Steven Seagal | Deadly Crossing (Action) Full Length Movie

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I'm sorry, we're not open yet. It's open. These the SIU offices? - Yeah. - This place is hard to find. I'm the new item. I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself. - You're wearing uniform, right? - Yeah. So that means you probably came here in a black and white. Yeah, that's right. See, we don't want black and whites driving into this complex because we're undercover here. So the only time uniforms show up here is to transport prisoners. Right. Yeah. And they'll come in undercover cars. Do me a favor. Go home, get into some civvies, come on back and I'll give you a briefing and we'll get you started. Yes, sir. All right, guys, let's get ready to hit. Everybody good to go? - Sir. - Yeah, chief. All right, everybody put your radios on 9-1, all right? Let's do this. Hold on. I'm short a pair of cuffs. No no. In my top drawer. Left 'em in SUV the other day. Take it. From my hand. Take it. Take it and leave. Hey, what's up, bro? What you need, man? Your pocket? No, weed tonight, man. I got something better for you. You ever tried "horse"? - What, heroin? - Yeah. Come on, man. What do you think? I have a chip? No, you gotta try this stuff. It's good. $1300 an ounce. That's a deal for you, man. Yeah, why so cheap? Are you a cop? No, man. If I was a cop, I would've busted you last week. I got half a key, man. You interested or what? Yeah. Yeah. That's the signal. - Cops. - You're under arrest. What, are you setting me up? Please do a favor, man. Stay on the ground. Uncle. Nobody listens nowadays anymore. My bad. Aren't I supposed to get a phone call or something? Phone call? I think you've been watching too much TV. Why don't you give me a break? How am I supposed to know that? I've never been arrested before. That's gotta count for something, right? What, you mean like brownie points? No, like I'm new to the system so I get probation. Wrong. See, you assaulted us. No probation for that. Come on. Although I guess I did hit you pretty hard, didn't I? That was easy. Didn't get a chance to lay a hand on your boss though. So say it's one assault charge. What you need to worry about is the weight enhancement. The what? The weight enhancement is you had half a pound of smack. That's another five years if we go federal. Are you serious? Well, I mean we can always work something out if you wanna give up your connection. Well how about that phone call? Just got a call from North District. They got an ugly double homicide out by the internment camp site. Man, that ain't good. Look, put this white boy back in the bucket and I'll catch up with you all before I head out, ya hear? Sounds good. - Kane? - I just got a radio called in. Double triple over in Harmony general store. I'm heading out there right now. Yeah, I heard. I'm already here. Well listen, canvas the area, talk to folks, see what you can find out. Do your CI thing. Maybe you can probably get a lot better stuff than I can or my uniforms can. Yeah, I heard some things already and some things we need to talk about, so you need to get here "ASAP". - I'll see you in five or ten. - Okay, I'll talk to you. All right, we got too many boots on the inside. Guys, why don't you see if you can get on the outside see what you can find for me, hear? I got things inside and outside I need to show you, boss. I'm gonna take a walk with you in just a minute. You got it. Hold up, hold up, listen. Okay, here's what I found out. There's some strange weeds in the garden. Money's been flowing. Bunch of white trash rascals at the edge of town. Always got their noses in some things that smell bad. Listen to me. I gotta take a walk through here. When I get out, I'll get with you. You acting right? You know my life's changed because of you, Kane. All right, 'cause I don't wanna bitch slap you. All right, we need to talk, all right, Kane. Elijah. Thanks for coming in. It's a damn massacre here. And our unit's tied up in other things. Yeah, that's what we're here for, right? Exactly. Come on. Here's the first one. One in the chest. There's another one back here. Here's what we've got so far. Talked to Sparks, no fluids, no hairs, no definitive DNA. Well there's red mud on the floor everywhere and this red mud is definitely from the woods deeper in. Deposit safe is sitting there open like a barn door. And in my opinion, man, whoever did this knew these people real well. Why do you say that? Well, it's just a hunch, but welfare checks will be cashed tomorrow. In my opinion, everybody'll be cashing them here. Most of 'em anyways, so. The folks 'round here would know the place is flushed with cash. So we got tire tracks over here. Matches the mud inside. Looks like a good place. They could've been watching and waiting. Casing the joint. Get me a forensic up in here. Have you combed this place yet? Started to. So get me a forensic and get me a DNA profile on that cigarette, you hear? Yeah. Whoa, what is this? Hey, come on, sweetie. Come on. Let's go. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. It's okay. What are you doing in there? Get me a Mandarin translator right now. Get me child services. Get her up someplace safe right now. Come on, sweetie, let's go. It's okay, let's go. These guys are shipping horse, Kane, just don't know who they're working with. What I do know is they don't like visitors. Yeah, I feel really bad about that. Can you tell how bad I feel about that? Terrible. What, you forget, Kane? Harmony has its own set of rules, man. You forget who I am, man. I got my own set of rules. I'm the police and I will impose my rules on them. I hear that. We gotta do what we gotta do to get our job done, you see? We gotta get the bad guys and protect the good guys, man. That's why we're here. You know that. Yeah, without going too crazy though. You don't think this is too crazy here? Aw, man, what's wrong with you? Domion. What're you doing here, boy? This ain't the big city. Let me tell you something. Country boy always a country boy. You all had a double homicide right over here at this store. You heard? Well, maybe you haven't heard. Things changed since your old lady died. Oh, yeah. I know all about Elijah Kane, big city cop. And I damn well assure you you would know all about me if you hadn't moved away. You're a famous man, that right? I can't say the same about you. You know, in a little place like this, people talk and sooner or later somebody'll wanna talk to me. I been hearing people around here stopped working nine to fives and started selling drugs. Drugs? Us? Oh, come on, Chief. We wouldn't do that. Man you're driving expensive boats, expensive car. You got that from selling firewood? Yeah. People pay good money to stay warm. You know when the town idiot hears lies, all he knows how to do is repeat them. It's a pity, because Camp Harmony had a lot of real important history, man. It's a pity you all white trash came in here and dirtied up the trailers. That badge don't mean nothing around here. It don't have to, boy. Unless you're going to arrest one of us, I suggest you be going. How long you been here, boy? You're the new person around here. I know these sticks better than you ever will. Now listen, tell these young folk behind me to put their crap away before I pull out my gun and kill you all. I'll kill you first. You heard? Go on! We're coming, and sooner or later, somebody here gonna tell me everything. We're done talking. Nobody here wants to help you. We'll see about that. Hey, uh, you need to show me some of that stuff, "Kan-e-son". Where'd you learn how to do all that, Kane? Somebody pick those teeth up. Snake! Kane! Man, it's all right. Oh? Really? We got these pictures from the surveillance pole cameras. Anyone know any of these players? That white boy in the red shirt. I've seen him before. He comes to town once or twice a month, says he's a salmon fisherman but word on the street was he's pushing cocaine and weed. First heard about him when I was on the vice team watching strippers downtown. How does that work? Oh man, I've been hearing that for years. Well it was some dude named Domion was using strippers to deal dope down south. Domion? Yeah, you know him, Chief? Yeah, I met him last night. Domion is like a-- he's a Cajun for sure. And after the storm a lot of the Cajun's started coming up here to fish, and now with this oil spill, their whole livelihood is devastated. No more Crawfish, no more crab, no more fish. All coming up here to get work. Domion means peeping tom, so they might could tell you something, I don't know. All the action seems to center around these clubs. Definitely think we should check it out, huh, Chief? I had a hunch you might volunteer for that, but thing of it is, this is work not play, so I'd like you to get in there but I'd like you to work it instead of play it, you hear? Well, I mean, I'm just being pro-active, right? It's good with me. It's always easier to talk to the girls when there's two guys. All right, cool. Listen, before you do that, see if you can get up on that boy from yesterday and see why he carries so much weight. This is Sarah. She's from the East Precinct. She's the new item here. She's gonna be working with you, Juliet. - She will? - Yes, ma'am. Yes, Chief. Now you all get out of here and catch me some bad guys. Oh, by the way, Juliet, bring Sarah up to speed. Follow up on this one with triple eights. All right? Let's go. Feel different without the uniform on. Yeah, well it's just as dangerous. You should keep that in mind next time you choose your outfit. What's that mean? Look, this job is hard enough for us, why add to the problem by-- Right, okay. Sorry, it's just the way I dress. When you're out on the field, you're gonna use the hard wire that's in your car's glove box. Get out on foot, use your Nextel. Okay. I don't have a car or a Nextel so-- Yeah, and you will in the next few days. So what kind of cases do we handle? You'll get the cases the rest of us don't want. Like what? The gang banging stuff? We don't waste time on little poo-butts like that. We've got 38 cases pending trial, five active investigations, that's one case per team member. It means we don't waste time with small crap. Okay. Look, I'll walk you through the street stuff, papers are on you. No, don't worry about that. My paper's strong. Yeah? We'll see about that. Hey, I got it. Sweetie, it's okay, it's okay. You okay? Do you remember me? Do you? Yeah? How's it going? Scary, huh? Yeah, I know. Do you think you can talk to me a little bit about what happened? No? Why don't we go get you some candy. I bet you're hungry. Yeah? All right. Let's go. Wait here for the translator. Rise and shine, Thomas. You have enough powdered eggs for breakfast? You better get used to it, pal, 'cause you are looking at a ten year minimum. Look, you guys wanna talk, let's talk. What do you want from me? You know Domion? Come on. You already know about him. What do you need me for? Well, to make an introduction. To Domion? No, no. Hell, no. I'll never mess with his country ass. That dude makes onions cry. Didn't he front you the heroin? No, I deal with one of his stripper connects. I was just looking for weed, all right? She talked me into taking the other stuff on consignment. Consignment? Wow. You make it sound almost legitimate. Dude, I just sell weed, all right? It's nothing too serious. It's the first time I tried to move anything heavy like that. What's your connects name? She goes by the name of Crystal. Crystal's probably in the back doing rails, no doubt. Whoa, where you headed to, Thomas? I got business with Crystal, man. So who's your friends? See I know you, but I don't those two fools. You don't need to know them, all right? They're with me. Whoa, hey, hey. If I don't know them, then Crystal don't know them. Oh, come on now. You know me. - What the hell, man? - Shut your mouth. Sit down and relax. The boys are gonna go see Crystal and we're just gonna enjoy the show. Sit down. You forget how to knock? Did you not hear that? Who's this? Oh, he's a friend of mine. He's cool. How you doing? Friend of yours is no friend of mine. What do you need Thomas? Some more of that horse. Close the door. You sold out already? Yeah. That stuff goes fast. You know, college kids love it. Well, where's the money? I fronted you three grand worth. - Is it all there? - Yeah, it's all there. I didn't ask you. The money that your friend's holding. Is it straight? Yeah. Relax. Why is he handing me the money? I don't know him, I know you. Did Tiny check him? Of course Tiny checked him. He checks everybody. Take this and you bring back six grand, understand? I told you, mister, my business is with him, not with you. Funny thing is, is I'm gonna make it my business. You are an a-hole, Thomas. Yeah? So what if I am? What're you gonna do, dance me to death? Just relax, big boy. We'll be out of here before you know it. So you really a cop, man? Yeah, I'm really a cop. Well, you know we're kinda in the same business, keeping the peace, right? Wrong. You're a glorified door monkey. So you really don't think that I could make it as a cop? No, I don't. 'Cause you think I'm too stupid? Hold on a minute. Put your arm to the bar. She gets away, you're doing her time. Look out! Move! Move! Move! Radner! Radner! Radner! Radner! He's down, man! He's unconscious. He pulled a sap on me! He pulled a sap on me! Relax. You all right? Okay, it's a little better now, huh? Geez, relax, kid. Sorry, she's been through a lot. It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. That was weird. Okay. Yeah. Maybe we just got an idea of what our suspect looked like. She was at the back of the store when a woman came in. When her father was killed, she ran. Okay, so can she describe this woman in detail? Were there any tattoos, facial abnormalities or striking features that stood out? She says she saw the woman here. Okay. So she means that the person who shot her father had the same pale blue eyes as the female officer she saw in the hallway. She says the one in the hallway was the killer. No, she's upset. She's a smart girl, detective. She says the person she pointed out to you is the suspect. Yo, Mason. You run that force report by Kane this morning? Ran it by the patrol sergeant last night. Had no choice. You made hamburger out of that kid's face. Yeah, but he bought it, right? Has he believed it? Yeah, he bought it. Come in. I'm almost done with the force report. So what's the story, man? Did he act right or what? Guy hit Radner first, then tried to beat him with a sap. You're sure about that? He did what he had to do. All right. What could the stripper do for us? We've been pressing her about Domion, but she's one real tough bitch. I was thinking Juliet might be able to get more out of her. No, man, I need her for something else. Can't have her. All right, well, I'll keep you posted. Hey, DNA came back a few hours ago. Nothing in the system matched. Try this one. Is that from the crime scene? No. It's a favor for Kane. What file number should I put it under? Pull a separate one for right now, he wants to keep this well below the department's radar. You got a name to go with the new file? Jane Doe. You don't like men, do you? Of course I don't. I'm gay. Of course she is. I sensed this one from the beginning. She's pervious to our charms. It's a genetic thing for you, right? I ain't talking to you. You beat up my friend Tiny. Well, your friend ain't so tiny. See when you do things to cops, bad things happen. Get out of my face. Tell you what. Why don't you sit there and answer the got dang question. Radner, can you give us a moment? What, are you freaking serious? Jeez, Mase, come on. You're seriously gonna front me off of this clam slammer? Go get some coffee. Good for you. That guy's a real jerk. Let's just say his way of doing things, I don't approve of them. I'll tell you what. You give me your supplier, and I'll see to it that you walk. Your word? If the information you give us results in us arresting the source. I can give you my guy. Whether or not he's the main player, I'm not completely sure. Write down exactly what you know. Hey, she play ball? Yeah, she bought it. The next time you want to play bad cop, you mind keeping your vocabulary a little less graphic? "Clam slammer"? Really? Hey, hey. What is it with you, man? You've been acting weird ever since I took that bouncer down at the club. Yeah. You beat him 'cause he had a sap. - Yeah, that's right. - That's right. Exactly like the sap I saw in your desk the other day? Oh, that what this is about? Not about what I think. It's about you holding your mud, Radner. We're!ll on the same team. You slip, we all fall. You think I planted that thing? You're not hearing me. And even if you were, we don't have time to discuss it. Really? Why's that? Crystal just coughed up a supplier. There's a drop at the club in half an hour. We need to get eyes on the street before he gets there. No sign of our supplier yet. You out hanging out, Mason? Mason's already inside. I'm down the street in the car. Copy. We got an eye in front. You're both in the car? Why is that? You guys forming a knitting circle or something? He's right. We should split up to cover better. You want me to go out on foot? No. You stay here, I'll take the street. I think you're over reacting. All right, I'm on scene, Mason. You up? Yeah, boss, I'm in the location. Vehicle we're looking for is a brand new, black pickup. Driver is described as a white male, 30, medium build, and according to the information he should be in pocket with the cash when he arrives. Listen, just for the record, I got the eye in the club. Why don't you two princesses take a break? Comb each other's hair, take a squirt. You know, whatever it is you all do. You get out on foot. I've got my eye on the front. Come again, Cinderella? You heard me. You can either cover the ass end of the street or you can cover your own ass when I drop a letter of intent off to human resources. That clear enough for you, sport? It was a joke, okay? Relax. Everyone on this team is losing their mind. I have a black, Ford pickup coming on up. Keep your eyes open. 10-4. I got an eye. I got a visual on the suspect. That's a guy from Domion's camp. Play him loose until you see product, you hear? We got a white male exiting fast. I got him. Just keep your eyes on him, Juliet. Suspect down! We got a white male shooter with backpack heading out of the club! Copy that. I'm on foot coming down the alley. All right, get him, man. It's going down. Juliet, back up Mason. Sarah, follow the driver. Police! Drop your weapon! I'm hit! Mase, you okay? Just stay down! Mason! I got him. My eyes! Radner, get down! Stay down! Are you okay? Yeah. Mason's hit. Whoa. I screwed up real bad, huh? Not at all. Should've known those Russians weren't from around here. You did good, man. We're all walking away and that's what counts. Should be back in about half hour. Feels like just bruised ribs. Why can't you make it five minutes? Don't make me laugh. Get yourself a new vest, man. Four for four next time, sir. That'd be great. Thank you, sir. Relax, man. I'm good. Okay? It's just dirt. Nothing a cold beer can't cure. Radner, you gonna let the man do his job? Oh, I knew it. You're starting to care about me, aren't you, Cinderella? You wanna take a ride with me in a shiny, new ambulance? Do you ever quit? Hell, no. You're the new kid. And new kids get hazed. So rather than calling human resources on me, why don't you go back to the office and hash out the report that documents my heroics. - You're heroics? - My heroics. You're a hard man to find, lately. Yeah, what you got? I got a match on that DNA sample. Don't know if you're gonna like the results. Wonderful. I guess I owe you. Yes, you do. What happened? You needed money bad enough to kill for it? You got questions, ask them through my lawyer. I don't have anything to say. Yeah, that sounds like the move of a guilty woman. Just my rights. Make no mistake, bitch, I know each and every one of them. It's all right, man. She's clever. She's lawyered up. But I don't think anything's gonna help her too much with what I got. We can all talk amongst ourselves about what I got. Yeah, we can. Fact number one, the car that was used left tire tracks that we have imprints of that matched the cruiser you checked out and drove that day. Fact number two, the child that witnessed her family being slaughtered positively identified her. Gimmie a break. That kid ain't old enough to know what she saw. Fact number three, the cigarettes that she smokes were found at the crime scene next to where the cruiser was. So what? Lot of people smoke the same brand as-- Fact number four, the crime lab has positively identified the DNA on the cigarettes as her DNA. What that means to me is that she sat there, watched the place, cased it out. That's what we call premeditation. And that kind of strongly leads to a really great shot at the death penalty, which is what I feel you deserve. Death penalty? That's crazy. What's crazy is you slaughtering an entire family-- Over some immigrant garbage out in the sticks. And those immigrants and those kind of people are my people. I'm taking this personal. All right. You wanna talk? Not really. I just wanna see you fry. And if for some reason our glorious team does not get the death penalty, minimal you will get life and cops don't really do too good in prison and I'm gonna personally bring a bucket of sand to my friends in the joint just for you. - Kane here. - Chief. - Janko wants a deal. - What does she want? She said that she can give you the Russians we've been looking for. They're the ones that ordered the grocery store murders. Well, first of all, I don't believe her. Why would you believe her? Well, if she's lying, pretty good at thinking on her feet. She laid out the whole game plan. How the drugs come through the straights, transferred to the fast boat and then moved inland through the slew. And, Chief, she gave me a name. Nikoli. She said, there's more for a deal. What does she want in return? Protective custody. Says she doesn't want to hit the main line. Said that she'll give us the location of tonight's big drop just to prove that she's straight up. The only thing that's gonna prove is that she's more calculating. Chinese folk up at the general store were collateral damage, man. They might've been able to ID this Nikoli. But anyway, man, I'll set up a deal. I'll start the deal with her. - All right. - Out here. Call it in now. She's gone. Kane, I lost her. Do you have an eye? Kane, you copying this? I'm fine. Put it in park, bitch! Get out! Get out, bitch! That's it! Gimmie the key, bitch! Let's do this. Police. You're under arrest. You all right? Yeah. Just another day on the job, right? They're all dead, Kane. Thanks for the call, man. What you got? Look around. I think it was a reckoning, man. The Russians didn't know the waterways too good, all right? So they needed help moving the shipments onto land. I mean it was easy for someone like Domion who grew up traversing the waterways. Trouble is, he got greedy. So he sent the fast boats to the wrong channel. That's when him and his boys-- that's when they gunned them down. He was bad enough to take the drugs from them, but to cut the Russians off from distributing the product-- Yeah, I told you. Russians don't play. Man, it's amazing to see what this place has come to. You see that plaque? Yeah? This is an old internment camp as well. My wife's people were interned here. This is where they were imprisoned, man. Look at this. This is what it's come to. It's true the camp is history, huh? And all this is a response to that betrayal. I guess it's true what you say, Kane. Them Russians don't play, huh. Look at Domion. Man, what a mess. What a mess. What's up, boss? I've seen atrocities and... just terrible things all around the world. But in your own backyard, man, you start seeing crap like this, it's like you just lose your faith in mankind, man. For me, as jaded as I should be, it's still hard for me to believe there's people like this out there, and to be honest with you, man, I got a feeling there's a lot of them. That's horrific. Seeing something like that changes you. You can say that again. No, someone on the inside was already taking care of all of it. Look, yes it was necessary. Sometimes blood must be spilt. The owner of the store, he shine flashlight on us when boat arrive. You make mistake, I take care of mistake. If police start looking in my direction, we will be warned. We're fine. Plus, look on the news tonight. You will see that they will say robbery gone bad. Yes, I'm a little bit of a poet. Don't worry about it. Okay. No problem. I take care of it. It's my pleasure. All right. Yeah, Kane, I appreciate the ride and everything, but this really wasn't the direction I was in. Really? Do I look like the kind of guy that cares about the direction you're heading in, man? Why you think I'm gonna care about where you're going? You're going where I'm going, man. Well, where are you taking me then? - Going into town. - To do what? I got some things to do, and when I'm done with that, I'm gonna take you back to where you're going. Anything I can help with? No. C'mon, Kane. Look, let me help you do your job. You already got me feeding you info on Harmony, maybe it's time we take it to the next level, no? Right now, to me you ain't nothing but a CI. - CI? - Yeah, man. And you know what? You prove yourself to me, you start to act right, then I'm gonna start to teach you. Until then, man, I'm not gonna teach you nothing. Just need you to provide me with information. That's it. I'm straightening my life out, man. I'm telling you, Kane, you'll see. You'll see. Let me ask you something. How's it going at the construction site? I'll be showing up. Sometime's I'll be-- I'll be showing up early sometimes. You know, few minutes early, make the boss smile sometimes. Now that's strange because they called me up and told me you never came. - I didn't show up? - What he said. - He told you that? - Yeah. Listen, I just need to rethink my options and everything, all right? Really. There's something wrong with you, boy. The only reason why I got you that job was because your mother was a friend of mine, and she said, man, look out for my boy. So you are sure that those two carjacks are from the same crew, right? Bet my shield on it, Chief. Actually, I kind of got into it with one of the carjackers. - Messed him up pretty good. - Wow. Yeah, I tossed him up like a salad. You know, sometimes you're the dog and other times you're the fire hydrant. Gates. Gates? Next time you come by here with some information for us, do you wanna leave your uniform at the precinct? We don't like uniforms around here. It defeats the purpose of the SIU. - Whatever. - Whatever? Whatev-- whatever. Boss, just so you know, the guy he's talking about posted before anyone had a chance to sweat him. And Juliet and I are already following up on it. You good? You got them working on it, huh? I'll watch your back there, chief. Don't worry about it, unless you need another team member. I'm just saying. Hello, Elijah. Pretty young lady, how are you? Since you wouldn't answer your phone to talk to me, I thought I would come by in person. That was very nice of you. It was nothing personal, Cynthia. It's kind of an occupational hazard. We've got murders and kidnappers and NARCO trafficking-- Yeah, but I called you four times. Wow, she looks like trouble. Check her out. That the scent of jealousy I'm detecting? Jealousy, no. Concern, maybe. She got that mad dog look in her eyes. Yeah, like I said. Jealousy. You sure that's me? 'Cause there it is again. Sarah, you smell that? - Uh, yeah. - What? That's the scent every woman knows. Smell of a little boy jealous of his daddy. Hey, keep your minds out of the man's business and back on the case. Jeez, Mason. You're starting to sound more and more like him every day, you know that? Really? You think so? Come on, let's go. Easy, Mase. Sounding like him and acting like him are two different things, brother. You're a funny guy, Radner. Really funny. Talk to me, Kane. Man, I think the markings on those bricks are the same as the ones out of Camp Harmony. So what does that mean? It means it's the Russians trying to get inland, they're trying to get on land. They're trying to switch from fast boats to fast cars. Oh, so that's who's doing the car jackings. That's my opinion. Well, I'm just on my way to the DE Infoshare. I'll ask them what they got on it. Do me a favor, play your cards real close to the vest on this one. I don't want them knowing too much. I really don't. Look, I need this thing stopped, Kane. When I say stopped, I mean all of it. From the top guy down. I understand that. What I'm gonna try to do is get my folks on the inside of this whole, uh, carjacking deal and see if I can hit the jackpot that way. Give yourself some support. I just think we gotta be really careful with auto theft. I mean, most of those guys in there are kinda wannabe guys that didn't make detective. They're like glorified meter maids. And I just don't want all this extra paperweight, ya hear? Let me put it this way, Kane. You got two days to get me some results. This thing isn't tied up by then, I'm gonna assign every broken toy in the detective bureau to your task force. Am I understood? I believe that you would do that to me. I really do. I'm only partly joking, Kane. I need you to find the people responsible for those murders. It's all over the news, and I don't see it going away any time soon. I think we're gonna crack it wide open. Just give me a minute, man, I'll get 'em. Great. Thanks, Kane. All right, what's up? You're gonna love this. We need a bait car, right? Something nice. And this little beauty just came in on a dope possession. It's nice. Nice ride. Aw, man. NARCO already requisitioned it. Well, that's a shame. See, 'cause now that's not gonna happen. You know if we take this, they're gonna be pissed. Oh, man. You really worried about the mullet heads in NARCO? I never said that. Come on, just sit in it. Give it a try. Come on. It's nice. All right, it's nice. So what? Keys are in it. Radner, what are you doing? The right thing, man. Now, you're probably gonna wanna dump down, because you're about to become accessory after the fact. Why you always do this to me, man? Are you the only one in? Yeah, the rest of the guys are out doing tow truck storage inspections. Anything I can help you with? Yeah. We need to know if there's been any follow up on those carjacking cases. I didn't know SIU messed with street level stuff. We mess with a lot of things. A lot of things. Wow. I bet you do. Hey, what're you packing? - Glock 40. - Really? Can I see? Wow. Are we issuing those now or is that your own? It's mine. They just authorized us to carry them, though. Depends what you like. Some of the older guys, they prefer the 9 millimeters. Yeah, you like that better? Holds more rounds in the clip. I like to have firepower on hand. Just in case, you know? Yeah. Firepower. I like that. All right, so about those carjackings? What do you need to know? Got any idea who's behind it? Is it one guy? A gang? We're still working it up. But we suspect a group of guys down on the east side. They hang out at a club on third street. Got a name? James. Of the club, silly. I don't think that's meant for public assumption. Do we look like the public? Well, of course not. But I can't give you guys that information. Well, it looks like we should come back when the adults are here. Hey, come on. You don't have to be like that. It's not about what I want. No? That's all right. We'll just come back when your parents are home. Well, no need to be a bitch. Hey, Blondie. Why don't you give me your number, and you and I can hang out later. Uh, how 'bout this. Instead of me giving you a fake number, why don't you give me a fake number so when I don't call it later, you won't feel like such a loser. Really thought you took a shine to him there for a minute. Are you kidding me? He's like every first year detective I had to deal with at the precinct. Now we'll have to go to a supervisor to pull out that info. No. Not necessary. The club he's talking about is Red Velvet. It was on the file he was reading. Nicely done. Hey, Boss. Kane. Hey. How are you? Have a seat. You okay? No, I am not okay. The wife served me papers today. Can you believe it? My second divorce. It's a occupational hazard, man. Seems like all us cops, man. We can never get that part of our lives together. Yeah, I'm just worried about the kids. - This program's gonna kill me. - It's not all dark clouds, man. Because at least three of those kids are mine. Very funny. So talk to me straight, Kane. DEA wanna share info, but they also want in on the case. That's wonderful. No problem. Fair enough. I think they just wanna toss in a shared seizure report if you get any product. I don't care nothing about the kitty. I care about the bad guys. I'll share the kitty with any intel. I'm cool with all that. Well, there's not much more than a few random tips and known hangouts. Nothing earth shattering there. Hey, you never know what's gonna break a case. All right. Hey, I'm just saying. That car deserves a driver with style. You should have let me drive it. Gimmie a break, man. What're you two arguing about now? - Mase says I dress bad. - Am I right? He could use a makeover. A makeover? Come on. Hey, Sarah, what do you think? I've seen worse. All right, man. I got some new intel from DEA. Nothing earth shattering. Some possible new trafficking rounds and some new addresses, no big deal. Well, it's pretty much worthless. We did get a new name from a middle level drug dealer. Nikoli Putin. Apparently he worked for the Moscow folks. It was his van. He quickly discovered that narco traficking is much more profitable than government work. They also say that the murders are probably his work in retaliation, but I'm pretty sure he's our guy. Any luck on this auto theft deal? Yeah. They've been watching a club called The Red Velvet. So anybody looking for a stolen ride, that'd be the place to go. Well, I'll start to put that team together right away for you all. Actually, Chief, we were thinking we'd work the inside on this one. With one of us? No. Sarah and I can handle it. Well, I'm kind of old fashioned, so if you all wanna do that, I'll let you do it with a caveat then. I got a pair of eyes on the inside watching you all. Yeah, I got the eye, boss. It's a nightclub. You don't have the clothes, remember? You're not coming with us, boss? Just got a little personal matter to take care of and then I'll catch up with you all. Thanks, Chief. Boss, this about that girlfriend in there? 'Cause I mean, if that's a problem, where can I get me one? You don't want none of this, man. You don't ever want a problem like that. Yo, Radner, you got a sec? Yeah, what's up? Hey, bro. I was just wondering if you could put a good word in for me with Kane. About what? Making a little room for me on the team. Could spend some quality time with Sporty Spice over there, eh? Show her what's what, you know what I'm sayin'? Yeah. She's doing fine. All right, well look. Wouldn't you rather have a guy watching your six than some split tail like that? I'd take her over you any day, pal. Hey, I'm just saying, man. When it hits the fan and it gets hot and you got a little girl watching your back, you're going to be praying for a guy like me. What was that all about? He wants Sarah's job. Are you serious? Yeah, I don't think he's been in diversity training yet. Girls in place. Copy that. All right, keep a tight eye on my new girl. I'm afraid she's gonna try to impress and blow our cover here. Will do. Please. Champagne. It's my pleasure, ladies. Why, thank you. Well, pretty girls should not have to spend money in the presence of so many appreciative men. May I? Why not? Nikoli. I'm Kathy. This is Sandy. Kathy. Sandy. It's so nice to see your fresh faces here. Can't get any easier than this. Nikoli just sat down with our girls. Maybe these girls are gonna prove me wrong, huh? Okay, I'm picking up a white male coming up to our car. He's not the kind of guy that's there for a smash and grab. You want me to check it out? No, no, no. Let's just watch and see how this plays out. So, what line of business are you in, Nikoli? - Take a guess. - Real estate? No. I'm thinking it's something more challenging. Keep going. I like this game. Well, you're wearing a $20,000 Patek Philippe on your wrist, so that means whatever you do, it pays very well. Women have diamond earrings, designer shoes, purses. All men have to show they have money is watch and car. Well I'm thinking you're in the export business. Probably high end stuff. - Am I right? - Clever girl. I'm import/export specialist. My clients are some of richest men in world. Wow, you're a very impressive guy. Da. You two are quite a pair. You're simple, you're sharp and reserved. Perfect combination to snare man's interest. I'll take that as a compliment. You should. Okay. Now it's my turn. You wanna guess what we do for a living? Why not? Okay, give it your best shot. You two are opposites, so I am thinking that you work together, right? And you, you scan the room when you come in, so I am thinking that you are cautious. How do you know I'm not just looking for handsome men? Maybe. No, go on. You're doing pretty good so far. You spotted my security team right away and you pulled up in late model Super Charger and no personality. And what's that supposed to mean? No bumper stickers, no personal items inside. You looked inside our car? That's kinda weird. Look, we're just a couple of girls looking to have a good time. Well please don't be upset. I'm simply trying to make educated guess what my new friends do for living. Okay, so make the guess and let's get back to having fun. Okay. I am guessing that you two are cops. Right? That's right. We're narcs. Sarcastic. But I am thinking my guess is on the money. Your plates on your car expire in December. Police are run by governments. Bean counters always looking for ways to save buck. They don't register undercover cars till end of year so they don't have to pay license fee. Wow. You sure you're not a cop? Pretty impressive, huh? Okay, how's this? In radio store they sell simple, little tool to detect radio transmission. It's not fancy. If someone tries to send transmission, little box puts out white noise. Little box started putting out white noise occasionally... when that man in back of bar come in. But when you two beautiful ladies come in, little box started going crazy. Well, Nikoli, you're entertaining. Way too paranoid. Did I say something to offend you? No, it's just time for you to go. Thanks for the drinks. You're angry. At least let me pay for drinks. It the least I can do for two such fine civil servants. Let's go. All right, Radner. Stay with the girls. I'll pick up Mason when he gets a few blocks away. Copy. We totally misjudged this guy. He just ate us for lunch. You sure you're not just being paranoid? Believe me, we're sure. We gotta figure out a better way to get up on this guy. Did anybody get a look at any of the carjacking crew? No. It was just Nikoli and his boys. That doesn't really tell us much. Was there any pattern to the rips or anything like that? Well, they usually come between the hours of ten and midnight. Victims are mostly women. And they'll shoot if there's any resistance. Between ten and midnight? That's the PM shift change for the uniform cops. Smart guys. So they wait until the cops are headed to the barn. We need to rip one of these guys in the act. Build a good enough case so we can flip him on Nikoli. But how are we gonna do that? A little bit of decoy work. Maybe. Who's driving? I think what we gotta do is, get the newbie to jump up and show us what you got. Good luck, newbie. All right, listen here, y'all. Don't stop nobody that's gonna take up your time. Don't stop nobody unless you see something that you think is real. We don't need like, you know, sex crimes or sex offenders or prostitutes or hookers. You know what we're looking for. Don't get mixed up. We're looking for carjackers. Keep your eyes open, keep your head on the swoop. Pretty quiet out here tonight. You got anything? No, nothing yet. I'm heading east now. Maybe I'll connect over there. - Sarah? - Yeah? Good luck. You on scene, boss? Right, I'm in position now. Sarah, what's your 20? East 56th. Approaching suspects now. Got a couple guys watching me. Roll the window down and ask for directions. Make it happen. Radner, you do that, we end up booking a couple of opportunists instead of the guys we're looking for. Here we go. Here we go. They're taking a pass. Boss should've sent Juliet instead of the newbie. I'll find one. I got this. Nikoli's on the move. Mason, Radner, tail Nikoli for a few blocks then fall back. I got an eye on Sarah. Copy that. I'll take lead, Radner. Mason can handle this on this own. I'll tail the kid. Radner, stay on course. Radner? There's no way to cover this guy with one car and no bird. Juliet, pick up on Mason's tail. Find out where they're headed. Copy. Kane, I lost her. Do you have an eye? Kane, you copying this? I'm fine. Put it in park, bitch! Gimmie the key, bitch! - You all right? - Just another day on the job, right. Armed robbery, felony assault against a cop and reckless endangerment. You're on parole, so you just doubled down. Talking about probably ten years. Now if you'd be willing to tell me about Nikoli Putin, I might be able to make some time go bye-bye. No problem. He ain't from around here. I don't owe him squat. I kinda had a feeling you might say something like that. All right. Why don't they ever flip that easy for me? You ain't Kane. So what do you think? How'd the new girl do? Her name is Sarah. And what is it with you and Radner, huh? Just 'cause she's got a nice rack she can't hold her mud? Whoa, whoa. You got it all twisted. - Do I? - You do. And you're right. She might be the new girl, but, she's definitely good for the team. She did good, huh? She ain't as good as you. Of course. She ain't me. Yeah. There's a shipment coming in early this morning. That's why they're meeting at the club. Ain't that right? I need real good specifics, you hear? There's a warehouse on Pier number 49. I don't know how much product is coming in. It's enough that they wanted two cars to make the pickup. But since we took you down, there's only gonna be one, so he knows you're burned. No, no, he's a crafty Russian. There are five of us out looking for cars. First two back in get paid. As of now, there's still two. The man's desperate to move his product ASAP and he's gonna take some chances, you know? Once the product's loaded into the cars, then what? We each get a map. In five or eight hours, get the product across country. And what happens to those poor bastards that don't make it? I don't know. Never happened. Yeah, until you met me. Hey, dispatch said you needed me for a transport? Yeah. Guy's in the holding cell. All right. Hey, Chief, can I have a quick word? - Yeah. - All right. So this woman keeps coming down to the precinct. Says she wants to file a complaint about you. Let me guess. Her name is Cynthia Chase? Sure thing. She's a real looker. If you don't mind my asking, you break her heart? She don't have a heart, but listen. With a body like that, who cares about her heart, right? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Do me a favor. Next time she comes down to the precinct, give her a little bit of one on one time, take her statement, show her a little respect, that'll go a long way, that'll help me out and be good for her. Yeah, sure thing, sir. I'll get right on that. Smooth things over for you. I'll appreciate that. What was that all about? About your girlfriend. Girlfriend? All right, heads up, everybody. These boys are prone to sneak out the back, so heads up. All right, it's going down. I'll cover the back. Hey! Put your hands up! Mason, I got Nikoli! Drop your weapons! Do it now! Freeze! Get on the ground! Put your weapons down and get down on the ground! Get down now! You guys good? Yeah. We're good. How do you say "ass" in Russian? Come in. Come on in. Come on in, y'all. Come and sit down. So, you got something good for me? That gun Nikoli pulled on you was tested down in ballistics. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. We got a match on the Camp Harmony massacre. So, Janko's good for the grocery store murders, Nikoli for the Camp Harmony job, and his drug pipeline has been cut off through the sting. Not a bad resolution, Chief. See, my daddy used to say even an old, blind rooster eat a piece of corn once in a while. We all got lucky. That's good stuff, man. Good work. Go work y'all. That's great. What happened to your head? Newbie can't keep her hands off me. Oh, give me a break. You wish. Well, it looks like the newbie might make it through this after all. All right, everybody happy? Watch it. Good stuff. Cool. Whoa, God! Everytime I come to see Elijah, you try and stop me. Do you really think that your going to get away with that? Why don't you just calm down sweetheart? Hey! Did you know that he's coming on to me? That ain't right. Gates, what's wrong with you, man? I told you to act right. Chief, don't worry about it. I got this, okay? Okay, know what? Now I'm filing a complaint against you. What, your withdrawing... Oh!'re filing one on me? You know that girl is certifiable 220, right? I mean, she needs therapy. Yeah, I know. But see, I'm working on it, man. Look what I got over there. That oughta get rid of her, don't you think? - I think so. - You see what I'm saying? The man is unbelievable.
Channel: Cinéma Cinémas
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Id: 37VDFFfOEno
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Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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