The Wrong Woman 2 (2017) | Full Movie | Danica McKellar | Paige Searcy | Jonathan Bennett

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign the prosecution has offered some compelling evidence in this case compelling until you look at the facts objectively if Eddie that actually stolen the motorcycle does it make sense that he would remove his fingerprints and then leave the motorcycle in plain view in his own front yard they have an eyewitness Mr Lee who says he was looking out his store window on the afternoon of March 22nd when he saw a young male steal the motorcycle now he identified the male as Eddie on the date of the theft March 22nd the Low Winter Sun was shining directly into the windows of Mr Lee's store as you can see in this diagram from the Sun Tracker app I'd like to submit this as defense exhibit one it wouldn't have been possible to see anything but a silhouette in the glare of the Sun how can you assume that I visited the store three days later and took photos your honor based on the evidence there's no reason he should be in this courtroom today thank you Miss Plainfield thank you your honor the court finds no grounds for a trial case dismissed thank you your honor it's Plainview I didn't see you at the parent grad brunch I couldn't get out of work I wasn't kind of boring but your daughter looks super hot okay Steve there you are look who's finally home I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the brunch I'm used to doing things on my own I really thought I'd make it but we ran late brought something to make it up to you Sushi from your favorite place thanks I'm I'm going out with Sylvie again you two went out last night and you came home awfully late by the way um it was like midnight it was like 4 A.M I checked the clock well we were just hanging out at Sylvie's a couple of high school girls on graduation night just hanging around the house hard to imagine well what can I tell you you raised a boring child yo Plain Jane oh hi Miss Plainview hi Sylvia did I leave my blue sweater here check my room foreign I was hoping that maybe you and I could spend some time together this summer before you go to school just the two of us between work and law school I know I haven't been as available as I wanted to be it is what it is nope not there all right let's go are you hanging with us tonight miss my view really she's kidding uh no I'm not yes you are let's go foreign [Music] foreign [Music] stay out all night Julie [Music] good morning hey grab a bowl sleepy face I made oatmeal thank you did I find last night uh Steve geiler and his friends showed up and they were acting like total idiots but Mom they're such children I can't wait till College oh I hate you break it to you sweetheart but boys don't automatically turn into men when they get to college so do you want to go to yoga really you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with your mom need a ride and uh you could use some exercise I'm not sure how to take that you deserve some you time nice save no you're not howdy good morning Ellen Plainview yes and this must be Julie can I help you detective Vic yogawa my partner detective Hamer detective Hamer morning you Julie flame View yes I'd like to ask you a few questions mom detective what is this about where were you the night before last and Thursday night I was at my friend Sylvie's house and you were there all night yeah I came home around midnight can you verify why are you asking is there any reason you're not answering the truth is she came in a little after 4am now tell me why you're asking You Know a Man by the name of Gene Dutton yeah he teaches at North Shore High he was my English teacher and my tennis coach and can you tell me when you were with him last with him just Hector what is this about I saw him at school a few days ago I guess Vicky Julie why'd you turn around for me what you're the right to remain silent suggest you use it wait a minute what is going on what's Happening Miss Plainview your daughter is under arrest for what first degree murder this is crazy my daughter wouldn't hurt a housewife what makes you think she killed somebody enough evidence to suggest probable cause now we'll explain more down at the station and you can follow in your own car when can I talk to my daughter shouldn't be long they can't question her without me present that's up to the detectives ma'am to the law do you honestly not know that you're under arrest for attempted murder Mrs Plainview security camera footage places you at the crime scene the victim was having an affair with your husband this is crazy I had nothing to do with it how do you plead I'd like to handle my own defense your honor I give my life on the hands of a stranger [Music] got it you can go in now down that hallway first door on the right honey what's going on what is this all about somebody killed Mr Dutton and they think it was me why why would they think that I don't know they said they have evidence this was Thursday night right you said you were with Sylvie Thursday night I was tell me I didn't do it I know I know sweetie hi Miss Plainview get you anything coffee water a water for my daughter please sure where you going go on some water later Julie I want to ask you the same thing I ask everybody who sits in that chair do you have anything you want to tell me about what but we can start with Gene Dutton he's my teacher well his wife said there was a romantic interest on your part that you've been harassing him that's a lie did you meet with him at Palisades Beach parking lot on Thursday night no did you meet him at any other time during the past 48 hours no uh Julie C that's what we have a problem because we found your fingerprints in his car and now we have an eyewitness that places you at the scene at the same time Dutton was killed an eyewitness who an eyewitness they're lying I wasn't there how was he killed stabbed in the heart crime of passion Julie do me a quick favor could you just draw a circle for me what is this for well we know the killer was left-handed I didn't kill Mr Dutton well I happen to believe you listen girly you want me to get tough you just keep acting like a jerk detective don't you ever talk to my daughter that way again Gene do you mind go ahead I need to take a leak anyway sorry about that she's a bit old school still likes to play a good cop bad cop Julie we just want to find out what happened that's all I don't know how my fingerprints could have gotten in Mr dutton's car I was at Sylvie's house yeah you mentioned that problem is we obtained video from a neighbor security camera showing Sylvie Garrett's car leaving the area at 11 o'clock P.M with two occupants inside did Sylvie leave you alone at any time that evening not that I remember well we'll check it out with her and if she confirms and that's that but I can assure you that Julie has never harmed another human being in her entire life well then we should be wrapped up real quick then now we just need a DNA sample and we'll be all done okay you can wait outside don't worry honey I am here for you no matter what and don't answer any questions or say anything at all until you talk to me again Plainview bail is set for Julianne Plainview 750 000 I don't set the bail amount there's some bondsman flyers in the smoking area I'm her mother can you release her to me or she's just a child she'll be 18 in three months she's a flight risk anyways what do you mean well we found out she booked a trip to Paris what am I confirmed yeah you can petition for bail relief at the arraignment but you know I'm really surprised to see you here in Miss Plainview but I know how easy it is to lose track of your children when you're so focused on your career not me I dote on my children because I see enough poor souls that end up messed up because Mama couldn't be bothered you change your hair Barbara what's good on you honey mom you have to get me out of here I'm trying they strip searched me I need you to stay strong for me Julie they won't release you without bail they think you're a Flight Risk why do you have a plane ticket to Paris they were giving credit cards out at the mall so I got one for college you always said we couldn't afford to go to Paris so I bought my phone when were you gonna tell me about this can you bail me out or what I'm gonna try it's a lot of money what do you say I have to spend the night here I'm so sorry all those years of law school for what you weren't there for me then you aren't here for me now howdy I am here for you you probably think I'm guilty never calm down [Music] truly foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Miss Plainview hope it's not too early for what you know the drill come on ma'am what are you looking for where's your daughter's bedroom [Music] nice knives so you've got one missing what are you looking for money what do we have here Diaries are fun whoa a lot of writing give me a bag hey detective here we go right daughter smokes weak not that I know of whoa now we know you can file a claim for that have a nice day [Music] thank you [Music] case number NGC 207 people versus Julianne Plainview murder in the first degree I'm so ready to enter a plea yes your honor we plead not guilty setting preliminary for the seventh of September is that satisfactory first your honor on the matter of Baal we request that the defendant be remanded to the custody of her mother that's you isn't it yes your honor given the seriousness of this charge and the circumstances indicating that your daughter made plans to leave the country I'm denying your request at this time your honor I've spoken on the matter counselor [Music] but I'd like to affirm our right to a speedy trial and move the preliminary hearing up if possible how do you like the 27th that's two weeks from today fine thank you your honor next case [Music] are you okay how long am I gonna be here for I'm doing everything I can sweetie I promise I have been through this before Julie I need you to trust me okay but there's video showing you and Sylvie leaving the house where did you go we went to go get food at that taco stand on 4th Street they were closed why are you looking at me like that you think I did it don't you no I know that but if there is anything the police are going to find out about that night I have to know it's pretty I can't help you unless you're completely honest with me time's up let's go actually sweetie I'm gonna get you out of here I promise foreign hi Ben uh come in come on come on in yeah [Music] here thanks looks like the writing is going well yeah the wrong woman is still my biggest seller you ever get around to reading it I lived it so how do you like being a lawyer well so far I've only handled minor cases petty theft parole violations but now uh I have a murder case really I'm not sure I'm up to it you'll be fine why do you say that it was just four years ago that you were wrongfully accused of attempted murder I mean you could have gone to jail for life but you handled yourself brilliantly in that courtroom and you won I'm not worried about you this time it's more serious no chance who's your client Julie like your daughter Julie little Julie he's almost 18. one of her teachers was stabbed to death they found Julie's fingerprints in the car and the victim's wife is claiming that Julie was stalking him I don't believe that neither do I which is why I've come to ask for your help I mean I think I can handle the trial but I would just feel so much better with some support during your last trial I was a mess I was too close the stakes were too high I I can't do that to myself again besides I'm way past my deadline for my new book my editor is breathing down my neck I hope this isn't because of what happened between us no no of course not I would say yes if I wasn't absolutely certain that you're capable of doing this you're a good lawyer sorry I bothered you look Ellen if you really get into a tight spot good luck with your book [Music] [Music] [Music] who is that Ellen Plainview Kimberly Baines I've seen you around the courthouse but I always assumed you were a clerk or something I don't know why is this the defendant yes my daughter Julie defending your own daughter bold move all rise please be seated in the matter of people versus Julie and Plainview the court finds sufficient evidence to hold the defendant to answer if the violation of Penal Code 187 murder in the first degree and order that Julie and Plainview be bound over for trial in Department 24. does August 4th work for everybody fine by me yes your honor your honor I'd like to request that Julie be reminded to my custody until trial we've surrendered her passport she's a minor and she poses no Flight Risk I and I don't believe that she can reasonably be regarded as a danger to the community I'm willing to grant that Miss Baines with the condition that she wear an ankle monitor I don't think that's necessary thank you your honor we're going home do you have any idea why there was a knife missing from our set no if these questions are going to keep getting harder Julie Gene dutton's wife told the police that you were obsessed with him that's ridiculous do you have any idea why she would say something like that yeah because she's crazy mom she would come to school and spy on her husband because she thought all the girls were after him she was just jealous okay but she mentioned you specifically why why don't you ask her Mrs Dunn good afternoon I'm I'm Ellen playing with you and you are what are you doing here well first of all I want to say how sorry I am for your loss as you know the police think that my daughter might have been responsible for your husband's death it's murder and I'm just trying to put together the facts apparently you told the police that my daughter had been stalking your husband that's right but I talked to Julie and she said it's absolutely untrue her fingerprints were in his car okay but stalking I know what I saw notes in his pockets Hearts drawn in the dust of his car flowers on his desk at school the phone rang late at night and if I answered the caller hung up it upset my husband he wanted nothing to do with your daughter but how do you know it was Julie about your daughter of course it was her the little [ __ ] would come to my house when she thought I wasn't home I didn't know about that did you she showed up one night when I was supposed to be at work the look on her face when I opened the door I know guilt when I see it wait is that it Mrs Dunn again I'm very sorry for your loss but if the statements that you've given to the police are based solely on assumptions and I am done talking to you I am working if you come here again I will call the police I hope your daughter Burns in hell [Music] foreign what's up hi Sylvie I need to talk to you about the charges against Julie oh my God it's horrible how is she we're preparing for trial and I just need to know from your point of view exactly what happened the night Mr Dutton died you were with Julie at the time yeah we hung out here all night all night she said you two went out oh she told you what'd she say tell me the truth Sylvie and I hope you'll do the same she told you about the guys uh yeah I just would like to hear it um from you there were a couple of tourist guys from France we went down to our hangout Tower six and what did you and these boys do all night hung out they brought snacks and we just talked nobody had sex if that's what you're worried about and you were there all night pretty much did you get their names Robert and Pascal uh they didn't say their last names did you exchange phone numbers or anything no they were leaving the next day so there's no way to contact them sorry I know you and Julie are very close you're the only friend she ever talks about really do you know if she had any kind of relationship with Mr Dutton I know Julie liked Mr Dutton what do you mean the rumor was that he likes wild girls you don't come to my house and harass my daughter I don't want to caught up in your trouble she's a material witness in Julie's case Mrs Garrett just because you failed as a mother doesn't give you the right to interfere with my family Sylvie inside right now go go get off my property I told you she's crazy oh Mr Dutton was my tennis coach he gave me a ride home from practice a few times that doesn't mean I was sleeping with him did you go to his house yeah once I left my racket in his car and I stopped by to pick it up why didn't you tell me this in the first place so you could freak out you hate it when I talk to any guy that's even half a month older than me I want to know about these French boys we met them at the coffee shop we saw them later at the beach they were totally cool nothing happened just hung out how long were you there I don't know exactly I fell asleep fell asleep did you smoke pot with these boys actually [Music] have I taught you nothing Julie we need to talk sit down after I eat we need to talk now sit down they have records of text messages from your phone to Mr Dutton yeah and they're about homework and tennis practice so if you ignore me Gene there will be consequences what does that mean I didn't send that actually please Mom someone must have jacked my phone at school and sent it as a joke because I didn't send that bring me your phone I lost it I swear it's the truth is that my journal they found it in your room there's nothing juicy in there if that's what you're looking for what mom what I didn't write this it's in your Journal if you didn't write it who did it I don't know maybe the cops do you know how all this is going to look to a jury you're supposed to believe me you're my mother why don't you act like it actually you never cared about anything that I did as long as I got good grades and I acted like the perfect daughter I know you resent me because I came along when you were only 18. that is not true now you want to know everything about my life we are talking about murder Julie do you understand you have to work with me on this or you could go to prison for the rest of your life all I want is the truth in the end it is the only thing that matters you can't run from it sweetie so please if there is anything you can tell me you know what when I'm ready to confess you'll be the first to know [Music] foreign hey Steve I thought you could use something to brighten your day so uh how are you how do you think I know the world's going crazy how could anyone think that you would hurt somebody hello Steve flowers how nice we'll get these interface I saw the checks in San Diego last week brought you a pimento then if you guys need a character witness at the trial I'm Your Man we just might take you up on that Steve don't worry you're you're not going to prison there's no way they're going to convict you you know that because I know you didn't do it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh hello I'm sorry to intrude no no you're not intruding what's up is Ben home you know I think he's in the shower if uh if I could just leave these here with him it's copies of my case files and if you just look at them and tell me if I missed anything yeah no I'll let him know the documents are important and confidential so just make sure that Ben gets them and and if she's you know too busy tonight I mean I totally understand but if he wants to call me I'll be up late working I'll let him know okay thank you Amanda with my compliments cool thank you yeah sure [Music] foreign honey I can't if we can just get the jury to see the truth sweetie you're gonna be fine Jules come here leave me alone it's what you're good at [Music] Julie we have to leave by eight you awake Julie Julie [Music] truly what sorry Mom [Music] I'm so sorry I was so scared I'm so scared she called me I should have talked her outfit I'm so sorry I asked Steve to take me away somewhere I couldn't stand the idea of going to court napping everyone that could be like I was a murderer but I didn't know what to do you're all I had Mommy sweetie we have each other Jewels who always have each other [Music] Ellen Plain View wow long time no see how are you we're on our way to court yeah well no I heard you're practicing law now well I heard you have an interesting client too wow you blame you girls just can't seem to stay out of trouble though what is that you're probably ones in the family I met Flynn I defended your mother when she was charged with attempted murder we won too mm-hmm didn't my mom have to fire you and take over the case herself so I hear that you are going up against Kimberly Baines I don't envy you that nope that woman well she is a panther in suede pumps she really is and I have also heard that she's especially vicious when she goes up against another woman I don't know why yeah I tell you I would really think about making a plea if you can you know if you want my advice get out of our way Ben hey my sister gave me your case files I've been up half the night reviewing them your sister she's in town for a seminar I've done some background work for you made some witness notes I'm here to help if I can but your book is gonna have to wait I I should have offered to help from the beginning I'm sorry when I saw Julie's mug shot in the Case Files it absolutely it broke my heart and the fact that she would have to go through something like this and you it Julie hey hi I'm Ben do you remember me of course I do not gonna get through this okay luckily you have an amazing lawyer working for you ladies and gentlemen I feel very fortunate to be able to prosecute this case before such an intelligent assembly of jurors after examining the evidence and listening to the witnesses I have no doubt that each and every one of you is smart enough to come to the right conclusion in this case you and I weren't able to be there for Julie Plainview when she was in need of strong moral guidance sadly neither was her mother and it will be an act of Mercy to help Julie Plainview understand what she did and when you have learned the whole truth it will be an act of Mercy to put her where she can no longer be a danger to herself or others again thank you miss playing for you ladies and gentlemen as you look at the evidence and listen to the witnesses it's important to keep in mind that things are not always as they seem the police formed their theory about who killed Mr Dutton within hours of the crime everything they have done since then has been an attempt to support their initial assumption but I ask you to examine this case with an open mind think critically and draw your own conclusions because this isn't just about which side wins it's about the life and future of this promising young woman who as you will see has found herself the victim of a reckless and potentially devastating rush to judgment thank you call your first Witness detective Ogawa what led you and your partner detective Hamer to focus your investigation on Julie Plainview just about everything the victim's spouse reported that her husband had been the target of unwelcome attention from Miss Plainview luckily her mother had her fingerprinted as part of a school safety program and we found the defendant's prince inside the victim's car and eyewitness positively id'd Miss Plainview as being at the crime scene and the texts and journal entries erased any remaining doubt an open and shut case pretty much detective Ogawa will you please explain how it was possible to determine with certainty who actually sent a text from a given cell phone well it's not possible but one can assume that assume assume is it in your job description to assume things detective particularly when it could send a young girl to prison for the rest of her life moving on to the fingerprints do those prints found in Mr dutton's car offer positive proof that Julie Plainview was in that car on the night of the murder on that night specifically proof positive I mean isn't it possible that those prints were left in that car on another occasion perhaps when Mr Dutton gave a favorite student a ride home from tennis practice days or even weeks prior possible but not possible yes or no yes no further questions detective you submitted the journal recovered from my daughter's bedroom to the Department's handwriting expert correct as a matter of routine yes but that expert doesn't appear on the prosecution's witness list we didn't feel his testimony was necessary in fact the results were inconclusive according to your report to the district attorney and since the entry consists of simple block letters there is no way to determine definitively who wrote the entry correct we found it in your daughter's Journal are we back to assuming Detective you and detective Ogawa arrested Julie Plainview less than 32 hours after the murder did you bother to question any other suspects there was no need did you look into the victim's background to check for other possible perpetrators check the area for similar crimes what are you implying I'm simply asking if you performed due diligence in this case I have been on the force for 14 years and my record is impeccable I am not going to sit here and have my Integrity impugned by you no not again it's True Detective Hamer I have questioned you on the stand before and at that time if you will recall you suspected me of attempted murder do you remember the verdict in that case you know damn well what it was objection to what Miss Baines never mind your honor I think we're done [Music] Julie where are you going I was gonna practice yoga in the garage without your mat I was gonna see if it was warm enough first why don't you just use the guest room fine Mrs Dutton besides the late night phone calls the text and the surprise visits to your house what else caused you to suspect that Julie Plainview was responsible for your husband's murder that's what Jane told me himself I went by the school one day and I saw them alone together in his classroom when I asked him about it later he said Julie had been paying too much attention to him and he was just trying to get her to stop because he was afraid she might do something drastic yes because he was afraid she might do something drastic objection hearsay sustained Mrs Stutton would you say that your husband was in fear of his life because of Julie plainview's dangerous obsession with him yes he was in fear of his life due to her dangerous obsession thank you no further questions your honor Mrs Dutton you testified that you and your husband had a loving relationship we were very close but when you first talked to the police you mentioned that you'd separated twice in the last 18 months we had our rough spots like any marriage like yours are you referring to infidelity that's a good point not all husbands are faithful are they Mrs Dutton is it possible that when you found your husband alone with a female student that he made up that story about her Obsession in order to hide his own complicity in the relationship Jane would never have anything to do with a girl like your daughter and yet he had been reported for inappropriate behavior with a female student in his previous post in Tacoma Washington isn't that correct that was a misunderstanding isn't it true that you are jealous of the relationship that you thought your husband was having with Julie Plainview and that's why you gave her name to the police when they were looking for someone to charge with your husband's murder this is absurd I gave her name to the police because she killed my husband this trial isn't about me you're right Mrs Dunn this trial is not about you it's about finding the truth no further questions your honor the people call Otis Pell you've testified that you were out walking along the northeast edge of the Palisades Beach parking lot around midnight on the night of June 9th I was and what did you observe on your walk that night I was looking across the parking lot watching the seagulls when I see two people sitting in a car doing Lord knows what the door opens driver comes out and falls down dead then the other person jumps out and runs away but to identify this person if you were to see them again sure I told the police they showed me pictures of some people and I picked her out and as the person you pointed out to the police here in this courtroom today you know she is that's the killer right there so let's win this case tell me about Otis pal the eyewitness ran a dairy star for 30 years with his wife until she died and now he watches a lot of TV and seagulls he went down to the scene of the crime yeah yeah I went the afternoon of the prelim but you haven't gone at night the eyewitness was walking along there did you bring your camera funny okay let's prove him wrong the day Julie was born was the happiest day of my life and the scariest you wonder how you're ever going to provide for what your child needs or protect her from the world it's so hard to know what to do and you try to think of everything but you can't I went to law school so I could do good things in the world and earn enough money to send Julie to college I didn't realize how much it was going to take me away from her you did what you thought was best Julie's a smart girl I have to win this case and let's win Ben I pick up the phone 100 times to call you that would have been nice say it's not too late for us I never got over you foreign [Music] come on let's go Mr Pell did the police tell you the type of suspects they were looking for well he said the high school teacher got killed Point did it occur to you that a student might be responsible we talked about that we talked about that you and the detectives people's exhibit 19 . does this look familiar sure that's the pictures the police showed me and that's the person I picked out right there in the middle on the bottom road but the record show Mr pellets pointing to Julie Plainview the only person in this photo lineup who appears under the age of 20. in other words the only person who looks like a high school student this photo was taken from where you were standing that night and you're telling us that you were able to positively identify someone at a distance of 130 feet in the dark with the only light coming from above and behind the person in question I got good eyes okay then can you tell us what the sign says on the post next to the street light just read it out loud it says when you can park records show the sign actually says no littering but nice guests Mr Pell at this time your honor the people rest Sylvie as Julie's best friend did you ever hear her talk about any feelings she had for Mr Dutton she never talked about him at all now when you first talked to the police you told them that you were home with Julie at the time when Mr Dutton was killed but in fact you and Julie left the house to meet two boys at the beach where you stayed until approximately 4 a.m isn't that true yes will you tell the court why you lied to the police I knew my mom would get mad and Julie's mom well you would be mad if she found out we were hanging out with older guys I should have told the truth but now you're under oath so will you please tell us exactly what you and Julie were doing on the night of June 9th the afternoon after graduation we met these French guys and we told them that we would be at our hangout like our Tower six dot night so we were hanging out and these guys showed up we talked for a few hours and I guess we then smoked some wheat and Robert and Pascal wanted cigarettes so we went to find a place that was open after that they went to the airport to get a red eye and I drove Julie home but the important point is that you and Julie were together all night until I dropped her off yeah your Witness Sylvie do you know what happens if you lie on the stand it's called perjury and you go to prison I don't have to tell you what can happen to a young woman in prison I believe your testimony was Robert and Pascal wanted to buy some cigarettes so we went to find a store that was open meaning the three of you went to the store in other words you left Julie by herself for at least 30 minutes plenty of time to send a text to Gene Dutton meet him in the parking lot five blocks away attack the man who almost assuredly rejected her sexual advances and rushed back to the Lifeguard Tower so let's see if I can get you to tell me the truth this time sorry I let that horrible person get to me but the idea of prison okay you told the truth still me I really hope that I didn't make things worse for you telling the truth is always best Sylvie let's go dinner's almost ready Jules this was a hard day for me I don't like learning things in court that I should have learned from you if you want to stay out of prison I need you to be completely honest with me is there anything else anything at all you haven't told me well then I should tell you about Mr Dunn I didn't stab him and I didn't meet him in the parking lot that night but I did meet him before that we used to hang out after school and talk give me like an adult and one night he kissed me and I knew it was wrong and it was stupid but I let him anyway see that's why I didn't tell you before I knew you would look at me like that I can't deal with you being disappointed in me um it's worse than jail you know I thought we could stay friends [Music] he didn't want that so I refused to see him [Music] that's all there is to it does anyone else know about this sorry Mom I should have told you is there any way this could be related to why he was stabbed you know I don't think so is there anything else foreign no no just that dinner smells really good [Music] [Music] I've known Julie since we were little like five I've never seen her act violent or lose her temper or even be unkind to anyone you ever hear her Express negative thoughts towards Mr Dutton I've never heard her Express negative feelings about anyone the idea of her going to prison I don't I don't even want to think about it thank you Steve Steve you served as the president of North High Science Fiction and Fantasy Club correct one year I did safe to say you enjoy stories about Adventure and fantasy Heroes and damsels in distress sure and in all the years that you knew Julie Plainview did you ever take her out on a date not really why not I don't know I I guess it never came up hey I get it I remember High School you really like someone and they don't like you back rejections pretty tough but now you have a chance to be your hero don't you you came here today hoping to convince this jury that Julie Plainview could never commit the crime that she's been charged with and if you get them to vote not guilty you'll be her knight in shining armor you'll save her from spending the rest of her life in prison and you would do anything to make that happen wouldn't you Steve Julie didn't do it she couldn't have how do you know how could you possibly know Steve because I'm the one who killed Mr Dutton I knew Mr Dunn wanted hook up with Julie and I couldn't stand the idea of him taking advantage of her so I tricked him into meeting me and I stabbed him do you honestly expect us to believe that Steve I can prove it Mr Dutton was wearing dark jeans and a gray button up when they found him right and he was smoking a cigarette and nobody knows that he smoked cigarettes there was an astronomy book on the front seat of his car okay I know because I was there I killed Mr Dunn and I'm glad court is in recess Connie would you get the DA's office on the phone wait a minute Steve said he was in San Diego right you went to go see the checks he was out of town the night of the murder he couldn't have done it okay we'll let the D.A figure that out or not it's not your job to solve their case for them besides Steve might have been lying about San Diego maybe he did do it you know let's just wait and see what are we gonna do I don't know what if they believe him then you'll be off the hook mom I can't let Steve go to prison for something he didn't do like you told me the truth is the most important thing that you understand this would mean you'd have to go back to court if I have to I have to I'll call the D.A good morning Miss Plainview detectives Hamer and Ogawa questioned Steve guiler for four hours last night we've decided to accept his confession and move for a mistrial Julie doesn't want Steve Gaylor to go to prison for something he didn't do the kid confessed he provided details of the murder that could only have been known to the killer or someone with access to the police report Steve was in my house he could have read the Case Files Steve told me that he was at a concert in San Diego on the night of June 9th if you check the security cameras from the Mission Bay Arena you'll probably find him in the crowd so you want me to vacate Steve Kyler's confession Julie thinks he was lying to protect her you could have just kept your mouth shut and saved your daughter she would have been free and clear I might not be able to protect Julie from the world but I will protect her from you my daughter's innocent Miss Plainview do you have any further Witnesses know your honor the defense rests all right we'll hear closing arguments you might be wondering why there wasn't a better defense the answer is simple there is no defense for what she did this emotionally disturbed young woman made a series of terrible choices culminating in one final decision to plunge a knife into an innocent man's heart that's it that's all there is the evidence shows it Mrs Plainview is clearly biased in favor of her daughter but her bias has clouded her perspective any clear thinking human being can look at this case and see that there is only one viable option and that is to deliver a verdict of guilty guilty of murder in the first degree thank you ladies and gentlemen the prosecution wants you to think that Julie killed Gene Dutton and whoever really killed Gene Dutton wants you to think the same thing but I have shown you enough Reasonable Doubt to acquit her you know what I'm not afraid to talk about this the thing that you're all thinking about right now am I biased am I I'm her mother the day she was born and I held her in my arms for the first time and any of you parents know exactly what I'm talking about I knew I'd do anything to protect her and give her the best life I possibly could so yes as her mother of course I'm biased but as her mother I've also had the privilege of watching her grow up and I know that she could never hurt anybody I could tell you childhood stories of her saving ladybugs out of our pool we're making sure that nobody sat alone on the school bus I don't have to you see we all watched Steve geiler sit here and confess to this very crime what a relief right I mean I get to bring Julie home but Steve had an alibi the prosecution didn't know about it was Julie and her great big heart that insisted I come forward with it to the D.A because I didn't want to but I realized something you know our greatest Duty as parents isn't merely to protect our children but to be strong enough to set a good example even when it's harder than you can possibly imagine we must embody the ideals of the kind of world we want our children to inherit a world in which integrity strength and Truth prevail and we hope that we've raised them well enough that when push comes to shove they will listen to their heart and make the right choices Julie Plainview but the risk of going to prison for the rest of her life made the right choice Julie is not a murderer she is a strong courageous young woman with a promising future whose fate is now in your trusted hands so please listen to your hearts because I believe that is where True Justice lies thank you how long do we know Mom it's hard to say today five days no I think we're gonna be okay Julie mom did an awesome job in fact why don't I take both of you to dinner get away from all this for a night that sounds nice you guys go ahead I I think I'm just gonna go to bed I guess we're staying here oh Mom go you deserve it I really think I just want to spend some time alone I'll bring you some dessert oh wait wait one second I've been working on this I found your old Sketchbook in the garage you drew this yeah I wanted you to have something to remember me by when I go to school or wherever I end up Julie I could never forget about you not even for a minute you are the reason my heart beats I doubt that so much I love you too mommy now go have fun bye I'm gonna be kind of sad when the trial's over I won't get to see you every day yeah we can probably think of something Jules you're awake I've been looking through the case files and I think I found something the police overlooked they found a homemade CD in Mr dutton's car stereo there were 14 songs most of them were hip-hop and Mr Dutton hated hip-hop so somebody gave it to him made it for him I think probably someone who had a crush on him and find out who has these tracks we might be able to find out who the Killer is oh she thinks she might know how to solve the case smart girl Ben this has been so nice I really want to get home to Julie I totally understand we'll do this again sometime [Music] hey Mom I told Sylvia about my theory she said we should meet at our hangout you know Tower number six so we can talk about who else Mr Dutton might have been seeing I know I shouldn't leave without telling you first but I couldn't wait I'll be home soon I love you I mean like I didn't know Mr Dutton like I never had a class with him or anything exactly my blue sweater here I didn't write this he likes wild girls actually we just need to get a list together of girls who might have been crushing on Mr Dutton and if one of those girls has the same 14 songs in her music library then she could be the killer he always was smarter than me Julie prettier more popular I know what people say do you only hang out with me as a charity case what are you talking about my best friend then why are you going off to college about me what is this about don't play dumb Julie you're no good at it I guess I knew you're gonna figure it out sooner or later figure out what I love him and he loved me I know he did what we had went far deeper than anything you had with him finally found something that was my own silby what are you talking about I was ready to run away with him but then he made a fool of me he said if he left with anyone it would be you when I heard that just about lost it call 9-1-1 when he passed out that night those two guys got bored and left leaving me with nothing as usual when I saw the text from gene on your phone I answered for you I went to see him got him to meet me at the parking lot I don't know why I took the knife from the picnic basket you framed me no how could you none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you my whole life I have compared myself to you I've watched as you got the grades the guise the attention not anymore so if you killed Mr Dutton you need to confess I can't go to prison I'm not gonna let you send me that you don't think you're gonna get away with this Jeep police know there's somebody stabbing people in this area probably some creep so we please stop I'm sorry please stop foreign [Music] Mommy can't help you now Mom are you okay [Music] the motion for acquittal is granted and the case against Julianne Plainview is hereby dismissed Ellen Ellen hold it up hold up hold it up congratulations on your victory look what I happen to have with me yeah I don't normally carry it but anyway I was hoping that you could I don't know just autograph it for me well actually it's for my niece because she's a big fan of these sort of books you know that I'm not the author but you're kind of the star of the book so would you mind have you actually read the book no no not yet um okay just I don't know if you read something about me thank you enjoy the read congratulations hey what well hey what is that supposed to mean no I just had a great interview with judge Tannen for the book that I'm writing about your case when this book comes out you are going to be a pretty popular lawyer I hope you're ready for that I will be after a little time off I'm taking Julie to Paris before she starts college ah trade me in what's your major English and then I'm gonna go to law school after that been inspired it's Plainview I'd like to apologize if I was testy in the courtroom I guess my job is turning me into a grouch like to thank you for helping us solve the case too you know if you want to join the force I think you make a pretty good detective thank you but I like being a lawyer one day I hope the sign on the door will read plain view in plain view and then I'll have both of us to contend with well good luck to you you ready yeah plain view in plain view I kind of like that it's almost like it's a book experience foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
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Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Trailer, Movie Trailer, Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, The Wrong Woman, The Wrong Woman 2, The Wrong Woman 2 2017, The Wrong Woman 2 full movie, The Wrong Woman 2 movie, The Wrong Woman sequel, Mommy I Didn't Do It, Danica McKellar movies, Paige Searcy movies, Jonathan Bennett movies, Danica McKellar, Paige Searcy, Jonathan Bennett, drama, richard gabai, richard gabai movies, youtube movies, classic thriller
Id: ClF6MQI2ang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 46sec (5266 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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