Isaac's Big Announcement

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we got a big day ahead of us ladies and gentlemen today is a good day we have a bunch of Isaac news also I'm playing the loss because I actually just have not touched the character in a while and I like playing Lost first of all first things first more than anything uh what's in the first treasure room oh my God that's beautiful okay I like that as I said earlier we have insane news today now a bit ago I made a video saying that there's this big Isaac news and Edmund is kind of tweeting around and he's asking hey guys what's the 10 worst items in the game uh and I covered it just briefly I was just like hey guys you know what if you can in the comments let me know down below uh and I'll try and read them all and maybe Ed will just see what I'm saying and so you guys commented you guys are crazy there were so many comments of top 10 worst items in the game and I tweeted out to him because uh later on after he made that initial tweet he said hey is anyone actually doing a poll or am I just gonna go with my gut do I have to go with what I think and I realized oh wow I so much tell them like hey I did this thing so I replied under that tweet unless we got like 500 lectures or whatever and he didn't see it I told him like the number the 10 items that I saw in the comments and and then like later on he tweeted is anyone gonna do it so I figured he just didn't see anything someone added me on Twitter and said hey lazy Matt man did a poll I think uh he asked for the link and I eventually saw that tweet link to my oh that's a good thing to find and then after linking him the initial video basically I had to clarify that hey in that video I made an offhand comment if you guys want to comment uh what the worst items are down below go ahead and he said thank you he acknowledged what we said boys he said thank you I'm gonna take this and go to the downpour actually actually no this is a crazy item is the loss so after that list was made right and he said thank you he basically took a look at the list that I created and is most likely going to create a patch based off of loosely what I tweeted towards him and whatever he feels because you know it's his game so I did say you know here's the list of items my comments said but you know make your own judgment of course but if you're wondering that to we is most likely what you're going to be seeing in the next patch so we kind of have a little bit of Insider info going on oh my God a reverse card matches and that's kind of good make sure you follow me by the way lazy Matt men hereby creating Community updates as we speak this is so hype what's in this treasure room Book of Secrets yeah um I'll take the damage up actually that's good that's a lucky find this pill is tears up this is just a Vibe and run I'm having a great time now do I think that list is the end all be-all and I will go over the list of items by the way don't worry uh no I don't think so I'm sure he'll maybe pick different items or something or that might not even be it he might just pick something completely random but it is worthy end of note that he did acknowledge that list he asks for it and said thank you once he received it he's definitely looking at it uh what about this arcade uh we got pan-o-matic this charge bigger I don't really care about too much I'll just go so let me go fight the boss we'll go to the next floor I'll skip the devil and go Angel rooms and then we will discuss the list of items that I sent to Ed that will most likely be getting changes in the future and say you can anticipate that hopefully okay here I'm gonna use Satanic Bible I know it's going to give me a double room item and I said I don't want to go doubles but if the devil room item in the boss is absurdly good I might as well just commit right I might as well see what's going on I could roll this but I honestly like rolling five books versus rolling one devil room I that books are just not as good honestly I'm gonna take this trinket with me I think the tattoo is absurd especially when you're lost you can go to any Boss Challenge room but ice cube is literally just a free win trinket it's one of those like God ones like look at this dude it's just it's not unfair what's happened to Turtle it it's my boy is in prison all right uh wow not what I'm looking for succubus is succubus good enough for me to consider leaving in Devil rooms you know what sure I think it is and then sack dagger this is protection that's cool you know what we're going Devils never mind we got a curse room right away which we'll just check euthanasia I'm the loss today is a beautiful day so here's the list of items the top 10 items I saw that were mentioned in my comments right uh what's in this box challenge room we'll do this while I talk so the number one bad item in like everyone's opinion from what I saw in my comments generally is data minor okay now I don't think anyone's going Maybe again I don't know I'm just gonna throw it out there data Miner is what the number one thing I put in that tweet was Data minor there was one person that said I mean yeah but data Miner can be good when you have Rock Bottom actually no Counterpoint dude Rock Bottom still lowers your stats you just can't see it and it doesn't actually affect you data Miner always increases one stat and lowers one stat and then does the most useless effect I've seen in history how does anyone like that you can't just walk into a treasure room see data Miner and tell me you're at least a little bit happy uh what's in here ah roll yikes goodbye so you put data Miner there I might blow this guy up for a better deal chance but later on the second item was linger Bean linger bean I swear to God I I have thousands I'm so serious thousands of hours in this game I had to look up what linger Bean did I really did not know what linger Bean does That's how little of it it doesn't do anything what it does apparently I guess is after you shoot for 7.5 seconds I'll take this and then I'll blow this dude up a little Cloud appears and that cloud deals damage bro what what kind of item hello a secret room hello uh maybe it's just some batteries that that does nothing uh what room lasts more than 7.5 seconds not even when you're op just like a normal room that's like only good for Boss rooms early on that's it is so bad Perfection we take coming here for a roll empty vessels is honestly actually good I'm just gonna take that because that's protection and we have actually decent pills from what I've seen so far so I'll take it so linger beans gotta get buffed they buffed another Bean early on as well a recent patch they buffed a black bean people still say it's bad but it got buffed there's no denying that so linger Bean is easily the worst being in the game well go mirror Dimension the third item is hushy now my boy hushi is a cute Sprite I'm not gonna lie and for those of you in the know I you know I love my boy Hershey he's got him right here right here yes no but there's no denying he's a little like luster bro just does the diagonals in a room stops when you shoot and that's it really nothing to him it really doesn't even feel like it fits the character like why does why does the familiar that's based off of hush go diagonal rooms like CD ROM moment you know that's what I'm talking about the thing that hits the corner and then you guys everyone screams because it's really cool that's what Hashi does a little chest sure it does nothing so hopefully he gets buffed something a little more thematically appropriate in terms of hush I don't know maybe like uh a mechanic where he I don't know goes under the floor when you shoot I don't know how they're gonna do it whatever we got another Blood fight here to stay inside a succubus to increase our damage nice and I'll try and roll this into more health I love my life uh and then I think I'll go Alt alt is fine I'm happy with alt we have euthanasia Perfection C-section a little bit of bars moment right there Rap God we'll go fourth item on the list was Flickr now clicker is okay it helps people get marks and that's literally it though that's that's the thing that's my problem the clicker clicker is good for Marks and that's it now I'm not saying everyone in the world has dead God of course not in fact it's a very small majority of people however think about it this way clicker is near unusable for someone who doesn't need marks not to mention it's not really guaranteed you know let's say you have a full Isaac posted and you're playing Magdalene and you want Judas use the clicker and you turn into Isaac nothing's happened you've done nothing you have no control over what happens with clickers so that's why it feels so useless because sometimes in theory it could be useful for you to get marks but you just turned into the wrong cat oh turn into wrong character hi back stabber I like that dude this run is popping off so maybe some I don't know a little bit of control over who you can pick with Clicker or just something to make it feel a little better to use that's all I'm thinking fifth item was IBS I saw a couple comments when mentioning this that the reason that is bad is skill issue and I could see that argument I'm not even gonna lie it truly can be skill issue moment but honestly the fact that the the bombs happen so randomly and out of nowhere like Dr fetus is a bomb item right but you have control over it if a cack is a bomb item but you have control over it IBS is just like you're gonna explode goodbye boom you know that's like that's no bueno you know what I'm talking about about this shop this shop has anything juicy sure uh I'll do this for a little bit of luck zero luck epic uh we have our treasure room right here which is kind of nice give me this juicy treasure unicorn I'm Gonna Roll it dark bum I'm Gonna Roll it again I have no use for that so much money dude nice okay we got another D6 charge let's go back with the treasure room and try and roll that bum uh fast bombs are just broken in all regards I appreciate that uh we'll continue on this is definitely the way the boss so let me check bottom left first actually it could not be I've just realized I'm on the XL floor we've finally gone in big mode so the sixth item on the list that I tweeted towards Edmund while I looked for my secret room which I already found never mind uh this is the boss what okay let's go in the top right is God's flesh now the God's flesh is a little bit of a controversial pick I'm gonna tell you the reason why it's on the list God's flesh is entirely useless okay God's flesh how you're supposed to use it is it pops off it hits an enemy the enemy minimizes and you can walk over them and insta kill them all good all cool I like that problem here's the big problem with God's flesh right there's like 90 of The Binding of Isaac enemies do something on death like okay obviously that's an exaggeration right but you know relatively speaking here a lot of enemies are dangerous to get close to and even if you do get close to them you know they split on death they shoot fire on death they shoot ribstone on death and if you're gonna Stomp Them with contact damage to deal damage and kill them they're gonna explode into their little goober gabber gameplay mechanics and destroy you which is why you don't see anyone ever actively trying to use God's flesh don't tell me you have I know it's not true so it's not terrible in the fact that it's not like a cool concept it really is it's just there's no reason to do it it hurts you more than it helps you a pile should be easy do the back step that viz just went ham Jo holy my bro just took all his health uh save a role for a potential devil hold on gold my babies go sing is taken care of we don't get a deal but we get this which is awesome and then we can roll this into which is awesome Epic twice moment I God knows what I just said who cares look I'm going in with Mausoleum uh eighth item on the list was teleport now the reason teleport was up there is teleport was supposedly getting buffed but it never did it was never implemented the way it was supposed to work and I've I've tried this in testing and it doesn't work so I know for a fact it's not real um but the way that it was supposed to be patched was the direction that you're moving influences where you teleport so let's say uh I'm in this room right here and I move up and press spacebar while holding teleport I will most likely teleport up here or up here or somewhere around here because it's up right but that was never implemented you cannot influence teleport's direction as of current even though that was supposed to be a thing so that's the only reason that that item is there on the list it's because it was supposed to be buffed but it never was so uh you know fix it up I don't think that buff will make it the most game-changing God item of all time but I think it's just something that would be cool more interactive for the player than just oh I hate space for every tool I actually skipped over an item that was the uh the eighth one what I was supposed to say was the seventh one the seventh one was delirious you know the one the one where like it's a 12 room active item where like you just destroy everything for 12 rooms and then you press spacebar and a delirium dude comes out and you're super happy and then it literally does nothing I don't know I don't know how they're gonna change that maybe make it so the boss is more prevalent but as a current like waiting 12 rooms so that you can press spacebar one time and see the funny delirium boss it just doesn't do anything for you I'm gonna die oh my God Jesus Christ holy oh my God it's an essence of keeper I can get a gold item sure why not I I installed Epiphany again I'm super excited for this let's take this and I'll take this freaking joint alright siren is going bye-bye stand aside succubus so we get massive damage uh I don't actually have a role for this because I'm a bozo but these things happen because it's all right I got money equals power I wouldn't want to roll that anyway to be honest with you it all works out uh take the HP don't take the devil go straight down boss Challenger below me with a range up that's just straight up damage when you're running C-section it's worth plus mother transformation careful the explosion no I don't want to die actually no please okay holy I I had to go Focus mode for that that was terrifying I almost forgot that I'm the loss and I am gentle and fragile I'm getting hard carried by euthanasia that I forgot that I have to uh not die but we're good first room dead cat saved my life no I'm not gonna happen I gotta save up money now though because we do have money postcard which is kind of Epic oh thank God my treasure room dude get Hannah's being a little bit of a spooker okay I'm getting spooked this place is terrifying what's this blind item mystery egg this was almost on the list of items that were bad but I don't think it's terrible it's just not good but it's not like oh my God it's the worst thing in the game so I didn't put it on the list but I did put on the list however for the ninth item was a little controversial maybe for some people but I just don't see it I put Decap attack from uh the comments that I've seen people just think this thing is useless and I I I can agree I don't think it's the worst thing ever but that's just because we're ninth on the list at this point right in all reality decaf attack truly it just doesn't do anything it really doesn't it doesn't do enough in my opinion and I think it'd be a lot cooler consider the Sprite is so cool and the concept for the item is awesome all right I let me find my secret room before I head out hold on uh we gotta Triforce with a golden Penny which is good because you can get more money for money equals power blew up that keeper for deal chance I'm still working with this golden Penny Jesus Christ oh my Lord okay let's go all right Mom fight should be relatively easy just gotta pay attention to the triple stomp I didn't even notice it very good uh delirium I don't know exactly how I feel about fighting you what about in here no roll it no that's that's not worth it I mean I kind of want to do the corn drawing but I'm a little nervous of dying I think I'll just go nothing too crazy now the last item I put up there uh the 10th item was a little bit of a throwaway uh I couldn't see a lot of people mentioning like this item too much but from what I saw there was a decent amount of like enough support for it to get buffed it was missing page two now missing page two I this is one of those items where I just didn't know what it did and I like again thousands of hours and I never use it I didn't know what it does apparently it makes it so the black heart effect happens when you're down to one heart lap in your like container don't die that would be bad now that's terrible that's terrible that is God awful oh lovers sure um let me find my secret room do I know how old they should buff it no not really but I definitely think that it needs to be changed I mean it's just not engaging right it rewards you for getting hit which is already a bad item like I've always said this I an item that rewards you with damage from getting hit is never good an item that rewards you with pickups for getting hit is broken all the way every single time Rihanna shadow of the doubt rewarded with damage for getting hit it's it's just not good now an item that rewards you for getting hit all the way down to one heart of damage and it only does one instance of damage that for late game might not even clear the entire room that's terrible that's why I decided to put that up there now we are looking for secret room here because I have a whole lovers card deal going on in combination with a potential 48 Hour Energy and I want to do it on this floor because I want to take the essence of keeper with me I'm not sure where the secret room is was it back here oh it was yeah how you doing we have to hurry up a little bit yeah we gotta we gotta hurry up a bit but uh we'll have time let's do this I mean for all I know this could be uh what wavy cap and I just lose my mind I use the wrong button it's Isaac's tune honestly I think Isaac's tuned I think this thing doesn't pay out enough but I think it's a really cool item so we're gonna take it anymore oh okay well looks like I would have gotten the devil anyway goodbye crampo is it cold I gotta take coal under all circumstances sorry all right it lift should die really really fast with all the multipliers we have we'll go down a hush see what we can do hopefully there's some crazy items here well boom dad's key oh my God it's Birds I have to and then here oh my God it's Kane's other eye I really have to those are crazy items what those were sick like this cute we can take the store Key and get a free shop uh it's just restart options is good actually that's good I could have taken restock and then done options over and over and over again but I don't want to spend my money I want to keep it up just for the money plus power play I suppose I could roll it yay it's my buddy what was that noise what was that noise what was that noise I just got jump scared what was that noise what the hell was that I I don't really remember installing the whenever you pick spider mod up you get like The Sims completion noise but uh I guess I did that at some point I guess I haven't picked up spider mod in a while so maybe when I installed a mod that just happened and I never figured it out I I gotta figure that out what is up with that anyway we'll go now we could still die here for real for real definitely uh it's low chance because look at what we're doing Jesus but it's still possible so don't get overconfident now do I think that these specific items are guaranteed beyond a shadow of Doubt to get above no obviously I don't think so but I think there is absolutely Merit and substance to the fact that Edmund asked people to name 10 bad items I went out of my way to make a video and you guys as a community came together we mentioned it to him and he responded and said thank you very much there's substance there there's definitely something going on there's no denying that so I would keep an eye out on those items specifically because while I don't know if all of them are gonna get changed I think I sure like a handful of those are on at least Edmond's radar you know like oh you might think about this as well as just the fact that you guys commented items down below I mentioned them tweet you know make your own judgment he might make his own list based on your guys's comments on that video so that's all to say great job everyone this is basically a community update this is or nothing can happen which would be uh even that would be the funniest outcome so I I uh Winston oh my God it's been so long since I've seen only women dude now we did start off strong and this is a generally strong run but I am still looking for like that Giga you know I'm looking for the Giga item that big one the one that changes everything it doesn't even have to be that good uh all that has to be is the item has to show up because I could turn it into a gold item oh that's the end of the video all right I'll see you tomorrow foreign [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 49,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: diBlPwJB9F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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