My problem with the beauty community

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about the beauty community I want to preface this very briefly by saying two things the issues I'm going to talk about today are by no means all of the issues these are just the ones that I really wanted to focus on and I might make a second video with the pettier issues or issues I didn't include in this video the second thing when I'm talking about certain of these issues I might put pictures of examples on screen that might be an influencer that might be a particular scandal I'm not trying to really aim for anyone here I'm just gonna include what I thought of first so it's not shade it's literally just what came to mind when I think of X or Y that being said I'm going to be looking down a lot because I have a couple pages of word documents to get through these are some that I consider to be the big issues lack of transparency lack of diversity over saturation and ostentation so one of the main things you guys also brought up on Twitter since I asked you guys there was undisclosed sponsorships and undisclosed affiliate links lack of transparency also pertains to influencers who put the hashtag ad in white when they have a white background in a tiny font so people won't notice it that's shady to me this is something that is deeper than oh they just didn't tell us to me it's particularly shady and it makes me immediately suspicious because if a favorite influencer of mine is sponsored I want to know that they're sponsored because I'm seeing an advertisement if you don't tell me that what I'm seeing an advertisement and you're portraying it as merely your opinion that you weren't paid for there's a difference because when I watch an advertisement I'm very aware that someone's trying to sell me something when I'm watching an influencer that's not necessarily the case because unless they disclose it's a sponsorship I won't assume it's a sponsorship because I mean I suppose I have a high standard where I expect people to not [ __ ] lie all the time and then there's undisclosed affiliate links and to me this is just as bad as not disclosing sponsorships because in the end they both involve money it's between a sponsorship and affiliate links is that a sponsorship is a set price they'll tell you we'll pay you X amount to do a video review of our brand for example and that's an X amount whereas affiliate links are like a commission so the more people click on it the more they make so it's not like you'll get a flat $500 no it really depends on how many people click on the links and end up buying products via your links so in both situations you're making money off of it so it's only fair to disclose that and there's nothing wrong with that I like that my influencers get paid I like that my favorite Beauty people get paid but tell me then there's another form of lack of transparency which is more literal which includes smoothing filters and tutorials or color correcting via editing footage so if you're color correcting with your makeup that's fine because anyone can color correct as long as they follow your tutorial however in real life you can't color correct your face via an app on your phone or via a program on your computer so when influencers use smoothing filters and color correct to video that is misleading because you're telling me you're using foundation shade whatever if that foundation shade looks like it matches you on camera I might end up thinking oh we have the same shade I might go get it but then I'll find out that you color corrected because in real life the shade is darker or lighter so it is misleading and while I don't think it's necessarily malevolent like I don't necessarily think the influencers like I'm gonna color correct so they're not gonna know like I don't think that's the mentality whatsoever but we have created a beauty community culture we're showing pores and [ __ ] like that is pretty rare I can name the few people that are actually quite transparent about their skin and don't use smoothing filters that like make their skin look like it's not even skin anymore and the thing is if you do that on Instagram I think it's kind of expected on Instagram though I'm not really a fan of it there either you know there's a difference between hiding a pimple and making your skin look like its melted wax also if it's a tutorial if you're using smoothing filters or color correcting via the program it's not really a tutorial because you're altering it in a way without telling me the point of a tutorial is to walk me through and if I need to color correct on a program and it'll look like [ __ ] in real life what's the point of this tutorial unless you're just doing your makeup for pictures which is fine but a lot of people are doing it because they're gonna leave the house so on that note face tuning pictures to hell now this is probably not an unpopular opinion I don't particularly like facetune I don't use face tune I feel like it would [ __ ] me up and if you use face tune to enhance what you've already done to make the Reds pop like they do in real life or whatever you know sometimes you take a picture of your makeup look and it doesn't look the same as it does in real life if you edit it to mirror what it looks like in real life I usually have no problems that being said there are plenty of people who also make their highlights so excessively bright that you know that that's not possibly like that in real life skin doesn't look like skin a foundation looks more like it was painted on not actually put on like there's no texture to the skin and while some of these things may be aesthetically pleasing to a lot of people I just don't feel like I relate to that person I just feel like there's a distance immediately put between myself and a person when they do that because I'm like nothing that I see here is something I relate to because we all have some texture in our skin we all have some pores bigger or smaller but to erase them and pretend that they're not there doesn't really help me I'd rather someone give me a hack on how to make them look smaller then we have biased reviews based on sponsorship the receiving of PR or to get in good graces now let me clarify I'm not saying that everyone who does sponsorships is biased however I do feel like certain people inevitably will be biased because they are sponsored now of course influencers can always turn down a sponsorship but I can imagine that some people might feel uncomfortable or even be pressured by companies once the company sends you the product and they're like well I thought you were gonna do this when you kind of agreed to it and they pressure you into thinking that you have no way to back out and so then you're caught between a rock and a hard place because you're like am I gonna say the truth or am I gonna please this brand that's paying me to say these things so ideally we want people to say the truth but do I think that that's always gonna happen no and I don't necessarily think it's always because influencers want to lie as much as they're caught in this weird kind of courteous situation where you have to be tactful and saying you don't like things might piss people off so then also on that note receiving PR I definitely feel like there are some people who kiss-ass of certain brands because they're receiving PR so like let's say Kylie cosmetics if you suddenly say that a product in your PR box was not that great or you don't find it innovative you could be taken off the PR list so some people will consistently say oh this Kylie cosmetics stuff is over-the-moon best thing ever so they stay on the PR list so it is a form of bias because you're really doing it out of fear and in that note to get in good graces I feel like some people will kiss ass of brands so then the Brad sends them PR does that make sense like someone might buy Kylie cosmetics be like this is the best thing ever you know you cured my depression with this foundation or whatever the [ __ ] and then Kylie comes across that or someone and her team comes across that and then you get sent PR so effectively you can use brands as strategic power moves rather than this is my review and it's as simple as that so that's the end of the lack of transparency chapter you so lack of diversity I'm talking about multiple types of diversity first of all men in beauty a lot of the top people in beauty are men like some of the top players we seem to never be able to get away from our men we have many MUA we have Jeffrey star we have a whole series of people that are effectively at the top I mean I don't know if Magnum mu is still at the top but anyway however smaller male creators definitely get less attention in my opinion than female creators and especially male creators that are not white so it's diversity in two ways first subcategories men second subcategory is men who are not white so those groups definitely there's a lack of diversity aside from that there is a general lack of diversity in non-white creators like of course there are some black creators Latino creators of course but not as many as I would like to see and most of the time I feel like there's one or two people who are like oh this person represents like the black beauty community I can think of people who kind of stand as the figures of black beauty influencers or Latino beauty influencers but it's like there should be more than just one or two people representing a demographic surely right so that doesn't make sense to me especially because they're like a billion white influencers it's not like these are the two white Beauty people that's ridiculous we need more diversity in that respect as well smaller creators across the board don't get the attention they deserve because of numbers even though a lot of small creators actually have really good engagement rates I see so many small creators that are extremely talented in fact I'm gonna link some in the description I'll link their Instagram so I see a lot of small creators who I think are really innovative really creative who don't get the attention and on the other hand I see these large creators that they're not terrible but they're not great they're not doing anything brand new you know copper ID nude lip okay girl bye we've seen that so a lot of the top creators arguing these boring-ass looks that no one really gives a [ __ ] about because they're so overdone that it's like yes we know you can do looks with nudes and I'm all for nudes but it's like I would like to some of the opportunities going to people who are really doing something that's out there so here the lack of diversity is a creative diversity in another way that relates back to what I was saying about having different people between white people people of color black people we also have issues with foundation ranges now a lot of brands are trying to be more progressive about this a lot of brands are jumping onto the bandwagon for in my opinion not because they actually care but because they can see that it's making money then they get looked at as if they're progressive even though who knows that's also an issue and ironically I see certain creators bash brands that don't have 60 foundation shades but then they'll also support another brand who has the exact same issue so there's also a kind of double standard that certain brands can kind of get away with having like two foundation ranges and they're fine but somebody else is not fine so people do not keep the same energy and I think we all know this by now in addition there's another version of lack of diversity wherein it seems like the same handful of creators receive collaborations with the same handful of brands such as Jacqueline Hill and Murphy or Jackie aina Carli bybel and amrezy with Anastasio Beverly Hills and I have no issues with these people having collaborations what I have an issue with is that it seems to me that it's almost always the same people we're having collaborations with Brand X or brand Y it's always the same people in fact the few times that it's someone different I tend to remember because otherwise it's the same faces it's Laura Lee its many MUA it's Jacqueline Hill it's James Charles I'm over it okay and I don't particularly dislike these people I initially don't really care for them because I'm bored honestly I feel like we've been stuck with them and I want new I want some new that's essentially the bottom line of this [ __ ] rant is I want new faces okay Anastasio Beverly Hills releasing the three nor vena pallets the many pallets the glare the lashes along with all the [ __ ] collaborations in less than a year that to me is absolutely insane and what makes me laugh and you know I said I wasn't gonna be shady but no well what makes me laugh is the same people who are going on about like don't support fast fashion are supporting fast beauty so I mean is there really that big of a difference are things over produced are things rushed out do things seem to be done as cash grabs are they done in good conditions or is it underpaid people perhaps in China producing these things that's up to you to decide I think we know the answer to that one also I feel like because there's this oversaturation like because pallets are coming out left and right consistently lip colors coming out left and right I feel like it also puts pressure on creators now I'm not a beauty creator but if I put myself in the shoes of someone who's receiving all this [ __ ] PR like imagine receiving the three nor vena pallets then the mini nor Athena pallets then the lashes then the glitter and that's from one brand along with the jackie ina collaboration the Carli bybel collaboration the Alyssa Edwards collaboration that to me would be so overwhelming that I feel like it would push me into a creative block because it's like suddenly you're swamped with all these pallets personally it would be harder to be really inspired when I just feel like a bunch of [ __ ] is thrown at me that's just my perspective and I could be wrong you know I I'm not a beauty person thank the Lord also and I don't hold this against the creators at all but it's also a thing where a lot of people will receive the PR on the same day or within the same few days so if you're looking at people's Instagram stories if you're looking at people's PR and boxing's on YouTube you're probably gonna see the same thing over and over and like I said this is not the creator's fault but again creates oversaturation because not only are we painfully aware of the billion nor vina pallets but it's also like I have to see 20 million people unbox them and of course what can you say unfollow them that's fine but I still want to support them so it's kind of like you want to tap through to give them the engagement but at the same time it's like do I really need to see an extra person open another [ __ ] or vina palette it might seem like I'm getting really annoyed with nor Vina and actually it's because I really like Anastasi Beverly Hills and I just did not like that move business-wise I don't think it was a good idea I know a lot of people didn't think it was a good idea and I typically like their stuff which is why I was kind of upset because it's a little less understands in Beverly Hills in my head and now it's like colour-pop number two because colour-pop is releasing palettes up the wazoo but that's their brand because they are a fast beauty brand being realistic they're like forever 21 always new [ __ ] that says like avocados ridiculously luxurious and wasteful PR packages now I think one of the people that comes to mind first with this one it was Jaclyn hill with the Harry metal glass contaminated lipsticks I remember seeing Shane Dawson open his PR box that had all these like fake little diamonds and was a light up and it was like all this cardboard it was over-the-top wasteful it was absolutely wasteful and I'm just saying that example cuz that one stuck with me but pretty much every brand has a lot of wasteful PR that has drawers or like these massive boxes that then have a product that's like this big in them so this is companies across the board and while I understand wanting to make a statement with your PR box how about you just make the quality of what's in it the statement it doesn't have to be that deep and it just causes a lot of trash aside from that let's talk about what's inside the PR boxes because one of the things that bothers me is also when say I think it was when morphe released their foundations Jaclyn hill showed I think it was the PR box with all the [ __ ] shades they were like sixty of them and I'm like who like if you are a beauty influencer and brands constantly send you every single shade at some point you're gonna run out of people to give it to you and hopefully I hope people would donate it to like shelters or God knows somewhere where people can use it but at the same time I'm like if brand is gonna send out PR I know there are certain brands that send two or three shades because they can't pinpoint exactly which one but they can tell that you're between one of the three that to me sense because you can probably still manage to use them using the right concealer or the right bronzer that is still acceptable but to send 40 shades to people 60 shades to people that makes no sense to me and it's kind of the same thing with brow products for example if they're sending it to someone with black hair who usually has dark brows to send them the whole like from blonde to black I don't get the point we also have brand trips to what I would call exotic locations and I say exotic because I'm thinking of like when they go to the Caribbean or some little island in the middle of nowhere essentially so a place that is far for pretty much anyone coming from anywhere I have to say brand trips don't particularly bother me if they're not ridiculous in the sense of if you get la influencers and they drive to Palm Springs to me that doesn't scream you know this is super problematic because it's like what a couple hours of a car ride and it's not like you're making all these people take a private jet or you're not making them take a plane for a weekend away to promote a mascara or something so I do feel like I am flexible on brand trips in the sense of if it's not over-the-top and it's just kind of like going to a party that's over a weekend because it's technically a trip not a big issue but to have private jet trips for releases like I remember Kylie skin did something like that I find that absolutely ridiculous and while I can understand wanting to make a statement and be really out there it's also like does the environment really need this does the launch of your [ __ ] walnut blast scrub that everyone hated is it worth going to [ __ ] Turks and Caicos to launch that is it most the time no it's not necessarily badly intentioned but I just think that it's an ostentation that doesn't need to be there especially since the same people who are always going on these trips now I'm not you know if an influencer goes on these trips I don't think anything less of them I'm talking about the brands because the brands need to make the change brands who want to be environmentally friendly and send people [ __ ] metal straws but then have these crazy-ass trips it just doesn't really align I'm not blaming brands for wanting to have these crazy trips because of core it entices people people are interested but at the same time you can't be both you can't be oh the environment and then just like fly people on private jets willy-nilly you know you kind of have to pick a battle and stick with it that was my little rant about the problems with the beauty community you can let me know in the comments down below what you think the issues are and like I said these are just some of the ones that came to mind let me know if you want me to do a version with the smaller issues such as PR searches on Twitter and other things that are annoying but not necessarily to the degree of being considered problematic or unethical so let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the Fenner [Music]
Views: 425,913
Rating: 4.9275513 out of 5
Keywords: the truth about the beauty community, the problem with the beauty community, beauty community drama, jaclyn hill, beauty community, james charles, jeffree star, manny mua, tati westbrook, beauty guru, problems in the beauty community, problem with beauty industry, beauty gurus, nikita dragun
Id: Btf_mpMYHaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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