I Turned EARTH Into a MOLTEN DONUT And This Happened...

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to earth yeah this is a game called solar smash you know where you can kind of smash the sun over here see that one right there and if i go look at that i blew it up i invoked a supernova and now well um the supernova is going to melt earth into a gigantic tasty looking meatball throw that on the top of some spaghetti and oh that'd be good except it's getting hotter now is it like a molten hot spaghetti ball oh okay then i just just destroyed the planet it's like a typical tuesday but i had a big dumb idea today dumb ideas are the best kind of ideas my dumb idea is that we could just kind of shave a little bit right off the top you know just a little off the top uh-huh it's like we need our our monthly haircut and then we'll take a little bit off the bottom which doesn't even make sense in haircut because there is no bottom of your hair unless you got like a mullet which would be kind of cool just kidding mullets are never cool and i'll keep erasing it until every single human on the entire planet is dead and all of the water seems to be gone and we'll just kind of erase that my goal here is to make it a gigantic cube and by gigantic i mean not very big because let's be honest i got rid of everything that was cubic and then i'll take off the left side is there a left in space like real talk i don't think so oh you know that doesn't look very cubish does it is cubish a word i think i just made up a word cubish yeah no that's not really not really a cube oh i fired a thousand weapons though so that's got we got that going for us um on second thought let's just summon space cthulhu to bite the rest of the planet up there you go space cthulhu eat it eat that gigantic meatball of love he's oh you went for it nice take that back into your inner space dimension wherever you're from and then we'll continue doing this we'll send a bunch of them because they're hungry they like snacks so i'll make them meatballs next okay are they gonna destroy the planet can they eat each other i don't know if they can eat each other i'm kind of hoping they do and that's what's left to earth after i'm done with it that took a solid three minutes but i heard rumors in the latest update that we can actually take earth into a different kind of planet so if i kind of just chop off the top make it nice and flat and smoothy boy that looks pretty good look at that atmosphere how can there be an atmosphere when literally nothing's left and then we also you know take off a little off the bottom to make it a nice pancake we can make flat earth which i mean there's memes about that honestly this game would be very bad for a flat earther to begin with because everything is round and you can't really have round things if it's flat okay that's not a good side we need to take off this over here just get her nice and toasty warm with my interplanetary space laser yeah just cut that all off and we'll just kind of you know a little bit of massaging on the bottom like that that's still not flat a little bit more massaging what used to be the core and that top side looks so good but then you look at the bottom it's like oh oh yeah you done did real bad how does that look i mean kind of flat right yeah let's see let's see so if i go to reset the planet right here i didn't work there we go nice and flat for not i don't know maybe another attempt maybe now it's not quite flat yet we got to get this beastie boy super duper flat it can't have any little dangling participles like that uh-huh that looks pretty good though doesn't it just a little bit of massaging there maybe a little bit right there uh-huh can you imagine being like the last prep real life you dug down a bunker down deep into the earth and it's getting really warm but don't worry you still have 40 000 rounds of ammunition and like 700 gallons of water to last you through the apocalypse don't worry i am the apocalypse now oh no that's the wrong button we need to hit the reset yes reset planet oh there we go turn the earth into a pancake yes flat earthers rejoice we've done it oh wow look at the sun up here can i nuke the sun i want to nuke the sun okay i just i just went supernova but why was the flat earth pancake bigger than the entire sun and is it gonna cause the actual planet to blow up no but if i blow up the moon will it yeah can i blow up the moon oh look it i pushed it ain't no no no oh how about that for your topping on a breakfast pancakes what else can i do how about putting in one of these things right there okay and then and then what's it gonna do is it's gonna go let's put in why stop with one when we can do like 70. yes go little italy innovation destroy the planet i mean i live there i don't want it destroyed i used to live there but it got destroyed now i don't live anymore is that how it works what happens if i send in one of these drills is it going to drill through this way i hope so oh look at it go oh that is so cool hey giant spaceman would you like a bite of my pancake look at him go he's like i'm gonna eat it and he just one punch that planet oh wow look at the drill go that's so cool hey wait is that a new button oh wait there's four of them i could just redo flat earth over and over again oh yes i can so now the question is can i turn flat earth into donut earth now i could maybe do it by like sending the moon straight down through the planet's core is there a core they're gonna go why is why is one moon bigger than the other moon oh look at it go oh that's amazing yes there's a little fragment of moony boy going through let's add a couple more moons i feel like i'm darth vader sending in a death star but it's not really a moon look at it go that's so cool uh how about we shave off the bottom so we don't really need that bottom dangly bits that's one thing i don't understand about the flat earthers too they're like the top of the earth is is flat what's the bottom of the earth look like how does that just hang out in space all day i don't understand that it's pretty cool okay goodbye moon goodbye sun and then we can send in like i don't even know what to send in one of these things what happens if i just shoot it right through the middle i don't think i can because i have to actually click on something go little laser beam this little guy oh an energy vortex what's it gonna do is it gonna is it gonna do tricks it's gonna explode it's gonna explode i turn it into a donut look at that we got earth donut boy let's just reset that again yeah goodbye earth donut it makes me wonder if donut isn't actually one of these four things i'm gonna try to just shave the bottom off nicely yeah just totally shave it then i'll cut out the center just like so yes that's beautiful okay does that work does that create a donut no it it didn't maybe i have to do it from actual earth and on second thought i just really want to freeze the whole planet can i turn earth into a gigantic ice cube it is summer now right so we can have like slushies earth flavored slushies i wonder how it would taste if you were a gigantic space monster that could bite planets in one bite goodbye north america it was nice to know you i lived there one time before the ice age of blitz topia i feel like madagascar is the last per nope i just iced over madagascar there's still 400 million people we'll keep them in australia we'll let the kangaroos survive for a little bit hey achievement unlocked turned the earth into a snowball i did it i'm so good at this game i can just freeze the world without even trying to do anything exciting what happens if i freeze it all the way though that's my real question and then hit it with the moon does it crack and splinter into little bitty tiny pieces okay there's the last little bit of australia we'll just un we'll freeze that up everyone's dead oh there's still a little bit more this is in a middle western oh gee or that oop oop okay and then we're gonna crack it open like an egg by hitting it with the moon and let's see what happens and it it kind of didn't really do anything okay let's re-freeze that now oh i can freeze the core whoa that's in intense freeze little ice ball freeze okay no joke i almost feel bad i almost kind not not really maybe just want to send missiles through it there you go get inside missiles and then if there's any warmth left inside oh okay there is warmth left inside whoa it ejected part of its core towards the sun nice now i can freeze it turn it into a real ice cube wait hold up is it an ice cube if it's round i don't really know shape's very good but i don't think so look at it oh that's amazing already reset that again it turned it into a snowman why is that a snowman why did i turn there okay we're gonna hit the snowman with a black hole and a lot of black holes something very satisfying about destroying the earth earth snowman earth thing i don't even know what this is what is this what is this even considered anymore i guess gone that's what it's considered turns out if you reset a planet in the middle of a a big storm it steals a storm now i'm really thinking that another one of these in here is probably donut earth i that's my guess so we're gonna try to make a doughnut no not no there we go that looks that looks not gonna lie that looks tasty i like i would like to eat eat that if i if i could i don't know if this is gonna work but we're gonna try it and reset oh it did work we created the donut look he did i got a donut on earth okay i really want to know if i can get something because like here's my thought if we had real donut earth the moon wouldn't orbit around this way it would orbit inside that's what i would think if i if i were hey space worms want to eat donuts that would be oh you know what i forgot how badly i dislike these space worms because they're just so creepy and nasty and gross something about an intergalactic planet destroying space worm that eats donuts no thank you ah look at its little mouth things yuck i don't like them at all quick i must delete them with gigantic amounts of missiles lots of missiles with lots of power and destroy the space worms oh okay i need more okay you know what i think we figured out how to destroy the space worms and three 3.4 billion people and the space worms are still alive that's not good space worms you're not allowed to live anymore guys how come you can destroy my planet but you won't be destroyed yourselves oh wow do you see that the core there's like all of the spitting oh that's so cool look at that all of the missiles are in oh oh they're detonating now oh that was pretty that was pretty sick not gonna lie i'm just gonna spam like a bajillion missiles right over here and see if yes they're doing it again they're doing it again oh the planet's entirely gone oh that is so cool looking hey wait spend more missiles more missiles look at that how cool is that oh there goes so the question is does the big space man like donuts how about this guy does he big chunks of donuts you're so hungry you're like oh man i love planet donuts they got nice juicy cream filling in the middle look at him go and then we bring out one punch man here and he's gonna be like yes i'm gonna eat the donuts too oh there's three of them they're sharing because it's really big yes punch and punch and punch anyway guys that's what i got for you today for solar smash i hope you enjoyed our adventure if you did let me know and if you're still alive hit the like button so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny otto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and raul and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 167,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Bliz, Blits, Biltz, Blitz plays, Solar Smash, Solar Smash blitz, solar smash gameplay, solar smash game, planet simulator, earth simulator, space game, space laser game, destruction sim, sim game, solar system, sandbox, space sandbox, sandbox funny, universe sandbox, universe game, universe explosion, earth explosion, solar smash explosion, solar smash laser, solar smash funny, solar smash ep 1, solar smash pt 1, blitz solar smash
Id: d__E2JJn2c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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