Lords of the Arena Grand Final | TheViper POV

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be we're already ready to draft so we should just go ahead this is the final against doubt piper's into indeed uh matt 5821 things for four months hamburg hair things for six months i knew you about youtube videos now i'm here with six months prime thank you for great content cheers dude oh tofu thanks so much for four months ban a civilization what do we ban what do we ban against the lord lord almighty he's been incas so dark yeah i don't have the light on i don't want the light in my face [Music] gingham gifting us up to verda thank you gingan is this a person you know where is it random he's been in vietnamese spanish man mr wilder thank you for the seven months you feel nervous challenging lord always you're banging britain's as well who's the fun in this uh what else do we want to ban here expand koreans what do we pick okay first pick we have first pick [Music] hmm a lot of good sips here [Music] lithuanians let's go nice hair thank you i have fixed my hair and showered for the stream today whoa instincts dudes [Music] aztec spanx [Music] instincts slapping down 25 gift subs to the channel dude what a beast instinct is thank you so much for that thank you so so much instincts very very kind yes sir okay i mean i don't really i don't really know what to pick in this draft it's kind of like we will both get good sieves either way i don't really like i already know what to prioritize i'm gonna have to pick the opens now probably i think italians is also a good option it opens spanish let's do that a challenge match against the world champion one match oh boy a challenge against the world champion one match yes indeed humans nah mongols aren't great in arena i'm thinking about sicilians i like them byzantine so no good looking is lord you will need it thank you i'm i'm crazy appreciate that james thanks for the gift self dude you guys stole a point from us today i i think the goal for west brom should was a free kick though uh this artix i can highly recommend the yeah i have the logitech version and i can highly recommend it i really like it portuguese are free [Music] uh why why why should maggots not be a decent savior i wonder bulgarian's a free italian supreme let's go italians oh burmese he has burmese need some more light i don't want the light in my face like i can do like this it's like not as pleasant to play with i'd rather just go dark dark mode today [Music] mahayans arrow 266 thank you for the three months good versus doubt thank you rohan k thanks for 14 months kelp deathball oh i took portuguese the bastard um i mean there will be one sieve i won't use no matter what making maggars bulgarians could be good as well [Music] i'm sniping tootins i think he will steal maybe lithuanians or malay yeah lithuanians all right we bullied out to see about that easier said than done four months hey man can you please tell me what the hell are those yellow images on the sieves i can sir yes i can so quickly the yellow surrounding of this is the civilization i sniped and he sniped these yellow signs are the sieve so he sniped this sieve and i sniped that sieve this is pretty much the sieve you steal from your opponent and have in your own draft that's pretty much it you should play in chess park champ okay i'll go tell them that i'm gonna play there i'll just go tell them now and then i'll start playing turks you know what genoese might be sick here this is possibly the best matchstick italians could have if you want to try to play genres but uh i'm not sure how good they are you will have a light cap for free will you cast the games you aren't playing for friday's show match yes i have to double check the time on that but i will obviously stream the whole event question is does doubt want to play macro does he want to go yolo i think he will play macro he will go light cab fight for relics and then take it from there not the greatest map all resource is quite exposed but yeah we'll see [Music] there's a there's a show match on friday between uh game legion and aftermath that's the friday show match okay let's go lure some deer shall we from there uh servitos thank you for the primes up there sky death thanks again for 34. tempo you mean no am oh t am po tempo i get i gotcha i see what you mean tempo good work play there get him snick i'll try uh why does this not sometimes not work to hit uh with one hit the boar you tell me i would love to know today will be the lord of the lords i think i will sneak in a clown's trailer too as well throughout the set we'll see [Music] iron chancellor thanks for the primes up there you have too much food on my tin center that's a tasty spot uh what's up with the deers they don't go back to original position they do if you don't if you stop uh or lowering them i guess [Music] doesn't matter they're not finished it seems like playing against the world champions made you nervous i'm shaking i just like wheels one by one one two three one by one one two three four five if you hold ctrl or shift that also does it for you [Music] so we will be at a slight disadvantage in terms of that he will have a he will have light cap for free but at the same time we do have economy bonus we might even go crossbow opening could be an option here why bad hair day every day is bad hair day but yeah i don't want the light in my face today that's why i don't have a light on [Music] happy pablo moving on that looked like it was like i had to do the benchmark text test for my graphics to be able to play ranked either way was odd say the least come on oh yeah true i get cheaper uh upgrades in the blacksmith interesting [Music] okay you have to win today imagine that try that trash talk not only every gym yeah if there's any motivation i don't care about the title i don't care about the prize money but shutting down up oh that that's that's a real price right there that's the price ultimate price [Music] i really hope you win even if you don't you still gonna be the best for me heart thank you what how did he survive and he has one plus one pierce armor what a cheater all right it's gonna light come in a second i got open with light color upgrade [Music] there's one weak one there of the light care that i could try to hit this knife [Music] i realize i don't actually know the location of all the relics which can potentially be a little bit awkward see four don't know about the fifth one see if he wants to use the monks in the army or if he tries to pick up relics [Music] i have numbers here oh he has a knight then okay because i want to use because i could also mix in a knife that's fine let's try to make sure we get to use that for something advantageous why is there a monk out there that was pretty good trade not sure if he's expecting to get conversions there he is odd that he thought thinks he could get a conversion there but i see a monk okay there's one issue of me here i think i lost all my monks and i haven't been producing oh that's bad i'm throwing big time here [Music] throwing my advantage big time so to say yeah i don't have arm anymore i threw all that army away yeah i think that 30's of him is just recently added okay i should still have two lights here i think i should still get three relics especially a relic advantage but it should have been a better situation than we end up having is what [Music] that was a weird play he actually went for that relic can you believe it what a madman he went for the relic my relic that is correct should be a good situation for us but i can still feel that certain parts definitely scream first game of the day here [Music] actually there should probably have thought even it would not hurt me take the camel ah didn't get the kill hey maybe actually getting that relic i stopped investing yeah he's gonna get it what am i even hitting here nothing is dying oh there was a pikeman between the cavalry all right he didn't get the relic advantage and there's only one though so not the end of the world i think i will try to go generous here i'm not sure if i don't really think it is necessarily the best choice but the only thing he has to count is that his bomber cannon and [Music] seed ram he doesn't have other units that actually counters it so we'll be interested to see how that unit plays out fast input uh condos now he's gonna go cabbage star right cowboy hustler is definitely his composition here so i don't think look at that cheap oh the 200 wood for ballistics damn denise counters that right the only weakness i would have would be um rams bomber cannons but i'm gonna make a star myself for that so i'm interested to see how this compensation plays out this area in particular will be very important [Music] [Music] [Music] he's going janissaris and i'm gonna have to go our blessed [Music] here i think he'll hit him slightly before us maybe not i guess we're up before him can i justify sticking with only this i think i need to prepare hustler at the same time because i need some meat shield i'm ignoring bomber cannons for now i'm going full trebuchet he looks to be he looks to be going for dinosaurs actually i guess he identifies what i do as well that uh [Music] the generous counters the hustler composition a sarcastic composition i don't have enough farmers though to the point where i think i can spam as many hustlers as i would like it's gonna bomb again very soon yeah that could be an issue actually i might lose the position here because i cannot compete with the bone cannons i should have maybe gone by mckenna first and then sir prioritization there might may have been off yeah this actually will get really ugly [Music] i don't like my prioritization there as long as i don't find on fight under his castles though i think our fights will still be okay just working on production railings for now i might have to add our arbless as well because there's a question mark here on the longevity of my army he's diving really deep though [Music] hey this should buy a decent amount of time or castle is something i don't really want to deal with here i might be forced to engage myself [Music] now he gives it up [Music] uh this is a good fight for me all things considered i think so i think it is very good fight he also doesn't have elites genosaurus [Music] i don't have the best genoese myself but yeah it did the trick for now i think it was actually right's decision on me to not enter bomber cannon fight in the end easy to say in hindsight but i have 12 genuine secure up holy [ __ ] first calm down a little bit [Music] there's the cowardly switch but i already have genuinely sir lord out foreign yeah watchers and hustler now never after the elite janitor right so probably had this whole plane in mind from the start but hard to imagine genoese not being an amazing unit here right i don't have uh upgrade [Music] summary upgrade also a great fight for me unlimited bank as well horses you're also in his base sort of so i'll try to push him on multiple fronts now so i'll try to like oh i open up here and put some pressure and then i'm going to prepare siege trap push on this castle as well at the same that's just a dream for me right fighting car watches and hustler with geneves oh what's the brave castle mr doubt brave cast indeed [Music] right after good start i think i i think i threw a little bit mid weight in castles there by going for like letting him have that relic that was here actually that should never happen i had such a good um advantage in early castleage i think considering his opening maybe condos would have been a better better player but still i think having the generous and hustler composition against against um turks should be very good uh the reason i didn't go condos is because if he go just goes hustler cavaliers then condos is a bad unit but early game obviously i didn't expect him to go janissaries so i already prepared for a generous play right i would have to switch my economy a little bit to go gen condos and add barracks let's go slam [Music] once i feel like he's going minds of burmese or aztecs or franks i have malay as well in my arsenal malay should be good against almost everything here let's keep malay a little bit let's go slabs present things you're a bad for me hmm not sure not sure if he will go like full clown mode here or if this is he's just gonna play macro i don't know [Music] we had an unpleasant meeting with byzantines yesterday in the semi-final uh rusty for dusty thanks for 25 always ask yourself how could looks disrupt your game it would be a good approach to games arena considered a big event ah no it was like a qualifier with some clowns and a few invited pros so to say so it's not like it's not considered a massive event that woodland for you yeah it's not the best i should have gone here in here i might do tc there not the best woodland here but uh we gotta work with what we got lasagna oh trash talk yeah i'm too tired to trash talk i had a really bad night of sleep the dog kept jumping up on the bed and coming to my face sniffing my face and probably woke me up four times tonight i probably slept a total of maybe five to four hours there's probably a few you'll be like well that's that's more than enough i need my eight hours of beauty sleep man yeah yeah yeah that's so annoying i have this blinking sign up here now okay no one's gone that's really loud or that looks really loud that sounded really loud uh the lord works in mysterious ways this time he sent the dog to like your face indeed thank you cool man luke yeah yeah they're loud i wonder why have they always been this loud they haven't right can't really explain it i will uh know what i'm going to mute alerts for now and then i will look into the sounds after this game that is too loud getting a heart attack every time i ever seen money dark edge farms are back they were never gone around there ah i should be yeah i'm first that should be good for me if he chooses to stick around like i'll win this fight i hit him before him right thought so not sure why he stuck around i think it was pretty clear that i hit him first foreign this is this is a good tc there i don't think so probably not i can farm their money camp there yeah that's better not to play oh no it's a map that can be fun now and then and it i mean it has some unique parts where there's a lot of decision making and tight builds so to say so there are certain interesting parts about it but that's not i can't consider it a favorite of mine we're winning so far it's looking pretty good in a close map like this still important i prefer this position tc perfect teaser position is never important but it's nice to have you know that it's probably not going to win or lose to the game ever but it's always better to oh i don't have the gold yeah so stable i think he's just playing meta again maybe he mixes in some camels this time what makes a teaser position perfect well it always depends on the layout of the land right in this case this is a pretty good thesis spot for wood because you can fit the tc in there you have wood on both sides and you can start farming on the bottom side as well so it's a pretty good tc for for that in mind this is the the perfect easy spot probably not i should get this guy into safety no point wasting the scouts yes oh let's see what he's up to we would be tempted to jump on this guy maybe not oh well relics are still there that's good news another pike oh hello there monk good start you also mixed in a camel [Music] here [Music] oh what was i fighting there fighting a uh oh that's a good catch [Music] that's a really good catch so you grab one relic already but all the others are up for grabs too that's fine i'll take you instead hello are you tootins or what a little late with my thesis here uh it could be worse i think we're off to a pretty good start again we're getting a lot of monks for three in quotes wait did it wait did he snag a relic there he look he's neither relic the bastard [Music] what yeah he actually managed to steal a relic you may say kill him so much i should make more units see if we can bring this actually let's bring it all the way here first [Music] see if we can block him [Music] all right okay so i'm gonna do something what i fear right now would be him getting map control forward on the map so what i will do is i'm gonna play a big bigger cast later i'll deal in my imp but i will add more units buildings and search in a lot of map to maintain map control it's the best of seven now so what i want to do is to move out [Music] what okay that light can convert fast foreign good thing is that's actually his i converted this one this one doesn't show my upgrades on my on my units so i can keep doing upgrades with a skeleton vision and he shouldn't be able to tell that i'm doing upgrades one on cast in his face because he's gonna be imprisoned before me but castle in his face in that case would be pretty much giving a castle away for free which i don't really see the point of doing oh he saw my uh [ __ ] okay abort he saw my stables with a scout good good move by him i regret not doing cast on his face my whole kind of plan is ruined now but it's okay this oh it's actually open oh doubt it out you may have [ __ ] your own leg just now there's a pike man oh not like this you shouldn't have blue meter right [Music] um i have a little bit of an issue in the fact that he's also doing ranges so it's going to be a pike armless man i'm going skirmishers to buy time pretty much a cheap unit that should be able to still buy me time and trade somewhere okay it's already traveling i'm not sure right now if i like my position or not [Music] overjoyed this is for siege maybe i'll go see dram actually try and cut break them open although amazing would be a more efficient way of cutting him open right off the bat let's go on here why do those walls keep getting invisible i've had this bug now since the new patch where things just go invisible i can't explain i can't explain it those are still good trades for me happy with those [Music] oh he sees this okay he definitely sees that [Music] foreign on catapults are not uh he's gonna finish the wall good for him okay let's wait until the next villager comes here and we can run i in has got a point there or not i thought he had a gutter point what is wrong with this dude's path thing ah so close with this villager walked in in the skirmishing i mean i'm already preparing upgrades for infantry as well in case i need to make a switch to that later i think for time being my current composition is doing the trick [Music] market price is also still pretty good see bomber cameron for him okay it's gonna force the issue a little bit more i go see generous i could potentially even justify going see john under here [Music] i don't have enough farmers i realize now it really is not only 50. his army is now he has a better composition right now but i am playing the long game here [Music] because i think i'm actually going to end up going see john under here it's not a unit i normally favor in wonderlands i'm open to the idea it's taking resources everywhere i don't like it where are these dudes going that's a poor target fire [Music] [Music] what oh that did coinage oh my god i did take that castle of his i actually have raiding opportunities there didn't realize that castle actually went down his arm is getting dangerously big [Music] i have those turns this is doing a good job still my main issue right now is the numbers yes but i think we've traded most habituals there i think this will be a good time to push on multiple fronts so you guys go there as well i still don't have that siege engineers definitely something i could use also think his crossbow numbers aren't that big you might be able to justify going champions now that should be a good sight for me now he doesn't have enough meat shields what i lost the castle that's bad his numbers are scary now they've noticed that as well not really sure what else to make here skirmishers are possibly not very effective at the moment looks like a bad situation for me here champions fighting under the range um our blessed is also not or even not even champion main issue i have right now is that he has his army he has a big army and it's all super efficient even losing my army there or my castle there like he has a super cheap late game composition here my arm is isolated let me have it here [Music] the worst part of me is that he's also trading efficiently right i'm going to lose it he's trading efficiently and he has gold even the lead catapults i think we're dead here i have three though it feels so wrong that i'm gonna resign with 3 000 almost 3 000 gold in the bank but i'm actually just not seeing what armor to make big cavalier switch doesn't make sense cav watches don't make sense i only have one cast now to go boyar maybe boyer wants to play but then again they trade really bad against super cheap albedieres champions he has our bliss that's the issue here scorpion he has bomber cannon just feeling a little lost in terms of what you need to make i just finished lead player i actually want to cancel it to try and go for dragina champions and make like a power play with that but now he has a little chiropractor it doesn't make sense i don't know what the army let's call it i don't know i don't think we have an army to make i thought you would be fine playing the [Music] food wood units banking of gold until he is out but he's also playing cheap units right monks it wouldn't be effective alps here's how our blessed he could easily mix in skirms yes hussar he has bomber cans if i go onager heavy um c challengers the issue with c jaunders is that he has bomber cannons and he has um monks that can convert me i don't really think c gender is a good play either i'm thinking maybe online like big c dram so i imagine i build maybe like 12 13 seadram five six onagers and then go full champion help that might be the the play here even then he has actually got more gold income than me in total and he always has such a big army right 84 military he doesn't need as many villas as i do so i i don't i never really fought efficiently as well you see a kd very well for good for him tough matchup maybe maybe i should have commit heavier on castle that could also be an option right let's go let's go spanish where's spanish there we go animal symbol is that you snipe you steal so you steal a sieve from your opponent so you have them in your own own draft denis thanks for three months and arnob with the three uh with the gift sub thank you very much for that aztecs this might get ugly okay we have one of those maps where woodlines are hard to come by yeah this matchup might be a little rough on the aztecs park on the spanish park let's see oh where are you going see i play like donks i can actually run down these eagles he plays eagles to compete for relics like the scout dunk play again i might try something like that although it's probably quite stupid i don't like my woodlands so far away perfect clown stretch yeah i might try missionaries see how they do cures on that what is wrong with you just go out map wise we have stone gold in the back so that pressure isn't really a big concern get the relics man okay yeah it's a two-player map always in 101 arena service now that skirmishers are really solid counter to conks i'm not so sure i this is also a game where i'm gonna probably struggle a lot deciding on my late game composition he has easy approach in terms of like he goes eagles pikes maybe monks c cdram trebuchet oblast skirm well for me it's going to be very much about adapting to what he has and hoping i hit the right composition so to say right now it's i'm in the thought process of hustar conch into something like um champion conch hopefully i can get relics and and then i can play the long game potentially but pikeman skirmisher of aztecs they're still super hard to deal with yeah they're all the deer isn't there one more see isn't it uh gunpowder isn't isn't gonna trade well they're too inconsistent and expensive and immobile once these eagles get on top of them they're toast archer siege tower archers let's go j cherrion 20 thanks for three months happy valentine's day indeed very efficient in spanish they only save it fully afraid trash units i don't think they're the only civ but they have full of great fashions which is not overly freaking frequent these days i think i go market market stable here [Music] blacksmith to make my transitions easier no one expected spanish elefantos oh boy that'll be something at lumber camp ocd is like yes absolutely [Music] looks like he has a quite an open base which is something we could potentially punish long term should we end up going down the conch path gotta be careful here i'm doing horse color but spanish villagers build faster okay we're safe don't want to finish the farms before you have that farm upgrade if like once you start researching it that is [Music] he had a second eagle so he would have been fine but still construed not castle as yet though so it's i see an eagle could jump from them for it oh i see i see two eagles now you shouldn't be cast leash yet so i might be able to get a kill here he wants to wait into the castle because that's when he gets his extra attack ah what's this path thing is he fighting though that's a good start oh i never did x ouch [Music] can't afford those let's go missionaries can't play i'm going about stupid [ __ ] again no monks yet out [Music] sir [Music] [Music] see what his eagles are faster the missionary is not faster than the eagles what kind of joke is that that's just sad well normally my strategy is terrible [Music] i wasted two units wow [Music] oh my god those trades early trades have been really bad for me really bad then this is looking really bad i actually thought uh a missionary outran the eagle i was wrong punch three our not so great trade who's also guarding that it's looking rough boys it's looking rough a [Music] that's bad yeah real bad might be able what is this path thing why do they keep going down there there is nothing there might get away with three relics here we're lucky now he doesn't spot this one and i'm able to snag that one i found that one as well i think he will have the relic advantage unfortunately for me it's gonna be a marker question is do i wanna i could keep investing there to try and get that relic but is it really worth it i find myself doubting that give me my knight back something here i might take a try and take a fight because he only has six eagles i will have three knights [Music] oh i got two conversions okay that that's very good i might be able to win this then or take the relic it should be ours now all right that's some good news amidst the mess so we have roughly the same roughly the same amount of gold really cold now [Music] i think he may have clicked up they lost a very important upgrade not too long ago which is uh block printing which gives them oh it's a redemption what way what did they lose they lost one of the important monk tags which suddenly made them very weak against anders they lost block printing i think redemption oh redemption okay so they're suddenly very weak against [Music] monks compared to what they normally used to be so that's kind of the reason why they're not in fashion anymore what okay i'm gonna open conquistador skirmishers that's gonna be my opening techno tech technology here [Music] um himself it's not a bad thing we could go villagers here just have more potential to make trebuchets et cetera am i ever going to be able to afford elite skirmisher and python as well looks like he's playing pikem skirm for now [Music] those are atlatls girls i think i need to add stable as well get some star involved but it's still building up it's gonna be this it feels like it's gonna be still awkward composition play here for me monday yes i don't see elite eagles yet but that should be he's already probably researching that i think i'm just going to open his base actually am i letting him take stone there [Music] foreign i just want to take that castle and i'll go get out again let's go oh run [Music] let's open his base [Music] well it looks like i might be losing my castles there or castle correction those are the latin skirms wouldn't work the wall behind as well [Music] i don't have the last armor upgrade from the skirms either hustler yet either which is very bad in more ranges losing my traps too not too big of a fan yeah exactly of how this has played out so far he's invested into [ __ ] ton of trebuchets the worst part is that he's only investing good and food right we've got to give him credit on his uh army selection he's not investing any gold in his army except for trebuchets i'm struggling to shade effectively there [Music] maybe champion but then again atlatl squirms actually trade pretty okay against champion funnily enough i think we're getting some okay trades still need more farmers i was missing the last armor update as well earlier now that one is in [Music] that's a good sign for you very good i think i might do supremacy like in this case it would have made sense to charge at his uh charge at his um traps with villagers i'm expecting an eagle switch for him though behind this get it more barracks coming in i don't think i will end up needing more farms to produce enough i'm also not having the most space in the world should probably get some more trips out i could do bomber cans in this scenario as well and for the villagers might actually be too much what's up there's the eagle switch it doesn't have elite yet i actually he's going for a push should bring these back uh you should never go paladin in this war never you're never going to trade google paladin trust me [Music] see [Music] come on let's get those and that one that one i'm actually out of archer in this i think we are trading fairly well here but i don't like that he has these extra resources so that's definitely something we're gonna raid soon i lost the castle didn't i that sucks it was a big investment from him it was a very big investment [Music] there's which has to be made to there now i want to go raid now he sees it go back for those i have to switch my focus to the top stop walling right away [Music] i could buy another castle we think that would help not sure what's up with the pathing on my units trying to get to locations is apparently an impossible task oh he's actually going for counter attack [Applause] [Music] we took out one of his castles see if we can save ours uh it doesn't look like it [Music] it's only one trap though i can possibly out prepare that for a while trabs move forward like the good thing for me is i still have a lot of gold to mine i don't really want to invest too many villagers on taking gold at the moment good stuff [Music] okay another raid let's go this could be the beginning of something good probably shouldn't go for this [Music] foreign definitely some value but [Music] but if it's enough is a different story okay that's a new target you might the issue right now is i might trigger a massive army from him because he may have just lost 10 villagers 15 villagers which in return could trigger 10 15 extra army from him right which the question is is that really something we would like i'm gonna focus on this castle here he's not making uh pasta and uh not hustler squirms anymore but looks good that's a good fight for me looks like it's full siege room now i said but i'm going to lose my traps there not the best one for the camera attack again crazy [Applause] dudes oh we got the castle okay great success now the attempt to defend our castle once again our own castle begins this time of year we may not be able to do it indeed doing a good job twinning down my count numbers [Music] i don't like my food eco here some reason my food is not coming in i don't know why i have 80 farmers i feel like i should be getting more food income because that little skirmish are damn effective i wonder if only might have been a good decision for me [Music] looks difficult time to bring in the supremacy wheels see if they can make a difference still feel like i should be getting more food eco i just cancelled upgrade again oh the latter squirms they're so cost effective i think champion is the switch now but i should have prepared for this a long time ago and i don't have space to make that switch nor did i possibly possibly not have resources for it either christos this must be like almost 100 population army from him which is the issue i have to deal with 100 units let's just go for it here try to buy time still i mean my monastery is in range as well now travis listens great whoa no no no only the villagers i'm losing all my konks looks pretty rough right now i think we'll survive this fight but still think we're not trading effectively enough [Music] all right last attempt at survival is the champion switch oh that's an ugly one that is an ugly one i'm gonna go for ah they're trapped okay that's bad all right i mean i don't have the best upgrades my champs either so and i don't even have champion right i don't think this will do the trick either yeah he can also make his own champion yeah it's over you can also make his own champion and he can make jaguars hmm i think the atlatl squirms are just too effective trading against my skirms and my conchs here it's a difficult composition to to make okay analysis what other units can we make here andrew instead of ram like my theory is that if i go homager he will just make monks and he can convert them but i i do think that maybe anja earlier could have helped her yeah potentially see jaundice i cannot go for the issues though if i go into alger you were fine when you had skirms you stopped them for some reason um [Music] i felt like the skirmish became really ineffective though when he started mixing eagles but yeah maybe more skirms would have helped scorp you guys see your scorpions scorpions is not a good unit in general for only ones obviously champions earlier could have been good but even then i feel like you can easily switch to counter that again the the issue is that atlatl skirms pikeman composition of essex just trades so effectively the whole whole game see even the kd like we have a massive kd advantage but he's only making pikmin and skirms right and they trade super well hmm rough one onager so he's forced to micro and potentially micro pin series and we'll try more the issue as well with under is that they're really expensive and when he makes eagles he can still do some you can run in and snipe them very often it's it's a tough one but i think allenger champion earlier definitely could be viable options hrc294 thank you for the sub i guess i have to compete for alex here aggression ever ah it's not really viable on arena it was for a little bit but people know how to deal with it now pretty much yeah these games are also a lot about the civ matchup right first matchup was italians turks which i think was the best possible matchup i could get as italians from the sieves i think aztecs in spanish was quite in paper aztecs and the other one was what slavs byzantines which i'm still a little bit torn on i feel like it might be even or at least slabs have a lot of potential in early imp but late game is maybe more favorable than byzantines it's the best of seven rodrigo is this the best of three score being two one is this the best of three question mark i'm thinking about maybe doing the fast fuel play as well that's beautiful fast castle it to a little bit stronger equal ah will be later than not a fan um don't let him get the relics i will try that's a very good tip cms klaus with 7 euro really like this almost podcasty format thank you for 7. jonah with the 10 euro donation i was rooting for doubt that match aztecs are my favorite save but i'm all in for viper now by the way if you matched the champions with if you made this champion switch what would that translation champion jack i think for him actually i'm not sure the pierce armor jaguars i think for him it's probably easier to just match my champion champion but uh jaguars would also be good for sure i mean the thing with champions is you don't need castles to produce them so that certainly helps you know the lithuanian have really bonus what no kid you're kid you're kids that one pierce armor so it's the same as a champion in other words yes he can then i will just use the well i was streaming trick so i have some counter play there either way both of us will have an excuse when we lose without the sick i'm streaming so we're both having an excuse either way small small comfort or whoever loses yeah the doubt would never stream snipe me never seen ever it's doubt after all but for a 500 arena tournament never had another zero on that and though i don't know i i don't think he would ever stream i don't think he would feel good beating me if he beat me knowing that he cheated he would never feel good about it so that alone would be a reason not to stream snipe he wants to feel good about beating me i guarantee you that oh no do i have to do loom here since i'm going to let him his scout in i want to save my own scouts i'm going to let him in i'm just going to do loon i think it's worth it to not lose my scouts i also went up too fast now that's fine we'll stay a little bit inflation which is on the scouts i can't engage him this became a really bad build on me all of a sudden just like that okay that sucks that's pretty ugly true i did send the one low hp villager there i mean normally you don't have scouts inside your base so it makes sense but yeah lithuanian is not polish oh no don't talk geography to me i will disappoint you i have any more lowest privileges [Music] i kind of i really want to do horse collar as well before i start farming but my food equals really bad this is a terrible build horrible i'm really surprised by his uptime how why went up so fast if he was to actually take my scout if it was it definitely worked me all right doubt scout time for you to leave wherever you want there you are time for you to go he probably wants to get one hit on my scout here hello here i am question is does this actually put him in a better spot he killed one ville oh spear man let's just actually put him in a better spot western mic i don't know another scout i hate the way i place my buildings as well there's so many wrong things oh my god nothing is coming out the wrong way the right way sorry he's still fuel aged alright yes not sure why my gathering point is there but okay oh no no no no no no no no [ __ ] ah don't tie to the wolf please oh he had a knight there as well that is [Music] everywhere [Music] still don't know what my garden point is down there broken try to heal up and yeah i need to he i cannot let him get the relics because he's lithuanians right [Music] [Music] oh he picked up that relic i'm going for it [Music] okay i still think he should be very happy with how this is playing out so far [Music] oh i actually missed click no and i lost that one oh my god so unlucky in many ways but also good place by him oh my god what is this we are getting slapped by the lord 500 wood in a bank seems nice am i actually gonna end up with him having like five relics not impossible i'm thinking that is even worth to me to invest more three months it's very unlikely like i might have to try and go for like an early kill and that's kind of my play here i can get one more relic however i would possibly be satisfied oh saw [Music] that's actually a very good trade to me very good trade that was really sick for me oh it's actually one more relic [Music] we still have oh my god one of those upgrades move that way okay just kill those and i'm happy okay [Music] i think we're somehow kind of coming out of this okayish maybe even with four relics [Music] as long as there's no marksman yeah actually this game took a hell of a turn really fast i i can't like i started thinking like this is possibly already over and that changed fast to like might have a good chance here well just take that oh you could have chosen a better path [Music] cute fight there [Music] okay get him then actually i need to [Music] protect [Music] foreign what a crazy castle is this turned out to be [Music] oh it's fine all right so let's count up i have four relics and i have a pretty good post in perilla sieve current circumstances i think maybe i should go like he will most likely go skirms right i think he will open skirms i will go online here as a support unit to my list if i ever get wood foreign i'm just going to start working with production buildings honestly i think that's natural play here upgrades him i started [Music] yeah this this started from this went from looking really bad to looking pretty damn good quite fast you must say uh more castle up there so i'm just gonna take his relics next or the monastery and then we'll go do i care probably not i also think i don't need it right can i send some archers up there [Music] okay well you still traded good i don't mind that trade i need to stop making villagers here you have too many units let's go karambits no matter how many ranges it builds they'll go down as fast as they go up so no problem [Music] still in the game i think it's pretty clear that it's over now shirtless war is coming i don't need the last promoter the game won't last that [Music] long yeah i think the game is over but he's obviously here because he's still michael the monks but yeah like this i think no matter what i what i think at the moment i will have a good matchup and now that it seems to play against oh so i don't think i can wait with youtubes if i want to yeah this this is not really it doesn't really have too much that was a roller coaster of a game i need to check the timeline here so he i guess he adds tc a little bit late though all right so the best feudal gave him a good eco hitting castle but you also want mass army but i guess he adds eco a little bit later so he actually came out of this pretty good in castle tower malay though all right uh what i go for to go for sicilians we throw in a cecilians pick here i feel like he will go mines of frank's now possibly mayans actually either way i think tootins should be a good pick here like i said only if i would fear a little bit would be portuguese but i think twotins should be fine is t9 a good player should i listen to his columns and teachings do you want to improve or not the question and then the answer is yes or no depending on that question maria gabriel i think for two months appreciate that apparently he crashed his bike addressed it on twitter so he crashed so he's he's gonna have even worse farms now than before because of his elbow his wrist getting ripped damn it he went for portuguese the sieve potentially that was bad for me the hell do i do now yeah i don't i don't like my late game texture against portuguese hmm that's a it's such a coin flip as well we had four sieves each left and teutons is pretty much a free win against all civs except portuguese so that's really unfortunate but it should still be like still have a good chance against portuguese as well don't get me wrong but porgies was the worst out of the bunch get in there good good boy why did it go back you were in such a good spot ballistics are pretty damn good the main thing i will struggle with or the main place where he has a significant edge on me would be range units in imperial age right gonna brace her and just put that can be a bit painful when you we played against drakken yesterday we got full clown with portuguese oh with portuguese do i think doubt would do the same maybe i have a gold in the back but i don't have stone in the back there's one more deer so i'm not sure if i think it will be a problem or not i'm thinking i could play bomber cannon c jonger but that's like i only have infantry maybe hank and there's as well but his gunpowder is just better would be a trick you want to figure out the right approach once again i think that's the most challenging part about arena it's uh figuring out the post in compositions that's the most difficult part about arena yes well clown mode actually would be an option here i'll i'll feel a little bit i'm i'm promising an open stable because it's just so solid as students i might switch switch it up and do a little bit more of a little bit more aggression and castle depending on what he goes for if he goes for oregon guns obviously my hands are a little bit more tied but yeah we'll see scout is there siege tower now that's that's unlikely what's the score so far you see on the top there all the way on the top of the screen there might be a scoreboard there that would possibly reveal the score if he comes with pressure i'd rather not have to make a new lumber camp i'll actually do won't do a mining camp forward thing is you can also play completely standard here with portuguese they're not even that bad and that they might go as stable as every other game john's pawns thanks for 22 months third kill everything's for 29. i'm jealous of your cough machine you should be it's a good one let's go go to game seven not impossible so after this he has franks he has mayans and he has burmese and i have sicilians as well and my ears [Music] hey but the thing with uh that's is he playing exactly the same as i have a feeling this might be the same you might be making a ton of spirits and coming with a forward castle but his uptime was really fast i'm not sure if you can afford us it could still just be a completely normal stable i'm not sure all i know is i saw one pikeman so far yeah i think i have enough units to deny a forecast anyway at this point oh yeah should not be that i'm still not sure what he's doing show your hand please i'm curious what if he has villas outside he's dropping a castle on me as we speak i'm getting paranoid guys i'm getting paranoid could be oregon still archers dudes going cap archers all right by all means i have to be really on point with conversions here [Music] oh we already picked up a relic or two hey i got a coucher [Music] i am teutons i don't see many relics left on the map i don't like that he's like a prepared monks as well behind this what hmm not good not good now this is definitely expensive for him economy wise cabbages are not cheap to build i just gotta bring this relic as far as close to me as possible it looks like i'm gonna be down coverage is so inaccurate looks like we'll be down one relic which is something we can live with but not ideal obviously i'm gonna put some pressure here you can see the workshop they did pick up the relic i think economically we have a good situation but i think i'm down one relic which should also be okay i just have to plan my cast layer switch now i might like do a castle drop go cavalier and then adapt from there uh blacky wult thank you for the prime uh tr freak thanks for the six months as well isn't it late game by stronghold porter i don't see that i have siege on i have bombed cannon hank and there's habit ears that's pretty much mine he has our blessed habitat uh bomber cannons with ballistics you look there is um i feel like there is not necessarily like a big advantage there get one i think this will be a very good trade for me ah there we go perfect let's do a fourth pc keep i keep accidentally building barracks instead of houses these days it happened so many times already i don't like it this is more of a force a reaction type of thing i should have done ram first maybe you ram you came in the nick of time what a ram that is hey it's a lot of resources on the right side getting like a castle drop there going going there would be very nice that could have been really ugly do i dodged for it do i do a forward castle guys without lulu against doubt oh what's up am i throwing here i'm throwing guys maybe not i'm throwing i'm so throwing 50 only i'm throwing it might work it might work i just tried to garrison my monk in the in the ram it's gonna go up are you kidding me it's going up nice during that the sneaking in the plus two upgrade holy cow that's actually it turned out to be quite valuable who would have thought he's ready to try and make sure i don't get the relic who has the relic lead now he has a castle there [Music] looks promising was a bit odd but all right [Music] here i know i always say never go paladin only one but sometimes it's it's good you have all relics now nice i do not imagine the paladin switch i don't think he can stop that 50 i kind of want to wait but the same time i might leave it up i mean okay bomb cans are here i i wanted to wait for cat paladin because it's cooler but i should probably go for a safer approach i'm not taking the risk well that's 80 still i'm gonna lose all my units before i get the cool unit upgraded come on paladin kick in already there we go that's the stuff spearman i think he'll take some time until he has a count already based on what i'm seeing here [Music] gee yeah i think coward should play just hurts you equal too much we saw that yesterday as well when i went to cabochon against um i went cowasha against dracant i think you just slowed down your equal too much 9k viewers is this usually that high no nikon viewers isn't like actually in january we had an average of pretty much five thousand people watching h1 price to content here on my stream um so that was pretty insane averaging 5 000 viewers and now i mean during special events like this seeing six seven k has been like all kind of happening but nine thousand very rarely it's really cool to see so many people here guys it makes me feel very self-conscious that i didn't put any wax or anything in my hair but i mean isn't that why we're all here for the all natural the content like the to see aren't you watching the streamers to see who they really are isn't that the point this is how i how when i'm done here i'm gonna go hello debbie you're ready for your valentine's presents like this i think she will like it kitty hill in our favorite economy have in our favor um yeah actually village account doesn't seem too far apart but i think the pressure worked out really well obviously he had a crossbow mess right but then we got the uh castle up in his base which was really yolo i like i literally went for doubt castle the issue is it worked that was a weird part yeah oh solid i do think couch it might not be a great play though on on i think the only sieve that can justify cavity and cast legs right off the bat is maybe tatters i think other sieves probably cannot justify that all right uh civilization setup what steps we have left this is the same setup we just won with teutons he lost with portuguese so he has frank's burmese mines frank's is a very good arena sieve burmese pretty good mayans middle on the tree right now i would say sicilians don't really know yet i think they're decent for fighting for relics and such but besides that not really too good magurs average civ i would say ethiopians pretty good sieve i'm trying to think now so he will uh frank's as if he will play one of these two last games for sure question is which other sim does he go for and does he use frank's now or does he wait with frank's until until the last game i feel like he might go mines now and then save frank's for the last game if i go sicilians late game against burmese should be and they say with bomber cannon might be difficult actually like if the opens is the safe pick here ethiopians should have a good fighting chance against every sieve at the same time okay let's go eat the opens i think we're fine no matter what we are up against here when around by murder the sergeant things yeah i'm not really sure about the rumba at the moment you clear the air if there's an attention guys there's no tension between me and t9 we're good friends if there's any ever any banter thrown either way it's all it's banter guys we shouldn't have to clear there and i mean tonight your friends met multiple time in person it's like that if there's any shade thrown each way it's all bumpy so you go frank's cat watchers you think like you have to understand as well me i only banter people that i am close with or know in a certain way or twitch chat i wouldn't banter someone that i wasn't friendly with like or on good terms with is that then you have to run the risk of it coming out the wrong way or then taking offense somehow but if you know the guy and you're on good terms banter all you want danny boy for example yeah then boy like i'm not like close friends with any boy but we have this connection and we've been a voice a few times and joke around right so it's it's all bantering question here is do i even do i play stable to compete for relics do i just go for like three tc fast amp arbalest i think i want to compete for relics it just generally seems like a safer play on arena [Music] dear yeah i will have pike and scout fight for relics so it's also never a bad play no [Music] arena man you have to suffer like all of us i feel i feel bad for casters though i've tried casting some arena it has various success let's put it like that i tend to just ramble on about everything else in the world rather than cast the game because arena dark edge is just very slow you could say the best wins you pulled were with greedy stress and the most op strategy you're playing so i think arbs arms late game yes but i will compete for alex first i don't think it makes sense to just give up the relics for free especially when you're playing as a civ with good eco like frank's because you don't necessarily get the massive equal lead that you might normally get against other sieves by going for the greedy approach [Music] yes [Music] you choose a nickname playing card four we don't get to choose as far as i know and they're given to us randomly do you think that would have chosen princess princess yorit why do you take goals if it opens i'm not actually taking the gold i'm just building the money camp [Music] because i will need it anyway but i'm not gonna mine it yet it's more because i i sent a villager there to um to clear that tree that was in the way where i wanted to build the mining camp i am noob white farm before killing all sheep if i would have all these bills so that these are what 11 wills here eating sheep all the time this would be 13 including [Music] farmers those sheep would run out and the boar would run out way faster and i'm suddenly gonna be left with uh with 13 14 15 idle villagers under my town center and then i start have to start rearranging the whole economy under my tc and it's gonna it's just gonna be super messy at that point so you're better off like separating a little bit the economy it just gives you a better more steady development of your economy hate this there's three people there one of them just go island he just stays idle forever [Music] how are you and all the pros moving the camera well with the mouse scrolling at the edge or clicking at the mini-map it's not like in starcraft where we have camera hotkeys it's nothing in edge empires [Music] wow yeah and like also yeah if once you have 15 idols and you want to make farms maybe you have wood for five farms and i'm just like oh [ __ ] no it's not a pleasant situation let's do markets wow [Music] still get another 100 food and gold from getting to cast there so i don't need to take too much gold here [Music] foreign [Music] look at the micro gods mr delty luckily for me i can also debate thee oh he's being a greedy boy right now i tell you what the greed of this kid i don't have a loom uh 16 hp shouldn't be a problem that was so greedy let's make one make one scout to clean him up [Music] oh let's doubt it out they can't afford those types of mistakes sir i'll scout for free and complain [Music] the open start is so smooth look i have equal for everything okay one relic oh another free scout oh this game is not going well for doubt so far anyway there's one mom [Music] um [Music] he switches conversions here he might get my scouts [Music] turns out not another sick trade for me he went for a pikemen there still getting really sick that's unfortunately [Music] oh we're getting so many nights for free here this has definitely been the worst game execution wise for doubt i would say where is it oh there's the commercial out so far this set could be because he's sick and getting tired he also played a tournament match before this you never know [Music] looks like i will get four relics [Music] cheeky is [Music] [Music] yeah we are getting the better end when it comes to trade no question about uh conversions in this game that's a weird one i'm gonna apply pressure again another seed workshop workshop without blacksmith very important to know i think i want to go actually i'm going to open under alberto and then obvious can be like a later later play i think that's how we're going to play this yeah we have four alex here [Music] well he sees my zero shot now it's gotta be worth something get in get in fast okay [Music] oh stupid game wow they needed a super big investment and he did not get paid or get interest for his investment but his investment did not pay off is what i'm trying to say that's ugly this is the lung want to plug the gap again big shot with the wheels do one more three more okay can't complain do you think death deserves any mercy have you heard how cocky has been since he won red bull you think this guy deserves mercy [Music] i had a villager coming up there you know there's no upgrades so i think andrew should be mine of course very soon right there [Music] all right i think he just realizes that he's fighting an upper battle here uh his equal is weak i guess he's trying to rush uh chemistry to try and get uh hank anders up he doesn't have a castle up we have a we did eco damage with the mangano we yeah we just have a big advantage in everywhere he went he went the whole castle issue went really smooth for us it opens feels super solid to play in terms of within cjd oh i tried uh it opens feels super smooth to play uh like this pretty much like free pikeman as well it's really helpful bomber can is on the way last armor upgrade only soon to follow yep went pretty smooth the miz were champion boys i can still win tournaments as long as it's only invited a few players and two clowns can qualify i can still win tournaments marauder 24 thanks for prime anaesthetic with the prime as well saint diablo thanks for primes well power zeus with a whole year why not use anti's doubt castle save against doubt i don't know but we're going to probably jump in and do an interview here with uh with dracanth as well the host of the tournament drakken tv guys the host of tournament is drakken tv check him out on twitch lumo thanks for the prime as well joey-san with the sub wood paladin with 500 bits thanks for showing us the coolest unit in the game which unit was that what was last game oh paladin probably yeah pimpy pimp my thanks for prime and we have instincts coming with 10 gift subs here holy moly instinct is going ham as usual thank you so so much instincts for the 10 gift subs coming in with 16 months as well flink good yeah yeah as well coming in with the prime sub here right that's all right there hold it wait that's not even him that was awkward uh mund huam thanks for prime [Music] he had good food eco but everything else was just heavily in favor of us yeah big village elite as well yep it wasn't really too much to say there okay hello viper hello uh okay first feelings now how does it feel to win a tournament i don't care about tournament but beating doubt that feels good he is the world champion after all so being able to beat him is a massive achievement for me and uh yeah super happy uh do you feel like you potentially ended his uh his era right now like i mean there will be i'm sure that there will be as soon as i'm afraid that the doubts didn't stay somewhere yeah stealth stein is yeah i don't know um well i mean he he isn't really a proper clown even though he won a clown cup i don't think clown clowning is his best uh place like his best game so i think even though he is a very good clown i think he's still better than autumn app so this should not be the the end of doubt's uh dynasty or era so um i think he will be strong again for a hidden cup probably the clear favorite to win hidden cup still well that's kind of obvious but yeah well congratulations that was uh really amazing performance like i was even though i played yesterday i was again like so so impressed to see the performance you showed today so real well done thank you um obviously we knew that you didn't feel like the favorite going into the uh going into the finals but uh did anything change with the draft like were you happy about your draft did you expect those draft to be better worse let me check it out here quickly what it was again um i think i was fairly happy with my draft i had pretty much everything i had was pretty solid and um only some of them had like a few like spanish against aztecs was a bit of a rough match up in the end but i felt like spanish would have been good against almost every other save of this and no i was pretty happy with my draft yeah okay for potentially game seven you use sicilians or my gears i would expect him to play mayans if it was game seven so i would probably have gone sicilians again uh more because i think they're better to fight for actually maybe not megas are pretty good too but i think i would have gone sicilians but whether it's the right choice or not i'm not really sure yeah i mean we kind of knew that going into game six uh well we will get to it uh later but uh just about the draft but that going into game six you will likely have your best chance to win it now win the tournament because first months you might actually struggle sorry what was the what struggles yeah we just thought that uh like um you likely have your best chance to to win it now in the game six with ethiopians then compared to game seven when you would likely face mans and maybe you wouldn't be the uh you wouldn't have the better stuff there i think i think game seven cecil i don't think sicilian has vomit cannon yeah so i think game seven would have been a very like just macro game so i think whoever got the relics would probably have been favored there it would most likely go late game and then don john is pretty good with skirms with bracer against plumes eagles helps what not and you also have the bonus damage resistance with sicilians so i don't think it's too bad of a matchup for sicilians probably a 50 50 i would say okay okay yeah fair enough um all right so we had there the game one was uh italians versus jerks i think you were really happy to see derek's there by doubt yeah i felt like if there was one matchup that would have been good for italians there turks was probably the main one because i mean they can only go cavalry or janissaries so um i think burmese could have been good as well for italians but yeah that was uh super happy to see that obviously and i mean it played out pretty smoothly as well so yeah yeah but where are you expecting that to go for dc boom in that matchup or where you're expecting like something more yellowish i was expecting him to play with standard since he do get he gets light cap and cascades for free so i thought he would try to just play standard get the relics and take it from there but um i i was a bit surprised that he went for jenny sorry in the early imperial age but i did scout that he was making the hustler cabbage transition as well behind it so um no there wasn't wasn't really any big surprises there okay yeah yeah well then basically it was just about getting you to your composition and then that couldn't really do anything about the game yeah i mean the early amp was a bit because he get got bomber cans out obviously right away and did take out my first castle so early it was a little bit awkward but he couldn't afford elite upgrades and to supplement his bomber cannons with a lot of units so once i got like enough hussars and i had still 15 20 genevieve's crossman uh cleaning up the first army was pretty much the key yeah yeah and that's true that's true we said that if they would have their elite at that point then the game could be could be different because you wouldn't win that fight yeah so okay then we hit the game two which was uh that was game two m2 was slavs against byzantines slash against byzantines yeah i mean you like labar and happy about that match up i i wasn't feeling too bad about it initially because i thought i could maybe make something happen in imp but yeah as i played that game throughout imperial age it became quite evident that i really didn't know what i was supposed to make felt like he had he traded cost effectively and had counters to everything but i kind of concluded after the game that my only chance would have been to maybe go like a big siege ram champion alberta push an early imp uh even though that also feels a bit weird but yeah i mean byzantines are such a good late game soon we weren't thinking we were thinking about like so's with fate potentially because you had 5k gold bank yeah as so i still feel like i just would have i mean even though slav siege are cheaper i feel like i would have traded worse in the long run but then again it's doubt micro right i mean he just adds more bomber cannons and he should be able to still trade good but but yeah that that could have also maybe been uh one one way to do it or try at least yeah yeah it can we kind of felt that you don't really know there what to do when you made traxxas tables and arch ranges in imp right away i thought i would be able to just i just wanted to buy time with the skirms and hustle and then like switch into like a power composition of some sort but yeah i never really figured out what that was supposed to mean yeah exactly all right uh yeah then the spanish versus aztecs like i actually didn't think that it was the worst matchup for you and uh i don't know what like you think there but for me it felt that spanish should be the better civilization in him but uh i guess i was kind of kind of wrong forgetting this uh i don't think they're better in him since konks now take more damage from skirms and estes also have at lattl i think that lately skirms just trade too well against everything spanish make but i do think maybe not going konks and rather just going like skerm hosts our champion could be the play and then maybe bomber cans as well maybe honors uh if i did that instead i would like to see how that game plays out but um yeah aztecs are just super good at trading cost effectively without spending much gold so it's really tough but yeah i mean easy to say now there could be other ways to do it but then again you can also make other units as well so it's uh it's hard to say yeah that's true that's true yeah potentially for me that was the the best game dog played in in this series like even in him that was really good by him felt a couple of times that you have to have delete there but it didn't really work that way um okay then we moved to game four which i think was the malay lithuanians yes yeah yeah malaysians okay well obviously that had to be like very important game for you both for you because you are both using civilizations which you kind of count to win with yeah i mean malay probably still maybe the best arena save and then he stole lithuanians from me right so that game started really rough for me it went for a fast fuel age which i didn't expect and then he sniped my scout i let him in and i wanted to save my scouts i let him in that also means that he scout my whole base and i also sent the lord pivotal to the woodlands we killed the villagers so early game did play out quite awkward but um yeah i feel like he didn't get enough value from it in the end because i still got the cast legend a good time and even early castles i felt like i took some really bad trades but then suddenly things turned really in my favor and i got some really good fights and conversions and then from that point i i felt quite comfortable i'm not sure when he added town centers actually in that game you were slightly ahead with the boom but then they would ate for dc so then he like got up but they were like 10 10 voltages ahead at maximum okay well that then i had a pretty good position compared to what i might have felt so yeah um well uh by the way it was like the really important relic fight when uh legends basically need to get to two relics and had their one relic very close to his base and didn't take it yeah he doubts he does this very often in arena he goes for the first relic like he goes for the greed he won't like instead of taking two self safe relics he will try to get the third and the fourth relic first and kind of he has done that i think for a long time already but uh yeah i don't know yeah i mean like the the one really the dog moved right away next to his next to his gate and he could move the monkey back to his monastery but he was trying to convert then you stole the relic from him yeah all right so yeah then it was two two and it felt like you have to you had your better massives left uh i think you had their teeth on still yeah uh yeah you had their sizzling and ethiopians yeah and they would basically had frank's and that was about it yeah i felt like tutans would be a free win pretty much no matter what civil faced but i thought like portuguese is probably the worst interface with tutans of the remaining sims and as it was he chose portuguese and i chose students that was a little bit unfortunate for me but still he went for a cab archers which probably wasn't wasn't a good choice in the end i got really good trades end up with four relics and then i went for doubt castle in his base as well which worked out magically so it was pretty smooth sailing from there yeah uh about the ca opening do you think that there is like room for it an arena is it let's say if you would without any disrespect to doubt if you would go for the cas do you think you would be taking bad trades there against the knights uh i think cavatur it's too expensive on your economy okay much so i think maybe only tatters can possibly get away with it because you have some sort of compensation in terms of sheep lasting longer new thesis will give you extra shape so your eco gets a little bit more stable with that but yeah overall i feel like you just it's because you need bulking as well to actually trade well and it's just so expensive that early in the game so i don't really think coucher is is an option and even against students with slow knights as soon as the other guy has plus one armor i think you're never gonna trade well okay yeah okay good to learn uh well and then we had there yeah so then the new the castle was it was really clutch though yes it was fun like it was like tribute to doubt to go for that castle yeah i i mean i went for the delt castle and i mean the issue was that it worked so it wasn't really an adult castle in the end but uh yeah i mean once i saw the mass crossbow numbers he had i kind of started to think oh well i'm possibly throwing here but uh yeah i got some really good trades again i did plus two armor with my knights on the way there so that helped out a lot if i didn't have that i would probably lose that castle and yeah my my ram was able to take the mangano to uh yeah when the one block yeah it was just a lot of a lot of small things that went my way in that engagement yeah it went up really cool he also loved how you moved the ram to abyssal block the castle fire and then move the relic one by one just from the australian suite all right and then the last game we had there which was um pranks against francis um yeah you i guess you were very confident going into the game and seeing the matchup yeah i felt like no matter what civic play against now ethopians should have an advantage for me shouldn't be a problem and mayans as well just go on jersey and they're dead so i felt pretty good anyway and then i mean early caslis got really good trades right from the start like he lost one scout for free he was greedy with two scouts trying to chase down my my starting scouts he also lost his two scouts and okay for once i was pretty much he was down three scouts i was down one scout at the start and i got three pikemen so it felt really smooth like just conversions and trades went really well the whole game and yeah it just felt like it was a very smooth game yeah yeah uh real was straightforward especially after the rate when you killed actually like eight or nine villagers and you were 15 or 20 ahead so yeah well uh congratulations swiper well thank you it's really impressive uh said by both of you but well i'm i'm still impressed how well you play there and uh congratulations and uh we'll meet you and meet each other in hindi big words you're gonna knocked out out on the way uh why not right it sounds good uh yeah shout out to doubt as well i mean he like like you said aztecs again was really impressive still and i think that is a little bit sick at the moment so yeah i know we played the black forest tournament before as well so there might be some explanations to why like the last i was in the last two games weren't great from his side but there was those really good games in there so yeah he's a worthy clown yeah it need and like doubt show the shoulder level he can bring when the two games that he won it's just really impressive all right thanks for hosting the tournament as well shout out to you for that i think it was a good success quick fun intense clown tournament i like it i'm glad you enjoyed that one okay thank you so much for for participating and uh see you thank you see you all right guys that'll be it for me today then as well uh we'll find something to host here before we head off uh big shout out to you guys dude thank you so much we had a big shout out to you guys dude english much
Channel: TheViper
Views: 86,991
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Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: cBDePevkVkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 16sec (12136 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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