This Secret Character Did 50,000,000 Damage

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getting a lot more damage yes I think I will and today we're beating people to death with a cactus that also explodes on some hits for double damage and massive projectiles so I think this might be an attack speed type build so and say now we're going to take a little bit more Health right away just because we can so we're also going to add a golden damage upgrade that's a pretty good start we're up down to damage already and considering uh my second shot does double damage in splinters like that it's gonna be a lot of fun okay this time I am adding attack speed we just need it we went from 0.75 per second to 0.9 per second which is still a considerable increase but if we can get this really going quickly we'll do such big area effect that nothing will stop us okay more attack speed from 0.9 to 1.1 and I did realize before that it does stack so that was probably a 15 upgrade so that more attack speed we have the bigger each upgrade is actually going to be oh you protect the bounce one more time does that work for our for our Cactus thing oh it does the cactus bounces and then explodes I don't know if that's helpful or not but we're gonna go with that luck is on my side so far I don't know what the chance of getting rolled up upgrades is but we get a lot of them I like this Cactus build I see the potential already but now maybe this take area effect because I'm wondering if my Cactus like when it initially explodes if that does anything or if it's just for visual sake none of these are really great I'm just going to make an explosion around me when I take damage then I'm gonna add more attack speed more attack speed will be fine if we can get multiple projectiles that'll be multiple multiple projectiles that would be really funny too more damage it is 115 so that second projectile that looks like a green ball that does double damage so if we get those doing crits as well that would also be really cool so let's take an extra 10 quick chance just to get some reasonable chance of crits but really still the underlying fundamental of this one is probably going to be attack speed shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage yes because now we're gonna fire lots of cactuses I think or maybe not is that on a cooldown why is that so slow to fire that might be on cooldown so we might need to fix our cooldown but let's do more attack speed so the characters can clearly only show up every once every two seconds or something because it does show up so we got to reduce our cooldown a lot that way that thing's firing out often the game's not listening to me today we'll take more damage and we're at 43 the cactusing fires double that but now we've also minimized the cactus damage by reducing our damage we need to bring damage back up so there's 47 damage I do like the way he clears that area effect really well the bounce isn't working great for me now I know later the bounds will help a lot for now we'll live with that see got him we're getting some good stuff today 60 crit chance but you do two times less damage well they basically all be crits which would be kind of funny yeah let's try that let's make a weird build we're doing 23 base damage but we have a huge crit chance at this point and I got some kind of achievement for that and probably not for any good reason but I bet I could make even a weird build like this just work somehow we just need lots of damage and crit damage oh boy that added three damage to us three okay here's some good ones uh shots appears to one more enemy is interesting I don't really want that green ball going off screen though I want more attack speed 75 0.7 to 7.7 now we're kind of like a machine gun already just wish my Cactus followed suit with that but I think that's probably under cooldowns so let's see we're reducing cooldown of Dash in the bellies by 10 that'll go to 72 percent and I think that'll make our Green Cactus polish you up more often it's gonna be hard to say reduce the cooldowns of dashes and abilities by 15 so we're down to uh 60 of the original time but that also helps dashes and other things whatever the case I'm at the point right now where enemies can't really get close to me anyway uh we do have a 75 crit chance crit damage is only 200 we get to stack grit damage for a while if we wanted to there's a lot of ways we could take this build still right now I'm still feeling adequately powerful which is bad news for the idiots of the world who protect us bounce one more time I guess I'll take that just because it's the best of all the gray options there which might come in handy the more mobs we get anyway I mean it really is about area effect by the end anyway gotta be able to hit multiple idiots as much as possible and fire cactuses into them so there's lots of good things here but I don't know if I necessarily wanted I guess I'll just take you extra piercing because it's a gold upgrade but I'm worried we're going to lose lots of things off the screen now too I need them to explode on screen whoops well played Tomato Man well played oh we shoot an orbiting projectile regularly around you cooldown is 40 seconds but it's quicker than 40 seconds because of my uh reduced cooldown time so as soon as I stop getting hit by things we'll start pulling back ahead but that's gonna be kind of fun my projectors are going to show up a lot and they're gonna have a high crit chance we still didn't need to increase crit damage and regular damage that's kind of what I'm going for right now I guess well there we do go could steal 100 more damage so that's actually a big damage increase to me now we're at least doing 78 per shot yeah I think the piercing actually works against me because I think my Cactus is generally doing that it's mostly going off the screen of not entirely off the screen and then no one gets to enjoy my Cactus exposure man it works so hard making that always Target deputies gradually increase damage and attack speed until they're dead that means we're gonna launch cactuses at them really 100 more crit damage so now we're 400 crits which means they're back over 100 damage which is pretty good considering where we're at and we're firing like very quickly obviously again we're gonna gain much more down damage you'll go from 26 to a massive 31 which is kind of sad when you think about it reduce cooldowns and abilities another 15 so all my abilities are going to be at about 50 reduction which is really considerable wonder what happens if you can get them blank down to almost zero percent do they just continually spawn we're getting lots of knives going out there around me okay this would be a good test of uh yeah okay our damage is okay so we melted whatever that was when you stay still periodically fire projectiles around you cool down to six seconds that's actually going to be closer to three seconds thanks to my cooldown yeah that's gonna work out okay that probably means I can just hang out here for a little bit with my sombrero and just sort of enjoy the Finer Things in life I didn't think that was gonna hit me okay that one definitely was gonna hit me all right we'll start taking this seriously again do you want to take another 15 off there that's kind of diminishing returns I don't want more piercing let's just take an extra five percent crit chance to wear out 80 crit chance because you might as well push that up to pretty well 100 crit chance just to be sure to be doing Max damage oh there's some good ones here okay I'm gonna do another 10 chance of doing crit so at 90 now we don't really need to touch that again 9 out of 10's is a credit that's fine I don't feel like my Cactus is firing 50 faster though and that's very sad to me I really wanted a fast Cactus but I really just needed more projectiles or an extra choice for each selection that just means a higher choice of getting what I want or something gold at the very least which is really actually just the same thing as something I want that's just a good choice I wish I found it earlier but we're still early enough in the render that's going to make a big difference all right next we're going to take maybe more attack speed yeah that was actually considerable attacks means getting high anyway we can keep going my dad we could do attack speed and uh crit damage we will of course have to increase our base damage at some point but we'll figure that out when we can but the kind of game breaking strategy to this as far as I can see is bigger numbers get much bigger than much bigger numbers get much much bigger another level up so let's take 150 more quick damage if they're up to 550. so we're doing 170. we've definitely done bigger but we're firing very quickly and we also have a circle of Doom around us and here comes the first idiot where is he gonna spawn I want to ramble my knives into them there you go do you like those are those good is that hurting me that's hurting me quite a bit fine I'll take it halfway seriously oh two Cactus shots interesting why did we get two Cactus shots in a row I don't know how that works I'm very confused by that well whatever the case cactuses show up when they show up for whatever arbitrary reason they seem to and everything dies otherwise it's fine uh the cactus did have an interesting bounce there where it bounced back towards the boss so it did kind of come in handy there but that's still a turkey what is this oh there's two interesting upgrades here your shots come back to you and gain five piercing which is interesting but I think your projectiles bounce off the edge of this screen is kind of interesting because all my cactuses won't leave and like all my shots will bounce around and that's gonna get chaotic fast okay now we can add lots of piercing and bouncing I yep I like this it's definitely going to get messy quickly but look at all the cactuses go at least they won't be wasted as much now now I just need to sort of find the right upgrades again we did lose some attack speed we keep keep going with that damage is also important but we're gonna get so very little that it's hard to know what to do anymore but what is kind of roll with this it'll be the chaos build very much they'll just be arrows everywhere especially if you manage to fire three explosions and crits would also be cool at this point because then uh we could have every one of those crits being an explosion all over the place permanently augments your damage by 20 protect us your story I think projectiles can be slower anyway because they're not going anywhere but this linger around the screen longer which is probably good it'll get enemies more of a chance to actually spawn in plus we're up to 37 base damage which is it doesn't sound a lot it's really not but it works because of all that crit this is just confusing now the game feels like it's in slow motion and it feels very weird but we got another upgrade 100 more quick damage yes please so with the cactus is doing double crits as well so that's up to like 480 I believe I saw okay I really gotta stop watching The Green balls I do seem to have developed a bad habit of watching everything but what I should be deal area damage before you dash gain one dash we're simply gonna need more Dash as time goes on we also don't have a lot of movement speed I just realized I guess that's not a huge deal when we're surrounded by uh murderous darts I do like this bouncy thing though this is a really really good upgrade I feel like very few of my arrows get wasted at this point because everything eventually hits something next on our list of things to buy I hate all of these so we'll just take more attack speed okay we just melted right over that little guy was I hardly even saw him so our damage is definitely still okay when projectiles deal critical damage they pierce well it's hard not to take that one at this point well they just keep going forever now if they're 100 Pierce no I think they have two bounces off the edge of the screen Max but that handles the piercing problem we don't need any more piercing upgrades they're pretty much always piercing they're pretty much always penetrating yeah nice try stupid I don't need any more piercing I want 100 more crit damage and our shots are doing 300ish damage so far yeah it'll get bigger don't you worry our cooldown is also very low so we can Dash a lot more than we normally do even with only two dashes it cools well four cactuses I don't really know they must build up when I'm dashing or something maybe they are let's try that okay we're gonna Dash a few more times well there was three dashes is that three cactuses it's two cactuses still don't know that works can't make sense of that and 150 more quick damage 900 crits so when those cactuses well things are extra doomed the cactus is just sort of bouncing around and linger until they finally blow up two million arrows which bounce out the end of the screen themselves daddy feels so small it's fifty thousand dollars already but it feels small so I guess if we're gonna fight this guy we'll probably just take maybe a little more attack speed then which is really starting to add up to a pretty big upgrade are you gonna show up at some point Thank you have some arrows they're for you I got them just for you stop throwing in that really annoying pattern though thank you yeah you just sit there and enjoy your arrows like a good should be popping back out of the ground and then we're gonna hit it with my spinny arrows again and hit him with all these yeah he'll be fine I think he's saying quicker than normal or I'm just tired of the normal got him and for our trouble we've got something wow okay so we could do the explosion thing but we'd lose like what little damage we have we can triple our shot and reduce our attacks speed though so everything's going to be having very slow but we do get three cactuses going out that's fun there's gonna be so many arrows everywhere this is gonna be so confusing do I hear a PC fan turning on well this is definitely interesting and I like I don't have to aim at anything anymore The Bouncing arrows just eliminate everything as they appear on screen it's so efficient there goes another three cactuses at the same time I really need the rearward shot as well that would be fun enemies around you are 30 faster but take 50 more damage yes please alright so now we're hitting them for 330 330 yeah that's fine I need all these arrows to do extra work I don't care if they run faster they'll just get the dying sooner which means better stuff for us we'll go ahead and pick some of these up now we might as well there's a phone level up just like that gain a lot more damage you won't damage your attack speed at this point probably attack speed we still need those going out quickly in theory it'd be better to get all your like speed and damage upgrades first and then reduce them because we could have like a thousand damage a third of that is still a 300 whereas if you reduce from 100 you're left with like 30 and it's really hard to upgrade it back from there so you should do this at the end of your run if that's how it works basically what I'm trying to explain is I did it wrong but I didn't think about that beforehand this is a lot of damage though because I keep killing these guys the chess guys and I'm not even seeing them deal area damage each time you dash plus you also gain a dash I don't know what just hit me I think it was an explosion racy range of your area effect and pickup range by 40 but what do we have for area effect that that might help nothing yeah okay nothing effective speed I guess it would increase the uh the circle of uh darts around me but that doesn't really matter how big it is they'll hit whatever is close whether it's four inches out or four feet there's another level up and the projectiles bounce one more time does that count on the edge of the screen also that might actually be good because with the amount of arrows that are on the screen anyway they'll Pierce and bounce a whole bunch then they stack I'm not sure whatever the case we're going to kill this mole protect those bounce two more times should we get that yeah okay we'll get that because now things will bounce back and forth even more and it'll just be even more chaotic and it'll also keep me safer because things will bounce and Pierce non-stop like in the perimeter around me before if they do make it the edge of the screen they'll bounce off that this is going to get really weird I've lost track of how these arrows even work well whatever I did it seems to be working because I haven't had to move in a while I've been sitting here drinking water that was if that should have been the second time I had to move yeah the enemies are getting a little closer but uh the way we're firing we're gonna be okay there's just a lot of damage floating around out there kind of randomly so no enemies are safe and keeping my winner uh arrows Pierce which is constantly they uh sorry when the critical hit they pierce uh I guess attract all collectibles when you eliminate a deputy which I guess doesn't count about the one we just killed he's not a real Deputy I guess a hundred percent more quick damage right a thousand percent crits which for some reason lenses at 555 damage despite the fact we're doing 37 base damage so oh no never mind we're doing 370 on on most hits which is the proper crit I'm not sure what the purple ones are then maybe the extra extra damage I don't know whatever it's damaged I long ago lost track of what's happening and why yeah enemies are getting closer and closer I'm still not that worried yet because realistically if I hold still this that there was bounds I'm targeting that Deputy right now but that's okay because the errors are going to bounce to where they need to go anyway when your projectile should be destroyed reduce your damage by 50 appears instead yes uh I guess I'll just take let's reduce the cooldowns another you know 15 another down to 44 overall which is considerable for Dash and other things I mean I'm liking this seems good to me I don't know how many enemies uh those arrows can hit but it's presumably like all of them because it's very hard to destroy them though I think they have to go off the edge of the map really and they're not going to do that because they're going to bounce twice so they're all going to get really efficient they're only just gonna stay on the screen for a while which kind of seems to be the case they're getting closer than I normally like them to be but that's kind of the nature of this build right now unless they have lots of hearts on the ground so for here do a lot more damage 150 more crits is probably a better use because I think each one of those is going to give me an extra 150 crit damage if I'm uh doing that Mental Math correctly while being swarmed by this idiot okay can you just die please I'm standing on heart so I really don't care your project don't slow down enemies they touch by 70 for one second so every enemy is always being touched so they're gonna slow down a lot yeah there we go now I have a little bit of room to breathe again again because there's just so many areas bouncing around everyone's being touched by something pretty much constantly I do want to be firing an area at the rear as well though that would be much more fun I did get hit there a little bit but I mean that's because I was walking around being stupid if I hold still into spire on things there's so many arrows going out it's really just about keeping the arrows out and now I'm going to Target that Deputy so I think what we need is more attack speed permanently raises your attack speed by 30 but half your shots are less precise they don't need to be precise they bounce everywhere there we go now we're gonna fire even quicker and the shots are just gonna bounce everywhere they're gonna slow them down they're gonna hurt them a lot we're hitting like a thousand enemies at once at this point so I'm trying to follow like the path of any arrows to see kind of exactly how it is they're performing or what they're doing it's very hard to tell they're all hitting a lot of enemies though like I don't think I've ever hit this many enemies per Arrow ever uh the explosions have probably saved me a few times or whoops we got to pick up some hearts I didn't realize my help is getting that low enemies are getting strong it may ignore the damages enemies nearby for 25 of your damage that would go really quick because of my cooldown but it would be such bad damage I'm just gonna take rerolls for upgrade choices and let's see what he Cokes out of that stuff and I really need to stop getting hit but it's getting hard because it's really hard to see past all the arrows and everything the the enemy pathing the red path things are our busy past getting a lot more attack speed why yes I would like that yeah we'll just keep the good times rolling out there okay I gotta get away from that for a sec getting already just avoidings in general but I mean that's not surprising look what's going on but we're also generating a lot of hearts out there so no there's a frame rate dropping that's the kind of stuff I like to see the game goes in slow motion just because my computer can blood anymore just need to find a view my hearts keep going keep going got another deputy on screen it'd be great to kill him uh we need to stay up here in the hearts though oh we're starting to get swarmed okay well that's okay we got lots of Arrow that's not a good spot to be okay we need to let her boost uh our Dash charge up a little bit we need to grab that chest oh standing still gradually increases your attack speed until you move yes okay I need to find this belt with some heart so I can let that get going a little bit I also need to stop getting touched look at all the I think part of the problem with this build too is all the upgrades and stuff the experience points away out here because the errors are bouncing to the Outer Perimeter of everywhere but here's some Arts I'm gonna stand in the middle of and we're gonna get our letter attacks we go way way up and this is probably gonna crash the game those arrows are gonna go mental the enemies might actually be absorbing them at this point like they're not piercing all the way through like I thought they would well there's a lot of arrows out there I don't know what to make of this anymore I can't see any hearts oh oh run okay never mind 180 000 because that's a weird build I I dropped my damage too soon too early but now I know how that works [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 466,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZevhVMeIsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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