MbL vs TheViper 🏆 ECL LAN FINALS DAY 1

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what's up guys it's t90 are you ready for flight for an MBA or Lou probably proof all right I'll take it I'm just kidding no this should be super sick man I mean obviously these players so much history between them the two best Norwegian players and should be spicy yeah should be spicy I have some of the most entertaining games I've ever cast has been with these two players whether against each other or them being against another opponent oh yeah I mean I still very vividly remember back in hidden cup to Game one between them that that game was just so insane two hour long game Chinese versus Aztecs that was that was sweet Bart towers and just slow rolling in fact at that point we actually thought it might have been Leary and then we figured out was MBL because of his amazing late game no no no I knew it was MBL because the first game he played he was walled by five minutes oh and then my master was some shade before the game started all right well um you know with that in mind Viper and MBL coming up MBL is the type of player who never dies he's very good viper who's a clinical player and kills people off quickly has struggled force MBL in the past yeah yeah I think it's very much Viper is still the favorite player yeah if there's anybody who's match uh like play style is going to see well versus Viper it's gonna be MBO he's just so resilient so persistent and yeah as you say he just never dies yes yes so I'm looking forward to this best-of-five I'm excited oh yeah another thing to bring up is the civilizations and the maps of course so we'll get to that here soon this is somewhere where a.m. players could struggle a little bit as the preparation side of things so I'm curious to see what this comes out to be Rhodes yes it's a new map oh yeah Rhodes nothing oh no yes just don't do anything ass have to fight with your starting units well the Viper and his whole secret team have been very prepared they've been in a good mindset chilling out a little bit I think everyone's a bit tired but looked at the civilisations looked at the maps seemed to be in a good spot what do you expect from MBL as far as his Draft goes everything that you said but the opposite I think that's a funny thing though he's still consistently a top-five player consistently gets good performances so oh yeah no it's not like MDL or any of the AM guys are underprepared or they don't have any idea what's going on it's just they more rely on this orc on the fly decisions and thinking of drafts and stuff like that just as they happen yeah you know it's at least that gotten them this far so it could you know put them over the top they certainly have DB secret before I think they have a really good em have really good players and individual skills so one of you ones both teams now have a victory in the 1b once today tattoo one earlier verse the max and then Hera just one verse Velez so I think it's it's shown that like both teams have really good individual skilled players I think this will be interesting like if a.m. this would be a huge confidence boost going into the to be twos tomorrow as well yeah beating Piper would would boost anyone's confidence right oh yeah certainly and then and would have gone to a no and their first day and then yeah that's the sort of thing they need to really gain the sort of confidence that I think they lack in compared to the other two teams for sure so I think they're in the process of sorting out the maps and the civilisations at this point oh that or I don't know what I'm doing so let's let's move it on them yeah we can blame it on me it's fine I'm used to it oh whoa Maps Oh boom okay so maybe they didn't know we couldn't see it Serengeti Caribbean and Rhodes to be continued it's the road to victory okay so as far as the the bands go a Viper band Atacama which is no surprise because there's a bunch of towers of vipers had one too many games first fat dragon he doesn't want to face more towers and MBL is banned bog which you know funny enough I think Viper had good performances with in ECL didn't he develop that strategy could be thinking of ballpark Islands same difference right same to its Bay anyways it doesn't matter yeah I know the strategy you're talking about there like that can like the very first escape ends where he went like some fire galleys and then went past up to castle me like to hit this table yes arena ol MBL's fever map oh boy oh my god dry river and then regicide fortress yeah so I think for MBL in particular like Serengeti is a very open aggressive map it's it's as close to you'll get to Arabia in this v map pool so that's gonna be where mvl will look to shine Caribbean I I think any hybrid map anything like that Viper would give him a slight edge and since Caribbean is gonna be a full water map I think you have to give Viper a pretty significant edge yeah uh MBL does not like water yeah so if he doesn't like water or arena more but uh okay it's tough yeah yeah he'll be fine I really should come up with a different nickname for him other than the cockroach of av2 but the point is he doesn't does go away he doesn't lose games early it's you know you can never count them out versus anybody yeah for sure and I think that's the reason we've seen so many sets between these two yes Viper generally comes out on top but it's not like Vipers sweeping him right it's it's we're looking at four threes four twos three ones three twos dry river we've seen it several times today think that a lot of it comes down to the Civic Draft yeah see little boxes are showing up now but yeah I think dry river gonna be real important to have a good draft an RF should be so this is interesting here Viper and and tatto in particular very good with drafts Viper got to choose whether he would be a or b on the draft and Viper chose B it believe that's based on their their seat going into the event right yeah or their performance so so Viper let M be L band first he wanted to then band second and then pick first and there you go yeah he has Indians for dry river Indians is the dry river Civ and he thought about that ahead of time yeah no that was very nicely done but MBL grabbing both of the meso says yes so that's something that we've seen earlier today as well if you're good who did but it seems like a pretty common strategy and life we're going right for Malay as well interesting possibly the water map Malay are by arena players they're known to be good on arena however all of the am players in the backroom are like nah our arenas potato not arenas potato they probably agree with that as well both ways potato so that was also because Hera lost with them so backing their teammate we know how supportive AMR of their teammates so Aztec Mayans what will MBL go with it looks like he's thinking about it will goes Goths mm-hmm okay that you go for Goths when you already mind Mayans yes typically you'll see someone picked mines for regicide fortress the other one will try a counter pick with Goths that does eliminate Britons from the equation we know fight for legs Britons but I'm not sure that Britons would be a civilization that he choose I think we saw it like once picked once earlier but it's not you know super common in the only five steps you can play but I'm kind of curious as the Celts man also Berbers coming in interesting pretty interesting draft already a lot of sort of a typical stuff yeah I have to see the rest of the civilizations to really give a strong opinion here but I find it interesting how Japanese and Italians are both globally banned Piper got those out of the picture the Vikings is banned so a lot of strong water civilizations removed but then again we have one full water map but it because it's the only map with any water yes it's like you have the water map and then everything else is all land sure I think if there was ever a map to have a sibling although it would be water because there's so few saves like Japanese Italians are nuts you know and and there might be like one or two that come to mind like Malay for example yeah Malay certainly can I think that Byzantines uber's maybe by then yeah then you're kind of scratching a little bit but uh arena RF also Maps known to have Civ wins quote-unquote and people just kind of like went with his head do you see that little motion I wonder if you like not happy I mean I don't see where God's fits unless we'll see we'll find out Game one will be coming up shortly but it's always interesting he's not used to people looking at him all the time either am i what I'm doing my thing so yeah that's I only have the webcam on in between games so at least I I'm used to having some control over when people see my beautiful face you're sure but what do you think for game number one here on Serengeti it's one of the most open maps in any sort of competitive Age of Empires tournament and MBL has all three of the Amerindian sibs and what's what we're gonna do ah well I mean Mayans Aztecs Incas all fantastic on Serengeti very aggressive we know MBL likes to lame so with four lands maps and three mezzo sips viper will lose out a few pigs he did also asked me about restarts before like I I was like I'm not in charge he's like how many restarts will I need versus MBL today as many as there are pigs stolen yes so but anyways I think this might be an opportunity for Incas because Mayan to want a regicide fortress Incas you normally go towers or if you go Noboru style then you go for the villagers and armor and towers to do that yeah which is a bit unfair for tato because I think he was the first one to ever do that I think you just didn't do it every single game like Noboru yeah yeah dry river probably see dry rivers too confusing what maybe MBL is using God's fur for that map Indians typically go Scouts maybe he wants to go crazy Spears and and men-at-arms or something at oh hi robo robo is the true final boss of this turn yes yes so I believe we should probably salute people to say hello cuz I didn't do that yet so hello chat hello everyone we do have chat it up on the sides it's a bit confusing because when people do at escape AoE I think they're doing at t90 so don't do that thank you yeah don't do that for me either yes we're all escaping that always obeys too it's it's it's an amazing oh yeah yeah our whole screen is going to be read in a second oh yeah oh yeah [Music] well it's been a good time so far man so so what do you think about Serengeti you thinking Incas there or Incas more so on another map possibly I'm gonna go with Incas on Serengeti I think that vipers options are a bit stranger oh there you go yeah that's you 90 solutes it's like reverse rain it's like little drops oh my god do you need a reverse umbrella is that what you do yeah to get away yeah something like that yeah awesome well yeah great to see everyone obviously a lot of friendly faces here it's been awesome for me to be able to meet so many people that I've cast it in front of for four years and I'm sure the same for you or though oh yeah nothing clear yeah I think Incas is the only thing that makes sense because first Serengeti because arena might be Aztec pick we're gonna be Oh could save gods for that actually that would that might be his best bad God's versus Malay though it seems kind of rough for Goths true true depending on where Viper picks that right because he doesn't that Malay is probably his best water safe from his draft does he go for Berbers on water that Berbers with the faster-moving ships yeah maybe how do you think they're pretty underrated on one know what I would love I would love for Viper to drop off three archery ranges on a neutral islands that'd be great I is that oddly specific for you no no I know the reference no no no I just remember that exact game not exactly going well for you no it didn't it didn't but if I / does it then it's okay it's like if Viper if Viper fails with the quikwall then chat feels okay apparently I'm quiet yeah maybe just move your move your mic closer to your face something like that one person said that though so it could be much louder for everyone so but what is Viper goin Serengeti I'm still kind of scratching my head at that Mongols I think he goes Mongols I think he cuz Serengeti has the zebras very close the hunt is very very close yeah yeah so I think he goes moguls for that we'll try and get feudal faster and and disrupt MBL's men at arm was most likely gonna be man-at-arms slaps like that's another thing with MB I'm not sure where slabs would really fit obviously they're very good in a lot of water maps but it's not like he can use slab farms to compete with Indian Shore fish meals on dry River Yost's Laughlin RF I mean all the questions were asking actually pretty good for MBL you know the Viper had all the answers and he might have all the answers were just casters but if I ever had all the answers then he might know how to counter everything I think these are some wild card picks for MBL and maybe because he's not expecting to be able to do it if Viper knows what's coming yeah it's always gonna be kind of a little bit strange as far as like these tips go just because there aren't any sort of very clear situations where you use certain seems like there are on some drafts for sure a lot of different well the pics that we just don't know where they fit in at all and then the sibs that are just kind of flexible and where they can go yeah 14 men I let's start the game already let's get this going I'm excited yeah I'm moving here for what a couple days now just starting our first cast of this tournament I've been ready to cast man it's his fight for back soon how like we fight we get to a land and Viper also makes his opponent wait it's like it's like icing the kicker in American football oh yeah you know like you call the time out and make the kicker wait and stress them out yeah there he comes there you go you could make the reference with the one other American cast yes it's true there's not many men I'm sorry guys but I couldn't think of any other example so I got it and not totally agrees there you go because what are we gonna do or like yeah you're kicked out now like all right there goes you know the biggest attractions oh yeah the best players can't do that he's ready man they're both ready he's giving up the yellow sweater on okay so this is a look at Serengeti it's a very open map those ostriches there the zebras there that's what Viper will probably go after if he chooses Mongols which I expect or loaf yeah I think that's really the only thing that makes any sense all right and we'll be into the game now this is game number one and we were well I was correct on the Mongol pick anyway Viper has gone from Mongols Serengeti MBL has gone for Slavs as Slavs it's an interesting pick probably a pick that has more success against Mongols in mid-game or Lou yeah Mongols of course gonna be dropping off a little bit in the mid game as they don't really have any eco bonus to work with at that point as and now of course as one Slavs are really starting to kick in with their super good farms but I mean their dart cage is pretty normal and you know not that impressive and anyway so this could be you some very quick early pressure from Viper as this map is so hard to wall yeah I'm looking at the maps right now and and for once Viper at ornaments actually going to struggle his goals are rather far forward the wall potentials worse for him especially because this terrain you can't wall on and you look at MBL he's up against the edge of the map he has a back gold back stone many wood lines and I think MBL will find a way to wall this up easily OMB always finds a way to wall man it's it's truly impressive how he can see the geometry of the map and then you know just find a way to block off any aggression yeah well he needs to wall right if he doesn't wall against mughals mughals will be in fuel age faster and apply pressure so I think that's about surviving the early wave MBL's not interested in laning right now just playing it safe scouting his own base and survived that early wave of scouts and that's one slab farm starts to start to kick in excuse me and become very very strong yeah I think then you can really start to be thinking of a faster castle each time to if you just don't even try and go for a big scout fight and just try and play really defensively with spearmen and walls and you know try and get that fast castle each time and make something happen there I think that's a totally viable option for our blue player yeah for those wondering at home these trees have 200 woods so they do last a little bit longer than your average tree that will be helpful whether it was it'd be tough yeah the baobab trees do have twice the wood and even the Keysha trees have 1.5 times as much that's nice so the forests are a bit more friendly than you might otherwise expect just harder to wall so I want to bring up something that might come up later in this game this is a very aggressive map but if Serengeti gets a castle aged with this it match up this is kind of what I expect mate Castle age that's when slabs really start to be strong I sure Mongols have camels but slabs can make so much more nights because of their strong eco and for that reason I think they're one of the best civilizations that can go all-in in Castle age flood nights flood pikes flood siege it's the best thing they can do or loo in the huncles they want to stay in Castle age as as little as possible they want to get to the Imperial age normally and make Magna die and I don't think that's going to be comfortable for Vipers so Viper should really be strong in early feudal with whatever Scouts or whatever military he makes yeah definitely it's it's what Viper needs to do I'm sure he knows you know that he needs to do it and we'll go for that aggression accordingly but you know we'll have to see Viper not quite ready to click up still it's a couple more villagers queued up so it's gonna be at least 18 pop yeah nothing too crazy yeah for sure I mean there's a lot here he will be faster than MBL we know that much and he's building a house rather far forward so maybe he will secure his base a bit you kind of have to right you get feudal faster you can get a few Scouts to MBL's base but you got a wall yourself eventually and there we go Viper on the way to fuel age 18 pup exactly I do kind of like how he's sort of beginning the wall you know with this house here you had do you have the pond to help out with the defense and with both of those Gold's right there on the left side of Vipers base he's really gonna want to make sure he can secure those going forward yeah I like it they'll probably place his barracks here there we go the state will be in the spot to the left of it a bit of an awkward issue for him with wood eco this is always a problem with Mongols because you want to hunt hunt hunt and collect food but then you need to shift to wood you only have 17 villagers but I'm sure he'll figure it out I'm sure he'll have enough for a stable yep you do just need just enough for stable I don't think he'll need a second lumber camp all that soon yeah and just because with the way that these trees are kind of spread out your villagers will probably get the surface area they need a bit of a surprise that NBL hasn't walled at all right now I guess there is a huge benefit to being very close to the town centers you don't necessarily need walls if you can flee but normally MBL would at least wall one side to make life easier for him he's choosing not to it's worth noting that this wood line is not the easiest wood line to quikwall in either if you chop through these trees you'll have holes everywhere oh yeah that's always a very much an issue when it comes to Serengeti instead MBL is even on scouted Viper and oh no he has not and yeah just going full greet no taking all of the zebra and well viper in feudal age just now grabbing loom didn't click up without that just go in full greed mode it's nice yeah both players a kind of taking advantage of the situation MBL knows that he will be in feudal lasts so there's no reason to send his Scout forward or Viper can kill it Viper realizes that so Viper said ok I'll skip loom wait til futile H and here he is I this is where it gets real interesting and real tough for MBL vipers one of the biggest micro nerds if not the biggest my grenade right and he's gonna annoy MBL he doesn't like this so far you could just see Viper has the extra attack he has the extra speed and fuel age beautiful hits yeah I mean Viper oh you mean making sure he gets that higher up attack their spearmen instantly queued up for MBL we know he loves making those trashiness but VIPRE already with the spearmen forward it's just all comes down to that faster feudal age time and MBL's is gonna be adding a staple of his own but everything he's doing is just one or two steps behind yeah so MBL needs defensive spears to match the defensive spheres of viper he has the palisade on the left again he's very close to the TC so he needs to weather this storm not get out masked just just hold and survive and and once the food EKOS transition away from goats away from deer away from zebra it becomes farms and slabs become stronger indeed Viper swooping in here with a couple of scouts to the South Davidson oh boy that's a dead Vil wait is it what I I'm sorry I'm sorry to do that to you Viper I shouldn't have called it but the point is this is dangerous for MBL he did have a house there may be a few Palisades were better this time I don't send her back to wood no she says she needs to go to the hospital man not bad to work my god all right well the farms are coming out Viper hasn't done anything actually lost a unit so just losing that Spearman but he does have more Scouts and this is a big threat MPL normally make spearmint or Lou he needs more of them on the south side indeed another one just popping out here for MBL what's nice for him is that he has both Goldstone even these extra ostrich in the back but oh that is not going home today how's your quick Qualls MBL he's quick welding there's no lag here not that there's normally not a lot of lag between these two as they live in the same well lived in the same country what defense good defense from MBO and he's going for a small counter-attack only with two Scouts but maybe he could find something yeah I mean even picking off another spear that was coming forward for Viper but two Scouts it's a little bit tricky usually want three but Viper not going to be able to get in just gonna be able to pick off another spear MBL's but not before Viper does lose one Scout this this is pure pure game awareness from Viper to realize that yeah the MBL Scout goes down sorry guys but he's realized that the scouts are going to his base he hasn't seen him and now he's still pressuring and beyond the front but so far it hasn't been the worst for MBL economically speaking they're on par with each other he's the counters for fight purchased Viper has a lot of control over the game yeah getting a little bit house at her fairly untime so he's gonna have to go ahead and get that one up is gonna do that just fine and yeah very very sort of even game so far yeah good play from NBL Viper turns around realizes the Scout is there and that's decent right still has three Scouts and a forward spearmint to pressure Viper with and Viper also has been pushed away at MBL's base he's always lost all of his Scouts every single Scout has gone down and and now Vipers in trouble vipers quick walling oh and he does it so quickly but this Archer transition is so much easier for MBL to counter now that Viper does not have a Scout buffer oh yeah now you can just go with scurbs with impunity just have nothing to worry about from that angle and I guess Viper just accidentally ran his Scouts into spearmen as well that is not a great idea and MBL should be well aware of the incoming archers yeah and those farms all have horse collar they're all slab farm slabs are insanely good this is where MBL should apply pressure and remember or learn the back of your mind you have to be thinking Slavs are better than Mongols in fuel H and Castle H Mongols are are arguably worse than Slavs in early amp it's just post imp with manga die where they they excel oh yeah as I have said many times before the best unit in the game is the Slav farm it is so much food that it provides you MBL just gonna be losing a random Spearman forward but I mean MBO he's the one who's calling all the shots right now something I did notice is that he did not grab double pit ax and since he already has horse collar it seems like he just kind of forgot it so that might possible bit of a problem going forward if he doesn't realize it but I'd be a huge problem for Viper here in a second if he's not prepared a lot more Scouts and he was expecting how are the quick walls Viper MBO should send one scout to stop the quick walls and he does he sends three oh he's in the wood line that was so close Viper not quite able to get the quick balls down and Viper going to be losing a couple villagers here at a minimum there go a couple already and yeah you are so close to the TC so most of the villagers will be able to escape but this is not the sort of opening you would expect from who most people call the best player in the world yeah well it was working perfectly for him he had three Scouts which is more than what MBL had he started to make archers Scouts into archers is perfect but now it's so easy and actually MBL's getting double bit x now so he must have known he didn't research it Viper if he relies on Spears and archers right now MBL should add a range and make those skirmishers but right now he's going heavy on Scouts he's coming forward or Lu this is amazing yeah this is pretty surprising MBO he's not the the most forward loving player in the world but yeah he's gonna be going for it military county is fairly similar it looks like viper gonna be going forward with these archers right now that means they're not going to defend oh boy this would hurt em bl2 would take him off of wood that for HP Bill's still there the far all viper if he can defend from this somehow it is going to be so difficult it seems like he'll lose some map but if you can defend a little bit and trade better at MBL's bases could be awesome for them but viper gonna be swinging around into the base of MBL villagers so exposed those archers do you have fletching but is just a complete mess both players we've gotten some damage here yeah yeah and I think this will actually be better for Viper as long as he delays the tower a little bit could even snipe some villagers well back up to his TC and there's nothing from MBL to counter this oh my goodness look at the villagers that have gone down and we all had the right idea but Viper went for the counter-attack yeah MBL just not quite prepared for archers swooping in which is kind of surprising since he did see the archery range but did not I guess see the second one in time ooh Tower is now up for MBL forward though denies one stone second one could potentially be denied by future towers yep there's no stone for mble he's off stone at home so he's stuck here with six forward villagers he also doesn't really have food to make scouts and scouts they're going to struggle to counter this as well unless there's two of them so this is this is a bummer for MBL it's falling apart there's always a saying that I use but it's laughs right you do have slab farmers but vipers food counters looking good he knows to be mobile with his military man viper he saw an opportunity and he took it or loo that was that was sick yeah I mean when you know that you have the you know military disadvantage to think to go forward with your archers that could have easily been killed by Scouts but oh Viper trying to go forward to take down the tower will I think lose a villager there in the bargain but he's still five villagers ahead he is much closer to Castle age yeah he's still in the driver's seat well he didn't invest the food right and Bo invested so much he made the scouts he got bloodlines that this is all about MBL somehow doing some more damage before viper reaches castle age zen BL is light light years is definitely not the term to use here but light years measures distance act Li and I've made that mistake many times but for some reason my brain takes me back there it's all okay unless your MBO as the archers still trying to get some damage but the quick wall I think will trap these archers so they will go down eventually it's almost better for the archers that they're wedged in there this is one of the most annoying things with someone wedges archers and it's behind the wood line as well like MBL if he if he doesn't kill every Archer here could be in big trouble yeah I just calls the GG he realizes he's far behind I also lost his filters at the exact same time but it didn't matter at that point vipers counter-attack did it I think MBL had the right idea or Lou it's just he didn't have that side Walt if he won't that he's good the one-time MBL doesn't wall it kind of bites him a little bit yeah and yeah he just was less prepared than Viper was not that Viper you know didn't take a ton of damage but MBO obviously took way more and I think the play made a lot of sense the Viper had no military he was giving MBL map control and so with that amount of scouts he could he could have built endless towers on Viper there's nothing that Viper could have done on the last Viper hit MBL and distracted him at that time so that was sweet stuff we will go to the achievements now guys and I'll show you just how many resources were collected in this game and all the good stuff relatively short game which is expected for a map like that but 31 kills for Viper 16 largest army and he he had more wooden gold collected purely because of a different build order this doesn't really tell us all that much but yeah we got the achievements and the beautiful timeline of course there you go but yet even though the achievements don't really tell much it's just that's what happens we have a short game you just don't have that many numbers to work with yeah but I mean as you guys saw there it was clearly Viper just striking at the exact right time and well that is how Serengeti works it is a very cutthroat map that's how Pfeiffer plays as well he realizes he can defend with a few walls and send military out it's not necessarily just walls sometimes players will defend with the tower and go for an immediate counter well-played Caribbeans up next water map where we'd probably give fight for the edges looks beautiful with de2 so creative now you expected that Viper might go Berbers for this because Berbers have a cool bonus they don't utilize on water all that often and you were correct or lubbers for viper and MBL has gone for Anka's on water oh my god what do you expect your or Lu now call me crazy but I think he's gonna go for a landing in a ton of towers yeah you know what'd be great I said I wanted Viper to lay in the wrong Island and B Hill might truly think that this island in the center might be vipers if he goes for that well the the middle island is a different terrain right so yeah but come on I mean no offense to the players but you're giving them a whole lot of credit for Lou but but anyways so I think Viper is gonna go for the standard approach he'll go for some water control MBL we'll mix it up I think this is this is kind of a low confidence move like you you don't feel as though you can play all in out water battle versus vipers so you go for something you although it could work on Caribbean though because look at the stone piles yeah that's uh that's something that we saw earlier right when tatto did the landing against the max that totally worked out for tatto but I mean the thing is with when tatto went for Byzantines it wasn't 100% clear that he'd go for a landing well yeah I don't have other options Inga's don't have options on water they they're just so generic on water without you know any sort of water bonus so yeah of course MBL really his only option is to go forward and Viper is going to know that this is true now if you're comparing arabia to two islands when it comes to trussing you can stop an arabia tower rush you make men-at-arms you send your own bills you fight it you flat-out cannot stop MBL from transporting if he indeed goes for that because the transport can be made in dark gauge and you cannot make any Navy in Dark Age so it's gonna show up here it's just a matter of if Viper can fend it away or if MBL's just mind gaming Viper and us all and maybe he'll go for a boom I don't know well Incas do you have racer and ship right so they're fully afraid of galleons at very least but yeah I I grasped out that we're gonna go that far yeah um it should just be a landing here from it MBL who's known to not exactly love water too much something to note though is that Berbers with the faster-moving villagers as well are gonna be a little bit bender to better at potentially defending against those tower rush is able to jump under the TCS or TCC's towers before it's too late fascinating stuff so MBL's docking in the back which tells us he's either going for a fast castle or he is going for feudal pressure that means he doesn't want to fight on water but he's luring with his eagle which will get the borin in time but it also weakens a potential military unit that he could send across the Vipers base yeah usually the luring of the boar with either your Scout or a villager is indicative of okay are they gonna go for regression or are they going to just play in the normal water game but this is kind of screaming I want to just play normal water for MBL maybe he's the one with the galaxy brain 3000 IQ mind games yeah maybe well vibart I'm pretty sure that he's gonna dock he is docked I'm pretty sure he's going to make fishing ships and I'm pretty sure he will get the fuel H as quick as possible what's up what's a deer on this map I believe earlier on Caribbean the deer were running all around not that I blame them but do you like to frolic man just let them you know have some space to roam enjoy life of being a deer hopefully not getting a shot by a thousand archers in the mid-game well left side is where MBL would need to end up if he goes for a tower rush it's pure luck q and that's also the side that you would want to avoid right because you see vipers doc so if he shows up to the right-hand side you could deny it gold but life will have plenty of gold plenty of stone and also plenty of back would ya that is definitely potentially going to be the case but I don't see a transport ship made just yet for MBL and well he would I think he would click up to futile first normally you click feudal you make it while you're still in Dark Age on the way to feudal he needs his villagers to drop off the food if he's going for this and there it is there is the transport ship so strangeness of going for potentially the Eagle lure and then the back dock aside he will be going for the forward play only the two fishing ships and it is just going to be full-out aggression here for MBL and just a matter of Ken Viper defend okay can NBL dock block this area yeah I think he could dock block that now there's not a ton of fish back there but with a second dock that would block access to that corner that's also one of my favorite words to say so I just wanted an excuse to say that I don't blame you at all but yeah I I see no reason why that wouldn't work and MBO will be aware of this on pretty sure as soon as the transportation stuff I think but that that one bit of sand that juts out is you can go over possibly what we'll have to see I would love for MBL to attempt it but there's other more important things to focus on you could also just build a palisade right next to it oh look what vipers making vipers making a transport as well now this is interesting he's also on stone so okay I'm not trying to sell out I promise but I casted a game that will be on YouTube on Wednesday between metal and between lb ten and they both trust each other and it was ridiculous I would love to see it between these two viper wants to tower rush MBL and this is no this is no pansy trusses for villagers and the Scout go yeah so this is a very heavy commit alive viper and BL doing the same thing they will pass each other like two ships in the night even though it's the middle of the day it must be the terrain see if that were me in 2016 I drop off there and build some ranges but NBL could go to the worst spot possible on that the worst spot possible but starts off with the tower to get it up and now where's Viper gonna end up he does have those fast speedy Berber villagers yes he does MBL already on stone obviously both players are I love this so much I wonder if each thinks that the other is going for some sort of water I mean it would be rather strange MBO looking to hell no idea and BL sees a tower he sees the tower he can see it well he's getting town watch if he's getting town watch he's looking at his own base so he might see it and build a tower now though he's also building the tower forward which would slightly be in a range of Vipers gold yeah it would be MBO not gonna be able to prevent at least the first tower from coming up but this is gonna be nice for Anka's in a big tower war because your towers are just you know that much cheaper and you can make more of them which I hear is pretty good yeah well the wood lines been denied viper is attacking the villager and he will kill that villager uh you know what let's just wait and see what happens before we call things well mble maybe it's gonna be Viper the one losing the villager but now villager is going to be able to escape those nimble Berber villagers it's quite nice but Viper he he thinks MBL's not paying attention goes back in for the doink nice no hara loves his Snipes hair is probably watching and well not an appreciation because MBL's on his team but respect i guess who's worse off here it seems like MBL is worse off because he doesn't even have a working lumber camp nobody does not he will be able to snag up never mind it's Viper snag a Ville of vipers but nope just kidding' that's not happening also there's already a three villager difference in favor of the Viper uh but MBL does at least have that bit ax upgrade as +1 defense now comes in yes that will help with the four bills and the bills at home a Viper as I've said many times it's one of the best defensive players he doesn't play all-out defense all at walls but he knows where to build his defensive towers and walls and he's done that he's wall to left he's towering and all MBL is done another transport in he'll be behind the stone and on the gold and viper does not see this oh man that is that is all Kaden if Viper if MBL gates in or something no nevermind no gates it would have been good Viper surprised by that that's huge yeah that is gonna be pretty huge yell don't lose your villagers at home and no he won't will not but Viper sending over some fire galleys he hasn't reacted or loo my firm has not reacted to this he's just now realized his villagers are so weak man how does he not lose a fill there come on like there's got to be some type of thumb truck that has that hack in it somewhere by god I think it's just the faster-moving berber villagers see that yeah but still fight we're gonna be able to snag all of these fishing ships eventually and that's gonna be so nice as well Viper himself he has all four fishing ships working and that's just gonna net him so much more food income as this game progresses will at least get another defensive tower you know to prevent the towers towards the farms but well um you could still tower around the wood line in the back I think NBL if you smart can save this one fishing ship in the back that's something now this is DejaVu I swear to God like the way this is going the best place for Viper to get gold will be at MBL's base if he continues to move in with towers because his gold and stones are flat-out denied right now so he needs to pick a spot he needs to maybe attack the towers with villagers his MBL's building another tower behind the wool vine Viper can't defend from these towers he can stop them for pushing in with a mill wall but but like he cannot defend from those towers why a mill when it's the house what it doesn't really matter eventually the villagers will smash through that but not for a little while Viper currently is eat while economic units ahead 5 fishing ship to zero and is that another transport ship for Viper is making another transport ship are you talking about the to transport everyone yeah they're just the two transport ships oh my god though don't tell me but oh he's just passing MBL's transport ship this is everything I've ever dreamed of oh my god let's go into the transport ship with weak villagers make sense yeah who needs those and remember MBL does at least have that plus one defence upgrade so his villagers would win in a startup bill fight viper even a fish he's going to the center cold he's I mean that's quite obvious now he's doing it right but he's going to the center goal he has it scouted MBL doesn't have anything on water that's smart thinking from Viper and this villager should be safe yeah that will give Viper at least some sort of gold income before the time being knows that even though the Gold's are right next to the water it's not like MBL can do literally anything to stop it yeah and yeah Viper getting wheel barrow gonna just try and get up to the castle age I think he has much better economy now that he solved the gold problem he's had that mill at MBL's base that's four hundred plus food because of the shore fish he also has the deer there if he needs it he has the fishing ships which we've mentioned or lose so now MBL is really on him to place more towers and take more away from Viper but a lot of vipers freshest economy is not terrible it's it's on water and it's in the center um there's gonna be one problem though for Viperine that's gonna be wood income cuz vigor is going to get this tower well the towers going to deny this wood line yeah and Vipers not gonna do anything and be able to do anything to stop it so he's gonna have to ferry up more and more villagers over an enemy L is actually speaking of varying more and more units over an MDL also knows the gold is there guys so mal is I hold on a second he's sending villagers forward a second time I need to tower as gold oh my and he arrives now at our on the other side of the trees would be amazing oh my goodness and how does Viper respond Viper almost needs to buy stone fight with Vil's possibly not the weak ones but he has a lot more here and Viper will see this little the villagers will just run right by that tower okay okay now now if I purrs gonna realisation site he is up on his way to the castle age though so that could be huge but Oh tower not looking like it's gonna come up right now also there's transports for both of them there's also a fire so Vipers lost a villager because of the fire MBL's villagers also have armor so it's this tough Viper it needs to take the tower down or stop it from going up but he also can't get close to the tower and you know MBL's doing all right I still think the problem is Oh we sent the transport ship all these villagers are totally trapped right now quikwall you know that villagers about to do it she's she pays the price she pays the price and now viper has a decision to make where does he go with his Vil's does he make another transport ship MBL's gating the other side which will stop the escape oh man it's gonna be like shooting fish in a barrel man ah man and I always see fish I'll send a demo please sent to send a demo over here just for the lulz that would be amazing this is hilarious viper solved his problem is gold problem but now it's denied he needs a transport yeah he might be able to get one up a fire ship will be able to sail away from mdl for the time being yeah and that Piper does have a ton of resources in the bank and deals nowhere near Castle age okay so I'm gonna I'm aware as a hold on a second the repairs are ridiculous now am BLP do the same thing with the repairs have you smart yeah there we go there's two fires those I think Viper will be okay and now MBL's transport could go down Piper Cates in the villagers so now they're trapped I'm not trapped in here with you t9 - you're trapped in here with me uh what is what is this what is this game now vipers still in castle and he's walled again paid another price by quick walling with a weak villager I guess this is age of villager and fires me it's much worse for MBL MBL's not close to castle age all of MBL's villagers die Viper could could do okay without gold you got to think he could use the market I don't have wood either he has no gold and no wood he just has food oh my god by the way for those watching I know there's no game sound but I I'm trying to fix that okay so bear with me but Viper uh well he won't be able to sail into the watchtower maybe Viper is just gonna transport some more villagers over to MBL's island and start lumber camping that I'll transport hey he's fine it's fine all right now those villagers are still trapped over there but they're high HP villagers to take down the tower the weak ones go to safe land I'm surprised I'm y'all didn't wall in the towers I feel like there is no reason player should yeah but in that instance he was fighting he had to be there he had two quick walls so a lot of the times they'd need to do something else Viper's villager the villagers yeah oh my god now MBL's towering an attacking viper at his own island so if he kills this tower builds another one vipers trapped again he can't take the gold because MBL had the fire ship there to block it this is crazy this is ridiculous stuff Viper could be in real trouble here he very well could be at the fact that MBL isn't in castle it doesn't really matter a whole lot if you're only dealing with watchtowers and villagers oh my god sure MBO loses a few but Viper could lose so much more he doesn't have access to resources he has 31 idols right now 31 out of 46 idols this is ridiculous yeah I mean like being ahead by 12 villagers doesn't matter if literally none of them are doing anything in our favor has no military and all the villagers are back the villagers are back he does have military villagers are military oh man first he's repairing his tower there or Lou first towers are military now villagers as well ones being conscripted and you know what with Viper's tower fully garrison on the right MBL could lose this fight somehow both of them are throwing away so many lives for this oh the humanity all of the villagers getting absolutely wrecked by each other and these towers but I think VIPRE is a little lower in the bills here yeah but the tower it's the position right if mmm BL will lose more villagers if he has to leave this position he's trying to repair and garrison constantly as Viper was doing oh my god this is ridiculous no I can't believe this is actually a huge problem for my bill he has a huge Navy of six fire galleys and there eight fishing ships per Viper right now literally nothing defending them and does he see it I mean he doesn't see the dock unbelievable and Viper holds the position he holds 13 more Villa 1213 more eco units including the fishing ships still doesn't have access to gold and now he's lost his transport so if that happens again these villagers could be in real trouble and there are still plenty of villagers at home and BL can just send everybody on in if he absolutely needs to yeah but like it is this is so sorry to interrupt or loo I'm just too excited Vipers killing this tower if he kills this tower he gets gold again oh that would be that's huge that's really bad for MBL he still doesn't have any wood income but at least having another resource other than food to work with that's that's at least something and if you have food and gold then you can potentially make some nights possibly though I don't even know if I per has built a barracks yet he doesn't have wood for another lumber camp if he needs it so he has a few Lumberjacks wisely placed there I'm thinking if he goes to the gold and this then the wood here MBO could be in real trouble but as you said it's not as if I first done anything with his castle age advantage except gain a bit of a score lead or something yeah well the Eagles are now coming in the Eagles are coming in handy Owen viper he's trying to go over to the gold here at his own islands of pros remember those uh infantry upgrades they're gonna help the Eagles just as much as they help the villagers and this is not something that Viper can deal with oh my god what a game this is now he's docking mpls Island to try to get his fishing ships back to work but MBL he's sailing right back with it and they'll seize the fishing ships Piper will lose all of them and MBL's right back in the game this like this is insanity what even is this game oh my Eagles running they can tank a little bit of arrow fire from the towers uh there is bodkin in notably for viper so that is something the towers will have going for them but though actually there's four villagers that are pretty exposed that are trying to kill MBL's tower and vipers system and losing so many of these fishing ships he needs to save these villagers on the backside now if he goes for a micro nerd quick wall MBL could delete his house I guess he'll run back to the tower Viper does have just enough fire ships to hold I think he's confident enough that his fish will stay alive because he's getting gill nets and remember he does have gold on the right hand side if he wants to go for it but he hasn't done so yeah I'm surprised he didn't take that instead of the gold that he just lost villagers on yeah that's a little surprising is that you know the one on the right soon of it's safer but regardless mvl is up on his way to the castle a turret viper does have a stable on the island of MBL and this could mean a huge problem for fire ships trying to take down whatever fish and chips they can Viper can't afford a knight he can't afford a knight he is 33 food and 1 gold well now he has some more gold yeah okay so probably you selling the stone I believe he probably sold stone because he's not taking gold right now he's selling the stone so that means he won't have an early castle - maybe bail himself out and gain some space he has this wood again I guess yeah I think Viper is somewhat stabilizing but and we all know the parrots on Vipers Island Eagles still running around completely unchecked like of course right of course this is amazing oh man like this is not what you would expect from this map at all but this is just a complete massive Viper with a knight here but mvl with the two spearmen at home adding a couple Spears fine with some villagers they can totally deal with the one night and it's you know an unafraid of night at that it's not like it's that terrifying the only risk here is that Viper is faster with the knight but it's not a huge deal and oh my god the villagers will now tower the stone which viper needs dearly and Viper gotcha baited into building that Tower did you see that yeah so MBL just deleting the tower viper pretty sure is gonna finish this tower and oh but viper it doesn't enough stone for another tower so I think he's gonna be totally fine and it's gonna be there for it's safe over on his left side though it will he will have his goal tonight at the very least oh and he's on the wood line MBL really should have prepped for this and the knight was just attacking his tower there's so much going on for both of them yeah that's you know what that is the play apparently attack with villagers against Knights as well yep just commit I mean villagers have served these players well so far there we go worth it all the value oh and he lost another villager on the other side I just want to get back to Vipers defense here again he dropped off enough stone for the second tower and man is that paid off as weakened MBL's villagers that are alive and he sniped another one and he's building another Tower these villagers could be trapped now yeah the transport ship I think was killed a while ago and me'll does have some warships here on the water and I'm pretty sure his Navy is scarier than oh my god but this stone at MBL's base the villagers are going down this is just a few Knights it tells you how much MBL's paying attention to the other side yeah viper is so many economic units ahead right now but MBL now in the fishing ships of the viper that's gonna be pretty nice viper only has four farms right now so his his food economy is not exactly thrilling no these fire ships have so much range oh man do you want to die by erazor fires if you had to choose what would you choose arrows would be faster I had hope I well fires did the job so oh man now Viper taking a ton of stone right now if he can drop a castle anywhere it would probably be pretty insane and potentially knock MBO out of this game his economy is still significantly better but uh doc gonna be going down at yeah it's a I don't I think MBL can't keep up with the pace of the game as much as Viper because there's a transport there there's a villager there he could have killed that instead of the doc Viper can obviously reinforce from the other doc and he's doing so so MBL's fire ships will just die now that's why that's why Vipers confidently collecting ash or fish MBL's not doing anything about it Emile's just let three fire ships die for free and the knights as well right the Knights have snipe some villagers and this adds up I think if fight for panksepp stone he can build a castle at either at home or forward I would love to see that and free up resources and then he has the fish lead he has the villager lead and he'll move on and and have the series lead still yeah it would then take a 200 lead in the series there are still a bunch of Eagle Scouts running around they're about to have chainmail armor - oh my god dude out of the barracks at Vipers island just as Viper goes in for a TC MBL's like nuh-uh and vipers like hi I can wall yeah but at the 26 AP Oh delete that fight for delete that oh he did well he has a lot of wood I wasn't I'm not sure how much what he had before I doubt he had 600 so maybe he deleted it yeah I'm elated that of course will lose the villager as well that mean that's to 75 100 stone down the drain that is not really what you want to be doing and I don't think Viper Viper doesn't really have a presence on MBL's Island anymore he's actually transporting the villagers away at this point but he does have water control once again yeah the fish are huge they've gill nets as well so they're more efficient sorry let's go hang out with ya I'm sorry I should have warned you so the castle is going up at home as a viper could finally take his gold it just seems like Vipers doing more to protect his economy and expand now and MBL will try and add a TC at home but it's almost too little too late for the eco right he needs to do damage soon before all this extra economy pays off for Viper yeah Viper is still only on the 1 TC himself so if he can get the the remaining fishing ships that could be huge and it's gonna at least be sniping some villagers as they try and complete this castle if NBL had actually gone in with all the Eagle warriors they might would have been able to delay the castle a little bit longer but castle goes up and any cam electors that come out they already have bodkin arrow viper even to be cleaning up these towers in the center island so he can take gold there as well yeah that everything's going wrong for MVL I loved the game I loved the strategy but he's losing poachers at home he's losing towers in the center and he's losing control at Vipers Island so all three areas of the map hurt for him I guess the Viper won't make camel archers right he might even send some Camel archers over at some point if if MBL doesn't somehow find an answer or Lu button BL is gonna clean up all the villagers that work on the island so you know it's he's trying to make it work the fishing ships with Gill net they're just gonna be doing so much for Viper at this point it's really what's been I think keeping him in this game remember back in the early feudal age like there was seven fishing ships for Viper with six fire ships like that was the moment yeah it would have killed those it would have been so much better for him and I think that's the way back for MBL right now the only way back is not sniping fields because he's too far behind it's it's docking somewhere safe which is easier said than done and going for the fish if he kills the fish he evens this out a little bit more yeah but Viper is on the three T seas back at home at this point so he even has that edge over MBL yes well I mean MBL does have the larger military right now but it's gonna be hard for him to find anything useful to do with them as life right now with just all of the stone defenses is getting pretty safe there's gonna be a big fight here over here on the water though but Viper should be cleaning this one up as well fight on water yeah Viper just has so many numbers and he just invested about 600 woods into farms so his food eco will be way better than MBL's MBL doesn't have the wood to build farms his farms might build slightly faster the hell you yeah but he'd be better off taking his berries at this point without the lock without the wood yeah I mean Viper will be oh my god oh the villager hold on will he saved this villager Burgerville Speicher yes of course of course you will stop it Viper come on man stop it makes my salt look bad not fair well Viper now a good 20 economic units ahead and MBL calls the GGI yeah I don't think there was really a whole lot at that point but that was that was one hell of a game t90 yes and i Linzer are fun now I love Islands I love the transports fantastic stuff to the people watching we're gonna address the gamesound issue sorry I didn't have any a my end either so I will fix that but let's go to those achievements I expect to see not so much gold for Viper right probably not then again MBL had mainly stone and villagers you it wasn't like he was on gold heavily either way more than Piper yeah yeah but all the other resources is it very significantly ahead here for the snake and that is really what ultimately one of the game I still think it just comes down to the fishing ships also VIPRE somehow got to relics at some point just because he's VIPRE why not no but but seriously if he sees that talk at that time Oh diaper had one farm eco no wood no gold no stone so if he loses his fish he can't create bills yeah or even if the fishing ships are forced to sail away and then their idle it doesn't really matter at that point biker has literally no income at all on one hand you have to say it's a bit unlucky but the other hand you have to know VIPRE has fish and he didn't find that dock until it was too late so and if even if you think he only has like two or three fishing trips you know he has a dock right and yet he built the transport ship you have to go find that thing yeah well fantastic that was so much fun a Viper's up to zero now in this best-of-five and we'll move right along to the next game in just a bit indeed indeed [Music] [Music] when I first picked up Prez Matta I was playing a lot $25 yeah and this was important pretty much everyone I know from a competitive gaming background immediately fell off you're gonna love it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right boys and girls welcome back game number three coming up on MBL's favorite map arena everyone who knows MBL loves arena whoo well you know what the funny thing is one of the first actually the first tournament I ever cast it was called masters Verena 3 the final was wait was it the final no was the semi-final between MBL and Viper and it was a very competitive series MBL's good at arena though he hates it and will hop right into that game now yes here we are so in the blue we have MBL who needs a win he's gone for Mayans interesting Mayans is his pick and Viper has gone for Millay yeah I mean obviously no surprise there from Viper I know from MBL would really call restart here yeah yeah yeah there's no reason that this would not be a restart so I'm totally comfortable with being the most ignorant in the casting booth is there a restart because I didn't I didn't read anything about restarts if there's one restart this might make a bit of sense that said with a back stone possibly with a forward castle as Mayans he could make this map all right um maybe maybe yeah but all the Gold's are a little bit exposed for sure for sure I mean I I don't know why but yeah I don't I don't know if I'm clueless or why not but there are restarts one per series yeah so yes that's what that was my impression so MBL should have another couple minutes to consider going for the restart here obviously you want to drag that out as long as possible in case the other player calls the restart you know who notice how chat turned on me just because I was the first one to admit I didn't know so you just never had to admit you're wrong okay yes maybe that's my problem all right well if Viper has a great map to back stones lots of back area with wood and and peak and boom back there main Gold's find secondary Gold's even find here third gold not so much but the problem is MBL's base will the heat side to call restart is the question the restarts are called because of that maps typically or maybe bad starts civilize though we have 40 seconds to see if they'll call restart civilize what are your thinking here I like my ins a lot I mean I I like Lions a lot too on you know most any map um could maybe struggle a little bit versus Malay if they're not able to really get in and do some damage just because Malay have such a powerful boom at their disposal and Viper loses a villager to a Boer know if MBL calls a read this is gonna be ridiculous Lulu nothing okay so fel continues fight for loses a field which are hey might have some forward goals but if you build a castle forward I think his goals could be okay alright well that's not common from Viper not at all and well that's gonna be a nice little bit of an early advantage for him BL even if he doesn't know it just right yet but well I mean mble plumed archers they're gonna be able to take map controlled no matter what I don't think there's gonna be anything by pricking do to stop that do you think the best bet for IPERS just boom and defend okay so that's the thing with Malay we saw Hera try earlier today if you watch the previous series what you can do is go fast castle go to stone build three TCS and right when the pressure from your opponent gets difficult build a castle on the front the build was good from Hera when he played the lease but his castle was bad it didn't protect him here I think Vipers map is perfect for this build if he does indeed go for that it's nice there's also another build you can go for which is a fast feudal with malay get all your eco upgrades and then go to castle age and I think tatto does that pretty often by for obviously being his teammate might have got some tips from him yeah that is what the the arena clowns told me that was that was the thing to do apparently yeah but love to see what these players gonna go for so obviously its arena Dark Age there is not really a whole lot going on notably is there any extra resource no extra resources for Viper so this should be probably one of the more aggressively oriented arena maps out there yeah but I think for MBL he really needs to go fast castle plume if he does that a castle here is good for Castle age these two goals are a big problem for him so snowball into plume numbers apply pressure to Viper Knight just has so much more space in his base so much more access to resources but then again if plumed archers arrived to this side of the walls a viper would be down two golds yeah certainly the one bit of annoyance for MBL is he can't pressure both golds at the same time yeah so we can't you know start to force by prof. of his main gold and then pressure the secondary golds at the same time however if MBL you know builds the forward castle you know where you were suggesting yeah and then builds a second castle you know whenever he has the resources for that right near the other two golds I think he's gonna be in a pretty nice spot to you know take map control going in to say early to mid Imperial age yeah so I don't think we'll see it in this matchup but as far as other oh here we go here's the build order well you know what hold that thought I'll explain why this build is insane so Malay advanced 80% faster to the next stage and you'll get there with 21 villagers at 9 minutes VIPRE will research double VIX research horse collar all of those eco techs probably even the wheelbarrow upgrade and if it's done correctly will reach castle eat shortly after or right around the time that MBL arrives with no eco upgrades yeah and that's just the power of Malay on this map this is why arena players really think they are one of if not be best sibs just out there you just end up getting the castle aged like five or six villagers ahead and having that as an advantage it's just you can do anything with it and Malay have the options even in their tech tree to do lots of different powerful things with that yeah really shows the preparation from secret many of the people at home don't know this but secret always talking always preparing had some strategies and I think we're seeing this here because otherwise Viper had he not thought this out he might have gone for a regular fast castle which we saw Hara do earlier and it's not quite as strong I like this approach the key will for him will be lots of farms lots of economy and then eventually click up to Castle age with one that's much better yep and the fact that viper lost the villager early on yeah it hurts him but as male you're gonna be lots of the litters ahead anyway so it's not I think it'll be that big of a deal and looks like MBL gonna be clicking up at 27 pop nothing out of the ordinary for this guy at all better never mind never mind yeah it was gonna say this barracks is definitely peculiar if you're going plumed archers you would do something else but he's not going to stone instead he's building a barracks which probably means an archery range and the blacksmith will follow and so crossbows I mean I'm not a huge fan I would love it if MBL goes for obsidian arrows verse Viper but the odds of that happening are very slim yeah I mean if he was going for the obsidian arrows he'd still be taking some stone right yeah so this is this is likely just gonna be for a crossbow man I guess maybe Eagles don't make any sense so just crossbows so one range crossbow into a boom for him but the other thing is this is a lot cheaper than building the castle so maybe he'll save some resources there Piper's still in futile pumping up bills or Lou yep MBL just gonna click the castle age as soon as the archery range and blacksmith are complete a viper does not have the buildings just yet but he is not really in any particular rush as you will just click up to the castle age just so much faster able to get all those extra resources upon hitting Castle age can do whatever he wants with it yeah so for those at home who might be new to the game double bit x means you're lumberjack shop faster horse-collar means your farms last longer viper researched both of those texts a long time ago now he's getting wheel barrow which would make his economy even more efficient and i think he might be a minute maybe maybe a minute and a half behind MBL but that's it so his economy will be insane this is a really strong build order yeah definitely is glad see Viper actually taking advantage of what the Civ has to offer I know Vipers and very vocal in saying that Malay and comer are the two most under explored underutilized sips in the game and now that players finally have had enough time to practice with them it's really cool to see what these guys can cook up mm-hmm yeah now MBL's getting horsecar so he gets the faster cast late he also gets the faster archers but with Vipers map well you know he might be slightly disrupted on the gold but he should be absolutely fine MBL could still expand with the Mayan eco where his villagers that they were sorry the resources last longer could add a monastery maybe grab some relics well I think he should do that at a minimum because well he's gonna have army you should do something with it yeah even if he can't punch through Vipers defenses at a minimum he can go ahead and collect five relics and that in and of itself could be enough to secure the game in the long run look look at these castle times this build order is insane and it's well known amongst arena players maybe not known amongst other players like a.m. earlier Hera didn't try this fell behind Viper he has big lead economically any way I can tell you that much and he won't be troubled by the archers and MBL I guess he might go to mmediately to a second TC but he needs to expand that eco faster than Viper does yeah I'm Viper even lost a villager early on he's able to execute this so cleanly it's really really impressive but gas which is now in here for MBO likely to grab crossbowmen very shortly and siege workshop instantly being thrown down here by our red player okay so I was initially thinking siege Tower but you know I can't let my mediums be dreams so now he's built like forwards each workshop which tells me and unlikely it will be a siege tower Vipers adding three TCS he plans on just booming this out so does MPL Commack and Elliston well yeah yeah I guess he is yeah this seems kind of weak to be honest I think plumes are better like plumes unitards yeah could be a confidence issue for MBL we'll see but this each workshops nice and early like Percy's this so he knows he just needs to wait he just needs to defend his eco stronger huh way more villagers and he has that TC on stone so the classic build I mentioned in Dark Age is boom three T C's go to stone and right when the pressure comes in and gets tough build a castle that's what like will go for oh my god and he's he's being annoying with this Scout this is beautiful oh he's even smiling there I saw it biker knows he's he's just annoying MBL yeah who is known to be an annoying player himself so it's not like a meal didn't have it coming but ii Mangan l queued up i mean he wanted to get something he wants to get something done he's already taken a damage on the bank no lag there's zero lag here so this is what a scout can do I bet you if we ask MBL about this moment he's gonna say he loved it he's loved every second I'm sure this is so dumb man ok crossbowmen finally being brought forward yeah yeah do you not have bodkin notably just the fletching upgrade for this I'm being an MP oh well oh not not wait but yeah MP oh he is a certified boomer he is not one to just go for the one TC all in he needs at least a second TC but he's done a lot here ok so the scout finally dies not like that mattered a lot and look at Vipers walls oh and he's going he's going for guard tower defence this is this is so much better than a castle it's much cheaper than a castle to push guard towers MBL with need at least three macca nettles and a forward villager to repair it a Vipers economy will just get stronger and stronger it's so safe look at this so safe one villager beating each sorry building each tower he knows exactly what it needs to do yeah I think at this point MBO like burning down these extra pcs I think I'm monastery before the excerpt ECS would have been a better idea because yeah these units aren't gonna be doing any real damage to the Viper at least MBL could go ahead and grab the relics has something of an EcoBoost but he's currently as the 13 villagers behind and he is not likely going to be catching up anytime soon this isn't necessarily because of mistakes that NBL made remember Viper actually made the most mistakes in this game he lost a villager in a skel but it's because of how strong the lake can be with a boom like this I also think that and it's very easy for us as casters to say you should have done something different when something's not working but maybe plumes would have offered him more as the game goes on plumes and tc's instead of crossbows in semakin ELLs yeah it's just so tricky right it's hard to say even if he say MBO went from plumes right Viper would be doing the exact same thing yes he's doing right now and really would MBL be in that much of a better position to make anything happen I don't really think so it's really tricky to beat away on this map like no wheel barrow for enemy is about to get it right but oh I forgot that's so long ago 18 villager lead vipers just played this perfectly and I think that again the homework has paid off for secrets probably some conversations if I / might have had with his teammates specifically tatto because I've seen at a toe make use of the guard towers frequently I I think our Towers ROP because because viper has no military whatsoever and he should be able to hold MBL back yeah it's definitely kind of tricky right because just the one change from six to seven damage just means you're doing well today free damage instead of two damage - Mangin ELLs with vodka narrow and that's what Viper getting even getting masonry yeah it's one of the greatest upgrades ever I love that upgrade and yeah Viper he's gonna have it's gonna be just so hard to punch through these towers for MBL well what a meal needs to do because at this point he should know it's going to the Imperial aged Viper has better eco what mvl should do is snag those relics if he snags all five relics and makes this game go on for quite a while then mayans especially when the resources last longer they can be quite good still not sure what piper will be going with yet he will build a castle at some point and maybe go for granite warriors but he's not making anything right now to stop the relics from being brought in that's got to be priority number one for MBL yeah something I'd love to see MBL do we've seen actually I think Melkor is the one I first saw to it a lot build a monster you're just right in the back of your piece just knowing that okay if I lose map control right now I think MBL's doing that okay it's not in the very back into space but similar concepts base yep yep and I think that's just gonna be so much better it's gonna be so much less likely that I'm BL is going to be losing control of all of that golden become anytime soon yeah well I mean at least he's realized all right there's not much I can do let's not go crazy let's not all in this and I like his response after seeing the towers still was kind of expensive for Viper to invest into that Vipers ville lead is still there the Vipers building his castle on the front but he doesn't have access to his extra Gold's it's funny how that works only we we talked about MBL's gold but MBL has been the aggressive player so he's defending it is he really going to Stonewall this side mayans have the cheaper walls like guess but who needs a castle as mine's I hear they don't really have great units to make from the castle Viper's building a monastery here so his monk might end up spotting the walls how aggressive he's going full fat slob 5/6 villagers forward stone walls do mines get fortified won't warlord they do it right yes get fortified wall now what that would be interesting oh man there's a university so he'll get fortified wall yeah and I mean I guess Viper can make the three pit hearts and just punch through it yeah well Vipers on the way to empty but he doesn't even he's just now completing his castle right so he actually can't stop the walls except with a single conversion what do these walls achieve in the short to medium run for MDL because I'm time time to get the relics time to hold this map control time to castle elsewhere it gives him time because he's not up yet he I don't know if it is the best play but that's the logic okay oh if at first you don't succeed wall ball against SMB Elka's oh well he's known to play some bf games in his time so well I see lots and lots of walls behind lots and lots of walls here what more MBL what's funny is what viper sees oh no oh no if viper converts that eagle that could be really good for viper both players aren't paying attention to this and understandably so but but anyways viper only sees that one bit of wall there and now next to his monastery well gonna be going for that one relic so he might be able to grab that one at a minimum and will likely probably get a conversion onto a villager but still the wall is going to complete piper in the imperial aide she is gonna be going for the herbalist game plan and trebuchet gonna be queued up right away as well and viper he is well situated to punch right through more walls man more walls now now MBL should not allow this road to go away i know there's a lot to focus on but that should not happen he should stop that he has an eagle sitting right there fortified walls on the way he's on his way to imp there's a castle for MBL and I don't love the position of it but that means potentially plumes for him it could be worse yeah I like it more than Herod's castle at the very least man we've we've brought up hair his failures rebelled ah he won the series we haven't talked about Velez at all sorry Hera yeah love you man but uh Mangan ELLs also could be knocking down this monastery for Viper you know at least in dying that like we're gonna be building another castle forward there is only one layer of walls here right at the front of hyperspace and he's certainly going to take advantage of that and just try and do some damage to NBL from there although that might be a little trickier than BLS bring down another castle here forward which is pretty risky I think this whole game has been all about diapers momentum with the Builder he went for his eco would always be stronger when he when he got to imp you would always have a strong push and MBL's walls we're looking to stop that but but now MBL will reach the imperial age he's building castles forward and he he'll be up against are blessed with chemistry and bracer and multiple trebuchet so FBL I like the idea this is an interesting gate around the gold I like the idea but I don't love the castle position further back would probably be the play I think it depends on what MBL is going for he's getting ballistics which indicates he wants to go for some kind of archery yeah but he doesn't have the plume dart reproduction beaneasy use these castles to produce trebuchet is and not plumed archers or research conscription elite bloom garter anything like that yeah so anything that MBL tries to do right now is just maybe so much slower than what Viper here is doing well well MBL will get the fourth relic in the south he has gone immediately for TREB defense which quite honestly is the play because with TREB defense well he doesn't need an answer to the are blessed right now as my point right the castles were there the arms can't push any further so with two trebuchet days some repairs on the castles this could be tough for it therefore Viper but we all know that Millay they get a certain unit out of the siege workshop which can be quite good in this situation or low that would of course be the bombard cannon dev and well Mayans not really going to have the best answers in the world to that don't have Redemption so that is not an option for monk conversions Viper now going for Squires it could be Karambit time and yeah I still think Viper totally in the driver's seat this game the one thing I would say that I'm a little surprised for Viper is that this delivery count isn't higher MBL has completely caught up as far as that's concerned yeah it's interesting obviously a big focus on the push out for Viper but notice how he MB almost wants him to overextend and lose those trips that's what he was hoping to do with the defensive trebuchet goodnight butch is pulled back he'll kill the monastery he'll kill the houses he needs something to run in there so he's now getting his infantry I've heard Zen the bomb work ins this is great play great patient play from Viper the clock is kind of ticking I'd say around the 50th minute is when those relics start to really matter yeah that sounds about right coming auditor that's kind of surprising I mean I guess some big honor hits could be the very thing to turn a game around um and yeah I'm collecting that fourth relic so that's gonna be quite nice for him I still haven't seen a single Karambit warrior produced yet despite a ton of upgrades coming in yeah I think it's probably not worth to push out with them until you have like o to eat I do like how MBL is hiding the auditors behind and you see these trips to fire on Vipers ARBs well yeah I mean there's no R oh okay what did MBO just delete his auditor I don't think so I think the ARB was killed it I'm not sure to be honest but that these these units are playing and they're being controlled and no lag and it wouldn't surprise me to see Viper just micro this yeah look look it's so easy for players in no lag and it's Viper don't make me look bad Viper yeah just annoying right and annoyance before the Karambit scum a leak tran but where your plate barding armor this is not looking great for MDL yeah there are very very few plume directors out just now they are missing several upgrades elite chemistry leather Archer armor coming in so he's doing the right things but it's just gonna be a matter of timing I mean fluid archers they they need to be masked up at this point to be especially effective and the cravat warriors they just train almost instantly looks like Vipers are blessed it's worth cleaned up but now MDL script pays our cannons oh all the trips will die Pfeifer can so easily micro them MBL's castle will then die and this is all before the kramitz ban begins and they all tried to delay Viper's push but the lay push is too strong and he has nothing he has nothing except a few auditors in a trip that's it yeah and cranberries they are gonna be almost fully operated just a second just going to eat that blast furnace tech and they should just be able to run over everything shouldn't they I mean flume directors aren't gonna be bad they could go in now the only risk if they go in now is MBL could use attack ground but VIPRE doesn't he's not overextending he doesn't want to lose his military he knows that it's MBL who needs to respond yeah this is he said that VIPRE carelessly lost a bumper cannon yeah of course naturally but importantly more importantly rather the castle of MBL is gonna go down and UD those Casas to produce balloon doctors as much as you need them to defend yourself Oh Piper perhaps wanted to see where the auditors were ran in and then how he commits to a fight and he'll clean up the auditors and shrubs at this rate it's it's looking so easy for Piper with this unit composition oh that was a nice honor to hit but you need a lot more honor hits where that came from if you are MBL he is so far behind in military now is only able to keep a couple of auditors alive still several bombard cannons and a trebuchet or the viper i was able to put on plenty pressure there are still three castles though for MDL so he can if he can buy just a little bit more time you can possibly get the plumed Archer numbers he needs maybe yes it's a big maybe right would need a few more big shots would need some more time possibly it's the military number that's the issue it's 46 military verse 22 it's not necessarily the long-term plan for NBL and like plumes auditor can be decent but he needs time he does need time clean burgers may do what they can to whittle away at these bombard can numbers again any sort of time that MDL can align himself is going to be andris in the back nice a little bit of micro there from MBL getting some nice kills and this should be a pretty cost-efficient trader now core MBO very goodies is used the plumes to push the ball or cannons away and viper seems very hesitant to run in against these on udders now he finally runs in right and he loses bunch of them but all he needs is two auditors kill the auditors and use the bomber kids from behind yeah if I just have to send in wave after wave of these Karambit warriors and even if they all die is one cycle the auditors that's fine but well addition there was that some lungs that killed all the auditors I didn't do that yet to be honest the bomber cannon micro has failed Viper over the last couple minutes he is sending in kramitz but there one by one and MVL takes the population lead he has the relics it seemed like Vipers plan was flawless but now it's falling apart yeah and I think it just comes out of a bomber cam I could you throw away so many hammer canons at various point in this game was able to snipe one on injure but if NVL can produce some trebuchet perhaps he can to start to take the fight back to Viper who is just as reliant on castles to produce his army as MBL is for his own and flavor you know what it was texts twitching there he was text witching into elite skirm and during the text which he lost his advantage now he has elite scrums which was still good but they're not so good against donnager so a viper doesn't have the long-term gold he still walled in on this side this gold was slightly lames but hope yet to it the longer the game goes the more I like Mayans well that's not necessarily true but at least with the relics my gold control yeah at least with the gold control that is gonna be something we do have to remember that forced levy is an upgrade in this game yeah it provides a degree of inevitability against a sieve that doesn't even have a light camera or anything like that so that could be a problem and BL getting his Imperial aged eco upgrades so let's think it's gonna perhaps calm down just a little bit even some monks interestingly coming in for M Bo he really wants to be cost efficient yeah so there's a couple of interesting stats I'm gonna show the viewers here first at the bottom left you'll see the castles in the KD Achates not looking too good provide for now though it might get better if he gets in on the right-hand side of MBL's base and then the other thing here is the wood per minute food per minute goal from in stone per minute the Viper has a lot of food income for those skirmishers and Karambit warriors and then of course it is for relics for MDL indeed it is but Malay never the civet really needs the most gold in the world to be effective sure it just takes a little bit of gold to produce a ton of quran bits and so long as you have at least that you're gonna be just fine not quite able to take down the honours that is the Viper and it looks like this army will be cleaned up at the right hand side although Viper getting at least a little bit of eco damage done at this point they're just trading blows against each other so it's kind of tough for Mayans here because if I forego Zhou Lalit skirm the normal response would be Eagle but if you go Eagle Viper already has the cran bits so Malay do counter mines in a lot of different ways however if oh boy yeah okay I'll kill the bummer kin and that's worth it yeah that's totally worth Viper interestingly getting guilds already viper he is preparing for a super long game yep PL he is not one two three away from the free our games himself oh my god yeah well Viper will sell that would sell that gold and just just winning it guilds is huge if he sells all that before MBL sells his resources he'll think I'm so much more gold than MBO will I'll have to see Audigier hits could be huge or they could not be huge oh that was actually a decent bumper can hit but all of them are gonna die and that's not what you want if you're the Viper yeah plums are still fairly decent and skirmishers and oh viper skirmishers are cheap funny enough no one has sold at the market they're all busy Mike cooing right now so I'm I'm looking at those resources oh man but castle for Viper it goes down and that's just one less castle with which to produce potential Karambit Warriors wow those are all gonna die MDL has a massive military lead over double Ken Viper reproduce and Kenny even make the right units the skirmishers are dying that bombard cannons are dying the Karambit warriors well he won't have the castles to create them and BL did not have the last armor upgrade for spooned archers that's a little bit of a bummer it's alright he just needs to snipe two bomber kids every time he's sacrificing plumes because plumes are cheap snipe the bomber canons use the auditors behind and take position with the traps this is good yeah he's really good for MBL terms are terror against amateurs it's just you don't have anywhere near enough damage or fire rate to get through that and Viper switching into a scale burning but em you leavin prepping the pikemen and these auditors but you just can't prevent those on aggregate ton of damage vipers lost one castle already you soon lose a second and access to that gold and possibly is third and then possibly the game now these stables sure they're going to raid but that's only if MBL makes a massive error and lets the light calves in not to mention that malay have horrible like cap so ratings not the way to bring yourself back vigor you need some form of defense and i don't think you can find it right now yeah I mean arena is not a game of rating your opponent dead it's a game of slow pushes you know pressed forward to apply directly to the forehead and also that's MBL's games gameplay on anyway most of the time in he's gonna grab another castle of the viper really really preventing an a cramp at switch from being effective yeah so he kills that needs to keep auditors in the mix though right right now played from micros away and Piper still has scrum so this is not so good for MBL pack up the treads and regroup and he lost two trebuchet x' that is definitely not ideal that that bug where bomb where cannons only do damage 93% of the time just hurt Viper because the one hit didn't do any damage yeah that that one is hopefully de will fix that but another castle going forward here from M Gilliam surprise he found the stone for that but I guess mines do have more stone overall but Piper he has a lot of curvatures he has fifty statures so now MBL's going for east thinking eagles it's it's an interesting time to do it right because the there's only one castle for viper so now you can justify going equals a bit more I think you can just play you guys going Oh a lot more I mean they kill everything that Vipers doing they'll do well versus the terrible Millay light CAV yeah and I think and BL yeah Emile has the resources for El Dorado even you know look at these plumes man just when you think n BL has no military remaining he arrives with fifty plumed archers but his traps trebuchet and low not so good that's definitely not ideal and y'all gonna try running for the bumper cannon sniper yeah we'll get them oh my goodness so trade two treads for two ball mark in it that's worth it yeah I mean is in fact fifty wooden gold we're worth it but I'm not a big fan of staying around here at the finger because nobody's gonna retreat just a little bit castle should go up for MBL that shouldn't be an issue and more and more Eagle Warrior upgrades are coming in for mr. MDL I know it seems costly but every time he's killed bombard cannons he's had a huge push back now if Viper is able to get a seat workshop on what she just tried did you see that the bills got sniped if he gets to seach workshop up and gets into MBL's base maybe the rates will work MBL needs to prevent that while also put also pushing the center with eagles and he really needs more trips and he needs to apply the finishing blow yeah so actually it hasn't gotten the castle up yet I mean it's not quite a doubt castle but you know it's something he needs to commit a few more villagers to maybe even just one one brave villager trying to finish the castle and release the Eagle warriors says MDL no Eldorado just yet or either Imperial eights blacksmith upgrade but that doesn't matter when it's Kiba Warriors vs. tournament and Viper totally forced to retreat right now do you think FEI should go Rams instead of trebs house I think rams is the way to go if you make Rams they can't be sniped by bomber kids I think it's safer yeah and I think that in the MBL wins this game if he is able to maintain momentum with this evil warrior a twitch and seed ramp are so much better just tearing through infrastructure so yeah I totally agree with that decision now he's gonna be able to make the gold villagers here viper gonna be very low on gold very soon now I could sell that wood he tends to Bank of resources in case things get rough funny that Vipers was actually making Rams maybe he wasn't expecting Eagles because that's been a great choice for him more of a move for MBL yeah wow he's getting pushed back more and more and more now look look at the top left with caps rage at how many units Viper has queued up that is that is multi cue in action for you he has his 40 units queued up at all times so he might lose five but he might make ten more and with the publish they're all screaming in one at a time and they never have the most population efficient army regardless viper getting the men-at-arms upgrade he is going to prepare for the super long term switch of two-handed swordsmen with forced levy that don't cost any gold but he doesn't even have that upgrade in that castle if it goes down before force levy that's just a total waste where where are the trips for NB a-- where's the siege why is he not pushing there they're rolling they're rolling forward okay there we go not here just yet force levy on the way so most likely will complete for those at home who don't know force levy Malay infantry are sorry specifically Malay two-handed swords that do not cost gold it could also mean their house don't cost coldest way yeah that's true but they caused woods oh yeah that is true more and more elite Eagle warriors coming in again no Eldorado just yet the songs they have that Plus poor defense they're going to be keeping cilenti tanky s and that castle is looking mighty exposed and the way to look at it Shore the two hands swordsman don't puss gold but you had circular still horrible vers plumes and they're they're all right for seagulls only if you can make a lot of them so sure that's a fancy tech but two-handed swordsmen are not going to change by first situation they won't unless he gets an answer to the clues and his answer to the plumes or skirmishers which are currently dying indeed they are viper try to make a big counterattack happen at the base of MP oh yeah I mean this is arenas not the map where this sort of thing is usually your best way to win a game I mean Viper might smash through these fortified walls and starts busting you mean he has the production to do a ton with yeah but as populations is already falling rapid oh but can he kill the trebs can he keep his castle up with the Rams are you kidding me no way Oh that is so painful for MBL that is Wow the wind out of his sails but on the other hand I don't really see vipers counter-attack on the other side doing a ton more damage and MBL just has a massive military lead all the viper even sniping in on turkish but but viper right now he's doing such a good job to stay alive and the longer he stays alive the more effective the two-handed swordsman and the skirmisher combination is every poem every eagle that MBL loses is including Auditors trebs any form of siege it's expensive and he doesn't have a lot of gold right now so if viper can hold on and it would be a heck of a long game he could still do this the populations back up to 190 for him and MBL my goodness yep income beat two-handed swordsmen more and more archery ranges nothing in trampy all he needs this transition into his own skirmishers yeah because you need something that doesn't cost gold and now we're gonna be seeing the situation where MPL he has a tiny bit of gold income from one of vipers gold but other than that it's just gonna be full-on what's better Malay trash or for relics yeah well I'm liking the relics right now I think maybe MBL we should consider making you some of his own trash that would be a huge help well he has these pikemen that he's been making in debt all members and I commanded and possibly skirm in some situations yeah I mean scrims are just gonna be like a worst version of gloom burgers at this point but some ring can I be coming in that's gonna be a nice upgrade to have for sure and still in the straight-up fight you hit really have to favor MDL in these engagements well what Vipers doing is controlling the fights and where they happen so this this sneak on the right has been perfect because as MBL addresses this fight fur pushes back forward so so now Viper he goes in here and be a response and then Viper pushes and it the other way around this well if MBL pushes back in the center that that Viper pushes into his eco and BL needs to be two places at once and that's not an easy thing to do it is not an easy thing to do for sure but Viper needs at a minimum to kill this passage because these units are not being remotely cost-efficient top right hand side for Viper so he needs to have some sort of tangible for sure benefit from this play mdl not getting easier and capped ram oh man but the bombard canon plus trebuchet duo is to be taken out and pretty soon and bill trying to buy stone I think that might be a lost cause oh okay nevermind the trebuchet tricked me it was it was way off it looked like it would hit oh no no I just keep doing that to us it must be the angle that perceptions hard man oh wait the two-handed swordsman keep away there's a trip behind so that's so unfortunate or MBL it keeps miss cooking militia this is weird for players who are playing multi cue it seems like MBL's almost toggling through his buildings like single cue he's misclicked quite a few militia yeah that's kind of awkward militia really want to go for in this situation see fight for Zico has to be on point because his KD is awful he's losing so many units but he needs to have the eco to produce more than MDL and he's doing it it's he's kind of doing it right but if MBL deals with the right-hand side then all he focuses on in the center and then viper struggle becomes worse yeah trebuchet is sniped by now yo beautiful paths can be quite nice still needs a scrounge up some sort answer to all these elite skirmishers but on the right side not able to afford see trim but still cap trim there's gonna get a trick they're gonna be able to tear through all of these forward buildings from the Viper yeah it is to take some time but this is good MBL needs to hold the center clean up the right-hand side these plumes if they go to the middle flight of MBL wins that fight so that is most likely if he has a bit of a meat shield it's a great move from him but now what a game this has been what a series I know that MBO might be down to games but game 1 was still pretty competitive though it was short game 2 was amazing very entertaining and then game 3 or past an hour now or Lu this is this is fantastic yeah this has just been a fantastic series so far and now MDL even coming it was these Eagle warriors they're gonna have really helped in the destruction of the buildings well probably wandering around yeah skirmishers though that's probably a better use of them there you go and BL yeah and he's gonna do that and he should win this fight very convincingly with gold versus trash unit-step MBL just needs to kill the two-handed swords this won't even be closed this won't even be closed you will destroy this army indeed he will most of to hint at swordsman are now dead like calves are gonna be able to clean up most of these if not actually all of these Rams though so viper that still finds a way to squeeze out at least something from that engagement these boys share cracking me up man look at that the assists the meat shield at least upgrade them just man an arms upgrade a seed Ram okay they use your food that way yeah that might be a little bit of a better investment look at this red wave coming from Vipers base instant production again and he's coming back with a trip to bomber cannons skirmishers like calves two-handed swordsman he's he's doing everything Malay can do except for the elephants well open pretty terrible dance to it situation so I do not blame him but these castles they are pretty vulnerable at this point and they are really critical obviously to for the production of the plumed Archer and and about a position right now Viper with just a larger army larger economy he is really trying to push home right it's almost like Viper sent those other units to the right to keep MBL occupied as he masked the siege and came forward to kill potentially both castles NBL doesn't have stone to repair yeah Viper also grabbed a seat on intercept our siege engineers rather at some point so that's not really helping destroy these castles just that much more quickly but Pfeifer needs to kill that castle why did he not finish off that castle he had to bring the bombard canons back yeah that's just the one trebuchet whacking away at the cat oh my god Viper his armies gonna get but just as I say that look at the reinforcements oh the reinforcements are real it's 21 hit hit two-handed person intends curvatures peaking up and the trebuchet stays alive right now it was one villager repairing that is not remotely enough and we all really really needed to snap that trebuchet because he can't deal with the bomb bear can see cannot deal with the trebuchet yeah the trap kills the castle leaves NBL with two castles but that is only if this one stays up the other ones are right behind it as are the relics man I want to turn like you're two games down you played really good and come close to beating Viper do players think isn't even worth it look if I win this game I just have to deal with this all over again or wait PG stream' we can't submit hahaha oh no but Castle goes down that is not what you were looking for if your NBA is down a good 20 population right now he has the four relics but the thing is Malay they don't even care about gol that much I mean all Viper needs gold core is the strayed seed unit that is literally the only thing he needs gold for and he has guild so he can at least sell you know just to get something yeah and he still has that a bit of gold here as well so it's 500 gold he's mining hasn't been it has not been the trades the KD hasn't been good but efficiency wise cost wise significantly better and I think MBL he's being raided by some two handed swordsmen there's there's more two-handed swords and running in the right he's lost some villagers he had to leave his wood earlier to go to the left hand side where the two-handed swords would are as well Viper is insane man it it looks like Piper's doing this somehow yeah you can just tell that MBL ran out of steam and you can see when you ran out of gold yes for relics is nice but mayans they need a little bit more gold than that especially since the army you need is plumed Archer Eagle warrior which is pretty gold intensive food yep you know how many stats the units give you Vipers production is off the charts 30 units queued up at all times has the Eco for it he's hitting three different spots he's hitting the wood line which MBL might not recognize he's hitting the right with two handed swordsmen and he's pushing in the center so the question is now is what does MPL do everywhere he looks he's being rated by the Viper he can't switch his unit count back to close really can make a few and here's the huge vault for mplm and he just doesn't have Scouts and Wow G chalice well played that was sick just beautiful game from both players MBL with the headshake right there feels ah man I could have had it but both players just played off the charts well and that was just such a back and forth excellent game do you know hey man I mean sorry just trying to think about how we sum this one up obviously we stressed it in feudal agent Castle age Malay have a huge lead economically a huge huge lead play / he tried to push out MBL went for the stone walls which I think bought him enough time by the way I think there was a good play but it ended up being this this based on the right that if he didn't get outside the walls MBL would have focused in one spot and going off the KD he probably would have pushed in one but VIPRE kept MBL on his toes that was that was beautiful man a less relics less relics a less gold banked up less military sometimes and he ended up winning it was fantastic it's about the production more than anything else yeah and Viper just able to throw in wave after wave of his soldiers yeah they're completely you know worthless on a per unit level but if you just send so many of them that your opponent can't do anything I mean eventually and be all ran out of gas with near a no golden that was yeah well as we said 962 kills for MBL really think the lack of production hurt him like possibly adding his own skirm surely er would have been helpful so he wasn't only producing out of castles 27,000 gold for MBL and just 17,000 for Viper and look at the food different 62,000 food for Viper 68,000 wood beautiful beautiful stuff obviously the relics paid off a bid for MBL with the gold count but the gold didn't matter in this game or Lu Viper he wins 3-0 and and Bo played well but we kind of expected Viper to do well yeah I mean it is a risky thing that bet against Viper at any time and well he takes the 300 win right there that will mean that secret went undefeated today as tattoo won the 1v1 earlier but to be teams are coming up next and that is a completely different animal yep so there is a an interview with the Viper which I'm sure you guys are all curious to hear this was recorded right before the games it's exciting stuff we're gonna go right there we'll be right back to the next series starting with 2v2 next when I first picked up Prez Mata I was playing a lot $25 yeah and this was important five days pretty much everyone I know for my competitive gaming background immediately fell off game you're gonna love it [Music] [Music] hello again we are joined on the sofa by none other than the Viper thank you for sitting down taking some time to chat with us oh good really really excited to have you team secret here have you been preparing are you ready for the defend I would say we're not as well prepared as I would wish but we are we are in some works so I think all in all we should be prepared enough that we should be able to compete as at the desired level that we want to so Orion you have been the king cobra now for many years and it seems like when you are at your best no one can really touch you what is it that actually sets you apart from the other players out there I would say one of my strengths strengths as a player is probably versatility in general I can perform really well on most maps pretty much every map out there so there's usually in a tournament with mixed maps for example L they will rarely be a map where it would be like okay I'm gonna be bad at that map so that's one of my strengths so say other than that I think my skill set as well is very versatile macro micro speed all that stuff is at a good level I would say so it's a little hard to tell maybe it's the whole package kind of I don't know it's hard to say you just got the whole pattern alright that sounds weird as well I would say also I managed during tournaments I feel like I'm able to put in that extra type of like if there's a tournament where I feel like I really needed to step up my game after a tournament I'll be I'll be exhausted so I feel like oh maybe I'll I'm able to put in that extra focus to just like make sure I'm doing everything right not taking huge risks and do you think that is helped by the fact that you know you pretty much do a vampire's full-time you know your stream is also your your job your career so if you need to put that on hold is that you know just tournaments always take priority for you yeah of course tournaments take priority and I would honestly say that maybe if I could to agent was full-time I wouldn't stream as much as I wanted like if I wanted to like get a higher level because streaming is more goofing around for me I'll do my masterpieces and things like that but then again those types of plays give me a lot of knowledge about the game because I'll do a completely unorthodox thing and I'll figure out maybe this is actually quite strong so she's like the or organ gun I think after I started playing with us and using them in every situation suddenly another available unit in a lot of situations so like I could argue that maybe it helps my knowledge and versatility but I feel like at the same time from pure skill set point of view streaming so much and having it as my job it's kind I think it hurts my mechanics to a certain extent at some times but I always feel like when a tournament comes I'm able to get back to the level where I want to be at so am of course having the option to choose okay today I'm just not gonna work because I want to focus on a tournament that's obviously very helpful in terms of a to members we don't call them all young guns for nothing team secret are obviously very well known for coming to events very well prepared what does the preparation for the team look like and the main part of our preparation is spending time to make doubt show up besides that you stood right over there you know I know but I would say most of time is like we agreed to meet up all of us who is participating in the tournament it can be a little bit difficult with slam sometimes because of timezone but and also doubt because doubt but I also mean tattoo mostly we will get on talked a little bit doubt Jordan if they can they come as well and we just go through maps we go through the settings figure out which teams are good on what maps and such and we'll think about strategies and if we can we also like to take that to practice so we'll practice with each other or find other teams to play with and pretty much just try to figure out okay what's gonna be best for each map for each situation and which saves should be utilized especially now with this day and age there's a lot of different settings with rule limitations out regarding civil especially especially the ECL as well where we have nearly every map from the whole year like the best ones have been picked out there's a lot to prepare for that not only maps also the Civic pools it adds so much you need to make so much more preparation in terms of picking where you use which sieve because and also sometimes the other team has that sieve which you cannot have so there's just so many so many times we have to adapt on the spot but also the preparation that comes into especially an event like ECI it's just we probably have spent the most time ever on preparation for tournaments for again event like UCL you and the rest of the team joined up with team secret last year and I'm really curious to know how it is like working with them and if anything's really changed for you since you joined up with a serious esports team team secret obvious is a big name in eSports especially Dora and the age of empires is not the biggest esports at comparable to that so getting that in general I would say not much has changed for us we're still the same team the same players and we didn't have to change our ways in terms of how we stream how we prepare for tournaments or anything obviously not wearing the secret jerseys we're using the secret gear so those things have changed besides that not too much have changed obviously there's a little bit more attention because of team secret being who they are so social media wise and search there's more attention but in general they're they're awesome guys they're they treat us really nice we feel like we're a part of the team even though we're in theory a small very small part of the team yeah it's been awesome nice that's really good earlier on this year you actually moved your stream from twitch over to mixer I'm really curious to know how that's actually gone for you so far for me being on twitch got a little bit stale after a while I felt like I needed a change as well need a little bit of a motivation spark and with a champers to the ambitions they have reg Empires in general now it seems like it's massive so with Microsoft being mixer makes it be Microsoft rather I felt like after I talked to them that it would be a project that would want to be a part of with all the investments are doing in Age of Empires Age members to definitive edition age of empires 4 is coming which is what sounded like a really exciting project and you can see you know mixed as well they got people at ninja coming over and that's definitely putting a big spotlight on that and competition is always healthy for twitch mixer I think both platforms are going to excel and improve and I just felt like for my I've been on twitch for seven eight years already I just felt like for me it was a good thing to get some change in my in my life and the mixer seemed like a natural project for me get back to your roots and remember why you started streaming that sounds familiar I wouldn't say exactly that but ya know it's just like it was a channel and a good challenge to sort of start over again and like build a new audience and yeah hopefully hmm Paris and Microsoft will give more options and features to the game that was also been I can benefit from being at mixer you mentioned about sort of you know maybe a new audience obviously a lot of your existing audience will have come over do you think there's a lot of audience building potential through mixer especially now that it seems as though they're interested in getting other big streamers on board yeah for sure you can ask a lot of people as well like if you ask people on Twitch a lot of people wouldn't even know about mixer before Ninja made a move for example so and then again there are so many people watching on mixer already that don't watch on twitch so there's two different audiences there as well and then you have everyone who's playing on xbox for example they also can watch mixer from the console etcetera so there's definitely a huge audience there and as Microsoft keeps pushing edge of Empires I assume they will keep pushing mixer as well on top of that and as far as I know it's already been confirmed that mixer will be have been integrated in hims to defend Edition so there's that as well and there's potential for a lot of audience coming through there too you also made another quite large move this year now that you're living in Germany sprechen sie Deutsch I'm basil lime basil how has it been actually sort of making that move you know changing everything to go over there it's been quite challenging in some ways I mean I pretty much changed my job if you call mixer and twitch moving there my job so I changed my job and my country at the same time pretty much it's been very hectic I really enjoyed so far like the city I live in as well as quite a green city for for a big big city and in general I would say Norway in Germany isn't that different but German is very complicated when comes to tech stuff obviously getting the apartment together getting all that stuff just recently this week we got our bed and our bedroom sorted so we've been it hasn't really felt like a home yet until now so yeah but obviously being away from family and friends that are that obviously I miss has been a little bit tough sometimes but at the same time this child like I needed this for my life getting away from my small island where I lived getting to I feel like is a huge step for me in my life but it's also a step I'm I needed as well so it's been it's been awesome and I really enjoyed so far and I think it's gonna get even better are you hoping to settle down there permanently or do you have ideas to maybe move somewhere else in the future I don't I can't really think that's far as well because my job is fragile as well in terms of streaming we don't know where streaming is going to be in five to ten years it's such a new business still and as that being my job I can't really long-term think okay it makes sense for me to move there in ten years something but for now permanently permanently definitely in Germany for a while I don't know if that works permanently for a while but I'm going to stay in Germany for a while for now and I don't know what what the future brings no one knows right but obviously I think Norway's there was a great country I could see myself moving back there obviously hopefully with my girlfriend and tagging along because she really likes not as well but yeah Germany is great for now we also reached out on social media to ask for some community questions and one of the most common questions that was asked was well now that Viper's in germany will he play for Germany in the next Nations Cup this is actually the one I first of all I don't know if the rules would allow me to play for Germany that's I wouldn't know that obviously if we made the rules okay secondly I mean I don't know if nations cup is coming or not hopefully who knows but I would have to really think about it I think if I play for Germany my chances I said for my nation in that case would be better because I would have players like Jordan nearly and there's a couple other good Germans as well with Norway I guess chances would be slightly lower depending on the settings obviously we have MB elder there's a few other 1900 2k players that could contribute so I wouldn't say that it would be hopeless but obviously still it would feel weird not playing for Norway but I think if that day comes I would have to really think about it but yeah I have a hard time seeing myself not representing Norway but at the same time it will be really fun to be able to play a Nations Cup with Jordan who is one of my best friends for example and of course nearly as well but always even if we did well with Germany would always sting a little bit knowing that this is not Norway a poor MBL behind there's that as well right but yeah I don't know it's impossible to say right now finally the competition here over the weekend is obviously going to be very fierce if you could choose any two players from the other two teams that are here to join team secret and make your roster the best it could possibly be who would those two players be I would say first probably Leary I motivated Leary rather an active Leary just purely based on skill level he's macro and micro is amazing so he would definitely be if I took this little boy under my arms he would be a really good contribution to the team other than that probably I would say the max just his versatility is amazing as well incredible player there as well so I think those two would they're really and fill out the roster properly brilliant well thank you for sitting down really appreciate it good luck with the event and we'll see you on the main stage thank you
Channel: EscapeAoE
Views: 200,877
Rating: 4.902174 out of 5
Keywords: escapeaoe, escape gaming, age of empires 2, age of empires HD, aoehd, DE, definitive edition, ECL, ZeroEmpires, Best of ECL, competitive, multiplayer, age of empires multiplayer, 1v1 age of empires, twitch age of empires, ECL LAN, pro, expert, LAN, tournament, BBQTurkman, T90, nili, DemEyesRed
Id: gLrkqgLSvZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 15sec (7455 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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