I Captured These TWIN LEGENDARY Pals in Palworld

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so there's two legendary Pals in this game that are just waiting to be captured that's why I had 35 legendary Spears get created but also as you can see I'm a bit short on ammo we'll just start making some Nails I kind of know the best way to get it done 212 just like that I love you Anubis also I saw something interesting to do with this Lily spear start production on that while I go do my other thing hello Mr Merchant have all my nails for 33,000 please and then give me a bunch of AR ammo and Lily spear required a bit less attack damage than my sword but that's not even what we're using it for apparently you can mine ore with weapons like so and if you crouch it can kind of cut animations so you can just you know mass speed attack a rock if you're ever going to do manual mining like this all right to the desert we go right after I make a quick pit stop they fix that Effigy bug so I can start getting these guys again and a little Treasure Chest all I was told is there are horses in the desert and they need to be brought home ooh an egg so Frosty I'm counting on you oh and another free egg give me oh big suzaku boss hang on jet fuel you're with me go ahead and start this guy off right 3900 down to 22 yep someone told me also that if you just drop the pal and then pick him back up his skill is ready again wow that seems busted in a lot of ways do I just want to catch this guy he's at 1300 throw one sphere no yeah didn't work Frost allion we got him together buddy blizzard Spike yep he's dead all right pick up your corpse apparently he can drop a legendary plan too which is really wild I wanteded to kill him oh I should have caught him and butchered him that would have given me double the odds next time suzaku next time hello random Village in the desert assuming this isn't a mirage and I'm going crazy is this that Merchant Village everyone was telling me about oh yeah here we go pal Merchant anything good answer no this green guy is selling both resistant shirts might as well pick those up but red Merchant is not selling anything that I need all right hang on there's a black marketeer here and I'm missing one of these guys let's just capture him real quick yep he hasn't even had a chance to fight back yet hey buddy I'm looking to catch some legendar so you need to not be alive just stay in the sphere if you would please 13 14% whenever you want to jiggle there we go 45 please no come on yes the second jiggle cool caught the black marketeer 41,000 gold my God wasn't aware Bros Pockets were weighing him down like that wa shiny serent Tera level 50 okay well how good is my blizzard Spike against him that's good enough do few shotgun shots against him he's kind of weak only a 12% chance but I've never seen a level 50 shiny come on just stay in the sphere I've got other things to do or not that's fine there you go buddy I just had to stare it down menacingly Sick what luck I love the desert area this thing's treated me well so far TR to think all those stories you hear about people dying in here are just fake the desert provides that's a big guy with a minigun desert's also really nice just eggs and chest they're so easy to see oh and there they are necris and palladius 8,500 health and 9200 that's nothing compared to what Frost allion had you know what matter of fact let's try it icle cutter didn't do much that's fine blizzard Spike did and then do the little stabby move there we go a 2V1 usually not fair but I've got the legendary frost allion on my side and I'm doing one damage with this AR I'm not feeling super confident all of a sudden why am I doing so little damage these guys are just shaking it off Frost and please oh God I'm getting hit with a laser beam move use your Iceberg icicle cutter thing oh and the let's maybe throw jetrion out hey legendary dragon do the moves do the really good moves oh I just got frozen and lost to half my health this guy's somewhat weak at least and I'm oh everything's dark oh it's all going dark what's my catch chance on this guy 0.38 oh oh I'm dead all right it's clear to me I need to get stronger maybe if I had the jetrion saddle and I could just ride him into battle that would be good didn't mean to rhyme just kind of happen need to get to level 50 for that though so I need to go catch me some Pals and also I need to go look at my my little exploited mine factory how we doing 5,000 ore and 7,000 coal pretty good I weigh 80,000 lb High School all over again all right well to get XP I just need to keep catching more and more things and I've got all these nice little eggs in here that's a new Ray Hound for some experience a new fuddler for some experience this is nice this is nice and easy all right start making some po metal ingots start making some refined ingots just a little bit and then start making some dang cakes I've got breeding to do hey hey don't run from me you weird slug all of you are going in the ball I've got 91 hyperspheres all for power leveling you're a big happy green dinosaur now you're dead on accident whoops maybe I quickly put air cannon back on ragn Hawk here we go and now he doesn't kill everything oh dozy I'm going to get you out of there both for my experience and also cuz you're cool I've been a little bit curious jet fuel come back here for a second if I wanted to mine stuff could I just shoot you at it now that did like no damage how are you up there what happened to those trees clearly a lot I don't understand in this world I'm here in the desert for two reasons one to catch too toos sweepers and these little hangu cuz I don't have them and two this is where Alpha nubis spawns I think it' just be nice to have another one of these guys in the base and wow that was like my health gone quit dodging bullets like that you're not Neo 595 that's that's good enough yep 18% thank you frost alion for hurting this guy no way I catch him on the first sphere right oh yeah see I knew my luck wouldn't work like that to live is to suffer come on stay in this time though please no I lost another 51% there's a deep void in my heart that's not getting any smaller I would never lose three in a row okay I was ready to quit the game sweet he's got Earth Emperor suntan lover abnormal I don't know what that translates to but I think it means he's tough Doon quit jumping over my attacks stay in the sphere yes level 49 all this work is paying off I can make a rocket launcher now too yes please and Rocket ammo that could help a lot oh who is that oh oh no oh I better catch you for science I can make sure no one else sees you or not like in a um let's just let's just keep catching Pals yeah better make sure I get 10 of you too huh no way there's a shiny one I mean if I got to Lucky Burly body fero oh my gosh I got one built to kill why is there another Anubis back here again already I mean I'll catch them I guess you guys interrupting I am not buying a lottery ticket after what I'm witnessing here there we go that's two now that I'm back home might as well just crank out 1,000 carbon fiber that's something my Anubis are capable of doing go get them Team LA Vander has a life steel mechanic the best pal I've ever seen let me get all of these pal metal ingots cuz I've got a brand new rocket launcher to make give me you please my AR does 320 this does 10,000 wow that's very good make seven rocket ammo please we will be using that to kill everything hey ragnok let's stay in the ball buddy this is a more more lucrative catching but if you have Swift or ferocious that would be a huge help and thank you wow that's two negative effects all right wow game hates me wants me to die message receive yo there's another Anubis statue here there not an Anubis at this one though it's just SK fruits yeah thanks game is there like a wizard convention going on right now ah I'm getting stun locked by how many beams are running into me all these are new though there we go that was like 15 new Pals all for me thank you Game H this is actually extremely fast with the sword my seven rocket ammo is done going to make 1,000 padium fragments just so I can get more pal spheres Now give me 1 second while I go get to level 50 the next day after another field day of catching everything we are officially level 50 where I can unlock the jeton missile launcher give me and maybe this pal armor and maybe the mounted missile launcher those all sound fun we'll put another Point into my health just so I hopefully stop dying and now jet fuel I need more high quality po oil you mind doing the thing thanks buddy for your little mest catch and let me get a little bit more excuse me just pardon your kidney thank you looks like I need a lot more circuit boards and a lot more padium to get this missile launcher that's easy enough I've got a bunch of money so I can buy some po oil from this guy also kind of running light on AR ammo just 760 of it should be fine and just mine a little bit of quartz in the cold nothing could go wrong what happened to oh okay all right I let yman tide just kind of rock on this for a bit now do I have enough yes make the missile launcher Anubis wow that is going to take a second huh all right another thing I can do to kind of help obviously increase my capture power but I've got enough medium Souls now that I can enhance jet fuel just increasing its attack a whole bunch same with jeton there we go that's a big stat upgrade a little soul consumption is good for everybody I think all right more spheres I like to bring 25 legendary spheres for one legendary and there's two of them so obviously I need to come equipped and speaking of which oh wow you're fast huh buddy your stamina goes out so quick but I don't think that matters whenever you're this quick look at the distance you can cover what a good idea getting you was give me you Mr Spears all right let's try this again this time I'm back stronger better capture power better Pals better mind set where are you there you are go detron special ability just fire missiles at him wait does this incapacitate him so could I just you know theoretically tap one missile tap one missile hey buddies watch me you're standing just unlocking them that's so funny all right release the rest that it have it jetrion has his own moves that are also extremely strong so good blizzard Spike go Fireball that's already a th000 off one do your special beam Comet oh you're out of stamina now do your special beam Comet there we go that feels pretty good I mean this guy's already down 2,000 HP Jon what if I just let you do your own thing that work out Fireball seems to be going well blizzard Spike also good my gun still does no damage okay that's fine jet fuel come out for a second we need to ready this attack yes keep them both together boom good work Buddy get some rest jetrion you're back out oh God it hurts all right uh yeah the AR really does nothing I mean I've got 900 bullets though so I guess it could be helpful in its own way dude jetrion with ferocious does so much damage no he's dark beaming me he's dark beaming me go Gil claw Gail claw Dodge yes he guys can't touch me okay he touched me that's fine just keep dodging everything oh god oh no I just gave the blizzard Spike that's not good fight the big dragon not me I didn't do anything to you frost alion come out come out and do your moves teach some sense into these guys and by teach I mean forcibly shoot CU there some reason they keep trying to attack me necromus is down such a good amount of Health though that move can't be good no it's a Punchy stabby move spin in a circle idiot I've played enough Souls games to understand Concepts like that wow that capture rate isn't good huh still not enough to even get you at 3,300 oh wow that's scary okay rust let me hop on your back lizard Spike go I'm just going to spam all your moves at necromus real quick and then hop off you so hopefully you have all your moves back get shot at idiot dude he just shot a blizzard Spike at me why do these guys know that if they kill me the pals will disappear too it's is fine jetrion lizard Spike jetrion ultimate ghost kamakazi missile barrage keep blasting those at him while I charge this Fireball that's good we'll just do a little beam Comet Adam this is nice he's at 700 he's at 620 HP I feel like I got to catch him before bringing a pal out wait one jiggle please get it first try oh I did what luck jetfuel do you have your thing back this guy has muscle head on him no wonder all of his attacks hurt jet fuel form Up Digimon style charge that's good Go frost alion God these guys are really just not letting this happen smoothly huh we're going to battle the whole time it's always got to be a brawl you can't just willingly get in the stupid sphere 5 13 okay let's run clearly was not meant to fight this guy Roost alion yes you got the freeze I love you why is it want me to pick up a fiber what I've got more important things going on right now crust iion I'm glad you're tanking the laser beam buddy but do you want to do a move at him there we go he's looking at me I can't do fly Gil claw fly all right Jaton come back out I'm trying to cycle their moves the best I can you got dragon's comment you want to use what are you doing what is this fake out dance you're doing to him would you shoot him with something do a move do a move he's blizzard spiking do a move please please quit flying around do please sh your G thank you what was the dance Frost irion come back out buddy you got to move right yes thank God hit him with a little hit him with a Bop hit him with the okay that did like pretty much no damage and okay he's got the Final Flash this is fine he's at 791 that's catchable here we go 13% nothing try again 133% I've got 39 spheres buddy we got all day okay maybe not if you hit me with that that hurt I have an idea get on jetrion yeah you know what happens if you come out of the sphere right ah see nah you should have stayed in I thought you knew I thought you knew what would happen try and get up try and get up nah try and get up go ahead go ahead get up no go ahead let him get up let him bullying oh you're a legendary pal oh you're so strong oh Knight of the order blah blah blah get missil idiot now stay in the sphere after you've been publicly humiliated no okay I really thought that would work don't worry got all day here we go one jiggle come on 45% yes the second jiggle the lady is caught oh you've only got positive thinker that's nowhere near as cool as muscle head wa this egg's big as hell give me you I think that makes every legendary pal caught right W level 50 shiny dazzy let's try and catch this guy let me catch you in one sphere please I've been through a lot today thank you lucky me before I head home to check out my new Bros want to see if this suzaki was back sure enough it is beam Comet yep he's undergoing some problems right now come on jet fuel let's do our thing fire it'd be nice if you dropped me the schematic everyone would really love that if you did wow I caught it in one sphere too too schematic no all right well got to butcher it see you when I get back home first things first Bolter Saddles need to be unlocked what's happening oh I'm being raided H they'll be taken care of second thing second this guy's attack is already 1100 Dark Laser twin spears Rock Lance Let's put you on real quick make the padus saddle please Anubis thank you buddy now make the necromus one higho silver do you not fly oh but you triple jump cool you're also kind of fast which is nice boing boing Bo okay go your pow blast move what does this thing do oh it's okay yeah the instant kill beam that's what about spear thrust there's a level four jolt hog right here oh it's just a charge feel so cool blizzard Spike I had a feeling 14,000 damage oh my pus you're pretty cool but give me the necromus saddle what do you do buddy can you fly no but you can only double jump man that's fine you got different moves Rock Lance go that's good wait let's actually test this against a boss this will be fun all right buddy do your twin spears oh wait why is it almost already dead oh we did 5,300 oh wow okay oh that's strong I know what happens but just do the Dark Laser these poor Fox Sparks dude that's literally G gun I'm just cosplaying as Vegeta right now not a big fan of the government yeah that's good I think with my new Bros I'm set to do whatever I want in this world now so if you have any suggestions leave me a comment down below letting me know also I don't mention it as often as I should but big thanks to all the channel members we started to upload an extra video every Sunday so if you want to catch some of those feel free to join but all right as always thank you so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 107,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld
Id: Upnn2980Umo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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