Not Broken (2022) Full Movie | Family Movie | Inspirational Drama

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] should we go get some hot cocoa yeah yeah [Music] are you cold [Music] me too let's go in [Music] it's wet honey [Music] um are you thirsty want some water the blue water which one is the blue water honey that's green all right hot chocolate let's see what we have cheers your cup up and give them all my cheers like this [Music] winter come here pay attention love the sheep ran how to link oh no no no you can't draw on the book come here come here mommy in winter we flew from right here all the way down to a different country mexico yeah that's why we put this pack here [Music] so what country is the blue country thank you that's great here i have an idea why don't you while i'm reading to you what you can do is you can trace my letters okay all right do you want us do you want to say them with me winter when did you do this it looks like a snowflake what color is that honey winter winter honey hello winter what are you doing [Music] [Music] one two three four here let's get rid of this page so you have a clean page for your numbers the sheep ran huddling together against the hurdles blowing out thin nostrils and stamping with delicate four feet their heads thrown back and a light steam rising from the crowded sheep pen into the frosty air as the two animals hastened by in high spirits [Music] winter how's the homer coming all right let me see um good effort honey uh can i what are you doing what are you doing [Applause] why are you doing that winter honey i think you're hungry can i make you something to eat why don't you take a break [Music] [Music] hi miss mason hi it's mrs knight i'm so sorry to call you at home is this an okay time to talk it's winter i just we're having a hard time with pretty much all of her homework [Music] could you give me an idea of how she's doing in the class actually i've been meaning to schedule a conference with you winter's falling behind in every subject except for art that is oh um i guess that's what i thought i would hear um what what can i do i think it would be wise of you to get winter tested i can recommend a neuropsychologist if you'd like okay all right i'll send you a text with this contact information in the meantime i'll work on creating some accommodation for her in the classroom that should take some of the pressure off okay um miss mason do you have other students that you create special accommodations for never mind um thank you you're more than welcome have a good night how does soup sound [Music] sprinkle the beef with salt and pepper place one wait how are you doing that the words aren't jumping around i didn't know that they did i didn't die i just thought it was normal [Music] same thing what shall i say the world is full of wonderful full things upside down huh you can read upside down [Music] hold on [Music] once upon a time there was a family who lived together in a little house in a wood [Music] honey i don't understand this i don't know what's happening babe you can read do you do you know what this means [Music] so [Music] [Music] how was the book honey that was great what was your favorite part i don't remember well what was the book about i don't remember it must not have been very interesting then but i really loved it well do you remember anything about it no honey i think you're tired i'm not i'm just stupid and you know it don't ever say that okay why not it's the truth winter don't worry about the book okay i want you to get a good night's sleep you have a big day ahead of you good night honey [Music] hey winter hey sage is that new hat i don't think i've seen it before yeah i got it for christmas it's so cute thanks so you ready for your spelling test you're kidding right i flunked every spelling test i've ever taken you know i've heard that doctors are terrible spellers or maybe it's just their penmanship that's bad anyway did i tell you i was gonna be in the spelling bee no you didn't mention it yeah i'll be competing against the sixth graders this year cool sorry i didn't mean to brag i don't even want to be in stupid spelling bee my dad's making me in fact i'd rather scrub toilets come to think of it come on enjoy the bus is here winter we've gotta go [Music] [Music] so do [Music] winter honey what are you doing out here you had me worried another bad day at school i hate school i want to quit honey you can't quit school that'd be like dad quitting his job but that would be good because then we could see him more hey can we talk about this in the car you're already late for your appointment what appointment did you forget we're gonna go and meet the neuropsychologist but i don't want to it won't be that bad i promise come on hi dr newman [Music] yeah i haven't actually had a chance to look it over but i have it i can bring you up to speed i get the findings right here basically in a nutshell your daughter is profoundly dyslexic she also has a moderate attention deficit disorder and her processing speed is extremely low on a positive note though she has extremely high iq in addition to that her fine motor skills are off the chart although that won't help her academically um her iq will okay so what are your recommendations our recommendations are pretty clear we feel that she should transfer schools to a school with a really good special needs program i would also recommend that we start our own adderall in addition [Music] mrs knight with all due respect she can either be a lawyer or a lunch lady frankly it's your choice you've certainly given me a lot to think about thank you [Music] [Applause] hmm hi what you doing in here what's adnal mom admiral adderall were you eavesdropping i heard you talking about me i'm sorry i was going over your test results with dr newman you got a second i suppose well they confirmed what i already knew and that is you are a very bright girl there's just a few learning challenges that we need to address dr newman believes you'd benefit from special education but everyone would make fun of me no they wouldn't you're going to be in a completely different building if you don't want people to know no one will know don't make me leave sage um please babe you can see sage after school you can have her over to the house whenever you want besides you're gonna be making new friends friends who are your age friends who have your own same abilities you mean disabilities winter dr newman is an expert and he wants you to succeed i trust his judgment well i think it's the stupidest idea i've ever heard i'm not asking you for your opinion i'm transferring you on monday go ahead she'll be sorry so who would smoke before they put their cheerios totally gross do you know what i'm saying do you see that girl she's reading her all right so you guys are down yeah i noticed it's kind of weird she's probably illiterate what's that it means she can't breathe are you okay never been better something's wrong come on winter you know you can tell me anything it's just that they were making fun of me for what we're reading upside down why were you reading upside down i always do i read better that way seriously winter i always knew you were a genius you're a modern day leonardo da vinci what are you talking about haven't you heard of javinci he just happens to be the most famous artist ever of course i've heard of him my point is he wrote everything in mirror image he probably read upside down too people say his dyslexia is what fueled his genius really i had no idea [Music] sage to the bus come on let's go sorry i can't i can understand i'll tell you a little bit bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what are you doing on my roof [Music] well i've gotta do my homework do you have any art supplies sure what do you need just some colored pencils okay give me a second [Music] thanks she's right here hey mom it's for you oh thanks honey you're welcome [Music] hello oh hi olivia is everything okay no we haven't seen her oh olivia oh i can't imagine what you're going through if there's anything we can do to help please don't hesitate to ask thank you [Music] sage winner's missing we have to help find her come on hurry up let's go we're in big trouble now [Music] winter hello oh hey lisa what hi kelly this is chris i just got off the phone with olivia and i guess winter didn't show up to school today since you're her babysitter i just thought you might have some kids hey jennifer we gotta go okay i'll call you later [Music] [Music] when's the last time you saw her when we were at the bus stop what was she wearing i don't remember did you talk to her are you sure she didn't say anything nope [Music] winter winter winter winter [Music] [Music] good night winter [Music] oh no [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no no no [Music] excuse me isn't supposed to be kid's shoes on the roof what [Music] uh [Music] winter i need you to listen very carefully what you did last night was really wrong and it brought distress not only on me and your mother and the petersons but really on the entire community and you were complicit sage you should have known better than to go along with a deception your mother and i are very disappointed what do you girls have to say for yourselves i knew it was wrong but i did it anyway i don't know what i was thinking i'm so sorry i'm sorry too i'll never do it again i promise i think we're all very heartened to hear this um but what you did was was really quite severe and it's essential that there be consequences for your actions and your mom and i have talked about it and the consequences for this are that effective immediately you are not to see sage for an entire month you have our full support charles we'll see to it the stage complies with your request i really hope you girls have learned a lesson [Music] my [Music] so [Music] i'm in your room sweetie what are you doing i'm just organizing your things honey thank you [Music] have you ever heard the definition of insanity [Music] i don't know maybe it's doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results so i'm kicking myself honey i should have done this years ago i think it's time we pull you out of school [Music] really [Music] yeah except that the operation is subtraction look at this example have you looked at this already [Music] he initiated many reforms such as greater conservation of natural resources and better food inspection law the president shall be commander in the chief of the army and navy of the united states and of the militia of the several states when called into the actual service of the united states he may require the opinion winter honey are you listening [Music] so how is this any different than school can't we agree this isn't working when am i even gonna use any of this why can't i do something meaningful for a change like get a job maybe then i'll start retaining what i learn that makes me nervous what makes you nervous setting aside academics it's always the academics for you isn't it all the money you poured into vision therapists tutors special diet special programs and for what why can't we stop fixating on what's broken and start figuring out what i'm good at maybe then i'll stop being such a loser okay i think it's time we start to work on your resume [Music] that would be great [Music] i'm totally free yeah thank you i'll see you then [Music] bye what was that i just got a job offer [Music] that's wonderful i think my granddaughter would like this all right okay i'll just ring you up and are you paying with cash or yes with credit please all right and would you like your receipt yes please okay [Music] here you are would you like me to wrap the shirt for you would you please it seems like you charged me more than that said on the tag of the show would you just check that again please for me yeah it looks like i accidentally charged you twice um i'll just i'll get you a refund okay um you know i'm gonna go talk to my manager okay [Music] i okay even imagine how mortified i was i swear i just wanted to disappear so you're not good with cash registers big deal that's not a reflection of your character you know my dad's friend owns a bicycle repair shop and i'm pretty sure his secretary just went on maternity leave maybe you could fill in for her while she's gone all you'd have to do is answer telephones i suppose i could give it a try i'll talk to him about it thanks so what are you doing this weekend i'm flying to pasadena with my mom what's in pasadena a college will be touring oh my dad really wants me to be a lawyer as you already know if it were up to me i wouldn't even go to college really why i know it sounds crazy but i just want to be a mom if i could do anything i'd stay home with my kids and write novels in my spare time have you told your parents that no way they never understand [Music] do you know what time it is um [Music] no but i should probably get going me too bicycle repair mason's bicycle repair mason spicer cool repair how can i help you um can you hold for me please [Music] hello [Music] i'm so sorry sir um let me transfer you [Music] mason's icicle mason's bicycle repair oh i'm so sorry for hanging up on you sir um i'll i [Music] i don't know what i'm doing [Music] um hello oh uh yeah i'm free tomorrow great um i'll see you then thank you bye-bye hey are you winter yeah let me show you how to make a stall all right [Music] all right over here get under the poop and then just scoop it in okay so [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me yes are you mrs baylor i am i'm winter we spoke on the phone the other day about the job winter you're fired i'm sorry you heard me you put us in quite a predicament yesterday when you didn't show up for your shift that sounds disgusting i know it's on me i don't have to do that i'm not arguing by the way i hope you're not mad at me but your shift starts and what oh you're joking no winter you have to stop running away from your problems you can do it hey i like an 8 ounce mocha uh one last pump of syrup extra hot light on the whipped cream all right um can you repeat that yeah a 8 ounce mocha light on the whipped cream okay um and can i just get a name penelope all right penelope um your drink will be out in just a minute thank you [Music] wow that's impressive um thank you [Music] all right um penelope here you go thank you so much thanks thank you let's grab a lid here you go thank you so [Music] misty here girl misty misty here girl you lost your dog yes i did all right um when's the last time you saw it years now that i think about it i believe she died several years ago i'm so sorry oh um margaret my name is margaret what's your name darling oh i'm winter winter that's pretty name unusual too thank you all right um i'll drive you home that'd be lovely if i could just remember where i live all right [Music] really you could have just said no [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] winter is that you yeah i pick these are those for me darling oh they're just [Music] beautiful hello margaret i brought you some cookies oh thank you darling i can't remember the last time i had home baked cookies do you mind if i join you please do i'm just sitting here going down memory lane looking at this old quilt i made it was for my daughter's graduation is this her yes that's oh dear her name escapes me uh i don't recognize her is she local she lives on the east coast somewhere i believe i haven't spoken to her or heard from her in years so i'm not really sure i'm sorry to hear that may i ask what happened well emily was very accomplished [Music] and i could never quite live up to her expectations i know the feeling pardon me i'm a little hard of hearing that's devastating margaret it is devastating it was devastating [Music] but then i found someone who loves me just the way i am oh there's the phone i'm i'm expecting a call from one of my doctors i best take this i'll visit you again soon oh i'd love that thank you thanks for the cookies see you margaret [Music] winter i think we need to discuss your prospects for the future i can't keep going on making minimum wage with no college education you think i haven't thought about that already okay then let me in on some of your thoughts i am your mother hi welcome to downloaders why don't you get started you guys drink or anything uh yeah can i please get some water without ice [Music] whatever just order for me [Music] here's your water with no eyes any questions about the menu um so happy you called yeah that's great thank you what do you got okay so i acquired this painting last week and i want to know what you think i don't know i'm just not feeling it yeah there's no sentiments exactly i know just about it we started in this industry i had no trouble finding good talent yeah it's my experience it's very frustrating yeah i don't know what's happened you must be winter yes i have my work [Music] impressive winter [Music] um truly abstract and modern is what works for us [Music] [Music] hey where's light he's parking the car oh have you met my cousin i don't think i have let me introduce you [Music] she's [Music] [Music] winter [Music] whatever happened to the prawn it was boring so i left i'm sorry to hear that [Music] you've been doing an awful lot of your art lately is that something you're thinking of pursuing i just i need you to support me mom [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] margaret emily no i'm sorry it's me winter oh god i sent me an angel would you give me a glass of water darling i'm awfully thirsty of course here thank you i'm so glad you're here i think i've had a stroke do you need me to call 9-1-1 they're on their way would you read me a little from my bible please it's such a comfort winter this light momentary affliction is preparing us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison as we look not to the things that are seen but the things that are unseen for the things that are seen are transient the things that are unseen are eternal [Music] [Music] [Music] come in hi you must be winter yes and you're emily i am welcome my mom left you a few things [Music] you obviously want a great deal to her thank you i'll be right back [Music] dearest winter i'm leaving you my greatest earthly treasure within its pages may you find the unconditional love you've been seeking [Music] so i was going through her things and i came across this and you're the artist i'm assuming yes um i drew that for her i don't know if you know this but i'm an art curator by trade and i recognize talent when i see it this is good work thank you hi there i'm looking for winter may i ask your name sure i'm emily i'm an art curator and i'm hoping to see some of her work hi winter how are you good good it's all right that i've stopped by i found your address in the phone book thought i would just drop in and check out some of your artwork oh um [Music] actually i recently lost a lot of my work and in a fire that's terrible um regardless i'd love to feature a piece of yours in a show there's a show coming up in a week do you think he'd be able to handle that i assume that involves compensation yes when it sells absolutely and i don't think i'll have any trouble doing that well in that case she's very interested [Music] how's your masterpiece coming along i'm still waiting for inspiration to strike you haven't even started no well what inspires you people who persevere through great challenges [Music] can you push me i can't leave alejandra sweetie i'm so sorry i have to be going anyway can i draw a picture for you yeah thank you so much all right what's your favorite animal nothing a robin all right i think i can do that [Music] [Music] i knew you could do it it's amazing you must be very proud of her oh we are most certainly are great show tell me what you got you know she started making harvard is everything all right uh yeah there's a gentleman over here he's interested in buying your art [Music] you coming down off the high already i'm just thinking about what honey it's just it's hard to throw my heart into something that i know you disapprove of i see now that discouraging you from pursuing your dreams was wrong i'm so sorry if you knew anything of my childhood perhaps you'd understand i don't know anything about your childhood that's because i was too ashamed to tell you [Music] your grandfather was an artist like you only he never managed to get a following he tried to support your grandmother and i [Music] but he could barely pay the bills [Music] when he started drinking and we lost everything [Music] we were homeless for a few years after that i had no idea well regardless it was wrong of me to have projected my father's failures onto you it's just that i love you so much i don't want you to i never doubted your love mom i just always thought it was conditional winter how could you ever forgive me [Music] i already have let me get something this is big and special just like you so how's the caregiving going actually i think has learned more from alejandra in the past few months than i ever learned in a classroom how so imagine if all these alpacas were the same same color same characteristics same personality traits that'd be pretty monotonous i've realized that our differences don't diminish our value that's what makes us special it took me 18 years but i think i'm finally okay with who i am just okay hey winter how's it going good thank you [Music] actually i've never been better [Music] i know that i don't bring a light to the table just little pieces of a broken heart there's days i wonder if you'll still be faithful hold me together when i fall apart would you remind me now of who you are your life will never change that there's healing in your name [Music] broken things and make them beautiful it took my shame and you walked out of the crazy [Music] make them [Music] beautiful i'm better off when i begin to remember how you have met me and my deepest pain so give me glimpses now of how you have covered [Music] you can take broken things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cause your life will never change [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you make us beautiful [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 3,846,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, Anne Marie Ryan movie, Natalie King movie, Kyra Wilson movie, new movies 2022, 2022 new movies, Not Broken movie, Not Broken full movie, Not Broken 2022 movie, Not Broken 2022 full movie, Anne Marie Ryan, Natalie King, Kyra Wilson, dyslexia, movies 2022 full movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: sCwxAxeTymc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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