The Wrong Woman (2013) | Danica McKellar | Jonathan Bennett | Jaleel White | Full Movie

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so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] wow i know you did it mom what do you mean sweetie you threw away my stockings my fishnet stockings they'll turn up let's go for breakfast what you're reading an unidentified woman was brutally attacked on oak street last night that's not far from here honey can we please not read this kind of thing at the breakfast table you can't make bad things go away by pretending they don't exist well we don't have to bring them into the house come on daddy's a policeman i'm a detective after i passed the exam for the fraud division oh uh by the way get classes until nine so don't hold dinner see you girls later there's jasmine drop me off here only a block from school we'll be fine [Music] you stay away from my son got it excuse me what was that all about she's in one of her moods i guess so yeah she claims that you injured her precious kyle yesterday he was trying to climb the aquarium i had to pull him down so he didn't hurt himself well she's a drama queen you know this yes speaking of drama how was last night did you have fun did you learn any new tricks well we did learn this thing called the butterfly that was kind of interesting i told you that you would have fun i don't know alice i never imagined i'd be doing something like this it makes me feel guilty you are the sweetest most boring person i have ever met thank you i think [Music] hello officer was i speeding no ma'am can i see your license and registration please did i run a stop sign no your tags are expired wow my husband usually takes care of that um he must have forgotten he works for the department mike plainview do you know no i don't believe i do do you seriously have to write me a ticket yeah they're really cracking down on us so you have to go through the motions i've never been pulled over in my life take care of it within 14 days won't be a problem drive safely now thank you [Music] this is mike please leave a message hey honestly i was just wondering when you're gonna be home love you [Music] hey you still up yes you go watch tv honey yeah are we okay of course why would you even ask that [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] mrs plainview ellen plainview yes i'm detective sanford metropolitan police department this is detective gene haymon what can i do for you may we come in sure thank you thank you so much something wrong oh some things happened in the neighborhood you thought you might be able to help i will if i can what happened where were you monday night between 9 p.m and 10 p.m monday night um well my book club meets on monday nights do you know a faye walker no i don't think so i i don't know the name why what happened is that your car in the driveway yes you mind if we take a look at it what is this about well that's what we're trying to figure out mrs plainview this is all routine you understand that we're just looking at cars in the neighborhood well okay you want to grab your keys uh i never lock it bad habit from growing up in a small town it's a bit of a mess sorry where's your tire i don't know i don't know if there was one my husband bought me this car mike plainview he's a police officer do you know no does he work the west side downtown it's a big department can i see your hands please any injuries lately scrapes bruises cuts anything like that no will you please tell me what this is about i'm sorry where were you on monday night well like i said on monday nights i have my um book club i actually i wasn't at my book club this is so embarrassing i'm taking a pole dancing class that's where i was monday night why didn't you tell us that to begin with i'm a little embarrassed it was meant to be a surprise for my husband i know it's silly where is this class at a dance studio on oak street by the library did you park there monday night uh well actually no um i didn't want people to see my car i'm a mom so i park in the garage next door what's the problem you know gene i forgot we got to turn our paperwork in by five yeah we better get back uh mrs plainview uh we sure hate you to put you out but uh you think we can continue this back at the station we don't want to have to come back here with the neighbors we'll be we'll be back in no time yeah this gentleman is gonna give you a lift and we'll meet you down at the station mom you've been very helpful thanks so much i wish i knew what this was about did the detectives read your rights no then you should probably remain silent right here just plain to you come on in please sit down we're good here it's the end of a long day i'm looking forward to getting out of here myself i can imagine you feel the same way can i get you in phone coffee no thank you sure we're just looking for some help to uh clear some things up as well well i'll help you if i can can you please tell me what this is all about now what time do you think you left your your stripper class monday night it's a pole dancing class um class gets out at nine so i guess i left around nine it was 907 according to the security camera outside the dance studio door but a camera in the garage where you parked shows you leaving the garage at 9 40. so what were you doing in the garage for 30 minutes nothing are you sure those times are right times are correct oh i remember i monday night we had a really intense class and when i left i was all sweaty i didn't want to get in the car like that so i took a walk around the block just to kind of cool off i took the long way near those nice shops on elm so i guess i did a little window shopping before i got back to the garage a little a little window shot yeah why a woman named faye walker was attacked in that garage between 9 00 p.m and 10 p.m now according to security cameras the only car leaving or entering that garage during that time period was yours so just tell us what happened well did you see anything in the garage during that time no i certainly didn't see a woman being attacked i would have reported something like that my god you can't possibly think i had something to do with this i don't even kill insects well no one was killed in this plain view thank god but we have a victim faye walker an icu county hospital you just need to know what the hell i'm doing maybe you caught this woman breaking into your car maybe she turned around and attacked you maybe you grabbed the nearest object you could and defended yourself maybe this whole thing was just in self-defense perfectly understandable it could happen to anyone now if it was if it was just tell us we can wrap this whole thing up right now but that's not what happened i'd like to call my husband [Music] thanks your pockets into the tray this is crazy i haven't done anything you have any weapons needles anything sharp on you no hands on the table feet back okay over here left hand [Music] right hand [Music] [Music] this is mike please leave a message uh hi honey it's me it's the craziest thing i got arrested uh a woman got attacked and for some reason they think i had something to do with it i don't know what it's all about i'm at the west side precinct will you come to the station as soon as you can please hurry okay bail's been set for 500 000. 500 000 the bond is based on the criminal code we're not authorized to make any adjustments but you can take it up with the judge when you see one so what happens now i'm gonna put you in a holding cell till you make bail if you don't make fail by six o'clock you'll be released into the gp general population [Music] where's detective sanford he said i'd be going home he said this was just a matter of routine yeah this is a routine sweetheart come on in come on in you want a blanket no i'm not spending the night [Music] [Music] you think you're scared now wait till it gets dark [Music] ah you get in a room with a view did my husband call nope nobody called turn around hands back okay let's go jewelry goes in the tray in the tray this is ridiculous i'm not a criminal i work in a dentist office clothes go in the bag why won't anyone listen to me i i haven't done anything can i please make one more phone call change into these [Music] bye so [Music] turn around say hi to your roommate ramona do you mind if i take this one [Music] want to come cuddle up with ramona shut the hell up plain got a visitor around mike sweetie where have you been i've been scared to death helen what the hell is going on there were a bunch of cops searching the house today they took your car julie's freaking out what is this all about it's all so horrible why are they saying that you beat someone i don't know a woman got attacked where i park on monday nights what woman do you know her of course not they saw my car on a security camera where it happened so they think that i had something to do with it you have your book club monday nights didn't you park at alice's no i was taking pole dancing lessons what it was supposed to be a surprise pole dancing alice said it would help me get in touch with my sexy side by becoming a stripper no it was just for you it was for us can you get me out of here look the bale is half a million dollars i need 10 for bondsman where am i going to get 50 grand i have to stay here i i i put a call onto a lawyer friend of mine he's expensive but he might be willing to help us out as a favor i'm still waiting to hear back everything's gonna be okay right if you're innocent you don't have anything to worry about what do you mean if i'm innocent i didn't mean it like that i'm sure this is all gonna work out it'll be fine oh i told you thumbs up [Music] [Music] so [Music] all rise the honorable judge noah wallace presiding if there's anything else you need just let me know okay you what are you doing here they're charging me with assault what assault on who i don't know some woman was attacked in a parking garage and they think that i was involved i'm sure it's some sort of mistake right it is it's a horrible mistake i didn't do anything well i don't think you have anything to worry about look no one's interested in prosecuting an innocent person so just cooperate you'll be fine right [Music] detainee plain view please step forward ellen plainview case 335 you're charged with penal code 118.18 assault with intent to commit murder do you have counsel not yet your honor are you ready to enter a plea not guilty court sets a preliminary hearing from monday the 19th defendant is dismissed why is everyone treating me like i'm guilty [Music] ellen plainview how you doing ed flynn i'm here as a favorite to your husband i appreciate it mr flynn oh well mike's a good guy yeah he pulled me over one night after a poker game and well i was pretty toasted on some single malt anyway i told him that i just lived a few blocks away and anyway he cut me a break yeah so uh i've agreed to look at your case pro bono which means that i will do it for free thank you sure hey you're gonna get a kick out of this what oh what you might ah forget about that no more reads the paper anyway so um i assume that you're innocent of course okay well then you've got nothing to worry about yeah i'll take care of everything the legal system it's a big game you just got to know how to play it which i do i'll contact the d.a this afternoon i can probably have all the charges dropped just by asking really sure yeah they have no case here no motive they don't want this to go to trial believe me so you just leave everything to me and i will have you home by dinner time thank you so much let me know if anybody gives you trouble in there i know everybody in the joint me [Music] mr flynn you said you were going to get them to drop the case i see well how long i haven't seen my family in three days how long will i be here [Music] mr flynn [Music] mike my hearing is tomorrow so i was just wondering if you could bring me a dress to wear um the blue one with the white trim please bring julie i need to see her mike i love you will you please say it back hey hey baby oh why don't you say you love me too cause if he was here right now i would show you a good time please yourself girl i'm in here for punching a cop for talking back to me what are you in here for shoplifting attempted murder hey there you are okay ooh kay sullivan highest conviction right in the da's office hello kay looking nice today good morning ms sullivan what do we have the people versus ellen plainview assault with intent to commit murder the victim in this case a miss faye walker has been unconscious since the assault and is therefore unable to id her attacker at this time however the people will provide evidence in the form of security camera footage which clearly shows the defendant in the parking garage at the time of the assault additionally the people will show that the victim was beaten with a tire iron consistent with the kind provided a standard equipment with the defendants make of car brown hair which lab tests confirm as coming from the defendant was found on the victim's clothing and the people will provide an eyewitness who will testify at having seen ellen plane view depositing a tire iron in a dumpster not far from the assault uh just moments after the crime i'll check i'm sure it's just a bunch of rubbish your honor the defense moves to have this case dismissed based on a complete lack of motive the people will provide ample and compelling motive your honor i'm setting a trial date for two months hence monday june 7th is that enough time for you ms sullivan we'll have our case prepared your honor i'll be ready to your honor we're going to trial um mr flynn shouldn't you counselor aren't you forgetting something your honor your client has the right to ask for bail adjustment but i was just getting to uh your honor we request the defendant be released on her own recognizance uh she is a wife a mother with a job who has never been charged with a crime ms sullivan due to the severity of the potential penalties of this case we feel that she's a flight risk the people ask that the bell remains set at five hundred thousand dollars come on kay the defendant is to be released on her own recognizance you're free let's get out of here uh thank you your honor well thanks ed really appreciate it well how you want to return the favor a friend of mine got a ticket last week reckless driving i could use a ham with that one let me talk to ed for a second [Music] i just want to wake up and find out that this whole thing was one big nightmare how often does this happen where they arrest the wrong person for a crime not often is there anything that you can do about this you know in the department ellen if i was caught tampering with or interfering in this case in any way i mean this lawyer mr flynn is he good he should be charges of fortune i don't know what i'm gonna tell julie about all this well you better think of something she's not taking it well mike hey i know that this is putting you out but i could really use some kindness i need you right now okay okay [Music] wow did you clean up at all while i was gone [Music] honey i'm back i miss you so much it's so good to see you i'm so sorry about all this honey was wrong nothing what is it dad told me everything you won't let me wear fishnets but you're taking a pole dancing class honey it's not what it sounds like it's an exercise class and i'm not taking it anymore okay mike mike huh why am i being accused of this crime well security video it has you at the scene of the crime also there's strands of hair with positive match to you that were found on the victim's body how is that possible i never met that woman and also they have an eyewitness yes there's a woman who said that she was driving down oak street that night and she saw a person matching your description wiping a tire iron and tossing it into a dumpster a uh marla brackets marla brackets you know her her son is a patient where i work she's always in a bad mood and this one day her son was trying to climb on the big aquarium we have in the waiting room i helped him down so he wouldn't hurt himself and she got really angry do you think she's making up this story to get back at me who knows people are crazy who is this woman faye walker well she's nobody really she works as an escort around the airport hotels uh she's the kind of woman who makes men happy except when she doesn't apparently she still hasn't regained consciousness when she does she can tell everyone i didn't do this oh i told you i represent celebrities she wants to have lunch okay well i have got to go um listen thank you for that coffee it was delicious okay so listen to me i do not want you to discuss this case with anybody okay you just go about your daily routine i want you to go to work as if this never happened and i will make sure that this all goes away okay ellen we're expecting you to come in today i'm just anxious to get everything back to normal look ellen dr paris doesn't think you should work here given the circumstances you know people are talking and he thinks maybe after the trial what i'm so sorry honey he doesn't think i'm guilty does he of course not i'm sure he doesn't listen sweetie i'm here for you and i firmly believe that everything happens for a reason and somehow some way some good is going to come out of this thank you alice [Music] oh [Music] honey it's okay it's okay [Music] okay that's okay it's okay [Music] my [Music] hey how you doing you worked things out down at the station no they're charging me with attempted murder oh that one that got beat in that garage over on oak street yes who are the investigating officers um detective stanford and hamer yeah they're usually pretty good i guess everybody makes mistakes why you got a good lawyer i hope so well what about your husband is he helping he's been really busy he's taking these classes they're promoting him to the fraud division the things we sacrifice for our men huh listen i'm sure it'll work out but there's anything you need just let me know thank you welcome take care [Music] your troubles are over faye walker just regained consciousness the d.a wants you down at the hospital to see if she can identify you great [Music] [Music] nurse can we have a moment please thanks what is it no cards no flowers well maybe she's not the type of woman who gets cars and flowers miss walker ms walker i'm detective sanford this is detective hamer we're here to help you okay you recognize this woman is this the woman who attacked you how did i get here well you've been hurt and you're in a hospital now do you know anybody would do this to you do you recognize this woman at all well that didn't work out too well looked like a positive id to me oh don't be ridiculous gene franklin was plainview we were hoping for your sake we could wrap all this up for you today you look like an id all right that's it hello we're so sorry we wasted your time today come on gene well let me get to my client and i will get back to you okay good news that was the da's office they have an opening in the court calendar we can go to trial immediately instead of waiting until june immediately or you wait two months should we accept well that's up to you you want to spend the next two months worrying or do you want to get this over with i say let's go for it honey what are you doing i can't do this anymore ellen i'm sorry i don't know my place here anymore i think it's better if i just stay away for a while what why i still feel like they're things you're not telling me about that woman who was attacked the guys at this station they're asking me questions i don't have the answers for mike what are you talking about you lied to me about where you were that night what else are you lying to me about nothing i don't want to end up presenting you so i think it's better if i just stay away for a while okay julie's at jasmine's i can't believe you're not standing by my side you don't think i'm guilty do you honestly i don't know what to think anymore mike what's happened to you you're not the man i'm married [Music] ah [Music] all rise the honorable judge noah wallace presiding bailiff you can bring the jury in please [Music] here we go miss sullivan ladies and gentlemen the people will prove that this woman despite her attempts to appear to you as a sweet and innocent housewife is an all-actuality predator a predator who leads a secret dark life as a stripper in training who has meetings with prostitutes one of which turned violent we will conclusively place ellen plainview at the scene of the crime during the time the assault occurred will provide physical evidence linking her to the victim and we will provide eyewitness testimony that she disposed of the weapon just moments after the crime ladies and gentlemen help us seek justice and assure that this woman is never allowed to hurt anyone ever again counselor ladies and gentlemen i am not here today to prove that my client is innocent i don't have to do that the law says that you're supposed to presume her innocence now the prosecution has a crime that it cannot solve so they decided to pin it on my client now they offer no motive no reason in the world why she would savagely beat a woman whom she's never met ladies and gentlemen there is simply no case all right miss sullivan you may call your first witness there's faye walker the victim right there in the black dress there were no cars in the parking structure when we entered we found the body here laying next to a pillar in a large pool of blood now miss plainview told us under questioning that she typically parked along the northwest wall which is right here which you can see is adjacent to where the victim was beating you described this as a vicious beating no very much so very vicious in my professional opinion it was a clear intent to cause death and detective in your opinion could such a beating be administered by a woman of say five foot four 110 pounds oh easily let me tell you something you get beat with the tire iron doesn't make any difference how big or strong you are there's no question that miss plainview was was on the scene at the approximate time of the crime i mean the video speaks for itself listen we looked at all the evidence and i mean all of it it all points to one person which person is that i'm sorry which person is that well right there ellen blandon detective sanford may i ask how old you are objection sustained you're approaching retirement age correct so i imagine that uh you're anxious to go out on a good note so isn't it possible that in your excitement to wrap up this case quickly that uh it might have affected your judgment no not at all you see we brought this case to the district attorney's office based solely on the evidence in your client's behavior under questioning the truth of the matter is mr flynn your client lied to us about how long she'd been in that parking structure that's not true you may not speak without permission from the bench your honor i didn't lie about anything i'm warning you mrs plainview sit down detective hamer during your initial uh questioning of the defendant did you ask of her whereabouts during the crime of course it was the first thing we asked her and what was her response well she had a couple different answers the first time we asked she said she was at a book club the second time we asked she said she was at this stripper class you know one of those classes where they teach you to dance on a pole i guess she was considering a new career that's insane this is plain view if you interrupt these proceedings once more i'll hold you in contempt mrs brackets on the night of the crime you were driving westbound on oak street at approximately 9 45 p.m correct correct you told police officers that you saw a woman in an alley at the corner of oak and seven it was her ellen plainview you're sure this is the woman you saw yes she works at my dentist's office mrs brackets would you please tell the court what you saw the defendant doing in the alley at 9 45 that night she was wiping off a metal object which i observed to be approximately the shape and size of a tire iron and did you observe her doing anything else with this object she discarded it in a dumpster no further questions mrs brackets you take your son to dr stuart pierce correct correct yeah and you actually knew the defendant before this case through your visits to the office correct i thought i did well you were acquainted with her yes so on april 7th your five-year-old son was climbing the aquarium in the waiting room of this dentist's office now the defendant moved your son away from the aquarium to save him from a possible serious accident she yanked his arm well if that's the case i guess that couldn't make you upset when you heard this news in which case that could make you angry with uh this plane view but isn't it also true that well you've made up this whole story about my client and a tire iron after hearing this case on the news hoping to punish her for injuring your child no no way the fact is you have no business being on this witness stand do you mrs bracket my client disciplined your child so you decided to use this courtroom to exact your vengeance objection sustained you want to be ashamed of yourself how dare you judge me i know a criminal when i see one you could tell she's guilty just by looking at her i am through with this witness [Music] that was beautiful oh man marla brackett she totally self-destructed in there i would bet sullivan is drafting a motion to dismiss as we speak you think so i killed it yeah oh no this is all over we're gonna go to the da's office first thing in the morning and demand a dismissal hey buddy something i can help you with no i told you that i would take care of everything wow look at this i can still get to the gym find a date for tonight you're good grabbing a cab ah you're a trooper [Music] so [Music] well good morning kay oh now that is a lovely dress surprise to hear from you this morning ed i was just about to call you myself oh are you ready to drop the charges against my client why would i do that uh you don't have a case i mean you saw me destroy your star witness yesterday i thought you were coming here to change your plea to guilty [Laughter] why the hell would we do that you have no motive you have no case we just learned that faye walker was involved in a sexual relationship with mike plainview your client's husband was having an affair with the victim what we have our motive counselor okay did you know about this of course not okay you know let's hold on here okay faye walker is in a coma so how would you have any idea we found a cell phone number among her personal effects we questioned mr plainview last night he admitted the whole affair signed an affidavit when plainview was in uniform he arrested walker for solicitation after serving three months she reconnected with him they became involved okay well then you have your perp k mike plainview is with his daughter julie the night of the crime tv footage places him at the metro sports arena that night look we'll reduce the charge to aggravated assault lead off and you'll do two years at the most otherwise you're looking at eight to ten easy [Music] no no no no no you need to calm down ellen ellen [Music] what the hell you made me look like a fool in there you're telling me you knew nothing about this affair no okay well it changes everything i don't even know if i can continue with your defense damn it i didn't want to take this case in the first place you know mike he's a friend of mine so that makes this whole thing a conflict mr flynn and i will be honest i'm looking at all the evidence now and it looks to me like maybe you did have something to do with this after all leave everything to me you said you've done nothing but make things worse from the beginning oh really well if that's how you feel i will send you a bill and you can find other representation a bill for what i could have handled this better myself i'm going to tell myself and you should be just far okay you are not going to tell her anything get your hand off me it's time to calm down now let her go hey it's between her and me pal okay screw off i said let her go you son of a i will sue you and you i hope you get everything you deserve you're right you should be disbarred you've been following me actually i've been following your case i'm ben savin from the public defender's office you okay yeah that looks like you could use a friend it also looks like you could use some lunch what do you say okay nice thing about working at the courthouse is best hot dogs in town extra mustard right i just joined the department i've been observing trials until i get my own assignment think about your cases none of it seems to add up i mean the evidence is circumstantial the police haven't even looked for any other suspects and i know this is really unprofessional but i just have a feeling about you nothing suggests you're capable of a crime like this what is it the first person that said that to me i don't know what i'm gonna do now i don't even have a lawyer hold up postpone until you get one i have no money well they'll assign you a public defender like you me no i'm not a lawyer um i joined the department as an investigator more of a research clerk actually yeah my dad insisted that i go to law school to have something to fall back on but after three good tries i finally gave up on passing the bar i only wanted to be a writer anyway the least i can do is make some phone calls make sure you get a good lawyer no no i don't want to leave my life up to another stranger i can't i'm going to ask to handle my own defense oh no i don't think that's a good idea no i mean i i've been taking notes the whole time i know what flynn did wrong all along i wish i could stand up in court and ask my own questions i'm gonna represent myself oh the judge will have to approve see if you're capable i studied law in school i'll tell them that i feel like this is a good idea whatever happens to me from this point forward i want to be responsible for it i get it i do fine then just do me one favor what let me help you mrs plainview i've reviewed your petition to act as your own counsel for the remainder of this trial well i must say you've written a very impressive presentation i have to give you my standard response which is that i strongly advise you against this i appreciate that your honor but i feel confident that i can handle it i certainly feel i can do better than my previous counsel very well petition granted you've asked for 10 days to prepare and the court grants you the full 10 days thank you your honor so the camera was here right yeah [Music] somewhere around here [Music] hi sweetie i miss you i'm sorry i've been so busy everything's taking longer than i thought how you doing listen um it would mean a lot to me if you could come to the trial we're back in court on wednesday [Music] honey i know you're upset and i know this is really hard for you i just want you to know that you are the most precious thing to me in the entire world and you always will be okay i love you [Music] [Music] hey i can get the door open i changed the locks why didn't you tell me you were seeing faye walker i didn't want you to get hurt i was ashamed i'm afraid you know i i didn't know what would happen if it came out i mean i've already been suspended by the department you need to tell me if you know anything about what happened to her no ellen i don't know anything all right i swear i am so sorry about everything okay you ripped our daughter's life apart i don't think i can ever forgive you for that goodbye it's not every kid that has to deal with something like this hello hi then this is alice hello alice hi you said your daughter plays tennis right uh-huh my parents got me this i think it's the most expensive racket they make but i suck on the courts i never use the thing i thought maybe julie would want it thank you that's very sweet all right we are back in the matter of the people versus ellen plainview assault with attempt to commit murder court is granted a motion by the defendant to represent herself now this is plainview you've carefully considered the recommendations and caveats of this court in response to your motion yes your honor very well would you please identify the gentleman sitting next to you ben saverin with a public defender's office he's serving as an investigator for the defense and ms sullivan is this acceptable to you why not shall we proceed sullivan call you first witness the people would like to call miss francis dowd who uh uh your honor this is the first we've heard of this witness the people notified the defense's counsel edward flynn of ms dad's testimony two weeks ago your honor she wasn't included in mr flynn's notes your honor i'm not surprised who is frances dowd someone from my past so years ago she told the police that i attacked her with a metal rod is it true sort of i was so scared i grabbed my music stand to try to protect myself but i didn't hit anyone with it i swear then a policeman showed up asked what was going on it was their word against mine he took down the report and just asked us to stay away from each other that's it that's all that happened but she came all the way down here to testify against you why i don't know probably the first time she's ever been on an airplane she lived in the worst part of town a terrible little house i think you should ask for a continuance give me time to find something to impeach this woman's testimony with i'm just gonna talk to her do you know what may have provoked such a savage attack i have no idea it was like something just come over her i seriously thought she was gonna kill me it must have been very terrifying it was your witness first of all ms dowd thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us here today gotta respect the law that's true but the law is a construct something created in the minds of men justice on the other hand something we feel in our hearts don't you agree and we're here for justice you might say it's the sole purpose of these proceedings do you have children ms dowd three you're very blessed i have one myself julie is 12. she'll have to live with whatever happens in this courtroom many years ago a couple of teenage girls got into an argument in a parking lot words were exchanged emotions got a little heated silly threats were made and then suddenly a policeman showed up nobody wanted to get in trouble now according to his report you stated that i attacked you with a music stand that's right but the report makes no mention of injuries did you sustain injuries sustain the officer's report states that he simply asked you and i to apologize to each other and to go our separate ways he doesn't seem to consider this a very serious incident when you said you were attacked is it possible that you meant you just felt attacked and you weren't actually struck with a music stand or anything else i know the prosecutor flew you out here and put you in a nice hotel so you could testify but all you're obligated to do here today ms dowd is tell the truth tell the truth and let justice be served were you actually struck with a music stand that day or not [Music] it was a long time ago okay i don't remember exactly what happened thank you [Music] good morning detective sanford howdy in the interest of expediency i'm going to ask you a series of questions and if you could contain your answers to a simple yes or no i think we'd all be appreciative well we'll see what we can do the people submitted security camera footage from the garage where the crime occurred now the video showed my car exiting at 9 40 p.m however there is no camera at the garage's entrance so it's possible that another car could have entered the garage and then exited through the entrance without being captured on video isn't that correct is it possible i suppose yes or no it's possible so we can't know for sure who else was in that garage besides the victim correct well we can't but we got a pretty good idea and since i walked to my car after my exercise class there's no way of knowing exactly when i entered the garage detective sanford i told you during my initial questioning that i took a walk to cool off before returning to my car based on the evidence it's entirely possible that i was only in that garage for a few moments isn't that right it's possible good according to the prosecution strands of hair found on the victim's person were found to match my own hair correct that's right all the dna tests were positive but we know that my husband police officer michael plainview admitted to having a sexual relationship with faye walker is it possible in your opinion that mr plainview might have inadvertently transferred hair from my person or my clothing to this woman with whom he was having an intimate physical relationship yes or no [Music] your honor detective answer the question [Music] yes people's exhibit 22 is a tire iron of the type provided as standard equipment in the year and model of car that i owned and was driving on the night of the crime and this distinctive ridge matches wounds found on the victim correct you bet it does but were you aware detective sanford that this car company in the last four years sold over 260 000 cars with this identical tire iron [Music] detective hammer faye walker is or was an escort correct a prostitute did you or anyone in your department attempt to contact any of ms walker's recent clients we had no cause no cause the woman was nearly beaten to death it didn't occur to you that one of her clients might have done it all of the evidence suggested one suspect and i'm satisfied we arrested the right person well as long as you're satisfied detective [Music] mrs brackets you testified that you were driving down oak street at approximately 9 45 on the night of april 7th and that you observed me wiping off something and tossing it into a dumpster that's right what speed would you say you were driving i always drive the speed limit i'm going to show you defense exhibit 16. video taken from a car passing that same alleyway traveling at less than half the speed limit watch carefully mrs brackets [Music] can you tell us what you saw in the video someone by the dumpster can you identify the person no say whether it was a man or a woman can you at least tell us what the person was holding no no idea maybe if i saw it again but your testimony is that on the night of april 7th you were able to positively identify me standing in that same alley at the same time of night and you were able to determine exactly what i was doing in the span of approximately two seconds while traveling at more than twice the speed of a car in that video why don't i play the video again pause it and zoom in so we can get a better look [Music] no further questions you might want to take a look at this oh that's great your honor the people have obtained an additional piece of evidence that we'd wish to enter we'd better handle this in sidebar council your honor a secondary search of the defendant's car turned up a previously undiscovered piece of evidence investigators found a photograph hidden under the liner of the trunk it was apparently taken with a cell phone and then printed out may i have a moment with my investigator your honor certainly thank you i've never seen that photograph before ben it's obvious somebody's framing me but who your husband mike may be despicable but something like this is beyond even him i'm sure of it you need to ask for a continuance no one way or another this thing has to end now detective hamer you testified that your investigation into this crime was thorough and complete yes so why did you search the car again we received a tip well not exactly a tip we got a call from an anonymous citizen who watches a lot of those crime shows on tv they suggested that we look under the carpeting and under the trunk lining of the car so we did an anonymous tip it happens all the time citizens like to help did you find anything to connect this photograph to me fingerprints for example or a match to my cell phone or home computer it was in your car how do we know the photograph wasn't placed in the car subsequent to the crime well that's impossible impossible the car has been in police impound ever since the defense rests thank you mrs plainview we'll give you time to prepare your closing arguments and reconvene after lunch court is adjourned what is it maybe i did do it it's the only logical explanation who else could it have been it had to be me maybe i i found out about the affair and i i followed mike and i took that picture and i attacked faye walker and then i blocked it all out of my head maybe i went temporarily insane maybe i am insane ellen stop it what you've been through would have made anyone crazy you you're the most level-headed person i know and whatever happens i know you're gonna have the strength to get through it i promise mom charlie what are you doing here jasmine's mom dropped me off i want to come home i'm so sorry what for for not being here for you i was too scared honey it's okay it's okay i found out jasmine stole my fishnets i guess she's not that great of a friend after all but i let her keep them anyway because she looks so stupid in them thanks for the tennis racket mr severn sure hi guys it's time to get back inside i'm coming with you honey i don't know what's gonna happen in there it might be better i'm coming with you let's do this this is plainview summation my daughter once told me you can't make bad things go away by pretending they don't exist something bad happened here and we all want it to go away when we can't make sense of a senseless thing like this we place blame and move on hoping to convince ourselves it wasn't a random act of violence which is somehow the scariest thing because that means it could have been any of us we crave some explanation but in our hurry we can rob ourselves of understanding when we are too quick to end our search for the truth we are weakened we are hurt i don't know who attacked faye walker and i don't know why i don't know that i've been able to convince you that i wasn't involved ladies and gentlemen i will accept whatever happens to me here today because i have to but what would be much much more difficult to accept is that the person actually responsible might escape justice in our rush to be done with this terrible event that's something i believe any reasonable person would find hard to live with anyway [Music] thank you [Music] as the jury reached a verdict [Music] so in the matter of the people versus ellen plainview case number c1711291 we the jury in the above entitled action find ellen marie plainview not guilty of the crime of assault with intent to murder faye joe walker case dismissed [Music] thanks for everything ben will i see you again sure i'd like that [Music] [Music] mom i know what daddy did and i know why he's not here anymore but it's okay i understand honey i'm so sorry you don't have to apologize for anything but promise me one thing anything can we spend more time together of course there's something i need to do first okay hey it's mike i looked into that traffic ticket can't believe it was paula who wrote you up six months sharing a patrol car together you think she showed me a little courtesy huh anyway yeah i never mentioned her to you because i didn't think you'd like that i had a female partner [Music] but uh i paid that traffic ticket for you so well uh good luck wow my husband usually takes care of that um he must have forgotten he works for the department mike plainview do you know no i don't believe i do just one minute okay you were supposed to be in prison you know i really wasn't expecting to find you here but this actually works out like it's meant to be you know it's perfect you see the perp you returns to the hospital to make sure the victim doesn't wake up and identify her you were even kind enough to leave me fingerprints thank you go you better be cool where are we going get in come on come here now you know we were partners i fell for mike really hard i didn't plan it but it happened and he felt the same i know he did but he told me he couldn't cheat on his wife and i found out he was seeing that faye walker so i followed him and took pictures you know i figured i could force him to stop seeing her but that left a wife to take care of so i had a better idea you keep moving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i can do this really that's great mom try to stay off your back foot when you swing and make sure the head of the racket is lower than the handle okay i got it i got it thanks for calling hey i got good news the hospital just called faye walker is in physical therapy they said it'll take a while but she'll make a full recovery that's great mom has good news too yeah i've decided to go to law school i've got an idea for my first book my story [Music] nobody'd ever believe it you mind if i take your mom to lunch only if i can come to you gee i don't know what do you think all right fine come on let's go let's go come on catch up let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 10,843,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Trailer, Movie Trailer, Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, tv movie, The Wrong Woman, The Wrong Woman 2013, The Wrong Woman movie, The Wrong Woman full movie, The Wrong Woman 2013 full movie, Danica McKellar, Jonathan Bennett, Jaleel White, danica mckellar movies, danica mckellar wrong woman, wrong woman tv movie, wrong woman drama movie, drama movies 2013, movies 2013, Psychological drama, police movie
Id: jrECgxKhX7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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