Trash Content ep.2: Lele Pons

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel now there's a bit of light coming in over here and it's because one of my like shade thingies is broken so can't do anything about that as of right now but today we're going to be talking about one of the lilipon's new videos i don't really check up on lily pons that often but a friend reminded me of her existence and i was like let's see if the quality content has continued to be quality content so today we have a special guest joining me this is sophie she is the demon who is gonna protect me and her eyes are dead like my heart i'm undecided whether i want sophie to just be my co-host or if this is the idiot stick when someone's an idiot i can be like idiot whenever i'm about to do something i think would an idiot do that and if they would i do not do that thing let me know if this creeps you out it really creeps my husband out which is hilarious so the video is titled do i have a mustache now i haven't watched this yet i watched like 20 seconds and i was like oh god so it's four minutes and 28 seconds of pain oh my god is that hair that's hair hey you need to lily what are you doing okay this is for your legs not for your face are you crazy if you use this you will grow a mustache tonight was fun yeah i really had a good time no thanks thank you so much no but yes garlic sandwiches were really good yeah they smell it too yeah i have a feeling i know what's gonna happen here she's gonna grow a mustache and it's gonna be really funny right hence my laughter and big smile so i don't know if like i understand what the joke is here but at the same time it's just kind of like a lot of women get their mustache shaved or waxed or whatever their need to make a video about it no is there a need for me to make a video about lily pons also no also i feel like this whole little thing of like her coming back from this date with this guy and being so incredibly awkward is very awkward and i'm an awkward person too but i feel like this awkwardness is extremely childish and especially with what she's wearing her little mickey mouse primary colored sweater it just makes her seem very infantilized which i realize is a running theme in all these videos and i'm going to get very analytical about that at the end but this just doesn't seem like adult behavior yeah [Music] my uber's here what i got his ears in my mouth [Applause] [Music] what happened what happened i kissed him and he like left what he just left you what is it what was it what did you did you remember to have all your nails on did you yeah all nine did you have your hair parted down the middle of course not did you eat too much garlic no but he did yeah did you remind him of his mother no ew what no i don't know what it was maybe you know like this would have been a perfect moment to make a couple funny remarks of course the moment was lost because this is a lele pons video so what did we really expect except for disappointment and a side of extra disappointment so here the two little minion friends could have easily said something of hilarious i don't know what because i'm not a comedian at least i can admit that but it just was extremely cringy and like it goes back to the whole thing which is a big running theme in the bones of like i'm not like the other girls like i'm a mess and i'm quirky and i only have nine nails on it's just like do you really think a guy's gonna run away if you don't have one of your nails on is that a big enough problem or a big enough joke for us to all laugh at until we cry okay so while i was editing i noticed that there's one part that i think is absolutely hilarious that i completely disregarded and i'm about to play that tiny part of what we just watched here yeah yeah the guy has a mustache or a beard unless you have a more overpowering mustache or beard they probably wouldn't even notice your hair compared to theirs on their face so i don't even get how that makes any logical sense but then again we also need to remember that these videos are for what five to six year olds i don't really know the age range they're certainly not for people who have attained a certain level of maturity let's just leave it at that he got gas that's true one second [Music] oh there has to be a way for me to get rid of this [Music] why are you covering your face [Music] oh my lele is that you no you know i'm still in love with you by the way you have to oh okay see you later lily so that's so relatable and you're walking down the street you have a scarf covering your face you look generally suspicious and then you meet a guy who's still in love with you and takes the opportunity to tell you that while you're walking down the street and you slap him and walk away he's like okay bye love you whatever i just i think i've reached this point where i don't know what to comment anymore because it's just so blatantly obvious to me that this is trash even the storyline doesn't make sense so far was there the need of an inclusion of a guy saying that he loves her she could have encountered her friends you know that kind of trope of like when you look like [ __ ] you meet all the people you don't want to meet or someone you're trying to impress it would make more sense if she met her crush and was like oh my god like this is horrible because that's relatable it's not relatable to walk down the street have someone be like hey i'm still up with you by the way no idiot okay sophie's not happy or sophie [Laughter] lily let me see your face your beautiful thing [Music] oh my god are you lately puns how the hell do you know who i am oh my god i'm like freaking out right now um can i take a selfie with you okay oh hi nice to meet you yeah uh wait can you can you like take this off first or like no yeah that's fine it's fine thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i know a lot of people usually comment on this video being like it's a joke it's not supposed to be logical and i'm like jokes are funny when they're logical because if it just doesn't make sense that's not a joke listen to this blue pink sheets stroke that doesn't make sense and it's also not funny hence it not making sense doesn't equate it to being funny and so when i pinpoint logic you can't say oh logic doesn't matter in a joke because it does she goes from having a mustache that's so unnoticeable that her friends who are like did you have all your nails on or whatever didn't even notice to going out to the store and going out for like five minutes and meeting a fan which i was like that's kind of a little bit i don't know i would never think of doing that she comes back with this huge ass mustache that cannot be tamed so for some reason in this alternate universe everyone can groom themselves except for her and another thing is she decides to get duct tape to rip off the mustache i don't get it is that like her version of waxing is that just being stupid again idiot [Music] we all have something to tell you it's official you're one of us now even me we why do you guys all have mustaches you see when we were younger before they answer that question and ruin potentially the only good thing about this i was like oh that's cute like she has something about her that she doesn't like so her friends you know like show their support by doing the same thing that was the once only time in this video where i was like oh that's actually kind of nice because it's showing that you have a supportive friend group however i have a very big inkling that my tiny bit of appreciation is just gonna be thrown out the window we all shaved our upper lips and now this is what we're dealing with yeah oh sorry i thought i was the only weird one you know i have to shave mine 100 times a day to keep it smooth me too but not anymore it's almost no shave november so there's nothing to worry about anyways you're part of the family now i'm not alone [Music] where where okay so the story here is that none of them had a mustache this entire time nobody notices a mustache this entire time and then once her mustache grows out they all come to her and are like oh my god we've all been hiding the secret from you who knows how but we've all had it been hiding the secret from you and it turns out you're one of us so you're not different or weird so you're just the same as everyone else what a great conclusion i'm so happy this all worked out so this video has kind of already been quite long and sophie has sadly have to intervene quite a few times but i do think that one thing that i wanted to say about lele pons is that i think the reason why she's so strange to me and just like unrelatable is because she's uncanny and when i say uncanny i'm talking about freud's concept of the uncanny where something is familiar yet unfamiliar so what's familiar about her is that she's a young woman of 20 and something years old and that's all familiar to us like her features are familiar or whatever what is uncanny about her goes back to what i said at the beginning of the video how infantile she is and how she infantilizes herself yet also sexualizes herself not in this video but in other ones with like the cheating theme that's like a running theme of all instagram comedians so it's interesting because we have this paradox of oh haha i'm so awkward and so childish and so immature but then you see her looking like i don't know a 25 year old or however old she is so those two ideas just don't connect and on the contrary they juxtapose each other so you're just left in confusion of like okay so which one is it which is why i think she's uncanny and that's why it's so uncomfortable to watch her like all cringe aside that's why it's so uncomfortable to watch because when you watch a 20-something-year-old you expect them to have a certain type of behavior versus this anyway guys let me know what you think about this uh let me know what you thought about the video what you think of instagram comedians thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 275,605
Rating: 4.9366627 out of 5
Keywords: lele pons, instagram comedy, instagram comedians, comedy, vine
Id: z9cnLIyMkkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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