Engineering an UNSTOPPABLE drone army!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Nova drift now this is a sponsored video so thanks very much to devs for sponsoring and if you want to check out the game itself click the link in my description but let's just get straight into it because this is one of the most addictive games I've played in a long time basically you're a little you're a little spaceship just floating about mind your own business you can fly off the left side of the screen you end up on the right side of the screen and that sort of stuff but then these little architect buggers they're trying to shoot you which means you've got to shoot them back and that gives you XP meaning You Can level up and when you level up you unlock upgrades oh yes and basically the way this game works with upgrades is your first three upgrades are your different like things so at the top left these are what we have equipped now so we've got a weapon we've got a body and we've got a shield so your first three upgrades allow you to select those and then after that you get like permanent mods that you can add so basically like this hexagon thing just grows and grows and grows with all the different mods you have I think there's over 250 different mods you can have but for now we're at the start so we're just gonna pick I think we're gonna go for the rail gun considering it says a High Velocity Long Range projectile that penetrates I feel like that's something I I should be wielding so now my weapon boots one hit kills lots of people and not only that it shoots through enemies as well um very useful also it's worth noting can you see that blob over there that is XP so I have to go collect that you can't just stand still in this game this ain't a game for campers but anyway this yellow thing is spawning lots of other guys ah run away run away but right away right if you clear the screen let's let's do another upgrade this is getting too stressful for me I need the rest bite so the next upgrade is our Shield so I'm gonna go for the reflect one because this reflects enemies projectiles with boosted power how much is that boost of power you asked 900 so if we select that that is all good we've also got another upgrade because I didn't upgrade straight away um these are different bodies now there is an engineering body which I imagine is going to be the ultimate upgrade you could possibly get the best body for your ship ever and what is the first and objective a fragile a fragile a fragile I'm not fragile I'm an engineer an engineer with feelings I am fragile um anyway I'm actually not going to take the engineer because it's not actually that good uh the Firefly one does does like burn damage with your thrusters which can be quite fun but I think I'm going to take this one the carrier basically this this spawns things called constructs uh which are sort of like little drones that sort of go about your bidding for you it's like hiring a princess at an engineering firm so it will spawn these and hopefully we'll have some little people going to go make us some Cups of Tea and stuff look you can see there they are now they're going over to that guy and they're gonna hopefully kill him if I don't get there first a good thing about these guys they don't just go and do your mate all my dirty work all the killing they do actually come back and help me like regen my health and things no it's just very kind of them I think anyway next level up this is like the meat of the game so you do have the option to change your gear but the main thing as I said before is picking these mods so we've got seven different upgrades to pick from ever every single time and if you don't like them you have a re-roll as well yeah they're sort of color coordinated so the red ones are all sort of like attack based purple are like Shields and then yellow are like other things you can spawn like little drones and like that one's a turret for example which is pretty good actually however since I've got a railgun I feel like increasing my rate of fire is probably the sensible thing to do right so this guy has a shield which means I can't really shoot him from the front so what it's worth doing is sort of whoa dodging out the way of those sneaking around the back and then I can shoot him in the ass and now he's dead so I'll go get his XP and we're we're ready to level up as well so we'll do that and what shall we pick I think I might pick the drones now drones are like the construct things I've already got but these ones just they they basically they orbit me as it says there and they only attack targets they don't help me regen or anything like that so yeah there's slightly different shapes the constructs oh and they've arrived just in time because this is a boss so we'll try and take this guy out he shoots lasers which turns into like worms that try and kill me thankfully we are absolutely mullering him and he's dead already which means we we've got another upgrade as well I'm just going to kill that squid up the top mechanical squid is down let's upgrade so I think it might be worth turning my my drains into rocket drones because instead of firing bullets they will fire accelerating Rockets gaining a large blast radius and that gives us 60 drone damage but obviously reduces their rate of fire so we'll take them and then we'll see how we get on why do those asteroid things always try and kill me everything this game wants to kill me is not fair anyway we're on Wave 25 we got two shieldy things so I'm gonna sort of try and make them look this way and then sneak around the back and oh my my drones already killed him for me there's lots of Mines that I'm gonna try and get rid of get rid of you guys foosh right go get all that XP don't want to leave that over there all right since I got a rail gun it's sort of worth trying to like look where things come from so you can get like multiple hits so like that boost two in a row there you go killed they got dented um ah dodged the way out of those oh man this oh just about dodged them anyway let's level up again now because I've because I've been collecting a bit of XP you can see here I've got three upgrades ready to go so I'm going to be able to pick three things at once so I think I'm gonna go for burst fire because turning my railgun into like a three shot railgun it's surely gonna be like three times better right we're then gonna do some Advanced engineering and no we're not going to be learning about a thermal dynamics today we're just going to be adding an extra drone to our collection and not only that that gives us like more sort of upgrade routes we can do assault drones and defensive drones and what I might do I might re-roll until there we go we've got the assault drones upgrade so basically this is like a new route and that will lead to like more drones and stuff so yeah definitely want to take that more drones is never a bad thing in my opinion but even that guy's got them they're trying to copy me they're trying to copy me ah Dodge out the way those lasers take them down all right we've got more mechanical squids I'll deal with the one on the right because they're dealing with the one left Bloom it out my drones are stronger than I am that is confirmed although there are more squid attacking not ideal I hate how fast they move it's terrifying right we got we got two upgrades this time this sort of makes my drones sort of always stick with me I think that'll get that would be good that'll like that would help me out and then the next upgrade I'm gonna improve regeneration of my health by 40 right so now we have a boss and he's pretty big and he's shooting constant lasers um I guess we should just try and do some damage from you'll notice we're not actually doing that much damage to him so I think we're gonna try and go inside because he's got some like white blobs that I'm guessing take more damage um he is also shooting pink stuff at me though get away with your pink stuff ow ow run away Matt run away yeah look vulnerability detected so that's what we've got to aim for so ideally drones I want you to get in there I'm a bit too scared to go inside myself alright we're going in because my drones don't seem to be I'll do it all myself as usual uh he's shooting more pink stuff all right somehow I'm still alive oh man this is this is really sketch uh right we've got one come on take that one down take that one down come on Matt yes we killed it we killed it right right away run away from everything oh that was stressful right let's get an upgrade can we do something that really helps us here we go regenerative Shields so that allows us to regen our Shield like all the time not just once it's completely gone so I think that will probably help massively in the meantime I've just got to survive long enough to actually be able to do damage there's absolute Carnage on screen I'm gonna go over this way ah there's there's so much going on right see that guy there we go there we go right but oh man that was so stressful thankfully uh bloody I hate those laser asteroid things all right anyway we got another upgrade uh let's increase our whole strength basically just make us a little bit tougher I think that's probably sensible there's loads of Minds on screen so we should probably try and deal with those good job guys right this orange dude he's getting a bit close take him out guys nice and then as more Minds again Ransom red dudes that were like flying at me don't worry I dealt with them oh we dodged that and then we have some more upgrades to pick all right so I'm gonna make my weapon stronger it's gonna be 15 more damage the projectiles are going to be bigger and it's gonna have a blast radius as well so oh yeah I can feel that they look bigger already I'm right wave 55 we got a score of 30 000 we're actually doing pretty pretty well considering I'm trying to talk at the same time not actually the easiest thing to do on this game yeah deal with these guys pretty easily what do you want mate what do you want mate yeah get away get away right these ones are quite annoying they're good at dodging my bullets but they are quite weak if I can hit them which it is a bit easier because they got the old triple boost uh he did a lot of damage right he is down he is down gotta try and mind those lasers and it's wave 60. we're ready to upgrade so I think I am going to upgrade I assume there's a boss spawning I look like a big boss didn't it um oh let's add shall we do that that basically adds two more drones so yeah I think that is a good idea oh my goodness that guy is quite scary we'll try and deal with them as best we can that might involve running over to this side of the screen mate right oh no Singularity detected okay so this will try and suck me in um I don't think it kills you I think it like teleports you to like somewhere else but generally I don't want that I I just wanna I just want to stay where I am trying to kill this boss as best I can although he is after me although not for long because he's dead and we're we've got another upgrade shall we make our drone stronger I think we're gonna make my drone stronger we've got oh we've got another upgrade homing strike lets you attack with a single weapon projectile from each of your broadsides yeah I remember using this one before so basically let me just escape this Singularity damn black holes why are you always trying to start the end oh no it's a big boss says oh that was so close yeah basically when I shoot can you see like out the sides there's like homing laser things that sort of come out um very useful for like dealing with all the little enemies you can't really see and but yeah I assume this guy he's got like a weak spot which I've probably got to get around to so I'm guessing this side is the weak spot his health is not going down I think that's the bar at the top oh man how is this guy so strong oh crap oh crap oh crap no I'm dead oh he like he pushed me into mines and well that's a good thing about this game is sort of like just because it's over doesn't mean it's over because the more you play the more things you unlock that you can see I've played this quite a lot of times already and every every one of these you hover over you can actually see your builds alright so this time we're in a Mode called wild metamorphosis and this came out with the update that's just released and basically you'll see once we once we go into like the bulk of the upgrades uh these are gonna they're gonna have some like some sort of more randomish upgrades in them let's just destroy this worm get a load of these boxes destroy those guys oh Andrew you sneaking up behind me but yeah these first few upgrades are going to be pretty similar so I'm gonna have a little go with the thermal Lance I don't think I've ever used that for my shield I'm gonna take the we'll take the reflect I feel like that does save my ass more than anything then maybe we'll take the Spectra this is the one that cloaks us so if we if we don't move Look we've gone invisible you can't see us you can't see us a guy's shooting he doesn't know what he's shooting so yeah thermal Lance very very short range weapon so we're gonna have to like proper run over to these guys and give them a bit of a lamping um I feel like I'm sort of oh can I just like spin around in the middle Lance Nader oh no that's they stuck up behind me they stuck up behind me right anyway we've got we've got our first upgrade and you'll see now we have wild mods so basically the world mods they're they're generally like recursive things so you can take them multiple times as for example this one the scorching week your thrusters launch Fireballs that deal burn damage as you move so if I if I got this like again in the future um it basically just adds like more damage and stuff um I don't really like any of these so I think I'm actually gonna re-roll then I've gone for blast radius in the hope it might make my Lance a bit bigger or like when it explodes them maybe it'll explode everyone if that makes sense yeah just get rid of those guys sneak up to you before you shoot me down to YouTube or the Lance is actually quite good actually I just need to sort of work out the best way of using it it might be worth trying to get like I don't know some upgrade where you can move faster because it does take quite a while to get to every side of the screen and I don't know how I'm gonna deal with these mines actually oh yeah that one that one actually hurt me so when it exploded it like shoots like a laser anyway we'll just laser this asteroid sometime there's a there's XP in the asteroids not always right get rid of these mines and then let's do a cheeky bit of an upgrade so adding two projectiles how does that work in terms of the Lance it's my Lance now a three year oh no look my Lance is actually just shooting like little lasers about everywhere that's quite cool oh yeah that's quite good actually I'm like nothing's getting on screen they're all spawning up the top I'm literally spawn killing right now yeah we dealt with all of those guys let's upgrade again what about this one Obsession so recursive mods are gained an additional time so basically every time I get one of these wild mods that's recursive I'm essentially picking up two of them but for everyone I get my total hole and shields are going to be weaker sounds like a risk I want to take so look now you can see this one's got a times two so energized Shields it doesn't actually sound great let's do adaptive armor that should make our armor a little bit better I feel like we're going to be taking some hits with first build Anyway come here I'm taking you down mate oh look at that it's cutting through him he didn't even fire his laser that boss that was great fair play right come here orange man don't you shoot lasers quick get to him oh that was close his lasers were like coming in on me let's go take out these two quickly I think I just gotta keep shoot always held down and then just try and get to people as fast as I can oh my God they're so ready they're so ready there's so many right okay dealt with them Let's do an upgrade we've got two upgrades as you can see there what is this middle one plus twenty percent burn damage oh yeah okay I'm doing that we definitely want some burn damage and then maybe either corrosion which sort of it basically just makes people burn a lot more or Discord where orbs of stuff will like revolve around me and do more damage and they see the more wild mods I have the more orbs that rotate me and I I quite love the wild mods so yeah let's let's take that one now that was a rare one as well I don't know if you saw that but um rare means oh good oh look you can see the blobs they're like they're going Mentor actually yeah oh decent they're actually doing really well fairly my Lance is actually really strong so that guys flew straight into the tip of it sucker get rid of all of these guys we're just gonna spin fast enough deal with the squid the squid was on fire I don't know if you saw that that was our 20 burn damage very nice um we do have to deal with all of these before they laser us uh there's lasers everywhere we've come out the top of the screen boosh oh nice just about got them all let's upgrade again before all these purple things come in uh it's too late it's too late I got defend myself ah it's straight into straight into the bloom and blue asteroids anyway let's press upgrade because we've got three upgrades now and look a load of these are the good ones so that is a rare wild mod spontaneous generation when an enemy is killed there is a chance you will spawn one or more swarm constructs from its wreck oh so the little drones from my first round I can get some of them just by killing enemy oh yeah that's definitely of that that's two times as well oh because it's recursive let's take the corrosion one that we read about last time that sounds good and then shall we improve our thrusters let's try and get a bit of movement going about oh God which is actually quite useful right now because there's the blooming Singularity on screen trying to suck Us in I mean I think I can outrun it if I ah it's quick that was a little bit scary there's a squid I think the squid is gonna get oh he's not he's not going in I thought he's going to go into the singularity um but he didn't oh look we've actually we've made two little constructs so they're the little things flying around they're going to be helping me massively I've just set this thing on fire I think I'm gonna try and sneak inside and get rid of all those little bits out this is the perfect weapon to be doing this in here just slowly sneak my way around exploding all of these oh this is this is like I feel like I'm cheating this this boss hasn't even done damage to me it's about to Quick kill it kill it kill it yes oh look at the Swarms we've got they're all on my team now that is amazing oh they all died oh they all died they don't last forever oh I thought I was like Unstoppable now now I look stupid um anyway I think this is another tough enemy hopefully he's gonna bug her off no he's he's back he's back he's shooting like lasers everywhere all right let's upgrade and see is there anything that can help us deal with this uh maybe the death Blossom so when our Shield gets hit should do something I mean or I could get a turret I feel like I've already done the turret yeah let's let's get the death Blossom and then let's just try and sneak around this guy I think if I if I stay close enough I should be able to yeah there you go absolutely wreck him and we've already got another upgrade oh purification what is that so it makes my burn damage really good but it actually reduces my weapon damage or 30 is actually huge I don't know if I want to do that I'll tell you what if I take magnitude which gives me 15 weapon damage then maybe I can do this purification one afterwards um right this enemy has a lot of things spinning around him but thankfully oh this Lance is really good like those missiles couldn't get near me then these guys are literally just spawning in from the top straight into the tip of my lame oh they're getting mullered down the bottom we have a squid absolutely mullered the worm Millard as well get rid of those ah that guy got a bit close to me a little bit close from my likings let's Dodge around his lasers we've got it we gotta stay close we gotta stay close that's all we gotta do map oh yes I think did he just get hit by the meteor that was aiming for me anyway we've got another upgrade oh we've got an ultra rare wild mod oh so basically this one makes us really good at crashing um but makes us slower I don't actually think that's what I want for this build but galvanic Outburst could be as two percent Shield power but when we get hit we discharge a bolt of energy and the target struck they burn and die again yeah let's let's take that and then the next upgrade should I increase my burn damage yeah I saw that you only live once so our weapon is a bit weaker but our burn damage is not oh my God I thought they killed me I thought I was dead then all right we've got to be we've got to be careful so coming in from up there that's a boss thing thankfully I've killed it we've got to kill those guys out all right we gotta watch out for these guys run that run run run run run ah they're after me they're after me all right let's upgrade oh so scary I might take Splinter now I'm not sure how that's gonna work with my Lance now I'll run away run away blooming out but yeah I think what this one should do let's just get some shield first I'm so low on health right there we go I really need some health regen right now I'm guessing mullard is this a boss oh it's it's these fast ones hopefully they'll yeah they'll just fly into my beam out out no bed no bed why is everyone trying to hurt me all right let's take all those guys down like that decent then we'll go back for those three nice right now I'm gonna level up my health has regened quite a bit actually and I think that's probably a boss out oh I get a Millard ultra rare wild mod bar site so I can increase the battlefield size by seven percent but I take two percent greater damage from enemies uh that could actually hurt if I'm honest I'm not sure seven percent is worth the increase because remember I get it twice so it will actually be 14 and four percent and I think I might rather what does purge do dealing crash damages head on to a burning enemy will remove any ignites and Trigger Purge The Purge causes a Nova basically an explosion could take that I feel like maybe my shield drawability should go up here and then I'm gonna run away from this boss oh bloody hell he is doing some damage no I died I died he had his own Lance it was Lance V Lance but yeah that's the new wild metamorphosis mode uh very very fun because you get like you get to play with like all these weird new mods that you probably shouldn't have access to this early on in the game I mean it didn't really help me 41 000. but yeah the more you play the more the more levels and mods and challenges and all sorts you unlock now let's just type our initials in and just say thanks so much to the dev for supporting the channel uh really really enjoy this game like massively I'm actually playing this a bit in my free time because it's super addictive but for now I'll say peace love and Uranus yes I realize it's probably not Uranus but it's it's a bum joke isn't it bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 295,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qwHrlxFdVaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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