I spent $1,000,000 on CANNONS to defend my tower!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Rogue Tower there's been a brand new update with loads of new towers finally so into the upgrade tab let's head over and see what they actually are yeah these three here they're not unlocked yet so we have the vampires Lair we'll unlock that the cannon and Monument okay I'll then spend my remaining 5 533 XP on various upgrades for all of these oh and we use less than half of it unlocking everything that's what 26 hours of this game gives you anyway let's start a new game so essentially this is our Tower we must defend it at all costs now we have 20 lives every enemy that hits it will take alive out you can see we start with 2 000 gold and we can buy Towers at the bottom of ballista costs 10 G and every one you add after that cost a little bit more so then we expand the level we get our first enemy and he is annihilated then we get to pick an upgrade and I'm gonna make my choices I always do at random new I don't think I remember that golden forest trees now have a chance there's trees in this game they have a chance to drop outgrade cards when chopped okay don't even know what a tree looks like in this game but uh we'll see what happens at random we'll expand again and you can see here we've got oh look there's like a loop anyway very exciting we've got the new tower unlocked the vampire Lair I don't say blah blah blah so use Mana to drain life from enemies in a large area Okay so as well as the gold we also have Mana yeah we we're currently making three a second but we can unlock towers that actually gain us there that's what these blue crystals are if we mine these we'll get extra Mana yeah you can see down here a vampire Lair costs 750 G blooming out hey Paddy so what do you want to play with today we've got the chicken it's headlights up oh we've got Clash of Clans who are today's video sponsor okay okay Clash of Clans it is right let me show you how it works you basically build a little base which costs you some gold so you've got a mine gold with your gold mines then you can build defenses like cannons and Archer Towers because you're gonna get attacked by others when you're offline we can then train troops ourselves so we can attack and loot other bases and I think you know the basics I'll leave you to it soap had it's been a little while how did you get on with Clash of Clans holy how did you get so good so fast paddy okay yeah show me how it's done ah you you lick the lens pad you're starting a war with your clan and you're gonna guide me through a successful battle okay so select lightning potion then take out their air defenses I like it then I've got to select dragons Okay then place them down this side like that wait wait pad what now what do I do now I guess I shove my hero down then we hope we win the battle pad considering you only have pause you're very good at this right looks like we're done three stars we did it Paddy high five out so if you want to check out Clash of Clans itself be sure to boost the link in my description but for now let's get back to today's video thanks to Clash of Clans for sponsoring well the other thing I've failed to remember is if you place buildings between houses uh they feel a lot more defended and therefore they give you lots of tax money so I think every Tower that's touching a house is like yeah I think each one gives you three coins so this house subtracts by three towers so we're gonna get nine gold next time yeah so probably should have done that on the first round anyway let's expand and then see how that gets oh I love that they split now I've never seen that before so is anyone actually going to take the long route oh some of them do interesting I probably need to move my Towers from down here once we have some more gold so up to 478 I need to save 750 before I can get the vampire Lair um I can start upgrading that so it will make them better against health for when we do get one we'll start the next round and tell you what I might actually shove a blister on there just because I'm a little bit scared anyway take them down take them down there we go there we go right so this is what we're likely gonna need the Mana siphon because that allows us to farm the crystals so you can see down there each of those cost a hundred oh man I really I'm slacking for money here and oh well we might be in trouble that guy he has he has armor on take him down take him down take him down take him down oh they got so close oh we lost our life okay the next time I'm gonna go for is the shredder because I love a bit of Shredder but it might be worth moving some of these end Towers so I can click that end one and demolish I get the gold back for them so that's good so I think first off Vampire layer let's shove one on there now can you see that's got A plus three that's because it's on like a high bit of ground so as you move lower you get plus two plus one and then just flat you don't get plus anything so basically the pluses are the base damage so on this Tower that's on the low down because the base damage is 12 so that does different damage to health armor and shields but then if we go on the top one that base damage is 15 so they're all more so anyway we'll keep that Tower up there that should clear those up pretty nicely and then we'll expand up to there and then oh wow look at that area oh yeah so everyone in an area gets hurt although not that hurt I'm noticing not sure how good that Tower is if I'm honest but remember we can upgrade everything so we can upgrade damage we can upgrade armor damage uh costs money though so we've got to be careful doing that well it does mean actually everyone that's getting to here they're really hurt which means these towers can easily take them down okay I think I do actually like that Tower I take it back oh look at that we've unlocked the next Tower of the cannon so that is as a new tower but then on the right we've also got heavy shafts and I love a shaft right well I gotta get a cannon and see what that's all about 750 gold let's demolish some of these outer ones all right so we'll shove a cannon on there and this is oh it's good against armor look at that and health oh okay so I'm looking at the tower I'm thinking it might be better at like the end of a straight because you can see it shoots and it just keeps on shooting so if I can get more people I'll tell you what let's increase our vampire layer range but I'm gonna I'm gonna get rid of that Tower I'm gonna move this cannon onto there because I think that will shoot up that range oh man look at the area of that so as we add more Mana things we're gonna have to get that plus three up which means putting these siphons down so I should probably start doing that we'll shove one over there so that's gone up by plus one which have another one so that's plus five so as long as that's like over 200 we should be good now also you just notice a tree has spawned Chuck helping this tree will currently yield 64 G and an 8 chance to drop cards right we'll remember that and we'll go to the next round and we'll see if that increases because it says currently yield so maybe they grow anyway we are going to shove that vampire layer up there and we'll see how the Mana situation is if that bar starts emptying it means we're using up more Mana than we're creating but if it stays pretty full I think we're good all right so some of these guys have lots of armor the tower the captain tower is dealing with those ones double the chance that a tree drops cards okay I'm going to take that and then so we'll have a look at this so that should go up to yeah it's gone up to 18. oh and it gives you way more gold okay perhaps we'll save on to the trees for now um worth anything that last expansion it's split which means we're gonna get enemies coming from different directions I'm gonna send these ones back that way for now because yeah they are in range of this Tower still but they're worth noting every map is proceedly generated we have no idea how the level will expand now for this upgrade I'm gonna make the vampire towers do some bleed damage so that just means they take damage over time and considering they're vampires I feel like that's a good thing to do so it will expand that way oh there's another tree spawned as well so oh that's on 121 gold already uh we'll keep expanding because our vampire Towers seem to be doing the business although we've got to be careful we have stacks of Vlogs this time they have a lot of armor and remember we can't take out the health until we've done the armor and these vampire Towers they don't do a lot of armor damage thankfully that's what our cannons are for yes he has taken out the stacks of logs boosh right in order to get more money you sort of want to get banditry early on so enemies drop two more gold on death but they will deal extra damage to the tower so we've got to be careful we don't want enemies getting down to our Tower what I'm thinking I might shove a cannon like there there so it's pointing straight up I would put it there but I'm going to want a man a siphon there Mana will become an issue later on but I think that's a pretty good spot for a cannon then you know what I might just show another vampire layer down like they got such a big range I think they're pretty decent so it will expand that direction oh and another tree lovely so new Cannon shooting straight up there I might actually say if we target the most armor then it should sort of always look up here which means it's doing like multiple hits so that was a good round yeah we'll get some more Bandit treats that's more money and we'll expand over that way oh look at all those we hit the monocrystal jackpot so it might be worth investing in the Mana siphons so let's just surround all of these and really get the Mana numbers up so I think that's everything siphon you can only siphon things on the same level so that wasn't as good as it looks but we're now making 31 Mana a second and it's the first boss the Oogie hello there now he has a lot of Health thankfully no arm or anything else but we probably want to start doing some more damage to him otherwise he's going to get to our Tower and if he gets there it's game over completely so I'm sort of thinking let's get some ballista Towers on the way it will shove them all high up maybe I could shove a shredder on there Shredder's pretty good against health does 21 damage um and it also adds to bleeding as well I think we're gonna be okay though we got we got the straight line with the cannon right come on Shredder boosh right in the nuts he's bleeding in a big way I think we've done it we've done it you that was scary right let's grab banditry and then expand into that way I reckon so now I feel like we're sort of on a gold saving Mission because we're making so much Mana I want to start buying towers that actually make the most of that let's just see how our Towers get on for now though oh enemies are getting way further that's okay though we still passed the level right I think Frost keep is a good one to go for that slows enemies down also the boss Oogie he dropped the chest so let's see what's in the chest a nice extra bonus okay first off I'm gonna shove another vampire layer down I really feel like this middle spot is the best because it covers such a large area of the map we'll then shove some Frost keeps at areas where like the Cannon's gonna do some work so I think up there's good maybe another one there yeah that looks good okay it will keep expanding the only thing to be courser stuff now look these guys that they have they have a lot of shield and we're not doing too much Shield damage yeah but we can't always upgrade things this cannon I could give it a shield multiplier it will cost me quite a lot of money but I could make that do it or I could just try and invest in towers that sort of specialize in Shield which I have none of that at the moment anyway after a few more runs we've actually unlocked the final new tower the monument uses Mana to haunt enemies with spiritual swords that's pretty neat oh I just I gotta try that just for the description so it costs 750 no idea how it works I guess let's shove it on on that for now and then oh it's a big area oh and it does good Shield damage that is nice so since you got three grand more let's shove another one maybe up there because that covers that and that maybe a third one on there which could be quite good once we expand the level so if you look at these they're literally just stabbing they're all just getting stabbed so do they get stabbed and then it carries on or do they have to be in range the whole time so that one's getting stabbed oh yeah look he's well out of range still getting stabbed interesting anyway that has helped massively our Shield situation oh and it seems an enemy has dropped to chest so it will make our Frost keeps the poison damage and then we'll take the chest and I think we'll take the Tesla coil as Tesla coil YouTube captions not testicle so Tesla is another Tower that's very good against Shields a small area so perfect for like an island like that could shove one on there as well yeah that seems good and then these straight runs I feel like they're great for more cannons or shove a cannon there I was gonna show I could shove on there actually and just if I set that to progress yeah then it shoots him that way so we're getting like the double team of Street shooting down there so basically on these arms I'm trying to get rid of shield and armor as soon as possible and then perhaps when they combine down here this will be where we can get rid of some health now we'll make our stabbing Tower do extra damage to poison because we know that our Frost keeps poison you see this end we're doing very well at losing the armor maybe this side we might want to add another death area so yeah we've got seven Grand so I think probably worth shoving a cannon there and there so as we expand this area I'm sort of hoping that we should be able to completely Muller every one of these streets double cannon hits I mean solid I've got the money let's just have another one there looking at progress so all these straights that you're going to get cannoned although we've got a big dude the harrack glass and thankfully the stabbing is completely mullered his shield which means by the time he gets to this point the shredder and the cannon is just going to Muller him boost despite his big Shield bar he was no match for our Towers oh I just noticed there was a big a soul Shepherd Oogie now he has a lot of Shield thankfully the stabbing is helping but yeah he's now down and that is level 25 completed let's grab a Mana Bank that'll help us get more mana and then let's see what's in the chest so do some more bleed damage to the vampires and we'll make our poison better as well oh and we'll add some sorcery because that allows us to generate two percent of your max Mana per second so we're on 32 a second if we select that right now on 36 a second uh since you got this area taking out the armor I might put a shield thing earlier on so if we do a Tesla there a frost keep in the middle and then a stab you mix stabison up there that should get rid of shields early on so we'll expand that direction oh man that splits into three separate areas which means a lot of people are going to be coming down here hopefully this new investment will pay off although a lot of people have made it through I might make my vampire Les better and then Investments on them we've got seven Grand so let's let's buy a few more of those the 1300 each at the moment so we'll get an early one over here on the plus three and then expand over that way shove a few more about whoa and what do we have here we got a castle so I think if we shove things on there yeah that's an extra we gain loads of height basically so quick question Tesla on there does that all right covers the entire area okay that could be good so test cool in the middle then got a frost keep to slow everything down I've got four flamethrowers on every corner and Obelisk sort it three obelisks so this is basically a castle of death why so weak so if anyone makes it past here I'm gonna be very annoyed because I I invested a lot of money into this death Castle so far seems to be at night people got three people got three uh something else to consider we are out of Mano which means our minor towers are doing nothing time to invest in some Mana Banks so basically each one of these Banks you put down uh generates bit more money so 37 39 a second so if we do like some efficient banking layout then suddenly we're up to plus 45 and that bar is full again something else I've just noticed this see this is a shrine if we place one of these universities next to it we can come into here and we can start pushing education and education gives us like Global damage increases but the chance of actually getting one of those pretty low at the moment so I'm gonna Wang all of these up to like 10 I think and I've placed an obelisk down here they're really good against armor but we are getting some things getting rather close to the end I was sort of hoping that no one would actually make it down here so I probably need to invest more up this end anyway up here can you see the plus one HD and plus one SD that's why University is giving us extra health and shield damage so well worth the investment I'm going to keep investing in those to be honest so if I want some armor so I'll shove that up to 15 and then get a few more vampires down so we've expanded up this way there's another University we can use so you'll be a health studies University oh and oh no we're really running out of Mana despite my two efficient Banks [Music] [Applause] we might need more yeah we'll take sorcery three which increases our money per second by three percent so from 71 a second up to 90 a second oh that was beautiful oh we can make our vampires do poison damage as well yeah we'll take that please there's another University that we can place down so let's do some magic and some armor and basically each University we have the more chance we have of gaining these extras so we got plus two on every single type now because we're on level 35 that is the fool and ergi he looks like a fat Satan anyway he's just got Health remaining and I think our vampire towers are probably pretty good at Health let's upgrade that and this one yeah the vampires are really going to town he's also getting stabbed to health if that was decent I'm going to get some scholarships to get the education going and from the chest we just got from the boss we get extra Mana anyway we keep going look how much money we have 12 13 Grand we need to start spending some of that the question is do I buy more vampire Towers or do I keep funding education why are we still here so seven six and five so yeah it went up it went up a point or two maybe not worth the investment but we'll see yeah we've got some more Mana siphons to place down so I may as well do that look up here we got a we've got a load of crystals now we're up to plus 97 Mana which is sort of we're sort of holding if we add more vampire Towers we will need more Mana generation last 25 burn damage to the vampire but there's also savings account which makes so Amanda Banks store an extra 15 Max Mana oh I can't not take the Bald Mountain though right each vampire layer costs three grand now as well but uh We're not gonna stop we are not gonna stop building and assuming the last level is still 45 we probably should think about chopping all of our trees down that Nets us a lot of gold and a very high chance to drop cards should I do it now let's do it now so chop I don't think we got a card 82 chance and I didn't get one okay we'll chop that one there we go so it leaves the chest behind and in there we get another upgrade so the frost keeps do burn damage that makes no sense it was called flammable snow though which is pretty cool there's another one there nothing too special in that but it does give us some space for another Monument let's do some stabby stabby right so we're possibly on the last level now at level 45 now we got 60 Grand to spend so I'll probably get a few more vampire layers put them on these like tall these tall Castle spiers but we're probably better off upgrading them because they now cost 4 000 to put each Tower down whereas each of these multipliers they only cost 30. so let's just go mental on that all right so all these towels are super upgraded now let's see if this is still the last level so we'll expand up there and we're expecting oh it came from that way the big brain Oogie I assume it's still the last boss so we've got to take out a load of Shield then a load of armor and then a load of Health thankfully I upgraded a lot of these guys to do some decent Shield damage but that one does a thousand Shield damage all right and the big brain Oogie is taking on the towel the ultra Castle Fortress right we're down to armor we're down to armor looking good oh we're out of man are they not looking good let's extend this guy much better right so the big brain Oogie look at it getting stabbed it's entering the cannon death zone so it's gonna get absolutely mullered in terms of its armor and look how much bleed and burn damage it's taking I feel like this is what an architect's brain looks like when it's trying to do like kids math problems burning bleeding and stabbing itself and I think we've done it I think we've only gone and done it victory yeah well the best thing is you can now play endless mode so it's never ending and in this mood there's no there's no upgrades to gain you let you literally just keep going so we're gonna see how far this space will go we're still getting money so I will keep upgrading my Towers but uh the game doesn't pause between rounds now either now thankfully because we invested so much in the universities we're still getting those every single round so it might be worth keep investing in those oh yeah but in Endless mode you do actually you lose research every single I just remember that's why can you see where we're down to negative oh no so every single round we're losing research oh look there's another Oogie as well the grimooki is back anyway yeah if we have negative research then I think we do actually lose the point so I just put them all back up to zero at least and oh no just lost oh so busy at the University I've got to pay attention we survived 49 Levels by the way just so you don't call the thumbnail click bait I've got the cannon ready and we've got creative mode on so basically we can completely cover this map in canons yeah and then we're just gonna keep on going and see how long we survive now worth noting I've only covered the first two squares or maybe three squares in the Cannons but since everyone goes past the entire map I feel like that's going to be an advantage to us I'm quite tempted just to just to cover this Castle in cannons and see if that will cope I'll tell you what that might actually be enough to do this so come on Kevin's the cabin Castle I'm taking every upgrade that does the Canon as well by the way we need everything we can so cannons now make people bleed lovely all right and there is the robo Oogie so this is the danger zone there's a lot of enemies coming I will say that it's getting absolutely mullered oh he is getting closer is getting close oh how scary time to add some gangrene poison damage to our cannons their play frame rate you're holding up well all right the Invaders made it around the castle barely a dent in his armor and then it enters the main area where it's Gonna Get Wrecked Victory but let's keep going all right level 50 we got a big boss his health bar is like really small but it's not going down hardly at all this could be the end it's still got Shield as it enters this area come on right we're down to the armor we're down to the health it's getting close shoot no oh so close so there's the outset it might work better but it's also impossible without cheating peace loving cannons bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 314,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gis_1F5RIp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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