How I get my Natural hair POPPIN in 10 minutes!

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[Music] hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel and i finally have a new video for you guys so today's video is long overdue because y'all been asking me how i got my hair like this um how i got my hair like this and right now my hair looks like this so i'm gonna break it down for y'all really quick is the lighting okay it's a little bright [Music] if you're not following me on instagram which you should only one dress underscore then you don't know you just don't know so sorry to disappoint some of you guys but it was not my real hair but dang it sure didn't look good didn't it so i got the hair from a site called finger combers and i'll be honest i've seen some mixed reviews some people say the hair is not good when they get it for me i've had a pretty good experience it wasn't sponsored so it's not like they sent me their best hair so i can give them a great review i just said i saw easy wearing one of their wigs so i'm like let me see what's popping i did some research i got the wig and it turned out fine so i'm going to show you how to go from this to what we're about to do in like 10 minutes but i will say this is kind of giving isn't it kind of giving a little so this was the unit that i was wearing this is she she's me she's bomb this wig is very identical to the front texture of my hair it don't really match the back but it doesn't matter because the back is being covered so if you're getting a half wig or whatever just try to focus on the leave out like the texture of the leave out so all i really need for this style is first of all the wig which will be left in the description box links to it all that wig cap some gel spray bottles some edge control blah blah all that quick update for anybody who watched a few videos back now my hair was like turning brown it's growing back black again what's the deal i don't know i couldn't tell you like you see that all up here that's for another day so let's get the leave out going so we're just gonna leave out a little bit on the side like right before my ear ends over here we're gonna get it a little bit chunkier like that much on this side we'll go all the way down in case the wind blows then a little bit on this side too perfect so we're going to twist this up really quick and then worry about the back all right so now you got the unicorn twist in the front i'm just going to twist my hair into two flat twists in the back so anyways i'm just going to flat twist this part down to my head and do the same thing on this side all right so now you should be looking like this uh twist back here here so now take the ski mask you know and then throw one on the back of your head like so so the wig has a comb on the top and then a comb on the bottom no adjustable straps so you really are just on your own with these two okay so i would not suggest going on a roller coaster with this here because it's going to be a a rainy day for you all right i just switched camera lenses in the middle of this video and i think it's working out well for us this is better this is great actually did this long time ago all right so the wig is on okay it's getting stretched braid out or stretch twist out you know it's not very defined but the the ends just have a nice little coil on it and this is what the track line looks like so we're going to cover that now with the leave out that i have here the middle part is cute but i don't suggest a middle part because it's kind of hard to hide the track when you hit that middle part like that okay so we need to flip you over like that so that we can hide the track star okay she's a runner she's a track star so i'm going to go ahead and use my handy dandy spray bottle and spray my leave out it's a little dry this is a moisturizing cream that i got in a recent campaign that i did on instagram so i'm just going to use that on my leave out really quick because it's feeling a little dry it's giving dryness yo this moisturizing cream hits okay oh it's so good all right and now i'm going to take the eco styler gel or whatever gel you guys have of your choice you know i'm just always using eco styler gel because i arrived with my and i die for my do you know what i'm saying i know my extreme wetland gel did have their moments okay they had their moment but they obviously don't follow that if it ain't broke don't fix it philosophy because apparently they changed their formula and sheesh what a letdown but that's okay eco said come on home baby so all i'm gonna do right now is just define the parts that are out right now like my leave out so yeah i did forget to say that the hair is synthetic hair it's not real hair so it's not like you should be washing this or going in the water with it even though i read some of the reviews and some people said they went on vacation with it and went in the pool and it was fine i wouldn't suggest that because synthetic hair does tend to get really um naughty that's not only one just suggestion great let's get a quick part [Music] you know the crazy thing about this lighting i mean after i edit it maybe it won't look like that but like my blinds are closed shut right now i turned off my two extra lights i only have on my ring light and it just looks so bright so i'm gonna do the same thing with this side curl defining now i gotta do a little bit of finger curling because my hair has a mind of its own in the front also like since do not be wanting to curl sometimes and really just be out here embarrassing me in front of my friends you know some for some reason some don't sit right with me going through like a whole wash day tangling deep conditioning and then just like swapping a whole bunch of gel on my hair i don't know why i just don't feel right you know when you do your hair and you post it on instagram and then you do it again and don't come out right yeah that's kind of what's happening here i'm gonna i'm gonna work on this track after my hair dries and right now i just need it to sit in one spot but i'm gonna come back i'm gonna come back when it's dry we'll do up the edges put a little lip gloss on and then that's that's it we're pretty much done here guys okay just kidding i figured i'd come back and like do up the front of my hair a little bit i'm using the she is bomb edge control i've tried my share of edge controls over the years but this one takes the cake there we go that was a good call jess good call and then i'm going to use you don't want to focus that's fine it's just like an edge toothbrush thing to just swipe that in [Music] and then just smold that in ah all right i'm gonna finish my makeup have this dry up a little more we're almost there y'all we're almost there and i'll figure out this lighting because this is definitely not it all right bye okay guys so first of all these eyelashes i literally open them off the package today i bought them off amazon and they're horrible oh my gosh i hate these i should really rip them off this is so embarrassing i'm gonna try to finesse them though just ignore that at least i finally got my lighting together so anyways here is um my hair i blow dried it on a cool setting so that it would um kind of dry up a little bit without getting frizzy here is a close-up here's my real hair and then here's the wig since it's like freshly um coiled hair and not as frizzy yet like on day two this will match perfectly but anyway and here's my hair over here so in order to kind of hide this a little bit so simple all we're going to do bring a piece of hair in the front and then just move this up you move it up and it really just blends in with your hair and then if you guys want to be cute you just throw that behind the ear a cute little looksie minus the lashes it's a look phew we did that we did that yet again here's the hairline that's how i got y'all y'all was like what wig huh huh so here is the final look i really hope you guys enjoyed this video i'll have all the links to everything down below just a few pros and cons so far i don't have any cons with this hair at all the pros is everything but i've only wore it like four times but for me it's just it's so natural i really don't have any cons to this hair as of right now like i said please do your research on the unit that you choose look on youtube all that fun stuff to see you know which hair would work best for you also something i wanted to say really quick for that exact hairstyle that i had in the engagement video of like meet my fiance i just honestly took this and just like pinned it back and it looked like that like gelled that side down so that's also an option also an option so it's definitely giving looks i've seen people do like half up half down with this which is also really cute i would say this this is a winner i believe it was like 80 i think it's 79.99 or it's 89.99 one of those but like i said i'll leave it in the description box it is synthetic hair it's not human hair so like i said again do not wash this um because if you do i don't really know what's gonna happen i wouldn't suggest it but that is on you my goodness do your thing love y'all so much thank you for watching and i'll see you guys in my next video bye you
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 53,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8hJNlPwqaH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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