Undercover Cheerleader | Full Movie | Lifetime

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<i> ♪ rock music </i> <i> ♪ Grab a board </i> <i> ♪ Hit the shore </i> <i> ♪ Going to see if anyone's around ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh, I like the trees and the breeze ♪</i> <i> ♪ And the way that she looks at me ♪</i> <i> ♪ She's the kind of girl to keep boys ♪</i> <i> ♪ Weak in the knees </i> <i> ♪ 'Cause the season's all we need ♪</i> <i> ♪ Yeah, let's just pack up all the cars ♪</i> <i> ♪ And head for the beach </i> <i> ♪ When you get a little color and swim in the sea ♪</i> Hey. First day, are you excited? Yeah. I love showing up in a new town where I know exactly zero people. I know, that is tough sweetheart. I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was uproot you from your friends. But you did anyway. One day, when you are my age and you get the job offer of a lifetime, you'll understand. Besides, I assume you want to go to college some day. Gotta pay for that somehow. But I am sorry that you're upset about it. It's okay. I know it's your dream to be a fancy tech CEO or whatever. Ugh, I just miss New York. It's so quiet here and weirdly dark at night. Oh, well that's what night time looks like without street lights, sweetheart. Haha. See? You're learning new things already. Lucky me. Hey, I know the last couple of years have been tough. They've been hard on me too. Your dad's heart attack... I would give anything to have him back. But we've got to make the best of things, okay? Give Plan B our all. That's what he would've wanted us to do. I know. I just miss him. I know sweetheart. I do too. You are going to fit right in. Maybe they will even have a dance team like your old school. Maybe. I should get going, don't want to be late for my first day. Love you. I love you, too. <i> ♪ upbeat music </i> Same cliques, different school. (guys chattering) How we doing? All right, you got this Bailey. Autumn Bailey, welcome to Brookview High. We're happy to have you. Come on in. This is Kara, your campus liaison. She's going to sort of buffer for you this week so that you don't walk around the campus alone. Hey, I'm here of my own volition, I swear. You sounded cool. Oh, thanks, nice to meet you. I noticed you wrote for your school newspaper at your last school. Kara here, she's in charge of the school newspaper. So I figured at the very least, you got somebody to talk to, huh? So you better make the better of it. (laughs) <i> (bell ringing)</i> Well, first period's going to get going here. Better get to it. We both have bio, I'll take you. -Bye girls. -Thank you. Have a good day. It's a pretty typical high school. You got the burn outs, the freaks, the popular kids. Oh prepare yourself, I know those might come as a shock to you but the cheerleaders are awful, avoid them at all costs. Yeah, cheerleaders were jerks at my school, too. Athletes might've been worse, though. Oh, our athletes are terrible and not just their personalities. At least the cheerleaders win their competitions, which you can see from all these trophies. Wow. Yeah, rah. All right, let's go to class. Who's that? So look, no pressure, but we're looking for another reporter for the newspaper. So if you want in, you're in. Really? Yeah, thanks, that'd be awesome. I miss writing. I usually sit with Max, he's a reporter too. Max, say hi. Oh, fresh meat. I'm Autumn. Domenick. No, he's not, he's Max. Okay. Hey, does this school have a dance team? No dance team, sorry. You could always be a cheerleader. Hey, who's that girl? I don't know, must be a transfer. I'd hit it. Bode! I'm just kidding, babe. Well don't. She's cute. Yeah, I guess if you like boring girls. It's Autumn, right? Yeah. Jenny, this is Bella. Hey, look. I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but Kara's a loser. I'm just saying, hang with whoever you want to hang out with, but Kara sucks. Okay. I'm just looking out for you since you're new here. I don't want you to be cemented as a loser too. Well, I can look out for myself, thanks. Hey, you know, you're a dancer, right? How did you know that? You're online. You should try out for the cheerleading squad! The tryouts are tomorrow. No, I've never cheered. Well, you seem like a fast learner. I mean think about it, you get to dance, have a built in friend group, and be a part of a winning team. It's a no brainer, really. Yeah, I'll think about it but I gotta get to class. See you guys. Why are you being so nice to her? I like my competition where I can see them. An invitation from the queen bitch herself, lucky you. Yeah, it was pretty weird. Hey, she doesn't seem to like you that much. Well, color me shocked. You're going to do it, right? Cheerleading? Why would I do that? As a reporter. Come on, you have to. You can go undercover. That's insane. It's perfect. You can report on the toxic culture of cheerleading at Brookview High. Is there even a story there? Breaking, cheerleaders are kind of bitchy. It goes way beyond bitchiness, Autumn. Their coach is actually abusive. I heard there's a hazing. Someone needs to expose it. Or you could just mess with them. You know, plant seeds and pick fights until they explode in a pile of pigtails and pom poms. Very helpful, Max, thank you. I have a large brain and many ideas. Think about it, okay, no one knows who you are yet. If you get on the team, you could assimilate into their group. Okay, I'll think about it. So the school newspaper, huh? That sounds interesting. Oh yeah, it's not a sure thing. I'm still thinking about it. Oh, what's to think about? You loved writing for your old paper. I'm just weighing out my options, seeing what else the school has to offer. Well, that's a good idea. Does anything sound exciting? Well, I was asked to try out for the cheerleading squad. Wait, what? Cheerleading, you? Yeah, why not? It's just very unlike you. Are you feeling okay? Mom, I'm fine. I mean I am a dancer, it's not that crazy. Dancing is not the same as cheerleading. And you would know? Your cousin was a cheerleader and I remember what she went through. It's a lot more intense than it used to be. It's dancing around with pom poms looking cute and chanting cutesy rhymes. How hard can that be? <i> ♪ upbeat electronic music </i> (girls applauding) Welcome. I'm Dot, your coach, if you make the team. As a former cheerleading captain here at Brookview High, I know how important cheer is to all of us who participate. We're family, this is our home. Now we do work hard, but we do not sacrifice fun. I'll be judging the tryouts today along with Jenny and Heidi. I can already tell who sucks. (coach talking in background) You can be such a bitch. Okay, Group A, I'll start with you. Wow, nice move. Thanks. I've been waiting for this day since seventh grade. Cheer is my life. Wow, how long have you been cheering? Since I was five. This team is legendary. My parents moved school districts so I could go here. Wow, that's intense. I hear the coach is pretty hardcore, but she seems okay so far. Well I'm sure you'll make the team, you're really good. Thanks. Good luck. Actually, could you teach me that move that you were just doing? Yeah, sure. Arms up like this. Make sure to keep them straight. Down. Okay. Okay? Yeah. Got to give Autumn props, she's willing to go a long way for a story. Yeah, if that was you, you'd absolutely be in the hospital right now. If you did a jump like that, you'd pull a groin muscle or something. You know actually, I think I would have a better chance than you-- Shut up! Okay, Group B, let's go. Show us what you got. And five, six, seven, eight. ♪ upbeat music Great job. Holy crap, where did that come from? I thought she said she'd never done cheerleading. Girl's got the moves. No seriously. I was kind of worried this would be a disaster. A beautiful disaster, but a disaster, you know? It'll be entertaining too. Okay, Autumn Bailey? So Autumn, you're new to cheering, is that correct? Correct. You're a good dancer. Can you do a back spring? No, I... Can you fly? That's like where you go in the air, right? No, I never have. Okay, can you do a herkie? Yes! Yes, that I can do! Let's see it. Okay good. All right athletes, we will now deliberate. Thank you. Step back, arch your back foot. Just ask her out, man. Huh, who? Give me a break, the new girl. This is great, everyone's so nice. Is it that obvious? Just do it. The list is up. Congratulations to those of you who made the team. And to those of you who didn't, I encourage you to try again next year. Okay? Let's go. Oh my God! Yes, our girl made it. I knew she had it in her. Never doubted her for a minute. Shall we go congratulate her? Perhaps dance and cheer little circles around her? No way, she's officially undercover now. If she's going to pull this thing off, then we can't be seen with her. I wonder why my name is in italics. Maybe it means you're like head newbie or something? You think? Yeah, you're the best one out of all of us. Autumn, right? Yeah. I'm Jordan. We have bio together. Right. Hey, great job out there. Oh, I don't know. No, no, honestly, you're really good. Thanks. (whistle blows) All right, first practice starts now. Anyone who is not on the team, please go back to whatever it is that you were doing. I hear she's a real drill sergeant. I better go. I'll see you around? Yeah, I'll see you around. Welcome to the Brookview High School Cheerleading Squad. Now as you may have heard, we are not an ordinary team. We are an extraordinary one. And extraordinary teams win national championships. Something we have been able to do every year since I first became captain 20 years ago. Now you don't get to be extraordinary without hard work and that is exactly what this team is all about: hard work. So if you're looking for your mommy, I'm not her. If you're looking for a therapist, you can look elsewhere. I'll tell you what I'm looking for. I'm looking for perfection, I'm looking for invincibility, and if you can't give me that, then you need to leave. Right now. You're not just representing yourselves, you're representing the team. And we don't tolerate duds. On this list, acceptable hair, length, color, texture, makeup rules and of course, weight requirements. There is a dress code for non-cheer uniform days and needless to say, combat boots, they're not on the list. Yes, Megan? Will we be cheering at all sporting events or just Friday football nights? (girls laughing) We don't cheer for boys, we compete. And Megan, you may be wondering why your name was highlighted. Your position on this team is conditional based on you losing five pounds by next Friday. In fact, all of you could use some toning up. On the back of the list, there's a recommended team diet. Bone broth? Five grapes? Isn't that a laxative? So memorize it, get to know it. You will not be taking that list home for obvious reasons. Okay let's go, five miles. (blows whistle) Now! Let's go, move it! Laxatives, savage. No way Principal Janus would allow that. Yeah, it's the 21st century and aren't big butts in? I can't believe this is going on right under the administration's noses. I think you have your first article. I don't know. What if people figure out it's me? Okay, we should take extra precautions. From now on, we meet after hours only at night. We can't be seen together. Genius. And you have to fully immerse yourself with the cheerleaders, okay? Okay. Yes, okay, now go write that article. I want 500 words by Monday. See you guys. Bye. I cannot wait to see how this goes down. Laxatives, it's so gnarly. (phone buzzing) <i> (door knocking)</i> Come in! How's my little cheerleader? Stop it, mom. What? I'm proud of you. You're trying new things. Thanks. I've been meaning to ask, whatever happened with the school newspaper? Oh, I think cheerleading is going to take up all my time. Oh, well that's too bad, you're such a good writer. There's always next year. What are you working on? Oh, just homework. I'm all done. I am exhausted, it has been a long first week. I'm going to bed, good night. Good night! And... send! (phone buzzing) Hello? This is genius, you're genius. What are you talking about? Your article, it goes up first thing today. Get ready for the performance of your lifetime, Bailey. What do you mean? No one can know you wrote this. You need to pretend that cheerleading is your heart and soul. Yeah, okay. (sighs) <i> ♪ sultry music </i> Oops. (laughing) Bone broth, I'd kill myself. Wait, are you guys chomping laxatives? I guess now we know who's been stinking up the bathrooms. What's going on? The school paper just came out. You guys might want to check it out. Oh my God. You said you were a celiac! I am. Is this stuff true? Why do you guys put up with this? It's fake news, jackass. <i> (Loudspeaker) Coach Dot,</i> <i> please come to my office as soon as possible.</i> This is bad. Hey Jenny! This is incredible. Do you think Dot will get fired? I hope so, she's horrible. If she got fired, would you stay on the team? I guess I'd stay if there was still a story. What if there wasn't still a story? Oh my God, you would anyways, wouldn't you? You love cheerleading. No I don't, stop. Hey, where's Max, by the way? Oh I don't know, that guy's always up to something weird. What's going on with you guys? What are you talking about? Oh come on, the constant flirting. Yeah right, he is so not my type. Well he's into you. Well I'm not into him. He's too strange, even for me. (phone buzzing) Jordan Dunn just DM'ed me. Seriously? He wants me to meet him and his friends at the drive-in. Oh my God, what do I say? Are you kidding me? Say yes! This is perfect, you're in. In to what? The in crowd. I don't know, I was up late and I can't go in this. Oh my God, you like him. No, I don't. Okay, you're definitely going. Tell him you'll meet him there. Never mind, I'll do it. Kara! Ugh! Yeah, there we go. Kara! Boom. Okay, I guess I'm going. Yeah, you're going. (giggles) (exploding) What am I doing? Hey guys. Autumn, you made it. Here, let me help you up. (Autumn) Thanks. Hey Autumn. Hey. So... So... I'm glad you came. Thanks for inviting me. Quiet in back. (giggling) So how are you liking school? Oh it's okay. It's only been a few days so it's hard to tell, you know? I get it. I actually transferred here too last year. Really? From Connecticut. Oh. I'm New York. Kind of miss the snow, right? Honestly, not really. God, you guys are so loud. Get a room. Oh, by the way, you made the right choice by ditching Kara, Autumn, well done and congrats on making the team. I convinced Dot to let you on, you know? Sure you did Jenny. Kara that fat chick you're friends with? We're not friends. Kara's not fat. The newspaper chick, right? She used to be fat. Yeah, I swear you guys were like best friends. You posted that photo of her freshman year trying on that swimsuit. That sure made her lose weight in a hurry. Okay, we hung out for like two seconds before she got lame. Hey Jenny, try harder to be a Disney villain. You're not being quite cartoonish enough. Oh good one, Jordan. You are kind of rude sometimes, babe. You're rude, babe. Oh, let's all take a picture. Huh, oh, so cute! (Male) Shut up! Bite me! (giggling) (mysterious music) That was insane. First time's always the best. Well thanks again for inviting me. I had a lot of fun. I did too. I'm really glad you came. Hey sorry about Jenny and Bode. I know they're a little cliche. Why do you hang out with them? When I first joined the football team, I got hazed pretty bad. Bode stood up for me, he's a good guy. Jenny... She's not my favorite, but Bode seems to like her, so who am I to mess that up? Well I guess I should be giving this back to you. Why don't you hold onto it? Gives me an excuse to see you again. Well played. Ill see you tomorrow and hopefully the day after that and the day after that and the day after that. I'll see you then. (engine revving) (joyful music) Hey, it's just me. Oh my God, I saw that Insta photo, nice blending in dude. Jenny's hair really makes your spray tan pop. (Autumn) Oh stop. How was it? It was good. I think Jordan likes me. You sly dog, you like him too. Is that bad? Please don't tell me he's awful. Oh my God, you're actually going to become an honest-to-God cheerleader and date an athlete aren't you? I've created a monster. Nothing even happened, we didn't even kiss. I'm just giving you a hard time. Honestly, Jordan's cool. Really? Yeah, he's one of the good ones. And he puts Jenny in her place which I like. Hey Jenny said you guys used to be friends. Like a million years ago. What happened? Nothing happened. Have you met us? We're pretty different. Anyway, long story short, Jordan's cool, you have my blessing. Okay good 'cause you know that's important to me. I know. Hey besides if you date an athlete, you blend in more. Works out for me as your editor too. Hmm. I better get going, they're holding an emergency cheerleading practice. Hopefully it's Janus telling us Dot's been fired. Good luck. Thanks. (gentle music) Apparently we have a leak. Someone on this team is a little confused about where their loyalties lie. I would think it was you if I didn't know you were a pathetic little sycophant. Or maybe it's little combat boots. Or maybe it's our own Lois Lane with her fancy Chronicle internship. Well, someone on this team seems to think that Megan's weight is appropriate. So Megan, let's see you flip. I'm not a gymnast. I do stunts, not tumbling. Her weight's fine. Besides, weight has nothing to do with tumbling. Cartwheel into a roundoff with a double back handspring. Are you serious? She's never done it, she could get hurt. Oh, so why don't you spot her? Honestly, I don't even know what the combo looks like. You, show her. Okay, great, we don't have all day. This is messed up. It's okay. I'll do it. You've got this Megan. You've seen it go down a million times. Okay, ready? Five, six, seven, eight. (cracking) (girls gasping) Megan, I'm so sorry, I can't believe that just happened. I should've stopped it. I knew it was a terrible idea. How's the pain? Button helps. Dot should've never made her do that. It's abuse. Maybe the administration will finally listen to what we've been saying and fire her ass. Wait, you guys have been trying to get Dot fired? We despise her. She's evil, as you've now seen. I don't know what that woman has on Janus but he refuses to get rid of her. It's probably because she's effective. We're the only team at school that's actually winning anything. Bella and Jenny are the only ones who support Dot. If Heidi can beat Jenny at team captain, at least we can try to keep her in check. I hate to think how much worse it could get if Jenny gets captain. She's not even a senior. It's ridiculous she even thinks she could win. I thought Jenny was your friend. We used to be best friends but then she did something horrible and I can't be friends with someone like that. What did she do? Let's just say she can be really cruel and I'm not down with body shaming. But enough about Jenny, today's about you Megan. I just got an idea. We'll throw a party for you, a fundraiser to help with her medical costs. You don't have to do that. Are you kidding? Do you know how much physical therapy you're going to have to do after this? Oh God, sorry here, press your button. We'll need a theme. Oh, what about a rave? Samantha, I didn't know you had that kind of edge in you. I love it, we need a venue. Maybe the school would let us use the gym. It's not going to be that kind of party. I feel awful. If I hadn't written the article then Dot wouldn't have been so furious and Megan wouldn't be in the hospital. Hey, hey, it's not your fault, okay? You're doing the right thing. Am I? I don't even know anymore. I know this is hard. And if I could, I would switch places with you. But you have to write another article, okay? Dot needs to be exposed for what she did. You're right. When she's fired, this will all be over. Exactly. Okay, now I got to go. Are you leaving? No, I think I'm going to stay here and work on my article for a bit. Okay, cool, see you tomorrow? Yeah, sounds good. Cool. (girls shushing) (Autumn sighs) (mysterious music) She put a girl in the hospital? The coach is a psychopath. No wonder the team's so good. (Jenny) The undercover cheerleader strikes again. (sighs) Hey. Hey. I don't like rats. Sounds like someone's doing you guys a favor, that lady's crazy. That lady is doing her job and winning us championships which is more than I can say for the football team. Touche. Babe, ease up. I bet it's Samantha. She's been so extra ever since her Chronicle internship last summer. Samantha, someone needs to shut that girl up. (sighs) (upbeat music) Thank you so much Autumn for letting us use your house for the party. Ooh, nice. You're a lifesaver and you have no neighbors. You guys, my mom's going to kill me if she finds out. She cannot find this stuff. We had no other options. It's for Megan, remember? And she's not going to find out. And what she doesn't know won't kill her, right? I so hope you're right. Okay, so we're going to charge 20 bucks a head and everyone's going to get a glow necklace and a Solo cup for the keg. Oh my God, this party's going to be insane. So how are you liking school so far? Oh, it's okay. AP Physics is killing me though. Oh my God, why would you take AP Physics? God, that class kicked my butt. You took AP Physics? Hated every minute of it. I did get a five on the AP test though. I could tutor you if you want. 'Cause I'm not going to. Yeah, that'd be awesome, thanks. A rave? How EDC of you. Yeah, you know Autumn, if you want to do drugs with us, you can just ask. We're not doing drugs, guys, we're raising money for Megan's medical costs. How is she? Okay considering. (Kara) Poor girl. It's going to feel so good to see these disgusting cheerleaders cry once their team gets shut down. Jesus Max. They're not disgusting. They're actually pretty sweet. Jenny's the only one who buys into Dot's culture. The other girls want to change things on the squad. The squad? You sound like a real cheerleader. I'm just saying, they're actually really nice and smart. Samantha's going to tutor me in physics. They sound like your new best friends. Sounds like someone's jealous. Oh Kara, are you jealous? Don't be, you know your my OG friend. Yeah well don't you forget it. So you guys are coming to the party, right? Will there be boos? Will there be chicks? Yes and don't be creepy, Max. That's who I am, sorry. Just don't tell anyone I invited you guys. We're not friends, right? (shushing) Yeah, exactly. I'm not jealous. Are you sure? Shut up. What'd you get? Disgusting, you're so weird, why'd you get that? I don't know about you but I've had just about enough of the circular orbits of fictional space crafts. Yes, please make the centripetal force equations go away now. I only took the class so it would look good on my transcript. I applied early admission to Stanford. They have an awesome journalism school. Oh nice, when do you hear? I already did, I'm in. Yes, congrats. Oh my God, Stanford's really hard to get into. I worked really hard for it. I'm so excited. Yeah, you should be. People think cheerleaders are only good for shaking their pom poms. By the way, I forgot to tell you I Jenny thinks you're the leak. I wish I was the leak. I like winning championships but not like this. Yeah. I've got pizza. Hi. You must be Samantha? I'm Cynthia. It's so nice to finally meet one of Autumn's new friends. Great to meet you. Shall we dig in while it's hot? Thanks, but I already ate. Actually, it's getting kind of late, I better go. Oh okay. Well it was nice to meet you. Drive safe. (Samantha) I will, thanks. Bye Autumn. Bye, thanks again. I actually already ate too, mom. I'm going to go get ready for bed. And she dines alone. Okay. (air hissing) (dramatic music) (male voice) Do you want to live? Stop writing the article! (tense music) Samantha, we came as soon as we heard. He thought it was me. He thought I wrote the articles. Who? (Cynthia) What articles? The undercover cheerleader. I didn't see his face. But she did beat the crap out of him. I got away and came straight here. I'm so sorry, Sam. We're going to stay with you until your parents get here. (Cynthia) What is this about an undercover cheerleader? I had on idea this was going on. It's not you, is it? What? No. It would make sense. The sudden interest in cheerleading, dropping the school newspaper-- It's not me. You know how I feel about lying Autumn. We have no secrets, remember? It's just you and me. We got to be honest with each other. It's not me, mom, I swear. Okay. If you say it's not you, I believe you. (dogs barking) (tense music) Hey, with everything that's going on, this just doesn't feel right. Maybe I should cancel my trip. No, don't. I mean haven't you been working on this pitch for months? Isn't the board flying in? I know but I'm just worried about you. Mom, you can't cancel it. Heidi offered to stay with me. She's a senior, you met her last night at the police station. We'll be fine, I swear. Just promise me that every minute you're not at school or practice you're home, okay, promise? I can definitely promise that. Okay. Be safe. I will. Love you. Love you too. (mysterious music) The mark sings again. Looks like someone's trying to stop the leaks. I'm glad it's not working. Hey, what happened to your neck? Huh? Oh, my cat. I didn't know you had a cat. It's my cat. It's so weird. Jenny weren't you just saying that someone should shut up Samantha? Looks like you got your wish. Shut up, Bella. Hey, so I was thinking maybe I could come over a little early before the party tonight, help set up. I mean normally I would offer to pick you up, but the party's at your house so... Yeah, I'd like that. Holy crap. He almost Sweeney Todd'd her. I'm shutting down the expose. It's officially way too dangerous. What? No. It's an even bigger story now. We have to find out how attacked Samantha. Autumn, what if you get hurt? What if someone comes after you? No one knows it's me. Besides, it's personal now, Megan, Samantha, these girls are my friends. Okay, well just be careful all right? No story's worth getting hurt over. And I know I'm not a cheerleader or anything but you're my friend too so. Kara, you're my best friend. I'll be careful, I swear. So is the party still going on tomorrow, or? Yeah, but I don't think Samantha will want to come anymore. Yeah, I guess getting the knife to the throat is a real buzzkill. Max, seriously. Too soon? Too soon. Let's get to work. Okay. I will still be supervising practice but we have decided to let your old coach attend on a conditional basis so that she can see the new way of doing things. Coach Dot, you want to say anything? (clears throat) I am honored to simply observe today, athletes and I regret my poor choice of words that I may have used in the past. And I apologize if I upset anyone. I look forward to moving forward in a mutually respectful way. Thank you, Coach Dot. And now you may proceed with practice. Okay, let's start with the Drake routine. Actually, I think we should do Katy Perry today. Well, you're not in charge, Heidi. Neither are you, Jenny. You're not even a senior, you just act like you're one. (Jenny) You're acting childish. Maybe you should have Bode hold a knife to my throat or I got an A in writing last year, maybe I'm the leak-- How dare you? (Janus) Okay, break it up. Perhaps we should take a vote on team captain to make the team leadership a little more clear. Everyone for Heidi. Everyone for Jenny. Heidi it is. (girls applauding) Wow, you look incredible. Thanks. Come in. And you need one of these. Thank you, thank you. Oh yeah, that looks good. Okay, come downstairs. I thought I was helping set up. You already did everything. I had some time on my hands and I told my mom I wouldn't leave the house while she's gone so... How can I help? Why don't you just grab yourself a drink? I'll just be a sec. I don't drink. Oh, well then go relax and I'll join you in a minute. I can't believe we're going to a cheerleader party right now. This might be the best night of my life. You look awesome, by the way. Thanks. You look good too, Max. Oh right yeah, you look cool, nice job. Thanks. Are we the only ones here? Oh my God, that's so lame. Who cares? We know her. Let's just hang back until the others get here, okay? Okay. Let's show 'em that creepy barn we passed. Shut up, Max. What are you sketching? It's yours. It's beautiful. (Samantha) Hey lovers. (Autumn) Samantha, I'm so glad you came. So am I. Hey Sam. Hey. Let's get this party started. (upbeat music) This is so weird. She's my best friend, but this is the first time I've actually been to her house. Are you best friends though? I mean it kind of seems like you're just weird secret newspaper friend. What? No. You're, that's stupid. (upbeat music) I mean like-- She's blending in. I'm just saying, if you want to take out a couple cheerleaders, just so you know. Max, don't even joke about that. These are not joking times, okay? (upbeat music) (laughing) ♪ I can feel your touch ♪ I can feel your touch Hey, can I tell you something? What's that? I really like you. I really like you too. (steamy music) You guys, oh my God. I guess Jenny and Bode aren't showing up. Darn. Want to dance? Not really. This sucks. If I can't be with my friend, then why am I even here? Really? I'm not feeling great. Beer doesn't really agree with me. I think I'm going to bounce. Do you want me to come with you or? No, it's okay, I'll get a lift. (mellow music) Hot tamale! Hey, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here. (giggling) Good night. I think that's everyone. You threw one hell of a party, Bailey. I aim to please. I'm taking off. Me too. You want a ride? I don't do bikes. I thought you were spending the night. I need to sleep in my own bed. That okay? I'll come help you clean up in the morning. That's fine by me. Did you know that motorcycles are 35 times more deadly than being in a car? Well I'm pretty sure driving drunk is 100% more fatal than running motorcycles so... I walked 'cause I live like two minutes from here remember? Sure you don't want an escort? I hear someone's hunting cheerleaders. Ha, I'll take my chances. Suit yourself. And that's my cue. Night losers. Goodnight. Sleep well. And ride safe. (sighs) Oy, not tonight. (sighing) (mysterious music) (humming) (mysterious music) Bode, is that you? Jordan, I told you I don't want a ride. (engine revving) (screams) I can't believe she's gone. She was my best friend. Hey, we're going to find out who did this, okay? We just want to ask you guys a few questions. You guys don't really think it was Bode, do you? Damn right I do. He's the one who attacked me, I know it. I heard they found motorcycle tracks at the scene someone tried to wipe. If the glove fits. Jordan rides a motorcycle. No one's accusing him of being the killer. Where'd you go after the party Jordan? Home. (Female) Can anyone vouch for that? Yes. I was annoyed she got captain but I would never kill anyone. I can't believe it. I just can't believe she's dead. It's tragic. Just like that. You get Autumn back now I guess. What is wrong with you? (mysterious music) I'm sorry, I know she was your friend. Thanks. It's awful. This whole thing is my fault. This has gone on way too far. We have to shut down the article. What? No way, we have to find the killer. It's not worth your life, Autumn. Whoever's doing this is obsessed. It's only a matter of time until they figure out it's you. And frankly, I'm worried about me and Max too. You're right, it is dangerous and I'm pretty sure someone's been following me. What? You should've said something. Hey look, I won't write any more articles but I can't drop this. Heidi was my friend. I'm going to find out who killed her. Autumn, let the police do their job, okay? This is above our pay grade. We're just high schoolers. You're right, I'm sorry, I'm just upset. Promise me you'll stay away. I promise, cross my heart. How's Max holding up? He's fine, I think, making inappropriate jokes as usual. Yeah, okay I should go. I got to go too. (gentle music) (vacuum buzzing) Hi mom. You had a party? I trusted you Autumn. I just got a call from the school about an accident that happened to a girl after she left our house. I'm sorry, mom. No, you don't get to talk right now. A girl is dead, Autumn, the same girl that was going to stay with you this weekend. Or was that a lie too? I am getting on the first flight home I can. I've had to reschedule my pitch, likely I'm getting fired. You can add that to your list of accomplishments. I'm sorry. Mom, I really messed up, I-- What happened to us, Autumn? Your father would be so disappointed in you. (crying) Heidi was my best friend and I know she was a friend to all of us. She loved cheerleading with all her heart and she was a fierce competitor. She could be a little rebellious, a little rough around the edges but that's why we loved her. Everyone around her could see through her tough girl act to her heart of gold inside. I'm really going to miss her. I need to talk to you. Can we go back to your place? Yeah, of course. Okay, come on. Please don't tell me you're the killer. I'm not sure I have the energy right now. No, of course not. I'm the one who's been writing all the articles. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, you're the undercover cheerleader? Yes, I hate that moniker. That's amazing and kind of a turn on, actually. Okay look I need your help. Of course, anything. (Autumn) We have to find out who the killer is before they get me or someone else. And what do you need? Well I have three top suspects, Bode, Max and Coach Dot. Honestly... What? I hate to say it. He's my best friend but I think it might be Bode. I mean after the attack on Samantha, he was all scratched up, remember? And then he lied about it to me. It doesn't make any sense. Do you think you could force a confession? Maybe, why? Okay, go do that. I'm going to go back to the scene of Heidi's death, see if the police missed anything. No, I don't like the idea of you going there alone. Let's do both together. No, there's no time. It's right by my house, I'll be fine, I swear. Fine, but I don't like it. Text me, let me know how it's going. Autumn, be careful. I will. I have been trying to get on a flight all afternoon. I need to get home. I don't care about your inclement weather, just get me on the next flight to San Francisco. Yes, I'll hold. (mysterious music) Oh my God. (engine revving) (Jordan) Hey Bode. (Bode) What's going on? Everything okay? I would've never have actually hurt Samantha. Look, I was just trying to scare her. What? Why would you do something like that? I didn't want to do it, I mean she made me. Who did? Coach Dot. How? Look, she said she'd get me kicked off the football team if I didn't do it. And without football, I'll lose my scholarship. I can't afford college without it. How do I know you're not lying? Look, it's one thing to admit to threatening Samantha, it's another to admit to murdering someone. I'm not lying, man, I swear. You have to believe me, I wasn't there. Did Jenny know about Samantha? She figured it out after she saw the scratches. She was so mad she almost broke up with me. Man. You know I got to turn you in now, right? Jordan! Oh my God, I found something huge. It could crack this whole thing wide open. This was at the crime scene. It has to be from the killer's bike, right? You have to take that to the police. Wait, wait, shouldn't you be wearing gloves or something, fingerprints? Crap. You have any? Hey, what is this? You and Heidi were together? I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right time. Wait, wait, wait, wait, just listen to me for one minute, okay, I'm sorry, okay, I should've told you. Look, I really, really care about you, okay? Listen... Oh my God. It's you. What? What are you talking about? You killed Heidi. Autumn, wait. He used to date Heidi and I found this at the crime scene. The rest of it's in his garage, I saw it. Okay, okay, calm down. Look, I assure you we will talk to Jordan and figure out what's going on. Now, I appreciate your help, Autumn, but I wish you would let us do our job. Maybe if you were better at your jobs I wouldn't have to. It's late. You had a rough night. I'll have an officer drive you home. You can leave your car in the lot. Is there anyone you can call to stay with you? My mom's out of town. Well you probably shouldn't be alone tonight. I'll call a friend. Good. Get some sleep. I will call you as soon as we know anything. Autumn, it wasn't me, I swear. I don't know what happened, but you have to believe it wasn't me-- Officer, can you take Miss Bailey home please? (tense music) (knocking) (Autumn) Thanks for coming. Holy crap. I can't believe it was Jordan, he seems so nice. I just can't believe I fell for him. I feel so sick. You're shaking, drink your tea. I was so stupid. I do remember telling you not to meddle. In fact, I distinctly remember a promise being made about it. I know, I'm sorry. It's okay, I forgive you. Besides, a broken promise is worth it if that jerk goes to jail. Agreed. (phone buzzing) It's the police. Answer it. Hello. (Detective Grady) Autumn, it's Detective Grady. I thought you should know your boyfriend's innocent. What? (Detective Grady) Jordan's dad reported the bike stolen the day before the murder. When it showed back up, he just assume it was neighborhood kids having fun. Oh my God, thank you. (Detective Grady) Okay, just sit tight. We'll be back in touch as soon as we know anything. Okay, okay, thank you, Detective Grady. It wasn't him. It wasn't Jordan. Well, if it wasn't Jordan than who is it? Okay, promise you won't get mad. Okay. I think it might be Max. What? Think about it, he's always making fun of those girls, he's been acting weirdly unemotional about Heidi and let's face it he'd do anything for you and you haven't exactly been thrilled about my friendship with them. It's Max, he's not capable of something like that. And he left the party early. It all adds up. Just because he's weird, doesn't mean he's a killer. (phone buzzing) That's Jordan. Hi Jordan. I'm so sorry, I jumped to conclusions and-- Autumn, we have the security footage. Um... Autumn, Autumn, can you hear me? It's Kara. Kara stole the bike. (dramatic music) It's Kara, Kara's the killer. Could you please just send someone back to Autumn's house? Kara could be with her. A car just dropped her off, Jordan. She could be in trouble. I've got two officers on the way to Kara's place right now to question her. If she's not there, we will revisit Autumn. Forget it, I'll go myself. Jordan! (ominous music) You couldn't just leave it alone, could you? You promised me you'd stop digging around. You killed Heidi. I wasn't trying to kill her. I was just trying to scare her. She fell over like a drunken idiot. I'm not enjoying this, you know? The ironic thing is that I've been trying to protect you this whole time. What are you talking about? I was so scared after Megan's accident and Samantha's attack. I thought something was going to happen to you. You're the one that was following me. I don't have that many girlfriends, okay, and then you came along and I didn't want anyone to hurt you. But then you had to go and get a new best friend. How could you do that to me? I'd already lost one best friend to Heidi. Jenny. I know Jenny only took that stupid photo of me because she thought Heidi would think it was funny. Heidi dropped Jenny after that happened. (Kara) What do you know? (crashing) That's why you wanted me to write the articles in the first place, wasn't it? Revenge against Jenny and Heidi. (engine revving) If you scream, you'll regret it. Autumn! Sam, Sam, where does that girl Kara live? Okay. (engine revving) (crying) You could just let me go, you know? I'm not going to jail, Autumn. It's over. They already know you took the motorcycle. It's not over. I can say you made me take it. So what, you're going to kill me? How are you going to explain that? Self defense. You knew you were about to be found out and so you tried to kill me first. You're not a killer, Kara. You don't know what I am! Max. You're going to be all right, okay, hang in there. Yes, I need an ambulance right now, my friend's hurt. Max, you're going to be okay, all right? It doesn't have to be like this. Yeah right! How am I going to get out of this, eh? How am I going to get out of this? Well it's about to be over. (grunting) I told you to leave it alone. I told you. (grunting) (gentle music) Are you okay? Are you okay? Mom. Ugh, my God. (gentle music) Come on, let's get you inside. I'll never keep anything from you again, I swear. Undercover cheerleader. I knew that cheerleading thing seemed weird. I thought it was a good idea at the time. Oh and in the spirit of full transparency, I have a boyfriend too. Ugh, you are going to be the death of me, kid. All right, so what's his name? His name's Jordan. Oh Jordan. Mom. And when do I get to meet Jordan? Mmmm... Very soon. -Soon? -Uh-huh. Oh, okay, soon. Hey hon, you got cheer tryouts today, right? Yep, just for the newbies. Must be nice to be on the other side. Have fun. Thanks, love you. Love you too. Hello athletes and welcome to the Brookview High cheerleading trouts. I'm happy to introduce myself as your coach, Coach Sam, an unexpected benefit of going to college nearby. It's no secret we had a rough year last year but we're back and this year we're ready to take back our national championship title. (girls clapping) But things are going to be different this year. Instead of a culture of cruelty and insults, we're going to be supportive and inclusive. So if anyone has a problem with that you should leave now. We're going to do all that and we're going to be number one again (girls clapping) with Autumn as our captain. Thanks. Hey captain, my captain. How'd tryouts go? Pretty good. I really like this one girl. She's a good dancer but she can't cheer for jack. Oh, sounds like just my type. So you going to keep writing for the school paper this year? Now Jordan, if I told you that, I wouldn't have any more secrets left You ready to get out of here? I just have to do one more thing. (upbeat music) (gentle music)
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 351,046
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Keywords: Cheering, cheerleading, cheer, cheer team, competition, lifetime movie, full movie, free movie, lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime original movies, new lifetime movies, lifetime movies, watch lifetime movies, full lifetime movies, Undercover Cheerleader, watch Undercover Cheerleader online free, Undercover Cheerleader full movie, Undercover Cheerleader streaming, Kayla Wallace
Id: v8boQumA3P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 46sec (5206 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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