99 problems, building a bridge ain't one... Poly Bridge 2!

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if you haven't bridged problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems building the bridge ain't one hit me 99 Problems putting the bridge ain't one if you're having Bridge problems I feel bad for you son I got 99 problems building a pretty one and the year's 89 and I've just been born all the market attacks have just been warned I've got two choices you're extinct them all or start a YouTube channel engineering at the core now I ain't trying to say that all Architects suck but the majority do so it can't be luck so then Paddy walks in and he says to me dad do you know what I'm stopping you for Wow Paddy to the rescue stopping that cringe first anyway hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly bridge too and yeah I like to call that intro which is basically Bridge wrap rap so yeah wrap in the comments section if you uh if you hated that don't worry I'll never do it again I promise anyway we're over halfway through the secret worlds we're in 80s Funland we're doing four five four the drop Bridge so for this one the boat goes first and then there's a hydraulic phase and then the bus goes across so essentially we've got to drop a bridge down I mean alternatively I don't get why can I not just do a drawbridge a drawbridge sounds easier I guess because the number of Road pieces it doesn't put a node in the middle so it would be a lopsided but then actually maybe I could do like quite a long draw oh man I'm I'm getting ideas I'm getting ideas I feel like I might know how to do this so first off we'll do that over there I don't know if that's going to be strong enough but that's going to be a joint so that will disconnect and then we're just gonna draw a bridge like this side up so I just need to do a truss over like that giving us that I don't actually think that's going to be strong enough if I'm honest but then I just need a hydraulic to get this out the way now what I'm thinking I probably want to go from like I'm over here so I'm going to tell you what actually maybe if I move if I move this to an under trust if I just shove it down there then I could hydraulic from that point and if I do like a rope like that and then expand this and that should get out the oh the boat goes first about your knob the boat goes first which is fine which is fine because all we gotta do we've just gotta take this cut it and then we just rotate it out the way right so if we say right start up there Mr bridge and again I put the truss back on the top just so it's out the way of the bridge so we've just got to lower that down I feel like it's gonna be easier said than done I'm gonna try and do the hydraulic yeah I feel like I might need a hydraulic muscle for this that's a lot of hydraulics though still I'd rather start with something that works and then try and trim the price down later so this middle piece I want that to expand I think everything else contract so let's see how that works so you can see it's definitely out the way but it goes straight past and then we'll see what this does so it lows it down a tiny tiny bit too low in my opinion and of the opinion of the precariously hanging bus now what if I were to just do a single hydraulic and then perhaps I can just hold it in place like that oh it breaks it breaks okay what if we put steel there because still in this game is good in compression so that should be stronger and basically all the weight is coming down here and it's crushing that piece yeah it seems to be working so how low does a single hydraulic bring it down way too low blooming out so is it cheaper to keep it as it is 9562 and just feel about with that or is it cheaper to move that well it's cheaper to move that by far so Hydraulics more expensive than steel yeah I think we just need to use some hardcore mathematic equations so I think I'm pretty close now let's have a look so it slows down oh it's locked in is it strong enough to take the bus I think it should be on it no it isn't oh they had to be the first half okay so annoying me that piece broke oh that is annoying I tell you what I could just I could just put steel there for now so I think that's guarantee win annoyingly we are just over 10 grand budget five figures but I'm pretty sure we can get under that I think first Port of Call we swap that with a muscle now a muscle as we've seen many times before is just that essentially because all this does rather than having a single piece of wood like through the middle it basically just puts all that force that was coming down through like two beams rather than one so that's a lot cheaper look we've nearly saved 100 quid there I can then do the same with this one so that's that in place bring them nice and close and then if we watch this with the with the stress on we can see how red different parts go so I'm just looking to see if this oh it goes It goes very red actually I was thinking I could perhaps make those smaller I could probably bring that one down just get under 9800 and we'll see it goes red we're good though we're good I think we'll leave it as that 9797. let's have a look how we got on in the gallery oh so we're just sure of the first page second page yeah yeah with we're like one of the top ones on the second page I mean technically we're on the second row I I take that as a win though I still take that as a win I was like what the hell is that one cheaper than mine that's like a normal trust and a massive long bit of what oh I'm so bad at Hydraulics anyway the cheapest one is this oh okay cheesing the cheapest non-chees one is this so it's basically what I did but trying to use as little hydraulic and structural support as possible I'm surprised that even was strong enough to be honest I had to use like muscles and steel and stuff uh this one's quite cool we got like a sort of a pre-arch bridge going on that means the bridge doesn't have to move as much so the Hydraulics are nice and small look how small that is and yeah considering most of these sort of look like a strong shape anyway I think we're gonna go to the last page and uh yep I thought so I thought that might be the case I really really do why is it moving so slow yeah to be honest it's sort of looks like a scorpion now like with little legs dangling now this one we've got is that a bear like a bear oh this one the did actually drop a bridge so this is the only person that did this level legitimately with a drop Bridge good job we've then got this one here which they have used the mythical hydraulic muscle as well very expensively on this page oh boy there's a lot of those so we got that one which says get it oh just just get it no they got this one with an underwater counterweight love to see that in my designs yeah this one which is a bit right anglish a bit rectangular this one there's dogs with lucky tongues look at them oh I love dogs thinking of Architects oh I saw another one it's from Nifty remember guys Nifty is the only drink that's endorsed by engineering itself use code engineer for five percent off yeah no problem this one's called why is that oh the whole thing moves I don't like that like the underside is red that makes me feel like it's sore right so this one we got double cream it's not the drop Bridge it's the drop dong uh load into place nicely though very nice uh what is going on there there's a load of stuff underwater I can see some strong engineering principles on the right what is the oh ah okay okay it's got two it's got two testicles I mean two counterweights underneath the water Yep this one says rce and there's there's four very strong pillars either side this one we're just getting a close-up of the counterweight which you can see is very very efficiently shaped however I feel like it might be dangling sort of in the wrong location if you understand what I mean because in a second I feel like yep it's gonna get splattered by the front of a boat now what is that that's not a oh look rce cheers right and then we got the the touching tip solution two very slow rollers as well yeah there were just a couple I did want to check out like what the fridge is going on with that whoa that's really cool fair play and then this one does that like flatten into like a straight flat or does it do both as it come down and flatten out whoa oh that's really cool I like that and then finally this one not because my name's on it I just wanted to see like what these what how did how oh I don't understand how people can do this anyway we're on to the next level the low budget overpass 555 so if this one the boat and the bus move at the same time so we need to build a bridge over and if you look we've only got Road and wood to do this with so I guess the question is what's the best way of doing this I presume some sort of arch yeah and I'm sort of tempted for this one to challenge myself can I build this out of just road I don't need wood doing this with road now the trouble with building just in Road compared to Wood is a length of Road actually weighs per length whereas a length of wood the length of it doesn't matter so basically these two bits of wood in the game they weigh identical amounts no matter how long they are so that very short piece however if they were made out of road then logic does take effect the top one weighs more than the bottom one because the length is also taken to account so that does mean whatever I build here is gonna have to be a bit stronger than if they were to build it just out of wood and but still I think what I'm going to do I'm going to sort of do Like a Stone Arch Bridge so I guess we need we need a bridge building Montage so here it goes trust me I'm an engineer I set a bridge into a plane trust me I'm an engineer building this gave me a huge migraine trust me I'm an engineer with an epic dog that has no speed trust me I'm an engineer I literally have all right so after a hell of a montage we've come up with this so we've got normal Road as well as reinforced Road the reinforced Road I think it was required I don't think this is gonna hold the bust oh man but essentially the aim is to take all this weight and sort of guide it down into these side walls so we've got loads and loads of wall braces there it's just a case of is this actually going to be possible I I thought it would be but the more I'm doing this the more I actually don't think it is I'm going to attempt to make these triangles bigger because that should make them stronger so if I just bring these down then perhaps that will be enough and again we've got to keep this symmetrical so I'm deleting that side and then copying this side to it I don't think this is gonna work though no because now it doesn't even hold itself because the trouble is the the bigger you make the triangles the more rude you're using and therefore the the more weight this has got to take the only other thing I can do is if I make that more quadrilateral so this point is in the middle of that that should make that node stronger as well yeah so this is as close I get you can see that the amount of weight in the middle basically just because that's all being compressed now in an ideal world where we're not using road we could literally just like you could reinforce that with a truss I mean if I if I do that you can see as this drives over now the stress it still goes high but we actually we break somewhere else now we break down there from the weight of these extra nodes uh trouble is you can't you can't do that with just Road I wonder could I could I try and do it I can't see it helping if I'm honest but it does it does actually look a bit better it's just whether it can get up there because it's steeper nope it I didn't see me yeah so whilst we have fixed that by doing road you can see down here there's too much weight this road is being pulled apart from the from the tension I mean perhaps I could swap that with a muscle a reinforced Road muscle no no definitely not and to be honest even going back to the wooden support yeah it's still it's still it was a bad idea it was a bad idea fine all right so I'm trying to trust this with wood I'm I was meant to have nice known problems but building a bridge wasn't one let's stop this is it's harder than it looks this bridge building Malarkey anyway I think we finally made it to the top now it still dies but I think that's just because I didn't copy that to the other side so we'll make the bridge symmetrical and that could be it it's not pretty but it might it doesn't work man we are having to reinforce this road as well this is this is not an easy level right so if we turn the stress on now you can see there's a few dodgy bits but the main thing is when it comes over here it's sort of it's bouncing a bit so we need to try and smooth this off best we can yeah if you watch this in slow motion you can see it bouncing like it's flashing red at us but did it oh I didn't make it so you pings did you I think all we gotta do we'll just replace you with a muscle to make you nice and strong and then that has done it oh that was brutal we're already just under budget right it's got to be a better way to do this now we've got a lot of under trustage going on so what I'm thinking first off do I need all of it can I go back to like there like where the overlap is because that still holds and it's gonna weigh a lot less the trouble is not gonna be as strong but if I just neaten up these triangles make them a bit more equilateral a bit bigger because they are taking more weight now these aren't like additional trust this is like the mean trust now if you try that shove the beam along the top is that any better we've saved a lot of money down oh it's going it is going oh again the bounce got us it was the bounce I'll tell you what actually I'm thinking shall I just try like an overarch this could be a level where doing something like that then literally just doing like a bug standard truss over the top like I've completely removed the under the under supports trying to fully make use of the arch shape so we'll copy that to this side it'll probably fail but then we can start adding the under the under supports if we need them first thing though bus actually struggling to get onto the bridge but now it is on so if we add a support underneath what we've essentially done is made the span smaller all right so we've got this point it's sort of similar to what I had before we've got the main overtrust and then I've added the supports underneath you can see down here this this piece of road is being crushed and now what I can do I can basically if I were to try and take the force down that way you can see I can't reach with one bit of wood I can shove that there and then I'm just going to attach it like that that should help take the weight from the bridge down here as it as it starts crushing these bits of rude basically I've added that piece and that piece so as the force comes down here rather than going all through that road it should come round and then back up there to the node and back down there to that wall support so let's see as this progresses has that made this piece stronger I feel like it's not going as red oh we've made it we've made it no we haven't made it oh what died what died okay so that bit died um I am thinking can I just copy like what I did there is that gonna fix something further up it might do or it might have been the bounce that ruined this so is it bouncing yeah ish bouncing a little bit so if I want to reinforce that I think I just got to make these under trusses A Little Bit Stronger because basically if the Bottom's taking more Force out the road then the top one's doing a little bit less work yep and look at that we've made it to the Finish finally 30 780 quid let's see how we placed I don't think it's gonna be good are you actually kidding me what someone did just a normal trust no supports at all it looks like because that's struggling to get up maybe they just did a steeper Arch because with arches the steeper they are the sort of more the more Force they can withstand up to a certain point maybe mine was a bit too flat uh this is actually the cheapest one you can see there's a very small amount of under support but basically my design so I was on to the right thing I just did it a little bit wrong as usual anyway with my one we're just about in the top path I think we would be we would be first on the third page so I guess I'll take that anyway we got this one which is a a bit of a chode I'm not sure that's intentional aesthetically but it is quite cool as you can see it's using tension supports under there so these muscles are sort of held in place with these wooden ropes yeah we've got like how are you adding like stuff like that to this I'm not failing I mean I guess you did spend 70 grand on yours um it's quite nice to see we haven't actually infected these leaderboards too much maybe because this is a legitimately hard level did anyone do this in all road like I tried to no it doesn't look like it maybe it's just impossible maybe not let's have a look at these replays this guy's gone mental with the trust no grid required love to see lack of grid building that is true engineering this one RCA and then what is that meant to be I don't know if that's just abstract or what it is anyway this one we've got I think we can tell what they are thank you for that mate this one is this the dog yeah Damo and Jimmy dog so they always seem to put dogs in them I love the the wagging Tails as well now that one that we've got wagging something else in this and then no damage done oh look at this it's two little people and that there are they Engineers yeah they got like little little hard hats and they're holding like an arch bridge and a trust that's so cool and the guy on the right gets milled as well anyway next level is called oh my goodness shipping Canal so basically the first Lorry goes then Hydraulics then all four boats go and then same happens again so this is a long ass level and I feel like the intended solution is probably do a straight Bridge with like loads of draw Bridges however can I arch this I can see I've only got 18 bits of road so maybe it won't be possible but if I were to do like that can we reach with road we get to there not ideal I am wondering is there a bit of bit of Lee weight oh no I think they're oh they're at max length Okay well potentially could we could we end up like up there-ish and then just drop on so how far does 18 roads get us going like that oh yeah look at that that's how you do it that is how you do this level I think and we've got 160 Grand I'll tell you what I could go I could try and go cheap or I could try and have fun I can see we got we got supports back here I reckon first things first let's let's just trust this up now nice nice and simply so we got that then we can just muscle that I assume that will fail instantly because that is a long span now but what I'm sort of thinking if I were to like put a point somewhere somewhere up there then perhaps I could do like a bit of cable stage so if I just rope like over to the middle somewhere then perhaps I could add loads of them oh man that cable snapped okay we might need cable muscles this is going to be pretty intense right okay so that one's good that one broke because it's the same thing so we just replaced that with two bits of rope with a little bit of wood in the middle that's essentially a rope muscle now which means it's twice as strong as it was and now they're not breaking and we're just trying to support more of the bridge so if I just go I'll tell you what actually I tell you what I'm thinking can I do a suspension bridge like you don't really see suspension bridges in this game at all so if I were to just dangle a cable underneath like that and I can just do straight up to all of those and I feel like with this budget there's going to be some like proper Creative Solutions yeah if we just link all of these together then the theory here is the bridge will dangle from the cable and oh wow it dies instantly I tell you what actually I'm thinking should I get rid of the trusses yeah so if I just dangle straight from the road vertically like that so does that work oh no we got a break we got a break okay so that's breaking I wonder can I yeah if I just make those muscles a bit wider then all that holds but we've got to break up there now I might I might remove that actually and basically if any of this rope breaks we just we just swap it with a with a root muscle because normally I don't actually have cable in this one so that's the only way to make cable stronger I mean it might be we have to do like cable muscles throughout the entire thing of this yeah because the next one's just popped so can I just copy that in case that side's good now we got this side same problem so we just keep putting cable muscles in until this thing works and at this point I think that means replace all of these the cable muscles they delete all of those copy all of these in all right and then oh then we've got another breakup here so can I replace that with a cable muscle we've got like cable muscle reception going on all right I think I'm starting to realize why people don't use suspension bridges in this game very often no because I am muscling the hell out of these ropes and it's really it's not it's not getting very far if I'm honest again starting to think that song at the start sort of put me in a bed made me look stupid for more than one reason but I mean technically this should work at some point right if I just keep adding cables it's gonna keep getting stronger surely surely this is an awesome mess of an absolute mess I gotta I'm gonna have to delete that and try and do it again essentially we started with one cable but that broke so I want to do a muscle to each one of those like that then we play that that still breaks so I can either muscle that up or I can just keep adding muscles so I think like if I muscle to there and then muscle to there then I just gotta put this in the middle a bit so that's neater and it should be stronger yeah it is oh it actually is uh oh so what what break that time oh both my sides are fine now are they oh no you don't say they're breaking now okay that one's an easy fix we can just triple root muscle with that up all right so then this top thing's breaking if I just delete all of that can I just copy flip that shove it there although it's still breaking maybe not then I got 99 problems building a bridge ain't one what an idiot what an idiot I am all right to be fair though I'm still quite under budget I mean I might not be when I'm done but for now under budget definitely under budget all right so rope is now fine unfortunately the steel keeps breaking oh my goodness I'm triple muscle that yes I'm putting wood in the middle because I am trying to conserve conserve budget uh despite that mess of rope okay we're good we're back to the rape breaking at the top oh why am I doing it we're we're running out of budget massively right unfortunately I think the suspension dream is over we're we're over budget and it just keeps dying like look at this thing I mean unless I just go I like I'm just gonna let's just ignore everything about the budget if I just connect literally everything to everything nothing can fail right that's how engineering works right yeah so honestly despite splurging my budget on these cables it's just not possible I don't think it's possible at all yeah so anyway let's just go back to our an original idea which was just trusting this up I thought so much simpler well actually I've just realized we do have rope but we should have realized that from the rope that I was doing all right so then we end up with this so we've got this like sort of under under attention thing I've got three steel muscles which are pretty pricey and we we still break but you can see what's breaking is that rope so if we just I mean I could just probably go between all of those to make make that twice as strong and that's 80 grand so it's half our budget oh oh have we done it we may have done it okay so that's got to the end perfectly then all the boats go okay there's a little a little collision with our ropes does that mean we don't need those ropes or is it just gonna fail when this goes on now yep figured so I completely forgot about the boats okay so we'll delete those and what we could do instead then is just if we just do like a little block of wood under all of these and that should be a nice way to double up all the Rope which I think we need to do and it doesn't get in the way of the boats we're slightly more expensive doing it this way because the roof is longer obviously but that got to the end fine so I tell you what do I actually need these under supports I might not with my new trust system we'll just watch with the stress on okay apparently you did this last one I've just removed everything bar the muscle and that still gets the end fine okay so I guess now this is we've just completed it right 76 Grand I could probably make this way cheaper if I turn the stress on I can probably replace all the road with normal Road you see I'm using reinforced there I may as well do that let's just check he does actually hit the flag here he does again so time to make this thing a bit cheaper so we've got normal Road rather than reinforced Road you've got thinner muscles I could make these wood but honestly can't be asked spent so long on the bloody suspension bridge and to be honest could probably lower all of these so you were just not touching that boat right so I've got to this point 66 Grand what I'm also thinking could I get rid of this Middle Point completely put the Rope over to there that's 57 Grand then I just need to make this spam stronger probably because if we play that yeah it fails all right so now if I just add like extra truss above that middle section you see all that's breaking is the is the actual Road I think the truss is fine he says as the truss breaks and we've sort of achieved the same thing but for three grand less so I reckon we'll take that as a win let's see how we got on so we're looking for 63 gram not on the first page I didn't really expect to be oh we're definitely in the second page and there's ten there's 10 pages so all in all I say success despite spending like a an hour on that suspension bridge now we have a quick look at the cheapest solution and see its absolute cheese the first legit one is this so just use an under over Arch there fairly very nice then we got a few that do the suspension like I did just way cheaper because they use trusses for the whole thing and but I sort of want to have a look see if anyone managed suspension I mean they sort of did with like a huge Arch but I'm after like a suspension cable Bridge oh and you are actually joking me what so what did a suspension bridge but they did an RC a fight one that's not fair why am I so bad at this game yeah there's also a drawbridge as well what what the frick oh come on man anyway this one we've got oh a lovely RC RC rce Bridge we've then got this one which makes use of very strong counterweights and efficient stuff this one which had no architects involved so that's probably gonna work absolutely perfectly and it's sponsored by Nifty get your Nifty now oh this is Damo and Jimmy Doug check that out look how detailed the dogs are fair play I'd love to see Paddy involved in these by the way if you want to add a harp hat just saying just saying we've then got an RC Arch oh rce we miss Paddy oh well I just told Damo and Jimmy dog get Paddy involved so hopefully Paddy will be sold it here's a little Paddy clip for you all right so this one we've got some very very efficient engineering and some balling things which probably engineering as well yeah this one man in the middle being stretched like he's an architect yeah this one's quite cool because that we got RC up there then as it goes into the water it turns into a fish very clever yeah we've got RC knobby fair play with an RC necklace coming to the merch store soon probably and then we will end on peace love and rce new sub big fan bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 396,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aLxMDeN5NtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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