More Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Factorio (Tips And Tricks Tutorial)

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Factorio is that kind of game which seems so easy. Until you realize it’s because you already have few thousand hours in it [English Subtitles by Trupen] Since I rejected my social life and free time many years ago   because of factorio, I’m a perfect guide to tell  you more things I wish I knew before playing Factorio Also turn on subtitles   You need them. Desert might looks like a perfect location to start your base because you can find tons of huge rocks which will provide you with  coal and stone which are so important at the  very beginning for furnaces and smelting but don’t get tricked by the world generator,  since he is doing a little bit of trolling.   [Australian respawn xd] Desert is actually a very hard biome to start  in, especially for beginners As soon as your factory start growing you will experience more and more friendly visits from native citize…   agho ouh no friendly, no friendly! *choking in a foreign language* visits will be caused by a rapid spread of harmless fumes produced in your factory Trees work like a big happy sponge for pollution so the more trees you have the less  visits from neighbors you will get.  Trains are the best way to transfer large  quantity of goods over long distances.   To speed up a whole transport process  it’s good to make a proper station,   no no no not like this one. Inserters that outputs directly on belts are very inefficient and extend load/unload time This is why you should build a  special transshipment warehouse   Thanks to those additional chest you can quickly unload your train and let it go for a next delivery also as soon as you research stack inserters you should use them in your train stations because they will increase  unloading or loading speed up to 4 times. It’s very hard to push big bases in the early game, even with inventory full of sardines which can heal you in a fight So moment when I learned this trick to use turrets as an offensive weapon was a game changer for me Just look at this comparison, on the left I’m using only a  submachine and sardines yeah not good... and on the right I’m using only gun turrets Ok let’s speed it up to see the final result What can I say data clearly shows that sardines can fix your medical  bills and turrets can debug your nearby terrain.  This one is more a mid-game trick after you  spend some time with this game and when your factory becomes so huge that it’s hard to see You can use a map view to manage your factory without moving at all! You can place blueprints, single buildings, deconstruct anything and change recipe on your assemblers. You just need to place few radars, because without them you have a very pixelated view which makes everything harder,  also when you are placing those radars look at your minimap because this blue square shows what  is the range of your radar  Before I learned this trick I was basically playing a walking simulator from one bottleneck to another don’t do it Ore patches in Factorio don’t stand for too long  and they are deployed even quicker when your base progress. To get more resources out of one ore  patch you need to research a mining bonus which   will increase productivity of your miners by a few  percent   However It’s not much This is why it’s way better to explore world and find richer ores. Factorio world generator works in the way that  every ore patch further and further away from your respawn will be bigger but not in form of size, it’s bigger in form of richness  and this metric really matters Here is a very big ore patch next to your respawn which has a  suspicious little amount of iron on the other hand there is way smaller outpost, but with  way more material to mine   By moving far away from your starting base you can simply build less  mining outposts, because they will last longer.  Steam power is not the best solution, because  you need to constantly resupply your boilers with  nuclear fuel or coal. It would be way easier to  just pay one price and get power forever What can I say it’s totally possible, I myself love solars  even so it takes tons of space to build them,   because I pay once and that’s all However solars alone aren’t very helpful because when the sun goes to sleep not like you when you play factorio solars doesn’t work You have to make a combination of accumulators and solar panels I had a problem with calculating how many accumulators should I build to sustain my factory during night and the answer is simple For every 25 solars you need to build 21 accumulators So it’s good to just make one blueprint with those amount of power making buildings and place it whenever you are running low on power Trains are basically the best thing in  Factorio and you should start using them as soon as you can. I know that signals look  overwhelming for beginners   especially when you want to build a nice looking and actually working intersection So, to explain signals better I brought you a great teacher Hello class it's me frog man Today we gonna learn about trains Now  Does anyone know what happen when you don't  use rail signals in your train network?   KEVIN? oh... Right [Inhale in Australian] Well The Train explode.  [Train indeed exploded] To stop it from exploding, you need rail signals. Rail signals separate tracks into blocks If a train is in a block, the other train have to wait [Quickly waiting] when first train leaves, the  other can take it's spot.  [Sounds of Angry Australian Frogs] Oh shift They found me Uhhm... I gotta go Seems like incident from 2007 is still chasing him so, rails rails… Rails signals are not only signals in Factorio there are also chain signals which  are more complicated *YEAH* because they look into multiple blocks after them   For example there are two blocks and both are occupied when you use a normal rail signal your train might get stuck in this middle block but with chain signal train can choose first road that will be available I’m recommending you to play around with those signals in editor mode or inside the game tutorial especially you Kev... ouh…  Factorio has tons of shortcuts, but I would like  to draw your attention at 2 the most important shortcuts I literally cannot image to play  factorio without the “Q” button it’s so much easier to build anything using just one button You just need to put your mouse over a building  and press “Q” to get this building in your hand simple and awesome Another awesome button is “Z” thanks to this shortcut you can easily put coal  in to furnaces at the very beginning of your game,   fuel your hard bass tank or the most  important thing is dispensing bullets   to a freshly placed turrets inside houses of  people who aren’t subscribed to Trupen! [Being angry in foreign] you still have a chance There are more shortcuts,  but you will eventually learn by just playing.  Splitting the uranium into smaller atoms  is a great way to obtain electric You can literally produce enough energy  to fulfil your five years plan   in only 4 microseconds Nuclear power is another thing that looks very overfe... overme... very hard for beginners, but it’s  actually very simple unlike English You just need to prepare a special station for sulfuric acid  train which will be use in your mining outpost.   Next transported ore need to be processed in a  centrifuge and separate to uranium 235 and 238.   [Sorry, I messed up uranium type a bit...] When you obtain 40 pieces of uranium 238, you can start the Kovarex process which will produce you  more of this awesome green rock Turn this into a fuel in a normal assembler and put it to your reactors. You can start very simple with only one  reactor, but it would be good to expand it more because they’re gonna heat each other and produce  more power for your factory I think it’s worth to mention that reactors don’t explode, I mean as long as you’re not gonna play with rockets around.  Gun turrets are the best weapon to defend your factory until you realize that your turrets don’t deal any damage anymore   It’s because biters evolve into more tanky versions and to keep up with their armor you have to constantly upgrade your bullets in your labs and produce better and better ammunition. Luckily there are other  weapons which can be used to talk with your neighbors Laser turrets are the easiest to  set up, but they don’t deal to much damage.   This is why I’m recommending you to use  flamethrowers just supply them with few gallons of oil and your base will be impregnable There are other ways to defending your base, but let’s say that I’m not recommending them I was very reluctant to modules when I was starting out Ghhmmm... **** however they are an awesome solution too all your bottlenecks. If something works to slow and there is enough materials on the belts just put some speed modules inside your assembler and everything will be fixed. If something is too fast, take advantage of productivity modules which will slow down the  production and save some resources in the process Beginners are often overwhelmed by all the recipes  and ratios in Factorio so easy solution like modules and beacons to fix it is great In addition to that you can put modules almost everywhere to your assemblers, miners, refinery  or just make the ultimate democracy harvester.  [Sounds of freedom intensify] This is my base back in the days, like  you can see it’s very well organize   and very easy to expand without any modifications I know that you might disagree if you for example have eyes This is literally the worst thing to  deal with when you want to expand your factory,   it’s basically impossible to add new belts or use  existing ones without rebuilding the whole thing.   Sometimes is just easier to nuke everything and  start over. Main bus design will totally change how you view this game because after you learn it your bases will always look very similar to each other Primary idea of this design is to build a  main lain with all commonly use resources This way you can easily borrow supplies from it and  build all machines perpendicular to the main lain.   Some people love this design, some people hate  it, but it’s up to you to decide what you like I heard multiple times from new players that  they don’t want to feed their turrets with ammo belt and inserters, because they don’t have enough bullets to fill all the turrets with 200 ammo So I will tell you something,  one turret will only take around 10 magazines,   so you don’t need to worry about it You can also use your turrets as a supply point for another line of turrets my friend from Texas call this design an American relay race so to build it just place one inserter between  turrets and you doubled your damage output this trick of chaining your building is especially  useful with science labs because they are kind hard to supply with 7 different science  pack Thanks to chain trick you can supply one lab with science packs and all other labs will get bottles with inserters when needed.   I know it tempts to building a very long line of  labs or to make a nice looking revers pyramid,   but at some point your inserters will be  not fast enough, so keep that in mind.  Huge shops which allow you to pick up some food  and bullets at the same time are very convenient in real life. They are also very convenient in  Factorio, after you build your first mall you will ask yourself how have you been playing this game without it Centralized area with assemblers crafting all necessary items is something that you need right now Crafting everything in hand might be easy solution but you will regret it as soon as you need to craft few hundreds inserters or assemblers Here is a very simple mall which will provide you with the most necessary materials like belts, assembler and inserters You can of course expand this like you want or build it completely different everything is up to you Here is my favorite example of a quite expanded mall however I recommend sticking to a simpler versions. Of course huge thanks to my lovely patrons who   support my work and there is the best  Factorio tutorial you will ever see.  Why I showed this? I have no clue how it  works, will this explode when I touch it..?!?
Channel: Trupen
Views: 1,023,954
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Keywords: factorio, trupen factorio, факторио, factorio tips, factorio tips and tricks 1.0, factorio tips and tricks, factorio tips for beginners, factorio tips 2020, factorio trailer, factorio tutorial, factorio guide, factorio guide 2020, factorio guide for beginners, factorio review 2020, factorio tutorial 1.0, factorio tips and tricks for beginners, factorio tips for megabase, factorio tutorial 2020, trupen, guide, tips and tricks, tutorial, beginners, factorio 1.0 changes, factorio 1.1
Id: _KIzlfOg3v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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