Bloons Tower Defense, but YOU'RE the balloon!

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since the dawn of time there have always been rivalries red versus blue cats Vs dogs Engineers versus Architects and of course in balloons there are monkeys versus balloons and anyone that has played the original balloons games or even the fan made 3D remake Apes vs helium you will know that you always play as the monkeys popping as many balloons as possible in order to um well I don't really know the purpose it's kind of random now I think about it anyway I found another fan made game by YouTuber Bray and stack where you actually play as the balloon so yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to Bloons but you're the balloon so let's get straight into this and I think we're gonna play on the monkey Meadow so this is us we're a blued we are a balloon and we can follow the part we can't actually go off the path there's like invisible walls there I think balloons only they can only float above Paving slabs least that's what I've learned from this video game and as we as we float around in relative peace we'll notice over there that is a monkey oh and he just farted I think so this is the ice monkey he has oven gloves on his hands he's got air Defenders on his ears probably because this loud I don't think they're going to prevent you from getting cold ears mate um but luckily for us I don't think he does damage to us anyway we'll float around and get a bit closer and see what we're dealing with right so here we are there is the ice monkey in all its glory and okay yeah so I'm frozen I can't move temporarily um but I've still got my five Hearts you can see bottom right there's my heart so let's carry on and we'll get to the exit and then you'll see we've started a new round if you look in the bottom left we now have 625 quid to spend uh so if we press e we can go into the shop uh we can spend that money on all sorts of things so I'm gonna give myself a little bit of health so you can see I've now got a green balloon uh so I've sort of got like three lives if you wish um I can also add regrow so essentially if I do that I'm now heart shaped and if I if I take a hit I will regen myself now as you work our way around the map you'll notice there is a new monkey this time the dart monkey uh so we're gonna have to be careful and try and out Dodge his dots oh we dodged that one we Dodge that one I can jump as well that did not help though we're down to a single layer of balloon thankfully we can sort of wait up here it's relatively safe um and you'll see we are because we got that regrow upgrade we are regening our health so we're a blue we should go up to green and then I'm going to time going past here so now don't get frozen out and hopefully don't get hit again nice we made it to the end oh there we go uh worth noticing when we spawn we're in like this this red box uh we can't get hurt in here so that will be useful and the other thing I noticed as well on that run is I don't actually have to follow the track I can I can cheat basically I can go this way and then out and then go this way oh we must be right run run out oh I lost I hit me again so now we're down to four lives I'll tell you what I'm gonna head back into the shop quickly and give myself a little bit more health and a bit more regrowth so I heal a little bit quicker so now I am a pink heart ah lovely maybe I can make peace with the monkey I can pretend to love him or something no ow he threw it straight at me all right run away oh even if I jump there we go there we go right we've dodged we've dodged okay so we're back up to Pink we're all good uh looks like the the new tower this time is a cannon the bomb shooter so I need to time this fairly well so I'm waiting for you to go off boost right now we run now we run out right there's the can out looks like the Cannon's not a very good shot absolutely useless but oh my goodness it's raining darts which means if we look up somewhere there it is there it is sort of up there quite hard to see it's the monkey Ace so we're gonna have to look out for him ow why are you so accurate Dartmouth okay you're not that accurate I mean thankfully we have a safe space up here so we can regen on our way back um I feel like monkey Ace not that accurate I he sort of just at the start so I'm probably safe over this end of the map anyway let's try and head over here I'm gonna now the cat is so inaccurate it's crazy right anyway we've made it to another round uh there's a cannon spawned there which is not ideal uh we've got a thousand quid to spend though so back into the shot I reckon a little bit more health so I'm a Black Balloon and now a zebra balloon I might just give more health so now we're a rainbow balloon with 150 to spend I might make myself a little bit faster uh because presumably the faster I go the easier it will be to dodge stuff although cannons I don't really need to dodge them they're useless um oh we are oh oh no the bomb Oh the bomb exploded next to me still we're back up to zebra thanks to the regroup and now we are rainbow I've just gotta wait for the the guide to oh there he goes all right now let's cheese it all right into the exit that's another round but that's a load more money oh can you see right down there there's a tax shooter at the very end okay we have to be a little bit careful at the end perhaps we can sort of jump over that a bit though because I did fail to mention there is a jump button I'm not entirely sure how useful it is but um but yeah maybe worth bunny hopping to try and avoid everything the attack shoots if you remembered it sort of stuck as long as I jump where it shoots maybe it can't actually hits us so jump there jump there sorted we're out the end oh there's a there's a cannon right at the start and he looks angry now I got 1400 quid to spend late so let's get in the shop um I feel like health is sort of the way to go so I think we're ceramic level now uh maybe I can add a bit of speed through just to make myself faster then maybe regrow rate so hopefully I'm gonna wait for it to shoot right then we go oh man it is really slow I thought it might be a bit quicker now the cannon hit me I've lost all my ceramic right there you go the ceramic is back it's sort of it's like a weird half ceramic well that's a glitch or if that's intentional not entirely sure anyway let's get out of here tax shooter out as long as we jump over we're pretty good uh back at the start of 900 quid I might give myself more health so we got 10 bits of Health I'm gonna give myself a little bit more speed because I feel like the quicker we go the more likely we are to dodge stuff so right let's go our Cannonball right in the ass not ideal right we've got two dark monkeys this time one hit me but that was pretty good I missed most of them I'm worth noting as well these guys they will upgrade themselves at some point and they can get very very powerful so we will have to look out for that oh no I've just froze the mid-air idiot idiot Matt why did you we've got to watch out for the frozen ice monkey because he can freeze us all right looking out there there's another Dark Monkey so this could get pretty serious up to 1150 at some point I'm gonna grab the murab health that turns me into a Mara balloon which just means I can take loads and loads of damage and then when I explode I turn into what I have here so if I keep going with the top stuff the longer I can survive that the better and then I want to go Moab I think so maybe I'll spend what I got on another bit of health and then speed and regroup and then right let's go now I just took a cannon to the face right here we have the the three Dart monkeys jumping seem to work very well though I did take one hit but not too bad remember we only lose our life if we actually get completely popped so right oh God oh God that was a good Dodge mat that was a good Dodge Neo would be proud uh maybe not of that one mate right we've done it we've done it uh what's different this round oh my goodness look at the cannon look at that Cannon so the Cannon's upgraded which means probably more damage I don't know what else an upgraded Cannon does but uh let's get out of it so Dodge through these guys oh my goodness all right we made it to the safe Zone I call this the safe Zone because we can't get hit here I don't think so it's a good place to regen our health and then as we head down here we're gonna have to wait for the ice monkey to go you're right I think we're good I think we're good then let's see what this cannon does okay thing for us no it's no more accurate than it was before or there's three cannons at the start now as well yeah but look how much cash we got 2 425. I feel like I might save my money this time and see if I can make it through without moabing and then if I need to I always can Moab afterwards so we'll wait for that right boost let's go I'm trying to do side to side and jump ow ow ow in the hope I can dodge everything yes we oh we made it to the safe Zone all right so let's just regen our regenerate is pretty good actually so we've back up to ceramic and remember we got a few layers of ceramic all right so I'm just waiting for the ice monkey boost there he goes so now we jump we jump over the attacks and we're good we're good we've made it to the end again yeah I'm just gonna go again because I can see the new monkey this round it's another ice monkey this time over that way towards the safe Zone um or thankfully just miss me there uh still means I'm very safe up this end because there's no one that can do damage to me so whilst it is cheating I guess I'm just gonna wait and regen my health imagine if this actually happened on balloons like they just stopped and like outsmarted your monkeys you wouldn't be happy I'll tell you that right so I've got to wait for this guy to burst there we go and then our other safe zone is sort of here right and we're good I think so jump over the tax Dodge that jump over the other attacks and the other tax yeah we're good I think we're good can we see what's gone down oh okay I think the dark monkey has upgraded to a better Dart monkey so he might do a bit more damage we've got 5 300 quid though um so probably worth spending some of that I could Merv it up but I feel like whilst I'm still pretty good at dodging should I just keep my health speed and regrow going I might just give myself loads of speed like I've still got three grand left we're on 11 speed now I'm sort of I want to see is that much faster I think it is I think it is yeah look how much faster we're going oh I tell you what speed could be the key here all right let's see how well can we Dodge these oh I'm liking speed I am liking speed oh not that much I just went out my Square well I spawned I went a little bit too far oh they spawned attack shooter at the start can you see that okay well I'm gonna counter that with a bit more speed so let's get to we're on 13 speed I feel like I need to jump the tax so all right here we go here we go we are dodging everything oh this is actually good this is actually decent I'm I haven't even stopped this round we've made it the entire way barely took any hits ah the spawn isn't ideal oh they've upgraded the Cannon as well ow they are big explosions they're like blinding me anyway perhaps might be worth getting a bit of regrow just so as I'm getting hit and constantly moving I can still regen my health so we'll do a few of those maybe one a second that technically means I can take one hit a second with no detriment right um then I'll add another health and then let's be on our way and see what happens so ow ow we're down to just rainbow it's all good though it's all good it's all good all right then we'll just jump the tax here try and avoid the Cannons which are literally how are they so bad at accuracy uh this round that Cannon has upgraded not too worried about cannons not gonna light because they are useless um and we are just gonna cheese it as fast as we can to the end but not too fast because I don't want to come out the end there there we go all right so this time it looks like all three cannons at the start have upgraded um perhaps worth getting a bit more speed so we're up to 15 speed I thought that's a good place to stop and speed oh that hurt that really hurt oh no oh no oh no we went down to zebra a couple of times we're regening one a second though so I'm not too worried um I think the Cannons when they hit you they take a few sort of layers off you all right not gonna lie you can't really see what happened this round so I guess we'll just cheese it and try and figure it out on our way oh oh we took some damage there right we're all good though we are all good um really can't see what's upgraded oh was it the tax shooter at the end I think the tax shooter at the end has like better range now um in this round I feel like there's a lot more there's a lot more raining from the sky oh yeah that is that is a stealth bomber up there so we could be in trouble here trying to get out the start let's just go for it and see what happens and I think one of the one of the projectiles from the stealth bomber hit me yeah look at that that is raining down like anything anyway for now let's run to the end Bruce Bruce oh nearly got frozen that was nearly dangerous right and then we are here oh they've added another tax shooter I tell you what I feel like it might be time to Moab it up I'm quite intrigued to see what these look like as well so let's add a MOAB that was 2 000 quid I guess we can upgrade it 2500 3000 so is that 75 health so we're now a MOAB which means we're not very fast and we can still jump but basically we take lots of hits and uh we're not we're not dying like we're not losing anything because the Moab is defensive Beast pretty cool propeller on the back by the way yeah looking at the front it has taken a bit of a beating we got some we got some Cuts we got some plasters on there but uh we made it through easily we did just explode at the end I don't know if you saw that and it's got to be a little bit careful what's been added this time another tax shooter in the middle so yeah let's just go we'll keep jumping I feel like that's probably gonna help us jumping thankfully we still have a safe space up there but the regrow doesn't help us here oh that tax use is actually still in range not ideal so we don't really have a safe space at all anymore cheers game anyway we made it through we haven't we haven't exploded that time I mean it looks like on the map on the left there you can see they've added another higher level Dart shooter um so I might upgrade my Moab Health all right and then we're off so Dodge these cannons try and Dodge the tax Shooters oh we're doing good we're doing good we haven't got any cuts on us yet we do have a plaster on us but I think if I keep jumping I'm more likely to dodge the tax Shooters because they're only shooting low down it seems everything else they do lock on high and low so we've got to be a little bit careful yeah we've got 4 575 quid I think that's another Moab Health oh and look we're a bad we are bad right so let's go oh we got the double jet engines oh it didn't last long the bad did not last long um I didn't actually see what they upgraded this time but I think I'm sort of in a safe spot there's there's darts whizzing past my head there now let's try and have a look what I think they just upgraded another Dark Monkey upper level oh man this is getting pretty serious now we're on round 23 by the way all right let's keep going keep jumping there we go right oh no oh no that is a Super Monkey at the spawn uh really really not ideal he's going mental as well look how jittery is um I need 4 500 to upgrade my Moab health I need a thousand to upgrade my speed oh man not ideal I'll tell you what let's just go for it so we're already down to Moab level I think because the Super Monkey does so much damage it might be worth upgrading my speed just so I can get away from him quicker so I think aside from that we're pretty good oh they just spawned a cannon on that side as well this is spawn killing I would never do that in balloons never anyway let's get some Moab health and then ask five grand for the next one all right well let's see how far this will actually get us if we can make it to this corner oh there you go we've done better than the first time we've done better so that little Merv upgrade actually got us further through the map so that's good because although we're upgrading so are the monkeys the evil monkey scum I can't believe I've turned on monkeys I'm now a balloon flam for life all right we'll keep jumping through here dodging the attacks dodging the Cannons we've made another level ah it's really hard to stay in this Square I'm too big uh we're going to upgrade the mob Health nice so I think we just we patch up some of our holes essentially now we'll get moving I can see that is the new Cannon there so oh we're bad we're all we're bad up to here now can we finish for the level as a bad oh I don't just realized I've been making a terrible Bloons mistake it's a BFB it's not bad yet bad is the next one sorry balloons fans I imagine there's going to be a lot of comments about that one sorry BFB for the win come on bfb's the end let's do it oh we just lost it at the end there just lost at the end all right anyway in the safety of my Cube can I see past the explosion to see what's happened this level uh no in a word it's Carnage so let's just go and then we'll try and work it out on our way um I think there's just oh yeah look up here up here you there it means I've got no safe Zone anymore I've just got to keep moving okay now that means it might be worth investing in speed again so I think the speed does help moabs and bfbs so good be worth investing I will do another merb Health though up to 200 and then try to do the speed or should I just keep my Moab going let's see how much further we get this time um if anything because oh we took a lot of Cannon hit there we took a lot of Cannon hits keep jumping keep jumping all right we're still a BFB for now still a BFB for now don't get Frozen stay wide that was close um don't actually know what's upgrade at that time probably best I don't know from my own sanity but I got 4 700 is it worth is it worth saving for another mob I think it is because I made it pretty far last time let's see if we can make it this time yes we can so now we've got eight grand so I'm gonna spend some of that on the murab health so up to 225 now which means we're looking pretty patched up I don't really trust the cube I won't light especially because my ass hangs out of it um and then I'm just gonna go and try and work out what they changed this time those damn monkeys oh they've got two freezy boys at the end now thankfully I think I can just go wide of the freezers the ice monkeys I think they don't hit me if I'm wide but look it's in such a way that I it's unavoidable so or or I think did I jump it I may have jumped the freeze all right we're good we're good we need 500 quid more so I gotta do another round so let's just go I think if I can get to the end as a MOAB I'm pretty safe to be honest I just feel like now if I get the end those double freezers if they get my normal balloon the non-murab one I'm just doomed there's no way I can survive that yeah right just shy of 10 grand let's get Moab health and then let's go again oh we took some cannon fodder there oh there's another attack there as well not ideal not ideal there's no safe Zone I like the safe zones oh and they upgraded that the ice monkey is now he's wearing a fur coat and we got enough money to upgrade the mob Health again so we'll do that we've nearly patched up all the holes oh no what is that looking straight at me uh I feel like that might be the sun Temple looking straight at me so we might be screwed here if I keep jumping though yes he's not that accurate so they're sort of going everywhere can he hit me anywhere on the map yeah that range is insane well I did a 360 though in your face game give me some style points all right let's hope we don't get Frozen by that oh we're a murder we're a mob oh no look can you see the super monkeys upgraded as well that's a lot of laserage aiming at us yeah but I need seven and a half Grand to upgrade I might do some speed a thousand is so much they I feel like I'm gonna need it this time so we're up to 16 um and let's just go and hope that by the time we get to the end perhaps you have enough money to upgrade the marab again this is Carnage by the way Implement Sun temples going mental I can't even hide behind balloons either like they just shoot straight through them anyway somehow we made it we got 6700 not enough so I might do two more speed upgrades and then surely we'll have enough to upgrade next time we're going faster every time as well so hopefully we're dodging more darts and lasers and bombs and all sorts are you a new I think you're a new dart monkey oh no we're down tomorrow but we're down to Moab come on Matt you got this come on Yes we made it we made it oh phew oh man right okay we got 8 900 so Moab again got 300 health so let's go for this we get mullered at the start by the blooming Super Monkey and Sun temple they're just spawn killing me it's not fair I mean thankfully I can take shortcuts in this map which I have been doing if I was doing like the normal thing I think I probably would be dead by now um oh and the games decided to add another Sun Temple cheers game that's very fair I need eight grand for another on my rap that's not gonna happen this round so I guess we just try and survive I'm not too confident I will not lie to you but if we just jump our way through this proper spam space bar try and cut Corners as well I know that's not really a thing oh there's another frozen monkey is there a leveled up one blooming out oh we've made it we've made it we have actually made it okay so we've got 10 grand let's increase the murab health three two five that wasn't a very big increase I would not like um and then I guess we just go and hope for the best we're at the point where it is just pooping now I don't think there's any skill to this um someone's just interrupted as well thank you for the sub but I'm in the middle of something and I'm meant to be recording oh would you look at that there's another Sun Temple cheers game so I need 8 000 in order to get another murab health I might give myself a speed upgrade or two and then I think I should be able to afford that next time so let's just keep jumping and hope the sun temples ignore us I mean they're not ignoring us but they're not that accurate I don't think all right we're down to Moab we're down to Moab can we make it can we make it yes just a plaster is butter scratch nice oh no editor I've just found out there is a music toggle oh right so that looks inviting out there I'm gonna upgrade my Moab again so 350 health I can't even afford a speed upgrade this time I'm quite intrigued actually oh no I'm down I'm down to the Moab already I was gonna say I wanted to oh goodness oh goodness okay we're down we're down to three lives back to the start uh perhaps I didn't jump very well I don't know how I lost so much health straight away there I got stuck on the corner that's white balls balls right we might be in trouble here I'm not gonna light we've got two hearts remaining I'm not sure I can get very far I mean if I don't get stuck on the corner again let's just try and ignore the flashes ignore the oh no we're back we're in a bad place we're in a bad place keep jumping keep jumping oh no oh crap okay last life I think all I can do is give myself more regroup and more Health this could be it though guys this could actually be it all right let's go side to side okay oh no we're down somewhere without oh we're down to normal well yeah that's game over that got hard really really quickly we died on round 40 by the way um but that's really really fun Twist on uh balloons fair play I think next time I might have to try another level and I might even see how far can I get without using a MOAB anyway for now I'll say peace love and balloons bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 463,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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