Abducted: The Carlina White Story | Starring KeKe Palmer & Sherri Shepherd | Full Movie

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[music playing] My name is Joy White, and I'm here to see Ann Pettway. SECURITY MAN (OFF-CAMERA): Does she know you're coming? No. SECURITY MAN (OFF-CAMERA): Park over there. I'll put you through security. [moaning] I was on my way to school when my water broke. I don't think she's going to make it. What's your name, honey? Joy. Joy White. Joy, how old are you? She's 16. And is this your first pregnancy? Yes! NURSE: Name? Ann Pettway. Do you want to tell me what happened, Ann? I started having pains, so I came here. All right. Now, is this your first pregnancy? No! Anybody that you want us to call? No, no, no! [beeping] Scalpel. Push. - [grunting] - Push. Come on. Almost there. Scissors. Forceps. Suction, please. DOCTOR (OFF-CAMERA): Big push. [screaming] [rapid beeping] [baby crying] [slow beeping] [tools clacking] CARL TYSON: I told you it was girl. But I was sure. Your mama owes me a chocolate cake now. [laughs] [chuckles] I always wanted a baby girl. Don't nobody love a guy like his baby girl. Isn't she beautiful? She looks just like you. She's got your eyes. [chuckles] What are we going to call her? I'm not naming her after your Ma. Guess Carl Jr. is out of the question. Who says? CARL TYSON: Carlina Renae White. Daddy's little girl. We love you. No! I did everything right. Everything right! I didn't drink , I didn't smoke. Why did this happen again? Your blood work shows some abnormalities with your hormone levels. What? I don't even know what you said. It is unlikely that you could sustain a full-term pregnancy. Hmm-mm. Hmm-mm. Uh-uh. I don't even believe you. Stop lying. Stop lying! - Nurse! Don't lie to me. What you do with my baby? What did you do with my baby? - You need to calm down. - What did you do with my baby?! - You need to really calm down. - You know what? I'm going to find her myself. - Ma'am-- - I'll find her myself! - Get me Ativan. Give me some Ativan. - I want to know where he is. - Hold her down. - What did you do with my baby? - Hold her down. What'd you do with my baby? This is my grandbaby, Carlina Renae White. Oh, precious. While she is named after her father-- still, to me, I don't know-- the Lord works in mysterious ways. [laughs] Can we bow our heads? Heavenly Father, we'd like to thank You for bringing this healthy little girl into our family. May she always know how it feels to be loved. Amen. - Amen. Amen. Amen! [laughs] What's that, Carlina? I think she said, let's eat. [laughter] She's gorgeous. Welcome home, sweetie pie. DOCTOR: How is she? NURSE: She hasn't eaten in days. She just lays there. We need the bed. Should we try the psych ward? Nah, there's no beds there, either. Miss Pettway, your vitals look good. We can have you out of here this afternoon. How's that sound? Have you thought of other alternatives? You can foster a child, you can adopt a baby. My wife and I adopted just last year. Nobody's going to get me no baby. [baby crying, faint] (SINGING) All night, all day, angels watching over me, my Lord. All night, all day angels watching over me. Are you ready? To try on shoes? Oh, you know, for the baby. 'Cause you look like you're about ready to drop. You're carrying it high. I think it's a girl. Is this your first? I had one last year. You won't sleep, but you'll love it. You'll see. Now, how did those feel? [somber music playing] Ma'am? I think they're kind of tight. Can I get a size up? I'll go check. [dramatic music playing] Come on, you doctor. Her history? The patient's had three miscarriages, and according to her blood work, it appears her body is too weak to have a child. But like I told her, there's a cure for everything, if you're willing to take matters in your own hands. Yes, doctor. [dramatic music playing] I knew you'd have a solution. [baby carlina crying] I just took it again. It's 104. I'm leaving right now. No, Carl. Tell your boss you're leaving now. Meet me at the hospital? OK, bye. (SINGING) --to sleep. Angels watching over me. [baby carlina crying] [baby coughs] (SINGING) --all day, angels watching over me, my Lord. Uh, the children's ward. Where is it? That way. Thanks. (SINGING) --all day, angels watching over me. [baby cries] ■ never should have took her to the park. It was too soon! It's not your fault. You know, maybe I'm not ready to take care of a child. [sighs] I'm just-- I'm just too tired. You are a great mother. [sniffles] Oh. It's going to be fine. Right? Our baby is going to be fine. Oh, girl, yeah! I see this all the time. Babies bounce back faster than us. See? [baby gargling] What's your baby's name? Carlina. Your name Carl, right? Yeah. [all laugh] That's cute! I like that. OK. We're giving her antibiotics now, and the fever should break by morning. Did you want to stay the night with her? Um, I'm going to have to go back to work. I'll make a call. [sighs] You're going to be OK. Hey Hey! Hey, what's your name? It's Joy. I just want to tell you, I heard you earlier. And you're a good mother, Joy. You think so? Yeah, girl, I can see it. Thank you. You know what else I can see? What's that? You tired. I am. The baby keeps me up. Ah, she keep you up, right? The baby keeps me up. Why don't you go home and rest for a few hours? I should stay here. Girl, don't be silly. For what? All you're going to be doing is sitting around here, waiting. We got your number. If anything happen, we'll call you. I don't want to leave her here alone. Don't worry. The baby don't cry for you, you cry for the baby. I tell you what, I tell you what. I'll watch her myself. OK. Maybe a quick shower. Just-- I'll just go home and pick up a few things. I got it, I got it. I told you, I got it. Hey, I got to get back to work. Can you drop me home on your way back? Let's go. I'll be back soon. Please look out for my baby. I got you, I promise you. Go on. Go. [whispers] (WHISPER SINGING) All night, all day, angels watching over me, my Lord. [suspenseful music playing] [baby carlina fussing] Oh, no! (SINGING) All day, all night, angels-- [elevator dings] SECURITY GUARD: I haven't seen you around before. I just started. SECURITY GUARD: That explains it. The only way to survive the late shift is about making sure you get plenty of sleep on your day off. I'll keep that in mind, thank you. [elevator dings] Have a nice night. [suspenseful music playing] [sirens in the distance] [baby cooing] [sighs] It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. [baby crying] (WHISPERING) I got you. I got you. I got you. [phone ringing] Hello? Yes, this is Carlina White's mother. No, I left her at the hospital. What's wrong? Missing? What do you mean she's missing? (SHOUTING) What the hell happened? [gasps] Detective Dalton, NYPD. Between 2:30 and 3:30 AM, medical personnel, or someone posing as medical personnel, removed your daughter from the ward. Will she hurt my baby? I can't answer that, Miss White. Security cameras, there's got to be something on those. Unfortunately, the cameras aren't working today. Fingerprints. We can only match them if the perpetrators committed the crime in the State of New York. Now, we believe the kidnapper worked at the hospital, or pretended to work at the hospital, so we're scouring files. How long is that going to take? I can't answer that, Miss White. Maybe you can answer this-- How are you going to find my baby? [sighs] Why don't you tell us what you do know? Did you speak to anyone privately? No. Yes. That nurse, Carl, remember. Yeah, yeah. She told me the baby don't cry for you, you cry for the baby. [gasps] That lady was trying to get me to leave. Did you get her name? She wasn't wearing a tag. Can you describe her? She was black. Around my complexion. And older. Heavyset. Like she just had a baby. Or just lost hers. [mouthing] No. [sobs] We have reason to believe that this woman is involved in the kidnapping of Carlina White. The City of New York has posted a $10,000 reward for any tip leading to the baby's return. It's the first time in the history of this city that a child's been taken from a hospital. [interposing voices from crowd] I want my baby back. She didn't have to do that to me. I was carrying her for nine months. She had to take her from me. [crying] I think the lady is just scared because she thinks we're going to press charges. But I just want to tell her I wouldn't press charges against you. Just bring our daughter back. [sighs] Oh! Hi! I need a picture. Oh. [camera clicking] Hi! OK, be careful. Be careful. She been a little sick. I got you. Hi! Hey, baby. What's your name, baby? My name Nejdra Nance. My name Nejdra Nance. Where's your daddy, Nejdra? My Daddy's out working today. Dealing drugs ain't working. You look like a Netty. I'mma call you Netty. You OK with that, Netty? I'm your Aunty Cassandra. Let me get the bottle. Can you say Cassandra? [street noises] Excuse me, my daughter's been kidnapped. If you could just give me a call if you see her. Excuse me, sir, my daughter's been-- Excuse me, sir. [baby giggling] Hey. [sighs] I spoke to my boss. I'm going to get that raise, so we can start looking for our own place. Don't bother. They're never going to find her. Yes, they will. Carl, just stop! Why are you so mad at me? Joy, no one could have known this would happen. It was late, a shift change, the camera's not working. It was like a perfect storm. I keep thinking about that night. That nurse, all those things she said to me. I called a lawyer today. Somebody's got to pay for this. Somebody's got to pay. When's her birthday? July 31. Why did it take you three weeks to bring her around? They kept us in the hospital a little while. And you ain't called nobody? I didn't want to bother folks. I ain't folks. I'm your sister. OK. I started having contractions. I did want to take no chances, so I went straight to the hospital. I'm with no problems. I got there, didn't think she was going to make it. But she did. You're my little miracle baby angel. You're my little miracle baby. [inhales] [sniffles] It's b snatched from the Harlem Hospital. Parents have filed a $100 million lawsuit against the city that charges lax security and shoddy hiring practices. Carlina's life is priceless. No settlement in the world could ever measure up to having my daughter back. I can't believe the police haven't found my daughter yet. In the beginning, there were helicopters and police officers everywhere, but it all died down rather fast. Detective Dalton, I need some good news. We're working on it. You said you'd find her. Look. There was a woman. Someone saw her at the hospital and on a train with a baby. We're checking into it. If Carlina was a little white girl, you would have found her by now. You really believe that? I think she'd still be in the papers. What do you want me to say? I want you to keep your word. Find my daughter. That's 43.96. There you go. Keith? Need an authorization. Hold on a second, Mrs. Alexander. Is there a problem? No, there's just been an uptick in fraud. We just need to verify this quickly. I got cash. Sure. Thank you. Hold on a second, Mrs. Alexander. What? Your change. [baby crying] Aunty Cassandra's going to get you some milk. Ugh, we out of milk. That's why I went to the store. That's why I went to the store, to get my baby some milk. Yes! [smooch] You miss me? Yes, you did! [baby cooing] Oh, you're wet. What you going to do with that? I will make Nejdra a new outfit. A dress and a hat. You like it? - That's sweet. I like that one. - I know! That's sweet, right? - I like it. I like that one. Her daddy's taking us out for her first birthday, and I want us to look extra nice. You need to cut him loose, and get yourself a job. For your information, Miss Holier-Than-Thou, I gots me a job. [chuckles] Well, let me show you what we've been doing all day. No! [interposing voices] [laughing] You did it! You did it! We'd like to open up three accounts. One in my name. One in mine. And one is a trust in the name of Carlina White. And she is? Our daughter. That's good planning. Where's a little one? Do you see her? Carlina is not with us, but we're hoping she will be soon. Well, our minimum deposit is $100 per account. Is that OK? This is almost half a million dollars. What do you have to do to make that kind of money? JOY WHITE: It was a settlement, OK? Maybe a coffee or something? I'm going to be late. How about tonight? I can't. You can't keep avoiding me. I've got to get to class. How's the studying going? Carl. I know you've been trying, but every time I look at you, I see Carlina. I see her face, I see her eyes. I don't want to be angry anymore. It's my fault, right? We both left the hospital that night. You think you're the only one that's angry? There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about what our lives could've been like if this didn't happen. I'm sorry. I just can't. OK. I just can't. Yo, what's up, cutie? Don't you ever talk to strangers, you hear me? What do you do if a stranger tries to give you candy? I scream, no, and run. Good, good. Do I gotta go? Yes, you gotta go. Can't-- can't you teach me? No, Mama can't teach you everything, baby. Don't you want to grow up and be smart like the Huxtables on TV? Like Rudy? But I don't want to go to school! Look here, don't test me today, OK? Don't test me today. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? (CRYING) Yes. Don't be upset, OK? Mama just loves you so much, and she wants what's best for you. You're Mama's miracle baby, Nejdra. Can I get a smile? You can do better than that. Come on, give me a smile! [laughs] [bell rings] Come on-- muah-- let's go to school. Be good. [r&b music playing] - Hurry up! Hurry up, Mama. It's time. It's time! What'd I tell you about bothering me this early? I'm coming! I'm coming! Let's see what you got. Are all these for me? Yeah, you've been a good girl this year, so-- Yeah, open this one first. No, no, no, no. Open this one. Open this one first. Smile! Look, baby. [camera clicks] And this one's for you. I know you want to do hair when you grow up, so I say you can practice on her. Can I brush it now? Can I? Please? Yeah, yeah. Go get my brush. I don't get no sugar, what? Huh? Hey, Netty, hurry up, because we're already late for your grandma's house. MAN (SINGING): You and me will always be family. Hmm, dang, all these presents? You ain't had but two pennies to rub together last month. Ain't you going to open it? Fine. Whatever you're doing, you better watch out before you end up in a prison cell, right next to Netty's daddy. Why don't you see what you got? You're acting like a prison guard yourself. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, it's Christmas. Why don't you enjoy yourself? Remember that day? Thank you. Mama, where's your brush? Um, it's in my top drawer. And, Netty, get a move on, all right? We ain't got all day. I can't find it. Well, it's in there, but you got to go. Bye, Mama. Bye, Netty. Excuse me, I'm looking for Detective Dalton. Oh, he retired last week. Can I help you? I'm Joy White. My daughter Carlina White was kidnapped 16 years ago. I'm here to look at the book. Yeah, he told me you would come by. Uh, let's see here. Not a lot of new faces the books since last month, though. Here, have a seat. I'll never forget hers. "The baby don't cry for you, you cry for the baby." When were you going to tell me? What? Ride or die, right? Besties. Ann ain't stupid. And when she find out, she gon' be a real mad. What if she kicks me out? Come live with me. Will you tell her for me? Oh, we'll tell her together, when I get back from Atlanta. You know you my girl, right? Mmhmm. [MUSIC PLAYING - DANIEL HOLTER, "LET'S GO PLAYA"] Control your niece. I'm about to beat these boys off her with a stick. At least she got better taste than you do. Oh, no. You ain't going to start. Hey, hey-- No, you ain't starting. 'Cause I'm scared of you. I'm really scared of you. Oh, you should be. [grunts] Why don't you go say something to your guesta, please? [music stops] Hi, y'all. So glad you guys could all come to my Sweet 16. It's really nice to have all my friends here today. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. All y'all are me, you know what I'm saying? You know! [clapping] [music resumes] What did I tell you about getting close up with these boys, huh? We weren't doing nothing. I know-- All right, people, party's over. Y'all need to go home. We are home. Go inside. Why? Because we said so. Because-- because-- Last time I checked, it was legal to stand on the street. Come on, Mama, let's go. Get your hands off me, girl! I ain't scared of these cops. Is there a problem? No! Yes. You. Mama, he's serious. So am I! This is my house. This is my street. My street! What are you on, ma'am? What am I-- I'm high on life! All right? I'm high on life. Go inside right now. Or what? You need to stop and be quiet-- Get your hands off me, girl. Don't you touch. Or what? What you going to do, huh? You going to beat me in the street? You going to beat me in the street like they did Rodney King? What you doing to do? What is going on? They violating my human rights, that's what's going on. You're coming with me. I ain't going-- Wait, wait, please! Please, wait. I'll take her back in the house. You don't have to beg for me, girl. They got nothing on me. Get off me, I can walk. I can walk! Get off! JOY WH. Make us thankful to have Christ, our Lord. And Lord, as we celebrate Carlina's 16th birthday, please keep her safe and happy. And I humbly ask you bring her back to me, when you see fit. Amen. Are you going to do this every year on her birthday? Well, um, until Carlina comes home, or I die. That's not healthy. So are you a psychologist now? We're just saying maybe it's time to let her go. If, God forbid, something happened to you or your sister, would you want me to let it go? [phone ringing] Hi, Carl. Thank you for the flowers. Thanks for the card. How are the kids? Well, this boy's got his learner's permit last month. JOY WHITE (ON PHONE): That can't be good. [laughs] You ain't lying. Really, Carl. How are you? This is always one of the hardest days of the year for me. Me, too. ANN PETWAY: Hey, sis. So how was the interview? Well, I got the job! [all squealing] Wow, Cassie! Thank you! Yeah, I'm going to be moving down here. Y'all, Atlanta is real nice. The streets are full of hard-working brothers with suits. Suits! Too damn hot down here for me. So maybe Netty could come down here. It's a great place to start a family. What you talking about? I can get a job. And a place for me and the baby. You pregnant? Wait. Before you get mad, remember how you were at that age. No. No. No grandbaby of mine's going to be raised in no Atlanta. We putting the child right here. You're not mad? No! Girl, I'm happy. I'm happy! I'm going to be a grandma! [yelps happily] Is it a girl? Is it a-- It's a girl? Well, we got to get prenatal vitamins, and a check-up. We might need a bigger place. How are we going to pay for all this? I can pay. The state will pay for some of it. No grandbaby of mine is going to be raised by no welfare. I can pay. Rent a car. We'll get her an assistant just in case. Hey! Did you find my birth certificate? I need to go to the clinic soon. It's here somewhere. I'll handle it when I get home from work. That's what you said last week. I'll handle it when I get home from work. I promise. [door shuts] [sighs] [suspenseful music playing] [grunts] CLERK: Next. Here are the forms, and my birth certificate. OK. We have no record of your birth. What? No Nejdra Nance born July 31, 1987? Bridgeport, Connecticut. No Nejdra Nance in the system. I didn't make it up. Can you check again? This document is a forgery. No, it's not. Don't make me call the police. I was thinking about starting my set off on a racist note. [laughs] Everybody else came on-- What did you do with my real birth certificate? Girl, have you lost your mind? I was watching that. The State of Connecticut has no record of my birth. Who told you that? I went downtown with the fake certificate I found in your closet. You went in my room? To find my birth certificate? I done told you about going in my room. - They almost called-- - I told you! They almost called the cops on me! What's going on? Why don't I have a real birth certificate? Why? She left you and she never came back. What? She was a friend of your father's. What are you talking about? Your mother. She left you on my doorstep. You're not my real mother. She left you because she knew I'd raise you right. And I did. I did raise your right, didn't I? What was her name? Didn't I? What was my mother's name? You don't even need to know all that. Yes, I do. All that matters right now is you and me. You call me Little Ann because I look just like you. You pretended to be my real mother. How could you like like that? To me? Netty, now, you can't be mad at me for that. Come here. Come on, don't be like that. Come here. Now, you can't be mad at me. I took you out of a bad situation. And I did my best for you. I did my best for you. That's all you need to know. Look here. Netty, I did my best. What-- Netty. Netty. Netty! [departing footsteps] [door opens] [door slams] to stay 'til you have the baby? We'll be fine. You can always come stay with me. I mean it. You and that baby are always welcome. Tell me the truth. Did you know? Look, she told me she gave birth to you, and I believed her. Why? Why did you believe her? I didn't think she would lie about something like that. Look, Netty, here's the truth. I don't care who gave birth to you. But I do. You sure you want to know? Because the truth don't always turn out the way you want. Cassie, if I don't know who I am, how am I going to tell my baby who she is? ANN PETWAY: All right, I got the last two. Here you go. [sighs] I'm going to miss you, girl. Baby on the doorstep? You're going to have to tell her more than that. You mind your business, Cassie. You be careful! Call me! ANCHOR (ON TV): She was a tiny figure they knew for a tiny time, but 17 years after she was snatched away, the ache remains. I feel it in my spirit-- ANCHOR (ON TV): Says Joy White, the mother of the abducted child, who works for a financial brokerage firm. JOY WHITE (ON TV): I use her name as my email address Someone or other has her. I could walk past her any day, and she wouldn't know her own father. ANCHOR (ON TV): Back to you, Bill. [tv shuts off] [poignant music playing] NETTY NANCE (VOICEOVER): Dear Oprah, I'm writing to you because I can't think of anyone else who can help me. I've recently found out the woman who raised me is not mother. I had a healthy baby girl, and moved to Atlanta to be near my aunt. My baby makes me happy, but inside, I feel lost. Can you help me find my parents? I need to know the truth in a life filled with lies. Sincerely, Netty Nance. Smile! Perfect. Have a great day, beautiful. Bye! Bye! My name is--? Maya Nance. I'm six years old. And I live in--? Atlanta, Georgia. But I was born in-- Bridgeport, Connect-i-cut. Very good! That's hard to say. Your teacher's going to be very happy. Mama? Mmhmm? Were you born in Connect-i-cut, too? I don't know where I was born, baby. But I'm going to find out. Look at this. You on that website again? No, look at this. She was born July 15, 1987 that's about right. I was born July 31, 1987. You think it's me? That baby ain't you. She got too much hair. She looks just like Maya did. Look again. For real. She does look like you did at that age. (READING) "Carlina Renae White was last seen in the Harlem Hospital children's ward." Hmm-mm. Ann's twisted, but she wouldn't have done all that. Call the number. [phone ringing] Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This is Keith. I may have information on a missing child. But we're not sure she's missing. She's missing. She thinks she was abducted from a hospital. Is the child in immediate danger? No, but we've been trying to get information for the last five years with no luck. Can you tell me something about her? NETTY NANCE (ON PHONE): Like what? How old is she? 23. KEITH (ON PHONE): And her race? I guess African-American. Could be Dominican-- Probably African-American. Does she have any identifying characteristics? Any birthmarks? No. Yes, she has a birthmark on her right arm. Right, a birthmark. Who is "she?" Who is missing? Me. I am. WOMAN: Take a look at this. OK, we took the photograph that Nejdra Nance sent us of her at six months, and the one that Joy White sent us of baby Carlina at nine days old. We did an aging progression sequence on both, and I think we have a match. [computer chimes] [gasps] Carlina's alive! Oh, God! Praise God! My baby's alive! That's Carlina. [sobbing] My daughter, she's alive! What's up? They think they found her. My God. She's living in Atlanta. How do they know it's her? We have to take DNA tests. We shouldn't get our hopes up. Look at this, Carl. She has my eyes. Oh, my God, Joy. It's her. We found our baby girl! [laughs] (READING) He secretly went at night. He felt nobody wanted him. Why am di-- Different. (READING TOGETHER) --from my brothers. Oh, look at you reading! Look at you. He's not ugly. He ugly for a duckling. [both laugh] Grandma? Yeah, baby? Who do you live so far away? I want you to come live with us one day. Oh, that's sweet, baby. Maybe one day. Mama, Grandma Ann might come live with us one day. Maya, can you leave me and grandma alone for a minute? All right. Bye, smarty-pants. We going to read later, OK? MAYA NANCE: OK! All right. She reading so good! I need to know about my parents. You know, I ain't come down here to argue with you. Mama, no matter what you say, as long as it's the truth, I won't get mad. I promise. [sucks teeth] You want to know the truth? Hmm? Yes. OK. Your mama was a crack ho. You was a crack baby. She did want you, so I took you in. And now, you sitting up here, treating me like I did something wrong. Putting me on trial, like I did something wrong. When I did the right thing. You know what I should have done? I should've left you on your crackhead behind out on the street, just like your mama. Get out now! [interposing voices] Get out! - Get out? - Go. Who do you think you're talking to? I'm talking to you. I want you to get out of my house. Take all your stuff and get out. All I wanted-- all I wanted was the truth. That's all. I don't need this! [dialing] Hello. [clears throat] Is Joy White there? [hopeful music playing] Thanks. [sighs, whimpers] It's you. Come here. You must be Maya. Oh. [indistinct chatter] [chuckles] [chatter dies down] Carlina, this is your Aunt Lisa. She's been crying all day. This is your auntie and your uncle. There's your cousin back there. This is your half-sister, Tina. And this is your half-brother, Trey. How y'all doing, everybody? This is my daughter, Maya. Praise be to God! Welcome home, child. I'm your Grandmother Elizabeth. Thank you, Grandma. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, you are a mystery we cannot comprehend. None of us know why we are meant to suffer, but we do believe in your infinite wisdom, there is always a reason and purpose. We hope that one day you will reveal it. We pray that one day we will forgive those that took Carlina away. Most of all, we thank you for returning our lost daughters to us. Amen. Amen. Amen. We didn't know what you'd like, so we made you macaroni and cheese, curry chicken, and lasagna, and oxtail soup. [laughter] And that's just the start. [laughter] [chuckles softly] You got your daddy's eyes. And I love music. That's because I used to sing to you when you were a baby. I'm a neat freak. I clean all the time I know where she got that from. [laughs] I wish you would have gotten some of the same from me, too. Was the woman who snatched you a neat freak? Not like me and Joy. Is it true? The news said you grew up on welfare. - Tina! - And drugs. They said the woman who raised you was on drugs. That's enough. TINA: I just want to know about life. It's OK. The house I grew up in was nothing like this. And the woman that took me is nothing like Joy. But you can't believe everything you hear on the news. How'd you learn how to do hair like this? When I was six, it was the Christmas my mom got me a doll. Your mom? Styling's a good skill to have. I know. I just started working at this hair salon part-time. I know I'll always be able to make money as a stylist. People spend their rent money on their hair. But what are you thinking about college? I don't know yet. Carlina, we may not have the past together, but we will have a future. TINA: Are you mad at Ann Pettway? NETTY NANCE: What do you think? Was she mean, was she scary? What was she like? She had two sides. One time, she got so mad at me that she hit me in the face with a shoe. Then she felt so bad, she figured out a way to sneak me and all my friends into the movies. Wow. A shoe? What was it like for you, growing up here? It wasn't perfect. Ma was always worried something would happen to me or Trey. We didn't have much freedom. You know, she cried a lot for you. Sorry. Yeah. Well, she's happy now, so even if the DNA doesn't match, can you still come visit? Just you being here you gives her hope. [sighs] Hey, it's me. CASSANDRA (ON PHONE): What took you so long to call? We had a big family dinner. Is the DNA back? They're my parents. I know it. It kind of feels like home. That's great. Why don't you sound happy for me? Netty, just don't forget who you are. OK? [hangs up] [serene music playing] Hey. You're late. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Sorry, I got held up at work. [sighs] What? Do I have something on my face or something? No. You don't understand what me and your mama went through. Just seeing you standing here. [chuckles] So, if you could do anything today, what would you do? I'd like to do a girl thing, like get my hair done. But-- But what? I'll take you. It might feel strange having a man come with me. Well, I ain't a man. I'm your dad. Papers haven't come back yet. You giving me attitude? Sorry. Never had a father before. [poignant music playing] [no dialogue] [both laughing] [joyful music turns somber] It's positive. [exhales sharply] It's positive? Thank you, God! It's a miracle. I knew it. I knew it from the first time I saw that picture. The phone's been ringing off the hook. The press is coming by tomorrow to interview us here. It's official now, Maya. You can call me Grandma. Just like Grandma Ann? [laughs] We can come down to Atlanta next weekend and help you and Maya move up here. Hospital over 22 years ago, solved her own kidnapping. She will be reunited with her biological parents today in what is sure to be an emotional reunion. In local news, police say a propane explosion destroyed a suburban Charlotte house and killed a toddler and injured 17 other people. [knocking] [knocking] AGENT JOHNSON: Special Agent Thompson, thank you for coming in. DETECTIVE DALTON: Happy to help out. It's the kind of case that haunts you, even into retirement. Is there anything that didn't make it into this file? I've interviewed just about anyone breathing in Harlem Hospital that night. A number of people ID another woman besides Pettway as the perp. We tracked her down to Baltimore, but couldn't pin it on her. Your gut? It was the woman that raised her. I'm about to do another conference. What's up? Have you heard from Ann? NETTY NANCE (ON PHONE): No, why? The police came looking for her. They say she disappeared. She's not answering her phone. I'm worried. Look, the conference is about to start. I got to go. [tense music playing] ANCHOR (ON TV): Newark Mayor Cory Booker made-- Fill it up. Yeah, sure. [machine beeps] Nope. This was declined. Well-- Try that one. OK. [machine beeps] Uh-uh. Sorry. Can I pay another way? Cash. I've got a computer-- car-- Lady, we don't take computers. Yeah. All right. ANCHOR (ON TV): 23 years, White has reunited with her biological parents. Deputy police believe her to be in the Tri State area. How do I feel? I feel complete. I've always dreamed about this. Now, after 23 years, I can sleep. Do you have anything to say to Ann Pettway? I want her to suffer. I want her to do time like I suffered for 23 years. Carl, you said before you didn't want to press charges. Do you still feel that way or have your feelings changed over the years? Well, they have changed over the years. But right about now, whatever the court decides, that's all right with me. I don't want to say too much about it, because I've got other things in my heart. Can I get a shot of the three of you, please? Great. How about a kiss on the cheek by both parents? [chuckling] Nice. Thank you. Thanks. [interposing voices] REPORTER: --anything to say about Pettway? Is it true that she was drug-addicted and abusive? When I look at Joy White, I see me. But then, my mother, the other lady, I don't know what to call her. I would always be searching for things we had in common. But we had nothing in common. All right, no more questions. We got to go. Thank you. [sighs] Do you believe this? Oh, God is so good. [phone ringing] Hello? Hello! So, what do you think, Carlina? She wants to fly us to Chicago and everything. I just don't feel like sitting on Oprah's couch for an hour, talking about Ann. What's wrong? Cassandra's flipping out, and Ann's missing. You don't have to worry about them anymore. They're not your family, Carlina. [phone ringing] I know it's you. Say something. I know this looks bad. You stole my life. Is that her? Is that Ann? Hey. Just give her a minute. It's OK. Look, just give me a minute, and I will straighten this out. I'mma straighten it out. OK? NETTY NANCE (ON PHONE): Either you did it, or you didn't. You never take responsibility for anything. Netty! My name is Ann Pettway. I'm here to straighten out this mess. Where's your boss? [beep] Tell me what happened. There was this girl, and she loved dolls. All kind of dolls. But she got tired of these dolls because they couldn't walk, they couldn't talk, they couldn't love her back. So, she got pregnant three times. And every time, the baby died. And that wasn't fair, was it? Was it? No. It wasn't fair. She just wanted somebody to love her back. Ann Pettway, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Carlina Renae White. Will you tell my daughter now? W? I think it's time to go home. OK, let's go home. No, I mean back home to Atlanta. No, don't! Am I being too pushy? No! No, it's not that. I appreciate all of this. Really, I do. OK. A reporter told me about the trust fund. I was hoping to take that money, close out my life in Atlanta, and, I don't know, maybe get a place up here. That way I'd be closer. Carlina. What? The trust fund dissolved when you were 21. What happened to it? We needed that money. Were you ever going to tell me? I'm sorry, Carlina. Hey, Carlina, do you have a phone? Carlina, wait! [interposing voices] Anything to sue Ann Pettway? When did you realize Ann Pettway wasn't your mother? No comment. [interposing voices] Carlina, we want to hear your side of the story! Aunty! Hey, pretty girl! Did you miss me? Mmhmm. Could you come to New York with us next time? Maya, go put your stuff in your room. I'll be there in a minute. So you heard the news? Saw on TV. Her lawyers want to meet with you so they can discuss strategy. I can't. You can, and you will. She's family. Netty, you hear me? You can't leave her hanging. Look, I'm going by Carlina now. You're Netty to me. But my name is Carlina. Your name is Nejdra. Not according to my birth certificate. [departing footsteps] [knocking] Rise and shine. FEMALE INMATE (OFF-SCREEN): Stop banging! [knocking] Rise and shine! Pettway. [dramatic music playing] ANN PETTWAY: You got to make her. If they convict me, it's 25 to life. She don't want to testify, and she don't want to see you. You got to make her! I can't keep cleaning up after you, where Netty's concerned. She's her own person. Cassie-- Ann, you took that child's life from her. Then you kept in the dark about her family for years. You had plenty of opportunity to make this right. But you didn't. What am I supposed to do now? [sighs] [tense music playing] That woman took everything from us. BAILIFF: All rise. How does the defendant plead? My client pleads not guilty, your honor. Not guilty? What? ANN PETTWAY (VOICEOVER): Dear Nejdra, I think of you every day. I miss you and Maya so much it makes me want to cry. I hope I see you soon. Love, your mother. Has she returned any of your calls? I've left five messages. Carl, we cannot lose her this time. We can't. Now, that's enough. All right. Excuse me, excuse me. [interposing voices] Hi, Carlina. It's your mom. Oh, I can't believe I can actually say that to you now. Listen, I tried to call you the other day and never heard back. I tried texting you, never heard back. Carlina, please call me and your father. We need to hear from you. [music playing] [phone ringing] No, I am happy my daughter came back to me. The problem we have right now is just it's hard for her to cope with us. She hasn't been with us for 23 years. Is there anything you'd like to say to Carlina? I love you. I want you to come back and give us a chance. Let's make-- make up for lost time. JOY WHITE: I was on such a high when I was first reunited with my daughter. You couldn't tell me nothing, you know? I was floating on air. That was a great moment. And then, one day, after telling her story to "The New York Post," she changed, in just that day. I think had a lot to do with the Pettway family. She asked a lot of questions about the money, the trust fund, and the $10,000 reward. That money's gone. And it really hurts because it's about money. She won't return my calls. [tv shuts off] [dialing] I'd like to change my phone number. Grandpa Ca? He's in New York. Where's Grandma Joy? She's in New York too. Can we visit her soon? I don't know. Where's Grandma Ann? What's with all the questions? Where's Grandma Ann? She went away. Is she mad at me? No, baby. She's not mad at you. Sometimes people do bad things. When they get caught, they have to go away. Did she say she was sorry? When I do something bad, I say sorry, and you give me a hug. Miss Johnson, what is your relationship to the defendant? Ann Pettway is my sister. What you're saying she did was despicable, but I love my sister. She's not perfect. She's deeply flawed. But she loves Netty. Ann is a good mother. Ann Pettway knows she caused a lot of pain. She'd had several miscarriages, and she never believe she'd be able to be a parent. So, in my opinion, she did kidnap Carlina White, and she as much as confessed to it in my office, [door opens, closes] [tv playing, indistinct] Get up. Get up, now. What happened to your phone? I disconnected it. I needed to do just drop out. Well, you need to drop back in. Why? So I can help Ann? Because you have a life to live. Whose life am I living? Joy's? Ann's? Yours? If I spend time with Joy, I'm betraying you. If I spend time with you and talk about Ann, I'm betraying Joy. Look, I know this has been hard on you. I know I helped make it hard on you. Look, you can call yourself Carlina or Nejdra. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me what you call yourself. Point is, you have to get up and get on with your life. I just keep wondering what my life would've been, had I grown up with my real parents. OK. But where do you go from here? [knocking] [sighs] Thank you for coming. About the money-- Carlina, nobody told us to set up that trust fund. We had it for 21 years. And if I had to do it all over again, I never would've spent it. It's not about the money. You could have told me. But I'm just tired of people keeping things from me. I'm sorry. Why didn't you look harder? Excuse me? Anyone who knows me, knows how much I want to find my parents. I searched and searched for you. Why didn't you look harder? Carlina, you have no idea how hard we looked. I knocked on more doors, I passed out more flyers, than you could ever imagine. We couldn't find you, but we never stopped looking. Sorry. There's been so much pain. I just want you to be happy, Carlina. But I'm just not ready. I'm not ready to leave my whole life and start over as Carlina White. You know, for the past 23 years, I've talked to you in my head, and in my dreams. All this time, you've been part of my life. And you've only just found out about me. We'll take it slow. My name is Joy White, and I'm here to see Ann Pettway. Does she know you're coming? No. Park over there. I'll put you through security. [buzzer] I could just slap that smile off your face. Is that why you're here? I came here because I have to find a way to forgive you. Why did you do it to me? From over here, it don't look like nothing been done to you. What you so upset for? You got her now. I may have Carlina now, but you stole 23 years of my life. I wasn't there when Carlina took her first step. I didn't get to see her go to the prom. I wasn't there when she had my grandbaby. Those are moments I'll never have. I lost three babies. I lost a child. I didn't go around stealing nobody's baby. See, that's what I'm saying. You lost one. I lost three. I heard you got two more now. They told me I couldn't have none. No excuse. I needed that child, OK? I saw y'all on TV, and I thought about giving her back. But then Netty would look up at me. People started saying we looked alike. They even called her Little Ann. Every day she became more and more mine. She wasn't yours, she was mine! I fed her! I clothed her. I taught her right from wrong. That little girl, who you parading around on TV and everything, I did that! You should be thanking me. I should be thanking you? Thank me. It's taking all I've got not to jump across this table and kill you. I know you hate me. But I know somebody like you, you'll never understand this. Somebody like you, you know, you've got a lot of love in your life. Me? I've been loving people, and loving people, and doing for people. It's one thing to love somebody, but it's another thing for somebody to love you back. Netty loved me back. I ain't never felt before. [whimpers] You could have taken any other child in that nursery. Why'd you take mine? Was it because I was young? It didn't have nothing to do with you, Mrs. White. It had everything to do with me! It had everything to do with me! On August 4, 1987, I went to Harlem Hospital. I took a child. I got back on the train, I went back home, and I raised her as my own. I knew it was wrong. Ann Pettway, you've pleaded guilty to one count of kidnapping. In light of your confession, the court hereby sentences you to 12 years in prison. That's it? That's what our sufferings were? I thought it was a mandatory life sentence. She plea bargained. I lost you. I lost my family. I lost everything. We got to appeal this. We just got to live with it. All of it. I have a few questions for you, Carlina. Or would you prefer I called you Nejdra or Netty? I'm not Nejdra. That's the name that was forced on me. Not Carlina. That's the name that was taken from me. My name is Netty. That's the name that feels more like me. The name that feels most like home. [music playing] Grandma! [sentimental music playing]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 1,413,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, Keke palmer, Aunjanue Ellis, Sherri Shepherd, lifetime movies, lifetime channel, lifetime tv, lifetime movies full movies, lifetime drama movies, lifetime full movies, abducted the carlina white story full movie, abducted lifetime movie true story, abducted movie, abducted full movie online free, abducted: the carlina white story, Abducted carlina white, abducted keke palmer, abducted sherri shepherd, abducted full movie, keke palmer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 27sec (5367 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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