less Traveled and subsequentially are reported missing now there is one big issue with late game Enemy expansions there are big worms easily outrange any turret we can put up so when one spawns exactly in The Sweet Spot so we need to make an appearance on the scene ourselves luckily I'm carrying some extra legs just for these kind of long distance occasions so it's more of an annoyance than a really big problem but still something to think about automating in the future on the way back we happened to see the delayed fuel distribution in action the fuel passes to Blue inserters we insert exactly one fuel cell in each chest again eventually I did manage to set up all the requester and buffer chests in their manufacturing block and we can watch the Bots flying [Music] and the furnaces working full steam trying the hardest to give up with the resource demand and when we check back at our general Storage Center we can see that the Bots are sorting out all of the stuff we've set up before just saw [Music] perhaps we can also add the different turrets to the block dope we'll manually feed the laser turrets on batteries as we are not producing those yet foreign sticks are a little Annoying I prefer to hide them away in the main boss somewhere now the automatic sorting system for all desired items is complete lastly we set up a general storage area with the yellow storage chests only the items that we have not set up buffer chests for will be brought over here [Music] now let's reap the fruits over labor let's set up some personal Logistics requests so that we never have to manually scrounge around for Base building materials the logistics Bots are going to deliver me all the things as well as get rid of all the things I don't want anymore which they'll deliver right back to the correct buffer chests yes it was quite a chore to set up but as we are probably looking ahead to a long long game still it was well without the effort and with all of that Logistics fiddling out of the way it's finally time to continue working on the main bus not only to work towards getting signs going again but also many of the hardware in the manufacturing block require ingredients more advanced than green chips than iron gears like engines red chips Plastics basically the whole series of intermediate products so far we have set up buffers of the six basic materials of iron copper steel Coal Stone and Bricks supplied from the ferns area we have also set up all building materials and supplies in our manufacturing block supplied by boats now it is time to set up all the intermediate products down here supplied by the main bus we already took care of the most basic intermediates of green circuits and iron gears and again I would also discover the Lesser used copper wire and iron steak buffer chests but why are we not just making everything in a manufacturing block like above well the first reason we are making the intermediate products here on the bus is that they are usually required in high quantities so each of them will need a lot of assemblers instead of just one or two the second reason is that unlike the end products like the ones in the manufacturing block the intermediate products can benefit from productivity modules for a small production bonus applying that small productivity bonus on every single step of the way however Stacks exponentially and can work out to be a significant reduction in total cost on the end products the productivity bonus does come with a small speed penalty however so to prevent us from needing even more assemblers we have instead sprinkled some speed beacons in between the assemblers this is a great combo but those gains must be paid for by a great increase in power usage and an even greater increase and pollution output [Music] and so be it instead of the environmentally friendly power conserving local approved way of going for clean air with full efficiency modules we are going to go with a thick widespread long burning smoke loads or full speed and productivity modules outputting 5 to 10 times more pollution all in return for a very small decrease and resource demands the locals may not like it but I'm desperate enough to go through with it we still control only a single off patch of every resource anyway we started off by adding engines and Electric engines now Electric engines usually are not among the first few products you'd see on the main bus but here we are since they require the mechanical engines we may as well place them next door so we can skip putting engines on the bus altogether following that the logic we put the high-tech robot frames right next door to the electric engines you may notice though that we've skipped some steps we are missing a few ingredients like batteries the electric engines themselves which in turn require lubricants and actually we are missing the whole oil industry we have skipped so many steps that we've probably set a new long jump world record in the process now that we can no longer hide behind the term starter base are we gonna fix that properly no at least not yet we can Kickstart the electric engine production with the lubricant from the old base and we still have plenty of batteries to Kickstart both frames to make some more early robots [Music] foreign [Music] we provided to the electric engines via a sneaky backdoor Loop insertion now I'm sure there's a joke hiding in there somewhere but I'll leave that as an exercise for the viewer anyway one way or the other that leads to the electric engines being produced and after hand feeding some batteries to the robot frames those also are being produced in fact the both frames are immediately picked up and transported to the manufacturing block where they'll be converted into more construction and Logistics robots let's check how the nuclear reactor is doing we switch to a nuclear power about 8 hours ago and have been using what looks to the naked eyeball like less than one-fifth of the reactor's maximum capacity on average let's check a 4 core reactor at normal consumption Burns to four fuel cells every 200 seconds now 8 hours have passed meaning normal fuel cell consumption will be 28 800 divided by 200 seconds multiplied by 4 fuel cells for time equals 576 consumed fuel cells so if we are really 100 fuel efficient we should have used up less than a fifth of that so less than 116 fuel cells let's check we have used up 92 fuel cells in 8 hours instead of 576 now that's some savings even scooch McDuck would be proud of but now there's no more getting around it we need a proper oil setup to continue as we didn't secure a new oil source during our expansion we are going to set up cool liquefaction first [Music] and here are 12 Beacon refineries capable of absorbing two red birds of coal currently our Coal Mine producers barely half a red belt but this setup is already built to handle future expansions each Refinery needs two red inserters to keep up and because heavy oil is required as an input the output of heavy oil is routed around and directly passes and touches the inputs this is enough to keep them going forever without backing up but as I am Dutch I may as well go double dutch and use a backup precaution so I constructed the pump to only pump out heavy oil if there's at least 10K heavy oil in the tank there [Music] ah yes cool liquefaction is kinda annoying not only does it need one of its output as an input additionally it requires Steam so we need to set up some boilers I forgot the ratio but these are entirely too many boilers even for a beacon setup but who cares boilers are so incredibly cheap that you're thinking about spending the effort to calculate the correct ratio already is more expensive than just overbuilding them next we need to connect the steam to the refined race but why connect the steam to the refineries when you can just simply move the whole FN Refinery to connect to the steam instead yes why not thanks to our automatic sorting system we can just do this kind of things all day long now without worrying where all those elements are going to end up the whole deconstructed call liquefaction plant will be neatly returned to the respective buffer chest every single time [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we just need some heavy oil to Prime the system not a lot a stack of 10 barrels will do the job [Music] thank you excellent saying score liquefaction barely produces petroleum gas dough we will need to set up a lot of oil checking [Music] first heavy oil to light oil [Music] [Laughter] [Music] as soon as the new heavy oil buffer tank hits 20K it will send heavy oil to be cracked into light oil and [Music] excellent [Music] lastly light oil to petroleum gas piciously sell once there's 20K light oil in this buffer tank sends light oil to be cracked into petroleum gas [Music] [Music] thank you excellent and with those three steps a full future-proof Cola confection plant is now complete so you might wonder are these the perfect ratios no these are not the so-called correct ratios the cracking facilities are slightly overbuilt in order for the setup to look more awesome and instead of worrying about the ratios we have designed this adopt to be able to consume two full red belts of cool instead I have said it before and I'll say it again for a general play through whose correct ratios are severely overrated now as this coal mine is terribly small we set up a similar buffer chest system like in the old starter base this will keep the minus active during load times so that the stored call can better Supply the cool liquefaction Refinery for a short bursts of peak production and here is a shot of a base which has been steadily and ever more firmly annoying biters for 328 days now so we are not fully done with the oil stuff just yet now comes the hard part balancing and correctly prioritizing between the regular oil refining and the cool liquefaction actually as the refinery outputs plus the whole cracking setup including buffer tank system is the same we can just copy paste the cool liquid faction plant to use as a template for setting up regular oil refining [Music] since we stopped researching we've stored up a sizable amount of oil again we change up the oil buffer tank system a bit to guarantee 150k oil to the flame Towers which is enough to keep 15 flame throwers continuously firing for a full hour by the way and we divert any surplus oil to be refined by the oil refineries it is time to switch on the oil refineries [Music] and then first we connect the petroleum gas output to the petroleum buffer tank now as explained before our single oil Source has reached its minimum infinite oil production state so naturally we want to consume our free oil before turning our very limited coal Supply into oil so we pump the petroleum gas from the infinite oil Source into the buffer tank without restriction while coal liquefaction only chips in if the petroleum buff level drops below 20K unfortunately that will be the case most of the time though as our speed module infinite oil Source produces barely enough for just one of our module refineries now this is the last complicated bit I promise we need to make one more adaptation to prevent the system from possibly clogging up since we are prioritizing petroleum gas consumption from the infinite oil Source it is possible the petroleum gas tank from the colic fraction plant will fill up with unused petroleum gas and clog up the colic infection plant preventing it from producing additional heavy and light oil which we might need so we disable the cracking to petroleum gas if the single buffer tank has just 5K gas in it which will ensure there's at least 20K of space for the little bit of petroleum gas produced by the Golic faction process itself and just in case our heavy and light oil demand is going to be so high that call liquefaction itself manages to fill the single petroleum gas buffer tank to 20K we override the free oil priority to the big petroleum gas buffer and enable a secondary pump to pump away any petroleum gas above 20K theoretically it's now near impossible for the whole system to clog up unless we are not using any petroleum gas in the whole base while still some are requiring heaps of heavy and light oil this could theoretically happen in rare cases when we are not researching Technologies while Mass producing rocket fuel or blue belts so to prevent even that unlikely scenario from happening we make sure to keep 30k of space in the sex petroleum gas buffer tanks which can only be filled by the petroleum gas overflow valve from the coal liquefaction this makes sure that even when no petroleum gas is being consumed at all the coal liquefaction plant is still able to produce hundreds of thousands of heavy or light oil before the system clogs up okay factorio oil Master Class dismissed now to do something with our oil as we make a proper lubricant setup so we can do away with the back door Loop entry lastly we connect the light and heavy oil outputs from the free infinite oil Source ensuring products like lubricant and Hawker fuel will try to consume the free oil first as well you don't need an elaborate pump system for this because an axis of heavy and light oil can always be cracked down further to petroleum gas petroleum gas however is the end product and the only way to get rid of it is to consume it which is why we need a little bit of pump magic for that but that's all of the old stuff done for now back to working on the main bus but first let's see the State of Affairs and the foreign relations department and do a full wall Scout run [Music] years a new nest with a bunch of backgrounds nearby but not nearby enough to shoot us compare it to this old settlement defended by only small and medium worms we exactly miss our but managed to catch the robots trying to repair each other from their fire damage Peter friend Little Johnny [Music] and oh my these guys have literally settled with the incentive inches of our flamethrowers range Heaven day well the nearby worm is of the medium variant and the background is too far around so we'll leave them be if we clear this Nest the next settlement will soon replace them anyway giving new chances to spawn annoying big worms in their attack without retaliation sweet spot by the revolution is just three percent away from behemoths now though and we're still nautical kilo miles away from having the required Technologies to deal with them perhaps we should have gone with the efficiency model approach but even more perhaps we should probably hurry up a little meanwhile back at the main bus we have Ronaldo's buffer to make tanks like beacons modules Robo ports anyway did I mention it's easy to spot if you forgot to set up above adjust correctly these oil refineries shouldn't be here and when we go check indeed we accidentally set the buffer chest to request chemical plants instead of oil refineries easy fix though soon the Bots chance for the oil refineries to the now correctly set a buffer chest and the general storage test again contain only stuff we haven't set up buffer chests for [Music] now while we do need red chips there's gonna be an extra large setup it's gonna be twice the size I laid out here and we want to preserve the southern forests so they have to wait a little more of intermediate is going to be all the oil related stuff and the military one we'll start with explosives followed by boat rocket types for a yet undisclosed purpose then sulfur and sulfuric acid conveniently followed by batteries and eventually Plastics conveniently followed Again by Red chips [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] one and a half hour later and we are ready to switch all of those on we managed to kind of Follow The Forest Edge without destroying many trees nice [Music] first we connect all the fluids including the lubricant which is now connected to the electric engines via the front door that's operating smoothly [Music] foreign [Music] requires only fluids so that also has started up that's one of the ingredients for explosives and that water being connected let's connect the cool [Music] oh [Music] nice we then divert half of those explosives to our top secret military objective of explosive Rockets we need to supply iodine and green chips to make normal Rockets while the explosive Focus just require more explosives so that's easy enough [Music] for now we will transform all normal hookups into the explosive funds foreign foreign [Music] but in case we change our mind in the future we could output normal rockets on the left side leading to a separate set of buffer chests next we connect iron to make sulfuric acid the first plant made of Four Star Dough and it is cheating by requesting iron plates from the bolts there was no way to connect it to the iron in an acceptable non-messy way anyway you need almost 5 salsa plants to supply two sulfuric acid plants so we don't really need that one even but man a gap in the setup would look a lot worse than a single sneaky requester chest now the sulfuric acid is running we connect copper and iron to make batteries [Music] very nice those batteries are delivered to the both frames by yet another sneaky requester chest which is the Guinness ideal viewers probably already noticed when I set up the bot frames a while ago anyway last in line is plastic which outputs on Two Bells [Music] foreign but whoops I messed up the belt side balancing I am not gonna re-film this whole six minute scene though so while you stay a bit wonder and perhaps even a light fear to the fact that we've already used up two full million of a three and a half million iron patch without any good replacement nearby [Music] I've gone ahead and fixed the plastic mistake at the cost of one of the center beacons and half an hour later we are ready to switch on the massive red chat build and yes technically there are two lanes of plastics on the main bus for about 10 meter yards or so only so I could stylishly connect it to the red chip setup the red chip output belt will occupy the space of the bottom plastic belt going further [Music] anyway you may have noticed we are out of beacons and productivity modules by now so the moment the headships start producing they are immediately transferred to the manufacturing Hub to be divided over the many red chips staffed assemblers now we would like to prioritize Beacon production but can you even do prioritization with a logistics Network well kind of the available head chips are divided equally ish over all requester chests so by just tripling request a chest at the Beacon instead of only one share they will now receive three shares out of the total production [Music] we will never put complete trust in the buds though we still remember what they did last summer so we temporarily take control of allocating most red chips ourselves through this forbots and accessible chest [Applause] with the increased power demand now and only two fuel cells per reactor left it is finally time to bring a new batch of fuel to the reactor I have done a couple more sulfuric acid Barrel scripts over the course of the last 10 hours so meanwhile we have over 200 uranium-235 just from sample Mining and centrifuging let's set aside 160 of them for starting up four simultaneous enrichment processes in the future [Music] and convert the remaining 45 into fuel cells that's still over twice as many fuel cells as the first fuel batch we took when building the nuclear reactor that was on factorio day 248 almost 16 hours of play time ago with all the speed beaconed productivity enhanced assemblers and refineries though we're running the reactor at about half capacity already [Music] so we'll eat through these fuel cells at a much higher rate than before anyway power crisis averted hey Johnny bro how are you doing man you know it's quite amazing that despite wearing the Mark II power armor we can still be killed fairly easy by one single Realm of the very lowest weight class I wondered if he can wear a better armor still anyway the oil refining oil refineries are chewing through a oil buffer at full speed now an unwelcome but familiar patterns start to be visible on our iron belts we can see a lot more belt surface than iron plates now which is again very very bad we use some clever belt prioritizing to visualize we are down to just slightly more than one red belt of iron or production not good so with the undoubtedly recognizable sensation of light Panic setting in we start to tone down some of our extravagantly large buffers so these chests won't be filled up again as we hand distribute the excessive buffers to the green chip staffed red chair production facility foreign [Music] we also adjust some of the manufacturing hub's largest iron Hoggers to lower levels let's try to conquer the Panic by calmly standing round for a nice night cycle time lapse of our new main boss assembly area all the while the nearby trees once Lush and green and full of life slowly transform into pale skinny skeletons of their former selves foreign I've quickly built the last missing main boss paths before we can start setting up signs again the chips and lower density structures for these we're even using the Mark 3 assembly machines so we can fit four productivity modules instead of just two as these elements start getting really expensive anyway we have tailored the Blue Chip set up to be able to consume two full belts of green chips someday anyway even though we won't be able to supply all of these for a long long time having all these assemblers still is very handy for hand fat burst production when we quickly need a boost likewise we build the low density structures to be able to someday consume two full Copper belts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey we haven't seen an attack in a long while now have we let's look at one [Music] while some walls do break from time to time those moments are far and few between that will all change when Evolution hits 90 though then the 10 times tougher behemian biters will enter the scene anyway not in the last place because of the incoming Behemoth bitter chat it is the highest time to start thinking about signs again after some awkward re-routing of bells before the science area in this nicely visible location the sign specs will be delivered by botswan science production is set up but to demonstrate I've brought over the leftover science packs from the old base while I did plan for the buffer and production areas to be close by each other to reduce both flight and recharge time I didn't really have the labs or science production planned out in advance [Music] we upgraded the red chip assembler to the Mark III as well for the extra productivity bonus while they do use three times the power to operate they actually produce slightly less pollution per minute and much less pollution per item given the higher speed and extra productivity bonus after that Discovery we upgrade the hard headers of green chips and iron gears in the same way I didn't plan ahead as space for the science production so I guess we'll fit it here under the iron mine [Music] no this is not a pre-made blueprint I like to design stuff with ghost placements elsewhere in my base where there is no Robo Port coverage to build and deconstruct stuff well I think I read the design before Blueprinting it foreign manually set a request amount to be 100 production Cycles world of materials just whatever modules we still had available though we may upgrade some of those before starting research with all the additions to the main Buzz though we've gained theoretical access to all non-infinite Tags by the way [Music] thank you a quick look around my base confirms we have enough of a resource problem that I decided to switch off the super expensive yellow and purple signs for now and also strictly no research just yet until we complete some productivity module trees for both the labs and the yellow and purple signs assemblers [Music] not before long we can upgrade the science assembly threatening modules from 24 to a whopping 40 productivity bonus now we can allow these science Productions again [Music] soon after the labs are upgraded as well we have theoretical access to all the non-infinite decks what or what will we choose first something exciting like artillery or plain old boring mining productivity or bot speed what about spirotron perhaps decisions decisions foreign ly the time is coming I thought we'd be good in here for much longer with the first expansion but we've already burned to two thirds of a new resource patches before we even automated yellow and purple signs we need to expand yet again so to give yellow and purple signs production a head start let's first research one deck that doesn't require yellow signs and one tag that doesn't require purple signs before choosing the very exciting tack off mining productivity tree yeah we'll get to the cool stuff soon but let's be responsible here and first get our hands on another 10 boost or all patches reserves and general rate of production including for the free infinite oil source but why Logistics 3 bluebells are insanely expensive in terms of iron indeed I am planning to stick with red belts for most of the base but having access to Blue belts can help solve some bottlenecks here and there especially the underground blue belt is super useful as it has two extra range compared to the red one in fact my battery production setup has been waiting for blue on the ground belt since its very creation as I couldn't neatly lead out the battery belt from down below with only red belts okay we've been responsible enough now more mining productivity requires space science and rocket launches anyway which are still a while off it is time to have some fun yes atomic bombs now the biters will feel the wrath of what no all right artillery to rain down fire from also also no ah yes uranium ammo the heaviest of all oh if this make up your mind dude already okay oh yeah Mark 3 efficiency modules to swarm the bite us with what March efficiency modules what the f dude ah I see I see I never doubt you my friend we shall rule the world together with spider Throne the best armor in the game but the question remains will we ever get there with our rapidly diminishing resources I made this overview to better estimate how much time we have left and it's not looking great and to make matters worse the replacement resources are all located pretty far outside of the given base although after careful evaluation maybe it's not that bad we mainly need iron copper coal and oil and while the far south does contain all of those we decide on expanding to the nearby North section even though it's missing oil but as the cold patch is very rich it will give a cool liquefaction plant an opportunity to shine and provide us with all the oil we need so let's start gearing up for a walk first we scramble together the ingredients to make the two Marked Tree efficiency modules needed to make the Spider Run [Music] but research has grinded to a call already we are out of purple signs because we're out of productivity modules we already applied the triple requester chest trick and while upgrading the assemblers to be three times as fast won't help solve the cork problem of insufficient resources to make red chips it does allow us to manually give production a great boost by hand inserting a couple of stacks [Music] and indeed spider tone was the reason to select rocket control units as the first stack along with Logistics 3. naturally the spider requires four pairs of legs and comes with a factory fitted quad rocket launcher we also prepare some new personal equipment like 20 personal laser defenses where the heck are you gonna fit all of those then it is time for another legendary character to make its run tree it has been the space-faring fish the one-two legend among his peers but then the fish will not go to space today oh no not this time this time Ben shall play a much more significant role as the brain of this pilotron in this chest we collected all of the elements needed to construct the spiral Throne the power the legs the rocket launchers and of course our main star then the fish starring as the brains behind the operation wait where'd he go then then oh whoops sorry Ben please forgive me for automatically putting you in my personal trash bin let me save you from the close of that logistic bot phew fortunately Ben has the memory of a fish and this incident won't invoke any feelings of Revenge to come back to haunters in the future anyway it is time to meet spider ban oh yeah do as I say Ben not as I do now let me introduce you to the real strongest armor in the game the spider turn enhanced Mark II power armor yes those two elements now can function together as a single Cooperative armor greater than the sum of its parts with both pieces having a distinctive task by fitting the outside shell over armor with energy Shields and xlx for more speed we don't need those anymore in the inside shell of our armor freeing up all that extra inventory grid space for up to 20 personal laser defenses which somehow still managed to flawlessly snipe bite us straight from inside spidertron's cockpit thank you now that I've got the toys in front of my nose I can't control myself any longer craving for that good old booze of catharsis let's go take this [Music] hand it scum oh is that all you got foreign at least it will be for the short time until the behemoths arrive they are gonna change everything [Music] thank you [Music] but until that moment arrives we are going to enjoy the heck out of being opsf yeah baby [Music] we can even rely solely on the power Armor's laser offense for the smaller bases tanking all the damage to the spider's energy Shields and massive damage resistance by dirt used right attack and it's not very effective Big Worm used asset that Ray Spiderman is too strong [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] iron patch cleared those are some dense nests though let's apply the circle safe and wind technique [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] the biters have the hardest time even taking down my Shields let alone make a dent in the massive hit point Bank of Spider-Man himself thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] we don't even need rockets for the small expansions thanks to the spider arm of taking over the defensive task of personal power armor is filled to the brim with more laser power than an aquarium full of sharks with laser beams attached to their freaking heads we haven't forgotten about our mission to save the cheese though and while we utilize the explosive Rockets out in the open we try to use only the lasers wherever there are forests nearby [Music] and that's the cool sauce [Music] well that was fun while it lasted but now the error of the Behemoth Fighters and the Behemoth spitters are starting to begin thank you [Music] these biters are just incredible the Bots haven't even finished repairing spider banyard and the buyers have already expanded back in the just clear territory a giant League intersects of plant wall but thanks to our tailable blueprint we can just carry over the correct spacing to the far side of the lake [Music] but perhaps we should have prepared their power lines and oil pipeline first these turrets are setting Ducks now with Evolution passed by even biters and these empty lands being strongly preferred for brighter expansion expansion parties will pass by here before minutes have passed so let's take down the turrets for now to prevent clearing more biters and pushing the evolution Factor even higher we make the tightest of turns before the biter bases so tight in fact that we won't even have access to the entirety of the coal patch anyway after we connect the oil pipe and power lines we can put back the turrets and start Walling off our new area [Music] but man they are some annoying biters picking mushrooms in the forest or something I'd like to diplomacy with them but they could alert the whole massive nest let's just make the Bots fly through the fire and the Flames to prevent their forest fire well I enjoy my barbecued mushrooms Mmm delicious these biters are too close to our plant wall though so we need to push them back a little more [Music] and in doing so we encounter the first behemoths just look at that laser resistance compared to the other Cannon for the chasing us [Music] [Music] we extend the wall up north and hey look at those bastards sneakily expanding behind my back [Music] okay let's get back to it I'm kind of changing my mind about making a corner here though this is a giant pollution absorbing Forest which could turn out to be very useful to preserve I think I will try to enlarge my expansion plans to preserve the forest and just roll all the way up North until we hit the next Lake now will that turn out to be a good plan or am I going a little overboard in my tree saving tactics I will need to take out so many extra Behemoth bases just to save a couple of trees yeah I guess we'll find out soon anyway we have reached the edge of our Raider explore terrain so let's plop down some new ones while extending the third world we take some time to examine the new Behemoth species up close it seems they have about three times the damage output and 8 times the health of their predecessor 3 000 held for the biter and 1500 for the splitter as well as the begin with bitos being the fastest dudes in the game foreign [Music] s are extremely dangerous and have a whopping 48 range [Music] fortunately existing nests won't upgrade their worms but the worms out ranging turrets at the walls problem just became a lot more likely to happen [Music] [Music] anyway we are still able to take down the north Nest fairly easy as it lies isolated from the earth and we don't encounter too many behemoths just yet [Music] after successfully Walling off the northwest corner we plopped down some Raiders and [Music] over that's all that's all up but yeah look at the massive amount of extra biters we need to take out just to save that stupid Forest there's a fine line between generosity and insanity and given the fact that generosity probably isn't a real word that may Define the site on which I am on meanwhile the biters have expanded yet again in the furthest areas of my backyard we are gonna need to keep this ball rolling or the entire place will soon be flooded with by the bases again [Music] let's skip over the next part of similar easy-ish combat to get the East wall up as well during that combat we pushed the evolution Factor far enough that the Behemoth spawn rate has increased to 10 percent that may not sound like much but compared to the rare few we saw earlier they now consist of like half the hit points on the battlefield anyway now that plenty of Behemoth spitters are mixed in it causes a much greater slowdown effect on the spider so if you're wondering why I'm just standing there in the crossfire well I just can't really move out of the way fast enough for the new attacks slowing me down even further needless to say this could have a disastrous ending especially with a high melee attack of the behemian biters chipping away at my health let's run to safety while we still can also the maximum Behemoth sponges kept at just 37.5 and that's at the unreachable 100 Evolution so we're almost one third of the way there in that regard part of the problem is that we simply don't have all the weapon upgrades yet those can make all the difference but they are expensive and slow to research so for the current expansion attempt we will have to make do with what we have so we start out by carefully nibbling away on the edges while hiding in the forest where the battles have great trouble trying to reach us however once we need to take out the final Central blob there will be nowhere to hide anymore [Music] before battling that final boss we install a quick unprotected radar line to keep view on expansions [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after the first two attack waves went fairly well I start to get a little overconfident [Music] [Applause] [Music] just look at all those corpses even the glow in uranium badges barely visible anyway it seems like we have just one more attack to go so let's hope we don't screw up there [Music] all right [Music] [Music] my overconfidence continues and it seems to be going great but then all of a sudden my health starts to deplete rapidly and I'm unable to move out of the way until the very last moment but that easily could have been the end if he would have been stuck for just two more seconds or so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I think we can safely say now spidertron op no longer or at least not with our current state of Technology but for now that matters not because we are done with the expansion plan all that's left to do is connect the walls [Music] thank you foreign [Music] access yet again to another single off patch of every resource and this time the cold patch is the biggest one so thanks to our colleague Perfection plant we won't have to worry about running out of oil anymore we didn't really set out to capture a new stone or uranium patch but those who are captured as a side effect from preserving the massive Northwest forest which will come handy in the very late game for now it means we can soon double our current production of everything really as obtaining the new land has also cleared enough space to double our current furnace setup to fully utilize the head belts after this severe slaughterfest will recheck the evolution factor and the previously pressuring factors of time and pollution are now the smallest building blocks of the whole in total we used up almost 8 000 rockets that wouldn't be so bad if we had made progress towards the end goal of world peace but by taking out these biters and expanding our walls we've only generated exponentially more bites around the newly claimed area how can this ever come to an end anyway it is time for those old portable solar panels to make their unexpected return and the current ceasefire time we won't need the shields nor much power generation so we can stash away the bulky Fusion reactor and upgrade the spider with 5 pairs of legs now the spider has a total of a lot of legs now that's a pretty good running speed to travel around the base with especially with a spider's total disregard for Stuff being in the way anyway with the battle base is gone the pollution adding out over the now vacant land except over the preserved Forest this is a hint to why we've been so careful to preserve as much Forest as possible with our plan of diplomacy to every last byte base on the map and Beyond well something has to go to stay behind to absorb the pollution when the vital bases cease to do so we spent some time reconfiguring the oil pipes around the new walls before we proceed and start taking down the old walls but whoops due to our poorly laid out Robo Port Network some of our slow Bots almost had a close encounter of the Third Kind [Music] we removed the other obsolete walls and the flamethrowers [Applause] but perhaps that would have been smarter to First Cut robobot coverage on the new walls to the first random breakthrough won't lead to be heated by just floating all over my base well you know what they say you're never too old to make mistakes so with the Urgent problem of our new walls being undefended of course we prioritize laying out the mines what priorities are those again oh well we tasked Spider-Man to carry all the supplies to build the mines [Music] and fortunately we remember to take some Robo Port sweaters as well there are strange priorities barely any hit points remain on this last wall piece we are not a single minute too late to start expand hobobot coverage to the walls [Music] [Music] ah I see we are combining two tasks in a single chip with 200 personal Bots tasks like constructing an entire module's mining operation takes mere seconds to complete [Music] and then we're back on the way again to cover the walls where the Rover Port coverage [Music] repair boards are flying all across the map but the distances are so great now they run out of juice on the way well at least they continue on their way instead of turning around after completing the outer hem we made it back to build the copper mine soon the world start breaking [Music] fortunately we got both coverage up just in time [Music] [Music] we start drawing some extra robot lines across the newly acquired lens so the Bots have access to some timely recharge points on their Journey out to the walls [Music] and that will do for wall protection for now at least until the behemoths prove me otherwise [Music] that both mines built we can start preparing the furnace area for the new floor of all about the streaming after a bit of productivity module mathematics it turns out you need only two extra furnaces on top of the regular 48 in order to Output full belts that's surprisingly strong in the olden days productivity modules came with a hefty 20 speed penalty each but their current 5 speed penalty is almost entirely neutralized by their 4 production bonus the main downside is the doubled pollution output and near doubled power usage which adds up quickly with so many furnaces [Music] foreign walls are breaking again and to be honest it is quite very soon the north vitals broke two walls not even by a real attack but what quite likely was a simple expansion party the northern nests aren't consuming enough pollution to form sizeable attacks at least not yet that will change soon though as we start up the new miners anyway we will see how that turns out soon enough back to work I can get over two red bells of iron from the new mine alone so we prepare three belts to the furnace area and I have my personal sleeves roll out the head carpet through the forest for me but with the Behemoth vitals and higher numbers now almost every single attack immediately breaks undamaged walls now and we haven't even turned on the new mines yet to supply our new furnace Stacks we're also gonna need two copper lines then the moment arrives for which we did it all switching on the new Iron Mine [Music] [Music] I already hooked up the copper or belts and now with new Iron Mine connected we can finally fully saturate three red belts with iron plates and two red belts with copper plates nice [Music] finally we start to produce a more acceptable number of circuits again a full red belt of green chips still is nothing and game worthy but we more than tripled our green chip production and quadrupled the very important red chip Production Red chips are one of the most important products of any base contrary to Blue Chips the red chips are widely used for both Base building materials and for science which is why they are the most common bottleneck in any base and with those achievements it is time to start researching again I think we can safely say that all of the non-infin attacks lie firmly within a regional however under the current chat of the wall busting behemian biters what we need the most now is faster Labs faster Bots and all the upgrades to the flamethrowers we can get foreign [Music] with the new minds the bigger fairness area and accordingly increased assembly usage we are creeping up dangerously close to our reactors 480 megawatts maximum capacity also the reactor is almost out of fuel again but thanks to the 100 fuel efficiency which now has officially become obsolete by the way we only had to take one refueling trip and the whole 23 hours the reactor has been running that has been the main reason for the fuel efficiency mechanism not the pure resource costs fact we care so little about the resource cost why don't we just take all of the 160 uranium-235 and just turn them all into fuel cells [Music] modules and the assembler to provide an extra green boost to our green power anyway after a long idle period we start up the uranium mine again but no more battle hauling instead we automated the process by using this sneaky backdoor sulfuric acid extraction now I'm sure there's a joke no actually I'm pretty sure there's no joke in that [Music] so then what is our next project well we want to square out the base so we can finally make a normal robot Network without worrying that the Bots Will Fly Over the Cuckoo's Nest in the process we get access to yet another very important resource we haven't talked about yet do you see it prepare for the base growing larger and larger while the Bots fly further and further and the Behemoth grow stronger and stronger we need an upgraded defense [Music] so we designed this quad wall setup with extra heavily defended Corners more flamethrowers per cubic mile and better laser support with building power and robopot coverage from the get-go it also features a continuous rail line for some reason and oh yeah to make it super easy to place we chunk align the design for a good measure foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we keep the research priorities on getting all the weapon damage and shooting speed upgrades that we can and to prepare to utilize the important resource I mentioned earlier we go ahead and install another Stone mine [Music] we moved over the uranium processing to make space for okay okay alert sounds what is going on this time of course an ultra long range Behemoth worm is taking pot shots out of flames or whatever turrets but there's no need anymore to Tire ourselves by running all across the map we can simply call over Spiderman and hop in foreign [Applause] [Music] solar powered spider Sprints across the map with ease we don't have shields installed but there's no need the spider barely takes a scratch in the process there problem solved [Music] oh not yet those behaved Realms are some sturdy dudes I tell you anyway back to the base [Music] so yeah we move the uranium processing to make space for our second steel line in the furnace array now go back to full speed researching The End Game text the heavily still dependent purple signs simply demands more than a single furnace line of Steel with the extra steel line we now have the possibility to convert up to two thirds of our total iron production into Steel [Music] meanwhile we have already started researching the last of the non-infinite weapon upgrades and we finally got around to mine and connect the new coal patch to Aid a struggling colic of action plant [Music] it'll start working and its intended full capacity of converting two full belts of coal into oil [Music] [Applause] ready is extra upgrades to the base now we regularly exceed 480 megawatts but for a while the steam buffer can still handle the extra power bursts but if we keep adding to the base it is likely to become a problem in the near future though [Music] so naturally we ignore the problem and happily proceed to make some high level speed modules for the science and lab area beacons together with the final two research speed upgrades this will lead to the laps becoming six times faster than they currently are with our final research speed of 16.45 [Music] which is enough for these eight laps to consume 130 signs per minute even on the slowest Technologies next we go for fully upgraded inserters to better keep up with the beacon builds around the base with these fast 30 second Technologies our Labs can reach speeds of 260 signs per minute note that we can produce that though even after upgrading the science production with Speed 2 modules the best we can hope for is 80 to 90 signs per minute sustained but even that number is still questionable given our current resource situation [Music] another big game at 11 party starts ruining all the fun artillery is the only defense against these [Music] thank you and now that we're here anyway we can finally check out another biter attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] science is crawling again and this time it's because of the simple blue signs running out of red chips as any available headships are distributed equally over all requester chests we simply add a ridiculous amount of them this should solve the problem and we can indeed see the delivered red chips are no longer immediately being consumed great in the meantime we have completed nearly all of the non-infinite Technologies now let's finally cue up all of the remaining Powerhouse decks like artillery uranium enrichment and not long after uranium ammo then the rocket Silo itself which will open up the way to all the infinite Technologies through space science and finally the most expensive Tech in the game the atomic bomb [Music] [Music] as predicted the Bohemian worm expansion problem becomes ever more frequent while we've got several ways to deal with it all of these methods require manual interruptions of whatever I'm doing while we still need to build the required infrastructure and make a huge resource investment I can't wait until we can start to play around with artillery then suddenly the alert sound starts making a lot of scary noises we frantically scroll around the map to locate the Breakthrough but it turns out it were just several small normal breaches caused by multiple attacks happening at the same time question what's even better than spider Tron [Music] [Music] spider [Music] oh yes Spiderman's cult following is growing and follow they will [Music] it is time for Spider-Man to change out his peaceful solar powered speed set up for his nuclear-powered War gear once again we then outfit the white recluse and the Black Widow with similar gear so all three spiders have the same walking speed then we take a small handful of 16 000 Rockets with us as well as a Titanic amount of building materials we need to start constructing our new chunk aligned quad wall defense with four inventories of space to carry stuff we can be out there for quite a while before we'll need to return to resupply finally let's prepare our inner armor with 16 laser defense units again who needs power generation anyway the 10 Mark II batteries will carry us for a long while let's hop into Spiderman and let's go [Music] look at that mean worm bullying our Bots let's go and spread Justice to a little Enthusiast are we I need to double check but I don't think blowing a 20 meter wide hole in my wall was part of the plan so let's not wander off too far so we can personally intercept any biter attacks until the Bots rebuild it yeah that's quite a gap isn't it fortunately soon the boats are arriving with the replacement walls and the entire wall is rebuilt again thank you bots yeah with all damage upgrades completed and two extra support spiders we are back to being opsf again and this time there are no more evolutionary super jumps to make for the biters to catch up to our new power their days are numbered [Music] after absolutely no death blowing a giant hole right in the center of their base we clear up along the forest edges using only your 16 personal laser defenses now that we also fully maxed out laser damage and speed they can hold their own against these leftovers without needing to rely on Rocket support no trees were harmed in the making of this video [Music] pretty soon we have cleared out a large area let's take out the final Big Blob together shall we [Music] thank you oh whoops sorry cheese that is why I like to leave the support spiders behind near the forested areas who even needs atomic bombs when you can't have this [Applause] just look at them they know no limit they're absolute beasts foreign [Music] we can stay on this uninhabited small island to confuse the biters [Music] let's go and clean up whatever pieces of biters are still moving This Time by ourselves without harming any more trees in the process [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] extremely effective this is going to be your main combat strategy for a while we took out all of that without even draining my Armor's batteries but now we need to recharge them because it's time for 200 personal to start the construction of the final wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] we need to nibble a few more brightness of this hatch here and you can clearly see without the support sprayers and lasers it's a lot harder as our DPS is way down and we are the single Target of every single enemy in range [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we have reached the lake let's place a corner instead of a straight wall to not create a very weak Outer Edge I predict massive attacks on this corner later as all the bites are spotting around the lake will end up right here let's again install a seti project to see if we can finally find some intelligent live on this planet any intelligent life surely excludes me and a most unfortunate turn of events a freak tragedy occurred and all beloved friend Little Johnny is no longer with us how could this happen while the player known as Mike handy was extremely careful to stay away from Johnny with his laser defense armor a tragic Confluence of coincidences caused the support spiders to part right to Johnny's location foreign was trampled for good measure why Johnny why it never happens to the thieving vandalizing bullying Behemoth worms come it always happens to the good spirit that bright Minds full of life Joy always willing to help a fellow out but as brutal as it sounds life Must Go On [Music] thank you and the Inconvenient Truth is appropriately followed by An Inconvenient wall [Music] overwhelmed with grief we rush into battle alone without a support spider Crusade Mission it seems as this Nest cluster is way too big to take down by ourselves foreign managed to escape from the claws of bitter death it is time to phase it the time where we could venture out to take on large vital bases by ourselves lies firmly in the past now so coming to our senses we call in the support troops and and [Music] again [Music] stupidest has stupid does I guess but after making the first then earlier we managed to pull through right as the last non-infin attack of the game completes foreign [Music] that means we managed to complete the first ever playthroughs four goals [Music] research all Technologies check Additionally you could safely say we are a little past the point where we would need to eat fish to heal so I'm gonna give myself that one as well foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you not long after we managed to wall off the southeast corner and our base has a complete outer shell once again and in the process we finally claimed a new oil Source Behold The Mighty 93 richness which will solve all our problems [Music] to further clarify its big richness as less than half of our initial oil fields minimum richness this single oil Source wouldn't even provide enough oil for half of a single unmodulled oil refinery even at the peak of its richness and over time it will fall all the way down to just 20 richness which is the absolute minimum equivalent to one tenth of a single unmoduled oil refined risk consumption now that I've explained to you just how poor this oil sauce is let's try to illustrate just how resource efficient the flamethrowers really are I'm going to supply my whole basis defense with only this single crappy oil Source if you think the uranium fuel cells for nuclear power are terribly op for the resource cost well that's true of course but at pales in comparison to the micro drops of oil used to fuel the flame Towers [Music] meanwhile at the other end of the base yet another Behemoth worm is causing trouble [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys the biters are so impressed they just don't know what to do with themselves and just freeze in place [Music] well we still have plenty of building materials so we continue the South wall and there's dense forest and dig ourselves a little fire ditch [Music] small field tests taken by some volunteers confirms the Fire doesn't spread out below foreign [Applause] [Music] does look uncomfortably close though so let's slightly enlarge the fire Dutch to be 100 sure [Music] soon we reach the next patch of water but this time we didn't close off nothing there are still giant biter blobs and the lands that are undeniably rightfully ours Craig lands at the nuclear reactor confirms very good thanks to converting all of our 160 uranium-235 into fuel cells it will take a very long time before this reactor runs out of fuel again now we need to take out this giant inner cluster not that we gain any Resources by doing so even the Iron Will Remain just outside our border we are doing a just so the dumb robots won't fly over the enemy nests all the time Forest savings threads be damned we've come too close to that several times already now we're going in with all we've got spider ban the Black Widow and the white recluse and as you can see three spiders are still an absolute Stone Fest [Applause] the extra DPS and additional targeting from the follower spiders helps to prevent spider ban from entering the asset slowdown effects spiral of death [Applause] together I took the Three Musketeers less than two minutes to clear that entire section this [Applause] [Music] [Music] and another two minutes later we personally cleaned up the stragglers with the laser defense and my armor I will bore you with one more triple spider attack it is just too much fun after a long long struggle to get to this point um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so while you are looking at the new ideology behind the term by the island that world [Music] I've gone ahead and fully squared off the base now we can finally connect all hobo pots into one giant Network [Music] [Music] [Music] and after installing several robot lines to function as recharge points for the bots on their long distance repair flights let me introduce you to the only fair way to continue display through Little Johnny's Redemption [Music] seeking revenge for his unjust dead Johnny's cousins shall be allowed to spread asset and robots for the remainder of the game strong and smart Bots will make it the weak and dumb ones will die together with Whatever item they were carrying [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it is time to execute our promise we shall separate our oil sources and only use the new single crappie oil source to provide for our entire bases flame to our defense first we disconnect our original oil source and its buffer from the flame tour defense before we proceed to pump the former flamethrower fuel buffer back to be refined and despite pumping for nearly 2 hours now the single oil Source still hasn't filled up these buffer tanks it has produced only 90k oil since we switched it on we then move the oil refining buffer tank out of the way and we did some pipe Works to separate the oil refining oil Source from the new flame tool supplying oil sauce and finally we can connect the new crappy oil source to the flamethrower Network at the moment of connecting there's 310k oil in the system this is a total of these five tanks the four near full buffer things in the wall corners and all of the oil in their many hundreds of connecting pipes and flame throwers themselves but this 310k figure is our Benchmark the entire flame thrower Network around the entire base is now connected to this single crappy pump jack let's see if the oil buffer goes up or down from this point on foreign [Music] as we didn't expand out beyond the old Northwest wall we spent the next half hour cleaning that up and replacing it with our chunk aligned quad wall we also made a slight Northern expansion to include this copper patch in our base the post expansion evolution is now 60 spinal kills with a behemoth spawn rate of 26 percent and we haven't even fired a single artillery shell yet and while we did achieve our goal of squaring out the base to finally be able to have a normal robapot Network we don't have all that many new resources to show for only a single three and a half million iron Parts in the far Southeast and a single 3.5 million copper patch which wasn't even originally inside our walls and I'm not even gonna count that Meme oil source which is now providing the entire flame turbo defense so far we've been really struggling hard just to add a single org patch per resource type to the base with each expansion so much work and so little to show for this has to stop if we take a look at the new raider revealed map we see there's an extremely dense resource cluster just out of our base there's literally like 12 ore patches just a little side of our current border while the north does contain a couple very rich or patches rather than increasing of all reserves we are more interested in increasing our total rate of production in other words the total number of miners we can have operational at any one time so I think we are not on expanding just yet we need just one more expansion to claim a full final and game base size and those Southern resources are looking juicy first check on our new flame tool oil pump it looks like the oil Reserve is dropping by about 5k per hour though it's unclear how much oil was lost while replacing the flamethrowers in the Northwest wall don't worry as long as there's adequate space in an adjacent oil tank all of the oil in the deconstructed oil tank is transferred instantly and no oil is lost well that means there's still 60 hours of oil left in the tank the oil level is dropping so let's apply a small upgrade to the oil production speed now these beacons will increase production speed by about 50 percent foreign [Music] that sometimes it is better to avoid battle altogether [Music] now as our nuclear reactor was running at Max Capacity already before her expansion before we can build anything new we first need more power so it's finally time to switch on these Nuclear Plant assemblers [Music] green cream [Music] so we are finally getting back to the earlier riddle of the other important resource we captured it was water the specific stretch of water to be more clear since nuclear power requires a lot of water it's usually the easiest to just build the whole damn thing on the water especially if you made a tailable design like the one we are going to use [Music] and while the Bots are placing all the landfill set up uranium to the coverx enrichment process but we previously used up all of our shiny green rocks to make nuclear fuel it takes 40 shiny green rocks to start up uranium enrichment will we have enough just barely only 320 too many that was a close call and while you are looking at the Stalls landfill progress because we first need some hoverboards on the water [Music] I've built a quick quad cover hex sagon uranium and Richard yeah I'll see myself out later later we'll automate it but for now we just need a couple handfuls for a specific goal since we have plenty anyway let's just insert 80 shiny rocks in each assembler do not have any downtime between Cycles and while we're trying to enjoy looking at the first few Cycles [Music] tries to ruin all the fun but it won't succeed this time this time the fun is on us as we can simply use a remote controlled spiders to go and solve the problem [Music] thank you [Music] thanks behind that was fun [Music] next we finally set up the rocket control units because they take forever to assemble and they require just one speed module and one blue circuit a piece we just ask the logistic Bots with the delivery instead of using the main bus but why are we setting up rcu's now you ask well of course to further progress and signs we need a wide space science specs through rocket launches which means we need rcus except we are not thinking about launching Rockets just yet these rcu's are for a different purpose [Music] well after setting up the landfill the cover hex and Richmond and the rcus all we can do is wait for these processors to produce some of their stuff so let's watch some painter I mean watch a nice time lapse of the Bots placing the landfill on the water [Applause] [Music] it is slightly dangerous to tie up all construction bolts on a long construction project as it will leave no Bots available to fix the walls but I reckon the quad wall Will Survive the repair downtime [Music] well the Bots finished but now they all moved into the temporary Robo ports on the new island if we simply deconstruct those hoverboards it removes all those Bots from our Network as they won't simply relocate themselves but instead they'll wait inside to be picked up by Autobots and dumped into a chest yeah it's dump so we need a way to get them out of there and keep them in the network [Music] introducing the pottery collar 9000 we Simply Stamped this blueprint with 9000 pipes somewhere far from their current location so that all construction bots in the entire network are called to duty to construct the pipes emptying out all Robo ports including those temporary ones as soon as all the Bots are airborne and far enough out we cancel the pipe construction and we can now safely deconstruct these empty Robo ports while all construction Bots remain in the system thank you [Music] then after all landfill is placed it is time for the second step of our new nuclear reactor building the skeleton it contains all the power lines robopots and Radars to prepare for the task of actually building the nuclear reactor this is the 20 reactor curve of the new nuclear power plant but fanar will just let the Bots build this skeleton foreign now this build is simply too large to be covered by an existing robobot Network so the skeleton includes its own self-extending robopod grid every time a new robot is placed a new planned robot comes into range until eventually both sides connect and the skeleton is fully built and this now forms the Grid in which the tileable nuclear reactor exactly fits in between foreign nuclear reactor requires a lot of fuel so we prepare a nuclear fuel setup which will start up by hand this was not what we prepared uranium enrichment for by the way so let's just grab 100 uranium-235 from the general mining chests to start it up [Music] there that will produce the first 1000 fuel cells the 20 core reactor will however once built each through six fuel cells per minute so these 1000 fuel cells will not even be enough for three hours of runtime [Music] okay but while the Bots build a second batch of landfill my age starts to become undeniable all those resources just outside my walls are just taunting me take me claim me I can't resist the voices any longer the bass needs to grow once more to reach its final form once more we reach for a crude wall planning tool and start laying out the final expansion plan foreign [Music] ERS a final time spiders follow me [Music] in the meantime Johnny's Redemption is doing great work and avenging their fallen combat let's compare the evolution Factor before and after our final expansion let's begin [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] we have found even more juicy resources to the South and we may have overstretched a bit in the process [Music] concentration down there I can't even Point them all out with my mouse But it includes three real oil sauces can you imagine we've been running on our single crappy starter oil sauce for 63 hours now meanwhile our spiders have completely run out of rockets we'll send them back to the base to restock VR Logistics requests while we start on the final wall [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] section walled off and for the first time we claim that ton of resources inside of our borders now we're just gonna draw the wall up north to grab a few extra nearby resources just outside of the current existing wall thank you [Music] and yet another one and a half hour later we are ready for the final boss fight in the right corner the Doom engineer riding Spider-Man himself supported by the Black Widow and the white recluse with a total number of 42 running legs Corner the Behemoth mind Overlord also known as bitterious giganticus Flores endlesses with a total number of a light year and plank length number of legs [Music] all right guys here's the rules no Retreats and no repairs fight to the death until no enemy is left standing within the designated area understand okay keep it fit what am I saying use every dirty trick in and out of the Amazon book fight foreign Doom engineer and Spiderman are off to a bad start drowning in overconfidence they rushed in too hard and are down to half held already while the endless Fighters barely took a significant hit can they hold it together oh [Music] they change tactics trying to outflank the biters but how can one outflank an ocean well you simply can't there are just too many biters to write flank and every asset by decadent leads to unrecoverable damage on Spider-Man while the endless biters well they're endless that's the whole battle plan as Darkness slowly Falls the end is near for team Spider-Man while the Vita still control a sizable corner of the Arena this is the final finale to rule them all who will come out on top [Applause] what's going on I can't believe my eyes incredible what a comeback with barely any hit points remaining Doom guy and Spider-Man are taking out every last bite in the arena while dodging shots faster than the speed of his shots thank you [Music] foreign we've got a winner [Music] and look at that Carnage we victoriously complete the wall before coming to a drooling realization this wall now defines our final end game Prison from which we may never even attempt to escape yeah but hey a prison full of resources that it is giving us many possibilities to control the Lands Beyond the present from the inside like a true mob boss who dares to interrupt my victory speech those who are about to die salute me foreign [Applause] [Music] all in all we have defeated over a quarter million enemies since the start of the game including 12 000 rooms 14 000 spawners and a whopping 16 000 roaming behemoths both the highest skills and losses per minute were achieved in the very early game believe it or not when we had to build the initial base right in the middle of the vital Nest while the small biters flooded us Non-Stop [Music] and they destroyed or flimsy pipels and Moss while in return we killed them by the hundreds with every juicy grenade room fourteen thousand destroyed spawners now take account of three quarters of the evolution Factor where the one so important time and pollution factor in the early in bed game respectively now being a known Factor due to the way Evolution increase slows down dramatically as you get closer and closer to maxing out we would have reached behemoths easily even without those factors it wasn't cheap to claim these lands though in the process we fired 75 000 explosive Rockets construction boards stopped the list of losses a number of course inflated by the great works of Johnny's Redemption [Music] still at this point in the game we couldn't care less about how many Bots we lose we won't even notice it well for as long as they are not carrying the Mercury modules that is but at this stage of the game boats are very cheap produced quickly and lost both are automatically replaced up to our desired number by our manufacturing block when I mentioned we won't even notice it I amended literally so to finally complete our intermediate main bus we quickly add Rocket Fuel which was the last missing ingredient we need to make rockets to progress to the infinite Technologies [Applause] [Music] during the dosh of Destruction we acquired over 3 000 shiny green rocks now we are ready to utilize the secret plan what will it be [Music] nukes huh we just finished a complete and utter Rampage and now we build nukes so we are gonna build a nuclear plant and feed it with nukes hold on I don't think this guy knows how nuclear plants will do it I have no idea what he's planning to do but let's set back at good distance away and watch the show I guess this should be entertaining one way or the other [Music] oh I guess I was wrong he is going into debug explain mode again [Music] we are all fans of the green power but the landfill is not cooperating contrary to any natural landscape it absorbs absolutely zero pollution and because pollution only spreads away from a tile if there's more than 15 pollution in a tile the pollution on the fully landfilled chunks will never dissipate until the end of time this of course of course annoys me to no end After experiencing this lingering pollution and my solar powered megabase without being able to do anything about it we're gonna solve the problem here with nukes let's demonstrate Watson great shot Watson great shot anyway the Keen Eye will spot the nuked landfill now absorbs a minute quantity of pollution not much only about one-fifth of a water tile but still infinitely as many times as unspoiled landfill it will take a long time but once of pollution Cloud shrinks and the nuclear plant lies outside of our pollution Cloud the last linearing 15 pollution points which will never spread and would normally remain on this chunk forever now will dissipate in a mere eight hours of game time that's a lot yes but given that we are currently 68 hours in I'd say we have a good chance of taking advantage of this mechanism so to summarize deaths please change landfill and concrete to absorb a tiny tiny amount of pollution by default please but for now we just gotta prepare the lands by nuking all these chunks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] every chunk once the Eternal pollution problem is solved and we can put back the deconstructed reactor of skeletons [Music] foreign and now the land has been properly prepared we can finally build a new dialable nuclear reactor foreign [Music] [Music] each set of four reactors are supported by four Columns of heat exchangers which in turn are each supplied by two offshore pumps none of those water lines connect to each other which simplifies fluid calculations well hopefully each column of heat exchangers outputs steam which is pumped into a column of steam turbines again none of the steam pipes are interconnected the whole nuclear plant has only 10 tiles wide or the weight of two reactors and as such a styleable per block of four reactors with each block working independent we start off with 20 reactors which can produce approximately two and a half gigawatts of power on this reactor we have no circuit conditions no other complicated stuff we just don't care anymore if it burns through fuel at an abysmal efficiency for the same reason we did care about it with our first reactor we just want to plop the tank down and then spend as little time as possible worrying about it foreign so we just entered the full stack of nuclear fuel in each one and each reactor's regressor chest will demand another 500 fuel cells to be brought in as a buffer so once we connect the plant back to the main Robo Port Network we can watch the logistics Vault scramble as they try to deliver 10 000 fuel cells to about 20 core reactor [Music] soon the reactor has swarmed in logistics Bots and we see the first use of active provider test which force their contents to some other location in the logistics Network this means the depleted fuel cells will automatically be picked up and returned to the main base's General storage area for now [Music] and once the reactor finally gets up to temperature our old overburdened starter nuclear plant is finally relieved foreign just enjoy the beautiful glow in the night [Music] and just like we can recall all construction boats with a giant blob of pipes [Music] [Laughter] we can recall all Logistics Bots by forcing a transfer of tens of thousands of wood [Music] [Music] after claiming our end game sized base containing a respectable and game amount of resources and our new two and a half gigawatts easily expandable nuclear power plant and with all the Bots back at the home base we are finally ready for the end game if you thought we killed a lot of biters already well think again for every biter base we killed and every chunk of land we have conquered New biters have appeared outside of our borders not only in the visible section of the map but likely already present in The Invisible game chunks far beyond our radar scan range we've still got a lot of work to do and a lot of problems to solve the only difference is now we control the resources to do it we are ready to start engineering our way to the promised World Peace [Music] I no longer dream of returning home I can't leave the factory behind it's become my life work some may call it an addiction let them I've become solely focused on the task of preparing for the ultimate destruction this is my home planet now and I will make sure every bug on this god-forsaken planet will know about it at least on their final moments before I blast them into Oblivion foreign by the end of the last movie we overcame impossible odds to settle down and then after a fierce race with our rapidly dwindling starter Iron Mine we finally managed to break free and claim a second iron patch taking the first steps outside of our protected starter area that bothersome well needed time to upgrade a Weaponry to also claim one of every other resource except for oil which we got around by using coal liquefaction from there we managed to take up to unlock the powerful spider Tron the fighters evolving to behemoths made the situation tense for a short while but expanding to a team of three spiders and upgrading to a quad wall defense around our new fully robot supported square base solved that problem as well well after 20 hours of focusing mostly on spider-powered expansion the base has been left fairly neglected and it is gasping for resources so the first thing we need to do is to hook up some of those newly acquired ore patches to our furnace area our furnaces can process three full belts of iron ore and two full belts of copperho and they're only getting about half of that the plan is to hook up that extra Northern copper we included by making that strange outcrop and that nearby iron which was formerly just outside of our West Wall we will also dedicate the other Northwest resources of stone and coal to support the main Base main base yes main base eventually we are planning to set up a dedicated Outpost to make both steel and green chips here in the southwest corner these five all patches together happen to have roughly the right resource distribution to supply the main base with steel and green chips which means they'll dry up roughly evenly over time and since we finally claimed some real oil sources for our base let's already upgrade the regular oil refining with speed beacons and preparation [Applause] [Music] up until now we needed only one oil refinery to keep up with our entire oil production but that's going to change so we check the ratio of building materials needed to build mining outposts and request a multiple of that to this chest [Music] then we grab a whole lot of belts to bring the resources back to the base hop in spider ban and off we go [Music] since iron is struggling the most right now that's where we'll head first now building mine outposts in the early game can be quite tedious but now with a couple hundred fully upgraded personal bolts and two simple blueprints it's super easy barely an inconvenient foreign [Music] foreign [Music] convenience is building the belts back to the base but at this stage of the game Bells be trained in every single way they are more maneuverable and flexible to lay down difficult to screw up with throughput and you don't need perfectly balanced loading and unloading stations and most importantly unbike trains Bells don't try to kill you all the time okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just like that we are outputting three full red belts of iron again next up is that awkwardly positioned copper patch [Music] yeah I'm gonna spare you filling in the details [Music] there everything seems to work and oh [Music] okay now everything is working and we can belt back two full belts of copper to our base [Music] and that's two full belts of copper plates [Music] now we don't need extra coal just yet but we quickly hook up the two Stone mines [Music] thank you so we can continue making landfill without starving the heavily Stone dependent purple signs later all those new release is no longer struggling and back to producing stuff at full speed now we can finally start our Nazi and top secret project [Music] yes it's artillery indeed who would have guessed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it looks like we are producing about 34 artillery shells per minute it's hard to predict how many will need but my very rough estimation is around 100 000 that's about 50 hours worth of full speed artillery shell production and that's only if all the required ingredients can keep up [Music] less than 50 artillery shells fit in each chest so as the OG copper mine is running out we can start adding more chests a lot more chests meanwhile the base is looking pretty pretty in the night now artillery shells just by themselves are not very useful so we temporarily change the locomotive assembler to assemble artillery wagons but we won't only need artillery and train form so we automate some land-based artillery Terrors as well after trying to pronounce artillery for dozens of times that undeniable Edge has returned again let's slow the spider with shells and take these bad boys out on a field test I know just the right location for that no you bastards not Johnny's Redemption I'm talking about the new biter Island [Music] one advantage of artillery over spidertron's explosive Rockets is its 100 accurate surgical Precision strikes which causes only minimal collateral damage to the surrounding trees that surgical position is exactly what we're looking for the main disadvantage of artillery are the intense bite the Revenge attacks after the artillery strike but hey this was by the island so good luck with that field test complete and successful [Applause] [Music] now let's check the effective range on these things we can place an artillery turret in the corner of the base to visualize its current range on the map [Music] well it looks like we're gonna need a couple range upgrades while we're at it let's Place one turret in all four corners [Music] thank you [Music] thank you even more of the OG copper mine has run out so let's make room for even more chests [Music] additionally we now hooked all green chests together with green wires so we can easily identify how many shells we have stockpiled in total about one and a half thousand already [Music] once we are done with all expansions there will hopefully be no more destruction within our walls so it is time for an important step deconstruct all items lying on the ground in the base as you can see a whopping 2400 pieces of stone are scattered around my base those are not rocks but the remnants of rocks which got destroyed in the Carnage not only my Rockets destroyed rocks but also the biters themselves can break them whenever they feel they are in the way leaving clumps of stone on the ground with every destroyed rock those stones can later accidentally end up on bells in chests and generally in undesired locations which can cause major downtime so now we have full Raider coverage in our base we task the Bots with picking up all that stone before we start building and before it can cause any trouble that order to the bolts was great news for Johnny's Redemption who now had a great opportunity to fire some pot shots at our Bots and they managed to destroy 28 of them on death star's cologne I gotta be careful once I start asking the Bots to build stuff with expensive modules now we don't have full robopot coverage around our entire base so we task a spider to walk around and do the cleanup floors between a robopork teeth [Music] let's check in on our single flame tour defense supplying bomb Jack it has now reached its absolute minimum production of 20 despite that the total oil in the system has gone up from 310k to 386k so let's start the real challenge we deleted the speed modules and the speed beacons to see if a single pump jack producing at the absolute minimum possible can still Supply an Ultimate Death world's amount of flamethrower fuel our new Benchmark is 387k oil in the system reviews [Music] and just like that we decided it is time we've had all the ingredients for the rocket available for a long time already but there was just no need to launch yet [Music] only now after our final expansion is done and we've hooked up the base to plentiful new resources it is finally feasible again to continue with the infinite research projects [Music] all right [Music] [Music] so that means it is finally time to start launching Rockets not to win the game as the single launch by itself has nothing to do with the victory conditions we set for ourselves but purely as a means to start producing the final science pack of Space Science now before starting on the fun projects we are first again gonna grab the useful stuff a couple of cheap upgrades to the worker bot speed and the cheapest mining productivity upgrade so production will keep up at full speed for longer [Music] [Music] all right [Music] our fully operational base is looking mightily fine in the night but it does become very apparent why we need our planned Outpost for steel and green chips sooner rather than later currently half of the main base is coupled is converted into green chips and most of the iron will be converted into steel once the current backlogs rise up foreign because now that we are researching again our resource consumption and science production is running at full speed it's not exactly the right ratio but the slowest assemblers are running at 84 signs per minute but even with everything running we still aren't using much of our tileable nuclear plants maximum capacity yet maybe it was a mistake to do the artillery field test on biter Island these two bite on us here are eating up 300 pollution per minute for free without sending in a text [Music] [Applause] [Music] they basically are functioning as a sort of super Forest absorbing our pollution with no negative side effects anyway in the end it doesn't even matter as we can't rely on that forever eventually all biters will have to depart to the Eternal biter hunting grounds well our next project will take a while to set up so before that we quickly adjust the uranium enrichment setup to be fully automatic we wire the coverx enrichment centrifuges so that they will only stop running after the amount of shiny green rocks equals the amount of non-shining green rocks a Craig lens shows that is going to take quite a while still so now for the back project with all the furnace is active all iron and copper are being consumed and more than half of the available iron and copper are going towards steel and green chips so yep it is finally time to set up the autonomous Outpost for steel and green chips to relieve the main base well the cheapest robot speed and Mining speed upgrades have already finished through this it will still be a while before we need the artillery range upgrades we are just not ready yet so for now we are just going to keep investing and faster bolts and richer mining production [Music] spheric light of launching Hawkins into orbit we spend some time setting the right Logistics requests for all three spiders in order to build the green steel cooperation Outpost all right all requests are set up spider ban is the mining spider the black widow is the smelting spider and the white recluse is the factory spider and yes that does look like rails and train fuel in there so let's step into the light and have the boat suppliers with all the things [Music] foreign [Music] s [Music] foreign [Music] balancers is my weak point but I think I build a one to six splitter let's give it a quick test so let's plop one down for each train wagon what train wagon ah the homeless 2 has Michael Hendricks finally seen the light well hold your horses nerds that suit in light at the end of the tunnel is just the freight train coming your way is just a single train okay just a single hit it's nothing serious I'm not addicted now go away [Music] let's instead focus on designing the steel smelter this process illustrates well why I don't have a full homepod Grid in my base it can work well if you use pre-made blueprints but I like to be able to work on designs without construction Bots flying in and out partially constructing and deconstructing stuff and just generally getting in the way [Applause] there that's one half of the whopping 480 furnaces we need to turn four bells of iron oil into almost one full belt of Steel fully designed from scratch and less than 90 seconds now we just gotta actually build it in a more convenient location [Music] foreign of course knowing me the ratios are off again given that we use productivity modules and while I could try to get and use slightly less iron furnaces before failing around with redistributing the extra iron plates while trying not to screw up due to factors like insert on near side of the belt priority and whatnot but meh this design is quick and simple does what it needs to do and I'd rather spend that extra time on the next three projects instead noise we have upgraded from 200 to 300 personal robots by the way and we've rebuilt the train station so the steel output belts conveniently connect to the train [Music] and nope we were not really producing 84 signs per minute sustained our science back buffer Renault and tax load to a call again exactly because we're lacking steel and green chips so let's cancel the expensive text for now so we can buffer up and later quickly research whatever we need most at that time [Music] ah suppose we would like to keep the option of adding one more line of smelters to the South well there's just one tile too little space so I drain my entire armos battery to move the whole damn thing two tiles up [Music] well better do it now while everything is still shiny new and empty then later with belts full of oil and furnaces full of blades [Laughter] [Music] my green chip setup is a little weird again but thanks to the stacking productivity bonus even with just the Mark 1 modules 40 green chip assemblers can produce just over three red belts of green chips from just three and a half head belts off copper input again technically we would not need 60 but only 52 copper wire assemblers to feed the 40 green cheb assemblers but also again good luck properly and reliably redistributing that instead we go by the case motto or keep it simple stupid our goal is to supply the main base with three red belts of green chips which is equal to two blue belts so what seems the most simple solution to load two cargo wagons with three red belts worth of green chips supplied by four non-compressed red bells I say let's just side load two blue belts and be done with it [Music] let's build the first mine dedicated for steel production add mining productivity 5 we need 160 miners to supply 4 red balls of org so this Mine by itself is not quite enough yet but it's a good start let's connect it to the steel furnaces and switch it on [Music] wait what is this weird squiggle doing here oh [Music] [Music] well anyway it seems like it's working as intended though not at full speed yet until we connect the other mine [Music] so let's do just that [Music] together these two mines will provide four full belts of Earth for a long time even as some of the poorest miners run out [Laughter] [Music] Ah that's why we had to build squiggle we are side loading the belts with the backup mind which ensures the belt will be 100 full 100 of the time we can even visualize that with the show gaps and transport Bells debug help there are tons of gaps before the site load compression technique and absolutely none after the side loading fully compressed bells are surprisingly UPS friendly too by the way even if they are very long thank you where the steel setup finished we can finally take the first train ride of the game [Music] let's deliver the first load of Steel to the main base and our trusty [Music] [Music] now the steel belt from The Outpost is hooked up so that the Outpost steel is prioritized once the main base steel furnaces fill up their production will stop and all of the three red balls of iron in the main base will be freed up for non-steel purposes great stuff now we just need to do the same for green caps to relieve copper [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] s for the green chip setup [Music] foreign [Music] so we build the three mines for the green chip setup and to save a little space we use lightly speed beacons melters to supply the green Chapel the 3.4 bells of copper and 2.6 belts of iron it needs to function at full speed foreign s get weird ones productivity modules enter the scene so my usual technique is to slightly over belt every step to ensure the final production goal is reliably met in this case our setup is capable of producing slightly more than three red balls of green chips and then we intentionally bottleneck the throughput at two blue belts which means the green chip production should slowly back up and indeed we are producing two compressed bluebells of green chips or are we something seems off [Music] [Applause] the blue inserters are not keeping up let's try stack and filter then [Music] okay that works it seems anyway the train arrives let's ride it back to the base with the first externally produced green chips [Music] foreign [Music] so we can just flip the steel unloading blueprint [Applause] [Music] and upgraded two blue bells [Music] or can we something seems off [Music] anyway with the new green Chapel also operational we connect the blue belts from the chain to the main bus [Music] and we decide to fully decommission the main base's green chip setup [Music] now we didn't plan ahead space for the pair of green chair belts however so for now they're running a bit awkwardly through the manufacturing Hub oh well let's switch it on [Music] oh that's what was wrong [Music] all right well easy fix [Music] and finally we have not one but three compressed red bells word of green chips at our disposal as well as one red belt of Steel and the total iron and copper production in the main base freed up for other purposes our total iron and copper ore intake tripled it went from five belts at the main base to about 15 belts with the new Outpost included that means our little Outpost is processing about twice the iron and copper of the so-called main base but anyway this will be a great boost for both red and blue chips as well as the base being able to sustain full speed science production now greetings are to come the base being properly supplied with an endgame amount of resources we can afford to start up the infinite science projects again now that we've injected the base with a massive amount of resources from our Outpost the main base has been thrown a little off balance and while some parts of our base are already configured for this new end game amount of resources some parts are not so to be able to take full advantage of the new tripled resource intake we need to First solve a couple of bottlenecks first let's try to maximize red chip production we now should have enough resources to set all red chip assemblers to work but the input barrels are not even saturated so as a quick fix we plop down a couple requester chests and upgrade the first part of the Bell to Blue belts [Music] the second circles will now fill in most gaps on the blue transport belts and a little while later we indeed see all red chip assemblers are now working with plastics and green chips backing up at the end of the belt [Music] with the heavy steel burden relieved from the main base's iron Supply now copper is the main bottleneck as copper is still needed in large quantities for red chips and low density structures among other things true would be told our green steel Outpost processes about twice as much iron as copper so it shouldn't come as a surprise that the iron demand in the main base has strongly diminished so I think we can safely repurpose one of the three iron smelter Stacks to add a third world of copper instead now instead of awkwardly trying to route in the third copper belt we again take advantage of the fact that in terms of throughput two blue belts equal three red belts this means we can just upgrade the entire copper line to bluebells all the way down the main boss with no laws of throughput and indeed copper is now even backing up as both bells down the low density structures that's great or is it in reality it actually reveals our next bottleneck an oil shortage but before we dive into that we first see the light the blue light and send the Outpost produces two blue bells of green chips we also upgrade the entire green chair belt at the main bus to Blue belts this now allows the full green chip production to travel down the main bus by Bells so we can get rid of these awkward requester chests so yeah the current problem is oil we don't have enough petroleum gas to keep plastic production going and while we certainly wouldn't have gotten to this point without our trusty Cold Lake Perfection planned at this stage of the game and it just isn't enough anymore even with the plant processing at its maximum capacity we are going to need some real actual oil to solve this problem and unlike before we actually have control over a few new oil fields now so let's load up the spiders with building materials and let's go get the black gold flowing so what is the best way to place those annoying pump jacks well I don't know but this is one way to do it [Music] once we connect the new oil field we finally start to use more than just a single Refinery and our oil processing setup we are now producing eight times as much oil per minute as we have been doing for the last 50 hours but still not all of the refineries are operational so let's connect this oil source to the main base as well that should do the trick [Music] we went from 3 to 24K oil per minute with a personal oil source and the second one now bombs our production up all the way to 40K and next to that we still have the gold liquefaction together this should surely solve our oil problem but we still want to prioritize the free infinite oil production from our original oil source and keep the richness of these new oil sources as high as possible for as long as possible this is the main reason I use pipes here instead of trains it makes it very simple to set up oil field priorities where just a single green wire connected to a pump we arranged that the second new oil field only chips in if the Fresno oil field fails to keep up with demand and a similar green wire connection ensures our original infinite oil source is still being consumed with the highest priority with the two new oil fields connected our oil refinery is producing as maximum capacity and with petroleum gas production are being much greater than consumption again the plastic is Flowing down both Bells at full speed again [Music] and with the new outposts and small optimizations to the main base we are finally able to produce more than enough ingredients to keep all science assemblers operational at all times producing that weird 84 signs per minute figure but anyway this time we can actually sustain that production so that means we can finally focus on what we've all been waiting for [Music] we are ready to work on our weather manipulation machine foreign we are going to make it rain on this planet for the first time and I'm not talking about water but first we gotta make sure it can rain a little further from our walls each level of artillery range research gives 30 percent of cumulative range bonus so by researching two levels we increase the range by 60 percent now this may not sound like that much but since the range bonus applies to the radius the actual circular area of ground we can cover multiplies by 1.6 squared or about two and a half times finally the OG copper mine has fully dried up so we can complete our 20 by 20 square of artillery shell chests [Music] meanwhile we have already stocked up over 9 000 shells in that case let's set up the artillery train let's start off with 20 wagons supported by four locomotives [Music] did you know locomotives don't need to be in front of the train to work let's put them in the middle so we end up with a nice symmetric train with 10 artillery wagons on each Street and the four locomotives can be revealed right here in the u-turn [Music] now manually placing wagons around corners is a bit meh for correct spacing so let's properly align the Chain by having a travel to the train stop automatically [Music] thank you [Music] nice before we load the artillery shells on the train let's add yet another square of 400 just to the buffer artillery shell production must continue at all costs [Music] while we wait we take a look at the map and more mysterious markers morphed into existence oh Max X plus 11 I wonder what that is all about anyway it's time to fill up that artillery chain 25 shells are requested to each of the four requested chests per wagon that's 100 shells waiting to be loaded which happens to be the exact carrying capacity of the artillery wagon [Applause] [Music] great now we just light it up and copy paste it to the other 19 wagons and watch the bot scramble while a single bot has no problem whatsoever carrying four nuclear reactors in a single flight artillery shells are so heavy they need to be transported individually I can't wait to see what kind of impact craters they are going to make anyway that's one train loaded with 2 000 artillery shells but with 2000 shells per train load we have only produced six or seven trains worth of shells since we started production eight and a half hours ago we need more production and with the green steel Outpost operational I think we can afford to double production foreign ly mining productivity finishes and we begin on researching increased artillery range [Music] [Applause] [Music] but right before we can send the train we first need to finish the rails a wall is interrupted by many lakes [Music] foreign [Music] for now just a single thin strip of landfill which exactly fits the rails will do [Music] and that's the north side connected [Music] the East rail actually almost connects our base to the vital Lands Beyond the walls but unlike spidertrawn the bite of Stompy legs are too short to step over the water [Music] as landfill cannot be deconstructed let's avoid laying rails to the nuclear reactor site and go around instead we have to connect the rails back to the base somewhere anyway [Music] soon the first range upgrade is completed let's see the effect on the map [Music] nice now the second upgrade will added range increase yet another time meanwhile I have completed laying rails over all the Lakes which theoretically means the train should be able to calculate the path around the world and back to the home station let's go for a quick test drive [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] back to the reload station then we are ready let's start raining fire from the sky well not quite yet you see artillery strikes causes giant bite Revenge attacks far far beyond anything we've experienced up to this point now flamethrowers have a minimum range so imagine if the biters Bridge the walls then it still could all be over we need a backup defense system just in case [Music] foreign all around the map if a bridge occurs as a last defense the laser turrets will still be able to fly the bitos from up close [Music] now soon we have a sprinkled 1300 laser turrets around the map drawing 31 megawatts even when idle still in the grand scheme of things that's nothing and we have a 2 gigawatt buffer before we run into trouble there's no need for accumulators this time while we wait for artillery range 2 to complete let's check in on our hotel resell production since we've doubled the artillery shell production our explosive setups just can't keep up we are producing only 800 per minute while we need 1100. so unfortunately we will have to cut out some forests to extend the explosive setups ah it does take some extra wheel to make your designs nice and tileable but it all pays off and you can just copy paste to increase production now we've upped production to 1400 explosives per minute with just more than the 1100 required for full speed artillery shell production finally artillery range to complete it's hard to see the turrets range head border amidst all the head byte and Nest but it's approximately right here with all the visible and invisible bytos present beyond the radar scan range it may surprise you that this is actually all the range we will need on the artillery all the secrets will be revealed soon but first it is time to enjoy what we've all been waiting for a nice Montage of some good old artillery Carnage [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you come here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's the first Corner done we lost 80 volts and 280 volts during this attack alone the wall surely took a beating but it still stands but this is the easiest Corner as this closest to our base which means the Bots were here fast enough to repair and replace the walls destroyed by the biters even so the biters managed to occasionally breach the second layer of walls it remains to be seen how well we will fare in the more remote corners of our base thank you [Music] all right it is finally time to start revealing the mystery of how to truly eliminate every single generated vital nest and worm on this planet both in the Raider reveals map and in the remote unexplored black areas beyond for that we need to travel back to the previously cleared corner of the map let's start with the oldest and most important marker Mike was here now why does that even matter well it has to do with the factorial procedural World Generation process the revealed map doesn't tell the whole story it only shows where the player has actively explored in person as well as eventually revealing Terrain in a square up to 14 chunks out from every place Trader and that is the state of the current visible map but like I said the revealed map doesn't tell the whole story there's other mechanisms working in the background which can generate terrain complete with brighter bases and everything in the black area without it showing up on the map so even if I'd eliminate every vital base on the visible map and it would look like the entire world had been cleansed there would still be vitals present in the Uncharted but already generated terrain beyond the visible lens because of enemy expansion that means they will quickly expand back into the revealed area and in a matter of hours they will be swarming all over the map right up onto our walls again but how can we even know which land exactly has been generated and which land has not well we can't really but we can determine the maximum area in which new terrain theoretically could have been generated and then just presume all of that terrain has been generated to be certain we didn't miss our single chunk one of those mechanisms is that the game has a background process procedurally generates new terrain around the player this happens at a speed of about one chunk every second or so but importantly it doesn't continue to do that infinitely the maximum range at which new terrain can be generated this way is 20 chunks out from the player not counting the chunk where the player is standing that means no terrain can have been generated more than 20 chunks out from the furthest Chunk we have ever visited during this playthrough now I didn't exactly keep track of how far I was out everywhere but it's safe to say I haven't been further out than where I've placed before Mike was here markers as those areas are pretty much still swarming in vitabases so here's a blueprint that shows the full possible generated terrain around the player all 1680 chunks and a 41 by 41 Square centered on the player if we now hover the center of that blueprint over the chunk with the micros here marker it now shows us the maximum theoretical range at which terrain could have been generated as you can see that's another whopping nine chunks further out from our current radar revealed area all around the visible map that means that next to the giant amount of already visible biters there are still thousands of unrevealed chunks around the map and where each chunk containing dozens of vital bases and worms that means there are many tens of thousands of targets for our train just and still invisible area this method is also how I estimated the total number of artillery shells we would need to be around 100 000. anyway another method to both generate new terrain and reveal it on the map simultaneously is by manually selecting artillery Targets in the void the manual range on the artillery is much greater than the automatic range which allows us to reveal the map up to the full 20 chunks out from the micros here markers so let's light it all up then thank you [Music] [Music] foreign first corner of the field three more to go well even with the manual range we still can't quite reach the furthest possible corners of the map but we have reached X plus 20 on the streets which is the absolute maximum distance at which the rain possibly could have been generated at any point during our playthrough [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] to get over here from 20 turns away but even a few bases I accidentally hit while exploring the map with the artillery cannons caused a couple massive Revenge attacks [Music] and here we have some clear evidence that the fire Dutch concept is working the nearby slip of trees burned down while the giant forest on the other side of the fire ditch was completely preserved some more clear evidence on just how fast enemy expansion would cause biters to take over the entire cleared area again they already have expanded right up to the walls again enemy expansion rate skills with Evolution so at near Max Evolution now that means the biters are trying to expand back in the clear territory like crazy foreign has been a problem all game long especially with the Behemoth room's out-ranging of turrets all the time but no longer we finally have the means to automate even that aspect of the game we can now simply place a pair of land-based artillery turrets in the just cleared Corner have the Bots Supply them with a chest full of shells and now these tutorials will automatically eliminate any enemy expansion attempt in the whole Corner we just cleared with the artillery train [Music] [Applause] thank you nice well Little Johnny's days were numbered anyways as Grave Now lies firmly within the reach of the artillery train station and as it stands it seems like eventually Johnny's redemption's days are numbered as well it is time for the second corner foreign the first one provided a lot of electrical fireworks so let's keep an eye on the oil usage of the flame Travers during this attack there's currently 9 30 oil in each of these 20 tanks so that's about 19k oil before we start the show in the northeast corner let's try to film a bit further out this time wearing the best armor in the game while we wait for the train to arrive in the morning dawn all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that failed quickly even the strongest armor in the game isn't up to the task of filming Behemoth by the Revenge attacks anyway the lake in the northeast corner here could cause some serious problems as it will convert all by to attack groups from the East side around the lake to all head exactly this corner that's the real reason I'm standing around here in my spider Throne let's see how it goes morning [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER attacks have reached on for a full day and a full night and while the bite us reliably breached the first two walls the Bots were quick enough to replace the walls and I still felt pretty safe behind my wall here the far south will be a different story though as it will take the boats many times longer to react so let's reveal the hidden land here as well [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we still need to find a way to actually kill all the enemies on the edge of the map without generating any neutering we cannot simply use artillery to finish the job as the area of effect of the explosions just causes the next Hangout to be generated [Music] while we are revealing the full northeast corner we casually complete bot speed 8. this should help at the world repair speed during our soon-to-be sudden attacks anyway after the first two corners are done our base now has some punched out Mickey Mouse ears attached to it and the areas where the biters have been cleared [Music] even though we took out this entire Corner Evolution increase less than 0.2 percent between the end of the first corner and this one at 98 Evolution progress has almost completely stalled as it now progresses a whopping two and a half thousand times slower compared to that game start we have lost a similar amount of bots like in the first corner but we don't care about that anymore our Hub automatically adds one bot back in the system for every board that we lose and keeps the total number of construction bots in our Network nicely at 2000 and we have another 2000 Watts on standby and this buffer test [Music] so how much oil did our flamethrower spend during this giant attack wave well with about 7K oil remaining in these 20 tanks that means we spend 12 000 oil that's less than half of a single full storage tank wheel of oil to fend with a full corner world of artillery destruction an amount which even our single crappy minimum production pump jack can replace in about 1 hour it is time to attack the southern biters long both flight times will make this corner a lot more challenging although the brighter concentration here is a bit lower due to the enormous league in this corner first let's point out again just how amazingly accurate the artillery Snipes the biter bases between the forests [Music] but there's before and after shot we can clearly see the Damage Done to the forest was absolutely minimal while the biters are 100 sniped with surgical precision [Music] foreign and indeed in this corner the enemy easily breaches the third layer of walls repeatedly [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] and while the losses here are much greater than in the north the wall still stands [Music] then it is time for the final corner [Music] the furthest from the base and where the heaviest concentration of biters regardless we'll ignore all of that and just do a full map view time lapse and ignore all the scary noises and just hope the wall stays up Lamar foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] after the chain stops bombarding we can finally take a peek and indeed we see the battles have been busy breaking the fourth wall now though at this point the wall has almost transformed naturally into one of those Dragon T designs as the vitals try to squeeze themselves through the tiny openings of the walls they broke down but they got stuck too much and die in the fire before they reach their target anyway this corner was so dense with bitos most of the artillery wagons are empty and we need to send the chain out to reload before we can do the artillery explore thing after her obliterating attack in the fourth and last Corner the entire flamethrower oil buffer tank has completely dried up oh no are we about to die in the next attack well not yet as there's still hundreds of thousands of oil in the system and while attacks should drastically slow down from now on let's continue keeping half an eye on the oil level [Music] in total we have lost 1000 walls and over 2000 Watts during our sold well it's a small sacrifice for a man a giant sacrifice for both kind we also used up only 8K artillery shells so far I may have overestimated the 100K shell requirement and indeed we saw many cases of multiple nests and worms succumbing simultaneously to a single shell nevertheless we will stick to our plan and keep up artillery shell production at full speed foreign [Music] has reloaded it arrives back in the fourth corner and we can explore the final section of still invisible map [Music] thank you [Music] after all that corner Carnage we will start cleaning up the straight sections by assigning some temporary train stops to the artillery train [Music] before we sprinkle some pairs of land-based artillery turrets along the wall to keep the cleaned up sections sparkly clean thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] actually maybe we should have waited with a land-based artillery turrets until the train was fully done with its magic [Music] thank you instead of heavy bulk attacks we are now tackling the battles with a slow track of artillery fire across the whole nap simultaneously causing Revenge attacks everywhere at the same time let's hope a wall stands up and our Bots won't be overloaded with repair tasks foreign [Music] how to not die to trains and factorio just ride the spider [Music] [Music] well despite our tactical error the world's dead hold and the train is now working on its final assault on the biters for this stage of the game with all those Vita basses gone let me introduce you to another game mechanism which can generate new terrain with the accompanying by the bases yep it's pollution as you can see the pollution is quickly spreading across the clergy map despite all the forests we tried to keep around especially around the heavily polluted green steel Outpost the pollution has gone full circle and it has even started to seep through the small by the hole on the lake this is unfortunate news as we can't allow the pollution to spread off the explored map once that happens the pollution will start generating new chunks again and we'll be back to square one as we won't exactly know which chunks have been generated and which not anyway with the natural balancers drastically shifted you will just have to wait and see how the new enemy and pollution situation will settle first it's time for some much needed base optimizations after all those artillery Revenge attacks we outline the wall with two Raiders per chunk to drastically up the scan rate of nearby chunks so all these old biter chases will disappear soonish Radars work together intelligently so none of them will be scanning the same chunk at the same time now 420 Raiders are patrolling and updating a full board area nice just in case we will need lots of landfill later we are quickly setting up two dedicated landfill producers at both of the very small Southern Stone mines [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you still eventually it should notice about 100 000 landfill from these two small mines alone [Music] next we are going to optimize our science situation we've been running an arbitrary 84 signs per minute because that randomly happens to be the speed of the slowest assemblers and we don't even know if we are truly producing everything in sufficient quantities to supply everything so it's time to make the base run smoothly we're going to set ourselves a goal of 100 signs per minute and make it reliably produce all the ingredients to do so indefinitely while additionally being able to sustain artillery shell production and small quantities of Base building materials let's begin [Music] the biggest deficit by far is the rocker launch is not keeping up so as a quick fix we doubled the rocket fuel production and added a dedicated speed module assembly area for The Rocker control units we will check back if it's sufficient later after optimizing the auto science pack production first let's start with the basics we are just using speed Beacon pairs of science assemblies for every color because we can't afford a full set of expensive modules yet [Music] but because the different sign specs produce at different speeds that means our production ratio for the six different flavors of Sciences off as the correct ratio of assemblers is this and we are using this that means currently yellow and purple signs are the slowest at 84 signs per minute while red and gray are too fast and are already exceeding 100 signs per minute [Music] well we still don't have that full set of expensive modules so instead we just play around with different combinations and levels of speed and productivity models for each pair of assemblers until we've boosted or reduced each of the six colors to be able to produce slightly more than 100 signs per minute foreign reserves are up to 60k dark green rocks with 40 000 nuclear fuel cells in stock undercoverex enrichment has increased our shiny green rock total to 12 000. indeed worrying about power and power plant fuel are a thing of the past [Music] next we carefully checked for if we are producing every single science pack component at adequate speeds I won't bore you too much with the details but it turns out that we are even for rocket launchers and space signs except for the rocket control unit to achieve 100 signs per minute we need to launch one rocket every 10 minutes and a single rocket launch requires 720 rocket control units that means we need to produce 72 of them per minute but our current setup only produces 54 per minute so let's work out why the belt of RCU ingredients is backed up and all assemblers are working which means we simply don't have enough assemblers so we overcompensate a little to make up for the recent deficit and place 50 more RC USM loss this should Puja RSU production from 54 to 81 per minute then we recheck the RCU components and while we also request speed modules from the manufacturing Hub once we will start making the expense fdr3 modules we can't rely on a steady supply of speed modules to the rcus anymore so we add one more speed module speed module assembler to make the RCU area independent from the manufacturing Hub Supply and when we check the graph we can indeed see the RCU production is above 80 per minute now foreign half an hour later we can see we are launching one rocket every nine minutes now and we have a nice 100 signs per minute graph so theoretically we should now finally have a true 100 signs per minute base [Music] which will also turn into landfill and we will definitely lose the game if we don't mind this random 5K copper and bring it over to the base with logistic Bots [Music] now that some time has passed we can check the effects of our artillery barrage on the pollution absorption well the amount of pollution absorbed by enemy nests has gone down drastically while the amount of pollution absorbed by terrain has gone up quite a bit as there is now a lot of additional clear Terrain a lot of pollution is being absorbed by forests which is good but unfortunately most pollution is absorbed by the act of damaging trees not only does this slowly reduce the natural sustainable form of pollution absorption by the forests but also the trees can handle taking damage only a handful of times before they cease to do so which ultimately makes the process of damaging trees are strong but unsustainable way to get rid of pollution to summarize it helps for a while but then all goes to hell [Music] the which threatens the conclusion of this playthrough if we count up all produced pollution that currently equates to 8 500 per minute when we look at all pollution absorbed we can only really count the sustainable sources of pollution absorption the biter and special nests are ultimately planned for eviction and the process of damaging trees which currently accounts for over half of our pollution clearing cannot be depended on forever and eventually all that unsustainable pollution absorption will fully migrate to tiles this is a problem because the amount of pollution absorbed by tiles simply equates directly to the physical size of the pollution Cloud on the map which in our case would mean the pollution Cloud would grow to at least seven times its current size after all the said and done and the vitals are fully gone this of course would mean the pollution Cloud would spread off the map massively on all sides generating new terrain and new biters in the process which again would mean back to square one so there is only one way to solve this problem I was afraid it would have to come to this we will have to design a base like no man has seen before a base not optimized for maximum speed and productivity bonus while the base designed purely around Purity aware in fact I did a quick test in the map editor where I removed all the biters but kept all the forest and within two or three hours the pollution already threatens the spread off the edge of the visible map that means we cannot even attempt to eliminate all byters from this planet yet as we are currently dependent on them to absorb any pollution that reaches them before it has a chance to spread off the map and generate new Terrain so after previously plotting down the part of productivity and pollution we need to make a drastic change to save the climate on this planet [Music] we will have to go full Greta Greenpeace before we can actually declare true peas thank you not only with our glowy green power but we'll have to forego the usual strategies of optimized speed and productivity builds in order to drastically reduce our pollution output every single machine in our Factory will have to be examined and optimized to minimize pollution output while somehow still sustaining a suspectable rate of production only after we reach the True Green wisdom and all of pollution is absorbed in an eternally sustainable way by the planet only then we can show our true colors to the rest of the natives and trust me our true colors are anything but green all right so before we can get rid of all the red blobs on the outer edges of the map we first gotta do something about that giant head blob inside of our walls and preferably a little first before we completely destroy all the forests with our thick clouds of pollution so naturally we're going to start production of productivity module 3 and speed module 3 what that's literally the most polluting combo you can make dude [Music] oh well whatever I guess you do you trees are hella expensive though so in order to not interfere with our 100 signs per minute research projects we'll keep the module's reproduction speed slow for now let's finally get rid of the last remnants of yesterday's technology and upgrade the last blue assembler to the shiny new and less polluting green ones well so much for keeping modules reproduction slow [Music] thank you [Music] the slow module production just ain't cutting it so after the 66th rocket launch and with mining productivity a just about to complete we decide to switch off research altogether for now so we can divert most resources towards making modules this may sound odd but we're gonna need a lot of Speed 3 and productivity tree modules in order to make our base produce as little pollution as we can [Music] but how well Behold our new design concept for the furnace area on the right side we have the standard and game design of Maximum productivity bonus furnaces accompanied by two rows of maximum speed beacons where this super powerful combination you can fill a blue belt at only 13 furnaces and a red belt with only nine amazing that amazing power comes with an even more amazing pollution output almost 10 pollution per minute per fairness meaning the production of one red belt of plates comes with an emission of a whopping 84 pollution per minute from the furnaces alone so then if our goal is to minimize pollution then why do we still need those stinking productivity and speed modules well because we can offset them with efficiency modules in the beacons by sacrificing one of the productivity modules in the fairness we can compensate the productivity module speed penalty with a speed module inside of the furnace instead of pulling the speed modules in the beacons and that frees up the beacons for the simple and cheap efficiency module Mark 1 Mark 1 why Mark 1. well just like you can break a twig but not a bundle the 16 Mark 1 efficiency modules together are still powerful enough to not only fully nullify the bad environmental effects of the Mark III speed and productivity module inside of the Furnace but even bring it down further to reach the hard-coded minimum power consumption and accompanying minimum pollution emission of minus 80 percent that means each of these furnaces outputs only 0.22 pollution per minute each furnace on the left is a lot slower than its counterpart on the ride though so we need not 9 but 33 furnaces to fully fill up a red belt [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] however those 33 furnaces together produce not 84 pollution per minute but only seven yeah that's right seven that is 1 12th the pollution output to produce the same red belt of iron that means once we replace our entire main base as far on the setup we're just outputting nine red belts of plates that will still pollute less than a single head belt of our usual end game setup all by using a few stacks of the super cheap Mark 1 efficiency modules but yeah we are still gonna need plenty of expensive modules too and the Keen Eye may have also spotted we are making some Mark II efficiency modules why do we need those then foreign furnaces which fit only two modules each our assemblers have four module slots meaning that there's a lot more negative effects to compensate for especially with a powerful Mark III modules just look at these Blue Chip assemblers they went from less than 10 to over 17 pollution per minute but that comes with a sweet sweet price of a whopping 40 productivity bonus [Applause] and just look at how fast that purple bonus bar is filling up now [Music] but man making Mark III modules as a real strain on your chips and all of the three colors so instead of letting those expensive modules set idle in a chest why not stolen and these red chip assemblers until we are finished working on a new base Design Concepts but what about the extra pollution then as long as our friends the biters are still inhaling of pollution and thus preventing the pollution from spreading off the current edge of the world we're good [Laughter] [Music] while we don't have enough Mark III models here for all these furnaces I have split off some resources to our new furnace area meaning we can give it a quick test run for a new green base we will have four iron belts four copper belts and one belt for stone bricks fed by a pair of Raw Stone belts which will all lead into our brand new buffer area [Music] on the left side four belts of coal and an additional pair of Raw Stone belts are ready to join in on the party while we reserve the place on the right side for the train delivered steel and green chips foreign [Music] nicely located in a permanent area near the plates buffer and the start of the future main bus the extra long blue on the grounds come in handy to Tunnel the bells of plates under her new research area but wait a minute new main bus yeah new main bus we are planning to run the new main bus just above the tree line blowing right to the location of our current main base step by step we are going to start replacing our old heavily polluted Base by a shiny new Greenpeace approved base in fact we have already started that process by hooking up the new furnace area now we just gotta make sure the base keeps running while we slowly replace and upgrade and vegetable parts of it but before we can even start that process we first need to polish some processes and generally move stuff out of the way first of all we've started barreling sulfuric acid as well as lubricant so we can get rid of any backdoor piping we immediately take advantage of that at the uranium mine which is now nicely supplied by both bringing barrels instead of an awkward back dog pipe we have also flipped the direction of the uranium mine and put all the centrifuging business out of the way on the North side now now we just need some help to move all those chests of green rocks out of the way as well and by help I mean I will be personally standing around here doing uh I mean supervising while the Bots do all the heavy lifting nice [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] future builds now that that logistic bot flight hell has finished we can oh wait we still need to move 40 000 fuel cells oh bolts oh [Music] but then a quick glance at the map brings unexpected fear into my heart as even with all the biter nests absorbing pollution like sponges pollution is still seeping through the hole in the ozone layer over by the lake we must keep an eye onto that and prevent pollution spreading off the map at all costs even if that means fully unplugging our base at some point anyway for now there's nothing we can do except to get a new green base up and running as soon as possible so we continue by moving all the science packs over to the new shiny lab area [Music] this is gonna look so cool once it's all up and running I can't wait to start up research again next we move and expand the entire manufacturing Hub reorganizing and adding assemblers as we see fit to reflect our new end game situation and Tech it's a slow tedious and somewhat boring process which we need to take one step at a time but ultimately one hour later most of it is done and only the module production remains in the old area for now because the whole base is mostly focused on producing tons of modules now will keep module production in the old area for now to reduce the bot flight times [Music] we finally have produced an off Mark III modules for a new furnace area [Music] unfortunately there is no quick way to answer two different modules in factorio at least not if you want them nice and ordered anyway this combination of modules works together beautifully and we are really using the power of all 16 efficiency modules around the furnace to reach the minimum of 20 power usage despite the use of speed and productivity modules in the furnaces so yeah that means it also would have been possible to use two productivity modules in the fairnesses and still retain the minimum 20 power usage without offsetting their speed penalty however one would need about twice the amount of furnaces per red belt which ultimately means producing twice the pollution per head belt of plates the total quantity of machines required to do the job still matters despite each individual machine producing the absolute minimum pollution in this case I decided the 10 extra productivity bonus was not worth doubling the entire setup anyway before we connect the furnace outputs to the buffer chests we will first make the Bots move the old buffer the time of our trusty old storage area on which I spend entirely too much time designing has sadly come to an end pods driver move that buffers [Music] hey come back you're going the wrong way [Music] we actually have exactly the same running speed as the bot flight speed now which leads to some pretty cool visual effects but how to reach that well we have bot flight speed 10 combined with 4X and Rama our life-saving very first Iron Mine Outpost has fully dried up while it does carry huge sentimental value it is in the way and it will have to go [Music] we have fully mined up this three and a half million iron patch which saved our starter base in the neck of time all the way back in the beginning I can't even imagine anymore what life was like back then we have come so far anyway on to another VIP it's Hazard concrete indeed the most crucial thing in any base to make sure we don't have up the sun later we will need lots of Hazard concrete [Music] the next thing in our way is the old science back production area so we disable any further science back production by deleting their respective requester chests and we request all produced science packs to the new lab area to fully empty out the old buffer chests to figure out efficiency Beacon concepts for the production area of the base which you will check out in more detail later more importantly that concludes all possible preparations which could be done without interrupting resource flow to the old polluting base which means it is time to start switching over to the new furnace area [Music] now we made sure to disconnect all belts and let the furnaces run dry before issuing the deconstruction order because if you don't do that there's thousands of additional pleats and draw or to get rid of like here with the Old Stone and steel furnaces [Music] yeah it's gonna take them a while to empty out all of that [Music] meanwhile I properly connected four or belts per resource type to the furnaces and now we can really switch to the new furnace area by connecting the output bells to the start of our new main bus [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign packs moved over to the new lab area it is time for the old science production area to go [Music] now we want to switch over to our new more Greenpeace approved setup and a gradual step-by-step way so we will try to make sure the old base will keep having access to all the things it needs we don't want to interrupt artillery shell and module production [Music] oh and please don't burn your eyes on this newbies cursed splitter switch through it's only temporary next we reroute the green steel train output belts to pass by the new furnace area and the new buffer chests [Music] a whopping eight buffer chests for each but a Keen Eye will spot there's one normal steel chest in there the point is to make one chest of every resource inaccessible to the bots so I always have access to manual supplies or manual redistribution to high priority assemblers shooting either race in the future [Music] anyway it looks like we successfully managed to clean up the base and switch to the new furnaces without much loss in production we suffered only about 15 minutes of reduced module production it seems and with robot speed 10 the Bots have finally become too fast to outspeed the Johnny's well mostly [Music] and while you are looking at the Johnny's I build a new Coal Mine the four coil belts at the furnace area were fake news really we are only producing two belts from the old coal mine so it's time to supplement that in case you will need to rely heavily on call liquefaction again in the future so here's an example of my typical belting sequence to prioritize one mine over the other we split the old coal mine over four belts and then side load each individual belt with a core belt from the new coal mine that means the new coal mine will only jump in at moments where the old Coal Mine can't keep up [Music] however since I expect continuous small consumption altered with short bursts of heavy coal consumption that perhaps would have been smarter to prioritize the new Coal Mine instead hey let's take a look at the flamethrower oil saturation the furthest Corner tank is filled to the brim again and indeed the buffer tank system which was completely dry after clearing the fourth corner with artillery slowly filling up now as well and has already 40K oil stocked up again I think we can safely change out that question mark for some exclamation marks Now Incredible of course after paying the heavy toll of artillery Revenge attacks now we have more terrain and forests available to absorb pollution meaning the vital bases absorb less pollution than before thus sending in fewer and smaller attacks but still an entire ultimate dead World supply of flamethrower fuel supplied by one single absolute minimum production bomb Jack is just incredible meanwhile with 50 000 artillery shelves in the buffer we have reached the whole three mark on our 100K production goal now after artillery round one I am not sure we will truly need that full 100K shells but man this is the most brightest I ever saw in factorio so let's not take any chances also with 50 000 fuel cells in stock and 50 of the top four products in our Logistics Network being uranium related we are set for life on power and or easily expandable 20 core reactor is currently running at only half capacity still but meanwhile moreover earlier overpatches are seriously starting to run dry to keep our belts full I have connected two new off patches in the Southeast but we should not forget to keep in mind that the resources within our walls are not infinite and meanwhile we have started to tap into most of them [Music] foreign [Music] earlier we spent some time to lay out some more efficiency Beacon Concepts each of these production facilities has been fine-tuned to produce the minimum pollution output possible at minus 80 power consumption however unlike weather furnaces which can take only two modules each the oil facilities and the assemblers can respectively take three and four modules each that means to offset the Stacked penalties of the additional tier 3 productivity and speed modules now we're going to have to go where the space consuming square of beacons fully surrounding each individual assembler just like for the furnaces we chose a single Universal Design for the oil facilities which we'll get to later but for the assemblers I laid out three possible variants with the price drastically increasing for every extra productivity bonus we desire so our bread and butter setup is going to be like the red chip assembler it has 20 productivity bonus and 170 crafting speed with space for two speed modules inside of the assembler we can reach minimum pollution output very cheap almost entirely using the Tier 1 efficiency modules and the surrounding beacons only and two of the corner beacons we needed to upgrade to tier 2 efficiency modules in order to exactly reach the minimum energy usage and pollution output possible now each tr2 module is roughly 10 times as expensive as a tier 1 module while being not much stronger than a tier one so the fact that we only need to use 4 tier 2s to offset all the penalties is very good the next setup which is represented by the Blue Chip assembler is significantly more expensive it comes with an extra 10 productivity bonus for 30 in total but at the cost of now needing 8 tier 2 modules and all four corners now you may think that's not that much more expensive and you'd be right if it were not for the difference in crafting speed but only one speed module to offset the speed penalty of the productivity modules this assemblers final crafting speed is only 105 percent that means we need Note 5 but about 8 of these bad boys to do the same job as the cheaper variant on the right side and ultimately we have the setup with a maximum productivity bonus possible represented by the yellow science pack assembler a cool 40 productivity bonus only to be used for the most expensive recipes because this is one expensive boy with no speed modules inside the assembler the crafting speed is reduced to an absolute call by a minus 60 speed penalty from the fourth productivity modules that means we need to bump the crafting speed back up by sacrificing one of the efficiency beacons and filling it with tier 3 speed modules in order to at least offset most of that speed penalty that unfortunately means we cannot reach minimum pollution output unless we upgrade all Tier 1 efficiency modules to tier 2 and even tier 3 in the four corners and with a final crafting speed of only 90 percent it is still slower than the previous setup okay so let's just simplify all these calculations and just put an easy number on the cost of each of these guys assuming a tier 2 module is 10 times as expensive as a dl1 and a tier 3 module is six times as expensive as a tier 2 and by including the modules and the beacons as well as in the assemblers and compensating for the different speed penalties and bonuses of each adopt and comes in for some speakers effect respect to multiple assembles when I replacing it here are the approximate final costs of each setup [Music] walls we won't ever become rich enough to just slap tier 3 modules and every machine possible so now that we have a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these setups we can utilize that knowledge to decide how much resources we want to spend on each production step in the new base now compared to the cheap Tier 1 efficiency module the tier 2 and tier 3 efficiency modules are extremely underwhelming considering their cost so we try to limit their use to the minimum but as it stands it looks like we will need a handful of deer trees later for the most expensive assembler setup so I reluctantly enable their production so now that we have finally cleared all the space while ensuring the old bases production continues it is time to start on our new green base the honor of placing the first Cornerstone of our environmentally friendly base is given to spider bin who decides to dedicate the first assemblers to any base's First Step the iron gear production now because these bread and butter assemblers require tier 2 efficiency modules and only two of its Corners we need to remember to place these and pairs to ensure the beacons receive the right modules very nice in the second column we decide to produce pipes and underground pipes and let's stash those annoying to intermediate products of copper wire and iron sticks here as well they won't go on the main bus but they will be available for the Bots to pick up here and distribute them to the new manufacturing Hub as needed [Applause] before connecting the input belts and allowing any new production we first need to move over the existing buffer from the old base with the requests already set for the new buffer chests all we need to do is change the old buffer chest to provider chests and watch the Bots fly [Music] alright let's connect the input belts [Music] foreign you my incredibly clever belg Shenanigans for the copper wire iron sticks and different pipes I totally miss the fact that the iron supply for the gears is not working due to a missing undergoing belt or the fact that expensive tr3 productivity modules are scattered around the floor despite I'm standing right next to them pick them up already OMG no not well suit yourself then [Music] so the logistics Bots remain busy for a while still but we can also give the construction Bots a project with green chips being outsourced and iron gears theoretically being made at the green base if I hadn't missed an underground belt we can deconstruct these production facilities at a smoggy red base now I am a little sad about having to deconstruct my beautiful old base and ultimate space for more industrially bland looking fully beaconed base but alas there's just no other way if you want to continue our plans for World Peace this Rusty polluting old base has served as well and has given us plenty of Scenic shots over the course of this playthrough but ultimately it has time for this base to be picked apart piece by piece now [Music] actually I lied about all these products purely going into buffer chests the sneaky on the ground belt is going to pull off pipes to supply for the next assembly column of engines delivery so let's get those engines rolling off the belt [Music] engines are slow to assemble so we need a fair few assemblers two four six eight man this fully Beacon setups take a lot of space this is only an 8 High stack of assemblers we may run into problems with the Northern supply lines being in the way soon anyway let's grab steel and iron Gears of the main boss and connect the pipes via our sneaky underground belt next door and that's engines up and running [Music] thank you [Music] so now sir thank you for your deposit we just ordered a deconstruct issue here on your old engines and it's gone meanwhile The Mystery of the spilled modules has been solved copy pasting a recipe which cannot benefit from projectivity modules will physically eject the modules from the machine meanwhile I made a questionable and frankly unnecessary decision of doubling my Nuclear fuel setup resulting in 84 000 fuel cells in stock but that has completely depleted my dark green uranium-238 reserves well I guess that just means there is no better time to finally set up nuclear fuel reprocessing than right now from every five spent fuel cells we can recover three dark green rocks and we've collected over 10 000 span fuel cells over the course of the game note that we've also upgraded every uraniumcent refused to be the greenest of green but efficiency modules complemented by efficiency beacons every last centrifuge here is operating at minus 80 power consumption and outputting the minimum pollution possible keeping in line with our promise to eventually upgrade every single last machine in our entire base to the absolute minimum pollution output possible foreign [Music] rocks should grow a number soon again so while you were distracted by the shiny green uranium I cleared a lot of space for our next project I rerouted the orbitals and cleared everything else from the area because it is time for the red chair build and oh boy do we need a big setup for that foreign [Applause] [Music] we will start by locally producing copper wire before starting our Fork assembly white red chip setup [Music] nice [Music] foreign [Music] productivity bonus on the copper wire each pair of wire assemblers can easily support 14 ratchet assemblers instead of the usual 12 so we end up with 56 red chip assemblers a giant setup indeed but will it be enough our old base had 64 red chip assemblers all outfitted with 40 productivity bonus Paul beat working marginally slower than in our new setup [Music] thank you anyway for now it will have to do let's switch it on [Music] OMG it actually works and this is definitely the first take of filming this no Kings and the copper cable here but wait where is the plastic coming from well while you were distracted I also built a completely new and green chemical plant block next to Plastics we have prepared chemical plants for all other block Necessities sulfur sulfuric acid batteries and explosives anyway yes I am cheating a little here none of this chemical plant block is yet connected to actual oil so I'm using requester chest to bring plastic over from the old base to be redistributed to my new green red chip setup if you catch my drift it reaches minimum pollution and much the same way as our cheapest assembler setup we are using right now except that because chemical plants except only three modules instead of four we can get away with encircling them with beacons and pairs instead of single units saving us a lot of space however the trade-offs are that every chemical plant is affected by only 10 beacons instead of 12 meaning that we still require two corners with Mark II efficiency modules instead of being able to go full El Cheapo like without furnace decks the oil refineries are a special case because they are extra large buildings at 5x5 tiles we can fit a whopping 16 beacons around it that means we can even fit some extra speed modules in the beacons which can still be offset by a few tier 2 efficiency modules in the four outside corners for the raw oil processing we went for a raw speed over extra productivity in order to keep the final size of the oil refining setup from getting out of hand [Music] the old module 3 production is still going strong but at 10 pollution per minute per assembler it's not exactly clean and green [Music] that's why we built a shiny brand new model area with the assemblers surrounded by efficiency beacons also The Future model production area will be certified lean and green and that leaves the space and the South to set up the whole Greenly beaconed new oil processing and coal liquefaction area and with the old version of those already being complicated enough to set up as it was I am not looking forward to doing it all again while being constrained by tightly fitting Beacon squares and pipe throughput limits OMG indeed then overconfident anticipation on how long it will take me to set up the new green oil area we overconfidently stop all oil refining and coal liquefaction in the old base even with all the filled up buffer tanks for the oil products it may turn out to be a bit premature yeah actually we may have enough tier 3 modules for this moment we have around 1 000 of them each in stock now these things are hella expensive and like mentioned before we don't have infinite resources available to fuel production forever so for now let's switch off model 3 production so a green red and blue chair buffer chest can slowly start to fill up again also yeah I am butting in call now to keep lasting production going to make set red chips also also yeah a wall breaks I haven't heard that sound in quite a while now hey you get in there no well then take this well that was a sad waste of resources anyway after a giant head scratch we start the scene at night so we can look at the pretty Flames turning on in sequence don't worry Dawn is coming [Music] so I was planning to say while you were looking I quickly built a new green oil area but there was nothing quickly about it I don't even want to talk about how it all works but I decided on a shared oil cracking area with an elegant single buffer tank system shared by Body Oil refining and the cooling Perfection this was a monumentally bad idea and it made it so much harder to try and keep priority on the free infinite oil production while not causing heavy oil shortages and bad logs due to overproduction and ah so here's the normal oil defining for as far as you can call this thing here normal and yeah five pipes are through it don't fit in four styles and neither does a tree white t-junction fit in the two white space between the refinery and the beacons so then this is the Abomination you end up with if you insist on keeping all your pipe intestines inside of your beacon body at least and he has the oil cracking which actually looks the most normal out of all setups in this whole area then here's the new Green faction plant [Music] colic affection actually only deals with four fluids instead of oil refinings five so we can fit all the pipe Works in a slightly more normal way however the long-handed inserters are just too slow at this point so we had to make a new Abomination this time with belts in order to feed them enough coal bonus points though for the steel buffer chests which can catch up to 4K gold per Refinery to enable full speed bursts of high production requiring more than the two input call Belts then here is our so-called elegant solution for the three different oil products of heavy oil light oil and petroleum gas sure the single share tanks are elegant enough but the Tangled Forest of wires and circuit conditions to keep it all prioritized correctly without that locking Rivals the electric cable mass and major Asian cities but to add a positive touch next to having all the functionality of our old oil setup we have additionally programmed in a function to automatically prioritize core leak affection over oil refining and times where we need lots of heavy oil for instance if we decide we want to switch the entire base over to Blue belts at some point we will require lateral tons of lubricant which can be made only out of the otherwise somewhat rare byproduct of heavy oil and here we have two offshore pumps supplying water for the whole oil industry well when you zoom out far enough it all looks pretty neat actually that is until you reach this weird tactone extension so the whole system was supposed to be modular and it still kinda is but the oil cracking ratios are off so we need this extension to fully reprocess all unwanted byproducts from both the oil refining and the coal equifaxion you can see I wasn't prepared for that because the dawn stone mine is in the way of the beacons foreign remember this moment because ideally after I'm done with the store I never want to come back to this oil nightmare here again [Music] so let's finish up this tour then here's a billion pipes and pumps which pump oil and seemingly random directions but trust me there's method to the madness or so I presume I can't see it now either but the recording file name said so so let's just hope the ghost of playing Mike past knew what he was doing yeah then here's the green green lubricant and another version of my so-called passive petroleum gas splitter hell not so passive anymore now with all those wires connected to it though I promise most of them have to do with the oil versus gold balancing thing switching on the whole oil Shenanigans should theoretically have started production and all of these chemical plants and indeed we are now producing Plastics locally instead of botting it in from the old base sulfur is working sulfuric acid is being built we have a belt full of batteries and oh no we missed another underground belt for the explosives oh well those are working now too then and now we never have to set foot down there again so next on the list are the yellow science ingredients of Blue Chips low density structures and robot frames low density structures are also required for the rocket and since we just built Rocket Fuel down there and the oil lands where we shall not speak of that makes two out of the three ingredients needed for the rocket so let's add the last one in the form of focal control units here as well so with both science production and module production suspended we don't have much reason anymore to keep much of the old base around so we disconnected the main boss belts again and start to shovel up everything inside I accept our Legacy hooket launch facility although it is very much in the way I'd like to keep at least some Legacy of the old days around somehow thank you [Music] so let's task the Bots with emptying out all the remaining buffer tests [Music] thank you and then it really is time for the last part of my trusty old base to disappear into nothing [Music] foreign [Music] goes the foundations of old manufacturing hub [Music] and here goes our old oil area don't blink twice or you'll miss it [Music] and with the last remnants of the old polluting base fully deconstructed let's get on with it and finish this effing efficient green base no more distractions foreign [Music] has produced 68 Rockets we can do better let's do a quickie and launch one more burning fellas towards the mysterious clouds of Venus [Music] before we let the rocket Silo recuperate from its adventures with a respectable total of 69 rocket launches nice [Music] yeah right distractions no more of them so meanwhile I prepared all yellow signs ingredients so let's do one more sweeping board building sequence of pure satisfaction for the rcu's as satisfaction foreign so except for the awkward Beacon belt routing the yellow science ingredients were pretty straightforward to set up we base the RCU built on the head chip build as they both have an extra ingredient to produce within their setup copper cable for head chips and speed modules for rcus well that concludes our main boss intermediate build so let's switch everything on simultaneously and pray everything works without hiccups a prayer answered by pretending the last six attempts to film the sequence didn't happen [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign spread out because of all the beacons but everything seems to be working well and all products are coming down the belts nice however what is not so nice is the rapidly diminishing resources in my base the green steel Outpost is struggling to keep up and if you look at the Earth patches we quickly find out why about three quarters of the copper org patches has meanwhile been consumed as well as over half the iron it won't be long before we'll have to tap into the last three or patches within our base man oh man when we discovered and conquered the supercluster of Southern resources I thought we were golden and it's gone so what is the national next step after that startling Discovery resource conservation programs they'll know to take into use the new module 3 production facility of course foreign [Music] well we do still need many more modules to rebuild the polluting green steel Outpost into a True Green steel Outpost whoa okay dude isn't artillery shell production getting a bit out of hand yeah that's enough indeed let's give them some rest oh no no he's gonna rebuild him isn't he yep yes he is but why then [Music] why well because our plan is forming in my head a great plan a ginormous plan which will cover every corner on this world and Beyond so we have been building our new green base for a while now but we can't really know if everything works as intended if the base is mostly idle so while we can't really start to measure the environmental effects of our green base until the whole old base has been converted we will do a quick test run and switch everything on for a couple of hours to see if anything breaks bottlenecks or Deadlocks that means that next to the tier 3 module production we've also got a startup science production again so as a quick and temporary solution we're pulling back the 100 signs per minute setup from an old polluting base again with our production goal of 40 000 science packs per type that will keep running for a while that means we've also got a resume production of the space science pack so are all the Legacy rocket Silo with its 69 launchers will have to come out of retirement it will have to go the full distance and make it all the way to the goal of 100 satellite launchers we had set for ourselves in the early game so we're 31 rocket launches to go and seven satellites still in the chest we will need 24 more so in order to limit production we simply remove the simplest ingredient from the requester chests and limit those by hand ourselves so here are 24 sets of five Raiders required for the remaining 24 satellites you know what let's take the last five and set those aside for ourselves so we can manually launch the celebratory 100 rocket now that satellite production has been manually limited we can remove the inserters wire conditions and let them swing freely so then we can re-request the proper request to these request or chest which means automatic rocker launchers have been resumed [Music] [Music] so years launch number 70. so while all science production has been resumed we are just stashing all the produced science bags and won't resume research just yet with nuclear power labs are practically pollution free anyway so it won't interfere with our green base experiment the important thing is that science pack production continues foreign [Music] s are hungry and ready and waiting patiently to be fed and he has launched number 75. [Music] and I just wanted to mention I found a new tree nothing special just a tree you know I happen to be standing around here and then the tree happened to be standing around here as well one thing led to another and suddenly the tree was covered in creamy white light anyway where's my green chips dude dude where's your green chips oh there they are let's cancel this movie idea then but why is the buffer empty we should have exactly two barrels of green chips all the time well it looks like we are just not producing two bluebells of green chips anymore perhaps not even one full blue belt our copper Source has diminished into near nothing now anyway did I mention my bots were now too fast for plural Johnny's Redemption well not if the Bots are running out of steam exactly when passing the Johnny's they are not [Music] [Music] so let's distract the journeys by having them play with Spider-Man and try to solve the bot situation with a big old Rover Port charging station nearby hopefully the incoming Bots will change course and go recharge over there first but man look at the remains of all the dead Bots shot down by the Johnnies anything which they have been carrying is lost forever but what are they carrying oh no they are carrying the hyper expensive tier 3 modules oh my God please no Johnny's no [Music] [Applause] foreign luckily a teams our charging station happens to be in exactly the right place and most to all of the high-speed Bots seem to be able to evade Johnny's projectiles now so who let just not look anymore if we are looking when it happens we won't feel the pain of the Lost tier 3 modules but where the heck are all those Bots flying to anyway [Music] finally taking care of the green steel saturation and we're building a new green green chip build rights out of our very first oil field and if we look at the map we can already see the effects of our new green main base the pollution Cloud over the main base is noticeably less dark than the pollution Cloud over the old polluting green steel Outpost which is still fiercely polluting the now not so nearby biters and its pollution is still seeping ever so slightly further through the hole and the bite of ozone layer lake or something but finally we are also in the process of solving the ozone layer problem let's hop on the CH and see what we have been building thank you [Music] Behold our new green green chip Outpost which now also consists of exclusively minimum pollution output assemblers it has quite a large build again but the corner should remain just outside of the ridge of Johnny's Redemption [Music] provided with plates from a fully new green furnace area similar to the main base's new furnace area and what what is this the modules are not in the same order are acceptable [Music] anyway now that those furnace have been moduled properly we can start thinking about hooking up our very last three resource patches in order to start off our new green green steel Outpost wait green steel Outpost there's the new green steel set up then well it's gonna be right here all the way down on the far south border we will assign this full 6 million iron ore patch to our new steel smeltery of course we will have to hand insert another 600 modules ourselves again don't judge me don't you know it's very important they are all in the right order or else the base will run zero percent less efficient anyway with the last untouched iron patch assigned to Steel where are we going to get our iron for the green chips from them well we are going to repurpose all the remaining iron of the old polluting outposts to the new green chips build and sends the steel chests at the train stop are still chock full I think we can safely cut off the iron ore Supply from the old Steel smeltery we will need a lot more copper though so we build two copper mines on our last two org patches [Music] connect them to the new furnace area before reversing the belt on the two old copper mines and lead them to the new Outpost as well [Music] [Music] all together we then have four belts of copper incoming two full belts are being supplied by the largest new patch of 3.4 million and the other two bells are supplied by the small of 2 million copper patch supported by the 1.2 remaining and the two old copper mines that should balance out our last four copper patches fairly well and hopefully keep the base running for long enough to achieve world peace that means in total we have about 6.6 million copper available for the green chips now and all the remaining iron here equates to 6.4 million which means we will have a little extra iron available for other purposes later on if needed anyway let's connect all this iron to the new green fairness area [Music] [Music] and as the Bots complete the belts and the last bot places the last belt piece just in time we can enjoy a nice Montage of the new green chair build coming into action nice [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you well the station is being loaded so let's call over the train then and that means we can delete the old grain steel stop from the schedule and have the train start to shuttle between the home station and the new efficiency green steel pickup now we just need to let the Bots switch on the new steel smeltery and then it's time to get rid of the last polluting eyesore and our environmentally friendly base [Music] it is out with the old [Music] and in with the new foreign [Music] spider bent shapes to transfer the remaining steel and green chips we got rid of the old obsolete rail line [Music] our Bots haven't even finished deconstructing the old Outpost yet the former thick red pollution cloud has already started to look a lot less dense [Music] now with all those efficient efficiency module setups you think are power consumption had gone down quite a bit but the opposite is true our tileable nuclear plant is running at 90 percent of Max Capacity now a cool 2.3 gigawatts is required to run the base and it's almost entirely due to all the beacons a beacon consumes a flat 480 kilowatts no matter what modules you put inside a very distant second and third place are for the map management section of Rover posts and Raiders which means the top three power consumers are completely pollution free it takes yet another distant leap down the packing order to get to our first production element our assemblers are tied for fourth place and power consumption with the mostly idle laser turrets anyway while we are near the power plant's Max Capacity we don't need to worry about brownouts because our power draw is extremely stable of our top 3 power consumers the beacons and the Raiders both have a 100 constant and variable power draw and only the robo Port Network consumes a noticeable variation and power from time to time [Music] anyway remember the two Mighty Rich oil sources we connected earlier yeah both of them now have also reached their infinite minimum production State just like a starter oil source and indeed the main base is mostly relying on births of cool liquefaction again [Music] anyway the next step in our pollution program is to reduce the Palm Jack's pollution output to the minus 80 minimum our first initial oil Source was still running on speed modules which means we take a small hit in oil production by changing those out for efficiency modules [Music] the other two oil fields were already running on tier 1 efficiency modules so each bomb Jack was running at minus 60 energy consumption and pollution output already so while upgrading them to the tier 2 efficiency modules doesn't come with a change in oil production the pair of dr2 modules now provide minus 80 to power and pollution exactly reaching the minimum threshold all in all replacing the speed modules and the first oil field to decrease pump jack pollution from 248 to 104 per minute and upgrading the other two oil fields from -60 to minus eighty percent drop this further to only 62 pollution per minute not bad the bolts are fully done deconstructing the whole old green steel Outpost and it feels like there was never anything here well except for all the Scorch ground left by the former biter bases of course and indeed with that last big polluter now fully gone already whole stock have appeared and the ones that take smoke cloud around this area we are on the right part here so yeah that all three of our oil fields now having reached their minimum infinite production State we will be producing 11k or free oil per minute for the rest of the game but we can do better while still being able to retain the absolute minimum pollution output but replace the modules inside the pump jack with tier 3 speed modules well we'll be producing twice the free oil per minute while pollution Still Remains at a minimum of minus eighty percent and because all of my active oil fields have now reached their final minimum infinite production State we are basically generating twice as much oil out of those depleted oil fields for no extra power consumption or pollution output in fact you can say we are now producing only half of the pollution per barrel of oil produced and this increased oil production will also decrease the amount of coal liquefaction we will have to do to keep the base supplied so due to the random layout of the immovable pump jacks add to quite some passing out where to put beacons and pipes and whatnot but in the end we did it we doubled production in the two new oil fields while pollution before and after the change remains exactly equal a minimum of minus 80 for every single pump jack we increased free oil production to 19k per minute for the rest of the game opting to leave our first original oil field intact out of pure weak sentiment meanwhile pollution absorption by biter bases has completely stopped only when making expansions inside my pollution Cloud they quickly absorb any already present pollution before being blasted into Oblivion by my hotel returns well I lied about all pump jacks have been converted to minimum pollution there is one more pump jack which needs upgrading to tier 2 efficiency modules our trusty flamethrower supplying pump jack indeed and as the bot delivers the modules to the pump jack and we watch the pollution drop from 62 to 60 we have completely converted every last machine in our entire base to be as green as possible every single machine is now outputting the absolute minimum pollution possible but will it be enough let's check the biters are now a complete non-factor in absorbing pollution and compared to 20 hours ago when we were absolutely destroying our forest by damaging 440 trees per minute our efforts have not gone unnoticed and the blue line has drastically dropped down over time and if we look at just the last hour we can celebrate the fact that it has been half an hour since the tree took damage from pollution for the last time which means that we have achieved our goal of eternally sustainable pollution absorption with no more damage being done to the trees there are pollution absorbing capacity has stopped degrading and they will now sustainably absorb pollution at a constant rate for eternity that means while the biters may have never needed us now we no longer need to bite user either and this planet is only big enough for one of us [Music] after we finally finished overhauling the whole effin and game-sized base to be as green as possible we can finally start to make new additions and improvements again of course all builds from now on will have to comply with a new superstrict minimum pollution law enforcing that every single machine should reach the hard-coded limit of -80 power consumption and pollution generation the first thing we do is expand the green circuit build to produce a little more than two blue belts we need an almost endless supplies of green chips to make all the red chips Blue Chips and tier one modules we can just reroute any overflow on the two main belts through two extra Splitters and Lead it to each wagon to the previously unused site of the one to six splitter but why do the bells end with unconnected underground belts well an interesting thing is happening again where the attack inserters cannot seem to keep up when using normal blue belts the green chips on the right side are backing up now as you can see while the stack inserters on the left side are keeping up just fine my best guess is this probably has to do with the inserters visually needing to be a bit less precise about where exactly they need to pick up each chip as the underground belt makes the possession of each step a little more fuzzy anyway once we put back underground on the right side too the green chip traffic jam quickly disappears again so let's roll on with the underground design and what a beautiful sight of course to be able to benefit from the extra green chip production we also upgrade the unloading station to be able to handle up to three blue belts still only two belts travel down the main bus but the third belt can supply the buffer chests so the two bluebells of green chips going to the main bus can be as full as possible yeah as we look at our pollution Cloud we see it clearing up everywhere and especially around our clean green nuclear power machine the pollution has almost fully cleared up except for on the last few water tiles which is the slowest pollution absorber of the natural landscapes [Applause] [Music] and this is why we detonated atomic bombs on the landfill under the nuclear reactor landfill absorbs absolutely zero pollution and the last 15 pollution points will never spread from a chunk so it would keep the nuclear plant under a stationary smoke cloud for forever but thanks to the tiny bit of pollution absorption from the nuclear Scorch marks even that last lingering 15 pollution points are slowly dissipating slowly but surely it will take several more hours but eventually the skies above our nuclear reactor will be clear and blue again oh then almost 111 hours in we are ready to launch the 100th satellite into orbit and with that complete the penultimate goal of this playthrough the old Legacy rocket silos final launch close Now Rocket Silo close soft and gently never needing to open your gate again [Music] you have done a great job and may rest now thank you for each and every one of the 100 000 space science packs you have given us foreign [Music] we shall not deconstruct you but you will be given a place of honor within our base A celebratory rail line and a strangely familiar shape where the residency before the receive four of those shapes before all right I see where this is going I see it and I like it of course that means a whopping 80 000 artillery shells have to be moved over by less than a quarter decimal so get ready for some pretty Patrol boat shots [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] mission complete [Music] in the meantime we have also greened up the artillery shell production and also these assemblers are now running at the minimum pollution output possible when it was clear we would have more than enough modules to overhaul the old base we stopped module production and when it was clear the minimum pollution concept was likely going to work we also stopped science production a couple of hours ago [Music] that means during the last few hours the base has become ever more idle and all the buffers have meanwhile completely filled up so our base is now in sleep mode and the pollution of the old base is slowly dissipating but soon it will be time for this base to wake up and shine in all its green Glory there is only one aspect still missing on the new base a green powered science production area [Applause] but before we can build the required beacons for the new science area we need a slight increase in power and since we have been reinstating a couple ancient parts of the base already let's continue that pattern and fire up our good old Legacy nuclear reactor once more this time there will be no warm-up time required for the reactor when we switched off the reactor thousands of hours ago its power production died as soon as the system dropped below 500 Degrees and it has been at 500 degrees ever since because there is no such thing as heat loss in factorio and that means the very instant nuclear fuel is inserted steam is being produced and the steam tanks are filling up and not before long all steam turbines are smoking that are 100 clean water vapor once more the base is mostly idle now but since the Lion's Share of our power draw comes from beacons even when the base will be running at full speed later I'm pretty confident that with this additional 480 megawatts we will provide plenty of power to the base [Music] so far we have used the cheapest two projectivity module designed for the entire main bus but for the special occasion of the science production area let's grab the most expensive design for the maximum productivity bonus possible on all science packs and yes it is absurd to use the expensive design on red and green signs while using the cheap design for Blue Chips but hey at least this allows us to produce all science packs at exactly the right ratio which is probably the first time all game I'm doing a big build with a mathematically perfect ratio anyway we are not on the base but we designed it from the map view and one of the corners of the base without Robo Port coverage the ideal location to Tinker with designs and piece [Music] but now that the design is finished let's place it in the real world [Music] [Music] now you may see some mysterious additional builds left and right in the darkness we'll get to those soon as the morning dawn slowly lights up what the Bots have been building during their night shift we can inspect those extra builds from up close on the right side we have the non-intermediates required for purple signs and on the left side we have the non-intermediates required for a green and Military signs now all of those items cannot take productivity modules and they are not used for anything else around here so there was no point really cluttering up the main boss by adding them earlier but we do want the science production to be independent of whatever happens to be available at the moment at the manufacturing Hub so we built required end products as dedicated science pack ingredients over here so we can prioritize signs of all else including the very demanding model production area [Music] foreign so let's task the Bots with extending the bus to the far side of the four artillery trains and watch the spider struggle to stay in place until eventually he will be swept away by the belts as rootlet as a sand castle by the sea [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that will cause a nice short full production burst to fill up the no extended belts so let's see which resources we need to draw off the bus up here and there's massive belts let's see iron plates iron gears green chips stone bricks for walls iron and coal for grenades copper and steel for red ammo geez that's quite a lot we need to draw seven different resources onto these five belts well that means there is no better time than now to show the method to draw resources of a compact bus so the first belt needs iron and iron gears which is simple enough with a simple structure you can draw from two adjacent belts on the bus and combine it into one it even looks cool unfortunately the structure is in the way for taking green chips of the boss so we come up with a different solution which is a standard design to take two non-adjacent resources of the bus [Music] thank you nice that's two belts done now we only need stone bricks on the Middle Belt and that's easy enough now on to the last two belts the first needs iron and core so we use the standard design for non-adjacent resources again [Music] unfortunately that underground coal belt cannot be there so let's get rid of it and build a standard design for the two adjacent resources of copper and steel again [Music] great now we just need to find the least awkward way to Route call back up to join the iron and we're done it ends up a little messy but hey that's the charm of our compact main bus and that's all seven resources we need for green and Military signs to run off the compact bus now we just need to fill in the rest of the main bus so all resources can travel further down the bus and we are good to go by the way if you are wondering where the second green chip belt is it got replaced by Blue Chips once the pair of green chip belts supplied both red chips and Blue Chips there is no way we will need two barrels of green chips further down the bus anymore so the second green chip belts terminates at Blue Chips and the blue Chip's belt takes a place on the main bus so we can keep it nice and compact the same is true for the second copper belt which terminates at the low density structures which then takes its place look [Music] enough compact boss Theory on some science first let's see if this Tangled belt mess actually works [Music] nice although in hindsight I should have given a full Bell to iron plates instead of green chips since we need some iron basically everywhere and green chips only for the inserters oh well [Music] but does it work well all five ingredients are rolling down the output Bells so let's call it a success the top two belts are for military signs and the bottom belt for green signs [Music] the next three science packs require only intermediate products which we already carry on the main bus starting with a simple head signs a copper plate and an iron gear drawing that of the main boss is literally super easy barely an inconvenience and this experience of drawing of a compact bus is a lot more representative to the usual situation unlike the extreme example with the seven resources we just displayed [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] next is blue signs which requires three ingredients on two girls still simple enough we draw out the three correct belts to visualize what we need there are sulfur and engines to the first belt and since we use two columns of blue signs just copy the design to the second column then we just need to draw red chips down the two middle belts and Bob's motion [Music] then yellow signs the most complicated of them all were that not for the fact that we already simply carry the three ingredients down the main bus it is now a simple to hook up as blue signs except we need to do it only once foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and finally we get to the real most complicated one we need to puzzle out another spaghetti sandwich for the cheap purple signs ingredients none of them are intermediate products from the main bus so we need to produce them locally herposcience requires a lot of low-key resources and high quantities so a lot of true good but still I think we can get away with all the red belts for each type despite needing to produce iron steaks rails and electric furnaces all in the same left column this puzzle was a lot easier as the different belts we needed to draw from happen to interfere less with each other [Music] the right column produces only productivity modules from red and green chips so that should be easy enough [Music] so not before long we can switch it all on foreign column produces only productivity modules from red and green chips the Bell spaghetti is happening in the left column well all the purple science ingredients start rolling out everything seems to be running smoothly and indeed we've got a belt full of rails and a belt with productivity modules and electric furnaces trickle in [Music] and that means all the science ingredients have been prepared and we can prepare to turn on the lean green science machine foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so we can finally deconstruct the old science assemblers which have been switched off long ago but since we had no other place to store the chests full of science packs we just kept it all in place until now another giant transport task for the Bots okay [Music] [Music] now I want signs to have absolute priority and while the dedicated main bus science build should be sufficient to not fail that goal one must never underestimate the 200 pound gorilla who's operating all the equipment so we put down some backup requester chests which villain any gaps in their science back Supply belts unfortunately our setup is not suited to create a full 100 signs per minute with the standard ratio of science assemblers the base production at crafting speed 1 is 1 science per second or 60 signs per minute our assemblers run at crafting speed 1.125 which means 67.5 signs per minute then we add in the whopping 40 productivity bonus and we get the final production rate of [Music] 94 and a half signs per minute for the remainder of the game oh well nice round numbers are and everything are they are they are they [Music] anyway the old basis and dense pollution has meanwhile mostly dissipated so now we're producing at full speed again the pollution Cloud should slowly start growing towards it hopefully a lot smaller final form again in preparation of events soon to come we decide to send off the four brand new artillery trains before long one artillery train is positioned in each of the four corners of our base but why nothing is within range and we already got the land-based artillery turrets to keep enemy expansions in check what's the big idea here [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that was a fun intermission our bass is Mickey Mouse ears are now slightly larger but the real reason for researching artillery range 3 has not yet been revealed [Music] every Mission needs a hero though so let's Proclaim these over 600 Bots as national heroes of novice and pretend they didn't die needlessly because they are overlooked is too stubborn to make a more sufficient Supply system so Surplus slaves the game slightly sparse [Music] anyway during that Onslaught we quickly built two new rocket silos nearby the labs area [Music] making sure we can also produce the space science pack for the infinite science projects while keeping to a promise of letting our old Legacy rocket Silo rest after completing the first 100 launches [Music] foreign [Music] trains back home though [Music] now you may have noticed we don't have any rail signals on a track which means all four trains are in the same block essentially take that Dosh and that means they won't stop for anything including each other so let's hope the back trains who left early don't try to overtake the front trains [Music] thank you [Music] all right luckily all four trains hold into the station sequentially without cashing into each other those depend the cell shame shell stay safe I dare you to say that line 10 times in a row foreign [Music] anyway we still have 88k shells remaining [Music] so what now it is still quite far to the edge of our flat world do we need more cartelity range no we don't from here on out its mining productivity all the way so we will be giving our green base a good production test [Music] now rest assured I won't be taking out tens of thousands of biter bases with the artillery remote but our automatic utility range Falls just a little short to make a bite of his Square all the way around this mysterious R Max marker so we do use the artillery remote control to manually punch a 90 degree angle in the exterior circle of biters foreign [Music] of course we have a radar marker in each of our four corners so we repeat the punching out the square corner and the biters and circling us and the other three corners of our base [Music] and that leaves us with a giant bite of free square of land around the 4r max markers so then why exactly did we make the square well it seems to have something to do with These Blueprints I've been designing while you are watching the artillery go boom so a giant bunch of laser turrets okay that looks like our wall design right let's go look on the left side again wait that also looks like a wall design so you want to expand but why didn't you over dramatically say you could never venture outside of your current walls something about them being your final end game prison [Music] yeah I did say that didn't I but that still holds true my friend I can never leave the boundary of our current wall but I got some friends who can [Music] and my friends have changed out their military gear for a more well other kind of military gear I guess and just like any other imprisoned megalomaniac dictator I can still control my friends from within the walls of my personal prison so let's go west so I can instruct my friends [Music] Widow and the white recluse both of them are now outfitted with shiny new personal robot and each of them carry supplies for their respective specific tasks so go forth white recluse I must stay here right on the edge of my personal outer wall for if I don't I will cause the expanding of the planet of novice where the map generators starting to generate new land containing new biters beyond the current edge of the world but you my friend you may Step Beyond without repercussion as the background map generation problem is my own personal purse but not for you white recluse and black widow you shall go forth and expand or base a final time not for the resource gain mind you we are done building our base let the era of the world extension World Peace event begin [Music] foreign [Music] the white recluse has laid out a laser protected wall out to the mysterious R Max marker line it is time for the Black Widow to take over [Music] but what task does the black widow have [Music] oh well to build our base's new outer wall [Music] looks like the black widow forgot to take Cliff explosives that's embarrassing oh well if you want to do a job right you should do it yourself but we can't so let's call on the white recluse and see if she has some nice now the power is connected to the laser turrets and we can manually connect the oil pipeline [Music] and after connecting the walls to this suspiciously conveniently located Lake [Music] we can start to draw the wall up north to our first corner [Music] [Music] [Music] but being locked in this prison doesn't mean that Spider-Man and I cannot keep ourselves busy in the meantime remember that we made lateral boatloads of Hazard concrete well it is time to start utilizing that in the most useful way or so I hope and while Spider-Man walks me back to my personal prison wall black and white are still busy expanding the new outer wall and not before long we reached the first corner gee you would think that with 100 000 artillery shells in stock Mr Mike could have been a little more generous when clearing nearby nests from these corners but no it is up to poor old black and white spider to go and deal with it let's see how it goes [Music] [Music] well thanks to our super fast robots with Bots B10 and plenty of robots in the spiders the walls lasers and flamethrowers were already standing before most biters even realized what was going on oh now he starts clearing the nests with artillery well thank you Mr Mike [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign ERS focused their Revenge attacks on the corner our spider team can happily progress with the north wall [Music] of course our wall design includes Raiders and of course that's what our Max markers are all about Raiders can 14 chunks beyond the chunk they're placed in which means they will scan exactly up until the world border but not Beyond had we gone one chunk further out with a wall the rados would be generating additional land weather scans but now they are placed so that their scan range exactly matches the current edge of the world the Spira team managed to place a fair chunk of new wall but the quad wall is an expensive design so we need to call the spiders back home to restock before they can continue and squaring the base meanwhile though Mike is standing outside of the Prison Walls yes I lied our real present border as the square between the four Mike was here markers and we already trespassed on this very terrain when taking out a biter bases with Spiderman as the game has a background process slowly generates new land around the player up to 20 chunks away from the current player location these markers logically are placed in the 21st Chunk from the world border [Music] and as we plan to get rid of our old inner wall once the new outer wall is complete we will start drawing a new personal prison wall this time without an actual hard wall but with a suggestive Hazard concrete instead see the sort of a humorous scenario but one of those ankle bands to keep you honest these lines of Hazard concrete are the borders we will truly have to respect for the rest of the game as even a mere moment of stepping outside this border will immediately spawn new land and thus new biters this must be prevented at all costs for a world peace program to be able to come to completion I cannot overstay the importance of this fact enough this Hazard concrete border is so important to me that I'm even going to do the Canada USA border thing and just completely cut out the forest On the Border no matter in how remote over Wilderness we are the Border must be visible at all times foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's quickly check in on how our single flamethrower supplying bomb Jack is doing well there's now 529k oil in the system which is about 150k more than when we started measuring it incredible as it is I guess we can call this experiment a success meanwhile the spiders are continuing on the wall the personal hoverboards take a lot of power to operate so I keep alternating between personally building the hazard concrete strip with Spider-Man and instructing the spider team to build the wall whichever party happens to be on break can meanwhile recharge their personal batteries [Music] as it turns out the black and white spider team are not really facing any resistance from the biters outside of constructing the corners well it shouldn't come as a surprise really as even whether climate-friendly base fully operational we are not polluting the biters at all this means there's little risk in letting the baseboards get involved in building most of the wall instead of micromanaging the spiders all the time so let's just already connect the robo Port Network so the baseboards have access to the new outer wall by the way the game won't let you directly build or place ghosts in the Frog of War but you can copy paste or use a blueprint to do it so instead of micromanaging the spiders now the baseboards will do all the work slowly expanding outwards through the self-expanding robobot network integrated in the wall design foreign [Music] already since we started researching the science assemblers haven't missed the beat and the labs have quickly eaten through the entire form of science buffer at full speed before toning it down and match the speed of our assemblers meanwhile we are working with the spiders to figure out a way to cross those large bodies of water the easiest solution to connect the oil to the far side of the lake seems to be just continuing the flamethrower pattern over the lake even though they obviously don't need to defend anything there well until the deaths at flying bitos to the game that is [Music] foreign Bots are creeping up on the next corner and that corner is something I definitely don't want the baseboards to slowly construct so we delete the robo parts from the blueprint stamp stopping the Bots from further expanding the walls [Music] foreign the Bots can start constructing this West Wall here instead while we send the spiders over to go and deal with the northeast corner [Music] and all the while Spiderman and I can continue working on the hazard concrete and so everyone is fanatically working on their own tasks and are happy happy base [Music] meanwhile Spider-Man and I reached the next Hazard concrete corner and the most OCD of you will already spot what I failed to see [Music] anyway let's not forget to clean that concrete [Music] and while our spider team approaches the northeast corner it is Page black nighttime so let's quickly place the walls in the dark they might not even notice [Music] oh well I guess a lot of bugs have night vision but we accidentally tactically make use of the cliffs by having our Cliff explosives carrying white spider randomly standing exactly out of range once the cliffs do get blown up though the omnidirectional lasers Shine by protecting the forward-facing flamethrowers from fiercely flung flumes well two more chunks to go before we reach the corner [Music] and it's an absolute stormfest we are Walling in the biters between our walls as they approach full steam ahead for the attack RTS quick Walling pales in comparison to our Mighty spider Wallace [Music] and after seeing that Onslaught the East biters just give up and just completely ignore her Walling spiders [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you well I'm going to treat them to a quick round of artillery fire anyways to create some social distance between them and our walls this will prevent the nest boned peacefully roaming biters to be triggered into a never-ending attack streamed by barbecue parties happening too near to any of their nests [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] by now our new wall is nearly halfway complete a quick retrace of our steps lets the spiders repair the wall after the biter Revenge attacks [Music] due to the nuclear plant being in the way we didn't have automatic artillery range on these byters on this trade and I tell you this won't be the last time this played through the nuclear plant will turn out to be in the way of something [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] exactly not enough Hazard concrete to make it up to that Lake so while we go back to resupply [Music] [Music] our spiders are working on the South Wall which is interrupted by many lakes and meanwhile we connect eight robopot lines to our outer wall instead of relying on the single laser protected power line connection we started out with [Applause] foreign [Music] you cannot directly place in the fog of War but you can copy paste only the southeast corner is left to be done now [Music] [Applause] and while the Bots work on the new Robo Port connections [Music] I think we can safely deconstruct the laser protected line we started out with but we need to make sure to keep the oil supply pipeline intact soon the agent Robo Port connections are completed and the new wall is about to close its jaws in the south foreign [Music] by a new Square wall and the new personal Hazard concrete border except for at the land beyond the nuclear plant we might be needing that water there still to expand the power plant in the future so I didn't want to landfill it to place Hazard concrete anyway why would I personally want to walk on that land all the way beyond my Nuclear Plant the base is on the left side so I'm sure not laying down Hazard concrete behind the nuclear plant won't lead to any kind of problem whatsoever anyway after the onslaught and the Four Corners our oil reserves dropped by about 60k again but we are only expecting a single large attack still for the rest of this game I think we will have plenty of oil remaining anyway now that the new outer wall is complete we can start placing some pumps on the old inner wall which will slowly start to pump out all remaining oil out of the pipes and Corner tanks in the inner welding foreign [Music] and that means we can clean up the last temporary connection we made when venturing out the initial oil connection and with the base running at full capacity for six and a half hours now we take a look at the pollution graph to examine the results of our green green base conversion virtually no pollution being absorbed by damaging trees and by the occasional expanding beta bases we can say that effectively 100 of our pollution is being absorbed sustainably by trees and terrain and the flattening of the curved towards horizontal and the last hours means that we have reached our pollution equilibrium where we are outputting pollution at the same rate as the terrain is sustainably absorbing it I say we are good to go ahead on our final dash of Destruction to finally start actively pursuing our goals and dreams of World Peace
Channel: Michael Hendriks
Views: 567,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, minecraft, challenge, nordvpn, shapezio, DeathWorld, hendricks, ultimate, edited, playthrough, let's play
Id: CwC8leMwzAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 619min 40sec (37180 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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