HC3 Qualifiers! Tim vs AngelinaJolie

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all right so I was just saying to the viewers here on Twitch if you're watching this I guess on YouTube it's still the same you are officially the earliest okay you guys are the most dedicated all right so Pat yourselves on the back because this is round one of hidden Cup three qualifiers the hidden Cup three main event will be coming March 19th through the 22nd just confirmed yesterday that the prize pool will be at fifty thousand dollars with more info to come on viewing parties more info to come on the specifics of the prize pool all types of different things but this is the first best-of-five and there will be sixteen best of fives and round to one of this qualifier and then there will be eight best of sevens which will actually be a week and a half from now and winner of those best of sevens will make it in or be eight more players fighting to get spots in the main event of hidden Cup where they will then be fighting with hidden identities but for now we know that Tim he's here in the red and Tim he's playing as the Aztecs and then in the blue we have Angelina Jolie who has gone for the Mayans game one is Arabia and so we have hey hc3 Arabia hidden Cup three Arabia if you remember hidden Cup two hidden Cup two honestly didn't have the best version of Arabia this looks pretty open pretty exposed but all the same if you know Arabia Arabia is all about mobility usually and Tim is a huge legend to this game guys Tim played in hidden Cup to played well in the hidden cup to actually and he's a bit like doubt he's like the doubt of China he's been playing for years so most people expect him to be Angelina Angelina is a Dutch Pro who I believe was seeded at I don't remember Angelina's seed right now but let's just say the seed was not near sand or like his skill levels has not been near as impressive as Tim over the past couple years because Tim's been playing for like a decade he he's just a beast so ways the structured as game one is Arabia always and then the players picked home maps so let's say Tim wins this then Angelina Jolie who I know has been practicing a lot will have a home map to choose from and then we'll play the next game on Angelina's home map so that's about it chad is telling me that Angelina was 18th yeah so the thing about Tim was he probably could have gotten a higher seed because he was seeded 15th but he just didn't play a lot to get more games here I'm gonna make it so you guys don't see the amount of villagers we do have an overlay to work with for now we're gonna have something that's even more updated for the main event but solutes in the chat for overlay guy for getting this set up for the qualifiers so this is this is the key for me when it comes to the matchups civilize Aztecs they tend to be better if the game plays into eagles Mayans they tend to be better if they can wall and I'm already seeing Angelina has two house walls over here so with some walling this direction it could be pretty good for Angelina you could take this gold has the deer on the back that's an option the concern always is lions can you get two stone right and you see the stone is here and the stone is here so not so good for Angelina if he can't get the massive walls required on the front Tim came forward nice and early Tim will not be too surprised to see that the villagers are already walling in Dark Age this is common for Mayans and it's pretty common for Tim to wall as well actually which is interesting but I think you probably will see Aztecs play this out aggressively and to man-at-arms and this little wood line is interesting I'd like to see a barracks there for Tim that's a nice little walnut wood for him mat for him isn't perfect I do love this gold this freebie gold in the back it's like kind of like a Viper map right getting that free golden back this gold not great this stone not great but I think these goals can be locked down with some early walling and Wow we have some early fighting with the scout I'll keep in mind Angelina does not know where Tim is and I don't think anyone's going to bail on this engagement the pokey pokes are coming in this could be huge and Tim loses the eagle Wow Tim loses the Eagle so that's massive like at least Tim had some scouting in at least Tim knows where Angelina is but Angelina did not know where Tim is here comes Angelina now Angelina sees the barracks now you need to have the villager and seize the gold say this is scouting information Angelina would have never had had he lost his Scout there how many times have you guys seen rush fast castled Mayans a lot right if you've been watching this game for a while a lot the barracks is up for Angelina here come the militia now the militia could possibly annoy delay that barracks no way the villager doesn't have loom the villager does not have loom Tim's barracks is at 98% it's a doubt barracks it's a doubt barracks I mean he's going to complete it now but this is some great harassment from ad rush we had for villagers pulled off of wood the drush is simply meant to delay and now he can't take his gold Wow how important was the scouting there Tim a few key if he won that Eagle engagement he would have been able to see the barracks and or at least the militia coming in this is a nightmare for Tim and Game one this is a nightmare he is on his way to futile by the way so he's definitely looking to go for man-at-arms but he does not have any gold income right now was not expecting the game to start off like this and Angelina I wonder if Angelina's palms sweaty mom's sphaghetti like playing a legend of the game Tim and you get off to a good start and really makes you start to think of what can I win this I win this what's going on these are some massive walls though and this is a concern right if you wall like this it looks pretty but it's so easy for someone to then just tower and and bust their way through so I always say Malay heptad the way you definitely have to see some delaying now from Tim and to be honest Tim since he started with extra coal this Aztecs he's still was able to get four militia out and get man-at-arms so that's impressive that's what he was going to go for anyways and now he's sending for help to gold so he's fine all right so this is where Angelina Jolie needs to make a decision he doesn't have huge interest in fighting this so it's either fight and get some value or it's delay I think delaying is probably the better value that Tim is chasing this down and he's sending one man and arm forward and he's sending five villagers forward to pressure yeah if you see your opponent's Mayans and still in the Dark Age you kind of know what's coming and all right so here's here's the deal Angelina Jolie is not going Oh Angelina Jolie is not even going for the play I expected here it's not rush fast castle he's making more militia this could catch him off guard he needs nine more gold there's the gold now man-at-arms is on the way he's bringing him back to the barracks so he can take an engagement what is concerning is that his stones are forward and Tim is probably going to break through this is good microphone Angelina and in a moment here Tim should see yes there are extra units Tim should now no I mean that's great reaction from Tim but he should now know that he probably needs to bail on this and I think both players will will probably be playing tower defense of tower attacking Tim's case more man-at-arms my goodness time to research supplies it's not actually a time to research supplies but uh here goes Tim so all those walls and what did it do it just it just delayed Tim temporarily and he's on the way to Archer ranges now for Angelina Jolie and Angelina Jolie I believe really wants control of this stone so the plan here is to tower Oh hold on Tim Tim does have reinforcements coming in okay a tower actually don't love the tower oh whoa whoa Tim's like alright let's go wow this could be really interesting look at the HP on these villagers that villager goes down this villager will go down Tim we'll get to Bill picks and it could even be a third but then how many villagers will Tim lose that villager is close to going down Tim's villagers and this is this is exactly the game you would have expected from Tim if he makes it into the main event any guy who makes it extremely messy could be Tim confirmed I think Angelina could trap these villagers though if you can somehow get a house up there Tim might not be able to escape Tim killed a few bills but Angelina has some archers hell and has more man-at-arms so see Tim now building the range at home Tim might make some skirmishers and archers of his own this is this is a problem okay and now he has to get out of here you just got here and the map doesn't look like Arabia yeah that's because Angelina Jolie turned it into arena it's pretty much what happened here Oh what is that mining camp oh my god that is one of the worst mining camps you'll see in the qualifier Oh probably the main event as well geez is there not two titles between that it's kind of hard to tell it's not too bad actually I'm overreacting typical caster well now what does Tim do right there's four-minute arms from Angelina Jolie on the way we have an archer and a skirm and he decides to tower his golds interesting he towered that side of the gold and then he has an archer and some skirmishers of his own but for now Angelina Jolie is is leading whoa hold on a second I'm looking at the vill count Tim has 36 bills somehow yeah let's let's wait to see how many resources Tim and aim to Lina Jolie hat but at least with the military I think Angelina Jolie has shown us he knows what he's doing and he has come to play he has come to qualify now here come villagers Angelina will tower here and also is distracting the tower fire with the skirm which I believe is intentional Wow okay so guys um I was a bit of a slacker if you're watching on YouTube you will have already seen it but we did not get the hidden Cup three qualifier talk show on YouTube yet for those watching us on Twitch today it will be up tonight or I guess this evening for depending on where you guys are from and in that Dave and I talked about how like high hopes we have for Tim and Tim and doubt are in the same group so if doubt beats WOM the and Tim beats Angelina Jolie Tim and doubt we'll have to play a best-of-seven to make it into the main event of hidden cop but we also talked about how we pretty much expect doubt and Tim to go through and right now it has not been the easiest game for Tim has it and there's not a lot that Tim can really do to change things except to get more ranged units out so no fletching for him yet right there is fletching and armor for angelina jolie and tim is building this tower but it's just to keep the villagers alive really and he loses a villager this is a really good position for Angelina and that tower goes down I guess Tim can run with those bills I don't think Angelina will have many complaints except for possibly the vill count iousy I'm just now getting wheelbarrow which means that he definitely did have some TC idle time someone said Tim plays like it's 2014 to be honest I mean I can't really say I mean at times he does more like 2011 he noticed how he doesn't hesitate at all to build the stone walls like most other pros will hesitate to build stone walls Tim's like nope let's go stone walls and towers that stone was meant to be used I'm Aztecs we don't need Jaguar warriors let's go okay Tim's also getting wheel now so yeah he does have a villager lead despite losing a lot of bills which means that Angelina Jolie had some idle time but considering the fact that Angelina Jolie has armor I think we'll be okay with fighting this let's look at their resources Tim he has a hundred and fifty food three hundred golds Angelina is building a market and has 600 food and is on stone comfortably as Mayans oh boy is that a is that a raid coming in I see salutes welcome welcome Hera thank you for the host man here is gonna be co casting some hidden Cup qualifiers with me guys this is game number one in a best-of-five between Tim and Angelina Jolie and at least in my assessment at the moment Tim who's expected to go through and this best-of-five is behind Angelina Jolie is all the way to Castle age already somehow is able to hold back from Tim's pressure early and is on stone and a castle will go up eventually and Angelina Jolie will get plumes Tim still hasn't clicked up he's 500 food and he has 500 gold so he's getting close man as a tournament organizer you have no idea how good it makes me feel to see challengers like this perform well you know like to not see the expected players be getting the expected result and this is Game one of the qualifiers so this is sick what's weird to me though I guess Angelina wants to add some Eagles in two because he's expecting a lead scrum from Tim I feel like a lot of players would go for the comfortable move of just building the castle and avoiding the scams but Angelina really wants to deal with those skirmishers which I kind of like Tim's base Tim's base looks like MBL's it's like like I know there's something about this notice how he doesn't build the ranges next to each other and the barracks next to each other on the front this looks like MVL in a rated game like ah I don't care where I place it as long as I have two buildings it's fine but remember remember these things right because if Tim makes it through if Angelina makes it through we need to remember how the players play because we won't know the players identities in the main event will V Eagles and elite scrum for Tim who is halfway to the Castle age right now now there's one thing that Tim's not expecting and it is the Eagles he's not expecting that he's expecting to see full plumes so Angelina is is almost fading Tim into an engagement here saying hey fight me and now Tim sees the Eagles and now Tim can't fight so this is act that was actually a really nice play from Angelina because Tim hung around here for a little bit longer how is it worth it to invest into the Eagles here because Tim is obviously gonna have so many of his own I think it might be just for some room to breathe a little bit the Eagles do have armor they're not Eagle warriors though they're just Eagles Scouts a nice room to breathe I think Tim is going to be fine in fact I think what the tower here Tim will actually be comfortable taking engagements but we've talked about it before the thing with Mayans is that if they start well off if they start safe they just slowly gets stronger and stronger and stronger and Angelina is more than safe and we have a second town center coming up the Eco balance seems really good and the castle is obviously on the way too so once that castles up that tower will get shot down and urine Tim is now in a tough situation where he has to boom but he can't do damage still though he has mobility and eagles are a lot better in lower numbers so it's real possibility he could maybe break through well I was going to say break through the palisade walls but never minds t90 official the hidden cup qualifiers banner at the top of the screen is a bit too big in my opinion Udrih do you could reduce it by at least 25 to 33 percent we're not gonna reduce anything today but all I'll look at it afterwards thank you for the input on that Tim wants to go in it's actually I'm not sure if that's good or bad right now I feel like that's very bad but if you were to get in and get some rain again it could be worth it I wasn't expecting him to do that the plumed archers will have bodkin and armor oh no it just seems like Tim took unnecessary damage to the castle but at the same time if he runs in Angelina Jolie can't pressure him with the plumes this is a great way of giving yourself some time to breathe there's the TC for Angelina see Tim could do some harassment the Eagles are quite weak though and Angelina has the quikwall fingers working today let's go well played only three plumes but only three Eagles you could argue that the Eagles would have never done anything had they stayed outside the walls so I don't hate it but I don't love it either he didn't kill a single plume and Angelina will be on three Town Center's okay so the difference long term am I in resources last longer but Aztec farmers are actually farming faster so that's quite nice and if Tim is able to get a monastery out which he already has done and collect some relics which I think he's working on at the moment that can be good for Aztecs because they also get 33% more gold relic so reminds I think you really do have to stick the plumes in this matchup at least for now you have the option of transitioning into Eagles yourself later but I think for now you know the you have your stones protected you're still on stone building a second castle eventually a third and going all influence is great you can just hit and run with these plumes all day unless Tim wants to go for a lead scrum though he did just get bodkin arrow for these skirmishers and this is the problem with going for a unique unit it takes a while to mask them because you only have one building whereas Tim has had multiple production buildings with his units I'm really surprised Angelina didn't just stone wall behind this Tim is trying to break through and Angelina is just repairing the house which I guess Tim will have to run from anyway but bit of a surprise 70 villagers for Tim 69 for Angelina Jolie nice populations are very close the only difference is the military count but you could argue that some of Tim's military is useless at this point like the scurbs right now they're not elite yet so I don't see what they're contributing to the fights he does have two relics though and he's going for okay so the other ones would be two left is this one here is there another one or am i blind is he on the way back with it how many's he have to chata you guys see it I don't see it right now there should be five here somewhere maybe I don't know we'll worry about that later so I was about to say hi to someone in my chat and I realized his name had the word farting in the username so hi to that person I'm not gonna say hi to any more people during this professional cast is it in Angelina's base oh yeah it's right there okay good point good point okay I said the scrums are useless but now they're elite so now there are leaps Kermes now that can be helpful I really think what Angelina should do is is keep the plume numbers alive and just go to the Imperial age eventually and then you have to make a decision of do you go pulling - do you go Eagles it's kind of tough right because if you start going evils Tim already has so many and so you're trying to catch up the numbers there but if you commit to plumes Aztec have really good skirmishers so I feel like you need both and my god Tim is on the way to imp already so shaky start for Tim by his standards at least he he wasn't as ahead as many people might have expected him to be but he has three relics he's working on getting sorry he's working on getting his third relic he is a castle securing this gold he's building more barracks so he's going to go for a leap eagle and also the elite skirm he also knows about this gold and he's stonewalling that in again no hesitation is Stonewall whatsoever from him we checked for the hole that's good and he's also running over this way could possibly snag that relic as well so that could be for so guys you might want to hear this this is interesting I brought up to Dave that I didn't think Tim was playing much cuz I I didn't think that he was full-time AoE anymore okay I brought that up to dope gal who's also in the qualifier and this in my opinion is something Angelina Jolie needs to stop this relic should not make it back to Tim space but Jim reacted to the plume and he'll convert it Wow okay well that mine is now an Aztec ah but anyways I brought up to Doge a like Tim isn't playing much and Doge al said I'm not so sure because if you look at a v2 net and look at player profiles you can see when they play unranked games I didn't know that so it actually there's an unranked ladder and it tracks your unranked games and Tim has more unranked games than ranked games so Doge al said he's playing against somebody he's practicing with somebody I don't know who it is but he said that he thinks Tim is going to be dangerous so I found that little tidbit of information interesting and now since then I've been looking at unranked games on people's profiles 40 rockers I've not heard any complaints about stream lag from anyone else mance maybe refresh okay so this relic didn't make it back and there are barracks now for Angelina so yeah elite plume and elite Eagle from Mayans is better than Ally eagle and elite sperm from aspects however Aztec player is going to have relic income Aztec player gets the faster upgrades because he was an imp faster and it's also a bit cheaper to go for well a lot cheaper to go for elites Kerman eagle as opposed to two gold units like plumed archers and eagles and that's only when the Mayan Eagles are only better after researching El Dorado from their castle which takes their elite Eagles from 60 HP to 100 HP and that's not cheap so I think what Tim has going for him right now is definitely D momentum alright so the first trabb's already out and tim saying all right well you have to come fight me and he's also kind of hiding his army too which I really like see he's hidden back here one Trev is followed by another trip Tim now he he doesn't know what Angelina is going for but I'm sure he assumes Eagles at this point tim is at 200 population forty minutes into the game this is this is really well done okay and I think you should spot this eagle now correct think this is just a scout from Angelina to see what Tim is up to because Tim was hiding it wow that is a lot of military it's 89 military for Tim and 35 for Angelina there's no way you can fight this there's no way you can fight this this game was so close now look what happens that eagle is probably pissing his pants when he came out here and saw how much military Tim has it's crazy and Tim will also have full upgrades on his unit soon a nice quick wall nice gate from Angelina the plumes are back I think Tim should just break in yeah attack a house attack something he's using his shrubs against the house on the Left I think there's a hole there mm okay he's thought twice about it and El Dorado is just completed for the Mayan player Angelina but you're talking Eldorado Eagles against 56 Eagles so 20 verse 56 you might have more HP but Tim has doubled the numbers and Wow I'm pretty sure he clicked to go in there thanks de this show point is going to be very good for Angelina at the start apparently but I still think with the upgrades that tim has Angelina can do nothing but run and Tim just found out there's another castle here on the left and he already has the trebs here now the treads are a bit exposed though can Angelina hold on here this is huge it's do-or-die for Angelina you have to fight the plumes don't have many upgrades we have 50 eagles on our screen for Tim and we have 20 for Angelina guys the Moke is coming forward tim is sending the mug forward with the relic it's like in your face buddy I have enough relics here's a donation this is how much I appreciate your stream Angelina Wow he literally walked forward with a relic in his hands to rub it in Angelina's face and the Gigi's called Angelina I think he played well I think he played really well in this game but Tim just kicked it up a notch in Castle age man I liked how well Tim was able to play despite his opponent having such a safe pace how good was that boom by the way hey the Aztec farming definitely helped but he did such a good job he was never troubled by the plumes I would have expected the points to get to Tim's base once with their mobility but nope Tim kept the pressure on he kept the Eagle production going he kept the skirmishers producing and that's game one and this best-of-five I think Angelina will have some prepared strategies for game number two because there's home maps here and I know Angelina was training with project Belgium and other players who were in this qualifier before we do that though we'll go to the achievements I'm really curious the KD was even but take a look at the difference here tim is a boomer he is a boomer eighteen thousand food fifteen thousand wood 2,400 stone collected and twelve and a half thousand gold obviously he had about fourth relic on the way back that was monastery so he would have had four to one with relics and 33% more relic Gold's kid 91% of the map explored man Tim looks good Tim looked very very good all right so amongst casting that I got a lot of input from people on the overlay and the size of everything this is day one we'll have I think six days of this qualifier on the stream so I will take your input under consideration guys thank you YouTube you're what you're getting the full experience here okay because you get to see the whole best-of-five from the one video that's what we're doing I thought about it and I decided that I'm going to upload everything in one bit all right I'm pumped so Tim wins game number one what I didn't get to talk to you guys about was the home map pics so let's let's do that now before we get into game number two I actually have to pull it up so they don't have it memorized okay so for the home map pics Tim chose Islands El Dorado and Cup and Angelina Jolie went for ravines hideout and Bay so what's interesting about that is that Angelina Jolie went for two maps which were hidden Cup maps he did not go for maps that are played frequently and then Tim actually chose Cup which was a hidden Cup map so yeah what's coming up next we're not sure until we hop into that game but Angelina Jolie I know he was playing ravines I know he was playing a lot of maps with project Alden before we get into Game two it won't take too long I just want to remind you guys at the brackets you could see the full brackets there we're currently in round one and this is set one of round one so a lot of games upcoming okay a lot of games upcoming t90 official has the entire first round been completed already no games are still going to be played I'll have a full schedule for you at some point during this broadcast but so people on YouTube don't get bored we're going to move on now okay to all of you in chat thank you for being here game number two is upcoming I'm personally rooting for Angelina here because I like all festive fives to go to five games but this is do or die if you don't win here you're not participating in the hidden Cup 3 qualifier anymore and you're definitely not going to be participating in the main event game 2 all right so I need to talk about this obviously that's kind of what casters do game number two between Tim and Angelina Jolie here we have you know what this is a problem for me this is a problem chat so we added this new overlay I'm not used to it yet and our scoreboard does not have the civilizations right so my issue is this isn't what we're going to be using for the main event but this is just temporary and our temporary solution does not show the civilizations anywhere on the screen so I actually need help this symbol is Mongols or this symbol is what because everything else about it is nice it's not franks is it is it Franks it's Franks okay it's Franks we're gonna trust twitch on this again this is what I'm going to use throughout the qualifier what I'm using for the main event is gonna blow your minds okay cool all right well it wouldn't be a t90 stream without a hiccup both players chose Franks and it's hidden civilization with no repeat so I find it interesting the Left Mongols open they left tons open civilizations I think might be strong for this Chinese could be strong for this and this version of ravines is different than any version of ravines you have seen before because we've eliminated a lot of the extra hunt and we've added berries but we've also supplied players with two areas to take stone and two of your areas to take gold in there a little base so you start with outpost there's wood lines all around there's gold sound like I said you have ten ten deer or ten eye picks and then you have the berry bushes so I guess they really feel like the early berries could be helpful because you don't have boars after the deer but in the north we have Tim who won Game one in the south we have Angelina who lost Game one and again this is one of Angelina's home Maps players are really close together and I love this map because there's so many different areas to expand to for gold and for stone as well as relics of course but you'll notice like if you get pressured on the front and you're Angelina you have to expand out here a year you have to know where the other resources are so I've seen test games with this I've played many games with this and I really feel like it gives players a lot of different strategies and to perform with as far as sibs go and also just throughout the game like you could go really aggressive you could go very passive you could wall between these wood lines though it is a lot of walling I played a game versus lamb for example and I was Huns and he was Chinese and he played super defensive and I played more aggressive with mobility and it was a good game it was very close all right so I'm expecting Scouts here okay I'm expecting Scouts and a frank war that's pretty much a given I've seen a lot of Mongols Huns and Chinese on this and normally you'd see Scouts into archers with those hooves I don't think you'd see that with Frank so keep an eye on what players do late futile age when they're on their way to to the next stand when they're on their way to Castle age why Frank so this map well I think it's a solid civilization here you have the early food you have one of the best Scout rushes in the game and then also there's a lot of different resources to protect so I could see the cheap Frank castles being very important on this but just like in the first game Angelina is walling with a single villager early that's normally something you see with Mayans it's not something you see with Frank's too frequently and you also saw the early mill there Tim also went with the early male nice stuff I'm really interested to see what saves are picked for the new maps and the early stages of the qualifier and what people figure out before the main event because the reality is I'd say about thirty to forty percent of players in the qualifier have actually been practicing the maps it's kind of sad but the other night fire asked me to play with him I played games with back that I played games with slam and it was the first time they have played the maps that we were playing it's kind of a bad sign when the person who's casting and organizing the tornament oh crap fires there oh crap fires there I've snitched fire I love you it's kind of bad when the cast is training the players but it's okay fires not here to know that we talked about him but my point is is once a bunch of games are played on the maps I think players tend to get an idea of what works and what doesn't and we just haven't had a ton of games that we've publicly played yet there are certain players who are playing they're playing like crazy and and we are gonna see them in round one over the next few days well fire what's interesting actually is that fire is in the group on the other side of that group is slam so I think fire plays vodka and then slam plays barrels and I think most people think that slam will win fire will win and it will be a best-of-seven between fire and slam which is that's gonna be a heartbreaker man that is going to be a huge heartbreaker because both of those players have played in hidden cups before I think slam didn't play in hc2 but he actually Co casted after playing really one really well in hidden Cup one and actually slam beep fire in hidden Cup one I believe he beat him three one fire might have blocked that out of his memory at this point but I believe I'm correct on that so this is actually a lot more walled woman I thought this Gold's acts as a wall for Angelina so a wall here and then wall from the stable to this Woodbine the scouts will be coming out and you see Tim also making a stable there so cool Tim oh my god frickin Tim man he wants to make stone walls at this point of the game like his he is scouted his opponent has a stable right here and Tim feels like it's a great decision to stone wall and you know what he has the sphere there this is classic Tim this is classic Tim he quick walled it there's still a gap over here but I guess you will be able to spot if the players come in all right well Tim decides to fight that you have extra HP on your Scouts as Franks I'm not sure if that was intentional or what I meant to say Angelina fought that tim has his Scouts over here realizes there must be a hole here and all right boys so we have Scouts for now this is the only area that they can go through Tim still has a lot to wall Angelina is already full walled and that's good micro from Angelina but remember Angelina had a weak Scout earlier Tim confirms I mean we know it's him but Tim is one of the easiest players to guess in Hidden Cove because of how early he stone walls interesting stuff so it's never ideal to be in Tim's position though where you're not full walled but your opponent is for Walt because you don't know how much military your opponents committing to oh and and this is good for Angelina I also like the additional Spears that are coming lots of walls from Angelina who also is known for walling a lot just not stone walls like Tim and he's not as as much of a legend well Angelina fights this that's a good fight for Angelina as well I think this is rough for Tim at the moment Angelina's doing really well three kills in one death and continues to produce which I like you could easily say all right I'm safe let's go Castle age but you could also produce and punished him for not getting his walls up I think this is actually a good position oh and again Tim he loses to Scouts it's so bad I think Angelina might consider adding an archery range here they imagine if Tim goes full spear defence and he loses tons of scout numbers you could consider adding archers all this this micro is so important for Tim tim has villagers here tim has villagers in the mix that's not good he loses one he'll lose two villagers to this Angelina has 11 kills and five deaths beautiful 12 kills in five deaths now Tim is in trouble man Tim is in trouble Angelina sitting pretty behind this farming like crazy also has two villagers on stone I guess just to make up for the stone that he used to stone wall yeah not too sure about that but this is great early pressure on the bright side for Tim he does have most of his eco on this side but you know again Tim has to constantly produce and you would expect Angelina since he's been sitting pretty at home and now has more villagers to have a faster uptime now it's also really weird on this map because you have these hills here so if you ever earn timís position you can't get to the area you need to defend yourself all that easily and Tim just engages with villagers it's that bad it's that bad he loses one he loses two on the wood line Angelina is using the Spears against the Scout this could be gg this could be game over Tim has nothing here look how far behind he is and pillagers it's about to get a whole lot worse trust me the scouts being micro that might grow back ouch man and he's not chopping any would he no wood oh man Angelina the micro God against him not really just Tim did micro so hot here he's on stragglers from wood so the one thing that I've noticed is that Angelina does have some idle tt-time throughout those fights that you would expect with all those field losses for Angelina to be further ahead now also Angelina did research wheelbarrow which idles that Town Center so definitely a lead building a blacksmith now and we'll be heading towards Castle aged timís its kind of manageable he is 400 food and fifty gold maybe it's manageable he did get stone walls up here so he was able to do that rough start though and how good is that gonna be for this series now that's awesome t90 atomic sausage is reppin you awesome shout-out to him I was he the guy he was dropping gifted subs earlier if that's what you mean yeah man I I have to go in-between Game two and three I'm gonna go through a whole list of awesome people thank you guys for being hyped but yeah so I think what it had to do Angelina researched wheelbarrow and that I use your TC for about the time it takes to create three pills I'm not sure that Tim researched it but anyways hey what are we talking here immediate cease workshop from Angelina Jolie it may be Knights into a battering ram on the gate I loved him so much he's going for more stone walls this could quite honestly be the first time I've seen double layer stone wall in the high level since hmm when's the last time you saw double layer stone wall at a high level I honestly can't even think of it he should do it because the pressure could be incoming guys listen fat slob he's not a high level player I'm sorry alright he didn't have the rating to qualify it's the Great Wall of China but it makes sense you know what's actually better than going for RAM in this position I think Angelina should drop a castle here and then the castle fire will eventually shoot the walls down so don't sacrifice your boom stone walls for Angelina on this side as well Wow I can't wait to see this map more often because this is definitely not a map it would have expected to see double layer stone walls on especially when the players are so freaking close alright so I see a market oh that markets to buy stone because he invested into stone walls over here interesting Oh Annie also has a TC okay second TC so maintain that economy lead and now just drop the castle in his face he's lacking he needs a 40-ish more stone t90 official what would Viper do a few is against him right now he would say well walled and resign pretty sure you'd have to ask him though I mean realistically it it's just not a bad play for any player and this is kind of expected because if you go for siege it takes a long time if you build the castle you're fine yeah at least you hold that position now what I want to know is what Tim does here I think that's the more pressing question he just built a gate so he was letting a scout albe which he had to create right obviously there's some relics out here there's other goals and stones to take there's not that many resources in Tim's walls there's this gold over here this one doesn't really count that stone is kind of bugged in there Angelina Jolie will complete that castle and I heard a monastery from Tim yeah so Tim wants relics and now there's this each workshop yeah I think this is better and then to town centers from Angelina and Angelina's producing out of both of them 30 see on the way this is really good from Angelina so when you fall behind at the high level if players are playing perfectly you should realistically never come back right like if Angelina gets this much of a villa in this much of a TC lead his lead should continue to snowball snowball and snowball but what you need to do in Tim's position you try and match what your opponent's doing so try and match the boom defend and then try and get an advantage elsewhere and so he's thinking about other areas of the map and I think this right side of the map will be the most important thing for him and this looks like castle right the EPI needs 18 more stone he can place a castle here Oh interesting it's almost like Angelina expects this and Angelina sees it and is actually sending the RAM this direction guys that's a good move that means Tim has to build more stone walls Oh Tim noticed it he tries to convert an Axman he really wants that relic he's also on the way to this relic to Angie's building a town center you're interesting wait a second wait a second is there a gap between that stone wall and the tree or is that a diagonal hit I know diagonal hits are possible but if there is a one tile gap between that stone wall on the tree that blacksmith is melting and this could be a really big problem for Tim a panic siege workshop now only Tim could build a two-layer stone wall at one part of his base and then leave a one tile gap elsewhere bleeds in man oh god what is this what is this there's a Mac and Ella now please don't tell me there's a hole there I'm really not sure man did he double check I don't think there's okay okay there's not a holdat but still the unit's could come through he's making a Magon El Sol the nagging el micro is going to be extremely important for him eleven filters behind but he will have two relics well chat can we please can we get get some wall spam can that entire chat fill with stone walls for Tim because you do not see this very often yep now more stone walls if your Tim fan this is what you came for today I guess I mean Angelina you shouldn't over commit into stopping those walls I really don't think you need to I think Oh the snipe the snipe that was epic this is a two HP mag Adele that was so sick he could actually get through here now Tim tim has another one on the way but anyways my point is you already are leading with the Vil count so I think now you live with that and you probably try and get to him but guys Tim he's going for a fast Tim he's going for a fin he has enough resources to click to impanel so he knows he needs to somehow get his opponent away from him all this is so important this is so important to him how your quick walls he kills the RAM honestly think about it if Tim is able to keep these units out go in faster and Trev that castle down and also get all the relics which he's working on this is winnable for him it's excellent game sense to realize I'm behind an economy so I'm just going to live with that and go up to in faster but Ames Lina will be right behind him I think he can actually hold this snippy and the chats his fact Tim built the entire Chinese wall by himself that's true actually you can look that up it's on Wikipedia how many relics will Tim have okay so he's on his way back with two more he'll have four relics that's crazy another castle now from Angelina so Angelina will be behind to the imperial age but way ahead economically ninety villagers 467 from Tim still Angelina will have stone walls to back this up still Angelina should win this game the question is what unit composition you go for you might actually see full accident from both of them because if you go straight pike expecting cavalier and the opponent goes ax men you're screwed if you go straight cavalier you can't really push past stone walls so it's actually probably combination of the fact that they're expecting pike and also the fact that there's some rain to the Axman alright it's like every time i zoom in I want to zoom out further another TC for Tim so we'll try and catch up and I think this is the only mistake that Angelina made all game was not having something out here to give Tim those relics was a mistake like that it that is something that is so small and will make such a big impact throughout the rest of this game o university for fast masonry for Angelina and then I assume chemistry right and then you could go bombard Canon no University for Tim interesting Tim's getting blocked printing with Frank's with he really wants some value out of his five months there so now I'll have some extra range amongst but Frank's do not have fantastic monks so the first trip comes out for Tim but Angelina is trading to trebs because he has two castles and I still think Angelina is fine all right we have some poking and prodding on this side that TC still seems to be good hmm don't tell me Angelina's out of stone he's out of stone oh he's building another castle back here that's why he ran out of stone should be getting chemistry okay he is getting chemistry but he's getting chemistry after architecture chemistry takes a long time to complete but this Tim have stone is Tim going auditor I think Tim wants to go on etre that is not a good sign for Tim if that's genuinely what he's going for here that's really bad the light CAF's which could kill that throwing Axman aren't too bad our true ranges is Tim okay Tim is now getting chemistry but I think this is too late right it's it's gonna be a similar chemistry time for both players and Tim just lost that castle Tim is really under pressure right now the reason I say auditor is not so good is because at this level players cannot micro-imager you need like six or seven of them to really force your opponent to run away but Axman but with players that can micro are fantastic against Auditor also auditors incredibly slow here come the Axman it's taking some time they're going for the stone wall now does angelina see data you saw the siege workshop you saw two maggin else has not mixed in anything else other than oh whoa Tim's going through conversions other than accident right now there are some barracks and maybe we'll see some pike and some hand cannon and well I mean bomber cannons are needed here yesterday this castle didn't do too much for Angelina monitors not on the way for those that are wondering I've really think that Angelina should consider taking engagements here there's the Axman takes out the mango and gets deleted clutch play the castle goes down for Angela wait wait wait we'll go down for Angelina who was badly Halas guys he doesn't he no longer has pop space MBO confirmed no longer has pop space and like I'm beginning to worry for for Angelina because Angelina hasn't been able to push in he does not have the relics of Tim has he still has more map control he still has the lead but Tim is making hand cannons and it seems like Tim will have good production hand cannon is a good play here Tim also converted to Axman that's what Angelina tried to avoid earlier which is why he deleted his alright how's your micro mangos are not going to be so important anymore and the axmen have a lot of upgrades and this is a solid fight for Angelina still with 30 more population that's a solid fight so hand cannons for both now and probably not too many accident this is there's so much going on but so little at the same time it's such a slow fight it's such a slow engagement man oh man but bomber cans are the most expensive unit that that you can create 225 wood and 225 golds the micro has been good 3 trebs for both one bomber cannon for both bunch of hand cannons for both the hounds are just a meat shield the hounds actually don't make a ton of sense here beyond a meat shield at the moment and too protective Tim goes for some type of a switch both lose their bomb our cannons I see a lot of blue on the right side of the map but it's mainly outpost I believe yeah and just a few patrolling helps guys I don't like Angelina's position I think he could throw this Tim does not he has now wasted pop space with halberdiers he has mainly Hank and monks and bombard cannons and he still has trebs around and Angelina who does end up taking out a bombard cannon with the loses the trap now the bombard cannons go down for Tim so who even knows at this point it's so like guys casting is not an easy thing to do it's 10 times more difficult when it's hand cannon bomber camera because you don't know what's gonna happen until what happens there's no ballistics I here look at this yeah a second ago I could have said Tim had more bomber cannons but he keeps losing them now this is just messy messy stuff Timm Timm more bomber cannons going down so much gold disappearing okay and now the fact that there that hal has been prepped makes a little bit it matters a little bit more right tim did send in some cavalier to helps which was definitely to protect from that angelina still has more resources honestly if angelina is just able to produce with those resources angelina should win and tie up this best-of-five series oh that is an in-your-face castle let's go let's go let's go think angelina is just lacking the production you guys can't really see the production we're gonna work on getting this so it's more visible for you guys but he only has three or four production buildings producing right now Oh God Tim's bombard cannon comes in clutch it will die the only stat that matters now is 36 military to 736 military for Angelina Jolie who most people thought would get slept here a lot of people would have guessed sweep or three one win for tamanna specified Angelina practiced this map had solid engagement in fuel age all of that gave him a lead 70 total population lead now for him we started to see some expanding for him again was probably a little bit too late but he's taking it all that extra gold Tim can't stop that and the monastery for Tim is right there as well I think this is Gigi I think Angelina's going to tie it up couldn't see him losing it after how good he played futile age they got a bit dicey in early amp but it seems like he's really kicked it into overdrive right now got more production buildings has more space to breathe he's in these past Tim's walls [Music] nazzer century says Tim should have raided with the cavalier it's hard to say though because Tim needed every bit of military gear to defend but you had the cavalier here and it's still didn't make a difference but you're right maybe a little bit of raiding over here could have helped it's really Angelina who's been in the position to raid though 200 population for Angelina so guys throughout this whole qualifier it's very important that you guys pay attention to how players play because some of these players are going to make it into the main event and their identities will be hidden okay the Tim could be Friar Tuck if he makes it in who knows he could be Emperor in a barrel he could be well some of the other names I'm not going to reveal yet so what is the other aspect of Tim's play that we're seeing here he Stonewall's he has 115 pop vers 200 pop and what's he not doing he's not resigning so Tim is known for playing until there is zero chance a lot of other people will play until there's a one percent chance of them winning but he will not resign until it is clearly over he's getting massacred this castle will go down this castle will go down my goodness now we're still working on it but I will have Li Rico casting with me quite a few times during the qualifier and I believe we're gonna have it resign emote for moments like this and I have to run a pass leery of course but I think it's gonna have his face on it because during the main event we'll have emotes for a lot of the big players Tim's did now start to rage right but at this point and now Angelina can just take your Gold's oh my god man my god well no agenda show thank you for the eight months light saber thank you for nine months this actually gives me some time to thank people there we go Tim's like nope you cannot thank people for subs let's go guys let's go pogchamp for Angelina Jolie this is hype gets the win and ties it up in the first best of five in the qualifier well congrats and weena Jolie the next game will now be on one of Tim's home maps which we'll talk about in a moment but it all stemmed back whoops it all sent back to futile H Tim stonewalled early but he couldn't get the walls up and Angelina just kept producing and a lot of players would have just gone castellated with the resources but Angelina said no I have to pressure and man did that pay off for him he actually had less stone and gold than Tim did but he had way more food and wood and just pressured at the right time and I think that if this game went on for another 5-10 minutes there was enough stone and gold around for him to catch up in those categories there was just no way that Tim could kill the amount of military that he had at the end Angelina Jolie really pressed home has advantaged in him Castle age was a bit dicey though that's two games in a row for Angelina Jolie has let Tim get four relics think about that as we move on okay so normally this wouldn't be very embarrassing because I would clip the individual games but since the full best-of-five is going to YouTube and they're gonna get to experience what it's like on stream sometimes I've been trying to hydrate more which means I need to take a quick little break alright so one thing that you can talk about while I'm gone and before we launch the next game is the fact that tim has Islands El Dorado and Cup as his home maps we'll be right back for Game three all right guys how many viewers do we have right now by the way I don't have that up my screen I'm kind of curious thank you for waiting before we get into Game three wow there's a lot of people can we just have a collective salutes possibly can we do it that way are you guys gonna get upset with me because I genuinely cannot thank every single individual for the subs Andrey subs but I can see your names just can't speak that fast I'm working on my auctioneer training but for now I'm still pretty much a noob at that all right thank you chat very much every salute that's going out is thanking all the subs Andrey subs and people who are showing up today licensed guy thanks for the gifted subs to my friend Harry Apps donated some bits to the stream he said t90 just had carpal tunnel surgery so happy to send my bedridden spends my bedridden time watching hidden cup 3 well dude rest up I hope things heal up for you quickly sorry to hear about that but happy to hear things are getting better so applied donated 20 bucks he says shout out to just Mongol things can you guys hear that guy with the leaf blower outside my place right now he said been watching on YouTube for over a year and I'm excited for hidden Cup he was such a great community of terrible farmers here she ODS getting called out and I am very excited to be a part of this community good luck teen ID thank you a soul pine and yes thank you just Mongol things he was doing that even before the stream today it feels good to be on the other side of that one let me tell you hmm feels very good to be on the other side of that show alright Game three is coming up just kidding Game three is here let's do it guys alright ladies and gents welcome to game number three and we have Islands now I actually need to go back I'm sorry one second I'm a pro streamer I'm experienced you guys know all about this I made a mistake and I have to rejoin to fix it one moment okay we're back in my bad let's try this again okay ladies and gents welcome to game number three and a best of five this is a best of five and rounds one of the hidden cup three qualifiers Angelina Jolie is playing as the Italians which I think has kind of expected on a water map and then Tim he chose Persians on t might or not team islands islands guys what I was thinking Italians possibly you could see Vikings you could see Japanese he went for Persians all right well this is one of Tim's home maps and like I said I know he's been practicing offline all right I know he's been playing some games the Persians there's fantastic Civ like there should never be any real question mark over using Persians because Persians are strong with all maps now but it's just a surprise now you guys are all making archery range jokes but I'll let you know ahead of time I've deleted them okay I got the archery ranges off the neutral island we don't have to worry about that for hidden cup three islands okay so fortunately for the players they won't have to deal with that they can still build there if they'd like to build anything else like houses or castles later on but yeah archery ranges have been dealt with before the tournament so if it's Italians you would expect aim to Anna Jolie to go for full water control Italians they have the cheaper fishing ships the cheaper dock text it's also less expensive for them to age up so it makes them in my opinion the number one island sieve but Tim has something else in mind like is it possible that Tim will go for a landing of some kind I think it's very possible he could still die he could still fight for but it would not at all surprise me to see Tim dropped some villagers over here and go for stables go for a stable rather archery range a bunch of different things now wouldn't it be hilarious if he actually lands here that would be pretty funny but I'm kind of expecting a landing here for Tim big difference between islands and team islands is that on Islands you have neutral islands in the center that have gold and that have stone so also one thing we've done how many people remember that Islands game between hare and Viper where Hera had three relics and viper only had two do you remember that if you haven't seen that it's on YouTube it was ridiculous it was dumb it was brilliant all at the same time we have two relics on each islands and then we have one relic in the center which I believe is very very fair there's no reason that any tournament should ever have a map where someone has three on one islands and two on the other it's just unlucky for one player and lucky for the other so that's what we've done which i think is a very important thing here tim is docking the front interesting he's decided to dock the front it also says he is 15 villagers so it he seems to be like half a villager ahead of Angelina Jolie at the moment person T sees work a little bit faster and that ends up being like one free villager in Dark Age that's pretty much all I have to talk about for now oh okay this is I take that back Angelina all failed with this and seems to be planning on bringing in the boar with the Scout and if that's the case that indicates Angelina will not be going for landing because normally you'd want your foliage B scalp that was unfortunate though the board did not cooperate all right so that will hurt the up time for Angelina Jolie a little bit what would you be thinking chat oh man this bore oh man that bore did not cooperate for Angelina at all but what would you be thinking if you pick Italians on a water map and then your opponent picks Persians this boy also not cooperating my god now I I personally would expect a landing there's not much you can really do about it except try and scout for it war elephants really war elephants alright looks like we found out why certain people aren't in the qualifier for this event this would be a safe spot for a tower if Angelina Jolie were to land both the golds are there this has been a very sloppy Dark Age for Angelina I got housed there I don't think that was intentional the board Lord was late but we'll be going on the way to feudal age now initially you had researched loom or clicked loom and then bailed on that and we have four fishing ships soon for Angelina for fishing ships soon for Tim and Tim is also on the way to feudal now crazy thing about Persians not only does your town centre work faster in the Dark Age but also that means that you are on your way to fuel a bit faster so pay attention to this difference here it's pretty huge actually because Tim has more eco units and it's going to be very close everything about this looks like a water build he's not making a transport ship we're not seeing a transport ship from Angelina either oh what a day guys what a day there's still a lot of work that I'm doing I actually have a big announcement in a few days well first how many people are from the Netherlands anyone out there because if you're from the Netherlands we will have a huge viewing party in the Netherlands for hidden Cup three there's a company I'm involved with and I think they can have 200 people once food beer all that good stuff I'll be announcing that soon so like there's a lot things that are still in the works for the main event but day one qualifiers look exciting so far I can't say where yet I'm just teasing you but anyways very much looking forward to telling you guys about everything the prize pool while full details haven't been announced yet it's I believe at forty nine thousand five hundred and will probably break 50k before the the tortimer begins so it is very very excited for the players very excited for this community right now hey bear with me I have to tell Robo something again everyone hyped up and then go silent for twenty seconds all right cool so three dots for Angelina no surprise here Angelina's producing fires seems to be a perfect bill Tim going to his third doc now also producing fires but staying defensive for the time being oh this could end up hurting it is common to go for a doc in dark age and then also go to berries but later in futile age so that could hurt Angelina to have those berries forward that's really bad map Jen for him nice little choke point for Tim to patrol in and defend with a demo or two so far nothing too exciting happening just fight and control for water when I look at these maps it doesn't seem like there's a huge difference in the wood does it guys but maybe Tim has a little bit more one two three four five six seven eight nine it's like yeah maybe it's it is in favor of Tim I think Tim probably has like one more clump if that becomes more and more of a problem on Islands just start picking away apparently is the map closed at the bottom of blues islands at the bottom of Blues I'm a good point now I think you can cross here I believe you can cross over this it looks like it'd be closed off but that's important to pay attention to Tim so far hasn't seemed to make past that with anything weird Hal he's positioning his fires though do you see what he's doing right now this is so peculiar okay demo V demo he must not know where Angeline is coming from it's repositioning fish he's actually added a few more but he's patrolling here why is he protecting that area well I see the galley switch coming in now for Angelina I think it's a good time for it so fletching also on the way for him if he gets 5 to 6 galleys out with fletching you can micro his heart out and be in a great position did Tim just take those deer out with his fires I think he did an animal and he also seized the villagers villagers who do have loom now I think this will be good for Angelina remember this was Tim's home map all the demo comes in that's a perfect demo for Angelina exactly what he would want here goes Tim now how funny would it be if the players didn't prepare and they didn't look at the version of the map we had and they saw those archery range Foundation I could actually see that happening I could see a player getting really confused by that because they didn't prepare and look at the version of the map that would be so funny to me like maybe he's that what was he landing me like what if he builds a barracks now oh my god he's making a barracks I hope this is I hope this was all part of the plan and it wasn't something that like I hope he's not reacting what if he starts making Knights at his base because he didn't look at the tournament version of the map oh my god that would be so funny so bad but so funny I mean it's really it's honestly a good time to build the barracks and then get the stable and then transport a night or two it's not a bad decision but um anyways Tim is on the way to castle age he is building a barracks and we'll see what he falls it up with I really think Tim he doesn't have interest in staying on the water too long that's what it seems like anyways because as it stands he hasn't committed near as much to water and Angelina Jolie has one of the if not the best water Civ what was tim thinking like this is his home map I'm just not convinced with how he's played it so far guys Tim is falling behind in Game three he's falling way behind in Game three that demo won't do anything his fishing ships now have to sail back here and now he's adding farms because he knows he will likely lose his fish if you're wondering about Angelina's situation and if Angelina will be going up to the next stage Angelina will be going up to the next stage we see the market once the markets completed he'll have his buildings and I think the only thing I can say now is that he does need to be a bit leery of Tim coming back on water so he needs to take out these docks okay he built the barracks but he did not build anything else and he does still have the fishing ships working that's probably something that Angelina could have done a better job with is hunting down the fishing ships but the docks hmm I don't know like on one hand he is way more on water but Tim actually still has docks and he could go for the faster fire ship so maybe Tim could hold on here a little bit as if now he has lost the fish yeah Angelina sniped a fish see this is actually the worst time to be doing this because Tim could trap you here all right so he's chasing the fish down imagine if you would have done that a minute and a half ago right he had the opportunity to did not go for it Tim built the barracks but he hasn't done anything as follow-up so I guys I genuinely believe that he reacted to the rubble there that's so bad actually this is so bad like it's hilarious too because if he was planning on doing something he would have built this table and made whatever oh well Tim here he is and I think it's really bad that Angelina Jolie didn't take out a dock he didn't take out fish just some inexperience on his part possibly and now he is getting his upgrades and he might need to flee with his fishing show but he will have a lot of war galleys he does have vodka naira on the way I would look for Tim to boom here guys who Persians maybe add that second TC now yep there it is so yeah he's going to boom on lads a lot of times what you'll see players do in Tim's situation is just dive in for the fishing ships and that's what he does that's what he does he kills too he'll kill three he will likely lose a lot of control on water but at least he got the fish and chips and his fish and chips are still working for him well played forty-nine eco units for Tim and forty for Angelina Jolie again Angelina should be in a fine position just a bit of micro needed here must have patrolled and not realised there you go backing up and we'll be sending these units in so Tim will have the economy that's for sure but Persians do not get bracer on their galleons they do you get fast fire and fast fires is normally what you see an early in but if you want range as Persians it's kind of tough you'll have the land Eco they definitely have that you have the lead in the land Eco as well I think Tim has a nice balance of fish and ships and farms right now will angelina live to regret not taking out those fish and chips because right now i'm just scratching my head over that one yeah on this overlay fishing ships count as villagers fruit that's why I see eco units so you guys don't get his confuse nice demo yet Tim at this point he should realize he is going to be behind on water but he has to boom so he has to hold on on water as much as possible and just boom on lands until eventually that economy kicks in if that economy kicks in then he can win back water player identities are not hidden because this is the qualifier so we're looking to find out who the eight players are that will join players like Viper tatto max Leary MBL vivió and Who am I missing Hera so I really should stick to an order with that well nice help pose from Angelina and you can sail past year so yeah anyways the whole qualifier players are known but I think it's very important that we pay attention to how players play it because a lot of the players or eight of the players will seen that qualifiers will be in the main event and they will not be known so I think Tim I already has shown us a few things that he likes to do Angelina boy could go through Angelina could definitely go through all right now I just wonder what's more important right is it the water controller is it the economy it's just to town centers producing for Angelina Tim is actually looping the whole way around I like how Angelina built his houses because they kind of act as outposts if any landings come in I also like how he built the outpost over here as well he did lose that one but he now should know that Tim is leaping around this is Oh Shh it's a transport it is a transport ship from Tim oh you know what he just destroyed that outpost I think he wants to land there now Shh there he goes he has a lot of food a lot of food a lot of gold to make Knights so far he hasn't done anything but he is getting armor remember he built that barracks earlier so we can go immediately disable production back here Oh huge demo from Angelina what a play now will Angelina spot the landing is my question because Angelina seems to be holding really well on water Angelina also will probably get eventually and possibly faster than Tim I think that would be close though Tim also has docked to this side so we can continue to fight on water after losing a few docks on the front this is what Angelina can see Angelina can see everywhere except for here and here oh oh wait there's a scout that scout that starting scout no way tim is gonna choose the perfect location he just had galleys here and Angelina can't see it such smart thinking from Tim who just lost him out there Wow oh man the gold is here Angelina doesn't have Town Center's there and I don't think that players would ever expect someone to go for Castle age aggression like this I think what they would expect is for Tim to just go in and go water as opposed to landing and going nights but why is he transporting over here now what okay first transport location sneaky second transport location not so sneaky and oh no now Angelina knows about it and beautiful quikwall beautiful quick hole which is castle here see now I'm not so sure like Italians have Genoese crossbow right so Jenni's crossbow fantastic against Knights now I'm not so sure how much this is gonna do but Tim is denying I would say a fourth of this island which is nice it does something at least Wow ninety-seven villagers for Tim and 75 for Angelina Angelina fell way behind and Tim is just gonna roll on past that was a big big deal because I think now these Knights can definitely do some damage and it's panic time for Angelina these Knights have armor they have extra attack they have forging you need to wall this up big time well this does not look pretty for Angelina at all I think Tim is probably very happy with this right because Tim is comfortably harassing on land and he's untouched he's untouched on land and he's still creating a V so he could bounce back on water only risk now I see is Angelina is on the way to the Imperial age so I should say the Genoese crossbow well they do have a bonus verse calves they're not the perfect unit to have without full upgrades but my god this boom from Tim is crazy I think Tim needs to make a decision now do you continue to create nights or do you stop producing nights and go to him he seems to want to produce nights this is so weird [Music] Angelina knows he's there you can't do anything about it he can't wall in the bills he can't attack the bills because this is such a peculiar situation he really needs to get Jen amis crossbowmen over here some stone walls are nice Tim is now making a tower what just to keep those bills safe I guess I saw a transport ship for Angelina that's gonna make things interesting if he gets to Tim's base remember Tim still has not flicked up to the Imperial aged man he still has not clicked up to the Imperial age this is crazy he's just producing nights all right so the the Genoese crossbowmen will sit here actually can't sit next to the tower wow this is this is such a Tim game there's no other way to say it this is such a Tim game like no does a tim game alright that monk gets focused down immediately Angelina Jolie does not get the conversion see what type of damage that Genovese crossbowmen do ballistics is in it seems to be tipped killing Knights pretty quickly but Tim still is holding that presence here just don't know if it's worth all the waste of resources now Tim will probably like what does he do now another transport with a bunch of villagers I think he wants to castle the neutral islands and I will say that Angelina Jolie hasn't benefited all that much remember you got bracer which is helpful but he doesn't have galleon yet wait is Tim going to castle the neutral island or is he going to castle here don't castle here you can make you can't rub you down then Tim is going to Castle here like oh yeah well Archer ain't it if it had space for three Archer ranges it has space for this oh wait no Angelina Jolie wants to tower the same island that Tim wants to build a castle on I think what three towers can Angelina Jolie see that he can oh my god and they're both getting guard tower - they're both getting guard tower okay so you know what building a castle here is a lot more stone invested Towers isn't the worst play okay Tower V tower now they both get guard tower what are the odds of that what are the odds that 140 population for Tim who still has stables here he's going to go cavalier which is baffling to me but he still is untouched at home and he is going to have three towers verse one in the center which is nice I will see how long they stay up though because obviously the galleons will be coming this direction I believe that Angelina Jolie is going to be very surprised by the amount of units that Tim has within these buildings because at rebus come over here now and Tim very well might just take out that trap yep maggin l oh well I even dodged the castle fire I got another shot that was beautiful alright fast fire is on the way for Tim this could get dangerous for Angelina Tim will has to have fast fires coming from both sides I believe the trebs still up another TREB has been created this trip might actually take care of the towers Tim engage before fast fire which is really bad though what a series man what a series guys I know that not all of the best of fives in round one have some of the like big names that you guys might be familiar with if you're a more casual viewer but my god we have so many good players in this community it's so cool to me to have players like Angelina being able to play up against someone like Tim and and he could possibly win this series man would definitely be one of the bigger upsets if definitely one of the bigger round one upsets if Tim loses this today all right so that castle position is very important because now Angelina Jolie can't reinforce with his Navy as easily because he has to sail past there so that's that's going to be really good for Tim the Knights I always felt like that was going to be short-lived but the reality is Tim has been able to take all his resources untouched which I like for him he's also kept this relic away from Angelina Jolie for a moment or two and the tower war still continues here and now we have a castle for Angelina so same logic just protecting the side of the base hmm so now my question is what do Persians do because they do not get they do not have good galleons so if you're making galleons you like bracer so the galleons should be better for Angelina Jolie I don't think Angelina Jolie was able to research ship right which makes the ships cheaper which could be a concern for him but finally this tower gets cleared out all right hmm I don't think Angelina Jolie really has any tendencies to pick up on Angelina Jolie is just a solid player one a few a few Oscars is it Grammys or Oscars which one's the one with wit movies you can tell I'm think of a nerd I am I don't even know whatever whatever it is yeah he's won a few of those is it Oscars Oscars ah okay Oscars yeah yep I knew that I don't think you can justify going Kanekalon good question in the chat I don't think you can justify go in Cannon galleon yes you need to make sure you have full control on water and I don't think he does if you're talking about 29 fast fires verse forty galleons the fast fires will win unique demos or fast fires in front Angelina your Oscars don't matter now your Oscars do not matter now that was so bad if fall back use the towers used to choke point and then probably get some actually they don't get heavy demo right so maybe you get some fast fires of your own in front o but Tim will now Castle here and Tim has perfect castle spots thank this all stems from that push that Tim had earlier look at that eco difference Tim has a hundred and forty-four eco that's insane could end up hurting him if he doesn't have pop space for military but I think the point was so he could research all of his technologies finally loses this stable by the way Angelina doesn't know where to go at the moment because if you go this direction you have to sail past that castle hit-and-run hit-and-run hit-and-run I think Tim will take the center island back under his control hmm now the other thing about over booming like this is you chop through your wood faster I mean you still collected these three thousand wood but that's something to remember it'll it'll give us more of an idea of how much wood Tim really has Oh God Angelina Angelina oh this is so good for Tim tim has 24 fires against 30 galleons it just full surrounds a one not full surround sorry but it's around on the trailing units there the docks will start getting taken out ever since this castle from Timmins look really good for him because of the positioning and Jelena that tower is kind of funny so guys you know what's interesting Tim's castles are in the ideal position to protect himself the one castle from Angelina he would not have wanted where it currently is is this one and that all the reasoning place that castle was because of the stables so yeah he didn't kill that much but you could argue that that position he would have never gained if it wasn't for that landing interesting huh does anyone know what Persians get keep I know Italians do I don't know if Persians get deep but there's now a TREB here on this island for Tim they don't get keep all right so he's fighting with a civilization which is definitely worse on water and winning pretty epic stuff the economy he has is just insane can Angelina hold on he has more military now some of those are Genovese crossbow which are somewhere on his lands but he has more military and he's built towers next to the docks I feel like we're going to see a who has the most wood scenario again it's like impossible to kill someone on Islands man this was Tim's home map remember this is this is sick man this is sick for our game not sure about that one I hope not we have another qualifier best of five to cast today it definitely seems like Angelina has more wood he's 3,000 wood and he has 70 on wood at the moment I think the lack of production is an issue so he has to rebuild docks there you go there's also that fifth relic in the center remember it's two relics for Angelina two for Tim fifth relic is right there in the center islands so relics can become very important even if it's just for buying wood now Tim is adding galleons now and Wow he has sticks tiles in the wood in the bank it's so much more peaceful over here whoo Angelina Jolie going for cannon galleon but my point is do you want to invest in the cannon galleon if you do not have the numbers because if you have less Navy and you go cannon galleon it's just an expensive ship for your opponent to snipe tim has been so incredibly wise with his positioning in this game what Tim is known for he's also adding in some galleons they're worse black racer but they're still galleons the towers and the trebs make it so awkward for Angelina the push here and it just create as much as you can and then hit and run a hit and run and hit and run and run Angelina Jolie's the key word in this sentence run is the key word in this phrase that was not so good yeah back up now you have your towers there you go [Music] oh wow Tim just transported a trebuchet and lost it to villagers as if this game wasn't lucky enough we just had trebuchet stakeout villagers did you guys know what that Italians are good at that I didn't know about that bonus whoa okay Tim is it's time for him to use that food apparently he wants to read with hustlers so I guess I'll have to transport them over that was Angelina Streb I don't think it was was it I mean it's a dead trebuchet now does it really matter 100 percents is ginger Mountain okay I trust ginger Mountain because he did not say 99 percent he said 100 percent so I guess Angelina I would make sense he might have had the trip over here to take out the castle I don't think Angelina has the numbers right now tim has 56 military verse 36 and yes some of that military number is huh sir Angelina has struggled with numbers all of the Imperial age and if Tim has the numbers he is the position and that means he can transport the huskar's across and you know that's going to happen this could be near deg I mean if it isn't GG already once the hustlers show up that means less population in Angelina in total that means less Lumberjacks tim has so much on the map right now he did delete villagers by the way he'll probably delete more would really like to see him get that relic and that stone now you can see him towering here possibly but here come those hussars so now Angelina who's already struggling with numbers on water needs to now add numbers to land to hold this does not seem all that doable for Angelina who had such a good feudal age and Tim's dropping a castle wall Tim Tim is dropping a castle on him too this guy does not mess around with this castle spots stone walls and castles probably like the two big things about Tim's play he knows where to place them he knows when to place them he also seems to know how important relics are because he's attacking that monastery they the only risk of this castle is that Angelina can just make trips - Trevor down but if you have hustlers you can take out the trip so the time alone the castle was really good hmm okay and I think if Angelina comes back in this game guys he needs to get position in the center he needs to TREB this castle down that's him will steal some wood that's probably a good decision based on recent events hmm yeah tim is actually you can't chop wood anymore but he has eight thousand in the bank yeah okay he's going to chop wood here so he can chop some wood but not on his Islands well nice quick wall from Angelina look at that that house will mean the trebuchet will still stand what about the Navy though timís but his production has been crazy I think this is probably a choke while Tim's also here and he's battering down that tower viciously this is probably a choke where Angelina has to fight yeah you have the towers you also have about 40 galleons or had about 40 galleons at this this is the risk with the forward castle thing so now the forward castle will go down I actually normally I'm of the opinion that if you build those castles that's not smart I thought it was smart for Tim initially not so sure now tim has 166 pop 120 villagers think the military count is always going to be the most important thing and the resource county is 8,000 we know Angelina has 8,000 wood tim has 6,000 wood is the comeback doable for Angelina let's think about this they both have two relics Angelina still has like 1200 gold there I actually think the comeback is doable there's still there's not much wood honestly the meadow should probably be Bank up gold and I would like instead of making us art what if Tim sold all of his food and bought wood the neutral islands make a very big difference here where are Tim's villagers going right now I have no clue I think he I actually think he double-clicked these bills to repeat he double-clicked he was on this part of his screen he must be zoomed out or something because he double clicked all of his bills here to repair and then these villagers all tried to follow Oh God this is funny I love Tim one of these villagers doing a siege workshop the hoodstarz commit ieast revving down the monastery that's huge and Angelina just calls it did he need to call it there did he need to call it there though yeah I think he did there's 20 ha stars on his Islands there's there's about to be Rams on the way he wouldn't have the relics he probably could have kept these galleon numbers alive but Tim had the extra gold Tim still had production he still had resources at this point he had more resources than Angelina what a what an interesting game Tim just picked Persians on islands and beat Italians you won't see that every day well after Game one Tim played lights out we're expecting the same from him we thought Angelina would struggle Angelina used one of his home maps which is one of the new maps and hidden Cup and he got the wind to tie it up so I think here Angelina has two more home apps to choose from we could easily Angelina tie it up and take this to game 5 for now the score is two to one for Tim though and here's the statistics no surprise Tim had more food Tim actually had more wood the stone count was similar and he had way more gold we're not talking two or three thousand here Tim had 18,000 gold that's ridiculous I really think he probably sold some of the food like I said earlier maybe sold some of his wood it's probably not the smartest move but Tim wins with his eco you whoo all right till nine one one says t90 didn't feel like increasing significantly the amount of the wood on the neutral island speed up island games what I don't understand sometimes when I respond taranta messages in chat I either confused myself with a message itself is confusing I don't think the wood in the center made any real difference there could have come into play obviously in a closer game but now Tim just beast is up there t90 shouldn't Angelina have just used a few demos when Tim came rushing with fire ships not regular demo so that's the thing not regular demos and regular demos are good in castle age they're not near as good in the Imperial age and Italians do not get heavy demolition ship so with that in mind I think what he actually needed was to have the eco and have the time to get his own galleys sorryi galleons and fast fires but he didn't have it because of Tim's pressure so like Tim's landing basically just distracted his opponent and then he was able to push at the right time that's the way I see it that's all from Sweden just sub thank you for the nine months thank you not so smokey at a love seal as small a crib Oh Omar a keV Meister cava bad the amount of hype and kind words I'm seeing now with these recent messages awesome guys I say we move on because we're a little bit behind schedule game four is coming up game four will be oh please tell me it's what I think it is BAE nice now this is fascinating because they both picked Mongols okay so as it stands they both have one global ban ahead of the series and then it's hidden civilization with free pick so they both chose francs for ravines possibly saving Mongols for Bay but a lot of other players we're not picking Mongols on Bay in hidden Cup two like we had a lot of Japanese here we had a lot of Malians we had a lot of Huns we had a lot of Italians actually so this is the first well actually no not first time you will see Bay but this is hidden Cup three Bay another hidden Cup only map you can see the precious salmon in the center but also a lot of real estate out here to push for it's a map I like because players have options and normally you'll see players come back for water if they think water is important but also they have the land options in Deer the main change that we made with hidden Cup two's Bay and hidden Cup threes Bay is that the there's more deer so you have this section of deer for both players but you also are going to have additional areas of deer kind of similar to step have you seen that throughout the map I don't think it's gonna make a big difference but it's nice now if you pick Mongols do you think you're going full-on prioritization fishing ships for eco probably not do you think that you should just flat-out forget about the water probably not because then your opponent will have a free fish boom so I think we'll probably see a da will probably see players hunt and then that food will end up becoming important Mongols hunt 50% faster so I've seen Mongols loose because mom will struggle on water Mongols is definitely the safe to think about when it comes to sipping no because Mongols can be good on so many Maps you could have been good on ravines earlier could be good on slopes which is another map which is new and hidden cup any map where there's any hunt and that's every map Mongols can be strong so I just it was interesting to me how Tim like I even feel like Persians could be good here when when Persians in the previous one yes this map could also be called pants many people have pointed out that this is the the crotch region of a dude wearing pants you have Angelina Jolie is one of the legs Tim is one of the legs and then you have the belt region up here we're going to call it Bay okay it's not pants this is a professional stream and a professional tournament imagine if if I actually renamed pants though your brand's new to Age of Empires 2 you show up for the the main event of hidden cuff you have Arabia you have cup you have slopes you have ravines and then you go all the way down this alphabetical list of maps and there's pants like something that just wouldn't fit okay that just wouldn't fit but you guys can call it pants all you want colonia with 13 months i'm actually going to go to some alerts now because i have the time it says thank you for always making my days funnier and brighter here's to another month colonia that's a big part of streaming for me i won't get into the big feels ii speech now but trust me when i say that i need people to watch I need people to relax too and so yes while I really enjoy streaming age 2 and while I enjoy casting age 2 it's bigger than that for me and it's always been important to me to to make people's days brighter and relate to you guys in a more personal level so I try my best but I can and colonia my pleasure octo welcome back for 6 months thank you l to wear a whale and ur welcome guys so Tim is not docking I've never ever ever ever ever ever seen a player and hidden come to preparation or now hidden cup three qualifiers obviously this is the first set forget about the water entirely you look at Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie has docked added to fishing ships is going to build up towards winning that water I believe but in this this is a bit weird to me but I like it I like it we get to see what works and what doesn't work right most relics on Tim's side yeah that's true actually yeah that's pretty imbalanced we'll have to take a look at that he is four relics over here that would be that would be kind of a bummer right if that were to make a make or break a game it shouldn't be like that I'll talk to the scripters but anyways it's not gonna be a factor in this game so another aspect of this map is you can't wall your base easily you cannot wall to the water which is common on other maps so if you wall to the shoreline you cannot wall in this area and as you two units can cross there so I guess what Angelina will choose to do now he's going to deer he could always wall to the dock and then from the dock to the shoreline if he's worried Tim is going Scouts and Tim oh we got some hits in right before Angelina joins him in futile age so now he's actually winning this Scout war that's huge if Angelina loses the Scout he won't know what Tim is up to all right babe Loreena okay tim is on the ball and Tim also spotted the dock so he knows what's up but I don't think he's going to do anything about it I think he's just going to let Angelina take the salmon and Angelina must know that there's no dock he's added a galley so he can control the shoreline again I've never seen someone just forget about water before Tim played and hidden cup too but I don't think he ever played on this map I don't think he picked it and I don't think he was ever against someone who picked it this is the approach I kind of expected has Tim benefited from from not going on water much not yet he could lame you could use this beer to poke down the deer those villagers are always going to be exposed also I should remind you if you're just thinking about how the map will play out there's only so much fish in the center as much as I love salmon salmon only have 225 food and deep fish have 350 so it's not too much food in there but you have the water control it's certainly worth it in early game whoa Tim placed a house here is he coming forward whoa so when I envisioned for this map when I first thought of the concept is too is for there to be pros and cons throughout the whole game so for example Angelina Jolie has water but he now has less control on land Tim has more control on land but he doesn't have the water so that was kind of the idea and Tim really wants to play aggressive for the Northern Territory now Nimmo no stable for Angelina so he won't be making Scouts because he's been making fish and chips and he has housed a bit at the moment t90 are you planning on altering any rules regarding laning uh it depends so it's very likely oh wow Tim's making an archery range here it's very likely we will make changes from the qualifier into the main event it's a great way to learn about the changes to Maps need to be made spice up what the main event will be I really want to allow laning but Microsoft has to I'm in communication with them and pretty much they have to supply me a patch where I feel like it's in a good spot and so we're working on that still have plenty of time right now guys I don't think that Angelina Jolie will like the fact that he's blind to what Tim is doing at the moment and Tim is actually taking advantage of the additional four deer out here this was not in hidden cup to remember he doesn't have the fish his two farms he still needs a lot of food income to ever go up but imagine if he can take map control and it's almost like Anjali in a sense is this she senses something's up he knows he's vulnerable he knows Tim has Scouts and he knows that Tim knows that he's been pretty much just on spearmen so that's an excellent game sense from him to realise he's exposed and look at that Tim arrives well villagers have gone to stone for Angelina who has more food and Angelina will now need to wall on a map where it's very difficult to wall but players always find a way it's actually not too difficult you just have to wall a whole lot more down here you could argue Tim could have denied that earlier so I think now Angelina hmm guys he has 800 food almost enough gold to go up to the next stage imagine if he were to lose his fish now he'd have like no food income Tim is now going to take these deer he's adding some farms so he's taking the ten deer here the four deer here he'll have 18 deer well did I just get baby sharks I got shadow I'm sorry he says I want to know if you will get spooked okay the sound was on for me ah oh my god that scares me every time there you go that scared me oh my God thank you so much for the support shadow you're amazing no I have muted I'm sorry I haven't muted for the day just pretend it scared me an awful lot and then I'm going to lose my hearing because of it it'll make you feel better Angelina has the resources to go up and now has now clicked up okay so tell her on this side tower on this side he's pretty much secure Tim decides to just engage can Tim just take out that dock possibly what do you what do you do here I would love to see a demo all oh my god Angelina is making a demo we might not have the noise a baby shark but we might have the noise of a demo chat can we please salute I guess you guys are doing 290 doing but please thank shout her off for that that guy's he's a legend there's a reason he's a VIP oh my god this could be so huge delete it Oh Mike what's it crashed the game the demo crashed the game what the hell man what the hell sick demo but maybe kill a few less units next time okay one second you please enjoy this this music while your party is reached okay that was the sick that was a sick temper if this wasn't if this wasn't a best-of-five the title would be the demo that broke the game imagine that clickbait that's for some other youtuber to do I would never do that alright bear with me guys sorry about that that's actually hilarious and we weren't that far along in the game I'm going to assume that a game is fine I just can't look at that area of the screen like how does this work can we get some things to ease in the chat okay so this is what I want to talk about this actually gives me more time if you look at how Tim is playing this he's coming back on the water at the time that Angelina Jolie is most vulnerable so yes Angelina Jolie will be arriving in Castle age however he does not have deer as Mongols and he could potentially lose all of his fish and if that happens he'll be in Castle age but he won't be able to do much with it and then Tim will follow to Castle age be later but he'll have a more sustainable economy that crash definitely happened right when the demo came in so yeah anyways I kind of want to see to tint scout the water initially he did right I don't know I I'm just it's hard for me to know how much player is prepared and it's still baffling to me that Tim decided to forget about it but I think if you play like Tim did and then go back home to water like he's attempting to do it could work out really well so if you're ever wondering how how fast Tim was back in 2005 this is exactly what his games look like he slowed down a bit over the years but his game senses a lot it's a whole lot better now see how much faster he was it's crazy guys these games were played yesterday all the games are going to be recorded games and we stacked them up together basically so we're able to to cast them all in order trust me when I say live games would produce more problems for us okay trust me when I say the live games would potentially give us some issues is Angelina really Dutch as for Angelina Jolie cannot confirm Angelina the player here yes really Dutch probably D but the best player from the Netherlands that and I think golden ends can someone confirm golden ends is also from the Netherlands Tim Tim wasn't messing around here by the way he poked the other dear dad poked and dead so do we look at the demo or do we not it's really satisfying I really want to look at it what if we just keep it on the side of our screen okay we just won't look at it head-on okay this is the qualifier so this is this is basically beta testing for Microsoft let's let's go let's see okay how many units does he have he has a total of 11 units I have to look it I just won't zoom in please don't crash game please don't crash I think he went down the 2 I'm so scared come on GE you can do it we made it boys we made it yes let's go all right perfect crisis avoided just don't do men on demo shots apparently so nine units died to that demo that was sick let's just get this up and running perfect so here's my point though Tim is making some fire so if he's able to get these fish out of the picture there's two farms and some ferries for Angelina he is five on food otherwise now on the other hand he's also going to be he's banked up a lot of resources and he's also going to be in the position to build a castle and go from manga died which is really dangerous for Tim but Tim is still hunting out here he's on stone somewhere yeah he's also on stone I don't think Tim's position is all that bad I really don't but it really depends on what happens on water here so I did see Angelina got a small hit in so if it's one V one Angelina will defend and Angelina should probably be thinking about switching up the economy in some more farms there's the castle lovely game can we can we please give Tim props for being a beast and going for a completely different strategy this is a mirror matchup this is what excites me a mirror matchup and both players have gone for completely different strategies and I can't say one player is way ahead because of what they've done I think what the amount of resources that Tim has he could easily live without water here I also like the scouting from Tim hey the whole point of this map is if you take water if you stay behind your walls like Angelina there's there's negative consequences and the consequence here is that he does not have the other resources he'll need on the map so for now he's fine this is good repair and good defense on water but we'll see how what he can do as far as map control goes 43 villagers for Angelina keep in mind villagers also includes fishing ships so he does not have as many bills actually it's just the fishing ships and I think what I was envisioning from Tim is to dock commitment he only went for one dock so it didn't work out quite as I would have liked for him there but he's castling the middle Oh what do you think about that I do like this town centre because it protects that side of his gold otherwise you have some archers on patrol and that's pretty much it this map is not called pants actually this is hilarious someone in the chat just said are these fake names for hidden Cup three qualifiers also which is funny because Tim is like the simplest name that you could ever think of and Angelina Jolie sounds like it would be a fake name I didn't I didn't put that together until now that's funny no these are actual names for players Angelina Jolie is what he has been known as for a while and Tim has been known as this for a while as well I guess the second set today will be less confusing we'll have set owl verse Velez where again Velez is expected to go through but this has been an awesome set I think Angelina Jolie has gained a lot of respect to your regardless of how this the game goes today or the series goes today for him and alright I talked about needing to expand Angelina Jolie didn't do that but sent the two manga die over and boom Bildad 50 for villagers for Angelina and 48 for Tim so you could you could argue based on statistics that Tim is behind right now it's very possible that since these games were played I believe yesterday morning that Angelina is watching this right now I can get to you Tim is not watching this right now but if you have any kind words for Angelina make sure to leave them I know that for a lot of these players in the qualifier they don't get to play in front of a lot of viewers very frequently and I also know since he's a Dutch Pro I know that there's quite a few people out there who might not have known he's existed from their own country so so what are we looking at upgrades fletching and I can't click ok bodkin for Tim so Tim has bodkin arrow I guess it's in now for Angelina all right another castle for Tim wow that's a lot on stone then that is a lion oh this hurts he's not going to have near as many on stone actually if bodkin arrow would have completed a second earlier he would have killed more villagers there but he still gets two and don't ask me how that villager survived this castle I think was very much needed to secure the golds where's Tim going now why did he delete that what did he abandon his wood line entirely do you see that well I guess he thought the magnetite would run in that this is huge for Angelina Angelina has 17 more eco units now and he can just run right out if you're Tim is he's behind massively now like sixty eight villages verse 52 and if you go for a second Castle this early that means you don't have as much food in what do you go so that's enough that's almost a good sign for Angelina here whereas if his castle goes up a couple minutes later that means he had a couple more minutes where he prioritized in the right things with his economy good micro for Tim though and if manga died numbers are going to be key here and I think they will be he's off to a good start in this fight Angelina can't seem to get away and Tim says thank you very much so I'm not so sure who is ahead if Tim has to mega to castle magnetite production where will Angelina place it well hold on a second Angelina will actually click up to the Imperial age Tim is really far from that and ii castles here it's so passive but there's still resources for Angelina he's had the fish he's now out of the fish and he'll add some fish traps alright so now it's a question of how good Tim's eco is going to be and can Tim pressure with the extra mega diet he's still going to be taking deer in the cast legs it's really not a great sign show did he do it here probably but when you have so few farms that you need to take gear not gear sorry there will be no gear used here that is banned performance-enhancing drugs are banned in this tournament but if you need to take deer that tells me that you do not have the eco setup that you need to last for a long time in this game but it's very typical of Tim to take some map control and then just stall the game out cockroach it a little bit as MBO would and he's also looking to get the relics and there's four relics on this side of the map so I've never seen that before it's funny how light we look at all these versions of maps and then it actually ends up being in an event and you have a weird map Jen but something he should take advantage of for sure I think whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Tim wants to wall in the gold well Angelina probably won't push out until he is in the interior lage he knows that Tim has more numbers that has a Tim move by the way if Tim makes it into the main event of hidden cup walling and resources stonewalling your stone your own base sorry that is a Tim move nice microphone Tim does not lose a single mega mega died to the ships here could always redock I don't think he needs to redock I think this is just so he can walk past here this is a bit risky for Angelina who does not see the gold as being walled in you will have bracer now but I'm not so sure about taking that fight ok this flight is definitely it makes a lot more sense for that gold will be walled up Angelina sees only that gold outside of his walls and not counting the Gold's over on Tim's side all right Tim what's your eco looking like man he can click up soon he can build this third castle soon it's making seat workshops in the center which is it seems rather ill-timed yes Angelina has poor map position but now Angelina can force fights with the upgrades Tim cannot take these fights at all he can't take this fight and Angelina says who cares about the resources to the north I'm going to build a forward castle on your face Tim wow what a play what a decision man the balls you'd have to have a don't crash don't crash don't crash okay we saw the demo earlier I was really worried but yeah that castle goes up that means Angelina can start making treads and Trevor down that castle from Tim and if Tim tries to engage he has less upgrades more numbers but less upgrades on the micro from Angelina was so good I think we're going to a game five here guys nobody expected Angelina to have a chance first Tim but Angelina showed up today Tim still has not clicked up Tim still has not clicked up to the imperial age he actually has tons of food but just by needs to click now he needs to click three castles to produce manga die from more importantly Tim is probably going to be down a castle and the monastery where Tim has all the relics is right here too so isn't that funny Angelina didn't have them in the north he didn't Scout them in the north but Tim brought them to him loony loser says 15 verse 18th seed I wasn't going to be shocked if it went to five games well loony I guess I should say this for people who know Tim they would have expected him if he tried to rank up to get a lot higher in the seating right so Tim is probably a guy who could have gotten like 9/10 at like the highest I would have expected him a tenth actually so Angelina is beasting it up right now this is so good such a good fight realise that the castle isn't in range for Tim mike-christelle everything that Tim needs to fight within the next stage and the trebs will be coming from the left side is this winnable for Tim or is he just dead at this point he did convert that manga died he was just funny uh because that's an area that Angelina can hit and should hit oh man he must not have seen the Vil's there there's a lot to focus on in that moment still am worried for Angelina that he hasn't been able to expand and he's going to reach a point where he knows the gold is there and sends villagers out there desperately to mine the gold will he realise now that he cannot take that okay he actually does so now he's gone out there to scout that and sees that he might eat a ram or to think he's been a bit too late to scouting some of these areas if I were to say is one thing that Angelina could have improved on it was just scouting the map but now he runs out here now he knows that villagers have to be around he's looking for them he will not find them Tim gets lucky those villagers will remain on gold but Tim has his main gold and a secondary gold here he has his relics which I believe now it's for in this monastery Tim is getting his upgrades can Tim stop this castle now Angeline it doesn't have that many mega died you hold on a second guys this is such a close game it's 114 population for both Tim is bringing the fifth relic to the monastery that is right next to the treads Tim move the relics elsewhere man like pick them up and take them to the edge of the map and rebuild a monastery at some point I know that Ames Lina had a birthday recently and I know you couldn't make it to the party but he said you didn't have to bring gifts all right oh my god that stresses me out so much that stresses me out all right tim has to catch up on upgrades it's keep an eye on that they're all their elite Magid ID their elite Maggie died for Angelina that's huge I didn't realize they were leave that actually comes back to the foodie code that he has only has eleven here though he'll castle take that stone he'll take this gold okay so he is thinking about expanding a bit Tim now has elite manga died uh-huh not the relics wait I want to see no why are you building the new monastery there van-like just build it up against the edge of the map that's like that's all the same part of the screen Tim oh my god dude ah it's all right he's getting elite manganite he'll have full upgrades soon he's confident I think it was Dave who once said pro players can be so stupid sometimes I think that's a Dave quote or at least dave was quoting someone else for people this smart you could be so stupid something like that okay the TREB goes down he's hey that Gold's important so he wants to get the relics as fast as possible apparently you can really tell that Angelina has been working on expanding because he hasn't been pushing as much here I still think he should be happy that he has been able to take out the castle and deny these Gold's ten Midnight's for whatever reason but it honestly doesn't make any sense in a manga work but it's just Tim things and I'm waiting now for Angelina to make a put oh no oh no I can see the throw I can see it coming Angelina hasn't been forcing Tim to fight and Tim knows that these resources are exposed now because he had the houses and buildings there and he just saw the RAM so now Angelina probably will send units back to deal with that right I mean I hope he doesn't but he might have to okay he will hide underneath that castle having that castle there was clutched for him he also had some and I offer here where Tim now has town centers to store things but you see how Tim knows the map he is all five relics guys he has all this gold this is very dangerous for Angelina but I know that the emote failfish doesn't get used very often but that emote could not describe this situation more perfectly make those relics if he just oh what is this I was skirmishers oh good thing Tim made Knights 500 IQ make Titan of Mongols war so you can clear up three skirmishers that go into your base perfect but but these relics man if you just took them to the edge of the map it would have been perfect 159 pop for Angelina who is securing these resources Angelina should win this game especially if he takes that monastery out but Tim has 34 manga died it's 34 for Angelina and Angelina has sturms so I think this is a fight that Angelina wins if Angelina wins this game we go to Game five and round one Shirley now Tim can't keep up with production right Tim doesn't have the castles wow that fights so close the monk healing there might actually make a difference look look at the line of bodies for both of them quick Tim get the relics and build them in another monastery on the same part of the screen Angelina finish him off man finish him off can Angelina be the giant killer finish him off Tim is making mangas he's making mangoes he's really going to struggle now cuz he has 11 farms to deal with scurbs he had more farms he could go for a house art he does not have the food Eko Angelina has 40 farms the only thing that could be saying negatively about Angelina's position would be the fact he doesn't have relics but now Tim doesn't I don't think Angelina can lose this he's taking a bit of time to produce I think forward archery ranges would have made more sense maybe somewhere around where the island is but still excellent micro here to take out the mangoes and use the scrim first manga died and now the trebs are here this is this is good this is very very good I think Tim his mid-game hurt here by not having the farms it was almost over commitment to deer economically probably didn't take care of those fish guys this is the shocker not gonna lie I thought 3:1 Tim I thought Tim might might fail on a game like Angelina Jolie would have a really well prepared strategy on one of the new maps I did not think that Angelina Jolie would perform this well on both of his home maps the next game if Angelina wins this will be on Tim's remaining he has two home maps remaining his cup which is the hidden cup map and he has another one which I forget but my god Tim is not known for resigning early so if you're expecting a resign here you should forget about it for at least another five minutes Angelina Jolie doesn't seem to think the relics are very important man I don't know if there's any mumps watching this at home but whether you're watching on YouTube or twitch I'm sorry okay I'm really sorry so much gold on this map so much gold so much stone to fight for and Tim's just getting pushed further and further back honestly this area here Wow three skirmishers again this is the meta apparently this area here could be trucked down and that's 30 bills from Tim's eco but the priority should always be castle numbers this is desperation now for Tim he's hoping he can get a big shot okay he's sending all of his magnetite this way and he's hoping that he can kill the skirmishers with just maca Nels it's really hard to justify using si Jin a Mongol war because magnet I have a bonus for a siege and an Angelina Jolie is just taking out castle after castle and he continues to protect it as skirmishers with magid a really good play hmm okay these villagers will die for Angelina these villagers will die for Angelina that will make you stress a little bit when you're in his position Tim continues to expand to all those extra golds but he continues to lose castles wait a second is Omniture on the way for him auditors at 10% right now there's no way right there's no way Angelina loses this right I'm actually nervous because I think we already saw the sick demo right we could see auditor save this for Angelina Jolie but we're talking like 5% chance as long as magnet I are here all of those auditors will die every single one but wait there's also see to work okay auditors completed there's also siege workshops on this side tim has a lot of manga died here this might distract Angelina is this Tim's way back into the end of the fight oh my god oh my god oh my god Angelina you expected Rams but do you have a huge surprise waiting for you in those seeds workshops oh my god Tim and now now tim has more mega die he could get the relics and this game is wide open this is wide open Tim can actually win this now Angelina knows about the Gold's so he's going to start raiding here I like that but Tim should still have mega die how many castles is yawn right now one one Castle that's it whereas it's like five for Angelina there's the monastery that is the exact same spot he built the previous monastery so apparently positioning is very important if you have no idea how much that bothers me as a caster you've no idea how much that bothers me actually I'm pretty sure you have an idea he can't really make treads which is weird because you need to make manga die if you stop making mega dying or trouble and now Angelina knows that auditors in he also does not have food eco like Tim Tim is working on two food eco right now so Angelina should still win this he just needs to reap off with the right units just no longer makes Kermes yeah he's making magnet I know yeah Angelina can still win this should still win this I would say just use the hussars as the sacrificial lambs use them against the auditors watch how quickly Islanders melt when you actually know they're coming oh my goodness that was beautiful that was beautiful oh the monk goes down the monk goes down that's hilarious Angelina's like nope oh my god is that it for Tim now he probably has another auditor or two on the way he is fighting with more manga died here so he'll hold but he can't make more numbers not fast enough anyway they will be plenty more production for Angelina this is this was supposed to be Tim's gold over dude this was supposed to be his perfect castle spot for Angelina to protect that gold this is the concern there's a lot of gold in Comfort Inn but honestly is like nothing else not seeing him chopping a lot of wood okay he is chopped a lot of wood okay guys if you are in angelina shoes do you do anything different this is just i'm curious if you guys differ in opinion here I really don't think you do it's just all about hitting the right spots so you do need to hit this position that's important I like that but reality is even if you lose this castle you're okay what worries me is that he knows the relics are there and Tim put all five back in that monastery I swear to God if Tim loses this series and he didn't move the relics to a safe position in this game I'm going to lose it cannot believe actually at this point I can't believe but initially I couldn't believe that he wouldn't move the monastery to somewhere safer but yeah that town center goes down those villages will go down see the problem now is if Angeline it takes the north tim can start taking this area back but i think this is the wiser move because you still have such a good position elsewhere with only so much population this is kind of how it goes tim is at 123 pop it's 193 for Angelina he has all this gold to mine now he's just destroying town centers until Tim will deal with it and Tim has to deal with it and Tim is trying to do with it tim has 11 farmers now so he's he's improved but he actually does not have any gold to mine here and he does not have any gold to mine there either so he has to take this can't really go for Rams and a Mongol war because manga died and that bonus against siege and I think take care of this castle Angelina and we're going to Game five Wow honestly Tim did him a favor clearing out the scurbs because ever since then Tim has never been able to take a good fight he needed to clear up half space he over made skearns all the block nice block beautiful block every other player in the pro scene whatever would resign in this situation hey actually maybe not with the relics maybe not with the relics relics kind of give you a reason to continue but Angelina just needs to start rubbing down this castle he doesn't even need to do that I think Angelina Jolie will take Tim to Game five guys everyone expected this to be Tim against out and the rounds - I'm not so sure now the way Angelina's playing this is is so good seems to be prepared went for the more I guess meta strategy did what I saw more players do in the previous hidden Cup will defend and hold this castle barely but should do so now Tim wants to go camel does he have the food eco for heavy panel I don't think so also Mongols yes they get heavy camel but they lack the final armor upgrade so as every aftermath player would say potato their potato units yeah good perfect just use the huh stars against the on adjourn it doesn't matter if you take losses if you can produce more sorry to any hussars who would get offended by that your lives are not valuable in this situation but I'd just protect the trip I would have liked to seen him wait for a few more trips honestly but still fine still it's fine I think this is Tim's last fight I think this is his last fight of the game it's a desperation fight Angelina is using beautiful micro with a few manga dies and huh stars to take care of all the auditors there's one remaining here I don't see that changing things Angelina Mike rose it down it only fires one shot that is Tim's final castle Tim taps out before it crashes down we are going to a game five in the very first best of five in this qualifier so I just like to say this in hidden Cup one we invited 12 players in hidden Cup two we had 14 players based on raiding enter Tim was one of them and then two players qualified in hidden Cup three eight players were voted in is the top eight players in the world by other pros and eight more players have to qualify can you see why qualifiers are needed in this community because Tim most would have said is better than Angelina and Leena is taking him to a game five okay qualifiers are exciting stuff man like in many ways I'm more excited for this because I I just can't wait to see certain names play in a tournament format look at the difference between the food wooden stone here again it was the mid game for Tim he hunted and feudal I liked that but he didn't think far enough ahead he didn't think about the farming eco would need and what the farming eco did for Angelina was this the faster Imperial aged time the hussars this skirmishers Tim he only had wood in food Eco art sorry he only had wood in gold eco and it was not enough so now we move on to the fifth game this will be the final game in this best-of-five and it will be on the final actually I think they picked three home maps right so let me see here okay tim has El Dorado and he has come and he doesn't have to say ahead of time which one he uses obviously now he'll he'll tell Angelina they'll start but I'm kind of expecting El Dorado here but I don't know there's only one way we find out brevis there's only two home maps each really then what am I looking at here robo is it islands in Cup then it must be islands in Cup okay so if it's oh he banned El Dorado okay okay so he bans El Dorado and Angelina Jolie bans hideout which is funny actually because that was like the most wobble map so it's Cup how sick is it that these guys are choosing the special hidden Cup Maps I love it one second I'm a noob scoreboard let's go man let's go this is a dream start to this qualifier for me Wow all of these Hicks are surprising to me look at this game number five this is game number five this decides who moves on to round two in this qualifier and with Persians available for Angelina Jolie with Vikings being a common pick in hidden Cup - with so many civilizations being strong on this they both went for Japanese so it's a Japanese mirror matchup and Japanese are not a bad civilization for this I would say Japanese are possibly top 5 for this but Japanese was not a common pick in hidden Cup - so these players have obviously prepared something for us whoever loses this will not participate in hidden Cup 3 it could be Tim this would be a huge upset Angelina Jolie is in the blue Tim is in the red if you have not seen this map before I'll briefly explain it again its map with options hidden Cup is a tournament of options all right so many of the maps or hybrid maps where you can go water but if you win water it's not necessarily game over right then like on some other maps you can go land but if you go land you're possibly giving up water and this map is pretty crazy because you can dock the center you can send units on land in the center and also if you dock the right side you can't pass over to the left and same with the left to the right players will have three Gold's you see the Gold's here for Angelina players will have two stones you see the stones here most of this is towards the backside of their base and then there's always a three tiled neutral gold on the left side somewhere and there's always gold in the center as well so when it's called Cup it's perhaps the most confusing map name because initially I wanted a map that looks like a cup and that's the idea I gave Hank the super nerd who's the one who created it it doesn't really look like a cup unless you have a great imagination you know if you turn your head to the side you can kind of see it but it's not it's not clear so anyways it's called cup and we're sticking with that so so Japanese why are Japanese good on this map well because of flexibility you need that on hybrid maps they're mining camps they're mills they're lumber camps all are 50% off their fishing ships also have armor and fish will be in harm's way on this map so I think the ability to make a dock but also make buildings on land is very much needed here it's a goblet it is a bottle someone says they see pants no you can't see pan-seared it is a Grail you infidels it's a trophy okay so some of you guys just like I said use your imagination but don't judge others for using theirs okay so notice how there's a theme at the start of this one they both docked the left-hand side now what's cool about this is you can hide your dock you can walk over here your opponent won't Scout it they won't go water you can dock to this side and this actually gives you a little bit more protection against any lands military that might come through scouting is a huge part of this map and Angelina has not seen that Tim as docking just yet thank you everyone for your ideas we are going to call it cup okay the name has already decided last year I appreciate your suggestions though and your input also while we're at it thank you just tech mirage drew dag or dodge please only Reece up if you have a name I can read Mason's thank you for 27 months love you love you man a jsb thank you Moon Moon what's really cool is where I'm seeing a lot of people who have only been here Oh voila mint off never mind it's Tim I'm seeing a lot of people who are here who were not here for Hayden kept one and I'm seeing a lot of people who are here who are not here for hidden cup two so to have all my old covers out there that sounds weirdly wrong and to have all the new faces as well here is great I don't know what our view count is that right now but we're probably close to what hidden cup one finals had so let that sink in that was in September of 2018 okay we have over 5,000 for the first best-of-five and a qualifier and the finals had six thousand viewers hidden couple um so again whether you've been here the whole time or just got here awesome community i'm i don't want to get feels you right now okay we're not gonna get fuels you that's not gonna happen but i love you Angelina Jolie is faster to feudal age and Angelina Jolie is docking the left with another dock now that was not meta before again what's funny is we initially used salmon as the mean right we added salmon for the mean but it does an excellent job of balancing maps because there's less food than other fish and I always hate it when water is too strong what will Tim do well he died as well I mean I see him going to golds and all will dock this side see and that's a big difference that means Tim will be outnumbered on the Left if Angelina Jolie goes for Navy yeah the relics look pretty good here I would agree with you on that relics look pretty good it was weird in the previous map glad it didn't make a difference to be honest so what's fascinating to me is I feel like they're over committing to water but I always see different strategies on this map like there was once a game from Lix who's a Chinese player who also play in the qualifier he went for militia and Dark Age against the fishing ships he literally drost fishing ships and then went for her fast towers afterwards was so weird he just walked right across and towered the guy's dog that was tatsat what tatto said to me originally because i tested this Oh Angelina Jolie gets a vill snipe tatse was the one who originally reviewed the first version of this two years ago with me tattoo said that he was considering building gates around the people's docks now check this out Angelina Jolie got a vill snipe and now we'll just bring his Scout over and now Tim can't do anything about this and now Tim can't cross was he prepared for this or was he not prepared for this this is one of his home maps you're kidding me right you can't cross here he docked this side oh wait oh okay okay I see I see you can still fire over the land that's funny alright so worked I guess but to me it looked like he was trying to cross over there and he just realized oh shoot I can't do that well I have seen a barracks for Tim I do now see a barracks for Angelina and a whole lot of walls and if this qualifier starts with an upset we have a lot of crazy things coming for us I mean I guess you could say in theory Tim could add fish and chips on this side see look he for sure tried to send his new Navy over to that side that was my question about Tim how prepared was he going to be because he's not playing as much as he used to I really like how Angelina played this I like how he's walling because he knows Tim could catch up by going on lands and Tim is going for an archery range to go online and it Tim also good move to add fish and chips here might as well right you have that side protected for now I think for now Angelina should probably take his foot off the gas a little bit on water and think yep about archers good move so just so you guys know you got the people who are mentioning the fact that this this scoreboard is up here I know it's large but if you consider the fact that this takes up a whole lot less space and the fact that there's already stuff behind this anyway like my normal menu options are all behind this anyway it's not we are gonna like take a look at making some changes for the qualifier but I still think this is much better than what we normally use and that we are also gonna have something completely different for the main event okay but yeah I have buttons behind this you guys don't see just so you know yeah we'll work on getting the Citiz to the scoreboard for you for now you guys will have to just live off the icons and chat we'll have to help you out but but what did Angelina just Scout did you see that he's scouted there's a doc over here and he ran past fish and chips he also sees the archery range man the scouting is so good forward market from Tim what why is he bad it's just like Tim does the funniest things man oh man guys I love you to death but let's chill with the copy pasta please what it's a four word trade strategy oh wait oh I see Angelina Jolie is building a market so he that's obvious trade counter if your opponents trying to trade with you you bait them into trading with your market non-reality what happened there is that he he had this villager out here anyways and he needed a market so he figured okay instead of walking him all the way back to my base we'll just make a market here that's perfect guys tim has come back he eat in my opinion over added fish here but he has more fishing ships than Angelina does or hold on we're looking at six two at eight and he's soon going to click up so rough start but this dock on the right side it hurt his chances of holding the left but he secured the right interesting now if you secure the middle which is the right side you also protect from archers going that direction so it's interesting to me that Angelina wants to go this direction because I think it would be so much easier to just run across this way man imagine if he did that Tim is so exposed but oh my god guys they're both on the way to castle age almost identical times oh and Tim wanted to wall them in Tim wanted to wall Angelina and well that won't work but at least Tim will know the archers are coming should realize the archers are on the way [Music] yep villager dies that villager was like a walking outpost right there it's actually not the worst thing because now Tim will send archers and squirms here to defend I'm tense man and on one hand Angelina is gonna be bummed out of his mind if he loses this but on the other hand like that would either way I'm gonna be sad either way I'm feeling way more emotion than I expected to feel today like the next set that's coming today will be Velez versatile and it's also expected that Velez will win but sit talisman playing good - he's around - Angelina's level so alright fletching for both of them and since they're going to reach cast lights at around the same time I think this just comes down to army numbers and micro and Angelina good micro he killed three units he hasn't lost a single one viper confirmed man my god he's out Mike rowing Tim look at that KD Oh Tim could have to leave his gold here in a second crossbow and bog cam will be coming in Tim wants to go elite skirm but he doesn't have the elite scrums on the other side Angelina is waiting to swoop in it's really good and now Angelina sat in galleys okay so good micro good work from Angelina Angelina actually does not click bodkin arrow yet Tim reinforced a bunch over here but now look surprised oh you killed my units on the right side that's cool well I'm back to the left I have all the water control I would ever need on the left you can't stop me from doing this this is crazy this is crazy assuming the villager dies okay dad Phil Madrid eyes and this TC could be denied follow her oh he doesn't follow instead he comes back to the gold where there's a villager who has a death wish no bodkin for Angela Angelina did he think that he clicked that he's going to three town centers okay guys I think Angelina miss played a little bit and I'm gonna tell you what happens so first off he doesn't have the food to click vodka narrow meaning that before he could justify taking fights here since she doesn't have vodka narrow he can't take fights and also he's added a third town center when he has it's possible he doesn't have enough on food to keep the town centers running so keep an eye on the the amount of villagers that he has the keep an eye on the amount that Tim has Tim is also on three TCS actually he's producing you can tell this guy's a classic player he had three villas queued up in this town center and he had none in the other two TCS so that's a classic Pro thing where they won't use The Awl like a lot of players will toggle through TCS some players I know vélez nowadays is using a go to wall hotkey or start go to all town center hotkey well Tim has a little bit of salmon remaining and these galleys will actually don't take forever to take out the fishing ships but they'll help a little bit the crossbows come in such a close game 52 eco for Tim 51 for Angelina who also still has about one fish remaining Tim added two stables again questionable in the food department his Knights cost a lot of food and he's also adding a siege workshop hmm the TCS are pumping for Angelina so I think my concern there's I would think I was off base there and then we also had a siege workshop from Angelina okay at what point does the center water like this area here become important to Angelina because you could see what it's doing to him on the Left gives him a whole lot of areas to push from I am surprised he's not using the crossbows more there's something if you have a dock here you can make demos and fires tim has a whole lot of crossbows okay here University for Tim yeah meaning he'll probably go for ballistics ooh boy Angelina I think you need a doc over here I think you need a few fires and a few demos yeah he sees the crossbows now you could also say that Tim as he's making fish traps over here could probably make some fires of zone oh this is so tense war galley is in on this side so Tim will have to abandon some of that area I'm so nervous guys now for the most part players know what the others up to what Angelina does does not know about is the Knights sorry words are hard oh but he filled my house there okay he knew that Tim knew that he had the mag Annelle out in the open and he wisely built that house good Mike her from Tim to take out that villager and the Knights now loop around whether it's it there is um there is an opening oh man Angelina you you were so good you were so well off and now the Knights just ran around and killed it anyways oh no oh that hurts so much tim has so much army over here tim is really good at playing the map and he knows about both of these gold he's going for guard tower he wants to go for guard tower and he he'll get that tower up wait he might not there's a mango here still the Knights to deal with the crawl supposed to deal with and the mango now boot in so he need quite a few big shots and Tim reacts instantly and Angelina fails with the micro it's all falling apart for Angelina oh my heart is breaking for this poor guy played so good throughout this series but now it's all falling apart guard tower will probably be coming in soon so many Idol villagers does have the Navy on the left just can't seem to deal with the right side guys all three of his Gold's are here he didn't protect the correct side hey nice shot there though at this point you need to hope your mag Annelle does damage for you Tim you just have to hit and run with micro keep the crossbows live as much as possible get as many kills as possible Angelina misfires with that mango now keep in mind there's still more nights coming in those nights we'll come in and go right for that thing oh no when the crossbows will go to the left where villagers are exposed that mango will for sure go down and Angelina he can't show up with more Macan else against the crossbows because the Knights will swoop in the Knights were the play everything was going so well and then it all fell apart that's competitive aue two for you okay nice house walls you have to start somewhere if you're Angelina just take care of these crossbows Tim's micro has been so good have a feeling I'm about to jinx him and he's going to lose all of his crossbows but it's still more than worth it Tim sees this does he still have his micro fingers oh that was a doubt split you could tell from you could tell they're from the same era but what a play Tim what a plate semi keeps the crossbows in it the Knights are still here this feels so over now and it is over Angelina put up one hell of a fight against him but Tim gets the win Tim will move on to rounds to where he will play in a best-of-seven against either doubts or hall whoever wins in that best-of-five would be very very interesting and heartbreaking chat salute Angelina again I don't know if Angelina's watching this but what a series I feel bad this this whole qualifier it's gonna make us feel very very bad because we actually know who people are unlike the main event I think that he showed a lot of people how good players in the top 50 can be that might not be as known congratulations Angelina for getting to games often I don't I don't think Tim sorry I don't think many people thought you would do that today including myself it was just a hole in a wall honestly just the hole in the wall and probably not docking the right side if something went down there because Tim was able to afford to make more crossbows he was able to get ballistics he was able to make two stables and make Knights something happened with Angelina's economy because it felt like he committed a whole lot less to castle age and he certainly didn't commit to the correct side beautiful beautiful play though all right so let's let's see what this sails us Tim had more food he had more wood he had more stone in the had more coal that's a lot more gold was it market abuse what what made the difference there was it the mining upgrades I'm not so sure maybe Tim had a few extra villagers on gold there and then he was able to buy some resources maybe angelina lacked a crucial eco upgrade like horse collar but Tim moves on so for us we're still continuing today so if you're planning on going anywhere I would cancel those plans okay because Velez and citta also play in their best of five here's a look at the brackets for those on YouTube it is soon time to say goodbye every single best of five will be on my youtube channel so you don't have to worry about that but this video will be coming to a close right after I talk about the brackets I a lot of big names a lot of big matches coming this qualifier literally last two and a half weeks okay but Tim is up three to two now he moves on you can see doubt in the lawn will be facing off I think that's gonna be streamed on Monday but what we are going to cast next is if you look a little bit more North put in the bracket or a little bit higher for lesson two towel and that's an interesting group too because whoever wins in that set will face either Rubin stock or project Belgium okay before we say goodbye to YouTube I should probably state YouTube if you haven't already called off work for March 19th for the 22nd yes I'm telling you to call for it for video games yes you're a nerd but we are - don't worry the main event for hidden Cup will be then okay less than a month away so if you have vacation days or you need to get really really sick just prepare in advance
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 198,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Tim, AngelinaJolie, Hidden Cup 3, HC3, Hidden Cup
Id: FUxHdHVfetA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 23sec (10163 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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