Only the Sheriff can get the largest Bounty!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Bounty of one now there's just been an update which means there's a brand new character but he's locked we've got to beat crazy Denzel with Nigel so let's head back to Nigel this is Nigel hi Nigel anyway right let's grab those coins and that should be enough to upgrade nice oh our purple one so purple are like rarer than Blues Blues are rarer than Grays now there's also gold ones as well but I'm gonna go with the purple which gains us two dashes oh my goodness what happened to Nigel he went mental he's like a Nigel Nado Nigeria t-shirt coming soon anyway let's grab these coins and then we'll attack them from this side and we do need to keep moving though because we got the witch thing they shoot Fireballs at us so we can't stand still and then the butt dude and his little gingerbread minions keep on coming at me keep flinging themselves trying to cartwheel into her head right we've got another upgrade do I gain more damage or do I raise my maximum health I feel like I might go hell just so I'm not one hit from dying every time oh no now we've got a boss yeah you can tell they're bosses because they've got health bars but this one he really wants to kill me he's just running straight for me and obviously because I can only shoot when I stop moving I gotta play this a little bit sensibly I don't want to get down to one Health again that is risky or although I think we're pretty much done one more hit yes so we'll grab the chest that he drops oh and we might go for this one it's called warning shots your projectiles slow down any enemies they touch by seventy percent for one second so that should help keep people back but yeah I've really I've got to try and take out this butt head guy because um that will give us another chest which is another nice upgrade stop flinging yourselves at me all right look at that clump of people if we can get a few hits in there that would be great oh what's that what's that okay get that Matt go get that all the coins on screen came towards us and look we've got a gold one gained much more attack speed so we'll take that and we've got another upgrade as well what's this one game one more Choice yes please so basically when we upgrade now we should be picking from four rather than three and one thing I've also noticed with no do as well ah potato what health if you can stay still um his attack speed gets more and more each time as well which is pretty nice let's Dash over here try and get these coins less upgrade yes that fourth choice raise our health by two so we'll definitely take that because obviously we get those two bits of health so we're now we've got three Health rather than the one we had which means we can take a few more risks all right let's Dash This Way get those coins upgrade again oh the fourth choice is really good raise our health again yeah why not why not Matt all right so let's just stay here trying not to move too much because can you see I'm throwing my death star way quicker now um we've just we just killed these two bosses so we've got two chests to go enjoy so in the first one is oh two blue ones every time you move two meters lightning strike a random enemy that sounds yes that sounds pretty fun whenever you dash gain a hundred percent critical chance oh that would be good if I was building a critical build I'm very tempted by the lightning though so we'll do that what's in the other chest right well since I'm living on the edge I always have under 50 health I'm going to take this one which increases our damage and cooldown speed oh no we've got I got four Health now that's not 50 Health by the way me running around look at the lightning yes that is awesome all right well because it's purple I'm gonna I'm gonna raise my health by two again I got so much health six nine nice nail these guys I'm gonna try and sneak over this way just so I can get all those silver coins because that has leveled us up again and we've got a good crop here so gain more damage criticals do 100 more damage increase the chance of doing critical or the purple one is raise the range of your area effect and pick up range by 30 now I don't have any range of area effect things yet I think you sort of picked them up from chess and things um so I think I'm probably just gonna go with gain more damage try and kill these guys a little bit quicker it's a bit annoying this build because Nigel he wants to stand still because look he shoots faster and faster but if I move we lightening everyone which is pretty fun let's Dash over there get to all these coins level up again oh we got two Golds to increase the area of effect by 40 or this one shots Pierce through another enemy yeah we'll take that so basically our thing goes through I think it's three people now before it stops uh that is pretty tasty I'm not gonna lie look at all the ow right we've got damage we got damaged we have leveled up again though let's gain some attack speed if we're throwing our death stars quicker then we're gonna be doing more damage look the chest is in there Dash through the chest and what have we got we got a blue one on the end what's that you projectiles bounced two more times okay bouncing projectiles sounds fun to me are they bouncing I'm not even sure if they are bouncing if I'm honest all right we'll grab these coins there is some health in there but as I'm below 50 health I'm doing 50 more damage remember let's reduce our cooldown by 10 percent right dash up there we got some more coins we did get hurt again uh raised by hell I feel like I got enough health so I can't help it because it's blue I have to raise it all the time actually the higher I raise it then the lower my health can be while still getting that 50 bonus right that guy's dead grab his chest what have we got in here permanently gain 10 attack speed every two minutes up to 50 but don't take damage oh man if I can if I can not get hit that would be amazing yeah let's try that let's see if we can not get I got damaged straight away we're gonna try and stay on damage for two minutes well ideally like 10 minutes because then we will be doing way faster attacks blooming gingerbread men trying to get me oh look all that money went into a bag did you see that right we'll try and get back up there I'm gonna do I'm gonna loop around these guys we've leveled up again our logo I think that's what we need gain a lot more damage what's the other purple reduces cooldown yeah okay gain a lot more damage because now we should actually be able to kill some of these guys a bit quicker because I think these types of games like you've gotta you gotta keep upgrading your damage because enemies get stronger and stronger I think on the top left where you can see my my bounty basically the higher that is harder these enemies are no look I'm loving the money going into a bag that's awesome we've leveled up again I I guess we'll take the purple one that time reduce the cooldowns I'm really trying to not take damage so I can get tax speed up I want to get that bag of money it's like it's way in the middle there are some gold coins here like mine the skulls mine the skulls how do I miss that oh what's the one on the right it's blue and miss an aura which slows enemies down near that would be so useful we'll definitely do that so now people can't get as close to me anymore plus when my when my projectile hits them they slow down as well remember all right let's try and get to that money bag I'm gonna head this way look oh there's two money bags so one there and one there that is gonna level us up at least once maybe twice so your shots Pierce through one more and meet definitely take that and then the other one is critical damages to 100 more damage yeah why not why not yeah when the skulls mine the skulls hate these little dog things they threw their heads at you their Scully heads just come flying at you I need to I need to get these coins that's Dash through there ow the weight bloody cactus man he looks like he's got a ball sack on his head right oh goodness the sheriff is coming so we gotta take out this boss dude he's got three heads to throw at us not ideal spawns little minions which we're gonna have to take out because uh they will do some damage if we're not careful oh man I really I wish I had something that did a bit more damage here I feel like my build isn't ideal I'm just I'm literally just throwing these like anything right I've got the health remember I gotta stay I gotta try and not take any damage for over two minutes because every time I do that I'll get 10 more more attack speed which is never a bad thing right we've done the little minions I just spawned another one you're not bad anyway we are attacking so fast now this is actually good look at his health at the bottom it's really really going down pretty quick fair play Nigel I'm actually I'm actually quite liking a bit of Nigel I know we got hit we got hit oh now we're going to be shooting way slower all right dash out wait there you go damage all three of them at once that is fantastic we've just killed him let's get his chest now this is a good chest it's the boss chest so we've got two Golds shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage not sure about that one if I'm honest gained 60 critical chance but deal two times less damage these are terrible you'll gain three rer I might just take the re-roll as if I'm honest I don't think any of these sound very good right I really oh look red coins red coins are worth even more than the golds um I need to I need to get my damage up though these guys they're taking a few hits they are giving us gold coins though which is always good to see and all my old coins they're still over this way so actually I probably head over this way first collect all those all right projectiles bounce once more yeah I don't even know if my projectiles do bounce at all apparently they do but um it's not something I've seen myself actually do yet but still I've taken the upgrade because it sounds good I thought killing the boss was all I had to do to unlock the the next character I'm guessing this game's been updated load since we last played it right these guys are going to give me some coinage because we are our projectiles go all the way through them yeah look at all those look at all those coins yummy yummy yeah there is a boss in there if I can get closer without getting fireballed that would be another chest and another guaranteed upgrade I might re-roll these I don't fancy any of those so re-roll yes we got a purple so increase the area of effect so if we do that our little our thing that slows enemies down that's got bigger oh that's pretty good actually I could make that fill the screen I'd be a happy boy right we've leveled up again finally anything good I might re-roll again may as well use the re-rolls oh that was a really good one gain a lot more damage I think is probably what I'm gonna do here because then we should start killing these guys a bit quicker all right let's actually the chest let's see what the upgrade is as well slows all projectiles around you that would be good because mainly the only thing I'm getting hurt by are projectiles so now when they come into my area they slow down although I did just take a hit from one straight away right another money bag over there I'm quite liking this money bag thing because it makes it a lot easier like pick up all your stuff oh gain a lot more attack speed yes we'll take that oh look how fast we're flinging our death stars now oh no we've got the mole enemies so they drop they drop Dynamite which isn't great because it means I'm gonna have to run away from them that's quite annoying because my build's sort of setting up for a standy still build you know let's go grab that chest and see what upgrade we've got I feel like That'll be amazing collect all collectibles around you when you eliminate a deputy so I think they're the ones with the with the health bars so basically that will just mean all the all the coins on screen will just come flying towards me and there is there is a health bar enemy in there so we'll try and take him down all right he's getting damaged he is getting damaged oh they're throwing Dynamite at me right he's down he's down here's his chest shoots an orbiting projectile regularly it's called Bullet Storm just on the name I feel like I want that but I feel like this one will actually save my ass because on this one you heal when you dash and I've got three dashes which I'm pretty much not using at the moment but if they healed me maybe that would be good but this one's purple I've gone for the Bullet Storm I mean I got a lot of Health I got I got 10 Health I don't need that do I gain more damage and by the way look at my projectiles spinning around me I'm so glad I did that actually what a cool upgrade I'm like proper area of effect man now oh and we're gonna increase that range of Airy effect by 30 all right health is a little bit low 6 out of ten there are two Health pickups there so I'll just grab them now I'm on eight out of ten oh no they're Sheriff there's a new boss crazy Denver oh this is who I've got a defeat to get the to get the upgrade the new character I gotta watch the dynamite I mean thankfully we're absolutely smashing him there's Dynamite everywhere run away I don't like this I don't like this all right he's back though he is throwing Dynamite everywhere which is quite annoying out out took damage took damage I'm sort of wishing I had the dash regen Health ability now I knew I'd regret that but we are doing some fat damage have we killed him Victory exit so I'm guessing that's where the game's currently finish I know they're doing updates for this game every two hours I don't know why I said I was there I meant weeks so there will be a new boss coming soon um but of course as before you can you can continue the game which is what we're gonna do because I think next video will take the the new guy for our spin maybe when there's a new boss release as well I think we'll go defensive gain armor that protects you from one hit now I do feel like I'm poison though why is there like a poison cloud or is that just is that just me slowing everyone down I don't know but this build is looking insane Nigel's excited he keeps like Nigel nadering and because like I'm not taking any damage pretty much which means we're getting a higher and higher attack speed and then we get this upgrade where I can increase my area by 20 again yeah so basically no one's going to be able to get close to me because like even the gingerbread guys like when they fly into my area uh they like slow down in mid-air which is awesome it means I can just dodge everyone really easily we're not killing enemies very quick though I do need to try and get some more damage increase as soon as really yeah it's taking it's taking a lot to kill enemies at the moment yeah we're doing a hundred damage to everyone but that's really not enough it's barely killing anyone so it will try and pick up some coins that will help us upgrade I think the bags of coins is what to go for as well like that bag up there yoink yep that's upgraded us I mean I probably should be doing damage but I just want to increase this area so that's another 20 bigger oh and we've got a chest from killing a boss oh this is what we want this is what we want so our area effect now does damage as well 25 of our total damage so it's doing 25 every well every more than every second it's doing a lot of damage so basically No One's Gonna Be able to get close to me and if they do they're gonna they're gonna start taking Health perfect but we can gain a little bit more damage and that's gone up oh we're now doing 110 that's a 10 increase that's not too bad actually so maybe I should be taking the gray increase your damage upgrades if so I've always avoided the gray ones I never thought they were that good but yeah 10 is actually pretty huge remember if we increase our our overall damage our our garlic area damage goes up as well and I call it garlic I mean I feel like it is just like Nigel's a really stinky man maybe he stinks of Bo or maybe it is actually far it's just green clouds everywhere now there's four bosses there's five bosses in there I don't know how to get to them though because they're so slow they're like the last ones to reach me all right there you go there you go I've got round the back I'm at the right Edge I'm taking damage but I'm trying to I'm trying to do the boss damage man this is really not working I need to upgrade in a big way go on Nigel far more son fart more you gotta take him down yes we got one we've got his chest all right anything that will make me do more damage all right we can make enemies go faster but they take 50 percent more damage yeah let's do that yeah that's much better we've got we've got some we've got some kills oh I really want that increase the range by 40 percent I feel like it's a lot more sensible to take the gain more damage right yeah I think it is I think it is so yeah we've pretty much doubled our damage there I think we're doing with our main projectiles we're doing 195 damage and then the area we're doing 49. now you can see they're all getting angry they got the angry icon because they're just breathing in my fart they're hating it and but hopefully we will actually start killing some of these I'm not actually sure I need a lot more damage I saw a bounty 38 000 you really need to start killing some enemies I think my record was like 78 000 before Oh man there's loads and loads of enemies coming in from every direction as well right I think this might be the end there's so many enemies all right boss boss kill the boss killed oh he's not taking any damage at all this is ridiculous well there's one that's nearly dead though take him out take him out oh I think I think we did kill him we're down to two healthy no he's not he's still in there alive we're down to two health and we are not upgrading in the slightest because there's literally there's no enemies to kill although yes right any of these that will actually help deal area damage each time you dash I mean I'd love to re-roll these but I don't have a re-roll left right okay so the area damage it does push them back as well which is actually quite useful um it doesn't do a lot of damage though so it's it's not actually the best it's just good for trying to escape trouble although we're down to one Health oh we've got another chest we've got another chair okay so I think when we kill an enemy like the ones that give us a chest that just comes flying towards us um we'll go for the corkscrew bullet which basically just bounces our projectiles about I think we're about to die vote unless I can find Health somewhere right my only tactic here is to dodge around everyone no we're dead we're doomed so our Bounty was forty thousand not great but I feel like for 9 schedule that's probably more than he deserves and look we've unlocked the nude character natakoku so if you want to see him push the like button let me know in the comments but for now I'll say peace love and bounties uh not the coconut chocolate kind but
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 243,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, bounty of one
Id: WL-o608LJpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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