Tornado Valley - Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the weather service you know I can tell there's danger silly who told you that Nora got a big deal he liked blondes only want to see no he kind of looks like daddy in the morning [Music] [Music] this reminds everyone to take immediate action stay indoors close to the center of your house no all you have to do is kiss a frog to turn him into a prince no less seems like there's a storm coming you better head home okay but I'm not kissing the Frog you don't have to kiss the Frog okay I'll be the Creek [Music] Oh [Music] don't be crazy Ali the storm doesn't kill us mom we'll come on let's go I'll go back I'm faster you get to mom go [Music] I forgot mrs. Beasley is going to blame her everything's gonna be alright you run to the house as fast as you can I'll get listen mrs. Beasley go run as fast as you can [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] where's your mother in le kollene Colleen I'll leave so it's all over I'm gonna be okay it's safe now Liz Mary okay hélène [Music] a beautiful fall day in the area and we can expect more of the same tomorrow highs reaching 72 then dropping down into the low 60s overnight we can expect thunderstorms however in the western regions by tomorrow evening and if you're in the area and you want to find out more about what's happening in weather you can stop by the meteorological symposium at the University of Minnesota they have a distinguished list of speakers lined up and I will be hosting the event and now for your latest in News Adam Mitchum I'm Liz McAdams good night okay great thanks guys hey sweetie unpack and pack again time always goes by quicker when you're busy and don't forget your toothbrush okay love you see you soon yeah we're headed up to the farm she's eight at nine going on 16 yeah I know what that's like thanks for plugging the symposium is good PR for the station I know you didn't want to host it but not every station has a PhD doing the forecast anything to raise the profile sir have a safe trip thanks Liz dad what's the word on hurricane Matilda I don't know what's the word you're the meteorologist you're the news anchor hurricanes her news aren't they looking forward to that big symposium no I'm not I thought you'd be excited to go use those smarts of yours a game yeah I left that world behind a long time ago the past has a way of catching up to you don't fight it well connecting it now guys this intended to confront of the storm everything is operational this design is the one we're gonna have to retrofit some of those older models in New Mexico in Louisiana all the data is solid it's time to connect her to the grid next stage of flooding comes through we can install the final antenna get the system fully operational okay get your butts back here boys so we can start assessing Matilda's data we're almost there data measures up we're in the homestretch she's gonna be real proud of Matt let's head back it's really absurd Rebecca she was sure that Tony had a thing for her but Rebecca's mom said that everything happens for a reason what do you think I think it's a pretty general statement if you're just gonna blindly accept that everything happens for a reason then you never really get to the bottom of what's going on yeah exactly and besides Tony smells with it mr. BTUs be nice the National Weather Service exists to protect life and property in the face of adverse weather patterns there are nine national centers all across the country now we've invited you here today to introduce the future of storm prediction technology pioneered by the renowned climatologist dr. Liz McAdams who adapted phased array radar technology into a precise instrument for measuring atmospheric conditions we'll be able to evacuate specific areas that will be hit by tornadoes and other severe weather before it has a chance to form effectively eliminating widespread panic saving lives and saving literally billions of dollars in economic loss and now I'd like to take you into the heart of our operation so if you'll follow me [Music] hey Nora Hayley's who we get there where I came alone yeah real funny mom okay bug you up for a nature walk tomorrow yeah and can we do some craps again - of course it's great seeing you Nora go with the wind buddy I love her I need who talks like that Kelly listen Becky you here come on down sweet it'll be glad to see it grandpa Oh take it easy Becky my hey Allie I mean this real yeah look I got a bunch more pictures and I mean I've got some good dirt on Billy Hathaway remember that kid I told you about suspenders it's been a while she's growing up fast dad it's only been a month really seems longer how's Ellie doing oh good you know she has her bad days some not so bad she comes out of her show and you guys visit taking a shine to Becky she's a real ray like that little girl well she can be stubborn as an ox sometimes gets that from her father really you spoken with Matt lately no dr. Stevens been by no you know how I feel about doctors well you know what I mean okay I've made up the spare room down here for you you get settled in I'll go check on the girls dad yeah it's good to see you yeah that's good to see you too Liz [Music] Matilda's disbanding over Kansas and as she moved through Texas and Oklahoma we stayed ahead of her with 94% accuracy information still pouring in but according to early comparisons we would have prevented close to three-quarters of a billion dollars and damages 94 percent should be bouncing off the walls Matt yeah they're almost there the six percent variable which will fluctuate within a 5 degree margin look I'm not sure we can do better Matt some things are just beyond our control and I want to go over the day and the schematics much more congratulations Betty thank you dr. Johnson ladies and gentlemen Matt McAdams he heads our team of extraordinary scientists and researchers well thank you for coming I'd like to introduce you to my right and left hand dr. Helen Monroe she'll be taking you through our day-to-day welcome to the control room using top radar technology combined with engineering marvels to create the advanced phased array radar system then it will save more than just lives [Music] [Music] caryn sauce is the Tooth Fairy isn't real but I don't believe that do you color goes really well with your eyes don't you think I mean how could something come into your room you put money under your pillow without you knowing it's got to be some kind of magic don't you think I knew Karen Shaw was full of crap she only said that because I got to be the princess in the school play she was dead tree from the right hey MA at least pretty like a fairy she sure is you girls having fun okay I think I'm gonna pack it in for tonight make sure she brushes her teeth late mom night Oh Matt hey so how're those designs coming along good just trying to find new ways to make it more efficient all right well you're a tough group and while they were impressed with the team I guess what they're really looking for is multi-purpose applications of the power system events within Tony uh some adjustments this system can be adapted to literally dozens of different functions I know that's why we got the funding that's great news congratulations back you deserve this oh we all do so I guess we can move ahead on the installation of the Minnesota antenna last one to complete the grid my soda right which brings me to my second order of business there's a very important leader illogical symposium going on at the University of Minnesota this weekend yeah I've heard about it well I was supposed to be key speaker but I have to stay back and make my case with the board to push through legislation to become fully operational okay so I was thinking that since you're gonna be in the area since I don't know well I do all you have to do is present the project on our latest round of test data you'll have them sitting on the edge of their seats I don't have to tell you how much funny we can get from group like that I know so you do it okay good man Browdy a man thank you why get back to work cheers everybody [Applause] [Music] big day yeah yeah we worked hard we sacrificed a lot some more than others great to that hey I heard about Minnesota good luck speaking in front of crowds is not my favorite thing but I get the right well I wasn't talking about the speech hmm it's talking about Liz she's hosting the symposium at Wow I guess you didn't read the flyer congrats team we make a great team where's my kiss sent you money for this yeah I got the money'll is this important I know I'll get to it dad Liz I said I'll get to it you know between Nellie in the farm the house here I got my hands full dad that's why I arranged for dr. Stevens to come by he can help I don't need any more doctors running around here we got you dad that kind of doctoring you know it look she needs she needs a special kind of help she needs her family I have to work I'll get to it it's okay I'll take care of it I'm Han that to the boy you hello hey Liz it's my it's been a while so your daughter tells me sorry I've been out in the field we what can I do for you Matt well um I just thought I'm replacing dr. Johnson as the keynote speaker at the symposium okay how's Becky doing you'd know if you call it a little more often cut me some slack here this I don't want to hear it man is she around no you're at the farm yeah okay please give my love will do it Liz [Music] okay then something's kicking up yeah look alive people we got some activity coming in from the Gulf what's it showing I'm not exactly sure yet the grids fully extended in getting sensory readings of possible bill from the South okay yeah we're getting some clear readings now another hurricane I was too premature to say there's an upper-level trough of low pressure across the south which may be causing a hundred not upper level and 50 not low level jet stream which will definitely carry all that warm moist air north and if these numbers build we'll be getting a storm cell for sure okay we need to get that intense it up so we can get ahead of what it was coming down from the north sensor mounting equipments already loaded on the truck I'm heading out first thing in the morning keep me updated Matt I am sorry if I was a bit forward earlier I got caught up in the moment and it's fine I have really enjoyed working with you I meant what I said I think we make a great team I agree I'm glad to hear you say that because I okay what I'm trying to say is we should go for a drink sometime after work when works done I mean we won't be done work for years but we could have a drink and talk about things other than work and you know like a date I did okay I guess yeah okay okay when I get back okay well you have a safe trip I'll be checking in for sure stop here for me you got everything you need yeah pretty much let's make sure you get enough family you know she loves make it her crafts I think we do Nora I know it Elias special why doesn't she talk out loud does she talk in other ways yeah of course I mean how else would he know what she wants but why doesn't she just speak out loud she can't can't she yes I believe she can no deep deep down Ellie is holding on to something what like um like a secret but not just any secret this one is so big and scary and until she shares it she won't be able to speak out loud Wow that must be some secret it's important to know that everyone walks a different path no one's journey is the same Ellie's journey happens in here I'm here and when she's ready to come out here and join us she will I hope it happens soon everything happens in its own time bug hey come on let's head out hey it's Matt what's the latest well the date is still streaming in but we're thinking a possible double whammy just some phones of activity all the way up the coast from Florida to South Carolina how does the southern front look meteorologists across the South should start to pick it up sometime this afternoon so it should be coastal by morning yeah most likely four maybe five all right let's bring Vincent on this he's gonna have to start making some calls and Matt I just got off with the ground crew and the infrastructures in the concrete support all you have to do is install the antenna symposium we should be fully operational in a matter of days all right keep me posted [Music] [Music] Oh it's okay [Music] you want to help out do some cleaning okay do you know where dad keeps the broom in the dustpan good this place sure could use it is his pervy old house was yep my mom says a storm blew it over a really bad storm is it your what you told me about the animals what was that but they know when a storm is coming it's true but not just with animals people too really dr. Johnson so where we at it's gonna be a rough few days we're looking at is two large storm fronts both on course for tornado alley we haven't seen a simultaneous build like this one in years our certain of this yes okay I'll start waking people up sir if these two storms maintain their momentum there is a chance they'll collide somewhere over Iowa or Missouri that looks bad and when they collide they'll form a massive supercell increasing its momentum moving north into Minnesota so why don't we know for sure we won't until the last antenna set up we only have the capacity to stay ahead of the storm through Kansas that's when the data stream stops there's mad at the date on all this yes all right I'll start making some phone calls I want hourly updates yes sir yep old axle well the fastest horse you'll ever ride I was riding him bareback across that big ol field out there one day I'm telling you we were going faster than the wind we were going so fast and I can't be sure of this but at one point I look now and I swear we left the ground no I swear you flew Wow can I write axel huh if you're good we could try this wheat awesome I have to check with axel though we walk by the old farm knows today looks like there's lots of neat stuff to explore it's not safe to explore they're picky stay away from there okay didn't look dangerous but it's the things that you can't see that can end up hurting you like a rusty nail or a broken piece of glass hmm still looks pretty cool Becky fine hey guess who I spoke to last night your father yeah he said to say how much he loves you why didn't you bring me the phone it was pretty late when he called oh you know how he loses track of time yeah men all right what do you say we clear up these plates so we can make room for Nora's pie you don't have a piece of pie Ally you're doing a great job with her she can be quite a handful sometimes I'm sure we all were at that age Becky asked me a very odd question before dinner oh she wanted to know if I was one of those people like animals who could sense if a big storm was coming so it did come from you I used to believe that too I just want to keep it to a lid on around Becky she's already living in the clouds that's a good thing she's a kid higher you are the harder you fall in reality sets in just trying to maintain a healthy balance in days wait stop I'm afraid it's gonna get much worse one of them weather people yeah the model okay I'm getting category for me too that's bad okay the storm from the east isn't gonna be as big check it out category three okay I'm gonna get these two points morning we're making breakfast I can see that rush your grandfather I don't know dad dad hey you up there what are you doing here what is this place you shouldn't be here dad [Music] dad dad stop what's going on with you Martha that and started to forget what it's been so long we've been through so much my memories and what it was I needed a place to remember remember mom yeah how it was before the storm mom you and Allie the farm up I was all getting lost in Kenan broken used to be able to hold on to it there for a while my memory is just not what it used to be dad we're all still here No No I like Weaver eliwood what do you mom and you and I have never been the same I know I'm sorry for that liver said this to you before it's kind of hard for me but it's time for you to let it go I know I've been hard on you and it's not been easier Matt Becky you have to let it go Liz it wasn't your fault you know your mom's always the strong one and you're just like her you take on too much my fault I've been leaning on you too long I don't know what to say well your mom's up there in that laughs go lean on her for a while I love you less girls are gonna destroy the kitchen and I have to get on the road yeah well I'm being in a minute [Music] [Music] only if you've gone a couple days okay good okay not too much fun bye have a safe trip thanks dad [Music] [Music] [Music] so where we at in a matter of hours Oscars gonna cross over to Tennessee as a tropical storm well 19 downgrades to a category one as she moves north through Arkansas I got the National Weather Service standing by what do I tell them well when these two storm fronts collide over Missouri they're gonna make one hell of a splash violent weather padding straight up the dry line through Iowa Nebraska in southern Minnesota mm-hmm I'm out shut up you know I should be right in the middle of his presentation right now now what do you show me the latest mother chest in it okay now in numerous tests including last week's hurricane Matilda we were able to predict the path of the storm with a 94% accuracy with enough lead time to evacuate the population specifically along the path of the storm in conclusion I would like to say that this system is gonna help where we needed the most as scientists we tend to focus on the data the magnitude of these incredible acts of nature we often don't consider the aftermath the devastation of these storms and what it does to the family's memories properties lives all swept away in an instant those who are lucky enough to be left behind and never the same this new phase array radar system is designed for them and with your help we can put a stop to this senseless loss of life thank you ladies and gentlemen dr. Elizabeth Harris [Applause] that was the phased array radar system with Matt McAdams representing the storm protection center out of Norman Oklahoma later this afternoon we have our second key speaker Anton Francis from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration thank you so much come on shouldn't you be getting back can we grab a coffee and talk what that was a very impressive presentation mr. McAdams oh thank you sir we're honored to have the both of you here in the mind of one of our own we're all very proud well you should be her system's gonna say fastest of her lives a little bird told me you've been approved to go operational you didn't know well I knew that the board had put forth a request like there was ever any doubt they would pass it well I'm just heading out to install the final antennas and complete the National Grid right now well best of luck thanks again for coming and my pleasure listen I had no idea you were so close to finishing it yeah this is your life's work lace it's your dream not anymore well that's cat this has always been about your family all of this abandoning it hasn't made things any better you're one to talk about abandoning are you packed up back in left my father and sister needed me Matt you weren't abandoned you had a choice what choice I supposed to just give this up and chase you down yeah I had to see this through you of all people should understand that for you for Becky not to mention the millions of others out there I'm sorry I really am no I gotta get after that final sight and I think it's only appropriate if you join me I promise I'll have you back for the afternoon lecture you started this thing your search as to fashion only 94% I know there's a coffee shop off the interstate on Boundary Road I'll meet you there I'll take you to say okay [Music] he's gone out to do a little work for a while you girls need anything before I go no thanks grandpa we're good okay you know I love you right I know about the secret I hear what everyone talks about and I know I'm just a kid I'm not stupid I know something happened a long time ago to you and grab on Mon something about a storm in the old house I just wanted you to know that I know you have a secret and that's why you can't go inside and can't talk have you ever wanted to share that secret with me I'd be okay to hear it whatever no rush you're really good at this yeah Matt there's some severe stuff headed your way alright I'm 20 minutes from the site I'll have her up and running within an hour that's good cuz we're starting to lose track of the storm hey Matt how'd it go got a standing ovation they seemed to respond well to the science I met with Liz she's with me Matt say again cuz I could have sworn I just heard you say she's with you yeah no idea okay you should get to it clock's ticking I'll call him when I'm on the site say hi for me two coffees please where's grandpa I don't know he's either in the field or the barn doing farm stuff what are you an Ellie up - you're making crafts awhile ago but then Ellie got tired she's taking a nap right now well just try and stay out of trouble okay don't you uh no okay I'll be home soon I love you love you too talking your dad Becky you shall let me talk to me no no that's good idea that she knows you're here yeah that were together I should planning on seeing it's that out of the question here the farm just call me later I miss being here we had some good times at that old farm is bobby joe says I bet we all do so I heard they brought on how I've been wrong pick up the slack yep she's qualified you got something No don't get me wrong I think she's a lot going for she's very smart she's this is more than is cute just one thing she's not here what a charmer you can be mmm we should probably get going it's my whiz it's running away do we have to do this now you're right we should get going [Music] here this can access directly to the control room there's a laptop in that large clock case we're gonna need that to calibrate the antenna wow thanks modified at recording conditions antenna attracts into concrete ground except the storm hits this design was stood a direct hit from an f5 Wow I'm impressed it retracts and extends according to a variety of information that the sensor reads in the air and that doesn't look good yeah let's get this operational yeah I'm gonna call it in [Music] [Music] Liz it's great to have you back I'm not back okay Burnet okay running the system scan now Matt we're getting reports of tornados all over Cottonwood County yeah there's some dark cloud formations here okay done just need to run a quick diagnostic looks good she should be online in a matter of seconds [Music] we're active it will have some readings for you in a second well that can't be good uh-huh yeah [Music] come on guys guys yeah so any damage to the antenna no we gotta run around before she was hit the tornados changing course in the heading east all right we're heading Northwest okay there's nothing in your path you're in the clear stay live guys you need you to be my eyes and ears hello there's a storm heading for the farm what I keep calling but no one's making out whoa slow down what do you mean there's a storm heading for the farm I'm telling you the farm is in danger how can you know that easy just get there as soon as you can all right only 15 minutes away guys yeah focus on Windham it's a small town northeast of the site it's now where the farm is exactly I need to know if I should be concerned Becky's out there we're on it it's not fun what's wrong uh-huh something's coming something bad about the girls up at the house yeah I'll meet you back there Matt go ahead there's some activity headed straight for the farm wait there's a storm coming the storm doesn't kill us mom will on the back I'm faster no everything's gonna be all right it's time to let go now go run as fast as you can [Music] everything's gonna be okay [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Nora is everybody there no I've just been through the house no sign of Ellie Oh Betty where are the girls they're not here why you see anywhere okay let's go up I'll shut the bars she wanted to feel crunchy just come back go quickly this way well he would leave the house she's gotta be looking for Becky yeah hey Elliot rhod [Applause] to the location [Music] Hey thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you big Rolly [Music] [Music] we should get back to the house the tornado was headed that way okay all right hey guys Matt Matt are you alright yeah we found Ellie and Becky everyone's safe Oh Matt that's fantastic tornados past we're heading back to the farmhouse Matt the storms dissipated there is no more activity in the area thanks a lot guys thank you Matt ladies and gentlemen I have an announcement the legislation has gone through we are now fully operational congratulations congratulations well done Tim well done [Applause] [Music] where's SAP use it the bards oh I'm so glad you're all okay yeah me too Oh a Lincoln talked Joe but I forget to mention that Matt thanks for coming glad to be here well uh come on girls just get you cleaned up you're not going anywhere are you up for a wild buck I'll be in in a minute oh I'm I'm sorry I pushed you earlier it's okay thank you what being here well maybe we can make that a regular thing what about the project well now that we're operational long enough don't enough observation centers all along the grids who knows maybe I can open up the cotton lint County office and I know this mm-hmm weather girl who's completely know me well now you're getting a little ahead of yourself I could open up the Cottonwood County office just don't forget who's project this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 210,577
Rating: 4.6524763 out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Id: 8ybU90CvUHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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